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Internship report



CHAIR. Prepared by Frehiwot Eyasu

My name is Frehiwot Eyasu I am fourth year Garment engineering student
in Wolkite University have undertaken my internship experience in Desta
garment plc. From period of March 15\03\2016 to June 30\06\2016 under
the guidance of Mr.Alemayu (academic adviser) and Ms. Nabila (company

I assure this the report contains actual data and project I assigned to work on
the intern ship stay. The content of the report are my own and has not been
submitted to any other university or institute.

Student name Signature Date

Frrehiwot Eyasu 17/10/2016

Name of the academic adviser Signature Date

Mr. Alemayewu 17/10/2016

First of all I would like to thanks my God for his unspeakable gift and his
help of my entire life. Next thanks to my profound gratitude and deep
regard for Wolkite University for this internship experience. I would like
to thank my advisor Mr. Alemayu for the guidance, monitoring and
constant encouragement throughout the course of this project. And also I
would like thanks to my parent and family for providing me with the best
of opportunities and having faith in my abilities. I wish to thank all my
friends who share your idea.

Executive Summary
This final report covers my internship practice which I have been working
in garment evolution factory from March, 2016 up to June 2016. For the
past three months. It is a clear fact that the knowledge of garment
engineering cannot be up graded without practical experience in each
field of the subject matter.

This paper is a written report about the internship program which was
planned is a written report about the internship program which was planned
to help apparent students grasp practical know- haw of engineering projects,
their design, implementation, evaluation and management in general

This report has different section and also discusses about this
departments. The report covers three chapters, chapter one: discusses
about the historical background of the company, customers, products,
location, mission, vision. Organizational structure and also discusses
about main departments of this company.

Chapter two: discussed about project work which I have done on

improving sewing section ergonomics in Desta garment plc. The project
contains project title, project statements, objective of the project,
methodology, identified problem and their solutions and conclusions and

Chapter three: presents about my experience and my work tasks I

performed during the Three month internship program there are points
which has been facing when I am performing my work tasks what
measures I have taken to those problems and benefits I have gained from
my internship program, the benefits are explained in this chapter,

Chapter three conclusion and recommendations which I recommend to
the internship experience and the references I used are written at the end
of this project report.

Table of Contents
ACNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................... ii
Executive Summary ................................................................................................. iii
1.1 The objective of Desta plc. ....................................................................... 2
1.2 The mission of Desta plc........................................................................... 3
1.3 The vision of Desta plc. ............................................................................ 3
1.4 DESTA STRATEGIES ............................................................................. 3
1.5 THE MAIN MATERIAL FOR PRODUCT ............................................. 4
1.6 PROCESS FLOW OF THE COMPANY ................................................. 5
1.7 Organizational structure ............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.8 Available machine in the company ........................................................... 7
1.9 Finishing room available machine .......................................................... 10
1.10 Product variety in garment evolution factory.......................................... 11
1.11 Department detail .................................................................................... 11
1.11.1 Designing and Sample making ....................................................... 11
1.11.2 Cutting and spreading department .................................................. 14
1.11.3 Embroidery room ............................................................................ 17
1.11.4 Sewing room ................................................................................... 18
1.11.5 Finishing section ............................................................................. 21
Store room....................................................................................................... 22
1.11.6 Merchandising................................................................................. 23
1.11.7 Quality controlling .......................................................................... 24
1.12 Some of Desta garment major customer and partners are listed below .. 24
1.13 Variety of product and style .................................................................... 25
IN DESTA GARMENT .......................................................................................... 27

