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Asphalt Method Statement

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For The Overall Maintenance Works Of

National Road And
Performance/Output Based Routine



Method statement

This technical proposal is submitted by Construction company in response to the invitation by

SANRAL to submit implementation plans for the routine road maintenance of national route
r101 from Mogalakwena municipal border to Polokwane, R37 from Polokwane to Lepelle-
Nkumpi municipal border, R71 from Polokwane to greater Tzaneen municipal border, R81 from
Polokwane to Molemole Municipal border and N1 from Mogalakwena municipal border to
Molemole Municipal border.

This proposal provides a description of the role, tasks and approach that would be undertaken
in the execution of the project awarded to it.

The Technical Proposal is to provide information on:

• Technical Approach,
• Social and institutional arrangements.

The Work components shall include but not limited to the following:
 Repair of potholes, pavement failures, edge breaks and other pavement distress areas.
 Repair of damaged embankment side slopes, including reinstatement of shoulders.
 DBST/AC repair/overlay of the several lengths of road.
 Maintenance of the road during defect liabilities and performance base routine

Our organisation will provide the following;

 Asphalt surfacing Plant and Tools

 Adequate, experienced and competent Personnel

 Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment

Method statement



Walk behind roller 1 Compacting asphalt to required density.

Tipper truck 1 Removing loose material on the existing surface

Site Bakkie 1 Travelling around the site
Bitumen sprayer 1 Spraying tack coat


Description Quantity Role

Shovels 4 Correcting levels.

Spades 2 Cleaning

Measuring wheel 1 Measuring distances

Temperature gauge 1 To check asphalt temperature onsite
Asphalt Rack 2 Spreading and leveling asphalt

Hard brooms 4 Additional Brooming


2.1.1 Clearing and Grubbing

With the direction and instruction of the Engineer, at the designated areas, the graders and
excavators are used to clear, remove, and dispose all vegetation, silt and grubbing roots, down
timber and other unacceptable materials.
 Large trees and stumps within construction area is cut down by hand and then be transported
and stockpiled at designated place directed by the Engineer.

Method statement
 Small vegetation, roots, and silt is curved by excavators and then is transported to the spoil
area directed by the Engineer.

The clearing and grubbing, unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer, include also the removal of
all roots, stumps, untidy vegetation, rubbish, garbage and to the extent that these materials are not,
in the opinion of the Engineer, obstruct the future maintenance. All unsuitable materials are wasted
and re-spread at designated locations in a neat and orderly way as agreed by the Engineer.

2.1.2 Roadway Excavation

The works shall be composed of common, unsuitable excavation, and the excavation of bituminous
materials. Roadway excavation includes the removal, hauling and proper utilization, or disposal of all
excavated materials, the shaping of excavation and the preparation of exposed surfaces of
excavation on the entire length of roadway. The survey team marks all excavated locations, lines,
level, grades, dimensions, and cross section, which is shown on the Drawings and as directed by the

2.1.3 Channel Excavation

The work includes the proper utilization and hauling or disposal of all excavated materials,
constructing, shaping and finishing all earthworks involved in conformity with the required alignment,
levels, grades and cross sections. Based on the Drawing, the Survey Engineer set out the level line
and measure the original ground elevation, then figure out the excavation depth according to the
designed bottom elevation, and then mark it up with stakes. During the construction, the channel is
kept drained as far as practicable and the work is constructed in a neat and workmanlike manner.
The unsuitable materials are transported to the spoil area, while the materials that could be used for
sub-grade filling or slope block sodding and formation of embankments are stocked together nearby.
The channel sidelines are
trimmed manually to ensure lines smooth and fluent.

2.1.4 Embankment

This work consists of the construction of embankment by furnishing, placing, compacting and shaping
suitable material of acceptable quality obtained from approved sources in according with the

Method statement
Specification, and to the lines, levels, grades, dimensions, and cross section shown on the Drawings
and as required by the Engineer. The embankment filling materials are tested in accordance with the
Specification to determine the appropriate materials prior to execution. Not until approved by the
Engineer, the filling shall not be started.

