Pros Lec 1
Pros Lec 1
Pros Lec 1
lec: 1
د رغداء كريم جاسم.ا
Residual bone: that component of maxillary or mandibular bone that remains after
the teeth are lost.
Residual ridge: the portion of the residual bone and its soft tissue covering that
remains after the removal of teeth
Residual ridge crest: the most prominent continuous surface of the residual ridge,
not necessarily coincident with the center of the ridge;
Residual ridge resorption: is a term used for the diminishing quantity and quality
of residual ridge after teeth are extracted. It is a chronic, progressive and irreversible
process with the rate being fastest in the first 6 months after extraction. The size of
the residual ridge is reduced most rapidly in the first six months, but the bone
resorption activity of the residual ridge continues throughout life at a slower rate,
resulting in removal of a large amount of jaw structure. This unique phenomenon
has been described as residual ridge reduction.
The rate of RRR is different among persons and even at different times and sites in
the same person.
A basic concept of bone structure and its functional elements must be clear before
bone resorption can be understood. The structural elements of bone are:
Pathology of RRR:
1.Gross Pathology:
A frequent lay expression for RRR is “My gums have shrunk”. Actually the basic
change in RRR is a reduction in the size of the bony ridge under the mucoperiosteum.
It is primarily a localized of bone structure. Sometimes it may leave the overlying
mucoperiosteum excessive and redundant.
There exists a wide variety of shapes and sizes of residual ridges.
They are categorized into common residual ridge configuration in a
system of six orders given by Atwood Order
Order 1 : Pre-extraction
Order 2 : Post extraction
Order 3 : High, well rounded
Order 4 : Knife-edge
Order 5 : Low, well rounded
Order 6 : Depressed
RRR does not stop with residual ridge, but may go well below where apices of teeth
were, sometimes leaving only a thin cortical plate on the inferior border of the
mandible or virtually no maxillary alveolar process of the upper jaw. In clinical
examination usually one can visually judge the residual ridge form. However,
sometimes a knife-edge ridge may be masked by redundant or inflamed soft tissues.
2.Microscopic Pathology: Microscopic studies have revealed osteoclastic
activity on the external surface of the crest of residual ridges. The scalloped margins
of Howships lacunae sometimes contain visible osteoclasts which cause bone
resorption. There exists a wide variation in the configuration, density and porosity
of the residual ridges, sometimes even with evidence of osteoporosis.
Studies have shown the presence of new bone and reversal lines inside the residual
ridge and minute areas of bony repair on the periosteal side in some specimens. The
mucoperiosteum shows varying degrees of keratinization, acanthosis, edema and
architectural pattern of mucosal epithelium in the same mouth and between subjects.
Similarly, varying degrees of inflammatory cells are found in areas that appear from
clinically normal to frankly inflamed in edentulous patients or who were denture or
non-denture wearers. Inflammatory cells include lymphocytes and plasma cells.
There exists proximity of small blood vessels to area of bone resorption.
Pathogenesis of RRR:
Immediately following the extraction (order II), any sharp edges remaining are
rounded off by external osteoclastic resorption, leaving a high well rounded residual
ridge (order III). As resorption continues from the labial and lingual aspects, the
crest of the ridge becomes increasingly narrow ultimately becoming knife-edged
(order IV). As the process continues, the knife-edge becomes shorter and even
eventually disappears, leaving a low well rounded or flat ridge (order V). Eventually,
this too resorbs, leaving a depressed ridge (order VI).RRR is chronic, progressive,
irreversible and cumulative.
Type III : Residual alveolar bone height of 11 - 15 mm measured at the least
vertical height of the mandible.