2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 27
2.2 LITRATURE REVIEW .......................................................................... 27
2.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT ..................................................................... 30
2.4 OBJECTIVE OF STUDY ....................................................................... 31
2.4.1 General objective ............................................................................ 31
2.4.2 Specific objective ............................................................................ 31
2.5 Scope of the project ................................................................................ 32
2.6 Significance of the project ...................................................................... 32
2.7 Limitations of the study .......................................................................... 33
2.8 METHODOLOGY ................................................................................. 33
2.8.1 Primary data .................................................................................... 33
2.8.2 Secondary data ................................................................................ 34
2.9 Data analysis ........................................................................................... 34
Current setting chair............................................................................................ 35
.......................................................................................................................... 36
2.10 RECOMMENDATION .......................................................................... 37
3 Chapter three: benefits gained from internship ............................................... 38
3.1 Practical skills ......................................................................................... 38
3.2 The basic practical skills I improved ...................................................... 39
3.3 Theoretical knowledge ............................................................................ 40
3.4 Interpersonal communication skill .......................................................... 40
3.5 Team playing skill................................................................................... 41
3.6 Leadership skill ....................................................................................... 41
3.7 Work ethics and industry psychology: - ................................................. 42
The internship made me to avoid personal issues on work time and to keep my
positive attitude and I remember that I have smaller tasks to handle prior to
my large, more important ones. ...................................................................... 42
3.8 Being familiar for Entrepreneur-ship skill: -........................................... 42
3.9 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................... 43

3.10 RECOMMENDATION .......................................................................... 43
3.11 Reference ................................................................................................ 44
3.12 Appendix ................................................................................................. 44

Table 1Organization structure..................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defi

Table 2 Sewing room available machines............................................................................................................................
Table 3 Cutting room machines available............................................................................................................................

Bekele Abshiro PLC was established in 1959. Since and currently
company deal with import and export of a wide range of products;
including fitness equipment, raw material for shoe making, confectionary
brands, and building materials, all from twenty countries including the
United States, Germany, Korea, Japan, England, South Africa, UK and
Taiwan. It is located Bole, Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

DESTA PLC established in 1992, Desta PLC is manufacturing products

including plastic products including shoe and shoe soles. Due to using top
line injection molding machines The Company has been manufacturing
capacity of more than 3000 pairs of shoes per day, and uses more than
200 tons of PVC (plastic raw material) per month.

In 1996, due to the significant increase in demand for products, the

company expanded and almost doubled by capacity. The company also
acquired to make products like shoe lace and textile accessories to
domestic market.

In 2013, Desta finalized the preparation of garment production lines with

75 workers and 153 machines including S/N, 3THREADover lock, 5
thread over lock, double needle, chain stitch, button hole, button attach,
multi needle, cover stitch, zigzag, feed of the arm, bar tuck, snag button,
bind cutter, fusing m/n, boilers, ironing m/n and fusing machines to
compliment the growing demand for garment export from Ethiopia. It has
employed high level experts to meet the high quality standard from
buyers around the world. . It has employed high level experts to meet the
high quality standard from buyers around the world. Desta is producing
high level garment products for exports to Europe, USA and Canada.

Desta will continue to invest more resources into this sector to be more
competitive and maintain the high quality standard required in the
international market. It has already invested in the expansion of high
quality textile accessories production to compliment the growing demand
for export.

Embroidery services Desta PLC provides the finest stitching and

needlework currently available in Ethiopia’s growing textile market.
Their embroidery services are timely, cost-effective, and appropriate for a
range of fabrics, colors and materials. We allow garment companies -
both domestic and abroad - time for what they do b

The objective of Desta plc.

To increase product diversity and product categories across
various parts of the value chain to build the backward
integration and to open new market access opportunities.
To create job opportunities for Ethiopian peoples.
Develop technology of variety of garment style to satisfy
domestic and international market.
TO produce quality products to meet the customer
To compute in international market across the world

1.1 The mission of Desta plc.
As part of the movement for global justice, and support
garment workers’ demands through strategic action aimed to
those are involved in the production, marketing and
consumption of clothing
Thoroughly understand and satisfying diversified garment
demand and enhancement of the quality of the quality of life
of its customer and community.
Develop technologies of Varity of Garment style to satisfy
domestic and International market.