Natural ground situated less than 1.5 m below the design surface of the road or side slopes, after
proper clearing and grubbing or scarifying of existing road surface, are compacted to a depth of 150
mm, to not less than 90 % of the maximum dry density of the material as determined by AASHTO
test method T180. If unsuitable materials occur in some areas under embankment or in existing
embankment, such materials are removed to levels as directed by the Engineer, the bottom of the
excavation is compacted, and areas backfilled and compacted layer by layer with suitable material

2.2 Sub-base and Base Course

2.2.1 Description
The work consists of repairing sub-base and base course failure and spreading sub-base and base
course in accordance with the Specification and the Drawings.

2.2.2 Sub-base
This work consists of furnishing, placing and compacting sub-base material on a prepared and
accepted sub-grade to the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross sections shown on the
Drawing and as required by the Engineer. Based on the Drawing, the Engineer sets out the horizontal
position of sub-base, determine the thickness of spreading, and then mark it up with stakes. Prior to
sub-base spreading, watering cart is used to wet the sub-grade to ensure the cohesiveness between

The sub-base is shaped, compacted and completed for at least 150 m ahead of the placing of the
sub-base course material and subject to the requirements of the Contract for the Engineer’s approval
of the sub-grade before it is covered up. The sub-base is spread in even layers not exceeding 150
mm after compaction. Care is taken to prevent segregation, and oversized particles are hand-picked
from the deposited layer prior to compaction. Immediately after each layer has been spread and
shaped satisfactorily, each layer is thoroughly compacted with suitable and adequate compaction
equipment. Each layer is compacted to at least 95 % of the maximum dry density, as determined by

Method statement
2.2.3 Base Course
This work is determined to execute in accordance with the above method of sub-base.

2.2.4 Description
This work shall consist of repairing existing defective bitumen pavement, including bituminous
surface treatment, longitudinal cracking, block cracking, patches, and edge breaks, which is assigned
for two construction teams to complete for NR3.

2.2.5 Bituminous Prime Coat

This work consists of the preparation for and application of a bituminous prime and blotting material
to a previously prepared and untreated surface. via: earth sub-grade, crushed aggregate base
course, cement or lime, stabilized base course, top of roadway shoulders, concrete bridge deck, etc
in accordance with the Specification and in close conformity with the lines shown in the Drawing or
established by the Engineer.

Slow setting cationic emulsified bitumen is chosen as the prime coat, whose quantity and quality are
in conformity with the Specification. Pre-distribution is done to check the consistency of bitumen:
 The prime coat is sprayed after clearing the cutting left over of existing defective pavement. A
slight application of water is made if the surface is over dry.
 It is determined to execute by a bitumen distributor, which is fitted with a handheld, manually
operated bar fed by a flexible line for use on areas too small to be satisfactory sprayed with
the main bar.
 Before any bitumen distributor is used on the works, the calibration of the nozzle shall be
checked in a series of field tests to maintain appropriate speeds for the proper application of
the bitumen. During the progress of the work, it is sprayed uniformly at one time in ccordance
with the designated bitumen capacity in case of bitumen's flowing to penetrate into the base
course. Oil slick formed on the surface is not permitted. Once any omission occurs, remedial
spraying is done manually. After the spraying, the traffic is strictly regulated in case of any
vehicle or person passing through.
 No spraying is carried out on a wet pavement, while rain appears imminent or during high
winds; the extra prime coat bitumen, which has not penetrated into base course, is cleared

Method statement
2.2.6 Bituminous Seal Coat
This work shall be applied to the execution of the prime coat. Reference shall be made to 2.2.5.
2.2.7 Sealing Aggregate
Aggregate spreader is used in the execution of construction:
 The crushed stone aggregate is spread before emulsion breaking. To ensure a good
cohesiveness between aggregate and bitumen, crushed stone aggregate is spread once
emulsion stops flowing.
 The crushed stone aggregate is spread uniformly and not be overlapped, which cover the full
pavement with no exposing bitumen. Manually remedial work is done when any local omission
occurs. The crushed stone aggregate adheres to bitumen emulsion through rolling and
integrates with it after its breaking. Where there is excess aggregate, the unsuitable is
removed immediately to make the surface level uniform.
 Pneumatic-tired roller of 10 tons is used to compact, which is executed when the bitumen
becomes fully black and emulsion has been breaking. One to two-time light rolling is done
firstly and re-rolling be started after it is dry.

