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Chapter 13

Rigid Body Motion and Rotational


13.1 Rigid Bodies

A rigid body consists of a group of particles whose separations are all fixed in magnitude. Six
independent coordinates are required to completely specify the position and orientation of a
rigid body. For example, the location of the first particle is specified by three coordinates. A
second particle requires only two coordinates since the distance to the first is fixed. Finally,
a third particle requires only one coordinate, since its distance to the first two particles
is fixed (think about the intersection of two spheres). The positions of all the remaining
particles are then determined by their distances from the first three. Usually, one takes
these six coordinates to be the center-of-mass position R = (X, Y, Z) and three angles
specifying the orientation of the body (e.g. the Euler angles).
As derived previously, the equations of motion are
P = mi ṙi , Ṗ = F (ext) (13.1)
L= mi ri × ṙi , L̇ = N (ext) . (13.2)

These equations determine the motion of a rigid body.

13.1.1 Examples of rigid bodies

Our first example of a rigid body is of a wheel rolling with constant angular velocity φ̇ = ω,
and without slipping, This is shown in Fig. 13.1. The no-slip condition is dx = R dφ, so
ẋ = VCM = Rω. The velocity of a point within the wheel is

v = VCM + ω × r , (13.3)


Figure 13.1: A wheel rolling to the right without slipping.

where r is measured from the center of the disk. The velocity of a point on the surface is
then given by v = ωR x̂ + ω̂ × r̂).
As a second example, consider a bicycle wheel of mass M and radius R affixed to a light, firm
rod of length d, as shown in Fig. 13.2. Assuming L lies in the (x, y) plane, one computes
the gravitational torque N = r × (M g) = M gd φ̂. The angular momentum vector then
rotates with angular frequency φ̇. Thus,

dL M gd
dφ = =⇒ φ̇ = . (13.4)

But L = M R2 ω, so the precession frequency is

ωp = φ̇ = . (13.5)

For R = d = 30 cm and ω/2π = 200 rpm, find ωp /2π ≈ 15 rpm. Note that we have here
ignored the contribution to L from the precession itself, which lies along ẑ, resulting in the
nutation of the wheel. This is justified if Lp /L = (d2 /R2 ) · (ωp /ω) ≪ 1.

13.2 The Inertia Tensor

Suppose first that a point within the body itself is fixed. This eliminates the translational
degrees of freedom from consideration. We now have

=ω×r , (13.6)
dt inertial

Figure 13.2: Precession of a spinning bicycle wheel.

since ṙbody = 0. The kinetic energy is then

X dri 1
T = 2 mi = 2 mi (ω × ri ) · (ω × ri )
dt inertial
i i
X h i
= 1
2 mi ω 2 ri2 − (ω · ri )2 ≡ 21 Iαβ ωα ωβ , (13.7)

where ωα is the component of ω along the body-fixed axis eα . The quantity Iαβ is the
inertia tensor,
Iαβ = mi ri2 δαβ − ri,α ri,β (13.8)
= dd r ̺(r) r 2 δαβ − rα rβ (continuous media) . (13.9)

The angular momentum is

X dri
L= mi ri ×
dt inertial
= mi ri × (ω × ri ) = Iαβ ωβ . (13.10)

The diagonal elements of Iαβ are called the moments of inertia, while the off-diagonal
elements are called the products of inertia.

13.2.1 Coordinate transformations

Consider the basis transformation

ê′α = Rαβ êβ . (13.11)

We demand ê′α · ê′β = δαβ , which means R ∈ O(d) is an orthogonal matrix, i.e. Rt = R−1 .
Thus the inverse transformation is eα = Rtαβ e′β . Consider next a general vector A = Aβ êβ .
Expressed in terms of the new basis {ê′α }, we have
êβ A′
z }| { z }|α {
A = Aβ Rtβα ê′α = Rαβ Aβ ê′α (13.12)

Thus, the components of A transform as A′α = Rαβ Aβ . This is true for any vector.
Under a rotation, the density ρ(r) must satisfy ρ′ (r ′ ) = ρ(r). This is the transformation
rule for scalars. The inertia tensor therefore obeys
Z h i
Iαβ = d3 r ′ ρ′ (r ′ ) r ′ δαβ − rα′ rβ′

Z h  i
= d3 r ρ(r) r 2 δαβ − Rαµ rµ Rβν rν

= Rαµ Iµν Rtνβ . (13.13)

I.e. I ′ = RIRt , the transformation rule for tensors. The angular frequency ω is a vector, so
ωα′ = Rαµ ωµ . The angular momentum L also transforms as a vector. The kinetic energy
is T = 12 ωt · I · ω, which transforms as a scalar.