1.2 The vision of Desta plc.

Is to be one among the front runner in Ethiopia and global supply
chain of garment.
Uninterrupted supplies of flawlessly created garment exclude
perfection in every strand.
Giving maximum satisfaction to the end users.
To become the leading factory in Ethiopia fashionable garment
industry that incorporated state of the art technology process and
garment techniques in the world with local creative design
capabilities aiming to supply high quality fashion garments.
To produce modern styles for customer


Develop a strong customer relation
Engage in a continuous product development endeavor

Devise and implement method of reducing cost of production
without affecting quality of products. Provide continuous personnel
training and capacity building.



The main raw materials are 100%cotton fabric, polyester viscose

and polyester cotton. The main suppliers are almeda textile s.co,
hawasa textile factory, currently saygindima.


The main accessory of the garment unit is button and zipper.

It’s supplied by local agents









Figure 1 Process flow

2 Secretary 01
3 Merchandiser 01
4 Asset Merchandiser 01
5 Purchaser 01
6 Store in charge 01
7 Asset Store 02
8 Design & sample in charge 01
9 Pattern maker 02
10 Sample maker 04
11 Cutting in charge 01
12 Embroidery Operator 09
13 Spreading Operator 09
14 Bundle operator 09
15 Data Clerk 04
16 Marker Maker & Cutter 03
17 Sewing line supervisor 04
18 Sewing operator 112
19 Line QC 04
20 Final QC 08
21 Auditor 01
22 Finishing Supervisor 01
23 Ironing operator 10
24 Folding Packing operator 10
25 Senior mechanics 01
26 Junior mechanic 01
27 Electrician 01
28 Helper 24

1.6 Available machine in the company
Table 1 Sewing room available machines

Machine Needle type No of No of Image

type used thread


1 Single DB*1 1 36
2 Two dp*5 2 2
3 Over Dc*27 3-5 38

4 Chain TV*7 4-5 9
5 Zigzag Dp*5 2 1
6 Button DP*17 2 2
7 Button Dp*5 2 2
8 Bar tack Dp*5 2 1
9 Cover UY*128 3&5 26
10 Feed of uY*128 4-5 2
11 Snap - 2
12 Pico tic DP*5 4 1

Table 2 Cutting room machines available

N Machine type No of Blade Image

o machine Type
1 Edge cutter 2 Round

2 Cloth drill 1 -

3 Fusing machine 1 -

4 Spreading table 2 -

5 Bundling/sorting 1 -
/ table
6 Pressing 1 -
7 Straight knife 2 Straigh

8 Band knife 1 straight

9 Round knife 1 .round

1.7 Finishing room available machine

Boiler Figure 2 boiler and ironing machine

Ironing Machine
They also use material like

 Hunger

 Gun tag

 Polly bag

 Cartons

 Plaster

Gun tag Hunger

Figure 3 Gun tag and hunger

1.8 Product variety in garment evolution factory

Main products of the company

• Shirts

• Trousers,

• Polo- shirt

• Sport wear

• T-shirts

• Dresses & blouses Gowns

• Pajama etc…….

1.9 Department detail

1.9.1 Designing and Sample making
Designing room is located in front of sewing room on 2ndFlore besides
Administer building. The designing room contains sewing machines, two
tables, two shelves and one locker. Two single needles, two over lock,
one zigzag stich and one cover stitch machines. Two tables used for
pattern making. One shelf used for sample garments storing, and the other
one use for hanging pattern papers. The locker used for saving designers
documents. Designing room also has one hanger frame to hang samples.

In these room their many problems, among the problem the following are

Pattern papers look bulky and unorganized. Pattern papers placed in

cartons and master pattern from abroad which is now in production line
set on separated callas in the designing room.

Designing room has not fully materials and machines so in order to do

sampling designer travels many paths this is tire full work and time
taking. Assume that how much time, effort, energy and patency it take to
make one sample and how much samples can be done in one working day

in normal 8 hours.

Figure 4 Sample and design room

1.9.2 Cutting and spreading department
In desta Garment PLC cutting section locate at first Flore.

Works done in cutting section are the following:

Marker making
Spreading and splicing
Numbering, sorting, and bundling

Cutting section almost it is fully manual; except it cut by machine.