2.2.8 Repair of Cracks

This work applies to the repair of linear cracking, or narrow-sections of block cracking in accordance
with the Specification or otherwise directed by the Engineer. The method of repair depends on the
width of cracking and the area of block cracking. Larger areas of block cracking are treated as
patches. The operation of preparing and filling cracks is completed in the same day to ensure open
traffic on time.
 For the linear cracking less than 2 mm:
 All cracks are cleaned out with compressed air (and a wire brush, if necessary), to remove all
 Cracks are dried with a heat gun, or similar, if moisture is present.
 After cleaning and drying, cracks are to be filled with a modified bituminous material or
bitumen emulsion, having a viscosity low enough to enable it to be penetrated into the crack.
 For the linear cracking less than 6 mm:
 All cracks are cleaned out with compressed air (and a wire brush, if necessary), to remove all
dust and loose particles.
 Cracks are dried with a heat gun, or similar, if moisture is present.
 After cleaning and drying, cracks are to be filled with a modified bituminous material or
bitumen emulsion, having a viscosity low enough to enable it to be penetrated into the crack.
Method statement
 A single bituminous treatment surface (SBST) sealing coat, with a width of 20 cm regarding
the cracks as the central line, is spread.
 For the linear cracking more than 6 mm:
 Regarding the cracks as the central line, the excavation and removal of bituminous pavement
within 15 cm from the line are completed. A cutting line, which has to be parallel or vertical
with the central line of road pavement, is drawn by chalk in the fields intended to excavate
before executing. Then, the cutting with a depth of 75 mm or otherwise directed by the
Engineer is made along the drawn line in order to ensure longitudinal and leveling sides of the
cutting groove straight.
 The materials of base course are loosened arid re-compacted and all unsuitable materials
must be removed if any.
 A bitumen prime coat is spread manually.
 A double bituminous treatment surface (DBST) is spread


Name & Surname Role & Responsibility Contact no No

Oscar Project manager 0626613401 1

TBA Site Foreman 1

TBA Health and Safety 1

Plant Operators TBA TBA 2

General Workers TBA TBA 6

Communication Equipment

Equipment type QTY

Laptops with 4G internet connection 1 set

Cellular Phones 2 set

Method statement
Method statement

Main contractor’s mechanical broom is going to be used to remove all loose material from the road


Cold asphalt is a do it yourself alternative to hot asphalt and this permanent repair solution can be
applied easily without having to wait for a drying period, making it the perfect fix for access roads and
driveways. It is used both as a pothole patching material in road pavements and airport runways, and
as a main road pavement in low volume roads, vehicle parking, sidewalks, parks and playgrounds


1. Tack coat shall be applied on the cleaned road surface.

2. The tack coat shall be applied at the rate of 0.5 lit/m². Tack coat shall not be applied more
than 24hrs before paving is done.
3. Place cold asphalt and fill the patch then compact using either a hand rammer, plate
compactor or a walk behind roller depending on the size of the patch. This product sets
quickly through compaction, which makes for quick, permanent repairs that saves time and
subsequently money



1. The hot asphalt shall be brought from the mixing plant by trucks and a waterproof canvas to
maintain the temperature and to protect the asphalt from light showers of rain must cover it.
Minimum temperature at loading must 150⁰C.
2. Deliveries shall be made so that spreading and rolling of the mixture can be completed during
day light hours, unless night work is permitted by engineer and artificial, lighting is provided.
3. Any asphalt that is below 120⁰C should be returned to the plant.