13.2.2 The case of no fixed point

If there is no fixed point, we can let r ′ denote the distance from the center-of-mass (CM),
which will serve as the instantaneous origin in the body-fixed frame. We then adopt the
notation where R is the CM position of the rotating body, as observed in an inertial frame,
and is computed from the expression
1 X 1
R= mi ρ i = d3 r ρ(r) r , (13.14)
where the total mass is of course
M= mi = d3 r ρ(r) . (13.15)
The kinetic energy and angular momentum are then
T = 21 M Ṙ2 + 12 Iαβ ωα ωβ (13.16)
Lα = ǫαβγ M Rβ Ṙγ + Iαβ ωβ , (13.17)

where Iαβ is given in eqs. 13.8 and 13.9, where the origin is the CM.

Figure 13.3: Application of the parallel axis theorem to a cylindrically symmetric mass

13.3 Parallel Axis Theorem

Suppose Iαβ is given in a body-fixed frame. If we displace the origin in the body-fixed frame
by d, then let Iαβ (d) be the inertial tensor with respect to the new origin. If, relative to
the origin at 0 a mass element lies at position r, then relative to an origin at d it will lie at
r − d. We then have
X n o
Iαβ (d) = mi (ri2 − 2d · ri + d2 ) δαβ − (ri,α − dα )(ri,β − dβ ) . (13.18)

If ri is measured with respect to the CM, then

mi ri = 0 (13.19)

Iαβ (d) = Iαβ (0) + M d2 δαβ − dα dβ , (13.20)
a result known as the parallel axis theorem.
As an example of the theorem, consider the situation depicted in Fig. 13.3, where a cylin-
drically symmetric mass distribution is rotated about is symmetry axis, and about an axis
tangent to its side. The component Izz of the inertia tensor is easily computed when the
origin lies along the symmetry axis:
Z Za
Izz = d3 r ρ(r) (r 2 − z 2 ) = ρL · 2π dr⊥ r⊥

= π2 ρLa4 = 12 M a2 , (13.21)

where M = πa2 Lρ is the total mass. If we compute Izz about a vertical axis which is
tangent to the cylinder, the parallel axis theorem tells us that

Izz = Izz + M a2 = 32 M a2 . (13.22)
R 2 would be tedious!
Doing this calculation by explicit integration of dm r⊥

13.3.1 Example

Problem: Compute the CM and the inertia tensor for the planar right triangle of Fig.
13.4, assuming it to be of uniform two-dimensional mass density ρ.

Solution: The total mass is M = 21 ρ ab. The x-coordinate of the CM is then

Z a)
Za b(1− Za
1 ρ 
X= dx dy ρ x = dx b 1 − xa x
0 0 0
ρ a2 b ρ a2 b 1
= du u(1 − u) = = 3 a. (13.23)
M 6M
Clearly we must then have Y = 3 b, which may be verified by explicit integration.
We now compute the inertia tensor, with the origin at (0, 0, 0). Since the figure is planar,
z = 0 everywhere, hence Ixz = Izx = 0, Iyz = Izy = 0, and also Izz = Ixx + Iyy . We now
compute the remaining independent elements:
Za b(1−
Z a) Za
Ixx = ρ dx dy y = ρ dx 13 b3 1 − xa

0 0 0
= 13 ρ ab3 du (1 − u)3 = 1
12 ρ ab
= 16 M b2 (13.24)

Za b(1−
Z a) Za
Ixy 1
= −ρ dx dy x y = − 2 ρ b dx x 1 − xa
0 0 0
= − 21 ρ a2 b2 du u (1 − u)2 = − 24
ρ a2 b2 = − 12
M ab . (13.25)

Thus,  
b2 − 12 ab 0
M 1
I= − 2 ab a2 0  . (13.26)
0 0 a + b2

Figure 13.4: A planar mass distribution in the shape of a triangle.

Suppose we wanted the inertia tensor relative in a coordinate system where the CM lies at
the origin. What we computed in eqn. 13.26 is I(d), with d = − 3a x̂ − 3b ŷ. Thus,
 2 
b −ab 0
d2 δαβ − dα dβ = −ab a2 0  . (13.27)
0 0 a2 + b2

I(d) = I CM + M d2 δαβ − dα dβ , (13.28)
we have that
I CM = I(d) − M d2 δαβ − dα dβ (13.29)
 2 1 
b 2 ab 0
M 1
= ab a2 0  . (13.30)
18 2
0 0 a + b2

13.3.2 General planar mass distribution

For a general planar mass distribution,

ρ(x, y, z) = σ(x, y) δ(z) , (13.31)

which is confined to the plane z = 0, we have

Ixx = dx dy σ(x, y) y 2 (13.32)
Iyy = dx dy σ(x, y) x2 (13.33)
Ixy = − dx dy σ(x, y) xy (13.34)

and Izz = Ixx + Iyy , regardless of the two-dimensional mass distribution σ(x, y).

