Coiled Tubing
Coiled Tubing
Coiled Tubing
Provide general knowledge of CT operations, CT equipment and it’s
functional requirements, operational parameters and well control
What is the Coiled unit?
Prior to the Allied invasion of Europe in 1944, engineers developed and produced very
long, continuous pipelines for transporting fuel from England to the European Continent
to supply the Allied armies.
The project was named operation PLUTO, an acronym for “Pipe Lines Under The
Ocean”, and involved the fabrication and laying of several pipelines across the English
In the oil and gas industries, Coiled Tubing refers to metal piping,
normally from 1" to 3.25" in diameter, used for interventions in Oil and
Gas wells which comes spooled on a large reel up to length of
to 28,000 ft.
The main benefits over wireline are the ability to pump chemicals
through the coil and the ability to push it into the hole rather than
relying on gravity.
• The first step in the typical coiled tubing manufacturing process involves the
acquisition of steel stock supplied in 48” wide sheets which are wrapped in
approximately 3,500’ rolls.
• The flat strip steel is then bias welded to another segment of strip to
form a continuous roll of sheet steel.
• Once a sufficient length of the continuous strip steel is rolled onto the
master coil, the tube milling process can begin.
Coiled Tubing Uses
Life Limits
When being run on and off the reel and over the gooseneck, often
with internal pressure on the pipe
Tension Limits
Which vary with depth and weight of coiled tubing.
Pressure Limits
Burst and collapse pressure vary with tension and compression.
Diameter and Ovality Limits
• Real time monitoring of the pipe is required to ensure that the pipe is not
ballooned, ovaled, or mechanically damaged.
• It is important that all these limits are considered together. For example the
life limits allow 1.25” OD coiled tubing with a 0.087” wall thickness, made of
70,000 psi yield material, with 5,000 psi internal pressure, to be cycled in
and out of the hole about 40 times before reaching the limit.
• This means that the pipe will not fail due to fatigue before this point.
However, when the pipe reaches this limit, it will have grown from 1.25” OD
to 1.5” OD, which is far beyond the acceptable diameter limit.
CT Fatigue
Fatigue is defined as progressive and localized structural damage that occurs when a
material is subjected to cyclic loading
• Numerous tests performed have confirmed the fact that bend cycling Coiled
Tubing with internal pressure loading dramatically reduces the fatigue life of
the pipe when compared to the cycle-life of un-pressurized tubing.
Coiled Tubing Stresses
• Normally maintained in an
elastic stress state, but is
subjected to plastic stress
state each time it is rolled
on or off the reel and over
6x Bending events the gooseneck
3 x Plastic cycles
• Plastic stress states causes
the CT to be permanently
Bending Cycles
Sub-sea Rig Up
Sub-sea coiled tubing operations from a floating rig require the injector head and BOPs
etc. To be compensated to allow for rig movement. The injector head, BOPs and stripper
are housed In a lift frame which is suspended from the drilling blocks. The riser and sub-
sea BOPs are in turn suspended from beneath the lift frame, commonly through a
hydraulic connector for ease of rig up, and are kept in constant tension when attached to
the sub-sea Xmas Tree to avoid buckling of the riser joints.
CT Equipment
1. Control Cabin
2. Power Pack
3. CT Reel
3 2
4. Goose Neck
5. Injector Head
6. Strippers
7. BOP
8. Kill Line
CTU Control Cabin
Various configuration and design:
• Independent or truck mounted unit
• Elevated Location - to provide full view of all activities.
The hoses are exposed to environments, that can cause physical damage or
conditions , which cause deterioration over time causing leaks.
The hydraulic operating systems have different operating pressures. If a 1/2 ” 3000
psi hose has to be replaced, it cannot be replaced with a ½” 1500 psi hose although
the hydraulic connections may be the same.
However, since the higher pressure hose can have smaller ID, which may effect the
hydraulic performance of the system negatively ,it should replaced as soon as
CT Reel
Primary function is store and protect CT. (25k ft of 1”, 1¼”, 1½”, 1¾”, 2” & 2⅜” CT)
Component: (RIH and POOH Speed: 250 ft/min
• Reel motor Maintain proper tension, Reel and IH.
• Level wind assembly Ensures close, even and efficient spooling onto reel.
• Reel swivel Allows fluid to pumped while CT rotating.
• Lubrication system Application of inhibitor or protective coating.
• Mechanical counter Back-up depth measurement system,
• Crash frame Protect CT during handling & transporting.