Method statement
1. The temperature of the mix should be tested on arrival using a dial gauge or thermometer or
an electronic thermometer that is capable of measuring up to 240⁰.
2. Check the adjustments of screed tampers, feed chain before dumping the mix in the paver.

3. The tipper shall be directed to the paver and dumps the required mix into the paver.

4. The asphalt paver shall lay the material to the required thickness and level.

5. The mix shall be compacted as soon as possible after the spreading the material. Tandem
roller shall follow the laying operation to carry out breakdown rolling to temperature of 120-
120⁰C. Pneumatic tired roller and tandem roller shall follow break down rolling and sufficient
passes shall be made to achieve the required compaction. During the break down stage the
rollers shall move at a slow but uniform speed (not exceeding 5km/h) with the drive wheel of
the roller nearest the paver.

6. Rolling shall start from the sides and proceed to towards the centre. Each trip of the roller
shall overlap the previous trip by at least 30cm. Roller wheel shall be kept moistened. The
roller shall have to reverse without backlash and shall be free from worn parts.

7. On super elevated curves where the surface has straight cross fall, the rolling shall begin on
the low side and progress to the higher side, uniformly lapping each preceding track, to cover
the entire surface.

8. Full compaction shall be obtained before the asphalt temperatures reaches 100⁰C.
Compaction shall be in accordance with specifications of COLTO standard.

9. The construction joints shall be prepared by cutting the layer vertically down by means of
asphalt saw cutting machines or the blades mounted on the Pneumatic roller. The joints shall
be cleaned well and tack coat material shall be applied on the vertical and horizontal surface
for better bonding. Extremely good care shall be taken when asphalt is laid at construction
10. The areas not accessible for heavy rollers shall be compacted with plate compactors or hand
11. Paving sheets must be filled in for every truck that is surfaced.

Method statement
12. The surface must be protected from damage by putting barricades during and after
construction until such a time the work is finally handed and accepted by the engineer.


 Tack coat,30 percent stable grade emulsion

 Asphalt

All materials to be procured shall be in accordance with the standards and specifications as set out
in the project document

Health & Safety

 One assistant Safety Officer assisted by one First aiders will be on

 Every employee shall wear appropriate PPE at all times.
 Traffic management will be provided by the main contractor.

 One first aiders with fully equipped boxes will be on site.

 The first aid boxes will be where people are working on the bakkies.


 During surfacing Hot box samples shall be collected for laboratory test and the results will be
sent to the Engineer
 After work done core drilling will be done and all cores result shall be sent to the Engineer.


Labour-based work methods (LBM) basically involve the use of innovative approaches to execute
projects or manufacture products in order to maximize employment and also transfer skills to the
Method statement
target worker groups without compromising the quality of the fnal asset or product. In infrastructure
projects, this is achieved by substituting machines with manual labour when carrying certain work
activities while still maintaining quality of works and cost competitiveness. Other reference literature
refers to this as Labour-based Construction (LBC) or Labour-based Technology (LBT), whilst some
refer to the same as Labour-intensive Construction (LIC)


During the design stage, the selection of construction materials should emphasize more on
materials that maximize employment creation during construction. Furthermore, the design should
optimize the use of locally available materials such as stone masonry, grouted stone pitching and
gabion works.

Where local skills such as bricklayers and stone masons are available, structures should be
designed to make maximum use of such human resources. For example, a project can specify the
casting of kerbs and culvert pipes on site instead of relying on precast concrete products thereby
increasing the labour intensity, harnessing locally available skills as well as reduce transport and
overall project costs. Even though the above are common concerns of all road designers, the use of
labour-based works technology takes the approach a step further in maximizing the use of local


Our organisation seeks to complete the works to the Client’s satisfaction. The resources stated in
the schedule will comply with all local authority requirements and legislations. We will give the
client a quality product and service with which we pride ourselves in.

Method statement

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