Ordinance PHD Sunrise Alwar
Ordinance PHD Sunrise Alwar
Ordinance PHD Sunrise Alwar
ved by BO
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4. Supervisor 05
5. Joint Supervisor 06
7. Ph.D. Registration 07
8. Duration 07
9. Research Committees 07
20. Fees Payable 12
27. Copyrights 19
29. Conclusion 19
30. Annexure-A 20
31. Annexure-B 21
32. Annexure-1 22
33. Annexure-2 23
34. Annexure-3 24
35. Annexure-4 25
36. Annexure-5 26
37. Annexure-6 28
Ph.D. Registration
Submission of Thesis
Evaluation Reports
The University shall decide, on an annual basis, the maximum number of candidates to
be admitted to the programme, which shall be announced in advance in a notification
and on the website. Admission to the Ph.D. programme will be made twice a year,
preferably in the beginning of each semester. The candidates with at least 55% marks
for Gen & OBC category and 50% marks for SC/ST category in their Master’s Degree in
the subject concerned / allied / cognate subjects shall appear for a written test
conducted by the University to be followed by an interview to be conducted by the
concerned Department.
After assessing the appropriateness of the subject in which the candidate has a
master’s degree to the field of proposed study, the candidates will be selected
according to the merit as determined after giving suitable weightage to the following
(a) Performance in the entrance test and interview (weightage- 60% for entrance test
and 40% for interview). Candidates securing 50% or more marks in entrance test
shall qualify for the interview. The President shall constitute appropriate Committees,
at the University and Departmental levels for conducting the test and interview.
The candidates who have qualified in any of the National Level Ph.D. eligibility test
such as UGC/CSIR (JRF) or SLET/Teacher Fellowship holders or have passed M. Phil
programme recognised by the U.G.C., shall be exempted from appearing at the written
There shall be a compulsory pre- Ph.D course work. A candidate must secure at least
55% marks for Gen & OBC category and 50% marks for SC/ST category in the pre-
Ph.D course work in order to become eligible for Ph.D registration. The course work
shall include a paper each on “Research Methodology with Quantitative methods” and
“Computer Application”, and one paper shall be as prescribed by the concerned
Candidates possessing an M. Phil may be exempted from the course work. This
provision must be applied only if
(i) The broad area of proposed research at the Ph.D level matches with the one
chosen at the M. Phil level, and
(ii) The M.Phil. degree obtained by the candidate included course work as stipulated by
the UGC regulations for Ph.D.: 2009.
The Dean of the concerned Faculty, based on the recommendation of the
Supervisor and the Head of the Department will decide on the exemption taking into
account the above stipulations.
(a) The Faculty/Department shall allocate a supervisor for each candidate, duly
approved by the university. A candidate may also have one co-supervisor, if
(b) The following persons may act as supervisors/co-supervisors:
Joint Supervisor
a) A department may, with the approval of the BOS and the Academic Council,
appoint one or two joint supervisors, from outside the department, in addition to the
Supervisor in which case the Supervisor shall be in overall charge of the
supervision. A Joint Supervisor need not necessarily be a teacher of the University
but shall be a person recognized as Supervisor as per the University Regulations.
b) The recognition of a teacher from another University / Researcher from a
recognized Research Organization as a Ph.D. Supervisor will be accorded, taking
into consideration the relevant Ordinances, on the basis of a written application
through the Head of the University / Organization where he/she is working, along-
with bio-data and other supporting documents.
Laboratories Recognition of Research Institutions
a) Recognition to a Research Laboratory / Institution, as a Centre for pursuing
research leading to the Ph.D. Degree of this University, may be granted in
response to a written request by the Research Laboratory / Institution and on the
basis of a specific recommendation of a Regular Inspection Committee.
Ph.D Registration
a) The application for registration for Ph.D. shall be made to the Research Department
in the prescribed Performa along with a detailed research proposal including the
proposed title, introduction, scope of the study, review of literature, objectives,
research methodology including sampling and design, wherever necessary, and
references. The Research Department shall forward the research proposal to the
a) The minimum period of registration after which a research scholar can submit his
thesis shall be two years from the date of registration for full time and three year for
part time.
Research Committees
Subject to the general superintendence of the Academic Council, the following
Committees shall deal with all matters connected with the Ph.D. programme of the
University in accordance with these ordinances:
a. The Research Degree Committee (RDC)
b. The Departmental Research Committee (DRC)
in the case of Faculties consisting of a single department, at least two Heads of the
Departments from sister faculties, as recommended by the Dean of the concerned
faculty, shall also be the members of the RDC.