RIGHT ANGLE DRIVE (Floor Mounted Motor) DIRECT DRIVE (Axle Mounted Motor)
Crash Frame
Chain Drive
Reel Motor
Service reel
Service reel
CT Goose Neck
• It guides CT from horizontal to vertical position as it leaves the reel to enter
the top of IH. Profiled rollers the Goose Neck support the CT as it is bent over
the Goose Neck arc.
• The gooseneck can have a radius as small as 48” or as large as 120” depending
upon the size of the CT.
• Larger gooseneck sizes (radii) are used to minimize the fatigue of the CT
string. The recommended gooseneck radii and their relative sizes are shown
CT Size Radius
”72 – ”48
Profiled Rollers
”96 – ”72
”120 – ”90
”½3 ”120 – ”96
Injector Head
• The Injector Head essentially consists of
hydraulic motors connected to chains ,
that move the CT. The motors actually turn
the chains through a set of timing gears to
synchronize the movement of both chains.
Primary Barrier
Stripper rigged up above BOPs to create the primary barrier envelope.
Sometimes called CT stuffing box.
Usually a tandem stripper to ensure back-up is readily available
Secondary Barrier
Quad/Combi or Triple BOPs along with riser/other equipment, like
Shear/Seal BOP close to the top of the Xmas tree to create a
secondary barrier envelope consisting of blind rams, cutter rams, slip
rams and tubing rams
Tertiary Barrier
Shear/Seal BOP - Safety head], mounted close to or flanged to the
Xmas tree and capable of cutting the tubing, but not the tool string,
like mud motor and check valves
Coiled Tubing External Barriers
Injector head
Xmas tree
Coiled Tubing External Barrier Envelope
Primary Barrier
Primary barrier
Primary Barrier
Secondary Barrier
Tertiary barrier Secondary Barrier
Secondary Barrier
Tertiary Barrier
Low pressure
CT Strippers
Conventional stripper
Side Door Stripper
• Specifically designed to facilitate easy access
Coiled Tubing
to the Packer Insert, primary seal and Upper Brass
bushing with CT still in the well. Bushing
Procedures: Hydr.
Preventive measures:
• Sealing Elements-:
• Must be checked visually prior any installation or use
• Change Pipe Ram Elements when 80% of rubber remains
• Closing BOP around tools with sharp edges should be
• If the wear is on the PCE body itself and this is an integral part of
the pressure control equipment, then no ‘on-site’ repair is
Ram type BOPs are located below Strippers and may be a Double,
Triple or Quadruple , Quad, BOPs
Ram Preventer are designed to hold pressure from below
Ram Preventer assembly is fitted with equalizing valves so as to allow
pressure equalization across a closed ram before it is opened
A ram preventer is also fitted with a Kill Port
CT Combi, Triple and Quad BOPs
Solid block BOPs
Ram Configuration from top down:
1 Combi BOP
• Shear / Blind Ram
• Pipe /slip Ram
2 Triple BOP
• Blind Ram
• Shear or Slip
• Pipe Ram
3 Quad BOP
• Blind Ram
• Shear Ram
• Slip Ram
• Pipe Ram
Quad BOP Configuration
• Less Height
• Minimizes steps during an Emergency
• Easier to Operate
Closing Quad in case of Emergency
Triple BOP
Blind Ram Assembly
Slip Ram Assembly
Pipe Ram Assembly
Pipe Ram Assembly
Shear Ram Assembly
Combi Rams
CT BOPs Hydraulic Control System
The bottle is pre-charged with Nitrogene
1,000 psi
with N2 to 1,000 psi
The maximum hydraulic
pressure in the bottle is
3,000psi Fluid can be
used to
The minimum hydraulic operate BOP
functions to
Piusmp with
pressure in the bottleelectric/air min. press.
of 1, 200 psi
1,200psi pump to 3,000 psi
CT Quad BOPs and Annular Preventer Hydraulic
Accumulator Capacity
Volume Calculation and Number of Bottles Requirement
Company Policy is to provide sufficient volume to close, open and
close again all rams and annular preventer, using information below:
Note: This BOP will only cut coiled tubing and not larger OD intervention equipment
like tubing conveyed perforating, TCP, guns.
Shear/Seal BOP - Safety Head
Shear/Seal Actuator
Shear/Seal BOP
Shear/Seal Ram Operation
Note: If not sure about shear capability, then do not attempt to shear
anything else, but the coil.
Cutting CT with Shear/blind and Shear/seal
Kill line
Clean cut Crimped cut
Shear Rams
Designed to shear or cut CT in the hole
Slip Rams
With Slip Inserts not sealing pressure.