13.4 Principal Axes of Inertia

We found that an orthogonal transformation to a new set of axes ê′α = Rαβ êβ entails
I ′ = RIRt for the inertia tensor. Since I = I t is manifestly a symmetric matrix, it can
be brought to diagonal form by such an orthogonal transformation. To find R, follow this

1. Find the diagonal elements of I ′ by setting P (λ) = 0, where

P (λ) = det λ · 1 − I , (13.35)
is the characteristic polynomial for I, and 1 is the unit matrix.
2. For each eigenvalue λa , solve the d equations
Iµν ψνa = λa ψµa . (13.36)

Here, ψµa is the µth component of the ath eigenvector. Since (λ · 1 − I) is degenerate,
these equations are linearly dependent, which means that the first d − 1 components
may be determined in terms of the dth component.
3. Because I = I t , eigenvectors corresponding to different eigenvalues are orthogonal.
In cases of degeneracy, the eigenvectors may be chosen to be orthogonal, e.g. via the
Gram-Schmidt procedure.
4. Due to the underdetermined aspect to step 2, we may choose an arbitrary normaliza-
tion for
P each eigenvector. It is conventional to choose the eigenvectors to be orthonor-
mal: ψ a ψ b = δ ab .
µ µ µ

5. The matrix R is explicitly given by Raµ = ψµa , the matrix whose row vectors are the
eigenvectors ψ a . Of course Rt is then the corresponding matrix of column vectors.
6. The eigenvectors form a complete basis. The resolution of unity may be expressed as
ψµa ψνa = δµν . (13.37)

As an example, consider the inertia tensor for a general planar mass distribution, which is
of the form  
Ixx Ixy 0
I = Iyx Iyy 0  , (13.38)
0 0 Izz
where Iyx = Ixy and Izz = Ixx + Iyy . Define

A= 2 Ixx + Iyy (13.39)
q 2
1 2
B= 4 Ixx − Iyy + Ixy (13.40)
−1 2Ixy
ϑ = tan , (13.41)
Ixx − Iyy

so that  
A + B cos ϑ B sin ϑ 0
I =  B sin ϑ A − B cos ϑ 0  , (13.42)
0 0 2A
The characteristic polynomial is found to be
h i
P (λ) = (λ − 2A) (λ − A)2 − B 2 , (13.43)

which gives λ1 = A, λ2,3 = A ± B. The corresponding normalized eigenvectors are

     
0 cos 12 ϑ − sin 12 ϑ
ψ = 0
 , ψ 2 =  sin 12 ϑ  , ψ 3 =  cos 21 ϑ  (13.44)
1 0 0

and therefore  
0 0 1
R =  cos 12 ϑ sin 12 ϑ 0 . (13.45)
− sin 12 ϑ cos 21 ϑ 0

13.5 Euler’s Equations

Let us now choose our coordinate axes to be the principal axes of inertia, with the CM at
the origin. We may then write
     
ω1 I1 0 0 I1 ω1
ω = ω2
  , I= 0  I2 0  =⇒ L = I2 ω2  . (13.46)
ω3 0 0 I3 I3 ω3

The equations of motion are

N ext =
dt inertial
= +ω×L
dt body

= I ω̇ + ω × (I ω) .

Thus, we arrive at Euler’s equations:

I1 ω̇1 = (I2 − I3 ) ω2 ω3 + N1ext (13.47)

I2 ω̇2 = (I3 − I1 ) ω3 ω1 + N2ext (13.48)
I3 ω̇3 = (I1 − I2 ) ω1 ω2 + N3ext . (13.49)

These are coupled and nonlinear. Also note the fact that the external torque must be
evaluated along body-fixed principal axes. We can however make progress in the case

Figure 13.5: Wobbling of a torque-free symmetric top.

where N ext = 0, i.e. when there are no external torques. This is true for a body in free
space, or in a uniform gravitational field. In the latter case,
X X 
N ext = ri × (mi g) = mi ri × g , (13.50)
i i

where g is theP
uniform gravitational acceleration. In a body-fixed frame whose origin is the
CM, we have i mi ri = 0, and the external torque vanishes!
Precession of torque-free symmetric tops: Consider a body which has a symme-
try axis ê3 . This guarantees I1 = I2 , but in general we still have I1 6= I3 . In the absence
of external torques, the last of Euler’s equations says ω̇3 = 0, so ω3 is a constant. The
remaining two equations are then
I1 − I3 I3 − I1
ω̇1 = ω3 ω2 , ω̇2 = ω3 ω1 . (13.51)
I1 I1

