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Unit 3

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..l (;j10; .


.J-h,dWaYc ~

31- ctJ(lO(o-k:, uf.-f-he cDrnp-tfe, hQ"fc1WCl"fC grrern

~h LOhic h <]he 9"1& 0oftwo.'Ye .,uno· '/he 91'S YW, Df) .-the..
W'l-de 6pechum c& compu.f:c"'i &rre rll6 -Yoncf~cr fre>rt)
perc30 rDl COrf)pule-Y~ OuF"YC6~
/he haydwo.'Yc 10"- rq1S
c:onott>to *'
rnuJti -u-sn
lnpuJ- dev; CEo ~
Ob diS' II:ieYS , """,nne" b an:! 'iRS - vk<l ,ad v0';; , .-the
Sio~ cfrv;ce6 mch M ~tiC
tope, ad ct'"'''',
CD ~OMs ard oIhco
cpHccJ d16Kb, ccnhoJ p-rOCC.5b (J un',h
arlO! ---the eut put- doe v[ce6 c:3u.ch 0-6 cit;;') pI 00 cL vt c.e " prl nb

ond plott-eY6 .

,!!xJlfwoYc ' :

Soth.. . 0Q)'C" p'o~.o.~D..-trot llUn

Jie&CY5 rio 1he
C}n compu.Ie'Y,5" ~esc irdUdc p'OJiip.mmc-D .-fo rIlO-r.o.cr­
.-/he compu[.c'Y. and' to PelD0'Ym ~cd~C -iunci-Tortb.
rhe fifo o~fv:p"fc poovldcs ihc: -JpF>c+:onz, ord: tOO[6
~h:Jf- Q'IC neer-MQT to Stoyc) o..ro..1r e Qrcl JibpiaLt
r°(f'Ophi c In-§oYrnolion. ,sOtn'<:"' common Ql's &#wCA'YC
o:ye A-rc c:j]b J AYe View) Ihc cSDE J!he '1116 ) MOP]r{D I

qeofY:o:l-r~ I etc. IrJcb rxued GTe, ;0 Ono1he"¥ c.Dncept J

whi ch./v) bccom'i rxg VC'Y(f populo.'f ffit' notoo.deu~ o.~d J

~~. U6e6' 1fJe VJeb oppUc.ciliDn 0c#lAJQ."¥e. A CDmmDn

pm.chee In qI'& 16 LU':>lnq. M~- Ac.cess OYQd--e ~L £C"y1,C'
U ) I

,eee 0'..3 Q 'DBM S &Jb+WO"¥C' oJOf)C'd wHh r1h-e ChOO6c.rJ

y- Q,.,~

P-rocedu"fL' !

-A compuf.e~ s,f'tern~"i" (jT S coru,1 6+oef

hcnrduJOYC I oq+Wo.'YL, nnd p'(JcedUYe6de6l~eGr ~
c$uppcn': 1he' doJ~
capltnc ,ot-OYo..zr proCL6~tf)7f ) J

onoltfCQ , rt;ocfe tI, nTf Qnd cftop/OJ.! 4J 7fospoJtoJ dola. .


Bcc,ideo -The rfcc.hrLiecJ componcrr!0 l3. ke ho.od lAJo.-re ,

S#WOYE" 0J"l1' dcJE\ Uu~ J ~nsfUu+tonoJ po roe lAJo-r k ()M.eI
p1Jclc& O:n: 0100 Fr(y::o--do.nt' .fOY 0. /vndr'onoi 91'6.
The (nfcyc&t ond lAl'I/lirxane66 '4 deci~ion rno.};C'16 '(1)

C'')(pIoHl~ G;J'<5 Techndo(fO and .-the. OYQrciw.+tonol ~ up J

1m- coIre.e# nco &FOHoJ dolo,. I arotr i6 pooc.edu:r C6, and

ihe . jleot.J~ . ~ plo.nr{tnt. CAnd trOplHYlCntoJ-t on
o 0. t/CY'a-- i rnpO'lton[- ct>rnponent In ex. GriD.
A&Jc.ce'D&fu' GileS op'C...oJe'& a.ccoyeD()OJ. -to Q wdl-
. n, __! L. .• ~ xui.t. tAJ~, C h mre r4he
cl eSt C}ne C'f 'P On elf :0 (X)..J.> t ()~ ,

