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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020

Mechanical Properties and Tribological Behaviour of

Reinforced Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites
Nithyanandhan.T, Kannakumar.R, Sureshkumar.P, Pradeep.S, Prakesh.V

Abstract: This paper focuses the Mechanical properties and The properties like density, hardness, micro hardness,
tribological behaviour of aluminium (6063) metal which are ductility and ultimate tensile strength were investigated. The
reinforced with silicon carbide and graphite. Different MMC produced was also subjected to corrosion, dry sliding
percentages like7 %, 10%, 12% of silicon carbide and 3%, 5%, wear and slurry erosive wear test to investigate its behavior
8% of Graphite were added for reinforcement. The
under different material wearing conditions. The results of
manufacturing of components is made by using stir casting
method. Mechanical properties like (fatigue, impact, micro micro hardness revealed higher hardness of the matrix
structure) and wear test are carried out in this paper. The result material in the immediate vicinity of
concluded that there is an increase in the mechanical and flyash particle. The addition of flyash particles reduces the
tribological properties with increase in weight percentage of density of composite while increasing some of their
reinforcement. mechanical properties(M. RAMACHANDRA,2005). The
paper deals with the fabrication of aluminium based hybrid
Key Words: Al6063, SiC, graphite, reinforced material
matrix, stir casting.
metal matrix composite and then characterized their
chemical properties which are recently developed
I. INTRODUCTION modification of stir casting has been used in the present
investigation to produce aluminium (6063) alloy reinforced
Metal matrix composites are the materials which are with Silicon carbide (Sic).Here Aluminium (6063) alloy is
combined of at least two unique materials, which improve used as a base metal and Silicon carbide (SIC)is been used
their properties. This paper deals the Al-4.5% Cu as are in forced material with the hybrid rein for cement as
combination were utilized as the Matrix and fly ash and Rice husk ash (HARIDASS.R,2018). This study focuses on
silicon carbide (SiC) as reinforcement. The hybrid metal the Mechanical properties of Al6061 with reinforcement of
matrix composite was produced using conventional foundry coconut shell ash and boron carbide particulates are
techniques. The fly ash and SiC were included 5%, 10%, prepared by stir casting techniques. In this experimental,
and 15% by weight (equivalent extent) to the molten metal reinforcement boron carbide has various altitude of 5,8&3
(K. V. MAHENDRA, 2010). In this present study, A356.2 wt% and other one coconut shell ash has1,1 & 2 wt% for all
Al/Rice hush ash (RHA) metal matrix composites (MMCs) specimens. The result concludes that the tensile strength and
were fabricated by vortex method. Different weight fracture toughness would be improved in reinforcement
fractions of reinforcement were used to fabricate the material compared to pure aluminum alloy.
composites. Scanning electron microscope equipped with (T.NITHYANANDHAN, 2017).Metal matrix composites
energy dispersive Xray analyzer is used for micro structural represent a new generation of engineering materials which
characterization. The properties like density, hardness, and combine metallic properties of matrix alloys with the
ultimate tensile strength were investigated (D. SIVA properties of reinforcements, which is desired for the
PRASAD, 2011). Aluminium based metal matrix composite industries today. Among various particulate reinforcements
containing up to 15% weight percentage of flyash like SiC, Al2O3, B4C, SiC, TiC, AlN, fly ash etc, fly ash
particulates were successfully synthesized using vortex presents as a natural source, low cost, toxic industrial waste
method. particulate reinforcement. Reinforcement of fly ash particles
in the aluminium melt diminishes the cost of the composites,
incorporation of hybrid particle reinforcement shows couple
Manuscript received on February 10, 2020.
the properties of primary and secondary reinforcements (K.
Revised Manuscript received on February 20, 2020. KAVIYARASAN, 2018). This study focuses on the
Manuscript published on March 30, 2020. Mechanical properties of Al7075with reinforcement of
* Correspondence Author
alumina and boron carbide particulates prepared by stir
Nithyanandhan.T, Asst.Professor, Sri Krishna College of Technology,
Coimbatore-42 casting techniques. In this experimental, reinforcement
Kannakumar.R, Asst. Professor, CMS College of Engineering alumina has various altitude of 2,4,6,8 and 10 wt% and other
&Technology, Coimbatore one boron carbide has 5 wt% kept as constant for all
Sureshkumar.P, Asst.Professor, JCT College of Engineering and
Technology, Coimbatore specimens. The result concludes that the properties would be
Pradeep.S, Asst.Professor, JCT College of Engineering and improved in reinforcement materials (T. PRIDHAR, 2016).
Technology, Coimbatore This study focuses on the microstructure and mechanical
Prakesh.V, Asst.Professor, JCT College of Engineering and
Technology, Coimbatore properties while incorporating zirconium oxide and coconut
shell ash particles in Al 6082 matrix composites.
© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and
Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Retrieval Number: E6590018520/2020©BEIESP

DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6590.038620 Published By:
Journal Website: www.ijrte.org Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1191 & Sciences Publication
Mechanical Properties and Tribological Behaviour of Reinforced Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites

Zirconium oxide and coconut shell ash particles were varied Silicon carbide (SiC) is a compound of silicon and carbon
from 0 to 10% and fabricated by stir casting process with chemical formula SiC also known as carborundum. It
(T.PRIDHAR, 2018). The effects of friction stir welding occurs in nature as the extremely rare mineral moissanite.
parameters were examined by mechanical and Electronic applications of silicon carbide such as light-
microstructural characterizations. The composites emitting diodes (LEDs) and detectors in early radios were
microstructure and dispersion of particle reinforcements first demonstrated around 1907. SiC is used in
were analyzed through optical microscope and also the semiconductor electronics devices that operate at high
mechanical properties of temperatures or high voltages. In this process the silicon
yield strength, ultimate strength and elongation were carbide is preheated in muffle furnace and added to the
analyzed using universal testing machine. The optimized molten metal.
friction stir weld parameters were identified for 20% weight
fraction reinforced hybrid composites (B.SURESHBABU,


2.1 ALUMINIUM 6063: Al 6063 is an alloy with
magnesium and silicon metals. The Aluminum Association
maintains the standard controlling and its composition. 2.3 GRAPHITE:
Aluminium is heat treatable and weldable, because it has Graphite is a crystalline type of carbon, semimetal
good mechanical properties.Aluminium 6063 is used for
and one of the allotropes of carbon. Under, standard
making architectural applications such as window frames,
condition graphite is increasingly stability. The heat
door frames, roofs, and sign frames. It has a good surface
completion material, high corrosion resistance mostly suited formation of carbon compounds it is used in
for welding. Most ordinarily accessible as T6 temper, in the thermochemistry as the standard state. During
T4 condition it has great form ability. metamorphism, reduction of sedimentary carbon compound
occurs; therefore graphite is obtained from metamorphic
rocks. It also occurs in igneous rocks and in meteorites.
Quartz, calcite, micas and tourmaline are the minerals
associated with graphite. In meteorites it occurs with troilite
and silicate minerals. Meteoritic iron consist of small
graphitic crystals are called cliftonite.

Fig 2.1 Al6063

Table 2.1 Chemical composition for aluminium alloy
Aluminium(Al) 98.50%
Maganesium(Mn) 0.487%
Silicon(Si) 0.280% Fig 2.3.1 GRAPHITE


Chromium(Cr) 0.015% 3.1 STIR CASTING PROCESS:
Hybrid composite materials are fabricated by stir casting
Copper(Cu) 0.07%
method (also called liquid state method). By means of
Tin 0.002% mechanical stirring a dispersed phase is mixed with a
molten matrix. Conventional casting methods and
Manganese(Mn) 0.055% conventional metal forming technologies are used to cast
the liquid composite material. Stir casting process is used to
Zinc(Zn) 0.081% fabricate composite consists of an induction furnace with
Nickel(Ni) 0.006% three mild steel stirrer blades. Mechanical stirring is used to
distribute reinforcement into molten aluminium matrix.
Lead(Pb) 0.001%


Retrieval Number: E6590018520/2020©BEIESP Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6590.038620 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: www.ijrte.org 1192 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020

In stir casting setup the melting temperature is fixed by the requirements for test and the results obtained are
6500C to 8500C.The aluminium is directly added to the stir provided below:-
cast. Whereas the reinforcement preheated in muffle furnace Table 4.1.1 Wear rate of three specimens
at 3500C is added to the stir cast at 7000C.And made to
stirrer at constant speed of 600 rpm/sec at 3 minutes for INPUT FACTOR OUTPUT
each specimen.
Specimen Spee Loa Tim Wear rate Coefficien
s d d e (mm3/m) t of
(m/s) (N) (sec) friction
1 1.5 10 300
0.004617 0.370000
2 1.5 10 300 0.004616 0.356321
3 1.5 10 300 0.004616 0.312321
Minimum wear rate and coefficient of friction are obtained
by determining the wear process with the help of
combination of factor.



Capacity 2 kg

Operating Temperature 100-12000C Fig.4.1.2 wear rate of three specimens

Operating Voltage 440 V,3Phase
Fig 3.1.2 SPECIMEN 0.34
WT% 0.28
1 90% 7% 3% specimen1 specimen 2 specimen3
2 85% 10% 5%
Fig.4.1.3 Coefficient of friction three specimens
3 80% 12% 8% While comparing the wear rate and coefficient of friction,
the range of three specimens were varied.Specimen1 having
IV. TESTING, RESULT AND DISCUSSION wear rate greater than the 2 and 3.Whereas specimen 2
exhibit wear rate less than 1.But wear rate of specimen 3 is
4.1 WEAR TEST: very less than other two specimen on the same parameter. It
is concluded that the composition on specimen 3 having
increased wear reducing characteristics.
The procedure listed within the ASTM E606 was
followed in accordance with ISO 1143 and BS 3518
part2.To determine the effect of fluctuating stress normally
encountered in the cyclic loading of material. Polish the
sample surface as smooth as possible and observe for any
surface defects and deep scratch/machining marks.
Three specimens were prepared as per the requirements for
Hardened steel is used to rub the specimen. Pins are used for
test and the results obtained are provided below.
dry sliding wear test on disc type wear tester. Three kinds
of specimens with different composition were subjected to
same speed, load and time to find the wear rate and
coefficient of friction. Three specimens were prepared as per