I.e.ω̇1 = −Ω ω2 and ω̇2 = +Ω ω1 , with

I3 − I1
Ω= ω3 , (13.52)

which are the equations of a harmonic oscillator. The solution is easily obtained:
ω1 (t) = ω⊥ cos Ωt + δ , ω2 (t) = ω⊥ sin Ωt + δ , ω3 (t) = ω3 , (13.53)

where ω⊥ and δ are constants of integration, and where |ω| = (ω⊥ 2 + ω 2 )1/2 . This motion is
sketched in Fig. 13.5. Note that the perpendicular components of ω oscillate harmonically,
and that the angle ω makes with respect to ê3 is λ = tan−1 (ω⊥ /ω3 ).
For the earth, (I3 − I1 )/I1 ≈ 305 , so ω3 ≈ ω, and Ω ≈ ω/305, yielding a precession period
of 305 days, or roughly 10 months. Astronomical observations reveal such a precession,

known as the Chandler wobble. For the earth, the precession angle is λChandler ≃ 6 × 10−7
rad, which means that the North Pole moves by about 4 meters during the wobble. The
Chandler wobble has a period of about 14 months, so the naı̈ve prediction of 305 days is
off by a substantial amount. This discrepancy is attributed to the mechanical properties of
the earth: elasticity and fluidity. The earth is not solid!1
Asymmetric tops: Next, consider the torque-free motion of an asymmetric top, where
I1 6= I2 6= I3 6= I1 . Unlike the symmetric case, there is no conserved component of ω. True,
we can invoke conservation of energy and angular momentum,

E = 21 I1 ω12 + 12 I2 ω22 + 12 I3 ω32 (13.54)

L2 = I12 ω12 + I22 ω22 + I32 ω32 , (13.55)

and, in principle, solve for ω1 and ω2 in terms of ω3 , and then invoke Euler’s equations
(which must honor these conservation laws). However, the nonlinearity greatly complicates
matters and in general this approach is a dead end.
We can, however, find a particular solution quite easily – one in which the rotation is about
a single axis. Thus, ω1 = ω2 = 0 and ω3 = ω0 is indeed a solution for all time, according to
Euler’s equations. Let us now perturb about this solution, to explore its stability. We write

ω = ω0 ê3 + δω , (13.56)

and we invoke Euler’s equations, linearizing by dropping terms quadratic in δω. This yield

I1 δω̇1 = (I2 − I3 ) ω0 δω2 + O(δω2 δω3 ) (13.57)

I2 δω̇2 = (I3 − I1 ) ω0 δω1 + O(δω3 δω1 ) (13.58)
I3 δω̇3 = 0 + O(δω1 δω2 ) . (13.59)

Taking the time derivative of the first equation and invoking the second, and vice versa,
δω̈1 = −Ω 2 δω1 , δω̈2 = −Ω 2 δω2 , (13.60)
(I3 − I2 )(I3 − I1 ) 2
Ω2 = · ω0 . (13.61)
I1 I2
The solution is then δω1 (t) = C cos(Ωt + δ).
If Ω 2 > 0, then Ω is real, and the deviation results in a harmonic precession. This occurs
if I3 is either the largest or the smallest of the moments of inertia. If, however, I3 is the
middle moment, then Ω 2 < 0, and Ω is purely imaginary. The perturbation will in general
increase exponentially with time, which means that the initial solution to Euler’s equations
is unstable with respect to small perturbations. This result can be vividly realized using a
tennis racket, and sometimes goes by the name of the “tennis racket theorem.”
The earth is a layered like a Mozartkugel, with a solid outer shell, an inner fluid shell, and a solid (iron)

13.5.1 Example

PROBLEM: A unsuspecting solid spherical planet of mass M0 rotates with angular velocity
ω0 . Suddenly, a giant asteroid of mass αM0 smashes into and sticks to the planet at a
location which is at polar angle θ relative to the initial rotational axis. The new mass
distribution is no longer spherically symmetric, and the rotational axis will precess. Recall
Euler’s equation

+ ω × L = N ext (13.62)
for rotations in a body-fixed frame.
(a) What is the new inertia tensor Iαβ along principle center-of-mass frame axes? Don’t
forget that the CM is no longer at the center of the sphere! Recall I = 25 M R2 for a solid
(b) What is the period of precession of the rotational axis in terms of the original length
of the day 2π/ω0 ?
SOLUTION: Let’s choose body-fixed axes with ẑ pointing from the center of the planet to
the smoldering asteroid. The CM lies a distance