U I. 10 unia.uc -to eo..eh

rnoolds ard (')pcr a;tl(f poo.c<ftCe6 f'

e;Y(fw3iton .
Vct!a .:

llito Qye named 0-& ~06P0:lioJ ard oftYl bub cbJc

in ql'cS. The G,76 .fo..ctllt-o.ft-eJ> rntcol'o..l-io n 0t ~QJ Qd
ott 'Y'; tXLl1 o/o..bo.. o..ncJ ~ 16 rrnke.s <them UrLrCf;UC In COnbo.s.1
1:0 DfhcY do1o. bo...!e 6(fft':fN,. !he q1.s dola :6 f-n~J{-eeP
j f) dnto. beu~ -to'Hh sped cJ ~nc:fi onoJ j"tECJU"lYC rnc:rriD ~
tar! Ct.! <-Jh... ?fnnal cfumcfeYIC5Hco ci Qn~ <3for:>:7Io'1d dolab
!he &:!UYCE:6 4- 0FD-+roJ cb.Pa o-re ch(f#~cd ma.pe:., Qeyi oJ
phol-D7rQ ph& I Qncf &J1-e/liti (~. M.ibut; deJa. OoUyc.c8>

O:re <3toited-l caJ toblc6 orxf 'Yclobd dowmenfo. '!he t51hCY

dicftnJ f'fbp -!o,m6 aye ~e We ofa!i 'rnpt-tr r-f'e>y 91s,
fo6..thy cIata 'YcfatIcJ ~.-+he rrup ~cc~ ()"JC 01:0 ncce~Q1
.-fa be ofbched rio ~e eberl-oJ rrop chl-q ,

~c '1oles 4.-fh:: pe:y+t ncnr
tL.se'lrf:, O"fe *' ,z,efecr
:rr[oymQ.ffon i.D cer
ncceSSQ'lrt 3:ardQ'Yd6 10 de~ion J

cocf, t#tcknr updoM~ 0Cherne6, to OJ)M!C qJ.0 auJ- ptJo

-ley YClevani- pmpcr~~ and pion --the lrnplemen-to:Mon. 'i<1Obr

dcrnittrm ~- fi"b .;oCtJMS on.-the /-;cndwo.:..-c, br1i"tDO:1'E I

doJo. ond ano..1 io CDmponLrTk,. +-Iowevey) no $6 e..,u61­

'If) 18daiton tft <the We-· 7hel'c (Y)u6r o.ltDOJ-t be people
to pion I j rnplemenl:- ,end DpcYat rlhe &.J6+crn Db LOdl ~
10 rroke dcc'r6'iOTlO tw,ed t'Jn <the ~ul-pul-. '!he cq'l5
prqjedS "tQI/W tom C)(D().II ..:n.c:.ocClych oppl; catON> J

where one WcY k.> Y'c..sporu,'ible .-10"' de~L(fn (wei

trnplcrrYcnHon aJ)d od-pJ;-Io ~lrJk'fr)a.i10()oJ CD"fpt:nat
d'16h'i buted 6t1Lrn&, lAJhcyc di&tcYt:r)+ .ftJfc c+ wen
krtCfQCJ lAJHh --the ql6 ~n rm.o( d'ritc:YCm level6
ami WN(" .

-Ket-~ .Gropone.Ij)S tJt Gfl-6

----~'-...-~~ ....... ~.~ _.~.- .. ,-.. ,,,,",-,,,,,,,,,,~-,-=,,,-


10 Onde'"Yc,:,t-o..ncf 1he oJvGn~O<.acf> CJ..r:d irrtpoytQfYe

,. e;lS in Ot t:effc-. wcuJ-
U '
;f- ~ v"vy-'
L. 0
(rnp:rr oni ' ( B
1 ...I­

!enow -the: and CloSe.:> 4-

appLi cQfuno fits. A E(1s erdl•.b
tf.l, 10 bette;- urxl'e"lt",Jo.nol CtI'()! -eVcJu.o.t. Den d~ b.
Q ..-In' -~, I if
• (J' C/'o/-,/c Ct~<5P rut U-D (0 irrforroaJion c+o.coJ
f~ OUy cloto..bewe. lAli1h Cl. q1s , We Con cho. -the
l p
d 6 lOJ-J 4 Ow' (fag'mphic dolo.' txd chonO<1 .-fhe
00t:016 > Q;;(OUYo , Cly vaJue'0, 'In --1he do1a.6Cl.bc co.t,le<s.

