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Internship Report from South Road Authority
Design of Multi nut Remover
Students Name ID

1.Minase Amanuel ….…………………………………………….RU3870/11

2.Mebrat Markos………………………………………………….RU3771/11

3.Abriham Mathewos…………………………………………….RU3975/11

4.Teshale Abraham…………………………………………….….RU3776/11

Submitted to: Mr. Fikru Gebre

Internship Duration: From July - Sep 30, 2022

submission date: November ,14 2022

We definitely declare that this internship report is the typical record of our own works as
requirements of the internship program that was conducted in South Road Authority during the
period from July 2022 to Sep 30, 2022 for the award of degree of B.Sc. in Jimma University,
JIT, and Mechanical Engineering Department.

Advisor: Mr. Fikru

Submission date: Oct, 2022

Students Name ID

1.Minase Amanuel …..…………………………………………….RU3870/11

2.Mebratu Markos…………………………………………………RU3771/11

3.Abriham Mathewos……………………………………………...RU3975/11

4.Teshale Abraham………………………………………………..RU3776/11

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First of all, we would like to express our particular praises to our God for giving us the great
inspiration, motivation and abilities for finishing this interesting project. Next, we would like to
express our deepest appreciation to all those who helped us and provided the possibility to
complete our internship period in a great performance. Special thanks to our company supervisor
Mr.betsegaw who gave us the golden opportunity to do this internship under his guidance,
stimulating suggestions and encouragement throughout the internship period. And also we want
to appreciate the mechanics and machinists who played the vital role in filling us with the
essential practical knowledge. Then we want to express our sense of gratitude to our academic
advisor Mr.Fikru for his insight subject matter comment and technical support throughout the
internship period and guided us on preparing the internship and project reports. Lastly, special
acknowledgment for our team students for being on time on meetings and team works.

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This paper contains the final Internship Report which aims to explain the general internship
experience we had during the three months stay at the South Road Authority. This place is more
concerned with maintenance of light and heavy-duty vehicles. Since we were in the same group
at the work place, we got the same workshops at the same time so uniformly shared similar
ideas. This report contains five chapters excluding the conclusion and recommendation each
chapter discussing about different aspects of the overall internship experience. During the time
we were trying to contribute for the hosting company by identifying some problems and
providing solutions for these problems. The internship program also helped us to develop
different skills both academically and professionally. This report discusses about the background
of hosting company, the overall experience that we get, the overall benefits of the program, the
design of our project, Result and discussion, cost analysis, conclusions and recommendation
about the whole internship experience then appendix for additional points. In the course of the
design, we have tried to mention essential points like problem identification, impacts of the
problem, proposed solution, literature review, working principle, specification, Objectives,
Scope, Significance, design process, methodology, concept generation, concept evaluation, parts
to be designed, material selection, and then finally the calculation which consist the design of
each parts and miscellaneous parts. Then the results during the course of the design will be
mentioned and their safety in according to the property of the material will be discussed. After
that the costs of materials will be estimated in birr by considering the mass of selected materials.
The conclusion and the recommendation for both the University and the company will be the last
part of the content then additional points in table and figures will be under the appendix. So we
think that we have done what is expected from us in both theoretically and practice because we
have followed the format that was given to guide us.

Key words: Company, Mission, Vision, values, Goals, Challenge, Procedure, Method,
Machine, Shop, Section, Objective, Scope, Design, Result, Cost, Appendix

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Table Of Contents
DECLARATION ......................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT............................................................................................................. ii
ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................... iii
Contents ..................................................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................... ix
LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................... x
ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................. xi
CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANY .............................................................................. 1
1.2 ORGANIZATIONAL BACKGROUND OF ERA .............................................................. 1
1.3 BACKGROUND OF SOUTH ROAD AUTHORITY ......................................................... 2
1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE COMPANY ................................................................................... 3
1.4.1 Vision of SRA ................................................................................................................ 3
1.4.2 Mission of SRA.............................................................................................................. 3
1.4.3 Values of SRA ............................................................................................................... 3
1.4.4 Goal of SRA................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 The main products and services delivered by the company ................................................. 3
1.6 Maintenance activities performed in SRA ............................................................................ 4
1.6.1 Preventive Maintenance (PM): ...................................................................................... 4
1.6.2 Reactive Maintenance: ................................................................................................... 4
1.6.3 Reliability Centered Maintenance.................................................................................. 4
1.7 Main customers of the company ........................................................................................... 6
1.8 Organizational structure of the company .............................................................................. 7
Work flow ............................................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER TWO ...............................................................................................................................................................9
OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE ...............................................................................................................................9
2.1 How we got into the Company ............................................................................................. 9
2.2 Section of the company we have been working.................................................................... 9
2.3 Work flow in the section ..................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Work tasks we have been executing ................................................................................... 11

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2.4.1 Engine shop.................................................................................................................. 11
2.4.2 Engine system .............................................................................................................. 11
2.4.3 Parts of engine.............................................................................................................. 11
2.4.4 Defects of engine ......................................................................................................... 12
2.4.7 Cooling system............................................................................................................. 12
2.4.8 Parts of cooling system ................................................................................................ 13
2.4.9 Lubrication system ....................................................................................................... 13
2.4.10 Parts of lubrication system ......................................................................................... 13
2.4.11 Function of lubrication system................................................................................... 13
2.4.12 Intake and Exhaust system ......................................................................................... 14
2.4.13 Intake system ............................................................................................................. 14
2.4.14 Parts of air intake system ........................................................................................... 14
2.4.16 Exhaust system parts .................................................................................................. 15
2.4.17 Fuel system ................................................................................................................ 15
2.4.18 Washing and greasing area ........................................................................................ 15
2.4.19 Mechanical shop ........................................................................................................ 15
2.4.22 Power train system ..................................................................................................... 18
2.4.23 Requirements of Transmission System ................................................................... 18
2.4.24 Machine shop ............................................................................................................. 19
a) Drilling machine ................................................................................................................ 20
2.4.25 Electrical shop ............................................................................................................ 22
2.4.27 Battery ........................................................................................................................ 22
2.4.28 Charging system......................................................................................................... 22
2.4.29 Welding shop ............................................................................................................. 24
2.4.30 Caterpillar machine .................................................................................................... 25
2.5 Procedures we have been following during work tasks ...................................................... 26
2.5.1 General methods and procedures of technical task are ................................................ 26
2.6 How good we have been in performing task ...................................................................... 27
2.7 Challenges we have been facing during work tasks ........................................................... 27
Proposed solution to overcome the challenges ......................................................................... 28
CHAPTER THREE ...........................................................................................................................................................28

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OVERALL BENEFITS OF THE INTERNSHIP .....................................................................................................................28
3.2 Practical Skills .................................................................................................................... 28
3.4 Skills in greasing area ......................................................................................................... 29
3.5 Different works in machine ................................................................................................ 29
3.6 Practical skill under electrical shop .................................................................................... 30
3.7 Practical skill under welding shop ...................................................................................... 30
3.8 Theoretical Knowledge ....................................................................................................... 30
3.9 Interpersonal Communication ............................................................................................. 30
3.10 Team working Skills ......................................................................................................... 31
3.11 Leadership Skills............................................................................................................... 32
3.12 Work Ethics and Discipline .............................................................................................. 33
3.13 Entrepreneurship skills...................................................................................................... 33
CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................................................................34
DESIGN OF MULTI NUT REMOVER ...............................................................................................................................34
4.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 34
4.2 Problem statement ............................................................................................................... 35
4.3. Objective ............................................................................................................................ 35
4.3.1. General Objective ....................................................................................................... 35
4.3.2 Specific Objective ........................................................................................................ 35
4.4. Scope of the project ........................................................................................................... 35
4.5. Significance of the Project ................................................................................................. 36
LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................37
4.6. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 37
4.7. Literature survey ................................................................................................................ 38
4.8. Comparative Study............................................................................................................. 40
METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH ............................................................................................................................40
4.9. Planning methods ............................................................................................................... 40
4.10. Data collection methods ................................................................................................... 41
4.10.1. Interviews and Focus Groups.................................................................................... 41
4.10.2. Observation ............................................................................................................... 42
4.11. Analysis methods ............................................................................................................. 42
4.11.1 Material selection ....................................................................................................... 44
4.12 Idea generation methods ................................................................................................... 45

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4.13 Evaluation methods ........................................................................................................... 46
4.14 Collection of data .............................................................................................................. 47
4.15 Function and Task Analysis .............................................................................................. 48
DESIGN PROCESS .........................................................................................................................................................48
4.16 Recognition of need .......................................................................................................... 48
4.17 Definition of problem ....................................................................................................... 50
4.18 Design calculation ............................................................................................................. 50
4.18.1 Design Procedure for Gear & Pinion ......................................................................... 50
4.18.2 Design of shafts.......................................................................................................... 54
CHAPTER FIVE ..............................................................................................................................................................71
CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................................................................71
5.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 71
5.2. Idea generation ................................................................................................................... 71
5.3 Using Reverse brainstorming .............................................................................................. 72
5.4. Evaluation of ideas ............................................................................................................. 72
5.5 Concepts .............................................................................................................................. 74
Alternative one .......................................................................................................................... 74
Alternative two.......................................................................................................................... 75
Alternative three........................................................................................................................ 75
5.6. Concept selection ............................................................................................................... 76
CHAPTER SIX ................................................................................................................................................................78
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ........................................................................................................................................78
6.1. Results ................................................................................................................................ 78
6.1.1. Results of the Design Procedure ................................................................................. 78
6.1.2 Procedure to be followed during testing and designing ............................................... 79
6.1.2 Usage............................................................................................................................ 79
6.1.3 Technical principle....................................................................................................... 79
6.1.4. Materials and manufacturing ...................................................................................... 80
6.1.5. Safety .......................................................................................................................... 83
6.2. Discussions ........................................................................................................................ 83
6.2.1. Project outcome .......................................................................................................... 84
6.2.2. Process ........................................................................................................................ 84
6.2.3. Use of methods ........................................................................................................... 84

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6.2.4. Lessons learnt.............................................................................................................. 85
6.2.5. Further development ................................................................................................... 85
CHAPTER SEVEN ...........................................................................................................................................................87
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .....................................................................................................................87
7.1. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 87
7.2. Recommendation ............................................................................................................... 87
7.3. Future Work ....................................................................................................................... 87
Appendices ..................................................................................................................................................................93
REFERENCE ..................................................................................................................................................................95

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Figure 1.1 Background of south road authority (mobile capture) .................................................. 2
Figure1.2 Overall Organization (from company) ........................................................................... 7
Figure1.3 Work Flow (from company) ........................................................................................... 8
Figure 2.1 Engine shop (mobile capture) ...................................................................................... 11
Figure 2.2 cooling system (Internet .............................................................................................. 12
Figure 2.3 Parts of lubrication system (mobile capture) ............................................................... 14
Figure 2.5 Air cleaner (mobile capture) ........................................................................................ 14
Figure 2.5 Mechanical shops (mobile capture) ............................................................................. 16
Figure 2.6 Types of suspension components (mobile capture)..................................................... 16
Figure 2.7 Main parts of brake system (mobile capture& Internet) ............................................. 17
Figure 2.8 Parts of Power Train System (Auto transmission pdf) ................................................ 18
Figure 2.9 Lathe machine ............................................................................................................. 19
Figure 2.10 Lathe machine ........................................................................................................... 20
Figure 2.11 Devices of Machine Shop (mobile capture) .............................................................. 21
Figure 2.11 Battery (mobile capture) ............................................................................................ 22
Figure 2.12 components of charging system (mobile capture) ..................................................... 23
Figure 2.13 Ignition systems (mobile capture) ............................................................................. 23
Figure 2.1 4Arc welding (mobile capture) .................................................................................... 24
Figure 2.15 Oxyacetylene Welding (mobile capture .................................................................... 25
Figure 2.16 Heavy duty vehicles (mobile capture) ....................................................................... 26
Figure 2.17 Material used (mobile capture) .................................................................................. 27
Figure 3.1 Practical skills (mobile capture) .................................................................................. 28
Figure 3.2 Team working skill (mobile capture) .......................................................................... 32
Figure 3.3 Leader ship skills (mobile capture) ............................................................................. 32
Figure 4.1 Typical spur gear ......................................................................................................... 39
Figure 4.2 Driven to driver gear ................................................................................................... 40
Figure 4.3 Mechanic loosen nuts with his bare hand .................................................................... 43
Figure 28.4 Analyses of spur gear ................................................................................................ 53
Figure 4.5 Typical worm gear ....................................................................................................... 59
Figure 4.6 Worm gear analyses .................................................................................................... 59
Figure 5.1 Multiunit remover ........................................................................................................ 75
Figure 5.2 Multi nut removers ...................................................................................................... 76

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Table 1 Human Resources .............................................................................................................. 5
Table 2 Road construction and maintenance machineries .............................................................. 6
Table 3 Concept selection criteria................................................................................................. 76

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FOS……………………………………………………Factor of Safety

CAD……………………………………………………Computer Aided Design

PSD……………………………………………………Pitch Circle Diameter

CAM……………………………………………………Computer Aided Manufacturing

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Ethiopian road authority has different branches one of its branch was our three month Internship
Company called south roads authority (SRA). Historic chronicles of the 17th and 18th centuries
show that there were a number of small roads trails and foot paths, in addition to the traditional
shoulder porter age, animals like mules, donkeys and horses and camels were used as a means of
transportation in Ethiopia. During the Italian occupation roads were built by them and they were
established to meet the requirements of the Military control rather than to promote the overall
development of the country’s economy. In addition, the roads lacked most of the modern
location, design and construction features desirable for present day high speed traffic. The roads
and trails built and improved during the 5 years Italian occupation were about 6000km.
approximately 2500 km of them were given a single asphalt surface treatment, drainage
structures were usually of stone masonry and at least three tunnels were built. However, when
Ethiopia regained its independence, the Italians in their fleeing attempt almost undid what they
created by blasting bridges and dynamiting roads.


