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Department of Information Technology CSS 113: Computer Systems Servicing
An application programming interface (API) is a set of guidelines 1) Desktop operating systems: A desktop operating system is
used by programmers to ensure that the application they are intended for use in a small office/home office (SOHO) with a
developing is compatible with an operating system. limited number of users.
2) Network operating systems: A network operating system (NOS) is
Two examples of APIs are: designed for a corporate environment serving multiple users with
1) Open Graphics Library (OpenGL): Cross-platform standard a wide range of needs.
specification for multimedia graphics.
2) DirectX: Collection of APIs related to multimedia tasks for DESKTOP OPERATING SYSTEMS
Microsoft Windows. A desktop OS has the following characteristics:
Supports a single user
OPERATING SYSTEM CONCEPTS Runs single-user applications
To understand the capabilities of an operating system, it is important Shares files and folders on a small network with limited security
to understand some basic terms. The following terms are often used
when comparing operating systems: In the current software market, the most commonly used desktop
operating systems fall into three groups:
a) Multiuser: Two or more users can work with programs and files
and share peripheral devices at the same time. 1) Microsoft Windows: Windows is one of the most popular
b) Multitasking: The computer is capable of operating multiple operating systems today developed by Microsoft. The following
applications at the same time. products are desktop versions of the Microsoft Windows
c) Multiprocessing: The computer can have two or more central operating systems:
processing units (CPU) that programs share. Windows XP Professional: Used on most computers that will
d) Multithreading: A program can be broken into smaller parts that connect to a Windows server on a network.
can be loaded as needed by the operating system. Multithreading Windows XP 64-bit Edition: Used for computers with 64-bit
allows individual programs to be multitasked. processors
Windows Vista: It contains a number of new features, from a
Almost all modern operating systems are multiuser and multitasking, redesigned shell and user interface to significant technical
and they support multiprocessing and multithreading. changes, with a particular focus on security features.
Windows 7: It was intended to be a more focused,
incremental upgrade to the Windows line, with the goal of
being compatible with applications and hardware. Windows 7
COMPATIBILITIES has multi-touch support, a redesigned Windows shell with a
A technician can be asked to choose and install an operating system new taskbar, referred to as the Superbar, a home networking
for a customer. The type of OS selected depends on the customer’s system called Home Group, and performance improvements.
requirements for the computer. Windows 8: It is an operating system which is completely
redesigned. It moves away from the traditional interface to a
There are two distinct types of operating systems: completely new interface known as Metro User Interface. The
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Department of Information Technology CSS 113: Computer Systems Servicing
familiar start menu is now gone. Icons and windows are Open-source programs allow the source code to be distributed
replaced with live tiles and magazine styled interface. and changed by anyone as a free download or from developers at
Windows 10: It introduces what Microsoft described as a much lower cost than other operating systems.
"universal apps"; expanding on Metro-style apps. The Edubuntu
Windows user interface was revised to handle transitions Ubuntu
between a mouse-oriented interface and a touchscreen- Linux Mint
optimized interface; both interfaces include an updated Start Fedora
menu which incorporates elements of Windows 7's traditional Deepin
Start menu with the tiles of Windows 8. The first release of Corel
Windows 10 also introduces a virtual desktop system, a
window and desktop management feature called Task View, NETWORK OPERATING SYSTEMS
the Microsoft Edge web browser, support A network OS has the following characteristics:
for fingerprint and face recognition login, new security Supports multiple users
features for enterprise environments, and DirectX Runs multiuser applications
12 and WDDM 2.0 to improve the operating system's graphics Is robust and redundant
capabilities for games. Provides increased security compared to desktop operating
2) Apple Mac OS: Apple computers are proprietary and use an
operating system called Macintosh OS. Mac OS is designed to be a The most commonly used network operating systems are as follows:
user-friendly GUI operating system. Current versions of Mac OS 1) Microsoft Windows: Network operating systems offered by
are now based on a customized version of UNIX. Microsoft are Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003, and
Windows Server 2008. Windows Server operating systems use a
Classic Mac OS: System 1, System 6, System 7, Mac OS 8, central database called Active Directory to manage network
and Mac OS 9. resources.
macOS: Mac OS X 10 (Cheetah, Puma, Jaguar), MacOS X 2) Novell NetWare: Novell NetWare was the first OS to meet
(Panther, Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion), OS X network OS requirements and enjoy widespread deployment in
(Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan), macOS PC-based LANs back in the 1980s.
Sierra. 3) Linux: Linux operating systems include Red Hat, Caldera, SuSE,
Debian, and Slackware.
3) UNIX/Linux: UNIX, which was introduced in the late 1960s, is one 4) UNIX: Various corporations offered proprietary operating systems
of the oldest operating systems. There are many different based on UNIX.
versions of UNIX today. One of the most recent is the extremely
popular Linux.
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