αM0 · R + M0 · 0 α
d= = R (13.63)
(1 + α)M0 1+α

from the center of the sphere. Thus, relative to the center of the sphere, we have
   
1 0 0 1 0 0
I = 52 M0 R2 0 1 0 + αM0 R2 0 1 0 . (13.64)
0 0 1 0 0 0

Now we shift to a frame with the CM at the origin, using the parallel axis theorem,

Iαβ (d) = Iαβ + M d2 δαβ − dα dβ . (13.65)

Thus, with d = dẑ,

     
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
2 2
Iαβ 2
= 5 M0 R 0 1 0 + αM0 R 0
 1 0 − (1 + α)M0 d2 0 1 0 (13.66)
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 α 
5 + 1+α 0 0
2  2 α
= M0 R 0 5 + 1+α 0
 . (13.67)
0 0 5

In the absence of external torques, Euler’s equations along principal axes read
I1 = (I2 − I3 ) ω2 ω3
I2 = (I3 − I1 ) ω3 ω1
I3 = (I1 − I2 ) ω1 ω2

Since I1 = I2 , ω3 (t) = ω3 (0) = ω0 cos θ is a constant. We then obtain ω̇1 = Ωω2 , and
ω̇2 = −Ωω1 , with
I2 − I3 5α
Ω= ω3 = ω . (13.69)
I1 7α + 2 3
The period of precession τ in units of the pre-cataclysmic day is
τ ω 7α + 2
= = . (13.70)
T Ω 5α cos θ

13.6 Euler’s Angles

In d dimensions, an orthogonal matrix R ∈ O(d) has 21 d(d − 1) independent parameters.

To see this, consider the constraint Rt R = 1. The matrix Rt R is manifestly symmetric,
so it has 21 d(d + 1) independent entries (e.g. on the diagonal and above the diagonal).
This amounts to 12 d(d + 1) constraints on the d2 components of R, resulting in 12 d(d − 1)
freedoms. Thus, in d = 3 rotations are specified by three parameters. The Euler angles
{φ, θ, ψ} provide one such convenient parameterization.
A general rotation R(φ, θ, ψ) is built up in three steps. We start with an orthonormal triad
ê0µ of body-fixed axes. The first step is a rotation by an angle φ about ê03 :
 
  cos φ sin φ 0
ê′µ = Rµν ê03 , φ ê0ν , R ê03 , φ = − sin φ cos φ 0 (13.71)
0 0 1

This step is shown in panel (a) of Fig. 13.6. The second step is a rotation by θ about the
new axis ê′1 :  
  1 0 0
ê′′µ = Rµν ê′1 , θ ê′ν , R ê′1 , θ = 0 cos θ sin θ  (13.72)
0 − sin θ cos θ
This step is shown in panel (b) of Fig. 13.6. The third and final step is a rotation by ψ
about the new axis ê′′3 :
 
  cos ψ sin ψ 0
ê′′′ ′′ ′′
µ = Rµν ê3 , ψ êν , R ê′′3 , ψ = − sin ψ cos ψ 0 (13.73)
0 0 1

Figure 13.6: A general rotation, defined in terms of the Euler angles {φ, θ, ψ}. Three
successive steps of the transformation are shown.

This step is shown in panel (c) of Fig. 13.6. Putting this all together,

R(φ, θ, ψ) = R ê′′3 , φ R ê′1 , θ R ê03 , ψ (13.74)
   
cos ψ sin ψ 0 1 0 0 cos φ sin φ 0
= − sin ψ cos ψ 0 0 cos θ sin θ  − sin φ cos φ 0
0 0 1 0 − sin θ cos θ 0 0 1

 
cos ψ cos φ − sin ψ cos θ sin φ cos ψ sin φ + sin ψ cos θ cos φ sin ψ sin θ
= − sin ψ cos φ − cos ψ cos θ sin φ − sin ψ sin φ + cos ψ cos θ cos φ cos ψ sin θ .
sin θ sin φ − sin θ cos φ cos θ

Next, we’d like to relate the components ωµ = ω · êµ (with êµ ≡ ê′′′
µ ) of the rotation in the
body-fixed frame to the derivatives φ̇, θ̇, and ψ̇. To do this, we write

ω = φ̇ êφ + θ̇ êθ + ψ̇ êψ , (13.75)


ê03 = êφ = sin θ sin ψ ê1 + sin θ cos ψ ê2 + cos θ ê3 (13.76)
êθ = cos ψ ê1 − sin ψ ê2 (“line of nodes”) (13.77)
êψ = ê3 . (13.78)

This gives

ω1 = ω · ê1 = φ̇ sin θ sin ψ + θ̇ cos ψ (13.79)

