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Chapter 4 - Final Edited

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Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter concentrates on the researcher’s data, which is presented

in, analyzed, and interpreted. The study aims to determine the Causes and
Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Academic Performance among the Grade 12
STEM Nursing Aide Students at Capitol University during the Implementation
of Online Classes. The current data were evaluated to answer the questions
stated in the statement of the problem. Analysis of data is organized in
accordance with the order of particular queries.

Problem 1: What are the causes of sleep deprivation among Grade 12 STEM
Nursing Aides students of Capitol University?
Table 1.1: Frequency, Percentage, and Mean of Causes of Sleep Deprivation
among Grade 12 STEM Nursing Aide Students of Capitol University
Statement YES NO
f % Mean f % Mean
Having too many school 117 88% 0.88 16 12% 0.12
Too much focus on 115 86.5% 0.86 18 13.5% 0.14
TOTAL 232 174.5% 1.74 34 25.5% 0.26
Table 1.1. displays the different statements from the questionnaire. The
interpretation is purely based on the corresponding percentage distribution of
the frequency count and means on each statement. For the first statement,
Having too many school activities has (88% and mean of 0.66 for YES, while
12% and mean of 0.90 for NO), too much focus on gadgets has (115% and
mean of 0.90 for YES, while 13.5% and mean of 0.10 for NO).

Based on the data, the majority of the respondents think that having too
many school activities affects their sleeping habits. Academic demands
contribute to stresses that affect the body and may promote sleep deprivation.
Examinations, assignments, projects, and clinical rotation for the nursing
students inflict a high level of stress on the body (Guadiana N., and Okashima
T.L., 2020). According to Fuller et. al., (2017), children are one of the largest
groups of people that use technology. Sleep is essential for children's overall
functioning, including health and behavior. Using any device before going to
bed was linked to a statistically significant increase in the use of several kinds
of technology before going to bed and usage in the middle of the night, lowering
sleep quantity and quality.

Table 1.2: Frequency, Percentage, and Mean of Causes of Sleep Deprivation

among Grade 12 STEM Nursing Aide Students of Capitol University
f % Mean
School works 115 86.5% 0.86
Mobile games 44 33.1% 0.33
Gadgets 108 81.2% 0.81
Personal Problems 104 78.2% 0.78
Movies/Series 32 24.1% 0.24
Books/eBooks 32 24.1% 0.24
TOTAL 435 327.2% 3.26

Table 1.1 and Table 1.2 are separated because they have different
question form, like for table 1.1 are yes or no question, meanwhile table 1.2 is
multiple choice. But they came from our questionnaire and these statements
belong to the statement of the problem number one which is the causes of
sleep deprivation. In the statement of Personal Problems has (78.2% and mean
of 0.68 for YES), Movies/Series has ( 24.1% and mean of 0.45 for YES),
Books/eBooks has (24.1% and mean of 0.18 for YES). Lastly, Friends has
27.1% and a mean of 0.21 for YES).

The table shows the most common causes of Sleep Deprivation among
the Grade 12 STEM Nursing Aide Students of Capitol University. Our findings
show that having too much school work can develop a sleep-deprived student.
Therefore this hinders students to be active in class participation, being
physically healthy, and emotionally prepared in facing a new mode of learning
which is the online class because they choose to have their leisure time at
night and sleep late because of personal matters. As explained by Nathan,
(2015) students having sleep deprivation can instantly involve the reaction and
interaction about their performance, which gives them less anxiety, dizziness,
and unproductiveness that can improve their academic performance. Finally, it
is known that sleep deprivation and decreased academic performance are
identified with a range of behavioral, psychological, cognitive, and emotional

Problem 2: What are the effects of sleep deprivation on the academic

performance of Capitol University’s Grade 12 STEM Nursing Aide student?
Table 2: Frequency, Percentage, and Mean of Effects of Sleep Deprivation
among Grade 12 STEM Nursing Aide Students of Capitol University
Statement YES NO
f % Mean f % Mean
Feeling lazy because of 114 85.7% 0.86 19 14.3% 0.14
lack of sleep
Having short-tempered 101 75.9% 0.76 32 24.1% 0.24
when you don’t get
enough sleep
Lack of sleep affecting 101 75.9% 0.76 32 24.1% 0.24
online academic
Sleeping during 51 38.3% 0.38 82 61.7% 0.62
synchronous class
because of inadequate
Difficulty in 114 85.7% 0.86 19 14.3% 0.14
concentrating when you
don’t get enough sleep
Experiencing lack of 93 69.9% 0.70 40 30.1% 0.30
sleep does affect school
performance and doing
school works
TOTAL 574 431.4% 4.32 224 168.6% 1.68

Table 2 shows the effects of sleep deprivation on the academic

performance of the students. The interpretation is solely based on the
frequency count and mean, percentage distribution for each statement. In the
statements, Feeling lazy because of lack of sleep has (85.7% and mean of 0.64
for YES, 14.3% and mean of 0.10 for NO), Having short-tempered when you
don’t get enough sleep has (75.9% and mean of 0.57 for YES, 24.1% and mean
of 0.18 for NO), Lack of sleep affecting online academic performance has
(75.9% and mean of 0.57 for YES, 24.1% and mean of 0.18 for NO), Sleeping
during synchronous class because of inadequate sleep has (38.3% and mean of
0.29 for YES, 61.7% and mean of 0.46 for NO), Difficulty in concentrating when
you don’t get enough sleep (85.7% and mean of 0.64 for YES, 14.3% and mean
of 0.11 for NO), Experiencing lack of sleep does affect school performance and
doing school works has (69.9% and mean of 0.53 for YES, 30.1% and mean of
0.23 for NO).