Type IV : Residual vertical bone height of 10 mm or less measured at the least
vertical height of the mandible
The significant difference in the two forces may be a causative factor to cause
a difference in the rates of resorption.
o Cancellous bone is ideally designed to absorb and dissipate the forces it is
subjected to.
o The maxillary residual ridge is often broader, flatter, and more cancellous than
the mandibular ridge.
o Trabeculae in maxilla are oriented parallel to the direction of compression
deformation, allowing for maximal resistance to deformation.
o The stronger these trabeculae are, the greater is the resistance
Consequences of RRR:
a. There is apparent loss of sulcus width and depth.
b. Muscle attachments are displaced closer to the crest of the residual ridge. Due
to loss of VDO lower face height is reduced and mandible is rotated anteriorly.
c. Patient may develop habitual prognathic appearance.
d. Inter-alveolar ridge relationship is altered.
e. Morphological changes in residual ridge may appear such as sharp, spiny,
uneven residual ridges.
f. Resorption of the mandibular canal wall and exposure of the mandibular nerve.
g. Location of the mental foramina close to the top of the mandibular residual ridge.
This provides serious problems to the clinician on how to provide adequate
support, stability and retention of the denture.
Etiology of RRR
In equilibrium the two antagonistic actions (of osteoblasts and osteoclasts) are in
balance. Ingrowth, although resorption is constantly taking place in the remodeling
of bones as they grow, increased osteoblastic activity more than makes up for the
bone destruction. Whereas in osteoporosis, osteoblasts are hypoactive, and, in the
resorption related to hyperparathyroidism, increased osteoblastic activity is unable
to keep up with the increased osteoclastic activity.
Ridge resorption varies directly with some systemic or localized bone resorptive
factors and inversely with some bone formation factors
Systemic factors influence the balance between the normal bone formation and bone
resorption. These factors create a natural resistance to unfavorable local factors.
They are-
1. Estrogen.
2. Thyroxin.
3. Growth hormone.
4. Androgens.
5. Calcium.
6. Phosphorus.
7. Vitamin D.
8. Protein.
9. Fluoride.
Some local biochemical factors in relation to periodontal disease which affects the
ridge resorption-
1. Endotoxins from dental plaque on unclear dentures.
2. Osteoclast activating factor (OAF).
3. Prostaglandins.
4. Human gingival bone resorption stimulating factors.
5. Heparin acts as a cofactor in bone resorption which is produced from mast cells
1- Anatomic Factors: these factors includes amount of bone and quality of bone.
Quality of bone: On theoretic grounds, the denser the bone, the slower the rate of
resorption because there is more bone to be resorbed per unit of time.
1.Pituitary Glands and Hypophysis
The hypophysis is the master gland of the endocrine system. The control of the
hypophysis over the endocrine system is complex and problems of dysfunction
require the analysis of an endocrinologist. Such findings are of importance to the
dentist because they involve the general health of the patient, which is reflected in
the oral cavity.
2. Thyroid Glands
They are responsible for the regulation of the rate of metabolism. Hyperthyroidism
increases the metabolic rate leading to negative nitrogen balance. Such a balance is
equivalent to protein deficiency, which can be a direct cause of osteoporosis.
Thyroxin also has a direct influence on the kidneys, causing an increased excretion
of calcium and phosphorus. This depletion of calcium and phosphorus results in
decreased bone apposition and increased osteoclastic activity.
3.Parathyroid Glands
4.Islets of Langerhans
The failure of these glands to produce sufficient insulin for proper utilization of
glucose causes diabetes mellitus. The syndrome of poor healing, low tissue tolerance
and rapid resorption of bone is associated with the diabetic patient. In the absence of
insulin, a relative nitrogen starvation occurs from increased gluconeogenesis with
the amino acids being diverted from protein synthesis. A diabetic controlled by
either insulin or diet is not affected by this mechanism. Since perfect control is rarely
possible, a word of caution and explanation to diabetic patients is necessary so that
they can appreciate their prosthetic difficulties.
5.Suprarenal Glands
The adrenal cortex produces steroid hormones called corticoids. Cortisone and
related steroids are antianabolic. It may induce the formation of glucose from
carbohydrates and may increase the calcium loss by direct effect on calcium
excretion. The prolonged use and administration of such steroids are considered very
dangerous to bone tissue. However, one of the beneficial effects of corticoids is to
control the defense mechanism of inflammation.