ω2 = ω · ê2 = φ̇ sin θ cos ψ − θ̇ sin ψ (13.80)
ω3 = ω · ê3 = φ̇ cos θ + ψ̇ . (13.81)

Note that
φ̇ ↔ precession , θ̇ ↔ nutation , ψ̇ ↔ axial rotation . (13.82)

The general form of the kinetic energy is then

T = 12 I1 φ̇ sin θ sin ψ + θ̇ cos ψ
2 2
+ 21 I2 φ̇ sin θ cos ψ − θ̇ sin ψ + 12 I3 φ̇ cos θ + ψ̇ . (13.83)

Note that
L = pφ êφ + pθ êθ + pψ êψ , (13.84)
which may be verified by explicit computation.

13.6.1 Torque-free symmetric top

A body falling in a gravitational field experiences no net torque about its CM:
N ext = ri × (−mi g) = g × mi ri = 0 . (13.85)
i i

For a symmetric top with I1 = I2 , we have

T = 12 I1 θ̇ 2 + φ̇2 sin2 θ + 12 I3 φ̇ cos θ + ψ̇ . (13.86)

The potential is cyclic in the Euler angles, hence the equations of motion are

d ∂T ∂T
= . (13.87)
dt ∂(φ̇, θ̇, ψ̇) ∂(φ, θ, ψ)

Since φ and ψ are cyclic in T , their conjugate momenta are conserved:

pφ = = I1 φ̇ sin2 θ + I3 (φ̇ cos θ + ψ̇) cos θ (13.88)
∂ φ̇
pψ = = I3 (φ̇ cos θ + ψ̇) . (13.89)
∂ ψ̇

Note that pψ = I3 ω3 , hence ω3 is constant, as we have already seen.

To solve for the motion, we first note that L is conserved in the inertial frame. We are
therefore permitted to define L̂ = ê03 = êφ . Thus, pφ = L. Since êφ · êψ = cos θ, we have

Figure 13.7: A dreidl is a symmetric top. The four-fold symmetry axis guarantees I1 = I2 .
The blue diamond represents the center-of-mass.

that pψ = L · êψ = L cos θ. Finally, êφ · êθ = 0, which means pθ = L · êθ = 0. From the
equations of motion, 
ṗθ = I1 θ̈ = I1 φ̇ cos θ − pψ φ̇ sin θ , (13.90)
hence we must have

θ̇ = 0 , φ̇ = . (13.91)
I1 cos θ
Note that θ̇ = 0 follows from conservation of pψ = L cos θ. From the equation for pψ , we
may now conclude  
pψ pψ I3 − I1
ψ̇ = − = ω3 , (13.92)
I3 I1 I3
which recapitulates (13.52), with ψ̇ = Ω.

13.6.2 Symmetric top with one point fixed

Consider the case of a symmetric top with one point fixed, as depicted in Fig. 13.7. The
Lagrangian is
L = 12 I1 θ̇ 2 + φ̇2 sin2 θ + 21 I3 φ̇ cos θ + ψ̇ − M gℓ cos θ . (13.93)

Here, ℓ is the distance from the fixed point to the CM, and the inertia tensor is defined along
principal axes whose origin lies at the fixed point (not the CM!). Gravity now supplies a

Figure 13.8: The effective potential of eq. 13.102.

torque, but as in the torque-free case, the Lagrangian is still cyclic in φ and ψ, so
pφ = (I1 sin2 θ + I3 cos2 θ) φ̇ + I3 cos θ ψ̇ (13.94)
pψ = I3 cos θ φ̇ + I3 ψ̇ (13.95)

are each conserved. We can invert these relations to obtain φ̇ and ψ̇ in terms of {pφ , pψ , θ}:
pφ − pψ cos θ pψ (pφ − pψ cos θ) cos θ
φ̇ = , ψ̇ = − . (13.96)
I1 sin2 θ I3 I1 sin2 θ
In addition, since ∂L/∂t = 0, the total energy is conserved:
Ueff (θ)
z }| {
2 p 2
(p φ − p ψ cos θ) ψ
E = T + U = 21 I1 θ̇ 2 + + + M gℓ cos θ , (13.97)
2I1 sin2 θ 2I3
where the term under the brace is the effective potential Ueff (θ).
The problem thus reduces to the one-dimensional dynamics of θ(t), i.e.
I1 θ̈ = − , (13.98)
(pφ − pψ cos θ)2 p2ψ
Ueff (θ) = + + M gℓ cos θ . (13.99)
2I1 sin2 θ 2I3
Using energy conservation, we may write
I1 dθ
dt = ± p . (13.100)
2 E − Ueff (θ)

and thus the problem is reduced to quadratures:

r Zθ
I1 1
t(θ) = t(θ0 ) ± dϑ p . (13.101)
2 E − Ueff (ϑ)