"The <iTs' Can be" opPJcd .~n Vo.Yol1b d1.sf-rncJ opptc~

Mo.JOY 00'rEru, ~ QpP..; c cJi On ()~
o(.<?Q.-b. qJ0 cor;. be:

rvupcd ...lLL15 CcJeoo-rceo

Pocd;HctS Mano.J);ernenf::

loYW- . 8cot Qnol ,:n:e uce rm.ps orJ nei-tuo Y k

o.ro1ri5 ·o.Ye LLu:d IY'O.J()L.~ tOY u17t;~ fO'.()J'~Ar('(Yent.

Env! ,0nrTwnl- . and

~ ~
rVatuYat ::f!etSourCE6
~ ---------
;Ylanoc;y.rnenf .­

r-<Iediurn - 0'( SrruN· ,scale «np~ anal evc'(f

~VC1" (O-I-J. techncq,uLo In CDrnbt~on wHC, o.c~oJ
orJ eo}eft/ti .;~ Q"(C u.bcd {en' «U.P>­
-OOduncht t)b --hQ..UJyeJ ;nec,ouyces Qro! envhonm~n+oJ
~mpac!- o.ro.1.tfi6.
She e t
I\/~f woY..J: :
Lny?!­ meo~ um­ cSC.cJe ro:o.p~ ond orxJ1cJ

onolt-fi8 aYe Ul:>Ecl 10 y \)eh:dc 'Yl')tlRn , l occJ-Jtn 'd hEt.v:>e

0r1d ~1W: e k , ric '­


. Lo.ycg-e- - OY rnd: um- oco.L rmp6 and ErPcfnee.t ncr

meddo . Qrc~ecfi rnoJn1
i.n dvc I -e-~nee'l(O' .

Janel '--" Eln{o'ymoHo 'C& f2,rn _.

. . -
__ ~

n 'cXj6

/J:A;r- sco.le Co'dabfYc. rrnp~ Oy lQrd r=urce-f

fY'QP6 . and ~traJ nno.L-rcd ();rE UfJed .foy codOY.1ye­
od rnln.r",,1¥cxHon, ta~nHon, etc.
SoJu rcnlfOTlc& I ond Nioclel 'Ydo'J J <'Spen?un
d pcJreYn<
&Yeh on adJed o.duQnf--or\~ poDVloIec1 b;r --thr 6fU 1
lS"f)~nc:E lr) mO"fkd-i"o-- 'ihe compon..1J more c.ornpd·Htvc
and 8ucceMtu'·

#st!c/~ ~0'
'The filS lbused en Q oJ~Lt.! bit:> b(l- fue
c.1tteo Qrcl uN (;H~ ...Jo hdp'.-fh.ern ~ n nnpp1niJ ,~n ',nvcnn
&r+crnb , hue-k ~nL"-enQnce mD~lo'l ~aPo~jJ~9W:,o.n~

0, mOdel clish-ibHon arJcJ.1!'c6, fYClrtD~rnCY, Pjro.ltr 1D •

oncl 1rocI arnL-t~ 6 .

£nu;ronm-enF !

~c 6710 is u0cd eveY(fd 10 hdp . pooled- 1-hc

env~ Y"onmenr-.
Ar)envi -ronmento.l ~&e~ioro.l~es G{1 b
10 pr-oduce, mops , I nvcn-!ond. <":pc-del, ,l"le01>UrC envly{)fl­
- mental i mpocr, Oy -[-roc.e pollu,Ja.n+o. the env( oonrD-crT/aJ
~coa-fDn.6 f>Y G;jf5 DYe. oiroosr erd{~.