Marker making is performed manually and its efficiency undetermined is

Marker making is done by manual

Spreading taken please most of the time at one end of cutting table only,
and these create other work to move the spread of fabric from that end
other one by sliding by group of people. The fabric roll holder is one, so it
is difficult to spread two spreads at once.

Since there is couple of clippers only in use cutting section, it is difficult

to spread knitted, stripes, check fabrics in good quality and in short time

The Quality checker allows check pattern peaces with cut pieces at the
last upper few pieces. Numbering, Sorting, bundling is done in these
section on.

Numbering and ticketing: - numbering and bundling are done in the
factory by writing on parts. Numbering and ticketing is done by checking
for defective peace inspection and color variation. . After numbering is
given the dispatcher will count and bundle parts for overall 20-30 pieces
at one bundle.


There are four spreading table, after the required fabric is brought into the
cutting section from the .The number of lays depends upon the requirement
of the sewing and the number of the garment to be produced. After the
fabric is laid, if the fabric is knitted its directly cut because its already
marked by chalk, but in case of others the marker paper is spread on the lay
where the pattern is already drawn and it is cut to know the consumption of
the fabric for the garment. The spreading operators carry out aligning
operation on the side of the lay by considering the way in which they
improve their speed and also way in which they minimize wastage at the
start and at the end of the roll.

Spreading the fabric on the spreading table.

Figure 5 spreading machine1
Make the marker making copy from the pattern.
The using of marker mode is either way.
The using of spreading mode is nap one way.
The arranging of cutting lay size by size.
The factory using of splicing method is without splicing method.
bundling the fabric size by size (numbering &tying)
Cutting and fusing machine fusing
There are two types of cutting machine need to the factory
 Straight knife
 Bund knife

This operation is the main activities where the pre-production operations
are carried out. In this section the marker maker make marker plan

efficiently for different fabric according to different fabric characteristics.
For carrying out this activity there is supervisor

Figure 6 Marker making

1.9.3 Embroidery room
Each embroidery machine has its own CPU which have to been
control every activity (operation) of machine.

Type of this embroidery machine is classified by their number of thread

This are nine thread

Twenty thread

Six thread

Twelve thread

9-Thread 6-Thread

12-Thread CPU

Figure 7 embroidery machines

1.9.4 Sewing room

The sewing section is the back bone in garment production. Sewing is the
longest time taking and high labor intensive operation. It is impossible to
automate fully due to fabric limpness property and high fashion style
change behavior of the market. Work sampling in the factory work

sample is hanged in the front of lines or at the line end. Daily target
hourly and daily production write on white bored.

This will create awareness of what expects from workers and incite
workers for better work.

Material flow is not on proper way of direction back tracking of material

is many process happening. Material flow is not balanced. There is no
material handling equipment for transporting bundles and materials.
Supervisors and operators are transporting bundles by caring on their
shoulder. Ergonomically the working area is not designed equally for
different works. Center table is used to place work in progress or bundle.
Rework in the operations is high. Damage part some time passes some
sequences and most damaged part seen by quality checker. There is no
ventilation system or air condition system to manage the room
temperature and humidity. There is no relaxation time to take a break
between full work hours except lunch time and they take 30 minutes for
eating and refreshing. There is no suitable house prepared for break and
eating their food and cafeteria.

I understand the company use progressive bundling system and use

productive layout type. Each operator receive bundle does her work reties
the bundle passes to the next operator. The product done sequential, the
arrangement of machine in one line is depend on the sequence of
operation. The arrangement of change when the product type or style

In this room there is eight teams each team has two lines. Line A and line
B. each line constancies 12 machine. Operator’s helper and one or two
supervisor and quality checkers in every line.


Figure 8 sewing room

1.9.5 Finishing section

It is one part of garment section in desta PLC.