We can gain physical insight into the motion by examining the shape of the effective po-
(pφ − pψ cos θ)2 p2ψ
Ueff (θ) = + M gℓ cos θ + , (13.102)
2I1 sin2 θ 2I3
over the interval θ ∈ [0, π]. Clearly Ueff (0) = Ueff (π) = ∞, so the motion must be bounded.
What is not yet clear, but what is nonetheless revealed by some additional analysis, is that
Ueff (θ) has a single minimum on this interval, at θ = θ0 . The turning points for the θ motion
are at θ = θa and θ = θb , where Ueff (θa ) = Ueff (θb ) = E. Clearly if we expand about θ0 and
write θ = θ0 + η, the η motion will be harmonic, with
′′ (θ )
Ueff 0
η(t) = η0 cos(Ωt + δ) , Ω = . (13.103)

To prove that Ueff (θ) has these features, let us define u ≡ cos θ. Then u̇ = − θ̇ sin θ, and
from E = 12 I1 θ̇ 2 + Ueff (θ) we derive
2 2E p2ψ 2 2M gℓ 2
pφ − pψ u 2
u̇ = − (1 − u ) − (1 − u ) u − ≡ f (u) . (13.104)
I1 I1 I3 I1 I1
The turning points occur at f (u) = 0. The function f (u) is cubic, and the coefficient of the
cubic term is 2M gℓ/I1 , which is positive. Clearly f (u = ±1) = −(pφ ∓ pψ )2 /I12 is negative,
so there must be at least one solution to f (u) = 0 on the interval u ∈ (1, ∞). Clearly there
can be at most three real roots for f (u), since the function is cubic in u, hence there are at
most two turning points on the interval u ∈ [−1, 1]. Thus, Ueff (θ) has the form depicted in
fig. 13.8.
To apprehend the full motion of the top in an inertial frame, let us follow the symmetry
axis ê3 :
ê3 = sin θ sin φ ê01 − sin θ cos φ ê02 + cos θ ê03 . (13.105)
Once we know θ(t) and φ(t) we’re done. The motion θ(t) is described above: θ oscillates
between turning points at θa and θb . As for φ(t), we have already derived the result
pφ − pψ cos θ
φ̇ = . (13.106)
I1 sin2 θ
Thus, if pφ > pψ cos θa , then φ̇ will remain positive throughout the motion. If, on the other
hand, we have
pψ cos θb < pφ < pψ cos θa , (13.107)

then φ̇ changes sign at an angle θ ∗ = cos−1 pφ /pψ . The motion is depicted in Fig. 13.9.
An extensive discussion of this problem is given in H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics.

Figure 13.9: Precession and nutation of the symmetry axis of a symmetric top.

13.7 Rolling and Skidding Motion of Real Tops

The material in this section is based on the corresponding sections from V. Barger and
M. Olsson, Classical Mechanics: A Modern Perspective. This is an excellent book which
contains many interesting applications and examples.

13.7.1 Rolling tops

In most tops, the point of contact rolls or skids along the surface. Consider the peg end top
of Fig. 13.10, executing a circular rolling motion, as sketched in Fig. 13.11. There are three
components to the force acting on the top: gravity, the normal force from the surface, and
friction. The frictional force is perpendicular to the CM velocity, and results in centripetal
acceleration of the top:
f = M Ω 2 ρ ≤ µM g , (13.108)

where Ω is the frequency of the CM motion and µ is the coefficient of friction. If the above
inequality is violated, the top starts to slip.
The frictional and normal forces combine to produce a torque N = M gℓ sin θ − f ℓ cos θ
about the CM2 . This torque is tangent to the circular path of the CM, and causes L to
precess. We assume that the top is spinning rapidly, so that L very nearly points along
the symmetry axis of the top itself. (As we’ll see, this is true for slow precession but not
for fast precession, where the precession frequency is proportional to ω3 .) The precession is
then governed by the equation

N = M gℓ sin θ − f ℓ cos θ

= L̇ = Ω × L ≈ Ω I3 ω3 sin θ , (13.109)

Gravity of course produces no net torque about the CM.