, ' Nou.:nolCu-cr, mo.rc.<if"t -pe&.fo
:6 beco~n6 : fnv-.e
CDmp{e'X. and derrunc&nff dwlenO./,-.JHh <91,5, -fo'Cb+e.~
Can ecu,i Ltt <S-ec +he ~ebl~ . ~ On eCI%~+erY) o..wJ
InO.OQ[f If- c cO e rrl- ~J--
qcot~ 610 w,e ql~ -eve} d~ ~n 0. wide
cD Ofpl1 cair Ofl&. The 61']6 COn oloo be us-eol c-/o
cr0lo(fco1 ~eo.t.rre0 a~e <3D;/~ ohd 6fdQ,
I CU6e¥

&Jorn'le. ;1>-fo,moJ-ton, CJ"{" ·CYLo..li cih-rcc - dlmc-f"L6cooo.1 ("6D')

d16plOJf 4· o(J.ap~c 1e cJv ,U>.

'!he 91.$ Ql.n o1l>{) ~ weal ~ ~d.~ d "fcd nor sr..ftr6
OM-e~1>c;r'"'TOurdwo.b'Y, a.rd vt6uot-.?C u:x:Je'Y 6hc~ I o.ncl !n
mQn~ erthey hoJ'"folact c oppLi co:HoN,. .

JDnJ- U6c plannrn9'

~~ ~U1
·people We 9'10 .-fa herp '\/16UoJJ de or.d plan +he
.1and- U¢c ~cq,.u..herncrft~ 4 cil-rEb. ';/leetoN;, ,0'1 -even ~od
tFvcynrnerrfo .

~t ff~L-:.. ,
the local. crvcynmenr- U-be,s, ~J'6 -evc-yo dOJ! 1b
&llvc sevcyol p-robl"Cmb, 10""( -to-m-+ton ond &J on· 8-f+e-n
'the doJ6 col Icc fEd and wed' bt· one . ocenCLJ err okfu­
_-rt["'()C.nt- co.n be used btt oncrthe~·
~ ~ q16.
o ;6 on
a vQY(e~
pm ttJ:>01oru, uoe ~1.s <in ~Ip
otheYo unde-cotand ljocr'-Qphk dcJ5,..

ond cmtod,o.phcY:J ~e Gjlt> 1n
r o.no.t-r+D
afi QI-Pl1CQ110nl, Cuch Pee. C'YC'o.U 0(J !xu.e-m
Q.>.,},e$.s.~'1 fe-nain, and rudi , (n fo.diccJ clec.E6iorl.C
!3'sk -/YJonat;flrnt'nr ~

A Ell'& con help wH-h :n1..sK manD-Ornent­

and Qrotr i6 b(f ShCX),:,'ln
O erY w, which D.YLCU> CA"be .tf;.e~
to be p~one 70 na.tu.o1 rY1oomo.e& o1tc£u 1~y;) ,
When &J.ch 1ar.Jhcorn't. nO d.tscui-c~ C\YC Ide nttb-i' e d ,
preventive (Y}ea-bUYC"& con be developed <1h:J- JecJ wi.ij
.-+he dJ!teyenr 8cerJOY;O,s,


'P"E.CJpl-e Ooamd -+he WOy/cJ Ube GIls rio help

.-fhem loc.oiL SI~0 10Y rYLO .-{o..dLH-te.b Oy l() col<. ol-e""l­
ncJtve &~~ .-fey eXJ6ttl)a: ~c1te.Heb'
A Gi'T~ Can be U¢ cd .-fa l n mQf)D.ffn~ iYO.nk.F­
lO~.6fi col
-o-do..lf on
'Thc.(f CQn helfU

i fJ
lor'( ~ ?lai I bl<f..Je.m>.
o.rcf Jload CDnd';+tOfIQ CJ( ftnclrn(j --f-hc:. be&f- wo.-zt
-fa d'cUvey F and 6eyviceE,.