Operations incorporate in the finishing section in are following

Final quality checking
Packaging and label attaching or hanging
The finishing section has not fully infrastructure in all needed materials.
Employees are work at ergonomically bad work conditions. Workers
work at standing position but the table is not properly designed for stand
up work position. Work area is not well organized there is not material
handling equipment for transportation and for other work. In this section
factory does not use any special machinery except steam iron. There are
rectangular shaped hard paper used as folding toll

Figure 9 finishing room

Store room
This room is constructed with heavy duty during the time of
establishment this room is developed to satisfy the heavy duty by keeping
stock for production time. But during different unit expansion there is no
expansion in the store room. They think to solve the problem is by
making satellite store in every unit that can store the amount required by
the section. the stock keeping procedure is the required amount of the raw
material is purchased using purchasing requisite format and they send to
different local textile company and if its need to be imported them send to
different agent. They buy material there commonly purchased from
almeda and hawasa T.S.C some time raw material come from china.
During the time they prepare store room issue send to different satellite
stores in every section.

For finished goods they have temporary ware house that stock finished

1.9.6 Merchandising
In garment industry merchandiser is the bridge between management
(industry)and buyer. The merchandising department of the factory mainly
works on the marketing strategy. The following are main tasks of
merchandising design different market penetrating strategieshandling and
searching new potential buyers and customers. Import different type of
input materials based factory interest and customer satisfaction
preparation export document give order to preproduction department to
prepare sample based on customer specification sheets and sample
participating in different bodies exposed to show factories products from
privies customer orders and their own design.

1.9.7 Quality controlling
In sewing area each line has inspection in line and off linen inspection
.inline inspection is before garment making random inspection inside
sewing area. Offline inspection is 100% inspection after garment
production out of sewing area and sort the control garment in two first
second quality and repairable garments. Spot cleaning this can be
reprocessed and reclassified as first or second quality garment again.
Quality is an issue greatly concerned in desta plc.garment factory. Quality
checking is done in different at stages to minimize defective garment
pieces are produce out. The quality controlling team of inside the
company members works at different section. . These are:

Cutting piece quality controlling

In line quality controlling
End line quality controlling and
Final quality inspection

1.10 Some of Desta garment major customer and partners are

listed below

1.11 Variety of product and style

Figure 10 Variety of product and style

2.1 Introduction
Ergonomics is the science of fitting jobs to people. The discipline
encompasses a body of knowledge about physical abilities and limitations
as well as other human characteristics that are relevant to job design.
Ergonomics can help prevent injuries and limit secondary injuries as well as
accommodate individuals with various disabilities; including those with
musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).The clothing industry is generally seen
as a safe place to work. Compared to other industries, there are relatively
few serious accidents in clothing plants. The hazards we face are different.
The major health risks in this industry do not arise from immediate,
potentially fatal hazards. Instead, the risks that clothing workers face come
from more subtle hazards whose effect accumulate over time.


(Ergonomic handbooks for the clothing industry) say some point below

Ergonomics is a topic that affects us all; yet few of us Have a good

understanding of what the term actually means or realize how it affects us.

Ergonomics is a science that focuses on designing a job for the worker. An

ergonomically-designed job would ensure that a taller worker had enough
space to safely perform his or her job, and also that a shorter worker could
reach all of his or her tools and products without reaching beyond a
comfortable and safe range. The opposite to this, and what typically
happens in the workplace, is that a worker is forced to work within the
confines of the job or workstation that is already in place.

This may require employees to work in awkward postures, perform the
same motion over and over again or lift heavy loads – all of which could
cause work-related musculoskeletal disorders (wmsd).These injuries often
start as minor aches and pains but can develop into disabling injuries that
affect our activities of daily living such as laundry, hobbies (knitting, golf,
etc.) and even the ability to pick up our children.

Ergonomics aims at preventing injuries by controlling the risk factors such

as force, repetition, posture and vibration that can cause injuries to develop.

Ergonomics can be defined simply as the study of work. More specifically,

ergonomics is the science of designing the job to fit the worker, rather than
physically forcing the worker’s body to fit the job. Adapting tasks, work
stations, tools, and equipment to fit the worker can help reduce physical
stress on a worker’s body and eliminate many potentially serious, disabling
work related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).