Figure 13.10: A top with a peg end. The frictional forces f and fskid are shown. When the
top rolls without skidding, fskid = 0.

where ê3 is the instantaneous symmetry axis of the top. Substituting f = M Ω 2 ρ,

M gℓ Ω2ρ
1− ctn θ = Ω , (13.110)
I3 ω3 g
which is a quadratic equation for Ω. We supplement this with the ‘no slip’ condition,

ω3 δ = Ω ρ + ℓ sin θ , (13.111)
resulting in two equations for the two unknowns Ω and ρ.
Substituting for ρ(Ω) and solving for Ω, we obtain
( s 2 )
I3 ω3 M gℓδ M gℓδ 4M ℓ2 M gℓ
Ω= 1+ ctn θ ± 1+ ctn θ − · . (13.112)
2M ℓ2 cos θ I3 I3 I3 I3 ω32
This in order to have a real solution we must have
2M ℓ2 sin θ g
ω3 ≥ . (13.113)
I3 sin θ + M gℓδ cos θ ℓ
If the inequality is satisfied, there are two possible solutions for Ω, corresponding to fast
and slow precession. Usually one observes slow precession. Note that it is possible that
ρ < 0, in which case the CM and the peg end lie on opposite sides of a circle from each

13.7.2 Skidding tops

A skidding top experiences a frictional force which opposes the skidding velocity, until
vskid = 0 and a pure rolling motion sets in. This force provides a torque which makes the

Figure 13.11: Circular rolling motion of the peg top.

top rise:
Nskid µM gℓ
θ̇ = − =− . (13.114)
L I3 ω3
Suppose δ ≈ 0, in which case ρ + ℓ sin θ = 0, from eqn. 13.111, and the point of contact
remains fixed. Now recall the effective potential for a symmetric top with one point fixed:

(pφ − pψ cos θ)2 p2ψ

Ueff (θ) = + + M gℓ cos θ . (13.115)
2I1 sin2 θ 2I3
′ (θ ) = 0, which yields
We demand Ueff 0

cos θ0 · β 2 − pψ sin2 θ0 · β + M gℓI1 sin4 θ0 = 0 , (13.116)

β ≡ pφ − pψ cos θ0 = I1 sin2 θ0 φ̇ . (13.117)
Solving the quadratic equation for β, we find
s !
I3 ω3 4M gℓI1 cos θ0
φ̇ = 1± 1− . (13.118)
2I1 cos θ0 I32 ω32

This is simply a recapitulation of eqn. 13.112, with δ = 0 and with M ℓ2 replaced by I1 .

Note I1 = M ℓ2 by the parallel axis theorem if I1CM = 0. But to the extent that I1CM 6= 0, our
treatment of the peg top was incorrect. It turns out to be OK, however, if the precession is
slow, i.e. if Ω/ω3 ≪ 1.

On a level surface, cos θ0 > 0, and therefore we must have

ω3 ≥ M gℓI1 cos θ0 . (13.119)

Figure 13.12: The tippie-top behaves in a counterintuitive way. Once started spinning with
the peg end up, the peg axis rotates downward. Eventually the peg scrapes the surface and
the top rises to the vertical in an inverted orientation.

Thus, if the top spins too slowly, it cannot maintain precession. Eqn. 13.118 says that there
are two possible precession frequencies. When ω3 is large, we have
M gℓ I3 ω3
φ̇slow = + O(ω3−1 ) , φ̇fast = + O(ω3−3 ) . (13.120)
I3 ω3 I1 cos θ0
Again, one usually observes slow precession.

A top with ω3 > I23 M gℓI1 may ‘sleep’ in the vertical position with θ0 = 0. Due to the
constant action of frictional forces, ω3 will eventually drop below this value, at which time
the vertical position is no longer stable. The top continues to slow down and eventually

13.7.3 Tippie-top

A particularly nice example from the Barger and Olsson book is that of the tippie-top, a
truncated sphere with a peg end, sketched in Fig. 13.12 The CM is close to the center
of curvature, which means that there is almost no gravitational torque acting on the top.
The frictional force f opposes slipping, but as the top spins f rotates with it, and hence
the time-averaged frictional force hf i ≈ 0 has almost no effect on the motion of the CM.
A similar argument shows that the frictional torque, which is nearly horizontal, also time
averages to zero:  
≈ 0. (13.121)
dt inertial

In the body-fixed frame, however, N is roughly constant, with magnitude N ≈ µM gR,


where R is the radius of curvature and µ the coefficient of sliding friction. Now we invoke

N= + ω×L . (13.122)
dt body

The second term on the RHS is very small, because the tippie-top is almost spherical, hence
inertia tensor is very nearly diagonal, and this means

ω × L ≈ ω × Iω = 0 . (13.123)

Thus, L̇body ≈ N , and taking the dot product of this equation with the unit vector k̂, we
−N sin θ = k̂ · N = k̂ · Lbody = −L sin θ θ̇ . (13.124)
N µM gR
θ̇ = ≈ . (13.125)
L Iω
Once the stem scrapes the table, the tippie-top rises to the vertical just like any other rising

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