Used to hang off CT, prevent it from rotating and stripping down due
to CT weight. Designed to grip only in one direction
Pipe Rams
Designed to shut off well pressure when replacing of stripper
elements are required. Also called Safety Ram
Annular Preventer – “Hydril”
Flange Description :
7-1/16”, 10,000 psi
Flange, means this
flange has a 10,000
psi working pressure
and has a 7-1/16”
through bore ID
API Flanges and Ring Gaskets for Wellhead Adapters
API 6B flanges have a gap between the flanges after make-up; will
therefore need periodic re-tightening of bolts/nuts
API 6BX flanges are ‘face- to-face’ flanges; gaskets are slightly larger
than groove, but when compressed, gaskets are deformed and create
initial seal
RX and BX are pressure self-energizing gaskets; this means that
pressure from the well bore will act upon the inoner face of the ring and
assist in the flange sealing feature
BOP external leaking and malfunctioning
Body The actuator body O-ring (often referred to as a bonnet or door seal) is
leaking and needs to be replaced.
Hydraulic oil leaking around the indicator stem extension The indicator stem seal is
damaged and needs to be replaced.
Shear rams will not cut - Must be addressed prior to job start up
• Sufficient hydraulic pressure may not be available.
• Try to close shear rams several times.
• If the situation allows, check the shear blades to see if they are sharp or
• Make sure they are the correct size for the particular application.
Slip rams are not holding - Must be addressed prior to job start up)
• Sufficient hydraulic pressure may not be available.
• Check the condition of the slip rams. If they are dull, flattened or filled with well
deposits, they may not hold. The slip wickers must be sharp. If dull, replace, if
gummed up, clean.
• Make sure they are the correct size for the particular application.
Rams damage tubing , which must be addressed prior to job start up
• Make sure they are the correct size for the particular application. If the ram bore size is
larger than the pipe, the corner of the inner seal retainer plate extending beyond the face
of the ram guide may pinch or mark the tubing.
• Check the guide rod slot and guide rod for wear. If either is severely worn, the ram may
become cocked in the ram bore causing the ram to engage the pipe improperly.
Fluid Leaking out of Weep Hole
• If wellbore fluid is leaking from the weep hole, the O ring stem seal is probably
leaking and needs to be replaced.
• If hydraulic fluid is leaking from the weep hole, the outer stem seal O-ring is
leaking and needs to be replaced.
Note: If there is a fluid leak through the weep hole, the leak can temporarily be
stopped or reduced by injecting a sealant through the injection port
Weep hole
General maintenance of preventers
• BOPs that are H2S service rated are composed of alloys that are relatively soft. This
means that care must be exercised to prevent unnecessary damage to the BOP.
• If the BOP must be worked on in the field, rest any part removed on a soft cloth
and make sure that it is clean before reinstalling. Hose ends or couplings should be
kept clean, free of dirt or grit when not in use.
• If they should become dirty, damage and improper sealing may result. Use
hydraulic oil or an approved cleaning solvent to clean a dirty part.
• Ensure that no air is trapped in actuators, hydraulic lines and equipment by
bleeding or purging lines. Air pockets or bubbles may lead to sluggish responses of
• Never apply pressure to any tubing ram without having the proper OD test rod or
test tool in the ram.
• Before starting a job, the BOP stack must be tested to insure that it will hold up
to the maximum anticipated pressures from the job.
• Most BOPs are checked out and tested at the maintenance facility
of the contractor prior to shipment to the job site.
• Keep in mind that this inspection/testing may not be recent and that
damage may have occurred in transit or rig up.
• Both safety and peace of mind dictate testing of this equipment before
the job begins.
• The onsite test includes function, low and high pressure tests.
• The results of each individual test must be recorded.
• The low pressure test must be performed first and should be
conducted at pressures between 200 to 300 psi.
• The high pressure test should be the lesser of the maximum expected
surface pressure, minimum burst pressure of the well’s tubing, or Before
starting a job, the BOP stack must be tested to insure that it will hold
up to the maximum anticipated pressures from the job.
BOP test procedures contd.
• Test all components that will be exposed to pressure. When conducting these
tests use a fluid (i.e. water) that will not cause pollution, or harm personnel if a
leak develops.
• Test intelligently within all equipment ratings, and remember that pressure may
become trapped, especially between valves, and then vent off at an
inopportune moment.