The table shows the big difference between the mean of “yes” and “no”
responses from the respondents. This shows that there are a lot of factors that
sleep deprivation could affect the students, not just in academic performance
but as well as their emotional and behavioral health. According to Peri C.
(2021), sleep deprivation can make it difficult to think properly and regulate
your emotions. Excessive drowsiness has been linked to poor work
performance, strained relationships, and mood disorders such as rage and
depression, according to research. Sleep deprivation may have a big impact on
your mood. It makes you irritable and agitated, and it may make it harder for
you to manage stress. It can also cause reduced attentiveness and focus,
according to a scientist who measured drowsiness. Because, according to
them, it is more difficult to concentrate and pay attention, you’re more likely to
become confused. This makes it difficult for you to complete jobs that need
logical thinking or complicated cognition. However, based on the findings the
students do not fall asleep during synchronous classes. According to Roland J.
(2019), late nights studying, long hours at work, sitting in a hot classroom after
a heavy meal, a long evening class, or simply finding the teacher or subject
matter to be a little uninteresting can all contribute to classroom tiredness.
Thus, making the student consume caffeine in order to stay awake during
classes. According to the Mayo Clinic, 400 mg of caffeine per day — roughly
four cups of coffee — is generally enough to keep a person awake and alert.

Problem 3: Does sleep deprivation affect students’ Academic Performance?

Table 3: Frequency, Percentage, and Mean of Sleep Deprivation Affecting
Students Online Academic Performance
Statement YES NO
f % Mean f % Mean
Lack of sleep affecting 101 75.9% 0.76 32 24.1% 0.24
online academic
Sleeping during 51 38.3% 0.38 82 61.7% 0.62
synchronous class
because of inadequate
Difficulty in 114 85.7% 0.86 19 14.3% 0.14
concentrating when you
don’t get enough sleep
Experiencing lack of 93 69.9% 0.70 40 30.1% 0.30
sleep does affect school
performance and doing
school works
TOTAL 359 269.8% 2.7 173 130.2% 1.3

In table 3, it shows how sleep deprivation affects students' academic

performance. The interpretation is solely based on the frequency count and
mean, percentage distribution for each statement. In the statement, lacking
sleep affects Online Academic Performance (has 75.9% and mean of 0.57 for
YES, while 24.1% with a mean of 0.18 for NO). Sleeping during synchronous
class because of inadequate sleep (has 38. 3% and mean of 0.29 for YES, while
61.7% and mean of 0.46 for NO). Difficulty in concentrating when you don’t get
enough sleep (has 85.7% and mean of 0.64 for YES, while 14.3% and mean of
0.11 for NO). Experiencing a lack of sleep does affect school performance and
doing school work (has 69.9% and mean of 0.53 for YES, while 30.1% and
mean of 0.23 for NO).
There are a few factors that could affect the school performance of a
student that is caused by sleep deprivation such as difficulty in concentrating
when you don’t get enough sleep. According to the table, the majority of the
respondents answered that lack of sleep affects the students' performance in
class, class alertness, distracted classwork and the least do not. In a week
during school days, college students are sleeping less than they were a few
years ago. This shows that when students are sleep-deprived, they lose focus
on what they want to do. According to Pathak (2021), Scientists measuring
sleepiness have found that sleep deprivation leads to lower alertness and
concentration. It is harder to concentrate and pay attention, so you are more
easily confused. This impairs your capacity to do tasks that necessitate logical
reasoning or complicated thought. Insufficient sleep increased short-term
sleep, and sleeping late and waking up early have all been linked to decreased
learning capacity, academic performance, and neurobehavioral functions,
according to studies (Duarte J., (2014). The American College Health
Association's National College Health Assessment survey identified sleep
deprivation as one of the top three health-related barriers to academic
performance among college students, and it has been linked to worse grades,
course failure, and negative moods. The effects of a lack of sleep on academic
motivation, a significant predictor of academic achievement, are investigated in
this study. According to the mean of the responses from the respondents, lack
of sleep does affect their school performance and doing school work. These
findings are supported by Brown Medical School and Bradley Hospital
Research (2005) and Merenheimo, (2018) that limiting the number of sleep
students have at night has a direct influence on their performance at school
throughout the day. Students who stay up late, according to their professors,
have more learning and concentration issues (Toyong, P.J.A., 2020).

Figure 1
Standard Deviation and Mean of the Questions Number 1 to 9

The researchers do the stratified sampling procedure to collect the data

and based on the responses of the respondents, the researcher calculates the
frequencies and percentage of the categorical variable. Based on the calculation
the standard deviation of the “yes” responses have 25.63, and the “no”
responses have 8.64, the mean of “yes” responses have 6.97, and for “no”
responses is 2.03. The difference between “yes” and “no” responses is
significant. The larger the standard deviation indicates that the group being
studied has a lot of variety and a large range of values (Assessment Online).
And in this case, we added a few variables to calculate it. According to the
figure, the "yes replies" have the highest standard deviation and mean, and
questions 1 to 9 are negative consequences of sleep deprivation, therefore
sleeping habits have a negative impact on their online academic performance.
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