Activity 1 Comparing Primary and Secondary Sources
Activity 1 Comparing Primary and Secondary Sources
Activity 1 Comparing Primary and Secondary Sources
➢ On July 25, 1872, Santiago V. Alvarez was born in Noveleta, Cavite. When he
was young, he attended San Juan de Letran and the University of Santo Tomas
before entering the Liceo de Manila to study law. He is the son of revolutionary
leader Mariano Alvarez, and he became Captain General of the Magdiwang army,
fighting with distinction against Spain in the conflicts of 1896-1897. Because he
was present at the time of the incident, his writing is considered a primary
source. He can also be able to participate in the incident, and he was writing from
personal experience. He wasn't merely a witness attempting to recall what had
transpired in front of his eyes. He was in a position to know the validity of the
stories that historians can only dream of because he was an active participant
and a decision maker.
➢ Magdiwang's capital
was relocated to
➢ Tejeros Magdiwang
territorial estate
➢ Agoncillo resided at
the House of Santos
Nocon until the
Spaniards took the
1. The Tejeros assembly 1. The Katipunan
met on March 25, 1897, demanded that their areas
and was headed over by be reorganized under each
Secretary Jacinto Katipunan faction.
Lumbreras. However, the Magdiwang
and the Magdalo had been
2. The statement of the warring quietly over
agenda, which is to debate Cavite, with each party
how to secure the wishing to be dominated
territories under by the other.
Magdiwang control, was
immediately disputed by 2. Supremo Andres
Severino de las Alas, who Bonifacio was invited to
stated that the most visit Katipunan in Cavite.
essential issue that should Bonifacio finally agreed to
be addressed is the form of come after the third
government that the invitation.
Katipunan should have.
3. When Bonifacio arrived
3. There was discussion on at Imus, he was greeted
whether or not to modify warmly by numerous
the Katipunan's form of members of the Magdalo
government. faction. Seeing Vicente
Fernandez enraged
4. The formality of the Bonifacio, who
Sequencing of Events conference was disrupted immediately arrested him.
by a quarrel between The Magdalo, on the other
General Apoy and Antonio hand, refused to authorize
Montenegro. Fernandez's arrest.
Recognizing that he had
5. The conflict was quickly little power over the
overcome, and the people of Magdalo,
meeting's chairmanship Bonifacio wrote a letter to
was passed to Supremo Mariano Alvarez,
Andres Bonifacio. describing what had
happened during the
6. Bonifacio then encounter.
proceeded with the
election of officials, 4. Bonifacio was invited to
emphasizing that the Noveleta by Magdiwang.
candidate with the most As he entered the cities,
votes must be the people greeted him
acknowledged and warmly with a parade.
respected as the winner,
regardless of his personal 5. The Katipunan was
situation. defeated by Polavieja due
to the ongoing antagonism
7. After Bonifacio was between the two
elected Secretary of the organizations, which
Interior, a conflict prompted a convention in
developed between him Imus. This assembly,
and Daniel Tirona. Tirona however, produced no
violated the first results because no
arrangement involving consensus was reached
majority votes, humiliating over the type of
Bonifacio. administration that must
be established in the
8. The meeting's outcomes country and whether a new
were declared null and void election is indeed required.
by Bonifacio, effectively
ending the first day of the 6. The Magdiwang
Tejeros Convention. convened yet again
another conference in
9. Baldomero Aguinaldo Tejeros on March 22,
persuaded members of the 1897. Jacinto Lumbreras
Magdiwang to rejoin the presided over the meeting
disruptive meeting in order and began off the topic
to revalidate the election about developing defense
proceedings and make plans to preserve Cavite.
peace with one another.
7. Severino de las Alas
10. The following day, emphasized the
none of the Magdalo importance of the
members attended the Katipunan agreeing on the
meeting. They held their sort of government to be
own conference, and the adopted first before
officials elected at the moving on to the other
Tejeros Convention were agenda.
signed in solemnly without
the participation of the 8. There was discussion
Magdiwang. about whether or not the
Katipunan's established
form of government should
be changed. Lumbreras
called for the meeting to
be adjourned because he
felt the situation was
getting out of hand.
4. Form your internal and external criticisms over the two sources.
➢ Alvarez concentrated mostly on the election; it was precise since there are
conversations between persons; we can truly say that the author was present
throughout the event; he was present when it occurred. He didn't concentrate on
one person, but on the entire. Teodoro Agoncillo centered his attention on
Andres Bonifacio's narrative, his route to the presidency. It is a longer and more
complete description of what happened in the past, addressing every aspect of
the event. As one of the great Filipino historians of the twentieth century, I know
he spent a lot of time researching for this book.