Ropfe 'in .-the lAJ~""I r/Ab..ob waJ.;"'( in~~ lJ.2lC

({La t0Hh 1hc plannJ 6' I enr nceoi n ~ , e:Jpe"(Q..fi 19M >

ffia0n1-ano.na ,i1nonce and odw(l~~h-dfon iu nc1i C:n-b

tf .--fhch l-\XlfE" / /AlcuCR LAJok"Y nd-cumh.
\' . \ \

Ir r1 .



ql " I j\

~ J'\O ,j ,.) .'j'

" ..
", -'
, KCt~Jey ...,--.-.
l;;ttla. j2'er::;,YC5cn1i:t..-lion :

" 9n .7l~fe"'1 ~ep"Y"e&enrcillf)r), -/he ~'01'O.in ; b dJvldd

~nIo Q. numbe" ti (-X1ycdc oY !juQntt6c d -the .8>po..te

) rrfo ,unt'k,. A Fo:rce9 (YY u rl! ~ '( 6 col re dl

a Q O~ d
Cell. Af+ho t1 (f Q w~de VQ'Tl e~ , ~ . /1D-lle'1' 5ho..pel> J;k
r/Y1ont eb O"Y he'll~ao(l,!) (j)YC ~::>16re) ;~ to r-r)'c,~~
S~rnple"Y +0 u.l>c Q &""i"~e6 cf :7lec..Ia+ err mDY-e CfrLcY} I

&rUQ1ee,) co-rted ~iol edIt>· <q.-.id edIt:> eJY oihcY "CV>;Er

r{!e;Y-f'()5 wn~oJu.6 Q)'c uriYfnrn In 6'i~e)' tat 1tV-o r6

ror oJ;)6okJe~ rrece2>.s(1'~' POT -ihe wkc ~ v rn pl1 ~~ )

fAR w(tl QY->vrnc .-frJ- oJI red I!d/6 o.'YC O~.fhe 8o.rne
&i~e o.m rJ+cJ-- I ~eio-re 1 each €Jccupeo The 6Q.roe nmwrJ­

, 8eo(J1'GF c {Spate CU D."tf ofhe't .

, PQ~te"1 chPo. c$7rUC.tul e0 do ";ot- p.ovide ~c.tse

loccdiorol \~'l~on beccuu-e rcaoap{Vc Spo.a: AD
now ctv~ded into dJ6c7ele ~"rtd6 I cu> rrVch D2:> we
obulde a. c.heckc'1lboo.'YJ ~n1v urlr{orrn &fWc:ne&. srxst:e.ocD
~ :nepesentt0ca-- po·cntc wHh 'ihe'h Ct660luki iOCO:-#OM j

...-the.(f o..''1-e ':'Iep"fescrted 01> Q 61nc>le O"5id cdl. ihi 6

6-kppcd oppeQ."ft\:.f'le-e 1b cJ",o obvi DtJ.,,€, u::hen l,()'C' :,,:ept:s,-enr
()"fe'CU> uJHh ~'ld c.ent>. -All por rrt6 ~n0{de 'the ClYeo.. 1ho.t
~6 6otJ'nchcl to: Q do&e ber D~ Uneb mLti>T QCW') uJil/.v1
~e ~ ---th: O'Tld Ceflb to b~ ~p"5eb-enrecfl CU F011- bt
~E' &me Q')'C'o.. h rox:r'lE (nerQ )' 'ihe meQ.) ihe ITJO'it:

&epped .-the oppeQ'}'onc.e •

{?cu>i'e~ 8-huc.lu'Ye& , ~6pedoJ~ 6C}UQ'YC' ~.(.d cel)6,
O-'le piec.ed -1DF rio JlefJ'f,e,3.>ent Dn en1-Iye Cl'YEq.
3(\ ~'T;d- bed tJ( 'iru.t"t:. fll D, .-f"h"L"YC O'Yt: -too 0 t,~l
IAnJ-t 4 'cn <:luJjnQ' cJr'/do::>u.t 0101& 1o-y eac.b erLii~.
lhe 6'lrnple ct it> to (l!>I,"ud'() 0. 6int n.wY'/;:,ey ~Cpce6'CTf~n3"
on a.th-o, but U k; Q dO){) ~ to. n~ c.DveY , r/o'i ea.c h W-; d
tctl tCJca..+ton. &~
PObt+torurxa- 'fhec;e numbeYb w c , ulti'moh: J

Q.<re o1fowln .-the p:>Di.+t on tJfr <fht' otryi6ut volue -1::0

ad- Ct2> We oIei-cuJt ~oco:H on +.-the
enfi ti . fCo"j E'llamFt
:b we W6 (fr' Cl., cock nWD6c-y