1. Goose Neck
2. Injector Head
3. Dual Stripper System
4. Hydraulic Connector
5. Quad BOP System
6. Flow line
7. Annular BOP
8. Shear/Seal BOP
.9 Xmas Tree
Low Pressure CT Stacks
1. Goose Neck 1
2. Injector Head
3. Stripper
4. Hydraulic Connector
5. Flow line 4
6. Combi BOP System
7. Annular BOP
8. Xmas Tree
CT BHA, Bottom-hole Assembly
CT BHA configuration:
1. Coiled Tubing
2. Connector
3. Check Valve 1
Standard BHA 3
4. Check Valve 2
5. Hydraulic disconnect
Check Valves - Internal Primary Barrier
Flow to
pump out
check valve
Check Valves - Internal Primary Barrier
Hydraulic Disconnect
• It is similar in design to the BOSS, but operated by differential
pressure inside the CT.
• The activating mechanism depends on depth and fluids in the well
Tension Disconnect
• These are simply two components pinned together such that they will
separate upon application of a straight pull on the coiled tubing,
leaving a standard fishing neck looking up.
• It is not generally recommended to use the tension disconnect as
part of the down hole tools because of the lack of control over down
hole tension forces and the possibility of premature release.
BOSS Release Operation
Fluid Fluid
Ball Pick-up
pressure pressure
• The release is carried out by
inserting a ball , that is pumped
down the CT.
• The pumping pressure is kept
constant until the ball reaches Upper
the seat of the releasing tool.
Pin sheared
• Adequate over-pressure of the Piston
CT causes the separation of the pin
two tool components allowing
the coiled tubing to be
• One or a double flapper check Lower
valve must be used so the ball body
can pass freely to the releasing
Dogs held in Apply press. Shear pin –Separation
position to shear pin release dogs complete
Circulating Sub
Coiled Tubing Connector
Tandem Check Valves
Release Joint/Safety Joint* Drill
Drill Collars
Coiled Tubing Motor
Stabilizer - Optional
Bit Rotor motor
The on site testing include Function test and Low
Pressure test at 250-350 psi
The High Pressure test is test up to maximum
anticipated surface pressure and by some Operators
, %10 +but importantly less than burst pressure of
Surface line
pressure test
Reel test
against test cap
Note: Only OEM straight bars must be used when testing CT Strippers.
The incorrect bar may blow out of the stripper and cause equipment damage
or personnel injury
Pumping’ Jobs
Conveying Fluids or Gases
• If the Wireline and tools are conveyed using conventional tubing, the pipe will
cease to slide due to its weight at inclinations over 26 degrees Coiled Tubing is
then used to convey the electric tools
• One of the big advantages of a Coiled Tubing unit is its ability to circulate
as the tubing is run into or out of the well.
• Additionally, it can run pack-off tools to isolate a zone and then perform a
remedial operation, and retrieve the isolation packer in one trip.
• Coiled Tubing may also be used for well kill operations. This is very useful,
especially when a hole develops in the primary drill pipe or tubing string.
CT Reverse Circulation
• An installed Coiled Tubing string may also be used as a treatment and a gas lift
line, where treating chemicals or gas can be pumped down the Coiled Tubing to
achieve the desired results.
Treating a well
Chemical treating of the tubing or formation can be performed by Coiled Tubing, often
without killing the producing zone, or minimizing the shut in time. This provides the
benefits of less lost production and more importantly, less possible formation damage
than bull heading treatment methods.
Coiled Tubing units are used for acidizing and/or selective zone chemical treatments. It
should be noted that due to its nature, acids and some chemicals shorten the life of a
coiled tubing string and can lead to holes in the pipe and premature failure of the string.
Unloading a well
In this process coiled tubing is run to a desired depth and nitrogen or lightweight foam is
injected down the coiled tubing and back through the annular space of the production
tubing. This results in a reduction of hydrostatic pressure imposed on the formation to be
produced, which should allow the well to come in.
Sand Cleanout with Coiled Tubing
• However, if the CT end is below the SCSSV close the Muster Alarm
Slip and Pipe Rams and lock them manually.
Note: By slowing down the pump rate through the check valves we will be
able to record and thereby confirming the SICTP
Contingency Operations –General Measures
• For every and any emergency, priority must be to make the well
• Inform and alert company representative and clear all personnel
from immediate area of the CT
• Following a pump failure or any surface pin hole leak or parting,
confirm that the check valves are holding pressure
• If pulling out because of pin hole or parting downhole, continue
pumping with water] and reduced pulling speed to 15 ft/min, as
this will stop migration of hydrocarbons up inside CT and reduce
the risk of CT collapse
• If hazardous chemicals are in the reel, e.g. acid, flush through the
reel with water. Wash down and neutralize any spillage
• If the check valves are not holding pressure and backflow is
severe, do not hesitate to shear the CT to make the well safe.