Following the eviction of the Italian occupiers, the Imperial Ethiopian Government was
convinced that Road Agency solely responsible for restoring and expanding the road network
throughout the country had to be established. Accordingly, the Imperial Highway Authority
(IHA) was established under proclamation No. 115/1951 as a semi-autonomous agency with
specific duties to plan, design, construct, and maintain roads. Responsibilities for construction
and maintenance of roads remained under a single autonomous authority (IHA) for 26 years
(1951-1977). In 1980, the Military Government that took power in 1974 reformed the agency
into the Ethiopian Transport Construction Authority (ETCA) by proclamation No. 189/1980 and
became answerable to the newly formed Ministry of Construction. Following the shift from a
command-based economy to a market oriented one in 1991, ERA was reestablished by
proclamation No.63/1993 with a view to providing a strong administration under the leadership
of a Board. As part of its reform, the government assigned administration of rural roads to the

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regional self-governments and main roads to ERA as part of the Federal Government’s


The south Roads Authority (SRA), since it was established in 1989 E.C by declaration has been
working on design study, Road construction and Maintenance with a great deal of sectorial
responsibility in the region's different zones, special woredas. In the activity of roads
maintenance, for the last 13 years, more than 9500 kms have been made get routine and periodic
maintenance. They all are made comfortable for traffic and well secured. In the activity of Road
design study until now, more than 2000kms Roads have been studied and designed for standard
road construction. Road network study that shows the status of the region's road network has
been studied and implement. To implement the road's development policy, the regional
government is increasing the amount of the yearly budget, is strengthening the works of
construction and maintenance of roads and bridges including design study in order to fulfill the
road of the region's people. In relation with this, the regional government is purchasing different
road construction and maintenance machineries to develop the authority’s capacity. On the other
hand authority to tackle different problems and to satisfy the need of customer, has implemented
BPR study.

Figure 1.1 Background of south road authority (mobile capture)

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The main goals of the south road authority are to design, construct, and maintain the rural roads
in the region. South road authority has a mission, vision, values and goal. It works hard depend
on its plan to achieve its goal.

1.4.1 Vision of SRA

To see the regional society with adequate, comfortable and safe road network that enables it to
economic, social administrative centers and civil service institutions.

1.4.2 Mission of SRA

In collaboration with people, investors and aid organization to study roads at different status and
then construct, maintain and secure them with corresponding technology and reasonable expense
in order to bring well organized development for the regional society. Develop positive attitude
about road and its related cautions. Take knowledge transfer in road construction.

1.4.3 Values of SRA

➢ Quality, accountability, justices and loyalty are the assets of the company.
➢ Quality service and assuring remarks are the measures of success.
➢ Focus on developmental activities that participates all society.
➢ Follow best management method to use assets.
➢ Work together and wither the success or the failure will be ours.
➢ Following professional ethics is our quality.
➢ Giving more priority for customers.
➢ Since being fruitful gives credit; credits will be given for those works hard.

1.4.4 Goal of SRA

To identify roads those are useful for the region's economic and social development in order to
construct maintenance upgrade and reconstruct Roads to increase the coverage of quality Roads
in the region.

1.5 The main products and services delivered by the company

Since SRA is a governmental organization it is established to fulfills the basic interest of the
people in road and related construction of the region. As it is known there is a great difference
between product and services therefore SRA gives services for the people on road construction
field. The services of SRA are not limited to the construction but it gives automotive

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maintenance service for different sectors. Main products or services of south road authority
➢ Design different road with grate optimization in many aspects

➢ Construct road which connect lots of urban and rural area in the region

➢ Maintain road according to their service time based on different schedules

➢ Upgrade the standard of roads to the current best road technology and to appropriate
design for specific environment

➢ Maintaining different vehicles and construction machineries

1.6 Maintenance activities performed in SRA

The maintenance program done in SRA is almost mixed type of maintenance program depending
on the type and service life of the vehicles. For latest vehicles reliability based maintenance is
performed it more expensive with respect to cost and availability. For old vehicles most of the
time preventive maintenance is taken to have longer life of functioning with the vehicle. If the
vehicle is failed many times and maintenance activity is done each time for the vehicle

1.6.1 Preventive Maintenance (PM):

All actions carried out on a planned, periodic, and specific schedule to keep an item/equipment
in stated working condition through the process of checking and reconditioning. Preventive
maintenance is based on the manufacturer’s suggested recommendations. During the PM
scheduled service, the mechanic will document all defects found and will have all defects listed
on the repair order and corrected prior to returning the transit vehicle to service.

1.6.2 Reactive Maintenance:

Before five years the maintenance program of the SRA is almost reactive maintenance type.
Reactive maintenance is basically the “run it till it breaks” maintenance mode. No actions or
efforts are taken to maintain the equipment as the designer originally intended to ensure design
life is reached. Reactive maintenance is also called break down or run to failure maintenance

1.6.3 Reliability Centered Maintenance

Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) is a process used to determine the maintenance
requirements of any physical asset in its operating context. It is also called Proactive or

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Prevention maintenance. This type of maintenance is executed in the company before failure is
➢ Capacity building
The capacity building is a portion of a company that inculcates both machinery capacity and
human resources. By which the tasks of the company is performance

➢ Human resources
These are the man power for the company who conduct the service of the company

Table 1 Human Resources

Work placement Quantity Education level

1. supervisors/ officers/ 4 technical/diploma
2. Mechanic 4 technical /diploma
3. Senior mechanic 7 Level2&3
4. Junior mechanic 3 Level 2
5.electric shop 4 technical/diploma level2&3
6.Machinist/machine shop/ 3 technical/diploma & level1&2
7. Senior Welder 3 Level2&3
8. Store man 4 technical/diploma
9. Tool man 2 Certificate
10. Security guard 4 Seven& eight
11. Cleaner/garage/ 2 Six& five
12. fuel, grease 2 Degree
13.car washer 2 Ten
14.tire repair 2 Eight
Total 44
➢ Machinery capacity building:

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Table 2 Road construction and maintenance machineries

No Types Of Machines Quantity Currently In Use

1. Dozer 30 7

2. Grader 15 10

3. Loader 20 10

4. Roller 17 8

5. Bacon loader 3 3

6. Tractor 10 5

7. Excavator 1 1

8. Low bed 3 2

9. Fuel holder 4 4

10. Water holder 8 7

11. Garage crane 4 2

12. Dam tracks 80 2

13. Solid load tracks 2 1

14. Fork lift 1 1

TOTAL 198 63

1.7 Main customers of the company

Since this governmental office established and organized to meet the interest of this region in
road and related construction, the main end user or customer of SRA are peoples in the SNNPR.
Road is the one and most important aspect for the development of one country therefore as one
unified country all Ethiopian citizens are the customers of SRA. We can imagine that how road

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connects people to people, region to region and country to country through trade, education,
religious trip and in tourism. The meaning of road for peoples in rural area is great because in
Ethiopia more than 80% of population lives in rural area. Most of these areas are not supported
with basic and important needs. The reason is there are no enough road networks and the existed
one is not that much satisfactory? Therefore to adders high living standard, preventive health
care, quality education, strong market network and harmony relationship between the society the
value of road construction is uncountable, so to generalize the customers of SRA are all people

1.8 Organizational structure of the company

Overall organization

Figure1.2 Overall Organization (from company)

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Under supply and material administration support work process there are two sub divisions the
one is a maintenance wing which we work there and the other is the store.

Work flow

Figure1.3 Work Flow (from company)

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2.1 How we got into the Company

As we know internship is a program that gives the students a chance of finding a tangible
knowledge which links the theoretical part that they have learned in class with the practical
world. In fact the program varies from department to department and our department gives this
opportunity for its fourth year students. Since this is true as a fourth year mechanical engineering
student we began searching for a hosting company and submitted the copies of the letter that was
given from our department to the application areas of mechanical engineering and interrelated
areas in Hawassa. such as BJI Ethiopia, MOHA soft drinks, Moenco, South Road Authority and
others. From those several companies we get an acceptance papers but by gathering information
from our seniors we have selected the best hoisting company that is expected to give us better
knowledge than the others. It was thoughtful to be assigned in this company to increase our
experience and relate our theoretical knowledge we learnt so far especially in the Design I~II
&Design project, IC engine and Reciprocating Machine, Motor Vehicle engineering courses and
also we applied CATIA to describe our design.

2.2 Section of the company we have been working.

There are different workshops in the company. Those are where we have been assigned
according to our program which is interchanged two times per month. If we were at the morning
in the first time we will be in the afternoon program at the next time. Specifically we have
worked in maintenance section of the company so we try to mention the shops and their works
but the end users are the driver of those construction vehicles and machinery that mean the part
of the organization. Different works may come from different districts.

1. Mechanical shop
Under this shop different vehicle part maintenance is done.
a) Power train: it including clutch, gearbox, propeller shaft, differential and other parts of
the power train maintenance or service.
b) Steering system: it including steering wheel, steering gear box, steering shaft and idler.
c) Suspension system it including spring, shock absorber and axles and their bearings.
d) Braking system: it including braking pad, braking drum, break piston, braking caliper,
changing braking fluid and service parking braking

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2. Manufacturing (machine) shop
In machine shop we can modify, fabricate and repair different items with the help of their lathe
machine, hydraulic press machine drills, grinders and other useful machine for maintenance and
3. Body maintenance (welding shop)
In this shop they work the broken bodies of the vehicles and weld with oxy-acetylene welding
process. They also use bench vise and hammering.
4. Engine shop
It’s one of the largest shops. In this shop overall maintenance of engine is done and this work
shop maintenance and service all part of the engine.
5. Electrical shop:
To repair and assembling of electrical different components of the vehicles such as charging
system, starting system lighting system, battery, power generating and transfer to different
accessories of the vehicle.
6. Washing and greasing area
As per the required amount they perform partial or full washing and greasing. Servicing and
cleaning parts of the vehicles.

2.3 Work flow in the section

A customer who needed a service should first go to equipment maintenance case team then first
this section orders a technician in order to identify the problem that is happened on the vehicle.
Then the customer decides either to maintaining or not. If the customer decided to get the service
that is provided by the company the second step goes to finance and supply case team. This
section is concerned with the payments that must be made for the service so the customer pays
the amount of money that is estimated based on the extent of the problem on the vehicle. It
covers maintenance, repair, spare parts, and replacement. After finishing the payments using his
receipt he returns to maintenance case team then the technician that is more specifically related
with the detected problem of the vehicle will be adjusted. He may be a mechanic, machinist,
welder or electrician. There will be more than one technician based on the type and width of the
problem. This means that under the maintenance team there are about six section those are
directly related with the service and two sections which are used as store for equipment’s utilized

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for maintenance. According to the identified problem the vehicle may be placed in electric,
mechanical, manufacturing, welding, greasing or engine shop. Under these shops there are a
number of trained and experienced workers so workers mentioned by the maintenance case team
will be the one who will perform the task. In addition to these another workers also collaborate
and support each other for better accomplishment. Then after finishing the maintenance the
technician will check the vehicle about three times and if it is ok the customer check it.

2.4 Work tasks we have been executing

2.4.1 Engine shop

According to our program we were first assigned in this shop with some mechanics in the
afternoon program.

Figure 2.1 Engine shop (mobile capture)

2.4.2 Engine system

After the engine shop we understand that engine system is the heart of any car. It is the place
where combustion of fuel and air mix takes place.

2.4.3 Parts of engine

Since we have learned this in the theory the only thing that was expected from us was
differentiating physically and specifying the purpose of each of them
➢ Block, cylinders& combustion chamber
➢ Carburetor, Catalytic converter
➢ Connecting rod& bearing
➢ Crankcase, Crankshaft& camshaft
➢ Inlet& exhaust manifold

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➢ Flywheel& cooling fins
➢ Fuel injector, fuel pump, Oil pan& oil pump
➢ Glow plug, spark plug, valves, Piston& piston rings
➢ Head & head gasket

2.4.4 Defects of engine

➢ Over heating
➢ Unable to start the car
➢ Fuel consumption
➢ Malfunctioning and improper functioning

2.4.5 Causes of defects

➢ Breaking and malfunctioning of parts
➢ Deformed parts
➢ Problem in cooling system
➢ Lack of lubricant

2.4.6 Procedure of maintenance of engine

➢ Identify the problem
➢ Check parts which are mainly exposed to rupture
➢ Identify the cause of the defect
➢ Try to maintain if it is possible or replace by spare parts if it is necessary

2.4.7 Cooling system

It is a matter of equalization of internal temperature to prevent local overheating

Figure 2.2 cooling system (Internet

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2.4.8 Parts of cooling system
a) Radiator Rejects the coolant heat to the surrounding air.
b) Radiator cap to cover the radiator from any dust
c) Wax Thermostat if temprature is beyond reliable it opens for the water to flow from
d) Breazer used to return the water in to the reservoir
e) Cooling Fan Maintain an adequate air flow across the radiator matrix.
f) Water pump used to pressurize the water to retun back after finishing its cycle
g) Hoses takes and returns the water
h) Reservoir used to accumulate the water that returns in the form of vapour.

2.4.9 Lubrication system

This system is also an essential for the wellbeing of an engine by lubricating parts in friction

2.4.10 Parts of lubrication system

a. Oil sump reserves as oil reservoir
b. Oil pump gives the pressure for the oil
c. Filter purify the oil from any dust since the lines are thick
d. Lines through which the oil passes
e. Deep stick to check the amount of oil in the tank

2.4.11 Function of lubrication system

➢ Lubricate parts &prevent wear
➢ Act as coolant
➢ Sealing& cleaning dust

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Figure 2.3 Parts of lubrication system (mobile capture)

➢ Wearing
➢ Breaking and deformation of parts
➢ Overheating and frictional loss

2.4.12 Intake and Exhaust system

We can say that intake exhaust system is the breathing system of the engine.

