m6 Intrinsic Coordinates
m6 Intrinsic Coordinates
m6 Intrinsic Coordinates
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 1 (**)
y s = 4a sinψ
O ψ
A bead of mass m is made to slide along a smooth wire, which is fixed in a vertical
plane, and is bent into the shape of an inverted cycloid with intrinsic equation
s = 4a sinψ ,
where a is a positive constant, s is measured from the origin O , and ψ is the angle
the tangent to the cycloid makes with the x axis.
a) Show that the period of the resulting oscillations is independent of the position
from which the bead was released.
The bead passes through the lowest point of the path with speed u .
4a mu 2
τ = 2π , R= + mg
g 4a
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 2 (**)
A particle moves with constant speed u on the curve with intrinsic equation
s = a tanψ , 0 ≤ ψ < ,
where a is a positive constant, s is measured from the origin O , and ψ is the angle
the tangent to the curve makes with the x axis.
Show that the magnitude of the normal component of the acceleration of the particle,
t seconds after starting from the point where ψ = 0 , is
au 2
a 2 + u 2t 2
M456-B , proof
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 3 (**)
y s = c tanψ
O ψ
A particle P is moving with constant speed u on the catenary with intrinsic equation
s = c tanψ , 0 ≤ ψ < ,
where c is a positive constant, s is measured from the origin O , and ψ is the angle
the tangent to the catenary makes with the x axis.
Find an expression for the magnitude of the acceleration of the particle and hence
state the maximum magnitude of its acceleration.
cu 2 u2
a = , a max =
c2 + s2 c
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 4 (**+)
O ψ
A bead of mass 0.25 kg is made to slide along a smooth wire, which is fixed in a
horizontal plane, and is bent into the shape of a curve with intrinsic equation
s = 5ln ( tanψ + secψ ) , 0 ≤ ψ <
where a is a positive constant, s is measured from the origin O , and ψ is the angle
the tangent to the curve makes with the x axis.
Determine the magnitude of the reaction of the wire on the bead, when ψ = .
R = 2.5 N
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 5 (***)
O x
s = a sinψ
The figure above shows a particle of mass m , which is free to slide along a smooth
surface, whose vertical cross section is the curve C with intrinsic equation
s = a sinψ , 0 ≤ ψ <
The arclength s is measured from the origin O , and the angle ψ is the angle the
tangent to C makes with the positive x axis, as shown in the figure above.
The particle is projected from O with speed 1 ag and leaves the surface at the
point P .
M456-C , s = 1 a , acceleration = g
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 6 (***)
y s = 4a sinψ
O ψ
A bead of mass m is made to slide along a smooth wire, which is fixed in a vertical
plane, and is bent into the shape of an inverted cycloid with intrinsic equation
s = 4a sinψ , 0 ≤ ψ <
where a is a positive constant, s is measured from the origin O , and ψ is the angle
the tangent to the cycloid makes with the x axis.
Show that when ψ = ,…
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 7 (***+)
A y = ( x − 1) 2
1 5 17
A rollercoaster car, of mass 200 kg , is constrained to move along a rail path with
Cartesian equation
y = ( x − 1) 2 .
The car comes to instantaneous rest at the point A , where x = 17 , and immediately
begins to freely slide downwards towards the origin O , as shown in the figure above.
The point B , lies on the same rail path, where x = 5 . The car is modelled as a particle
moving along a smooth rail path without any air resistance.
b) ... the magnitude of the normal reaction exerted by the rails onto the car
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 8 (***+)
y s = 4a sinψ
O ψ
A bead of mass m is made to slide along a smooth wire, which is fixed in a horizontal
plane, and is bent into the shape of a curve with intrinsic equation
s = 4a sinψ , 0 ≤ ψ <
where a is a positive constant, s is measured from the origin O , and ψ is the angle
the tangent to the curve makes with the x axis.
The bead is released from rest from a point on the wire where s = 2a .
Show the magnitude of the reaction of the wire on the bead, R , is given by
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 9 (****)
P s = a cosψ
ψ O x
The figure above shows a bead of mass m , modelled as a particle P , sliding freely
along a smooth wire bent into the shape of the curve with intrinsic equation
s = a cosψ , 0 ≤ ψ ≤ ,
where a is a positive constant, s is measured from the origin O , and ψ is the angle
the tangent to the curve makes with the x axis.
Given that the bead was projected from the highest point on the wire with tangential
speed 1 ag , determine a simplified expression for the magnitude of the normal
reaction between the bead and the wire, as the bead reaches O .
1 ( π + 1) mg
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 10 (****)
A bead B is free to slide along a smooth wire which is bent into a circle of radius a ,
with centre at C . The wire is fixed in a vertical plane.