Ergonomics draws on a number of scientific disciplines, including

physiology, biomechanics, psychology, anthropometry, industrial hygiene,
and kinesiology.

(U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health

Administration OSHA 3125 2000 (Revised))

Chair is the most important part of is the company workstation. The chair
has to fit you and suit the tasks that you do. One style of chair may not suit
every worker.

For example, the “average” chair is designed in some instances to fit the
average male and may not suit other users.

When looking for a chair it is important that the users have the option to try
several different designs prior to finalizing any purchase. A trial period
should be long enough to allow for an opportunity to try the chair (i.e.
several weeks) and to provide comments or concerns with the chair.


The following features are part of a good office chair. A chair is only
“ergonomic” if you can adjust it to fit you. Get to know your chair by
experimenting with the controls, so you can make adjustments quickly and

General Chair Features

◆ 5-caster swivel base

◆ Height adjustable seat pan

◆ Tilt adjustable back rest

◆ Ability to make adjustments easily while sitting in the chair

◆ Firm padding covered with non-slip, breathable fabric

Seat pan

◆ Rounded front edge

◆ Wide and deep (long) enough to fit you comfortably

◆ Adjustable in angle

Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Inc. (Office Ergonomics

Handbook 12) Your Chair Backrest

◆ Padding for the low back area that is curved to fit the shape of your back

◆ Height adjustable (separate from seat pan)

◆ Adjustable angle with locking mechanism

◆ Wide and high enough to fit your back comfortably


When we sit, our back tends to lose some of its natural curvature. An
effective lumbar support of a chair is designed to help maintain the natural
curvature of the spine when sitting. It is important to provide appropriate
support for the spine so that there is no discomfort or pain . If you are
feeling pain while sitting, the lumbar support of your chair may not be
placed correctly.


uncomfortable chair for operator when they sewing
Workstations are too dim. Light sources are not arranged properly
and shadows create uneven light across the work surface. Shiny
surfaces that reflect light or task lights that shine directly into the
operator’s eyes create glare.
Knee switches are located in a poor position and are hard, creating
contact stress on the leg
The operators setting are not properly.

problem in sewing room

10% lithing

70% seting position

20% ventilater 20% ventilation
70% seting position 10%lithing

Figure 11 Problem in sewing room


There are two type of objective
1. General and
2. specific objective

2.4.1 General objective

Improving productivity in terms of ergonomics in sewing section by
creating suitable working condition for operator.

2.4.2 Specific objective

Reduce line set up time and fatigue by improving
Improve work safety

Reduce work fatigue
Reduce material searching and access time To developing
the company’s availability workplace and creating a good
To improve working condition for the worker by
To improve health condition of the operators. By using
proper materials like chair, table, scissors etc……
To replace the unsuitable chairs with the new one.

2.5 Scope of the project

I study internship in Desta garment plc. improve working condition
in sewing section. Reduce hazard, minimize labor force creating
safety in sewing section

2.6 Significance of the project

By conducting this project I sought to identify and describe possible
ergonomics Deficiencies in the workstations of sewing machine operators in
Desta garment plc. their perceptions of workload and bodily discomfort. A
case study approach was used in which work and worker characteristics
within this factory were measured and analyses. It was believed that by
identifying these work site problems, policies could be developed and
preventative measures taken to combat many of the musculoskeletal
problems encountered by workers in Desta garment plc.
This study would help to achieve the following objectives.

Better working condition for workers in the company by reduces the

stress level of workers improving the productivity of workers.

2.7 Limitations of the study
Lack of material,knowledge,disincentives, misunderstanding and internet
access to write and search important information for m y project. The
employee's willingness to participate with this study may alter the results.

2.8.1 Primary data

In this project direct observation is used as a means to assess the techniques

used in documentation and production process. I was collecting data
carefully by observing the garment room from the cutting section to the


The design of the interviews was based on the project objectives Interview
was the major instrument I used in order to collect some information. First I
prepare questions that related with this project and I asked those questions
to whom it concerned. Those persons are.

