Soft Desk
Soft Desk
Soft Desk
Softdesk Super Productivity CD
** Note that the Adobe Acrobat reader (DOS & Windows 3.1) must
be installed before viewing any of the on-line documentation. Please
review the installation procedure later on in this readme file.
On the CD-ROM
This CD-ROM enables you to install the following Softdesk
products. Please note that Softdesk Core, Productivity Tools
and CAD Overlay Classic require AutoCAD(r).
System requirements are the same as those noted in the
Installation Guide provided with Softdesk Core.
Installing from the CD-ROM
Each set of programs is in a different directory on the
CD-ROM. These directories are described in the following
Directory Programs
\supercd\products\navigatr NAVFlyer
To install Softdesk modules from the \supercd\products directory:
You must run the installation from the DOS command line. Do
not install from a DOS Shell from within Windows.
C:\> e:
E:\> cd \supercd\products
Variable Value
======== =====
A drive letter of CD-ROM
load e c
Note: If using MS-DOS version 5 or earlier, you will need to also enter
one of the following product choices on the command line as a
third parameter:
Code Module
==== ======
0 Softdesk Core
1 Softdesk Productivity Tools
For example, with DOS 5.0 to install Core from a CD-ROM in the E:
drive, you would type the following:
load e c 0
1. Start Windows.
2. Select the Run command from the Program Manager File menu.
Installation of NAVFlyer