2.4.13 Intake system

This atmospheric air mixes with the fuel in some specific ratio for the combustion occurring.

2.4.14 Parts of air intake system

Air cleaner or depurator: used to clean the atmospheric air
Intake hose: the purified air bypass through it
Turbocharger: used to increase intake air pressure

Figure 2.5 Air cleaner (mobile capture)

2.4.15 Exhaust system

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Here are some essential points about exhaust system like its parts and principle of recirculation

2.4.16 Exhaust system parts

➢ Turbocharger
➢ Exhaust manifold
➢ Catalytic converter& silencer

2.4.17 Fuel system

We have seen this portion theoretically that fuel is a combustible substance containing carbon as
the main constituent which on proper burning gives large amount of heat.

Classification of Fuels

1. Primary fuels which occur in nature as such, e.g. coal, petroleum and natural gas.
2. Secondary fuels which are derived from the primary fuels, e.g. coke, gasoline, coal gas,
Types of fuel injection system

A. Mechanical fuel injection system

B. Electrical fuel injection system

2.4.18 Washing and greasing area

In this section we have experienced washing and greasing some parts which needs this service.

➢ Washing of bearings and its parts

➢ Washing of hub
➢ Washing of brake system parts like caliper, pad, shoe, springs, slack adjuster greasing of
bearing and its parts.

2.4.19 Mechanical shop

It is where all the technical defects are tested identified and maintained.

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Figure 2.5 Mechanical shops (mobile capture)

2.4.20 Suspension system

The suspension system of a vehicle refers to components that connect the wheels to the body.

Types of Suspension Components

Figure 2.6 Types of suspension components (mobile capture)

There may be different steps and methods to replace the shock absorber

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➢ Stop the vehicle on leveled area and insert support under the tires

➢ Lift with jack and disassemble the wheel

➢Separate the brake hose and brake pipe then the shock absorber from the knuckle arm

➢ Remove the strut mounting nut and compress the coil spring

➢ Remove the bearing dust cover and remove the nut from the top of the shock absorber

➢Remove the mount insulator and coil spring

➢ Inspect and collect the disassembled part then assemble the parts with correct places.

2.4.21 Brake system

A brake is a mechanical device which inhibits motion.

Main parts of brake system

Figure 2.7 Main parts of brake system (mobile capture& Internet)

Basic maintenances of brake system

➢ Replacing brake pad /shoe
➢ Stop the vehicle on leveled area and insert support under the tyres
➢ Lift with jack and Disassemble the wheel
➢ Disassemble the clips push out the pad then clean surfaces and the components around
➢ Collect and inspect disassembled components then replace the new pads
➢ Assemble the components in correct paces
➢ Servicing break piston

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When the brake piston is dried and can’t play freely then vehicle can’t stop as we need so
we must service it by cleaning and greasing.

➢ Changing brake fluid

Firs cheek all brake system components are work because the hose of the fluid are leaks then the
fluid may finished before its recommended time. After filling the fluid the in order to avoid the
air in the middle of the fluid, we push the fluid up to the tip of the hoses through all hoses by
pressing the pedal before driving the vehicle. When the air removes out and the pedal is ok we
can finish and cheek the vehicle.

➢ Servicing knuckle and the axel also the bearings

We have faced many cases of this kind of servicing during the course of practice

2.4.22 Power train system

It is the engineering of the power train system which provides the driving force behind the

Figure 2.8 Parts of Power Train System (Auto transmission pdf)

2.4.23 Requirements of Transmission System

➢ Provide means of connection and disconnection of engine with rest
➢ Provide a varied leverage between the engine and the drive wheels
➢ Provide means to transfer power in opposite direction
➢ Provide means to drive the driving wheels at different speeds

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2.4.24 Machine shop
This place is where we get the opportunity to meet machinists who willingly give us the essential
tangible knowledge by allowing us to do what they are doing, following, guiding us.

a) Lathe machines

In this shop there are two lathe machines. They are used to different applications like fabrication
of shaft with different features, bolts and nuts

Figure 2.9 Lathe machine

b) Fabricating hexagonal bolt

With a pitch diameter of 20mm, 60mm length and 1.2 thread depth. I have done this bolt with the
help of the machinist who work in that shop.

c) Hydraulic Press machine

Used to press different parts if it is ruptured inside host parts like piston line. There are two types
of press machine electrical and manually operated.

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Figure 2.10 Lathe machine

a) Drilling machine
For producing holes in jobs on lathe, the job is held in a chuck or on a face plate. The drill is held
in the position of tailstock and which is brought nearer the job by moving the tailstock along the
guide ways

b) Burner
It’s a simple device which generate an air with a motor to burn the inserted fuel (charcoal) in the
burner house. Used for heat treatment application after they fabricate some components like bolts
and nuts.

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d) surface grinder machines
There are two grinders to work surface finish of fabricated and to reduce the size of component

Bench vise
Its well-known device which used to hold the work piece and apply some mechanical works
like hammering, bending and so on

Figure 2.11 Devices of Machine Shop (mobile capture)

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2.4.25 Electrical shop

2.4.26 Electrical system

This shop helps us to know why we were learning all electrical courses. We get the idea to
connect the mechanical part of the machine with the electrical part. We have covered the five sub
systems of electrical system. Those are battery, charging, starting, and ignition and lighting

2.4.27 Battery
Designed to only power motors for a short time (starter)

Figure 2.11 Battery (mobile capture)

2.4.28 Charging system

➢ Recharges battery after cranking

➢ Supplies the car’s electricity when the engine is running

➢ Provides output voltage slightly higher than battery voltage

1. Alternator 2. Voltage Regulator 3. Wiring 4. Indicator 5. Drive Belt

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Figure 2.12 components of charging system (mobile capture)

Starting system
Starting system uses battery power and an electric DC motor to turn engine crankshaft for engine
starting. It changes electrical energy to mechanical. Provides gear reduction/torque multiplication
(16:1 to 20:1) When the ignition key is turned on the current flows through the solenoid coil.
This closes the contacts, connecting battery to the starter motor.

Basic components of starting system

1) Battery 2) Ignition switch 3) Battery cables

4) Starter motor assembly 5) Starter safety switch 6) Flywheel assembly

Starter circuit
1. The control circuit: Connects battery power at the ignition switch to the magnetic switch
which controls the high current to the starter motor.

2. The starter circuit: Carriers the heavy current from the battery to the starter motor through a
magnetic switch in a solenoid.

Ignition system

Figure 2.13 Ignition systems (mobile capture)

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➢ Battery supplies power to entire system
➢ Ignition Switch turns engine on or off
➢ Ignition Coil transforms volts
➢ Switching device triggers ignition coil
➢ Spark Plug and wires distribute spark

Lighting system
How many light bulbs are on a modern vehicle?

• Taillights – 8 Front – 6 Side - 4

• Interior – 15 IP & Controls – 22 – 24
• Total – 5

2.4.29 Welding shop

Likewise our workshop and casting lab courses we have trained welding in different position
using both arc and oxyacetylene welding. The place also reminds us the safety procedures and
how to follow them for successful work accomplishment. Welding
Weld is made when separate pieces of material to be joined and combine to form one piece when
heated at temperature higher enough to cause melting. It is dependable, efficient, economic and
permanent way.

Arc welding
A method which employees an electric power supply to create an arc which melts the base metal
to form a molten pool. The filler metal is then added either automatically or manually.

Figure 2.1 4Arc welding (mobile capture)

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Oxyacetylene welding
The oxyacetylene welding process uses a combination of oxygen and acetylene gas to provide a
high temperature flame. A manual process in which the welder must personally control the torch
movement and filler rod application. oxy fuel gas welding refers to all the equipment needed to
weld. Cylinders contain oxygen and acetylene gas at extremely high pressure.

Figure 2.15 Oxyacetylene Welding (mobile capture

2.4.30 Caterpillar machine Heavy duty vehicles

This section is the different one from the others because this is where heavy duty vehicles found.
Theoretically we have informed what a heavy duty vehicles are, there types, there systems and
others. Then we have seen some of them practically. Systems covered

➢ Engine
➢ Power train system
➢ Brake system
➢ Cooling system

Types of heavy duty vehicles

➢ Dozers
➢ Graders
➢ Rollers
➢ Excavators
➢ Loader

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Figure 2.16 Heavy duty vehicles (mobile capture)

2.5 Procedures we have been following during work tasks

2.5.1 General methods and procedures of technical task are

Observation problem: is the first method for all practices in the company

➢ Problem identification: to solve problem, we have to identify the problem.

➢ Gather information: discus about the problem.
➢ Interview: by asking the workers and technicians of the company about anything that Is
➢ Reading different manual: a method to know about things when serving in the company
➢ Measuring and practicing with technicians: as we know practice is wise way to have
more knowledge
➢ Material used
box and socket wrench
open end wrench
screw driver

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hammer and chisel

Figure 2.17 Material used (mobile capture)

2.6 How good we have been in performing task

In the first courses of the program we were trying to adapt the work place and communicate with
workers and also coping with students those who came from other universities. Then we have
started focusing on things those are essential for us on practical knowledge. At the middle
courses we completely were adapted to the work place discipline, name of materials, work time
so it was simple to perform our task properly. So we come on time and look for mechanics who
are maintaining then we start following what they are doing and the essential things that they
want to show us. Not only this we also done maintaining by understanding what had they already
told us in practical manner. We covered all the section of the company in accordance with our
program by looking, dealing, asking, practicing. Despite the challenges those were facing us we
always were interested in practical part since we found it better way to get best knowledge. The
way we communicate with workers also played the vital role in our performance they were
always ready and willing to answer the entire question that we raise and to clear the complex.
Our supervisor also takes care of us in the knowledge and experience that we are dealing with so
he follow us properly.

2.7 Challenges we have been facing during work tasks

During the internship period, we come across a number of pleasant and wonderful times in terms
of upgrading our practical skills and widening the future work career. In contrary, a number of
problems have been challenging us during the study. The following are the major problems they
has been challenging us:

➢ At the first week we can’t to communicate with workers because we weren’t recognizing
the name of tools which they use by italic name.
Example, menzo, Stela, bind a…..

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➢ Safety materials were not fully provided to us specifically when we were in washing and
greasing area
➢ We can’t too loose large nut and bolt because we have not enough power to fix it
➢ Lack of electric power that happened throughout the country affected our practices
➢ There was also lack of clean water to drink
➢ The shelter of mechanical shop is not fully protected or covered if there is much no. of
vehicles it’s not enough to work inside so when we work at the afternoon it’s hard to
resist the weather.
➢ At the final weeks of the internship the company faces lack of budget this hinder us from
practicing more since the spare parts for services can’t be purchased.

Proposed solution to overcome the challenges

In order to overcome these challenges and achieve our goal it was critical to take the right
measurements. The followings are few of them.

➢ We have tried to be familiar with the name of the tools in the way the mechanics calling.
➢ We take care when we perform tasks those are without any safety materials.
➢ We captured the wisdom of mechanics instead of using unnecessary force and effort.
➢ We clearly communicate with our supervisor.
➢ We were discussing with workers if there is no work instead of getting back to home.

Here is strong evidence to suggest that internship placements and work experience re extremely
valuable in terms of both academic performance and personal skill. Internship holds considerable
value for personal and professional development and should be encouraged and provided to all
where possible. The internship program helped me to develop different skills and qualities
related to my study and also my overall personality. I have categorized the overall benefits I have
gained from the internship as follows.

3.2 Practical Skills

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During the four months stay at the company we have tried to link our theoretical knowledge with
the practical atmosphere. As a result, we have practiced different skills which will help in the
future. We were following the workers step by step by capturing what they are trying to do and
also practicing what they already have shown us. Generally, we have gained practical skills on:

3.1 Practical skills (mobile capture)

➢ Replacing shock absorber

➢ How to change filters
➢ Assembling and Disassembling of wheels
➢ Assemble and disassemble power train system
➢ Repairing brake pad and shoes
➢ Assemble and disassembling of different components of diesel engine
➢ Inspecting the failed of components of the engine
➢ Identifying each and every components of engine

3.4 Skills in greasing area

➢ How to change lubrication oils
➢ How to clean and wash different parts of vehicle

3.5 Different works in machine

➢ How to manufacture bolts and nuts on lathe machine
➢ How to press different broken parts
➢ Measuring components with different calipers
➢ Measuring different size of threads with pitch gauges
➢ How to drill work pieces on drilling machine with different drill bits

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3.6 Practical skill under electrical shop
➢ Design and the working principles of the electrical system on vehicles
➢ How to install the system based on the given design of vehicles
➢ The operation and principles of the vehicles starter motor
➢ About the charging, lighting and accessory points
➢ Charging of different batteries repairing automotive accessories

3.7 Practical skill under welding shop

➢ How to repair failed vehicle components by welding and grinding
➢ cutting unnecessary parts from vehicle for better maintenance

3.8 Theoretical Knowledge

This program helped us to strengthen and upgrade theoretical knowledge we have acquired at our
university. We were able to get and learn different things and mechanisms related to the courses
we have been studying like, Motor Vehicle Engineering, Machine Element, Thermodynamics,
Manufacturing Engineering, Machine Design, Turbo machinery and Fluid Mechanics.

Also, we have learned about the working principle of internal combustion engines, mechanisms
of a transfer case on four-wheel drive vehicles, mechanisms and use of differential, and
mechanical and electrical systems that control the different functions of vehicle parts.

➢ Details of brake system

➢ Electrical systems of a vehicle
➢ Five units of the injection pump system
➢ Application of a cooling and lubrication system
➢ Transmission system of a vehicle
➢ Application of differential unit
➢ Fuel systems
➢ Necessity and application of torque converter
➢ Differentiating Heavy duty vehicles

3.9 Interpersonal Communication

Since engineering is not a one-man assignment, it need for a person to team up with one another
in order to do a given task quickly and more efficiently. In our internship period, we teamed up

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with five other students which helped us to gain different communication and team working
skills which were important to perform our tasks effectively. These team working skills we
acquired during my stay are listed as follows.

