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Sikalastic - 1 Kmy

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Sikalastic®-1 KMY


Sikalastic®-1 KMY is a one component, flexible, fiber- ▪ Easy to apply by brush, roller or trowel
reinforced mortar, based on cement modified with ▪ Can be applied on damp substrate
special alkali-resistant polymers. It also contains fine ▪ Good sag resistance and easy to apply on vertical sur-
fillers, selected graded aggregates, plus special water- faces
proofing additives to produce a flexible mortar that is ▪ Flexible crack-bridging properties
ideal for waterproofing surfaces subject to flexural ▪ Very good adhesion to most common substrates
strain. (concrete, cementitious mortar, stone, bricks, ceram-
ic and timber)
USES ▪ Mixing ratio can be adjusted in order to obtain the
consistency and workability
▪ Waterproof protection of concrete structures includ-
ing tanks, basins, pipes, swimming pools APPROVALS / STANDARDS
▪ Waterproofing external wall surfaces to be backfilled
in the ground ▪ SPAN Approval: SPAN/PPI/1683-2016 (Potable Wa-
▪ Internal waterproofing of walls and floors, in base- ter)
ments, etc ▪ SINGAPORE GREEN LABEL: 032-118-3205 "Environ-
▪ Waterproofing of terraces and balconies over con- mentally Preferred Coating"
crete or prepared existing tiles
▪ General waterproofing of concrete surfaces
▪ Compatible with SikaCeram® series, tilling system

Composition Cement modified with polymers, selected aggregates, admixtures, addit-
ives and fibers.
Packaging ▪ 20 kg bag
▪ 2 pack x 6 kg in pail
Appearance / Colour Grey powder
Shelf Life 6 months from date of production
Storage Conditions Store properly in dry conditions, in undamaged and unopened, original
sealed packaging. Protect from direct sunlight, rain and water. Not sensit-
ive to frost.

Product Data Sheet

Sikalastic®-1 KMY
February 2019, Version 03.01

Tensile Strength 2.0 N/mm² (ASTM D412)

Elongation at Break > 23 % (ASTM D412)

Tensile Adhesion Strength On concrete, 28 days

Dry substrate ~1.3–1.5 N/mm² (ASTM D 7234-12,
20 mm Ø dolly)

Crack Bridging Ability ≥ 0.50 mm (EN 1062-7)

≥ 0.75 mm Class A3 (EN 14891 A.8.2)

Mixing Ratio Application by roller ~7.0 L water per 20 kg bag /
~2.1 L water per 6 kg bag
Application by brush ~6.0 L water per 20 kg bag /
~1.8 L water per 6 kg bag
Application by trowel ~4.4 L water per 20 kg bag /
~1.3 L water per 6 kg bag

Fresh Mortar Density ~1.5 kg/l (at +25 °C)

Consumption This depends on the substrate roughness; as a guide, ~1.0 kg/m²/mm
Sikalastic®-1 KMY must be applied in minimum 2 coats
Wet areas such as toilets, balconies: 2.0 kg/m²
Critical areas such as swimming pools, ponds: 3.0 kg/m²
Ambient Air Temperature +5 °C min. / +40 °C max.
Substrate Temperature +5 °C min. / +40 °C max.
Pot Life ~30 minutes (at +23 °C)
Waiting Time / Overcoating Sikalastic®-1 KMY must be completely hardened before over-coating or wa-
ter contact.
Guide for waiting times at +20 °C:
Horizontal coving by tiles ~2 days
Vertical covering by tiles ~2 days
Water emulsion coating ~2 days
Immersion in water ~2 days
Contact with drinkable water ~15 days
Times will vary due to ambient and substrate humidity.

APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS and equipment, light switches etc., must be sealed and
watertight. Use coved details at the floor/wall junc-
SUBSTRATE QUALITY / PRE-TREATMENT tions made from SikaTop® or Sika MonoTop® mortars,
for optimal waterproofing performance.
The substrate must be structurally sound, free of ce- The substrates can be dry or damp. Do not apply
ment laitance, clean and free from dirt, oil, grease or Sikalastic®-1 KMY on substrates with stagnant water or
other contaminants. Loose or friable particles must be water ponding and subtrates where condensation is
removed. likely to occur. All joints, pipe penetrations and
Remove all previous coatings, any traces of grease, oulets/inlets in the structure must also be sealed and
rust, release agents, cement laitance and any other made watertight.
material which could reduce adhesion, by means of
blastcleaning, high-pressure water-jetting (150–200 MIXING
bar), wire brushing, grinding and abrading of ceramic
tiles etc. All dust deposits must also be removed by va- Sikalastic®-1 KMY should be mechanically mixed using
cuum or any other appropriate method. a forced-action mixer or in a clean drum using a low
Repair concrete substrates, if deemed necessary, with speed electric drill and paddle mixer (maximum 500
an appropriate cementitious mortar from the SikaTop® r.p.m.). Mix slowly by adding Sikalastic®-1 KMY into
or Sika MonoTop® range of repair materials. All con- the water (For the quantity of water, see mixing ratio).
nections between the substrate and pipe entries, plant Once a homogeneous mix is obtained, continue to mix
for another 3–4 min. The mortar must be completely

Product Data Sheet

Sikalastic®-1 KMY
February 2019, Version 03.01

homogeneous and free from lumps. Do not add any based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may
other additives. Mix the whole bag, in order to avoid vary due to circumstances beyond our control.
any inadequacy in the distribution of the constituents.
Do not use a free-fall mixer to mix Sikalastic®-1 KMY. LOCAL RESTRICTIONS
APPLICATION Please note that as a result of specific local regula-
tions the performance of this product may vary from
Trowel country to country. Please consult the local Product
Maintain an even pressure onto the substrate's sur- Data Sheet for the exact description of the application
face to ensure a uniform distribution and thickness of fields.
Sikalastic®-1 KMY. Trowel in two directions (at right
angles). Maximum recommended thickness is 2 mm
per coat. The final thickness when applied by trowel ECOLOGY, HEALTH AND SAFETY
will depend on the method of application and level or For information and advice on the safe handling, stor-
grade of exposure / waterproofing required. The age and disposal of chemical products, users shall refer
highest waterproofing performance is obtained by ap- to the most recent Safety Data Sheet (SDS) containing
plying Sikalastic®-1 KMY using a trowel in at least 2 physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-re-
coats, to a total thickness of 3–4 mm. lated data.
*Spray application is applicable with the correct equip-
ment. Please consult Sika’s representative for more in-
Brush or Roller The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
Application by brush or roller must be undertaken with tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
maximum attention to completely cover the products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
substrate's surface uniformly. Brush or roll in two dir- rent knowledge and experience of the products when
ections (at right angles). The maximum recommended properly stored, handled and applied under normal
thickness for these method of application is 1 mm per conditions in accordance with Sika’s recommenda-
coat. In these situation, the application of min. 2–3 tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
coats is required. strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
Joints / Critical areas ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
At floor joints and other critical areas (for example, particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
any junctions with vertical surfaces), the watertight- legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
ness can be reinforced by using Sika® SealTape-F. Sika® from this information, or from any written recom-
SealTape-F must be fixed directly onto the first coat mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
of Sikalastic®-1 KMY whilst it is still wet, and then user of the product must test the product’s suitability
covered by a second coat of Sikalastic®-1 KMY. for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
serves the right to change the properties of its
products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
Generally not required but precautions should be be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
taken for applications done directly under sunlight and current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
windy condition. refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data
Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will
CLEANING OF TOOLS be supplied on request.
Clean all tools and application equipment with clean
water immediately after use. Hardened or cured ma-
terial can only be removed mechanically.

▪ Avoid application under direct sun light, rain and/or
strong wind. Setting time can be influenced by high
relative humidity, particularly in closed rooms or
basement. Adequate ventilation is recommended
when applying Sikalastic®-1 KMY.
▪ Protect from rain for at least 24–48 h after applica-
▪ If a solvent based paint must be painted on Sikalast-
ic®-1 KMY, carry out preliminary testing in order to
ensure the solvents do no damage the waterproof-
ing layer.


All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are

Product Data Sheet

Sikalastic®-1 KMY
February 2019, Version 03.01

Sika Kimia Sdn. Bhd.
Lot 689, Nilai Industrial Estate, 71800 Nilai
Negeri Sembilan D.K., Malaysia
Phone: +606-7991762
Fax: +606-7991980
e-mail: info@my.sika.com
Website: www.sika.com.my


Product Data Sheet

Sikalastic®-1 KMY
February 2019, Version 03.01


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