(i) HOD………………………………………………………………….Chairman
(II) All professors & Research scientist “C” of the department+ all
professors of the concerned discipline …………………………..Members
(III) One Associate professor + One assistant professor of the
Department, according to seniority by rotation every two years
and senior most research scientist “B and A” of the
department + a senior most faculty member
(Asso. Prof. / Ass. Prof.) of the concerned discipline…………..Members
(IV) Supervisor & Co-Supervisor (if any)……………………………..Member (s)
Where there are three or less than three teachers in the Department/ School/ Centre,
the DRC shall consist of the following:
The DRC shall have powers to co-opt such members of the teaching staff of the
concerned/sister Department/School as may be helpful to them in their deliberations. In
the case of faculties consisting of a single department, a senior teacher of a sister faculty
recommended by the Dean of the concerned faculty shall also be a member of the DRC.
Review of Progress
The supervisor(s) shall regularly monitor the progress of the research work of the
scholar. A Scholar shall submit 6-monthly progress reports to his Supervisor and also
give an annual presentation outlining his research work during the year. Non-submission
of two consecutive reports or failure to give the annual presentation can be basis for
possible cancellation of registration. If the Supervisor finds that the progress of the work
is not satisfactory, a report to that effect shall be submitted to the Department of
Modification of Title
If there is any need for minor modification of the title of research work the candidate shall
submit an application to his supervisor(s) who should forward it with his (their)
recommendation to the BOS through the Department at least 6 months before the date
of submission of the thesis.
his/her research findings at least two months prior to the submission. This
presentation will be given in the presence of an Evaluation Committee.
Explanation: The faculty member mentioned in (ii) and (iii) shall be recognized supervisors
of the University.
(c)After the notification of the Committee, the supervisor shall fix the date and time of the
evaluation seminar through mutual consent of the other two members. The Director of
research shall issue the seminar notice.
(d) The evaluation seminar shall be open to all the faculty members and students of the
departments in the Faculty concerned
Any person other than the members of the committee will be allowed to participate in
the discussion only after the members of the committee complete their discussion.
a) Before the submission of his/her thesis for evaluation and assessment, a Ph.D.
candidate shall publish at least one research paper related to his research topic in a
refereed Journal and produce evidence for the same in the form of a reprint or a letter
of acceptance of the paper.
(b) A scholar shall submit four soft-bound copies, typed on one/both sides of the page, of
his/her thesis along with one in electronic form. The thesis must be prepared and
bound as per the templates which will be available on the University’s website.
(c)A Ph.D. thesis must contain original contribution by the scholar; it may incorporate the
text of any work which the candidate may have published on the subject. A scholar
will not be allowed to submit in his/her thesis any work for which a Degree / Diploma
has already been conferred on him/her by this or any other University.
(d) The supervisor shall satisfy himself/herself before submission of the thesis that it is a
piece of research work characterized either by discovery of new facts or by fresh
interpretation of facts or theories. In either case, it should provide evidence of the
candidate's capacity for critical examination, original thinking and judgment. The
thesis shall also be satisfactory in respect of clarity and correctness of language.
(e)The thesis shall include a certificate from the Supervisor to the effect, inter alia, that
the recommendations made by the evaluation committee have suitably been
incorporated and a declaration that the thesis incorporates the student’s bonafide
research and that thesis have not been submitted for award of any degree / diploma
in this or any other University or Institute of learning.
(f) In the case of a teacher or researcher in a Research Institute or a candidate who is
not pursuing research on a full time basis, submission of the thesis shall be permitted
(i) If the candidate has stayed in the University for not less than 30 days in each
year including vacation and has participated in such academic programmes as
may be decided by the Department for a total period of six months; and
(ii) A registered candidate shall be required to submit a six-monthly progress report
to the Head through the concerned Supervisor to be reviewed by the Department
and forwarded to the Dean of the concerned faculty.
e) In case both the external examiners reject the thesis, no degree shall be awarded. If
there is a difference of opinion between the external examiners, it shall be referred to
a fourth examiner to be nominated by the President out of the panel already approved
by the Academic Council and the Board of Studies. The opinion of the fourth examiner
shall be final.
Re-submission of Thesis
a) A candidate whose thesis has been referred back for revision shall re-submit it for
the award of the Ph.D. Degree within one year of the intimation of the decision of
the University.