Ans1 :it is not comfortable

Ans 2: No it is not suitable, it create bend our body and create body

Factory head ;
Ans: because if the chair comfortable production will be
decrease. They are not work properly there work

2.8.2 Secondary data
By reading small written material like annual report, production process
report, and my formal academic course hand out.

By using internet and soft materials.

I use internet as a data collection method to compare the real work with the
standard; and to get references such as;

2.9 Data analysis

I analysis my project by qualitative method

The problem of this Chair is: create injuring

Numbness and tingling
Stiffness or cramping
Inability to hold objects or loss of grip strength
It is un flexible for operator
It creates stress to operator because it is not comfortable.
It does not adjust for opera by their height

Figure 12 Setting chair
Current setting chair

Figure 13 Suggest chair for company

Advantage of above chair for company

1: To suitable for operator

2: To improve health of operators.

3: Easily to up and down according the operators height.

4: To easy move place to place during grip and pick of piece

5: Firm cushioning on the backrest and seat pan

6: the backrest can be adjusted in height and from

Front to back

Give training for Operators:
Improving working condition for operator(VENTILETION,NATURAL
Use comfortable chair for worker
To increase the product must use suitable working condition.
Avoid awkward postures

3 Chapter three: benefits gained from internship
This internship is such a wonderful that make me to gain valuable
experience and to expand our personal network. It will definitely help in
deciding a career choice as well as getting experience in our future career.
Our internship gave me the opportunity to apply our theoretical knowledge
learned with the class room to real-world activity. It also gives me an in-
depth analysis of what it really likes to work within our field of study and it
benefited in that we were able to see all the different areas and we were
given a chance to create new relationships with both organization and staffs.
Before doing our internship we were not sure what we wanted to do when
we graduated, so we thought some real-life experience that would help to
set our future activities and we get more experience in our field of study.
Garment is such a broad field of study. There is so much we can do with
this field. After doing my internship we found that we wanted to work more
in our career goal before but our internship makes to like and do more and
also expanded our personal network in this field. This internship helps us to
apply our theoretical knowledge on to the real work.
Employers are usually more concerned with our work experience than our
qualification and this internship are often the only way to get work
experience we need to secure a job. In more competitive job market it is
essential to set us apart from others. Generally the overall benefits that I
have gained from this internship are;

3.1 Practical skills

During the internship period we have advanced our previous practical skill
and we have gained many new knowledge and skills regarding the working

principle and parts of the machines. As a result, using the new skills and
knowledge we could know how work is done.

3.2 The basic practical skills I improved

The internship problem has many purposes to achieve it is intended to help
students gain and important skills in terms of all aspects these are:
Improving practical skills
Up grading theoretical knowledge
Improving leader ship skills:-skill to guide control monitor peoples.
Understanding about work ethics, punctuality, responsibility, honesty.
I learn observing and controlling of the quality of the product.
I practice how to create (doing) machine
I see different types of garment products and how to make them.
I learn to attend safety precaution to produce products and also to be
safe from hazards.
I learn how to make marker for different types of products
I know how to spread fabrics on the spreading table.
I learn how to cut the lay/number of plies by using straight knife and
band knife machines.
I know how to make ticketing and bundling process.
I know the operators are the main catalyst in garment industries.
I learn how to produce products produced in the fore factory.
I learn experience more than learning.
I learn how to receive customers from ordering time to shipping time.
I know how the machine goes operate.

When I was working in my company I tried to get all knowledge
available in the factory to sharpen my theoretical knowledge. This
program has helped me to know: - Work flow of the company
production, Preparation of office works, Engineering problems and their
solutions, Form work of the factory & how to prepare work schedule of
the company.
The works I was executing as assistance as shift leader engineer has
given me clue how to discharge my carrier in the future after graduation.
These tasks were; Supervise works under execution, Order works, check
the flow process, Check works after completion and Discuss on

3.3 Theoretical knowledge

As we know practical skills cannot be attained without having theoretical
knowledge. Practical aspects are done as a reflection of theoretical
understandings. Knowing this we have tried to relate each and every
practical skill with the theoretical knowledge that we have already acquired.
This helped us to develop our theoretical knowledge. In addition it helped
us to get theoretical knowledge that we will get in the future class.
In general, during this internship period, we have advanced our theoretical
knowledge and we have gained many new theoretical knowledge and skills
for developing our second task.