6. Gonads
In general, the sex hormone (androgens and estrogens) promotes a protein anabolic
action on all tissues including bone. A moderate amount of osteoporosis
accompanies senescence because of the increased catabolic action reflected by
atrophic and degenerative changes throughout the body. The ageing person produces
decreased amount of androgens and estrogens, which results in faulty protein
metabolism for tissue repair. The bone matrix suffers and normal bone loss cannot
be compensated.
Protein is necessary to build and maintain tissue and to supply energy. The synthesis
of osteoid tissue in protein starved people is compromised and calcification is
decreased since the protein matrix is embarrassed.
Inadequate incorporation of protein in diet (3 ounces/ day) will cause slow growth
of bone. Bone apposition cannot keep up with normal osteoclastic activity and a
negative bone factor exists.
The action of vitamins in many respects is said to be same as that of hormones. The
relationship of vitamins and hormones can be explained on the basis that the
endocrine glands produce intrinsic hormones and the vitamins are extrinsic
hornification of tubules, which then lose the capacity to reabsorb phosphorus. The
imbalance of the calcium: phosphorus ratio leads to osteoporosis.
Vitamin C: Lack of vitamin causes decalcification of the bone and has been held
responsible for diffuse alveolar atrophy. The apposition of new bone slows down
dramatically because osteoblastic activity is impaired. The collagen content of bones
is also reduced in vitamin deficiency. The periosteum thickness and the cells appear
immature and resemble fibroblasts. This condition may make the periosteum easily
prone to injury by the denture base. Osteophytes appear as a result of avitaminosis
C. The rapid loss of bone and the increased inflammation of the mucoperiosteum
cause the development of these bony outgrowths.
They provide the chief source of energy. They are related only indirectly to bone
resorption through association with diabetes and by substitution for more favorable
They are those, which yield heat and energy and only secondarily build/repair tissue.
5.Inorganic Elements
Calcium salts (calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate)
form the rigid supporting structure of bones. Phosphorus in the form of calcium and
magnesium phosphate, gives hardness to bone. Abnormalities of the calcium
phosphorus elements of the blood stream may be associated with alveolar resorption
or rarefaction.
The body requires 0.7 gm of calcium/day, which can be obtained from 1 quart of
milk. Other sources of calcium are dairy products, spinach, oranges, celery,chard,
carrots and lettuce. The phosphorus need is about1.5 to 3 gm daily dependent upon
the form. Dry beans, milk, cheese, leafy vegetables, celery and carrots mayfulfill
these requirements.
Edentulous patients should follow a prescribed dietary regimen. This diet should be
low in carbohydrates and high in protein intake. The diet should include at least a
quart of milk or substitute dairy products, vegetables, fruits and a multiple vitamin
supplement.The normal equilibrium may be upset and pathologic bone loss may
occur if either bone resorption is increased or bone formation is decreased, or if both
Osteoporosis and residual ridge modeling:
The clinical and patho physiologic views of osteoporosis has been refined recently
to the concept of Type I and II osteoporosis.
Functional factors include the frequency, intensity, duration and direction of forces
applied to bone which are translated into cellular activity, resulting in either bone
formation or bone resorption, depending upon on the patients’ individual resistance
to these forces.
Wolff’s law postulates that all changes in the function of bone are attended by
definite alterations in its internal structure. Forces within physiologic limits of bone
are beneficial in their massaging effect. On the other hand, increased or sustained
pressure, through its disturbance to the circulatory system, produces bone resorption.
The amount and frequency of stress and its distribution and direction are important
factors in treatment planning. Although the total amount of the necessary
masticatory stress cannot be diminished, increasing tissue coverage and decreasing
the length and width of the occlusal table may lessen the load/unit area.