➢ Communication – Being able to clearly communicate ideas with the group, being able to
convey information via phone and in person.
➢ Conflict management – Being able to mediate problems between team members, being able to
negotiate with teammates to settle disputes and make sure everyone is happy with the team choice
➢ Listening – Being able to listen ideas and concerns of peers in order to be an effective member
➢ Asking – Being able to ask questions for clarification and using verbal cues.
➢ Reliability – Being a reliable team member by sticking to deadlines and complete any assigned
tasks on time to gain colleagues’ trust.
➢ Respectfulness -Conveying respect to coworkers and their ideas, making eye contact and
actively listening when a person speaks to make the person feel appreciated. The other
interpersonal skill I gained is the ability to accept criticism. Coworkers give different constructive
criticisms which will help improve working skills with a reduced probability of errors and
increased efficiency. It will also enable a person to understand quickly and better.

3.10 Team working Skills

In south road authority so many things are done with team because the tasks are heavy and
needs more than 2 persons to do. Any many in a company could not be done individually. The
working environments need a cooperation of each responsible works. So we tried to execute this
behavior to our working area. For the first time it became difficult to me because they work
and communicate on a concepts that we are not familiar and also they have no much time to told
us detail about it. But, through a time we have started understanding the processes and step to be
followed to operate a task. Then especially with technicians we create good team work and
we got brief ideas and knowledge from them. And also we were working with students who came from
another institute. Now we have got the idea that the team work is better than the individual but the team
should be well organized and each member should have a good communication skill.

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Figure 3.2 Team working skill (mobile capture)

3.11 Leadership Skills

Since we perform several tasks by leading interchangeably we all were leaders once a task leader
among the group members, though we have familiarized our self with good leadership qualities
and traits which helped us to identify the weakness those hinder us from efficient performance,
maximize our strengths and develop a stronger management style. Some of the leadership skills
we acquired include:

➢ Commitment – Willing to put in the extra hours to complete tasks and assignments.
➢ Motivation – inspiring coworkers for better achievements of the team.
➢ Communication – explaining clearly the specific tasks for the team.
➢ Delegating–Identifying the skills of each coworkers and assign duties based on their
➢ Responsibility – Being responsible for both successes and failures of the team

Figure 3.3 Leader ship skills (mobile capture)

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3.12 Work Ethics and Discipline
Since the company we have applied for internship is essential for transportation, work ethics and
discipline are basic requirements. Work ethic and discipline are one of the major factors for the
step to professionalism. They are important for being successful in any career. Forming good
habits such as focusing, staying motivated and finishing tasks immediately helps to create good
work ethic. The skills those we have developed to have good work ethics and discipline includes:

➢ Punctuality
➢ Responsibility
➢ Respecting others and their ideas
➢ Polite communication
➢ Being open minded
➢ Being professional
➢ Developing good behavior

3.13 Entrepreneurship skills

Entrepreneurship can be defined as the process of involving the creation of new enterprises and
that the entrepreneur is the founder. He or she is the person who perceives the market
opportunity and then has the motivation, drive and ability to mobilize resource to meet it. So, as
a mechanical engineer I have gained different entrepreneur ship skills which will help me turn
my interests into business opportunity. These skills include:

➢ We have identified our specific interests and talents

➢ Finding out what looks like to work in a business environment
➢ understanding organizational cultures and learn career-related skills
➢ figuring out how to apply classroom theory to real work situations
➢ Make contact to get future employment opportunity

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➢ Vehicle is an important machine in human daily life. Nowadays, each family has at least
one car to make the transportation easier and faster. For a car, the tool set-up for each
vehicle is a T-nut wrench and car jacker which is hard to use for a women or teen to open
their car’s nut. One of the problems of a vehicle is tire problem. If the vehicle tires have
some problem then the user must remove the tires and fix the problem. And for a car user,
it’s difficult to remove tire’s nut especially for women users. The disadvantages are waste
of time and force needed. In India and other countries automotive market there is no tool
that is easy to use to remove the nuts. The time to open a car’s tire nut is too long and the
car user’s time is wasted with utilization of high force and especially this is big hurdle for
women users. To overcome the waste of time and high force needed, a tool have been
designed to remove five nuts of a tire in single time with decremented applied force. CAR
is not a symbol of luxury anymore. It is a need for every family. People need car due to
several reasons. Some of them are, to go to a destination, to travel conveniently, to do daily
job and to move things to a greater distance. The problem occurs the most during car
operation is the problem with tire puncture. The punctured tire needed to be replaced with
spare tire. Therefore, drivers need to know basic knowledge of tire replacement procedure
if such problem occurs. In order to change the tire, one requires minimal skills. Virtually
every car has a tire replacement tools such as the L-shaped nut remover and jack supplied
by the manufacture.

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4.2 Problem statement
During changing tires of a vehicle, it is hard to unscrew lug nuts of the tire using the tire lug
wrench in a short period of time. It is time consuming and requires high energy. It takes a long
time to unscrew all the lug nuts; Any one can’t unscrew all the nuts simultaneously this take
time. Time is a very important aspect of life, and as engineers we always seek to come up with
easy and efficient solutions for problems. To unscrew lug nuts, it has its own rules; the nuts
should be unscrewed by the same torque and speed. And it should be unscrewed step by step.
But it is hard to follow these all rules, it takes additional more time. Due to these all difficulties
that mechanics face in changing tires, we came up with the idea of this project which is to make
the procedure of changing tires much easier and time saving.

4.3. Objective

4.3.1. General Objective

➢ Design of Multi nut remover machine of the car

4.3.2 Specific Objective

The specific object of this project is to design and analysis parts of tire changer wrench and then
assembling the whole parts to give a well-designed and usable machine. Parts to be designed

➢ Metric spur gear

➢ Shaft
➢ Holder disk
➢ Joint
➢ Bearing

4.4. Scope of the project

This project is to atomize the labor work in tightening or loading the nuts one by one. This
project focuses on the minimization of human effort and time consumed for fixing five nuts with
a single stroke of lever by using multiple operated spanners. This is achieved by developing a
planetary gear mechanism as such occurs which reduced the time and effort for the above
mentioned task that is losing or tighten the nut of the car wheel. To avoid time wasting and a lot
of energy used to change the tire, a special tool is designed and fabricated to allow driver or

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machine to remove Five nuts of wheel at once with less energy consumption. In this project, the nut
removal steps, type of tools needed, basic gear theory, spur gear terminology, standard gear
calculation, standard spur gear tooth, the project calculation, and material specification will be
analyzed and shown.

This paper presents a method to design & construct a multi nut remover by using a lathe, grinding
wheel, drilling machine, taps. The use of material will be reliable for the better result. In order to
make it more simple and to easy to machining the parts. Construction and mechanism is simple
therefore mounting with wheel is easy. Application domain of Multi nut remover is in auto-bus
industries. According to our preplanned project we describe the following places where it can be
used successfully:

➢ It can be used as standard equipment provided with a new vehicle for the purpose of
opening and refit a punctured wheel in the midway.
➢ It can be used in workshops to open a wheel in place of using pneumatic guns which are
restricted to the availability of light and compressed air; it can be easily operated with
➢ It can be used in assembly line of auto-bus where more time is consumed in tightening all
the five nuts one by one. As it takes less time to fit a new tire, it will lead to increase

4.5. Significance of the Project

The main purpose of this project is to atomize the worker work in tightening or loading the nuts one
by one. This project center of attention on the minimization of human effort and time in terminated
for fixing all nuts of the wheel tire with a single stroke of lever by using multiple operated spanners.
Multi nut remover is a kit invented to reduce the effort and time in replacing the wheels of the
vehicle. The plurality of lug nuts can be removed at one time without the usage of an electric motor
or any hydraulic and pneumatic devices. Although, the nut remover that are currently used could
perform well, people are wasting more times and energy for it. However, people can save energy and
time while using the multi nut remover. Thus, the finding of this study will bring a lot of benefits to
the people that cannot effort lot of energy. Multi nut remover acts as a convenient and simple method
for tyre replacement process thus It is more suitable in using this setup for tyre removal in every
vehicles for reducing the time consumed and for reducing the man power wasted for the tire
replacement and to overcome the emergency situations.

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4.6. Introduction

Known torque-responsive power screw drivers which are driven by electric motors or
pneumatically have a relatively high speed of rotation in order to obtain a short screwing in time.
Since the maximum moment of tension for the screw to be screwed requires a determined torque,
the driving power of the screw driver must likewise be made high in accordance with the
relatively high speed of rotation, although a high torque is required for only a short time during
the tightening of the screw, unless some shock action is utilized for the purpose of producing this
peak degree. The limitation of the degree of tightening of the screw is usually effected by means
of ratchet couplings or striking mechanism. When screwing in expansion screws, this degree of
tightening must be kept constant within very narrow, since these screws, are stressed almost to
their yield point during screwing in. Torque-responsive screwing drivers having a shock effects
are useless for this purpose. The degree of tightening achieved is greatly dependent on the
number of blows applied, which however cannot be kept constant because of the rapid
succession of blows, while in addition the power of the individual blow is variable within wide
limits because of the indeterminable reaction of work piece, screw and screwing tool on the
striking operation. In addition, the shock effect causes rapid wear on the striking surface, which
results in a considerable variation of the face of the blows and a relatively short life of the
Torque-responsive screwdrivers having striking mechanisms are impractical where accurate
tensioning of a screw is necessary. It has moreover been found that, at the high speeds used,
ratchet couplings also apply a powerful shock action and are therefore likewise unsuitable for
tightening expansion screws. The main purpose of using gears is to transfer power from a source
to an application. Moreover, the modern technology of gears in its current form ages backs to
only 100 years ago. Nevertheless, the oldest form of gears can be traced back to fourth century
B.C. Greece. In addition, there are a lot of application that involves gearing systems in them such
as, robotics, automotive and power transmissions. Moreover, there are different types of gears
that can be used such us, bevel gears, helical gears and spur

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gears. In this project, the gear train that is being used is consisting of spur gears that are meshed
in a way to achieve the aim of this project that is to design and manufacture an automotive tire
multi nut remover.

4.7. Literature survey

In the paper of Vaibhav Chowki Adjustable Multi nut wheel opener is a special purpose tool
made to open/close all the five nuts of a wheel in one time with less effort. Although various
methods are used for opening nuts, they require a lot of effort to open a single nut. The main
objective of work is to develop a single tool with multiple mechanisms, which can be made use
during assembling and dismantling of wheels in automobiles. It can be successfully used as a
standard tool. Also it can be used in assembly line of automobiles, garages, workshops and
service stations.

In the paper of B. Sivakumar a gear or "gear wheel" is a rotating machine part having cut teeth,
or cogs, which mesh with another toothed part in order to transmit power. Two or more gears
working in tandem are called a transmission and produce mechanical advantages through a gear
ratio and thus may be considered asimple machine. Gears are mostly used in the mechanical field
for power transmission, this project report on stress analysis of spur gears. Spur gear made of
cast iron which is use for high strength.

In the paper of A. S. Udgave Multiple-spindle drilling machines are used for mass production, a
great time saver where many pieces of jobs having many holes are to be drilled. Multi- spindle
head machines are used in mechanical industry in order to increase the productivity of machining
systems. The multiple spindle drilling machines is a production type of machine. It is used to
drill two holes in a work piece simultaneously, in one setting. The holes are drilled on number of
work pieces with the same accuracy. So we adopt the basic design for over project

Gears transmit mechanical power and can be classified to parallel axis gears and nonparallel
gears. One of the types of parallel axis gears is spur gears (Figure 1.1), which is considered to be
the most suitable for machine transmission. Spur gears have

straight teeth, and are mounted on parallel shafts and usually have 20 degree of pressure angle.
This book includes details about spur gears design, specifications, and selection of gears. This
project is based on a gear system where the materials provided in the book are considered to be a

38 | P a g e JIT 2022
reference for gear systems. It helps to provide the formulas needed to calculate torque, forces
acting on gears, and module. Moreover, it explains how different types of gears work such as
epicycle. So, it is a basic need to design this project.

Figure 4Figure 4.1 Typical spur gear

The concepts and terminology of gears is a requirement to design any gear system. Gear terms
and concepts are necessary to design, build and improve gear drive systems. To design and build
a gear drive system, it is necessary to understand all concepts of gears and their mechanism.
Moreover, ratio of gears depends on teeth of gears and tells the designer how much the driver
gear rotates to complete one turn for the driven gear. For example, if the ratio for two gears is
1:3, this means that the driver gear must turn three times to get the driven gear to make one
complete turn as shown in the figure below.

39 | P a g e JIT 2022
Figure 5Figure 4.2 Driven to driver gear

Another concept discussed in the article is the calculation of center to center. However, this
source clarifies more about spur gears and how they are being used to design a gear system.

4.8. Comparative Study

It is good to understand from these studies removing multi nuts at a time is very economical
whereas removing one by one is time consuming and it requires another additional force.
Removing multi nuts is done by gear system. Gears are used to transmit powers. And also it
multiplies by some ratio. The objectives of the project are to design a 5-nut removal mechanism
and minimize the cost of it. This project uses one of most common types of gears, which is spur
gears, pinion gears and worm gears, to reduce the torque and force. Worm gears can multiply the
input power by higher ratios. It is up to 100 ratios. So, using worm gear is very economical
rather than using electrical and pneumatic motors. Therefore in this case worm gear is used to
multiply the input manual torque or power.