The bead is held at a point A , where CA is horizontal, and released from rest.
Use intrinsic coordinates ( s,ψ ) to find the magnitude of the acceleration of the bead
when θ = .
a = ag 5
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 11 (****)
O ψ
4k 2 sinψ
A bead of mass m is made to slide along a smooth wire, which is fixed in a vertical
plane, and is bent into the shape cycloidal arch with intrinsic equation
4k 2 sinψ
s= ,
The arclength s is measured from the origin O , and the angle ψ is the angle the
tangent to the cycloid makes with the positive x axis as shown in the figure above.
The bead passes through the highest point of the cycloidal arch O , at time t = 0 , with
speed 2k . The particle passes through the point where θ = 1 π , when t = T
Show that
ln 1 + 2 . )
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 12 (****)
O ψ
s = a sinψ
A bead of mass m is made to slide along a smooth wire, which is fixed in a vertical
plane, and is bent into the shape cycloidal arch with intrinsic equation
s = a sinψ ,
The arclength s is measured from the origin O , and the angle ψ is the angle the
tangent to the cycloid makes with the positive x axis as shown in the figure above.
The bead passes through the highest point of the cycloidal arch O , with speed 1 ag .
When the particle has travelled a distance s , its speed is v and the normal reaction
from the wire to the bead is R .
g 2
i. … v 2 = 2s + a 2 .
ii. … R = 1 − 4sin 2 ψ .
M456-D , d = 1 a
[solution overleaf]
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 13 (****)
A particle is constrained to move on a curve with intrinsic equation s = f (ψ ) .
Find the intrinsic equation of the curve on which the particle is moving.
u2 ψ
s= e −1
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 14 (****)
O ψ
A particle P is constrained to move on a path, so that its distance travelled along that
path, measured from the origin O , is denoted by s . The angle the tangent to P at
any position on the path makes with the x axis is denoted by ψ .
The unit vector along the tangent to the path at P is denoted by ŝ and the unit vector
along the normal to the path at P , directed towards the centre of curvature of the path
is denoted by nɵ , as shown in the figure above.
sɺ 2
s sˆ +
ɺɺ nˆ ,
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 15 (****)
O ψ
y s = 4a sinψ
A section of thin flexible gutter type tubing, with a smooth groove running along its
length is bend into the shape of a cycloid with intrinsic equation
s = 4a sinψ , 0 ≤ ψ < ,
The cycloidal tubing is fixed in a vertical plane with its vertex coinciding with a
Cartesian origin O , where the directions of x and y increasing are measured as
shown the above figure.
The arclength s is measured from O , and the angle ψ is the angle the tangent to the
cycloidal tubing makes with the positive x axis also shown in the figure above.
The particle is slightly disturbed and begins to travel down the rod, where the groove
keeps the particle from falling to either side of the tubing.
a) Show that while the particle is still in contact with the tubing
y = 2a sin 2 ψ .
[solution overleaf]
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 16 (****)
y 5s = 8sinψ
O ψ
A bead B is made to slide along a smooth wire, which is fixed in a vertical plane, and
is bent into the shape of an inverted cycloid with intrinsic equation
5s = 8sinψ , 0 ≤ ψ < ,
where s is measured from the origin O , and ψ is the angle the tangent to the cycloid
makes with the x axis.
Use intrinsic coordinates to find an expression, in terms of s and g , for the speed of
the bead and hence show that the bead comes to rest at a cusp.
v 2 = 1 g [8 − 5s ]
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 17 (****)
O x
s = 7 tanψ
The figure above shows a particle of mass m , which is free to slide along a smooth
surface, whose vertical cross section is the curve C with intrinsic equation
s = 7 tanψ , 0 ≤ ψ < .
The arclength s is measured from the origin O , and the angle ψ is the angle the
tangent to C makes with the positive x axis, as shown in the figure above.
The particle is released from rest from a point A on the surface, where ψ = 1 π , and
leaves the surface at the point B .
d =7
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 18 (*****)
y = ln ( cos x )
The figure above shows a particle which is free to slide along a smooth surface,
whose vertical cross section is the curve C with equation
y = ln ( cos x ) , 0 ≤ x < .
The particle is projected from O with speed 1 g tangential to C and leaves the
surface at the point P .
Created by T. Madas
Created by T. Madas
Question 19 (*****)
A right prism is fixed so that its axis is horizontal.
A particle is placed on the highest point of the outer smooth surface of the prism
whose cross section has equation
y = 1 − cosh x , x ≥ 0 .
The particle is slightly disturbed and begins to move in a path along the cross section
of the outer surface of the prism whose equation is given above.
Determine the distance the particle travels until the instant it leaves the surface.
d= 3
Created by T. Madas