Retrieval Number: E6590018520/2020©BEIESP

DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6590.038620 Published By:
Journal Website: www.ijrte.org Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1193 & Sciences Publication
Mechanical Properties and Tribological Behaviour of Reinforced Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites

Table 4.2.1: Fatigue strength of three specimens Fig.3.1 notch toughness of material under shock loading
of three specimens
The energy required to break the specimen is obtained
1 2 3
directly from the test. Specimens shown in fig.3.1is varied
Fatigue 129 131 134 range of impact strength due to difference in their
Strength MPa MPa MPa composition.
During the experiment there was a noticeable difference in
fatigue strength of the three specimens.


The procedure listed within the ASTM E766 was followed.
For metallographic examination samples were prepared. On
Selvyt cloth with ‘Brasso’ metal polish a final hand polishes
was performed. This final polishing stage also served to
etched with Keller’s reagent Particle size, distribution, and
shape were investigated by image analysis techniques.
IMAGETOOL program are used for analyzing in PC.

Fig.4.2.1 fatigue strength of three specimens

The specimen3 is found to be having the higher fatigue Fig.4.4.1 SPECIMEN A
strength to withstand, without failure.
The procedure listed within the ASTM E2298 was followed.
The impact test signifies toughness of materials. The ability
of the material to absorb energy and deform plastically
before fracture is called impact test. It is usually measured
by the energy absorbed in a notched impact test.
Three specimens were prepared for impact test and the
results obtained are: Fig.4.4.1 SPECIMEN B
Table 4.3.1: Impact strength of three specimens
Observed Values
Test Parameter 1 2 3
Absorbed energy 12 15 17
in joules
The test measures the notch toughness of material under
shock loading.

Fig.4.4.1 SPECIMEN C
16 The characteristics appearance and physical arrangement of
14 metal molecules as observed with a microscope to
determine the grain size and shape, distribution of various
12 phases and inclusion. Micro examination reveals
10 homogenous dispersion of silicon carbide particles and
8 graphite in the aluminium matrix and ensures that the
material possess desired mechanical properties. The SiC
6 reinforced Al-SiC matrix composite have rarely pore,
4 compact structure, and good interfacial bonding.
Presence of equated grains with fine intermetallic
2 precipitates is seen in the matrix of aluminium.
specimen 1 specimen 2 specimen 3

Retrieval Number: E6590018520/2020©BEIESP Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6590.038620 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: www.ijrte.org 1194 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020

V. CONCLUSION Research Express, Volume 6, Issue 9, article id. 096590 (September

The mechanical properties and tribological behaviour of 15. Mr.T.Pridhar, “Mechanical properties and characterization of
AL-SiC-Graphite composite containing like7 %, 10%, 12% zirconium oxide (ZrO2) and coconut shell ash(CSA) reinforced
aluminium (Al 6082) matrix hybrid composite” Journal of Alloys and
of silicon carbide and 3%, 5%, 8% of Graphite as Compounds, Volume 765, 15 October 2018, Pages 171-179.
reinforcement were investigated. 16. Mr.T.Pridhar “Evaluation on properties and characterization of
The result shows that: asbestos free palm kernel shell fibre (PKSF)/polymer composites
for brake pads” Materials Research Express, Volume 6, Number
1. Wear rate are improved in maximum percentage of sic 11, Published 1 November2019.
(12%) and graphite (8%) added with aluminium metal. 17. Mr.Justin Maria Hillary.J “A study on microstructural effect and
2. Fatigue strength are also improved in maximum mechanical behaviour of al6061-5%sic-tib2 particulates
reinforced hybrid metal matrix composites” journals of composite
percentage of sic (12%) and graphite (8%) added with materials, December 5, 2019.
aluminium metal.
3. Impact strength are improved in hybrid composite with
maximum percentage sic (12%) and graphite (8%) as
reinforcement. AUTHORS PROFILE:
4. From microstructural studies, it was observed the the
reinforcement are uniformly distributed in the aluminium Mr.T.Nithyanandhan M.E., (Ph.D).,
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical
matrix which influences the mechanical properties.
Engineering, Sri Krishna College of
Technology, Coimbatore-42.
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Retrieval Number: E6590018520/2020©BEIESP

DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6590.038620 Published By:
Journal Website: www.ijrte.org Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1195 & Sciences Publication

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