4.9. Planning methods

What is methodology? A methodology is a plan-of-attack, especially when that plan-of-attack is

used repeatedly. This might be obvious, but the word methodology is related to the word method.
In fact, a methodology is a system of methods followed consistently. Scientists, for example, use
various methodologies as they perform experiments. It might seem like the world is nothing but

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chaos and disorder. But actually, sometimes there is a method to this madness. And sometimes
there’s a methodology. There will be a lot of information about the process and journey
throughout the making of this project. There will be flow chart showing the process of us making
the whole project. This flow chart will explain the processes we took. Next, is the Gantt Chart,
which will show the actual and planning throughout all the weeks of our final year project

4.10. Data collection methods

Brainstorming collection of information about the basic design aspects. In addition, using
brainstorming method can specify the features of our design. In this phase, we define the major
aspects needed for building the prototype such as, gears, shafts, bearings and spanners. Also, in
this phase we conduct the Gantt chart, where we divide the tasks and their time durations for the
project. Second phase includes gathering information about the conceptual design of our project
from, books, journals, and old projects.

4.10.1. Interviews and Focus Groups

In this project there were interviewed two mechanics who have many year experiences with their
work of maintaining the bus. The first person said that about the problem they faced when
maintaining brake, tyre wheel hub, or services around the tire. They actually found it as very
interesting question because they have faced a lot of challenges when they are trying to service
the tire part. The second person is mechanic Betsegaw who is the person responsible in
preventive maintenance. He is very emotional when he told us about problems, he said that "he
always feared losing his health and pains after removing nuts from tyres using steel and bare
hand without controlled and unknown torque". He suggested that if there is easy way removing
the nuts with less effort and in short time. His first question was will this cause any damage to
the alloys?

This product answered

You shouldn’t have to ask this really but it’s good for your own peace of mind. The safe removal
of wheel nuts has to be without question

➢ His second question was how long will the wheel nut removal take?

41 | P a g e JIT 2022
This product answered

It’s always handy to know just how long it will take to remove a locking nut. This can depend on
how tight the existing nut is.

4.10.2. Observation

Over tightened stud an analysis from the Accidents and Defect databases of the south road
Inspectorate shows that a total of 323 cases of wheel loss had been identified since we are there.
Not all cases resulted in the preparation of a defect report but those which were prepared showed
that some 72% of the failures were related to maintenance or abuse. Common problems were
failure to tighten wheel nuts to the specified torque, over tightening of wheel nuts causing
damage and failure to regularly check tightness of wheel nuts. Since not all wheel losses are
reported. Some consider the cause of the problem to be due to a relaxation of the tension in the
studs due to settling between the numbers of interfaces involved in the wheel assembly. Use of
locking devices will not prevent relaxation and since the wheel integrity is dependent upon the
friction grip provided by the stud tension, the relative looseness of the wheels will damage the
studs and result in eventual wheel loss due to failure of the fixing. The recommended procedure
is that following wheel replacement the wheel studs should be tensioned to the torque prescribed
by the vehicle manufacturer and retensioned after a period of 30minutes or 40km to 80km road

4.11. Analysis methods

All engineering activities necessarily begin with some ideas with high or low innovative content,
translated into definite plans for their realization in the form of products. This is the essence of
design engineering. The ultimate success depends on a thorough consideration of how the
product will be made and used as well as on the attention to detail paid by the design
engineering. This is applicable equally for a minor redesign of a existing product or for a most
innovative one. The project model is designed in SOLID WORKS. It is CAD/ CAM based
software. Manufacturing the prototype depends on analysis and calculation of design. Analysis
and calculation of design has a lot of calculations that include dimensions such as gears centers,
pitch diameter, thickness of gears, size of shafts, number of teeth, and ratio of gears. Moreover,
the calculations include the torque required to unscrew one nut, power transmitted from the

42 | P a g e JIT 2022
motor and factor of safety (FOS). Additionally, the design of our prototype is made using Solid
Works. Solid Works includes all dimensions of the parts, 2D drawing, and assembly of the parts.
Fourth phase is buying parts and manufacturing in market. Also, estimating the cost and the
availability of parts in market whether there are gears, shafts, spanner and joints, because some
parts need to be made in workshops. The design of the vehicle multi-nuts remover tool is
performed by commercial computer aided design (CAD) software. Several static load analyses
are also performed in order to find the safety factor of the design. Theoretical calculation
analysis is carried out with the purpose of validation. The force required for removing five
numbers of nuts is,

F = 5τ / (l RG)

Where, F is the applied force, τ is the torque required to remove one nut, l is the length of
level and

RG is the gear ratio of central gear and driven gears of the tool.

In the fabrication of Multi nut remover tool, two processes are performed; milling and fitting.
Since the gears are not available in the market, custom designed gears need precision milling and
fitting processes. Once the tool is ready, an experiment is performed with the intention to find the
time required to remove the nuts. This result is then compared with the time required using
ordinary L-shaped wrench. Experiment using impact wrench is also performed.

Figure 4.3 Mechanic loosen nuts with his bare hand

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4.11.1 Material selection Selection Criteria

The designer selects the materials of construction for his product based on several criteria such
as its cost, the desirable properties that it should possess, its availability, the preferred
manufacturing processes that are to be employed, etc. The overall economy is influenced by all
these factors. In special cases, bestiality and /or urgency of the need for the product can
supersede the economic considerations. The main criteria for material selection are discuss

A. Cost of the Material

The amount of raw materials, their composition, quality, any special heat-treatment that is
required, etc. influence the unit cost of materials. The unit cost generally depends also on the
quantity of raw material that is purchased in a single lot. Special steel materials, for example,
cost much more in the market when purchased in small quantities from a retailer than in bulk
directly from the steel mill/stockyard.

B. Availability

The material should be readily available in adequate quantities. Material availability is closely
linked with the variety and level of technology obtained in a given geographic location.
Procuring materials from far and wide can be expensive, due to the additional cost for transport,
for transporter taxes and duties etc.

C. Manufacturing Process

Facilities for shaping and treating the selected material into the finished product or component
must be available for economic production. Otherwise, the production cost goes up. For
example, the selection of forged alloy steel for a connecting rod design necessarily assumes that
suitable forging facility is available along with the necessary dies and other accessories. If the
alloy is of a rare quality, then facilities for its heat treatment might not be available.

D. Properties of the Material

The desired function and performance of any product depends to a great extent on the use of
materials with the right physical and chemical properties. In general mechanical engineering

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these properties can be classified into different categories depending on how a particular
property affects the function and life of a component. The main property groupware:-

4.12 Idea generation methods

No matter what you do for a living, the success of your business probably depends on how good
and creative you are. The ability to come up with fresh and exciting ideas is what separates top-
performers from their less successful peers, so we definitely need to think of how to improve this
skill. Idea generation is defined as the process of creating, developing and communicating
abstract, concrete, or visual concepts. To put it simply, it’s the process that requires finding new
solutions for practical problems in all fields of life and work. In our aspect the product we have
done is overcome different stages during the idea generation.

A. Social Listening

Idea generation doesn’t mean you have to come up with a great suggestion single-handedly. On
the contrary, sometimes it’s enough to do a little bit of social listening and see what the target
audience has to say about a certain topic. Besides that, you can always organize an opinion poll
to directly ask people what they want. For example, this project come back with the solution
after suggestions rewarded from the public bus service workers

B. Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a well-known method that people all over the world use for decades already.
There is no right or wrong. We just need to say the first thing that comes to our mind and that’s
it. After a quick brainstorming session, we just need to filter through all suggestions and find the
ones that have the biggest potential to succeed. As we know this product eases up the work.

C. Role Playing

We were responsible for removing wheels and be in the mechanics shoes to understand the real
problem and Walking in someone else shoes is everything bueasy, but sometimes it’s the only
way to break the barrier and think of a brilliant idea. The process is simple: you just need to
switch places with your colleagues and try to embrace their point of view. It doesn’t guarantee
immediate results, but it often leads to interesting conclusions and brand new ideas.

D. Collaboration

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As the term indicates, collaboration is about two or more people joining hands in working for a
common goal. Designers frequently work in groups and engage in collaborative creation in the
course of the whole creative process. This project is result of collaboration

4.13 Evaluation methods

1. Clarity

We can select the idea that makes the fewest assumptions. By choosing an idea that has the
fewest unknowns a leader can safeguard against surprises and disasters.

2. Usability

Does the idea fulfill a practical need? That is, does it answer some particular problem or meet
some particular market demand. Yeah it does If it does, is it likely that the idea can find a market
niche? The practicality, usability, and marketability of an idea are crucial.

3. Stability

Is this idea answering a one-time unique need or customer demand? Does the idea have some
market stability over time, or is it a fad? Ideas that become antiquated before they even reach
market are ideas that should be selected with extreme caution.

4. Scalability

Is the prototype capable of being scaled? Can it be duplicated with consistency, meet continuous
standards, and be replicated in such a way that it can be produced and produced again without
constantly being reinvented or adjusted?

5. Stickiness

Can this idea become a habit or a trend? Often "stickiness" is used from the utilitarian standpoint
(that is, its usability) but stickiness can also define its emotional appeal. Is the idea or prototype
capable of bringing to market a product that will be driven over time by the customers' sense that
it is a necessity?

6. Integration

46 | P a g e JIT 2022
Is this idea fully integrated with the organizational strategy? Often ideas and prototypes are
wonderful in their own right, but outliers in the organizational strategy may not receive the
organizational support necessary to sustain the viability of the effort. They will peter out. Great
ideas, useable prototypes must be integrated, or capable of being integrated with the overall
strategy of the organization.

7. Profitability

4.14 Collection of data

Quantitative data’s collected

The outcome of the quantitative research methods is an answer to the questions below and is
used to measure anything tangible.

➢ How many nuts are actually be removed from the wheel

There are 10 nuts in one wheel in most cars public bus

➢ From the manual of the buses we have found

The nuts diameter is 32mm

➢ how much torque is actually needed

They were not sure about the torque but we use the torque from the manual of the bus 75- 85
ft/lbs. The accuracy of quantitative data to be used for evaluation research depends on how well
the sample represents the population, the ease of analysis, and their consistency. Quantitative
methods can fail if the questions are not framed correctly and not distributed to the right
audience. Also, quantitative data do not provide an understanding of the context and may not be
apt for complex issues.

Qualitative data collected through the one to one interviews and focus groups

The existing wheel nuts remover which is a normal L wrench and nut spanners are really
inconvenient and difficult to use. It can remove only a single nut at a time and it requires man
power for removing and tightening of the nuts. Thus for old and weak peoples, the replacement
of the tire by this normal method is really inconvenient and difficult process. Not only for old

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people there are many examples like medical emergencies, job, and everyone in this world is
really busy and in rush all the time.

During tyre removing Operation the person was supposed to remove individual nuts to remove
the tire which has very high fatigue level. So Our Intention was to remove all nuts at a time, to
reduce human fatigue level. Multi-nut opener is a device designed at developed for loosening or
tightening of wheel hub nuts.

4.15 Function and Task Analysis

This product will be functional in different applications like

➢ Bus workshops
➢ Bus manufacturing units
➢ Garage
➢ Junkyards
Advantages of using this product

➢ Simple in construction, less weight, it saves time as compared to other devices.

➢ It act as a convenient and simple method for tire replacement process thus It is more
suitable in using this setup for tire removal in every vehicles for reducing the time
consumed and for reducing the man power wasted for the tire replacement and to
overcome the emergency situations. Thus the vehicle multi wheel nuts remover and
tightener can be used in all buses shops and can be carried in each vehicle for instant tyre
replacement which saves lot of time and energy for every person.

4.16 Recognition of need

Design process generally starts with the identification of need, a problem or with the recognition
of a potential market for a product, device or process. Recognition of the need requires a lot of
imagination and creativity, because the need is generally not clear and evident and can be vague.
Recognition of a need is the first and the most important step of the machine design or system
design cycle, without this first step no further steps of the machine design can be taken. It is the

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need that gives birth to various other steps of the design. If there is no need there won’t be any
reasons to start the detailed, time consuming and highly complex problem of designing.

In this case we need to design and fabricate a hand operated tool by using worm gear mechanism
to multiply the input torque (supplying small torque then getting large amount of torque ) and
used for screwing and unscrewing of car tire nuts which is known as Multi Nut Remover. It acts
as a convenient and simple method for tyre replacement process thus It is more suitable in using
this setup for tire removal in every vehicles for reducing the time consumed and for reducing the
man power wasted for the tyre replacement and to overcome the emergency situations. This tool
can be operated by anyone of different ages from young people to old people as it is easy to use
and light in weight. The vehicles multi wheel nuts remover reduces the time in the normal
process and also the man power used.

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4.17 Definition of problem

The multi nut remover used to open the wheel nuts is designed for ergonomic, easy to handle and
requires small space for storage. However, it is difficult for women and the elderly drivers due to
high required torque to remove the nuts of the tire. If the nuts are successfully removed, the
problem to tighten the nuts will arise. If the required torque is not applied in tightening the nuts,
they will get loose, and this will endanger the driver’s safety. This tool can also function as tire
nuts tightener. Impawrench which is commonly used for removing of tire nuts is also a time-
consuming tool. For these reasons, to avoid wasting of time and energy, a special tool is
designed and fabricated to allow driver or mechanic to remove five nuts of tire simultaneously
with little energy consumption. The design is based on standard pitch circle diameter for most of
the cars available

4.18 Design calculation

4.18.1 Design Procedure for Gear & Pinion

Spur gears are the least expensive of all types for parallel shaft applications. Their straight teeth
allow running engagement or disengagement using sliding shaft and clutch mechanisms. Typical
applications of spur gears include automatic motor vehicle gearboxes, machine tool drives,
conveyor systems, electric motor gearboxes. The majority of power gears are manufactured from
hardened and case-hardened steel. Other materials used include iron, brass, bronze, and polymers
such as poly amide (e.g. nylon). The center distance by measuring the distance from center of the
wheel to all the nuts of a bus:-

C = 170mm, then we take pitch diameter of pinions and pitch diameter of sun gears as,

DP = 100mm

DS = 240mm

Assume, Module (m) =4mm

Now, as we know

Circular pitch (p) =п × m

50 | P a g e JIT 2022
= п × 4mm


Diametric pitch (P) = 1/m = 1/4mm = 0.25 m-1

Number of teeth on pinion (NP) = DP/m


= 25 teeth

Also, Number of teeth on sun gear (NS) = DS/m

= 240mm/4mm

= 60 teeth

𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑛 𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑔𝑒𝑎𝑟 NS

Gear ratio, R = = NP
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑛 𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑔𝑒𝑎𝑟

R = 60teeth / 25teeth

R = 2.4

Other dimensions for pinion &gear are as:

➢ Addendum = 1×m = 4mm

➢ Deddendum=1.25×m=1.25 × 4mm = 5mm
➢ Minimum total depth= 2.25×m = 2.25 × 4mm = 9mm
➢ Minimum clearance= b - a = 5mm - 4mm = 1mm
➢ Backlash= 0.157×m = 0.157 × 4mm = 0.628mm
➢ Thickness of tooth= 1.493×m =2.37 mm
➢ Outer diameter of pinion = DP + 2 × addendum
= 100mm + 2 × 4mm

= 108mm

➢ Outer diameter of sun= DS + 2 × addendum

51 | P a g e JIT 2022
= 240mm + 2 × 4mm

= 248mm

➢ Face width, b = 36mm Torque Calculation

From the user manual of Yutong bus torque required to unscrew and to tighten one nut is in the
interval of 400Nm - 480Nm. Therefore based on this due to safety to design this multi nut
remover, we choose the maximum torque required for one nut. That is 480Nm. So, based on this
we can do analysis of torque transmission through the gears. The total torque required to unscrew
and tighten 5 nuts is Ttot = 5×480Nm. Then we can calculate and estimate the torque and
horsepower needed to unscrew the five nuts based on ratio of gears: Since the maximum torque
required for one nut is equal to 480Nm, torque on each shafts of spur gear is equal to 480Nm.
Therefore maximum torque of each spur gear is 480Nm.