10 1D '='l ep-rc sent U)olo)'-,
--then 116r ~ (U) .-the f-rot numbLY \n.-the X 0' cnLumn
dhee.tt'ofl ,ord -Ihe .fty~t- : n.-Jhe 'f 0.., 'YOLO eb-ye ('-finn -'
b det'OllH ~e uppe"( lebt 1'l'ld cdl 16 .-/he (c>~oi-c'm
'~Cl <po-rtton i- 1+->e eo.,,-ih 'j)epresenf1~ woJc"'i. The
.Ll::rt-ri -the ~'Yid Cell J -the rnO"re tOr-r:P a:reo An corrlnJlI'ed
t.cj'dh'( n, H- - concept- colled :ne60Wtl on, The COO--Y~'L'5 .--jhe

'le&lW110n ~ 'ihe ~-Y-ld,.-the lehD ,we. know o!::out The

ob601u.h- 'P0~i.tlOf) tfr' Fdnfo , lineD) and O"lt'Ol> ~ep.."esenteJ
btrJ- .-+hi6 8~uctuYe.

'Ka-s[ey 3l"(udure~ I e6pedoJ~J &q;uQ"fe ~...,id cdfc,

().:re peced mcr+hcY.-ro :Jicprcs"Lnt- an ef)t;rE m''C' Q.

'i2CLt.I=e-y dato. . &/;:;'ucLiJYe rrlOJ-J Seem 10 be' -retff-Jey

fAnclcsi-y-oJjc 6ecCUJ-se 4 -+he abwLuh LoccxtroroJ
lll?-c-k ~
irio'rrneJiOfl. ~~Ie"( dolo- cS{;:;ucltn'c~ f-x:wc: nLlmz:.O~
cdvQnlO-O<F C)ve-r o-the: Sl-1utLure3. NoIcibltJ ,-th'C(f o."fe YElatlu:
eDbO.-fa conCe pt-ucJJ 6e CU> Q cndho&, tfr 51.cpoese rr4! nO
6fXlc-e . Rcmo[e~ ~enbed ~olct QceycUYcd b~ Q. ocn&OY
tf:, one h 1
well knot.D() e'XDmple Y().Ole. dot-a. at
rrep,e&eIlLcJlDn. gn 4o-d"' , -the :71e!cxHcn8h£P 06e+wee/l.-the
phel w,-ed tn :J\erroti 6en6( no Clfl& -!he O-y-~J celt wee
1fl Q'15 oJlolD6 cfoJo. tOr0 So.1e:{)~!eQ -fa be yeedJ4t-­
'rlJccYfFJO'Yol;,d tntO J1OJ,te... /;::o}::,ed qlS fA')'rfhoul- o.n~chanro
, ....

-A Cho.'YQCteyC6f-ec. ~o.t_rre tV s,ed OOJ,ed &cf"'tlrns ;6

.-ff>cJ- mQntt ·tnc.tions, e6 pecJ.oJUJ 7ho6e rnvolvi (j i'he
olJCltrf 6 and rrodef~int· Clf 6u:r&o.ceE, and l'veyht
e:Jpe''YoJiDN" o."re&trnple .-fo pcy&CJtm l,dfh 'iM 6 +-F 4
dcJo. 6ftuctuYe. lhc: rroJOY &j6 oetuon~0 tf.-the YQl:.!ey
daPo. g,l-tUclLl'n: O:re 0.. :m:: duted 6r::ofi. 01 o..cc..u'Y Q C.t-J I

oIt:'c'YE'abe o~ efhe ~Q6( [;~ , O:yeo. oncJ d58to.nc.e

meQAtA'Ye1>, and --the need 1o'Y lo.Ylf ~t-o'YCto CGp::>-c1 1.
l.0Hh hcw~n6 -to 'YLCOyJ C':VCY(j aYic1 cdl 00 Q.

wrne.-l/ col vd.ue.