3.4 Interpersonal communication skill

Since Garment is a broad industry so that it requires a joint effort to work
with employer. But the environment by itself forces someone to develop
interpersonal communication skill. Moreover in order to share experience
with coworkers someone needs to have good communication skill and

approach. Having this nature the internship program helps us to develop our
interpersonal communication skills.
Generally it helps me;
To be good listener and speaker
Be polite
Attack ideas not people
Think legally
Avoid faulty generalization
Avoid confusing
Respect others etc.

3.5 Team playing skill

Since internship is done in group it needs cooperation of individuals in the
crew. When work is done in group, different ideas will be raised at the
beginning and through discussion that idea will come to one conventional idea.
For this to happen one must have good team playing skill and tolerance.
Moreover, we have learned how to convince someone with opposite idea and
how to accept ideas that are supported with convincing evidences.

3.6 Leadership skill

Someone needs a high level commitment and ability to lead the workers of
the company. The organization’s internship supervisor is the one who is in
charge of controlling each and every worker and work flow in the crew.
Even if the organization’s internship supervisor is above all of us there are
some responsibilities given for each individual.
What I understand is that, if someone is expected to be effective in the
leader ship position, then the following traits must be achieved;

being influential
good decision making ability
administration skill
being confident on things done
create smooth relation with the workers but never cross the line
good speaking and convincing ability

3.7 Work ethics and industry psychology: -

The internship made me to avoid personal issues on work time and to keep
my positive attitude and I remember that I have smaller tasks to handle prior
to my large, more important ones.
I also develop the following things after my internship program

Build motivation and work ethics

Punctuality and accountability to a given task
Transparency in working once duty
Respecting and friendship building with co-workers.
Strong working relations with operators in the company

Internship enables me to act as advisers, professionals, provide

recommendations for how to resolve conflicts, increase productivity, and
improve employee morale, among other things.

3.8 Being familiar for Entrepreneur-ship skill: -

Entrepreneurs are a people who are able to develop new business & affect
the overall condition of the global economy. When I was in ambassador
garment factory I saw a lot of business opportunity that can create wealth.
In my 3 and month internship industrial visiting I saw a lot of points.

Generally an internship is an interesting engineering capacity building
program and must be continued for the future with an improved cooperation
of universities and governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Internship makes the interns to compare the student life and the real world
life and help them to develop new and real knowledge, build practical skill,
upgrade and apply theoretical knowledge and so on.

Internship also makes benefit able for the three parties involved in the
program. These parties are university, student and hosting companies. The
student are benefited by acquiring skills and knowledge and work
experiences for the future to be hired in the companies they are hosted. The
universities are benefited by achieving their goals i.e. the universities
graduate their students with full capacity to compute on the world market.
Whereas hosting companies are benefited from getting experienced workers
for their company.

Some problem in Desta garment plc.

No printing machine.
The spreading machines dose no work.
They are not use CAD system
There is short time for rest

Use printing machine to minimize cost of transportation, time money.

Maintain spreading machine and use it to speed their production time. Reduce
labor cost on spread fabric.

Must use CAD and system to minimize marker producing time .

Give rest time for employer.

3.11 Reference
 www.ergonomics.org
 www.osha.gov

3.12 Appendix
TPM- total productive maintenance

SNLS- single needle lock stitch machine

QM- quality management

OL- over lock

Ans- answer

PLC-private limited company

WMSD- work-related musculoskeletal disorders

For question line operator;

Are suitable with stable and smooth working surfaces provided at the
necessary work stations?

Do your chair comfortable?

Question for line supervisor;

Can the height chairs or benches be altered to suit different workers and
avoid unnecessary bending or high hand position?

Question For factory head;

Why do your company use not adjustable chair?


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