(b) A thesis which has been re-submitted shall be examined by the same external
examiner(s). In case any examiner(s) is/are unwilling to act as such, another
examiner(s) may be appointed by the President from the approved panel of
(a)On the basis of the reports of the examiners and the viva- voice committee the
Director of Research shall recommend to the Registrar through COE for the
declaration of result and the awards of the degree or otherwise . However, as an
interim measure, the President may grant permission for the declaration of the result
and the award of the degree on receipt o the viva-voce examination report.
(b) Along with the award of the Degree, the University shall also issue a certificate
stating that the Degree has been awarded in accordance with the provisions of the
UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for the award of Ph.D. degree) Regulations,
(c)After announcement of the award of the PhD degree, the University will submit an
electronic copy of the PhD thesis to the UGC within a period of thirty days for
uploading it to INFLIBNET, accessible to all Universities/Institutes.
(d) The date of notification by the Controller of Examinations shall be deemed to be the
date of award of the degree, subject to satisfying other conditions.
Cancellation of Registration
(i) If the Research Scholar is absent for a continuous period of four weeks
without prior information/sanction
(ii) If the Research Scholar fails to renew his/her registration in any semester by
paying the prescribed fees.
(iii) If three consecutive progress reports of the Research Scholar are
(iv) If the candidate’s research plan proposal and/or research plan proposal
seminar are not approved by the DRC even after the submission of revised
proposal of the revised seminar by the candidate.
(v) If the Research scholar fails to submit within the maximum stipulated time for
submission of the thesis.
(vi) If the Research Scholar resigns from the Ph.D Programme and the
resignation is duly recommended by the Supervisor and the Co-Supervisor (if
(vii) If the Research Scholar is found involved in an act of misconduct or
indiscipline or plagiarism and his/her termination has been recommended by
the Research Committee.
1. A Research Scholar registered for the Ph.D Degree may be permitted by the
President, on the recommendation of his/her supervisor(s) and the DRC to temporary
withdraw from the programme for some specific reasons, and later allowed to join
back to complete the research and submit the thesis, without exceeding the
maximum prescribed time limit for the thesis submission
2. The withdrawal may be granted during the period of the coursework of the candidate.
The temporary withdrawal may be permitted for any one of the following reasons:
(i) If the Research Scholar is suffering due to prolonged illness, supported by
medical certificates.
(ii) In the event of illness/death of any of the scholar’s parents/
(iii) If the scholar gets a professional employment.
In such a case the scholar may be allowed to take up the job after he/she has
successfully completed the course work and research plan proposal seminar,
provided that the scholar assures in written to join back by taking leaves or
otherwise to complete the research work without exceeding the maximum
time limit for submission of thesis.
(iv) Any other event in which the President is convinced that the situation faced
by the research scholar warrants his/her temporary withdrawal from
programme without exceeding the maximum time-limit for submission of
2. During the period of withdrawal, the research scholar shall be required to pay
the fees, as prescribed.
Fee Payable
(a) Fees payable by a candidate admitted to the Ph.D programme shall be as prescribed
by the University as according to academic year wise, will mention on university
(b) Full fee, as applicable, shall be payable by the Ph.D scholars for all the periods for
which extension is granted.
necessary to uphold the sanctity and the integrity of the examination system/research
work, and the credibility of the University.
Financial Assistance
(a) Subject to the availability of fellowships, the Ph. D. candidates, who are admitted as
full-time research scholars through Enterace Test would be entitled to SRU Research
fellowship of such amount as may be decided by the Institute/Faculty/University
and/or directed by the UGC/MHRD/Government of India from time to time. This
award shall be strictly subject to the fulfilment of all the conditions governing such
(b) In addition to the SRU Research Fellowship, such candidates may also be entitled for
contingency grant in accordance with the decisions of the University.
(c) The maximum duration for which the SRU Research Fellowship can be awarded to
any Ph. D. student is three years. The award shall be on year-to-year basis subject
to the satisfactory academic and research performance and satisfactory performance
in the discharge of responsibilities assigned to him/her under the scheme.
(d) Sun Rise University will promote research scholars to associate with doctoral and
Post Doctorate Research works of the Universities and against that it would be
scholarship/stipend to scholar as per norms decided by RDC after the
recommendation of Dean of faculty/college.