The frequency of stress application modifies the reaction of alveolar bone to external
forces. Constant pressure on bone causes resorption, while intermittent forces favor
bone formation. Since recurrent forces over short intervals of time have essentially
the same resorbing effect as constant pressure, a rest period between meals is
beneficial. For this reason, the patient should be warned that gum chewing has a
destructive effect on the bone.
the maintenance of the alveolar bone. While grinding of the teeth when the patient
is awake may be a habit of tension, it may also be caused due to lack of interocclusal
The principal concern should be in the pattern and position of the posterior teeth.
There are two mandibular movements associated with mastication: a closing/cutting
movement and a lateral or grinding movement. A sharp cusp will penetrate a bolus
of food with less force than a flat occlusal form. However, a law of physics explains
that forces applied to an inclined plane produce a resultant force or vector
perpendicular or right angles to the plane. Applying this principle to occlusal form,
the resultant force of the steep incline of high cusps would produce a lateral force,
which might cause alveolar resorption.
Treatment and Prevention of RRR: The best way to manage the problem of
residual ridge resorption is by using every means to prevent it.
a.Prevention of loss of natural teeth.Clinicians must try to retain residual roots
whenever feasible.
b. Proper design of dentures and maintenance.
Optimal tissue health prior to making impression.
Impression procedures
Minimal pressure impression technique.
Selective pressure impression technique: places stress on those
areas that best resist functional forces
Adequate relief of non stress bearing areas eg. Crest of
mandibular ridge.
Broad area of coverage helps in reducing the force /unit
area(Snow Shoe Effect) increased denture bearing area can greatly reduce
the load per unit area on the underlying mucosa and improve denture comfort,
always assuming that the OVD is not excessive.
Avoidance of inclined planes to minimize dislodgment of
dentures and shear forces.
Centralization of occlusal contacts to increase stability and
maximize compressive forces.
Provision of adequate tongue room to improve stability of
denture in speech and mastication.
Adequate interocclusal distance during jaw rest to decrease the
frequency and duration of tooth contact. Correcting the occlusal
vertical dimension: Clinical studies have shown increased (excessive) OVD to
be a common fault in many dentures. Guidelines suggest 2-5 mm of freeway
space, but this may need to be increased in order patients or for those patients
with atrophic mucosa overlying the residual ridges.
Overdentures help minimize ridge resorption and contribute to enhance retention
stability, support of prosthesis along with preservation of proprioception.
The introduction of dental implants has revolutionized clinical practice. Use of
implants for providing implant supported or implant assisted prosthesis also helps
avert continuing residual ridge resorption.
Reducing the forces required to drive the denture teeth through the bolus of food:
This may be achieved by either increasing the denture bearing area or reducing the
size and altering the morphology of the occlusal table.
c. Nutrition
It has been seen that one of the cofactor in RRR is low calcium
and vitamin D metabolism.
Diet counseling for prosthodontic patients is necessary to
correct imbalances in nutrient intake.
Denture patients with excessive RRR report lower calcium intake
and poorer calcium phosphorus ratio, along with less vitamin D.
d. Preprosthetic surgery:
Excessive RRR leads to loss of sulcus width and depth with displacement of
muscle attachment more to the crest of residual ridge.
Osseous reconstruction surgeries, removal of high frenal attachments,
augmentation procedures, vestibuloplasties etc may be required to correct these
e. Immediate dentures: Some authors claim that extraction
followed by immediate dentures reduces the ridge resorption.
f. Overdentures Tooth supported over dentures help in improved stress
distribution there by maintaining the integrity of residual ridge.
A study was conducted with overdentures supported by canines and it was
seen that, the bone loss was 0.6mm where as 5mm in conventional complete
g. Osseointegration and implant
Precautions during extraction to reduce RRR When a tooth is removed the labial
plate should be preserved.
The labial periosteal covering should remain intact as its inner layer is
responsible for remodeling of bone.
If a bone has to be removed it must be the palatal plate.
1. Reduction of residual ridges (RRR) needs to be recognized for what it is:a major
unsolved oral disease which causes physical, psychologic, and economic problems
for millions of people all over the world.
3. Much is known about the pathology and the pathophysiology of this oral disease,
but we need to know much more about its pathogenesis, epidemiology, and etiology.