• The Shear/Seal BOP, close or on top of the Xmas Tree, will then
ensure CT will drop below Xmas Tree valves
• All possible risks must be discussed in detail. Following a safety
analysis contingency measures must be agreed, drills held and
competent staff put in charge of operations
Power Pack Failure - Contingency
In case of power pack failure, then Injector Head, and the CT Power pack failure
reel and Control System will not function, but all functions on
the unit are fail safe and/or there are manual locks as well
Note: The BOPs remain active as they are controlled from the
accumulator system
• If the maximum expected pressures exceed the tubing’s collapse, or if the tubing
weight limitations exceed tensile strength, then either a Volumetric kill technique
must be used, or a snubbing unit will need to be used.
CT Pin hole Leak – Contingency
between Gooseneck and Reel Level Wind.
Leak due to pin hole in the CT between Gooseneck and Reel Level Wind.
Confirm if Check Valves are holding - CT pressure should drop quickly
Option 1 whereby we have a leak, but does not worsen and acid is not
• Stop pump and confirm, that check valves are holding pressure
• POOH with CT until pinhole is located back on CT reel.
• Close Slip Rams/Pipe Rams and lock manually
• Decision to be made to pull out further or kill the well
• In some cases, operators may temporarily repair CT with tube-to-tube
Then establish circulation again , open BOPs and pull out BHA and replace CT
CT tube-to-tube Connector
CT Pin hole Leak – Contingency
between Gooseneck and Reel Level Wind.
From the previous slide it will become clear that the ultimate decision will
depend on a number of variables, which may even change over time.
But well integrity must be retained and a CT fish can usually be retrieved.
CT Pin Hole Leak At Surface-Contingency
Option 2 whereby leak is moderate or severe
and is getting worse or when Check Valves
are not holding pressure:
Option 2 whereby leak is moderate or severe
and is getting worse or when Check Valves
are not holding pressure:
• Pull on to reel carefully or the CT may break
• Stop coil and close Slip and Pipe rams to isolate annulus. Set
manual locks.
• Place injector in neutral and engage brake.
• Bleed off pressure above pipe rams to inflow test
• Bleed off stripper hydraulic pressure and replace elements.
• Pressure test stripper through kill line (avoid collapsing CT)
• Equalize pressure across BOP rams and release manual locks.
• Open pipe and slip rams.
Stripper Failure 1
Stripper Failure-2
Major RISER Assembly Leak between Xmas Tree
and Quad/Combi BOPs with the Coiled Tubing ‘well
below’ the SCSSV – Contingency
• Pull sufficient CT out of the hole to ensure CT will riser leak
drop below Xmas Tree Master Gate Valves when
Shear Rams are activated
riser leak
CT parting
at surface
• Stop CT movement and stop pumping
• Monitor CT returns to confirm that the
check valves are holding pressure
• Attempt to spool as much CT back onto
the reel to avoid whiplash.
• Run excess CT through Gooseneck
• Set Injector and Reel Brake.
• Close Slip and Pipe Rams and lock
them manually Spool back CT
• Monitor WHP. Discuss contingency onto reel and
Excess CT thru
plans gooseneck
• If check valves are not holding pressure
, then use the shear/ seal rams to
cut/drop the CT.
• Kill the well and repair CT.
• Perform fishing operation
Coiled Tubing Collapse-Contingency
When check valves are fitted a risk exist that the coil may be
exposed to high collapse loads like external pressure much
higher than internal pressure, which may exceed the collapse
pressure of the coil.
• Once the string can be removed from the well the check valve must be repaired or
Coiled Tubing Runaway
The CT String can be ejected out of the well, if WHP is high enough to overcome CT
weight below the Stripper and Injector Chains lose their grip or Injector Motor spins
• If the gripper blocks become fouled, or if there is too much weight and
momentum, the tubing may pull through the chains, even with hydraulic pressure
shut off and the motor’s brakes engaged.
• This is a runaway condition
• Steps that may be taken to slow and stop pipe movement: increase traction
• Make sure chains are running in same direction as pipe
• Increase stripper pressure to maximum and if necessary apply emergency
traction pressure
• Depending on company policy, applying reel brakes and/or closing slip rams
are options.
• However, it should be realized that these options may cause sudden failure
of the tubing.
• The gripper blocks should be cleaned, and skate pressure adjusted before
opening the slip rams.
• In both of the following cases the action to be taken will depend on the
severity of the situation.
• The quickest method, but not necessarily the most satisfactory, would be to close
the shear/seal rams.
CT Runaway and Bird’s Nesting