(a) A research scholar will be required to submit his/her thesis within six months from
the date of his/ her pre- submission seminar (without exceeding the maximum time
limit for the submission of the thesis failing which he/she shall be required to deliver a
fresh pre-submission seminar.
(b) The Research scholar shall submit the thesis to the research department duly
forwarded by the his/her supervisor.
While submitting the thesis, the scholar shall submit the following:
i. Four soft bound hard copies and four soft copies (on CD) of the synopsis of the
thesis written in about 600 words describing the salient features of his/ her
investigation and contents of the thesis.
ii. Four soft bound hard copies and four soft copies (on CD) of the thesis in English or
any other language approved by the concerned DRC as per the format given.
Violet..................Faculty of Sciences
Green..................Faculty of Pharmacy
The research scholar may submit the copies of the synopsis two months before the
submission of the thesis in order to begin the process of evaluation.
(e) The research scholar shall be required to have research paper published or accepted
in peer reviewed journal(s) of repute as adjudged by the DRC based on the standing
of the journals in subject concerned, at least two research paper based on his/ her
research work before submitting the thesis .The reprint (s)/acceptance letter (s) along
with pre- print(s) of the research paper(s) shall be attached at the end of the thesis. A
copy of which shall also be submitted separately to the research department at the
time of submission of thesis.
(f) The Research Scholar shall also submit one copy each of the thesis and the
synopsis to the supervisor and Co- Supervisor(if any)
(g) No part of the thesis shall have been submitted for the award of any other degree or
diploma of any university.
(h) The thesis shall contain a copyright certificate at the beginning of the thesis on a
separate page. A sample copyright format is given below:
(i) A thesis once submitted cannot be re- submitted except when the examiner
recommends for the revision of the thesis.
(j) The Registrar shall examine whether all the requirements for submission of thesis,
as laid down have been fulfilled. If any deficiency is found, the research scholar will
be asked to fulfill the same. After satisfying himself/ herself regarding compliance of
all the requirements by the scholar, the Registrar shall take action for evaluation of
the same.
(k) The thesis and its synopsis shall be submitted in English unless permission for
submission in some other language has been accorded by the respective DRC , If
the thesis and its synopsis are submitted in some other language, four hard copies
and four soft copies (on CD) of the synopsis and abstract of the thesis shall also be
1. Cover page
2. Inner cover page
3. Self declaration certificate by the Research Scholar and Certificate from the
Supervisor /Co- Supervisor /External Supervisor and Head of the Department/ Head
of Research centre(Annexure-1)
4. Supervisors Certificate (Annexure-2)
5. Certificate for the completion of course work/Research Plan Proposal Seminar/Pre-
Submission Seminar (Annexure-3)
6. A copyright transfer certificate (Annexure-4)
7. Acknowledgments
8. Contents
9. List of symbols , figures and tables, if any
10. Preface
11. Abstract of the thesis
12. Introduction
13. Literature review
14. Chapters covering the work of the Scholar
15. Conclusion
16. References
17. Appendices, if any
18. List of papers published / accepted/ presented /communicated.
19. Copies of acknowledgment /acceptance letter in case the papers are accepted/
20. Copies of manuscripts/reprints of the papers published/ communicated.
21. A personal profile not exceeding one page with photograph of the candidate.
(b) References:
(iii) For more than two authors: Hirschfield, M.S.S. C. L. K. Johnson, A Mary, A.A. Smith
and S. A. Short (1991),” Use of site – directed mutagenesis to enhance –shielding effect of
covalent modification of proteins with polyethylene glycol”. . Proc. Nat, Acad. Sci, USA, 88,
i.e., Surname, initials of 1st author followed by initials and surnames of 2nd, 3rd, 4th ………..
authors followed by and initials and surname of last author (year) Title of article . Journal’s
name correctly abbreviated and set in italics. Volume No, set in bold font, pages (start page-
end page)
(iv) For Book Chapters:
i.e. Name(s) of chapter author(s) as in journal references(Year) Chapter title set in normal
font with only the 1st word starting with capital letter. Followed by: In Book title set in italics
with all major words starting with capital letters followed by (name(s) editor(s) of the
book),page number(s), Name of publisher, place of publication.
Name as in single author case(Year) Thesis title set in italics with all major words starting
with capital letters, page number(s).Name of University/Institute, place.
Name as in single author case (Year) Chapter title set in normal font with only the 1st
word starting with capital letter. Followed by: In Thesis title set in italics, with all major words
starting with capital letters, followed by: page number(s), Name of University/ Institute ,
Name (s) as in journal references (Year) patents authority name set italics with all
major words starting with capital letters , patent Number, followed by Chemical Abstract
citation set as: Chem. Abstr. Vol.(Year) page nos.