Maximum torque on the shaft, Tshaft = 480Nm

Maximum torque of each spur gears, Tspur = 480Nm

We can calculate torque on the pinion gears using gear ratio,

Gear ratio, R = 2.4

𝑇𝒐𝒓𝒒𝒖𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒅𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒏
𝑻𝒐𝒓𝒒𝒖𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒅𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓

Tspur 480𝑁𝑚
Torque on the pinion, Tpinion = =
𝑅 2.4

Tpinion = 200Nm

Therefore, the torque on the pinions by each spur gears is equal to 200Nm. We can calculate the
total torque on the pinions.

Total torque on the pinions, Ttotal(pinion) = 5 × 200Nm

52 | P a g e JIT 2022
Ttotal(pinion) = 1000Nm

From these conclude that to unscrew and tighten the five nuts simultaneously we need torque
input, Tinput = Ttotal(pinion)

Tinput = 1000Nm

Force analysis of spur gears

Torque transmitted by spur gear, Tspur = 480Nm

Figure6.4 Analyses of spur gears

Torque, T = Pt r and r = Dp /2

Combining the two we can write,

2 × Torque on spur
Tangential force on the spur gear, Pt = DP

53 | P a g e JIT 2022
Pt = 0.24m

Pt = 2000N

The resultant normal force between the tooth surfaces of pinion and spur gear,

Pt 2000𝑁
PN = cos θ = cos 20

PN = 2128.34N

Separating force, Pr = Pt tan θ

Pr = 2000N tan 20o

Pr = 727.94 N

Strength of spur gear

There are two ways of designing the Spur Gear: (a) Bending Strength, (b) Wear Strength. If the
wearing constraint of the gear is of supreme importance then the Spur Gear should be designed
using the pitting resistance, but in this study the Spur Gear is Designed using the Bending Stress
Fatigue criteria because it is the primary requirement in the industry. According to the bending
Strength theory, the fatigue Strength (S) of the Spur Gear should be greater than or equal to the
Bending Stress on the Spur Gear teeth. σ ≤ S

According to the Lewis Theory, Spur Gear must be able to withstand the Tangential Load (Pt).
The Lewis Bending stress equation is used as it is fairly simple to calculate the Material Index of
the Spur Gear using it[4]. The Tangential force according to the Lewis theory is shown below:

4.18.2 Design of shafts Design for the pinion shaft

Know, that the resultant normal load acting between the tooth surface

Pt 2000𝑁
PN = cos θ = cos 20

PN = 2128.34N

54 | P a g e JIT 2022
Weight of the pinion, WP = 0.00118 NP.b.m2

WP = 0.00118 (25)(36)(4)2

WP = 16.992N

Resultant load acting on the pinion,

WR =√( PN )2 + ( WP )2 + 2PN WP COSθ

WR =√( 2128.34N)2 + ( 16.992N)2 + 2(2128.34N)(16.992)COS20

WR =√4598087.92N

WR =2144.32N

Assuming that the pinion is overhung on the shaft and taking overhang as 100 mm, therefore
Bending moment on the shaft due to the resultant load,

M b= WR × 100 = 2144.32N × 100mm

M b= 214 432Nmm

The twisting moment on the shaft, Ttotal(pinion) = 1000Nm

Ttotal(pinion) =1000 000Nmm

Equivalent twisting moment,

Te = √( Mb )2 + ( Ttotal(pinion) )2

Te = √( 214 432Nmm)2 + ( 1000 000Nmm)2

Te = 1,022,732.13 Nmm

Te = 1022.732Nm

Let, dP = Diameter of the pinion shaft.

Know, that equivalent twisting moment (Te),

55 | P a g e JIT 2022
Te = × Ⴀ (d)3 ,
Ⴀ - shear stress of the pinion shaft

Ultimate stress
Ⴀ = factor of safety

Have selected carbon steel material for pinion shaft, where its ultimate stress is equal to 465
N/mm2 and we chose factor of safety, Fos = 4

465 N/mm2

Ⴀ = 116.25N/mm2


Te = × Ⴀ(d)3

1,022,732.13 Nmm = × (116.25N/mm2)(dp)3

(dp)3 =(1,022,732.13 Nmm × 16)/(π × 116.25N/mm2)

(dp)3 = 44 806.3mm3

dp = 35.52mm

Know, that the diameter of the pinion hub

= 1.8 dP = 1.8 × 35.52mm = 63.94mm and length of the hub = 1.25 dP = 1.25 × 35.52mm = 44.4

Since the length of the hub should not be less than that of the face width i.e. 36 mm, therefore let
us take length of the hub as 36 mm. Design for the spur gear shaft

Know, that the resultant normal load acting between the tooth surface

Pt 2000𝑁
PN = =
cos θ cos 20

PN = 2128.34N
56 | P a g e JIT 2022
Weight of the spur gear, Ws = 0.00118 Ns.b.m2

Ws = 0.00118 (60)(36)(4)2

Ws = 40.7808N

∴ Resultant load acting on the pinion,

WR =√( PN )2 + ( Ws )2 + 2PN Ws COSθ

WR =√( 2128.34N)2 + ( 40.7808N)2 + 2(2128.34N)(40.78N)COS20

WR =√4694617.52N

WR =2166.71N

Assuming that the pinion is overhung on the shaft and taking overhang as 100 mm, therefore
Bending moment on the shaft due to the resultant load,

M b= WR × 100 = 2166.71N × 100mm

M b= 216 671Nmm

The twisting moment on the shaft, Tspur = 480Nm

Tspur = 480 000Nmm

Equivalent twisting moment,

Te = √( Mb )2 + ( Tspur )2

Te = √( 216 671Nmm)2 + ( 480 000Nmm)2

Te = 526 636.782 Nmm

Te = 526.637 Nm

Let, ds = Diameter of the spur gear shaft.

57 | P a g e JIT 2022
Know, that equivalent twisting moment (Te ),

Te = × Ⴀ(d)3 ,
Ⴀ - shear stress of the pinion shaft

Ultimate stress
Ⴀ = factor of safety

Have selected carbon steel material for pinion shaft, where its ultimate stress is equal to 465
N/mm2 and we chose factor of safety, Fos = 4

465 N/mm2

Ⴀ = 116.25N/mm2


Te = × Ⴀ(ds)3

526 636.782 Nmm = × (116.25N/mm2)(ds)3

(ds)3 =(526 636.782 Nmm × 16)/(π × 116.25N/mm2)

(ds)3 = 23 072.1644mm3

ds = 28.47mm

We know that diameter of the gear hub,

= 1.8 ds = 1.8 × 28.47mm = 51.25mm and

length of the hub = 1.25 ds = 1.25 × 28.47mm = 35.59mm

58 | P a g e JIT 2022 Design of worm gear

Figure 4.5 Typical worm gear

Figure 4.6 Worm gear analyses

Velocity ratio of 40 have chosen, therefore the worm gear can multiply the input torque

Since velocity ratio of 40 have chosen, n = 1

1. Design of worm

Let, x = the distance between the center of worm and worm gear

Given, x = 250mm

59 | P a g e JIT 2022
lN = Normal lead, and

λ = Lead angle.

The value of x / lN will be minimum corresponding to

cotλ = V.R. = 40

cotλ = 3.42

λ = 16.3°

X 1 1 𝑉.𝑅.
Know, that, = [ + cos λ ]
lN 2π sin λ

250mm 1 1 40
= [ + cos 16.3° ]
lN 2π sin 16.3°

250mm 1
= 2π [3.563 + 41.68] = 7.2

lN = 7.2

lN = 34.72mm

Axial lead, l = l N / cos λ = 34.72mm/ cos 16.3°

l = 36.18 mm

From appendix, for a velocity ratio of 40, the number of starts or threads on the worm,

n = TW = 1

∴ Axial pitch of the threads on the worm,

pa = l / 1 =36.18 mm / 1

pa = 36.18 mm

∴ m = pa / π = 36.18 mm / π

60 | P a g e JIT 2022
m = 11.52 mm

Let us take the standard value of module, m = 12 mm

∴ Axial pitch of the threads on the worm,

pa = π m = π × 12 mm

= 37.7 mm

Axial lead of the threads on the worm,

l = pa. n = 37.7 mm × 1

l = 37.7 mm and normal lead of the threads on the worm,

lN = l cosλ = 37.7 mm cos16.3°

= 36.2 mm

Know, that the centre distance,

X 1 1 𝑉.𝑅.
= [ + cos λ ]
lN 2π sin λ

lN 1 𝑉.𝑅.
x = [ + cos λ ]
2π sin λ

36.2 mm 1 40.
x = [sin 16.3° + cos 16.3° ]

x =5.76[3.563 + 41.68]

x = 260.7mm

Let, DW = Pitch circle diameter of the worm.

We know that, tan λ = 𝜋𝐷𝑊

𝑙 37.7 mm
DW = 𝜋 tan λ = 𝜋 tan 16.3°

DW = 41.04mm

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Since the velocity ratio is 40 and the worm has single thread,

(I.e. n = TW= 1), therefore

Number of teeth on the worm gear,

TG = 40× 1 = 40

From above, the face length of the worm or the length of threaded portion is

LW = pc (4.5 + 0.02 TW)

= 37.7 mm (4.5 + 0.02 × 1) (where, pc = pa)

LW = 170.404mm

This length should be increased by 25 to 30 mm for the feed marks produced by the vibrating
grinding wheel as it leaves the thread root. Therefore let us take,

LW = 195 mm

We know that depth of tooth,

h = 0.623 pc = 0.623 × 37.7 mm

h = 23.5 mm

From above,

Addendum, a = 0.318 pc = 0.318 × 37.7 mm

a = 12mm

∴ Outside diameter of worm,

DOW = DW + 2a = 41.04mm + 2 × 12mm

DOW = 65.04 mm

1. Design of worm gear

Know, that pitch circle diameter of the worm gear,

62 | P a g e JIT 2022
DG = m. TG = 12× 40 = 480 mm

DG = 0.48 m

From appendex, outside diameter of worm gear,

DOG = DG + 1.0135 pc = 480 mm + 1.0135 × 37.7 mm

DOG = 518.21 mm

Throat diameter,

DT = DG + 0.636 pc = 480 mm + 0.636 × 37.7 mm

DT = 503.98 mm

and face width,

b = 2.38 pc + 6.5 mm = 2.38 × 37.7 mm + 6.5 mm

b = 96.23 mm

Let us now check the designed worm gearing from the standpoint of tangential load, dynamic
load, static load or endurance strength, wear load and heat dissipation.

(a) Check for the tangential load

∴ Torque transmitted,

T = 1000Nm and tangential load acting on the gear,

2×𝑇 2 × 1000Nm
WT = =
𝐷𝐺 0.48 m

WT = 4,166.67N

∴ Velocity factor,

Let us assume velocity factor, Cv = 0.75 and tooth form factor for 14½° involute teeth,

y = 0.124 - 𝑇𝐺

63 | P a g e JIT 2022
y = 0.124 - 40

y = 0.1069

Since the worm gear is generally made of phosphor bronze, therefore taking the allowable static
stress for phosphor bronze,

σo = 84 MPa or N/mm2

know, that the designed tangential load,

WT = (σo . Cv) b. π m . y

WT = (84 MPa × 0.75) 96.23 mm × π ×12 × 0.1069 N

WT = 24,432.05 N

Since this is more than the tangential load acting on the gear ,

(i. e. 4,166.67N), therefore the design is safe from the standpoint of tangential load.
(b) Check for dynamic load

Know, that the dynamic load,

WD = WT / Cv = 24,432.05 N / 0.75

WD = 32 576.07 N

Since this is more than WT = 4,166.67N, therefore the design is safe from the standpoint of
dynamic load.

(c) Check for static load or endurance strength

Know, that the flexural endurance limit for phosphor bronze is

σe = 168 MPa or N/mm2

∴ Static load or endurance strength,

WS = σe . b. π m . y

64 | P a g e JIT 2022
WS= 168 MPa× 96.23 mm × π × 12 × 0.1069

WS = 65 152.13 N

Since this is much more than WT = 4,166.67N, therefore the design is safe from the standpoint of
static load or endurance strength.

(d) Check for wear

Assuming the material for worm as hardened steel, therefore from Table above, we find that for
hardened steel worm and phosphor bronze worm gear, the value of load stress factor,

K = 0.55 N/mm2

∴ Limiting or maximum load for wear,

WW = DG . b . K

WW= 480 mm × 96.23 mm × 0.55 N/mm2

WW = 25 404.72 N

Since this is more than WT = 4,166.67N, therefore the design is safe from the standpoint of wear.

2. Design of worm shaft

Let dW = Diameter of worm shaft.

Know, that torque acting on the worm gear shaft,

T gear =1.25T =1.25 × 1000Nm

T gear =1 250Nm ………………...(Taking 25% overload)

∴ Torque acting on the worm shaft,

𝑇 𝑔𝑒𝑎𝑟 1 250Nm
Tworm = =
𝑉.𝑅. 40

Tworm = 31.25Nm

Know, that tangential force on the worm,

65 | P a g e JIT 2022
WT = Axial force on the worm gear

2 × 𝑇𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑚 2 × 31 250 Nmm

WT = =
𝐷𝑊 41.04mm

WT = 1522.904N

Axial force on the worm,

WA = Tangential force on the worm gear

2 × 𝑇𝑔𝑒𝑎𝑟 2 × 1 250Nm
WA = =
𝐷𝐺 0.48m

WA = 5,208.33N

And radial or separating force on the worm

WR = Radial or separating force on the worm gear

WR= WA . tan φ = 5,208.33N × tan 14½°

WR = 1,346.97 N

take the distance between the bearings of the worm shaft (x1) equal to the diameter of the worm
gear (DG), i.e.

x1 = DG = 480mm

∴ Bending moment due to the radial force (WR ) in the vertical plane

𝑊𝑅 × 𝑥1 1,346.97 N × 480mm
= =
4 4

=161,636.4Nmm and bending moment due to axial force (WA) in the vertical plane

𝑊𝐴 × DW 5,208.33N × 41.04mm
= =
4 4

= 53,437.47Nmm

∴ Total bending moment in the vertical plane,

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M1 = 161,636.4Nmm + 53,437.47Nmm

= 215,073.87 N-mm

Know, that bending moment due to tangential force (WT) in the horizontal plane,

𝑊𝑇 × DG 1522.904N × 480mm
M2 = =
4 4

M2 = 182,748.48Nmm

∴ Resultant bending moment on the worm shaft,

Mworm = √( M1 )2 + ( M2 )2

Mworm = √( 215,073.87 N − mm)2 + (182,748.48Nmm)2

Mworm = 282,230.01Nmm

Know, that equivalent twisting moment on the worm shaft,

Tew = √( Mworm )2 + ( Tworm )2

Tew = √( 282,230.01Nmm)2 + ( 31,250Nmm)2

Tew = 283,954.82Nmm

Know, that equivalent twisting moment (Te ),

Te = × Ⴀ(dw)3 ,
Ⴀ - shear stress of the worm shaft

Ultimate stress
factor of safety

Carbon steel material have been selected for worm shaft, where its ultimate stress is equal to 465
N/mm2 and we chose factor of safety, Fos = 4

465 N/mm2
Ⴀ= 4

Ⴀ = 116.25N/mm2
67 | P a g e JIT 2022

Te = × Ⴀ(dw)3

283,954.82Nmm = × (116.25N/mm2)(dw)3

(dw)3 = (283,954.82Nmm × 16)/(π × 116.25N/mm2)

(dw)3 = 12,440.17mm3

dw = 23.17mm take it as dw = 24mm

Checking, the maximum shear stress induced.

Know, that the actual shear stress,

16𝑇𝑒 16 × 283,954.82Nmm
Ⴀ= =
πd3w π(24mm)3

Ⴀ = 104.6N/mm2 and direct compressive stress on the shaft due to the axial force,

𝑊𝐴 5,208.33N
σc = π = π
𝑑2 (24mm)2
4 𝑤 4

σc = 11.513N/mm2

∴ Maximum shear stress,

τmax = 2 √( σ𝑐)2 + 4 ( Ⴀ)2

τmax = 2 √( 11.513N/mm2)2 + 4 (104.6N/mm2)2

τmax = 104.76 N/mm2

Since the maximum shear stress induced is less than Ⴀ = 116.25N/mm2 , therefore the design

of worm shaft is satisfactory.

4. Design of worm gear shaft

Let dG = Diameter of worm gear shaft.

68 | P a g e JIT 2022
We have calculated above that the axial force on the worm gear

= 1522.904N

Tangential force on the worm gear

= 5,208.33 N and radial or separating force on the worm gear

= 1,346.97 N

Know, that bending moment due to the axial force on the worm gear,

𝐴𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 × DG 1522.904𝑁 × 480mm

= =
4 4

= 182,748.48Nmm

The bending moment due to the axial force will be in the vertical plane.

Let us take the distance between the bearings of the worm gear shaft (x2) as 250 mm.

∴ Bending moment due to the radial force on the worm gear,

𝑅𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 × x2 1,346.97 N × 250mm

= =
4 4

= 84,185.625Nmm

The bending moment due to the radial force will also be in the vertical plane.

∴ Total bending moment in the vertical plane,

M3 = 182,748.48Nmm + 84,185.625Nmm = 266,934.105 N-mm

Know, that the bending moment due to the tangential force in the horizontal plane ,

𝑇𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 × x2 5,208.33 N × 250mm

M4 = =
4 4

M4 = 325,520.625 N-mm

∴ Resultant bending moment on the worm gear shaft,

69 | P a g e JIT 2022
Mgear = √( M3 )2 + ( M4 )2

Mgear = √( 266,934.105 N − mm)2 + (325,520.625 N − mm)2

Mgear = 420,972.08Nmm

Already calculated that the torque acting on the worm gear shaft,

T gear =1,250Nm

Know that equivalent twisting moment on the worm shaft,

Teg = √( Mgear )2 + ( Tgear )2

Teg = √(420,972.08Nmm)2 + ( 1,250,000Nmm)2

Teg = 1,318,983.508Nmm

Know, that equivalent twisting moment (Te ),

Teg = 16 ×Ⴀ(dG)3 ,

Ⴀ - Shear stress of the worm shaft

Ultimate stress
Ⴀ = factor of safety

Carbon steel material selected for worm shaft, where its ultimate stress is equal to 465 N/mm2
and we chose factor of safety, Fos = 4

465 N/mm2

Ⴀ = 116.25N/mm2


Teg = × Ⴀ(dG)3

70 | P a g e JIT 2022
1,318,983.508Nmm = × (116.25N/mm2)(dG)3

(dG)3 =(1,318,983.508Nmm × 16)/(π × 116.25N/mm2)

(dw)3 = 57,785.19mm3

dw = 38.66mm say 40mm


5.1. Introduction

The working of the vehicles wheel nuts remover and tighter is simple and can be performed by
anyone. It does not require any skills or anything, just basic knowledge about the setup is
required for operation. We developed the concepts that work under the principle of removing the
wheel nuts at the less time by automatic process with the help of a electric motor. It consists of
an electric motor, a shaft, box socket. First the machine setup is placed with correct fitting of the
box socket to the nut of the vehicle wheel. Then the motor regulator is turned on. The motor
drives the shafts which then lead the box socket at the end of the shaft. As the shaft rotates the
socket also turns and the nut in the wheels are thus removed or tightened by the rotation of the
socket. The tightening and removing process can be changed by changing the rotation of the
motor. Thus the wheel nut can be tightened and removed by this process. It is found to be a
simple process and very much convenient for every one for the tyre removal and tightening
process. Thus with this simple process we succeeded in making a convenient process in the tyre
replacement technique. By this setup the tire could be easily removed and tightened more
efficiently with less wastage of time and energy used.

5.2. Idea generation

There are different methods to overcome to the solution but before that identify the depth of the
problem. After knowing the problem with direct observation and one to one interview with the
mechanics, they are asked if there was product which they were used. And founded that a big
machine which can remove and reinstall wheel but it didn't work that product was done by

71 | P a g e JIT 2022
students who have got apparent chance in South road authority public service. So digging the
problem of that machine before implementing new idea is essential. We found that existing
machine couldn't work because of its hugeness, existing of unnecessary parts and many other
problems related to power and torque.

5.3 Using Reverse brainstorming

While the process of brainstorming is the generation of ideas to identify problem-solving

methods, reverse brainstorming starts with thinking about the causes of that problem. Focusing
on the causes of the problem may sometimes be more efficient than focusing on the solution. By
finding potential causes, you can work proactively to resolve or prevent the cause of the
problem. Often, teams use reverse brainstorming to improve products and services. we chose to
modify and re work the existing wheel nut remover machine.

5.4. Evaluation of ideas

Evaluation is a tool for making decisions, not a decision-making system so as much as possible
this project makes the evaluation through some criteria’s.

1. Clarity

➢ Fewest ideas were selected which is concentrated on the real problem

2. Usability

Does the idea fulfill a practical need? That is, does it answer some particular problem or meet
some particular market demand. Yeah it does if it does, is it likely that the idea can find a market
niche? The practicality, usability, and marketability of an idea are crucial.

➢ All questions were answered it is crucial

3. Stability

Is this idea answering a one-time unique need or customer demand? Does the idea have some
market stability over time, or is it a fad? Ideas that become antiquated before they even reach
market are ideas that should be selected with extreme caution.

72 | P a g e JIT 2022
➢ Yes it answers customer demand till there is bus customer and fabrication of bus.
4. Scalability

Is the prototype capable of being scaled? Can it be duplicated with consistency, meet continuous
standards, and be replicated in such a way that it can be produced and produced again without
constantly being reinvented or adjusted?

➢ Definitely it can be duplicated

We can select the idea that makes the fewest assumptions. By choosing an idea that has the
fewest unknowns a leader can safeguard against surprises and disasters.

5. Stickiness

Can this idea become a habit or a trend? Often "stickiness" is used from the utilitarian standpoint
(that is, its usability) but stickiness can also define its emotional appeal. Is the idea or prototype
capable of bringing to market a product that will be driven over time by the customers' sense that
it is a necessity?

➢ The idea is making working environment comfortable. So it's actually necessity in today's
6. Integration

Is this idea fully integrated with the organizational strategy? Often ideas and prototypes are
wonderful in their own right, but outliers in the organizational strategy may not receive the
organizational support necessary to sustain the viability of the effort. They will peter out. Great
ideas, usable prototypes must be integrated, or capable of being integrated with the overall
strategy of the organization.

➢ It integrate ps with the company's strategy

7. Profitability

This is usually what everyone focuses on. Competing ideas are always ranked by their perceived
earning potential.

➢ It is potentially profitable

73 | P a g e JIT 2022
5.5 Concepts
Alternative one
This device operates on the principle of gear arrangement system. It consists of five gears in
which the centre gear called pinion (driver) gear is used to drive three other gears (driver gear)
that meshed with it. This work may have solved the problem of five nut removal and force usage
utilization to some extent without the application of an electric motor or any hydraulic and
pneumatic devices. Quite several multi nut tighter or remover devices have been developed in
the present decade having similar construction features such as sun gear, planetary gear, shaft
carrying the box spanner etc. Some of these devices include those that are manually, electrically
and pneumatically controlled which are in commercial production around the globe. designed
and fabricated a five-wheel opening spanner. In the work, each of the five nuts is losing/tighten
individually by simultaneously applying the spanner/lever. Either with the help of mechanism
developed that one can loosen or tighten all five nuts at a time and at the single stroke of the
hand operated or motor operated lever. This is done by adjusting the five gears between two side
plates operated only by lever or input pinion shaft.

➢ Less weight relative to other alternatives but at a time last number of nuts will loosen.
➢ High mobility because of simplicity.

74 | P a g e JIT 2022
Figure 5.1 Multiunit remover

Alternative two

This device operates on the principle of gear arrangement system. It consists of 10 gears in
which the centre gear called pinion (driver) gear is used to drive six other gears (driver gear) that
meshed with it. This work may have solved the problem of 10 nut removal and force usage
utilization to some extent with the application of an electric motor or any hydraulic and
pneumatic devices.

➢ This type of multi nut remover will need high electric energy
➢ If it is hydraulic it needs pumps and
➢ If it is pneumatic it needs compressor
➢ It is very huge it is not possible for manual use
➢ It is difficult for mobility

Alternative three
This device operates on the principle of gear arrangement system. It consists of six gears in
which the centre gear called pinion (driver) gear is used to drive five other gears (driver gear)
that meshed with it. This work may have solved the problem of five nut removal and force usage
utilization to some extent without the application of an electric motor or any hydraulic and
pneumatic devices.

75 | P a g e JIT 2022
In the work, each of the five is losing/tighten individually by simultaneously applying the
spanner/lever. Either with the help of mechanism developed that one can loosen or tighten all
five nuts at a time and at the single stroke of the hand operated or motor operated lever. This is
done by adjusting the five gears between two side plates operated only by lever or input pinion

Figure 5.2 Multi nut removers

5.6. Concept selection

The following design consideration is taken into consideration with their respective priority to
select the best attentive.

➢ Cost..........................30%
➢ Functionality.............10%
➢ Manufacture ability....15%
➢ Control.......................10%
➢ Maintenance...............10%
➢ Wear...........................5%

Table1. Concept selection criteria

Design Alternative one Alternative two Alternative 3

76 | P a g e JIT 2022
Cost ✓ ✓
Function ability ✓ ✓
Safety ✓ ✓ ✓
Maintenance ✓ ✓
Control ✓ ✓
Manufacturability ✓ ✓
Weight ✓

The third concept or alternative is more appropriate for the problem

➢ Simple in estimate
➢ Less weight
➢ Low control utilization
➢ Can be worked effortlessly
➢ No use of electric resource

77 | P a g e JIT 2022


6.1. Results

Every car manufacturer provides tools such as L wrench and jack but easy and fast removal of
nuts using these tools requires a skilled person. But vehicle all wheels nut remover and tightener
allows driver to remove all nuts at once with less energy consumption and save time. In case of
emergency puncture in the tires of the ambulance, it will be a time consuming process for
removal of nuts. In those cases, it will be more useful in vehicle multi wheel nuts remover. The
vehicle multi wheel nut remover and tightened remove all the nuts by torque. The wheel will be
replaced by low consumption of time. The fabrication of all wheel nut removers tool was
completed by milling, welding and fitting process. So this design helps to avoid time wasting and
a lot of energy used to change the tire, it allows driver or mechanic to remove five wheel nuts at
once with little energy consumption.