While citing the references in the text, the following format should be followed:
Surname (Year) or Surname et. al.(Year). The names of the Journals should be typed as
per the style followed by standard international organization/abstracting Journal such as
IEEE/ Chemical Abstracts/ Current Contents/ Physics Abstracts, etc.
The cover page and Inner cover page should have the following matter
printed on mainly block letters:
Doctor of Philosophy
In the Faculty of
SunRise University
Removal of Difficulties
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Ordinance, the President may take such
measures as may be necessary for removal of doubts/difficulties and to resolve any
other extraordinary issue.
Provided that this revocation shall not affect the previous Ordinances so revoked or
anything done or suffered under any previous Ordinances so revoked or affect any
right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, arrived or incurred under any
Ordinances so revoked.
c) Any doubt or dispute about the interpretation of these Ordinances shall be referred to
the President, whose decision, in his capacity as the Chairman, Academic Council,
shall be final.
(1) Modify, amend and/or delete any of the clauses given in the Ordinances or add any
clause(s) to these Ordinances, which shall be reported to the Academic Council at its
next meeting for approval.
(2) Order a special procedure for the evaluation of a Ph. D. thesis to protect the work of
classified nature involving national security and sovereignty and/or to protect the
intellectual property rights of the candidate, the supervisor and the University.
(3) Relax any of the provisions laid in these Ordinances for handling circumstances not
covered by these Ordinances.
1. Cover page
2. Inner cover page
3. Undertaking from the candidate
4. Self declaration certificate from the candidate and Certificate from the
Supervisor/Co-Supervisor/Head of the Department (Annexure – 1)
5. Certificate for the completion of course work/comprehensive examination in
cases where the course work is a part of Ph. D. programme (Annexure – 2)
6. Certificate for the successful completion of the pre-submission seminar
(Annexure – 3)
7. A copyright transfer certificate (Annexure – 4)
8. Acknowledgments
9. Contents
10. List of symbols, figures and tables, if any
11. Preface of the thesis
12. Introduction
13. Literature review
14. Chapters covering the work of the candidate
15. Conclusion
16. References
17. Appendices
18. List of papers communicated/accepted/published/presented.
19. Copies of acknowledgment/acceptance letter in case the papers are
communicated/ accepted.
20. Copies of manuscripts/reprints of the papers
21. A personal profile not exceeding one page with photograph of the candidate.
References should be arranged chronologically in alphabetical order. Typical style
of writing the references is given below:
While citing the references in the text, the following format should be followed:
The names of the Journals should be typed as per the style followed by any standard
international organization/abstracting Journal such as IEEE/ Chemical Abstracts/
Current Contents/ Physics Abstracts, etc.
embodied in this Ph.D thesis has not been submitted for the award of any other
the research workers wherever their works have been cited in the text and the body
of the thesis. I further certify that I have not willfully lifted up some other’s work,
para, text, data, results, etc. reported in the journals, books, magazines, reports,
dissertations, theses, etc., or available at web-sites and included them in this Ph.D
………………………………………………………………”, submitted by
has been carried out under my guidance and supervision for the degree of Doctor of
Philosophy in
The thesis has not been submitted for award of any degree / diploma to
any other University/ institute.
…………………………….. ………………………………………
Date: ………………
Candidate’s Name:
Copyright Transfer
The undersigned hereby assigns to the SunRise University all rights under copyright
that may exist in and for the above thesis submitted for the award of the Ph. D.
Note: However, the author may reproduce or authorize others to reproduce material
extracted verbatim from the thesis or derivative of the thesis for author’s personal
use provided that the source and the University’s copyright notice are indicated.
SunRise University,Alwar
I. The thesis is satisfactory and recommended for awarded for Ph.D. degree.
II. The thesis is not satisfactory in its present form the candidate is to re-submit the thesis
with the suggested modification. (enclosed separate sheet with signature)
III. Not satisfactory and not accepted.(enclosed separate sheet with reason & signature)
* Evaluation Report – Please attach a detailed report (Use back side if need)
Evaluation Report Continue
Bagar Rajpoot-Alwar
Please give your specific recommendation by ticking (b) any one of the following,
with signature underneath and enclose your detailed report on separate sheet(s)
with your signature, name and address.