6.1.1. Results of the Design Procedure

It works on the principle wheel is a very frequent job performed by the operator. Normally each
of the 5 nuts is losing/tighten individually by simultaneously applying Rotary motion with gear
arrangement either with the help of mechanism developed that one can loosen or tight all five
nuts at a time with motor operated multi nut spanner. This is done by adjusting the five gears
between two side plates operated only motor or input pinion shaft. Device for screwing or
unscrewing tightly the fixing bolts of a wheel of a vehicle. Which is directly coupled to the
wheel, comprising housing in the form of a parallel piped, a socket wrench and a sleeve fixed at
the end of an adjustable arm. Here, the socket wrench engages a fixing bolt of the wheel to be
screwed, the sleeve guaranteeing the stability of the housing of the device during the loosening
or tightening of the above-mentioned bolt, by engaging another fixing bolt of the wheel. The
housing contains a reduction gear assembly letting to loosen tighten the bolt, by rotating a crank
with minimal effort. Multi nut remover consists of three small input gear and five bigger output

78 | P a g e JIT 2022
6.1.2 Procedure to be followed during testing and designing

1. Firstly, the torque required for each nut using lug wrench will be tabulate using the torque
measuring equipment. Now, the time taken for removal of all nuts using each of equipment will
not down.

2. Then, the nuts are again re-tightening using all the tools mentioned tools and time required for
the same was noted.

3. Finally, all the results were analyzed and conclusion was drawn. The results of test proved that
the all-wheel nut remover could efficiently remove all the nuts simultaneously. Also, the tool is
efficient and with some required modifications could be efficiently used in future.

6.1.2 Usage

Requirements for using this device are

➢ There must be human effort for rotating the handle, also for suspend the machine.
➢ Then we have to insert the sockets to the nut perpendicularly by jumping one nuts in
between two sockets.
➢ Then check whether all sockets are plug in their place
➢ Following to that smoothly rotate the handle during this, the sun gear rotates and drive
the 5 gears in opposite direction then the gears drive the sockets and the nuts will be
➢ After loosening the nuts remove the nuts from the tire by our bare hand for accelerating
our work
➢ Then after maintenance we have to tighten the nuts to their original position using this
device with the same fashion but in different direction

6.1.3 Technical principle

➢ When sun gear rotates by human effort the 5 pinion gears also rotates in opposite
direction of sun gear.
➢ Thus, torque obtained at 5 pinion gears is transmitted to box spanner by shafts.
➢ Therefore, the 5 nuts of car wheel are tighten or removed at a time and effort and time
required by the user are reduced.

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6.1.4. Materials and manufacturing

Type of material used

1. Gears Mild steel 5

2. Shafts Mild steel 5

3. Bearings Mild steel 10

4. Nut bits steel 4

5. Stand Cast iron 1

6. Wheel Rubber & aluminium1

7. Metal plates Iron 2

8. Bolts Cast iron 4

9. Hand operated lever Iron 1

A. Gears

The commonly used generating processes used for the generation of gear teeth are:-

1. Gear Shaper Process

In this process a pinion shaped cutter is used which carries clearance on the tooth face and sides.
It carries a hole in the center for mounting on the stub arbor or spindle of the machine. The cutter
is mounted with the axis vertical and is reciprocated up and down by sliding the spindle head
along the vertical ways on the machine. In addition to the reciprocating motion, the cutter and the
gear blank both are rotated slowly their own axis. The relative speed of rotation of the two is the
same as the gear to be cut will have with a pinion of the same number of teeth as the cutter. It is
accomplished by providing a gear train between the cutter spindle and the work spindle. The
cutter in its rotation generates the tooth profile on the gear blank. All gears cut by the same cutter
will mesh correctly. This is specific advantage of this process over the forming process using
rotary cutters. Also it is a much faster process than rotary cutting.

80 | P a g e JIT 2022
2. Gear Planning

In this process rack type cutters for generating of spur. In volutes rack has straight edges and
sharp corners and hence can be manufactured easily and accurately. The cutters generate as they
are cut and as the name implies, the machine cuts the teeth by reciprocating planning action of
the Cutter. This is a true generating process since it utilizes the principle that an in volute curve
can be formed by a straight generator when a gear blank is made to roll without slip relative to
the generator.

3. Gear Milling

Milling is one of the metal removal process best known for making gear. Here a firm cutter is
passed through the gear blank to affect the tooth gap, helical gear, worm & worm wheel and
bevel gear can be manufactured by milling. Gear milling is less costly and less accurate process
and it is employed for the following:-

➢ Coarse pitch
➢ Gear Racks of all pitches Worms
➢ Toothed parts as sprockets and
➢ Ratchets.
The production capacity in this method is low since each space is machined separately and the
time is lost in re tuning the job to its initial position and in indexing for each tooth. In actual
practice a series of cutters are selected for a number of teeth to be milled.

3. Gear Hobbing

In this process, the gear blank is rolled with a rotating cutter majority of the involute gears are
produced by this method. A gear hob looks like a worm, but carries a number of straight flutes
(gashes), cut all around, parallel to its axis. This results in the production of separate cutting teeth
and cutting edges. In operation, the hob is rotated at as suitable speed and fed into the gear blank.
The blank also rotates simultaneously. The speeds of the two are so synchronizes that the blank
rotates through one pitch distance for each complete revolution of the hob. There is no
intermittent motion of the two and the generating continues steadily. The hob teeth are just like
screw threads, i.e. having a definite helix angle. The hob is, therefore tilted to its own helix angle

81 | P a g e JIT 2022
while cutting the gear so that its teeth are square with the blank and produces a true involute
shape. Out of all above processes we select the Gear Hobbing for the manufacturing of all the
gears. The various reasons for selection of this process are as following:-

➢ This process of making gears is continuous process.

➢ Very good accuracy.
➢ It is very fast process than other
B. Shaft

In the manufacturing of the shaft following operations are used:

1. Turning

It may be defined as the machining the operation for generating external surfaces of the
revolution by the action of the cutting tool on a rotating work piece. When the same action is
applied to internal surfaces of the revolution, the process is termed as boring.

2. Facing
Operation machines the ends of the work piece. It provides a surface which is square with the
axis of the work piece from which to start the job. Facing is done by feeding the cross slide or
compound in or out. In facing the cutting tool moves from the center of the job towards its
periphery and vice-versa. Facing is primarily used to smooth off a saw- cut end of a piece of bar
stock or to smooth the face of rough casting.
3. Cover or Base Plate

In the manufacturing of the Cover or Base Plate following operations are used

4. Drilling

This is the process of making holes in a work piece. Either the work piece rotate or drill is
stationary or vice-versa. When drilling on the lathe is being done, generally the work piece
rotates in the chuck and the drill held in the tail stock is fed into the work piece by means of the
hand wheel on the outer end of the tail-stock assembly. It is possible to do drill by holding and
rotating the drill in the lathe spindle while keeping the work stationary, supported by a special
pad mounted in tail-stock quill. Since drill feed is by hand, care must be taken, particularly in

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drilling small holes. Coolant should be withdrawn occasionally to clear chips from the hole and
to aid in getting coolant to cutting edges of the drill.

6.1.5. Safety
Ensure no change in nuts during loosening of nuts

➢ Tighten and loosen with gaps.

➢ Check the sockets for any wears..
➢ Ensure the sockets are the ones specified for use.
Tool preparation

➢ Secure socket with pin and O Ring.

➢ Ensure the handle is fit correctly.
➢ Careful not to drop any components when changing the direction of rotation.
➢ Ensure you are using the correct size socket.
Using safety rules for the labor is very suggesting

➢ Wearing hand gloves during usage of the device.

➢ Securing the device from eternal damage and corrosion

6.2. Discussions

We discuss on the existing wheel nuts remover which is a normal L wrench and nut spanners are
really inconvenient and difficult to use. It can remove only a single nut at a time and it requires
man power for removing and tightening of the nuts. Thus for old and weak peoples, the
replacement of the tyre by this normal method is really inconvenient and difficult process. Not
only for old people there are many examples like medical emergencies, job and everyone in this
world is really busy and in rush all the time. So in these cases where time is valuable this normal
method becomes really inconvenient. Therefore, to overcome these problems we designed
vehicles multi wheel nuts remover and lightener. This tool can be operated by anyone easily and
it removes all the five nuts in a single process. Thus our projects saves time and man power and
help everyone in their emergencies.

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6.2.1. Project outcome

The Internship experience and this project are designed to help students maximize their
understanding of Mechanical engineering through the integration of previous theoretical
classroom knowledge with practical experience. It also provides students working towards
professional mechanical engineers with an opportunity to develop insight in to the practical
application of academic knowledge.

The objective of the project is:

➢ It enables the student to identify and gain practical knowledge,

➢ Key skills and appropriate working attitude required for the work place through hand-
on experience.
➢ To integrate and apply the theory and research skill derived from his/her engineering
course work.
➢ Gain first-hand knowledge and a greater understanding of mechanical engineering
including the techniques and skills of professionals.
We have learnt the above things from this project

6.2.2. Process

Generally, spur gears are used for transmitting power between non-parallel intersecting shafts.
So spur gear arrangement is used for actuating the five socket spanners at a time. The cam and
follower mechanism is used for making the project adjustable. For this purpose, radial cam is
used because the follower moves in the direction perpendicular to the cam axis. And spherical
face follower is used because the side thrust and wear is considerably low.

6.2.3. Use of methods

The multi nut remover used to open the wheel nuts is designed for ergonomic, easy to handle and
requires small space for storage. However, it is difficult for women and the elderly drivers due to
high required torque to remove the nuts of the tire. If the nuts are successfully removed, the
problem to retighten the nuts will arise. If the required torque is not applied in tightening the
nuts, they will get loose, and this will endanger the driver’s safety. This tool can also function as
tire nuts lightener. Impact wrench which is commonly used for removing of tire nuts is also a

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time-consuming tool. For these reasons, to avoid wasting of time and energy, a special tool is
designed and fabricated to allow driver or mechanic to remove five nuts of tire at simultaneously
with little energy consumption. The design is based on standard pitch circle diameter for most of
the cars available. For designing of multi nut remover the basic fundamental of law of gearing
have to be followed in designing of gears. The fundamental law of gears state that, for a pair of
gear to transmit constant angular velocity ratio. The tooth profiles of these mating gears must be
designed in such a way that the common normal line or the line of action passes through a fixed
point, or also known as the pitch point, on the lines of the centres. The tire nut removal has been
designed In order to fabricate the various parts of Multi Nut Remover correctly we need to
design the model in Modelling Software. So, we have used SOLIDWORKS 2017 as suitable
CAD software for designing the tool.First, we have modeled all parts like Frame, Driver Gear,
Driven Gear, Sprockets, Handle, Shafts, Bolts, Nuts, Spanners according to dimensions using
various sketch entities and features in part drawing and then all these parts were assembled using

6.2.4. Lessons learnt

➢ Practical Skills
In the garage we have seen every possible vehicle maintenance skills by the senior auto
technicians. Those skills were very help full In the doing project, we have developed various
practical skills

➢ Team work skills

We have done this project with collaboration of ideas and so many things. In the garage every
maintenance work is done with cooperating, sharing what you know and asking what you do not
know, discussing and helping to each other. There is no such thing I work alone, even the best
engineer needs someone to look his back during work.

6.2.5. Further development

i. The multi nut remover is fixed to certain model of the car so in further work we will change
the tool into adjustable type which can be suited for any model of the car.

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ii. We will try to reduce the cost of the model infurther work.

iii. The weight of the model is heavy so in future we will try to reduce the weight by fabricating
the model with different lightweight materials.

iv. Now operating energy of the model is mechanical energy so in further step we will try to
arrange motor to rotate the tool.

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7.1. Conclusion

Thus the design and fabrication of vehicle all wheels nut remover and lightener is successfully
done. This project is practically implemented in south road authority and it found that the results
are positive. The project is economical, and it sustains all the required feasibilities. Vehicles all
wheels nut remover and lightener is a perfect tool for assembling and dismantling a wheel in a
four wheeler.

7.2. Recommendation

Before finalizing the final project we recommend to search for the available parts and materials
in the market, and find alternatives if the needed materials or parts are not available. In addition,
sometimes you can't find the needed parts in the local market, so we have seen many alternatives
and we come with the idea to exploit our resources. Despite the fact that the tire removing
machine works effectively, the following recommendations are made;

1. The tire multi nut removing machine should be redesigned in order to accommodate the bigger
tires such as the Lorries‟ tires which are very big and heavy for this design.
2. The machine should always be kept clean, lubricated and in a dry environment in order to
prevent corrosion and distortion of the support

7.3. Future Work

It act as a convenient and simple method for trye replacement process thus It is more suitable in
using this setup for tire removal in every vehicles for reducing the time consumed and for
reducing the man power wasted for the tyre replacement and to overcome the emergency
situations. Thus the vehicle multi wheel nuts remover and tightener can be used in bus garages
and can be carried in each vehicle for instant tyre replacement which saves lot of time and
energy for every persons.

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1. Cover

2. Crank

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3. Flat head screw

4. Instrument ball bearing

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5. Nut socket

6. Shaft gear

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7. Shaft key

8. Shaft pinion

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9. Spure gear

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Table 2 specifications for standard gear teeth


Table 3.number of starts or threads on the worm


Table 4. specified formulas for single,double and triple threaded worms

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Table 5. specified formulas single double and triple thread


Table 6. load stress factor for relative materials

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