. ­/
~~ 5i~~ ~~!
the '0...-101 bmeJ 9 T6 6pcL+toJ deJa Can be !Shed
rY'Qrlt'PJ-ror~ t Qna1r.eJ :.?1~~e"'('enced ~Lco.Nt ~n' ({CUr
Dne ~ ...;.he .-{h-ree r()e1h)(J~ I mcdel6 . 'theM' .-thYCe' rrxxJete
O.'.e 9'KTD I LlJNAR. {MACri· rrx::del, l'Mqk':TD rncdd D.rd MPP
rnoder, All tf -thes.e moo/db u&e ---/he ~"ld cd} VG.lt..l~)
--the"("i o.!t·.. ·i butes , Cove-YQzr-~ c~.nol CO-YYC Sf.Xlr-din1t .lt~n04.
lhe6e: model 0 developed ckpcrd.i.nr upon -th e =>Ie,n ­

-Yr()-cnfo to m -If me -to B me ,'fwJ:yc.d on -fu e o.p'Pl1 C 0.11 OM

ciJ "ifl~Ye6t ,(\VoUlo.b°tU~ oD- e4twmt:o a.nd al£rJt"l "(d on-d ,
krfe-rmo:lion. o.ni Dne cb <-the above mcoletb can be: belec.tieD
-fat-.-+he e.7ec.u-hOn 1 po......H wtOl'f
0-. r!:(10 'Poo'Jecl-. rhe 'YC­

O:re Q. numbn- c::b wwt ~ io-Ye..tn(J Co- cornpu.te'Y -£0 s/vre

ond J19 e-ycnce .--ff1e- (net \J~ ducJ dycd Cc II voJ.u:e&,. -Ihc-IY
cJt-'T~ bu..b , t.oVc.-ro.-r no.meo ord. ..Lr net:,. "Thebe /O)ocle.Lb
CQn be undn6tocJ tit CDrlb:ofe('(nt- a CheckeY 6co...d .
'Ped ~()ebccJ::0 tDato ond 6hck lond. 'A="fI-uP6
I cru c.ould
~'lnk: et 0.. checke.y bomd I lAJHh 'H-o ''jed and. tluck ~o.'Ye€

tJb each 4 -thebe 6q.uU"(C& -b /It:pYe~'Cnr 0. ~tmpl(

i.s io..k-en
rno.p 1 land. cove" we h:.vJc procP.vcecl Q. Z'>lrnpk CDJerc
fut ihe pro6lem to 1 hovo ow: .-the D.H·yO,6u.fe& 4 ~tJ:Y
lo..ncloov'C:"( plv.r1coJLlJ ctJnnectLJ 10 ihe~e COYid 6q,uo..yc&
Ne c.o.n pick op -the enfhE Checb:::.t:oo.:«:J ~c~e

~f- :6 0- P'ui ccJ~ ecno-ccti& 8trcJ.ctuyc. /J~ tD6e Wh.t(1 I

l0L pick up Q '1herneJh foup I rL- aLa ::Jleprc.scd6 all.-wv.

.', ' dJf!nerJ ChOnr6 \n ~e ~-erne CU> Q. Sint I CDnnecfrd
l)qjcc~. '!he 6'imi/(h( ~ betwEET) rfhe checJC"Y 6003d (U a

8fnt UN t 4 1e>Y a
of r
e and.-lle trap CLb 0­

8inet unH- ~f !:r!oOQ? f11 sput-roJ ~n.foo~nn '~6

ou.futcJ. Afl -the~e poo61elYVtl con be 'Y'C:001ved ~r we
we ONlone ~-Ihe a-bove merrhoned modele:, (U)

ch6~~eJ ~n ~ .-{o/low·t(f pO:rQ ~'¥'Ofk.c .

(:jRlb IV/erie I ~

!he ~ ... s/- ard *r.ernrx:,b N>Cdd .-fey.-fh-e ::'Jl.cp-rc­

-sentol1on ~ 5lcuR')' 0/01-0. ~0 --!he 9'RfD model. 7hc madet
~1hcd tf 6iorirra I mo.nJpuJot()~ I and arolo-rind ~
rio! bcu>eol do1o.. weu !-Y'or-- conccplua.t6CcI b(f on
oltempr -fo develop ~R1D model. 2n 7hi c ~1hccJ I each
rd cdr ;6 ~4eYenced and

odcJ1fest:.eol 'ndividuoJL.

and is ~oc1a!i~ tC)c-th :der-mccJ~ ~i1-lo()ed ~d
,cdl~ ~n oJIl ~"r c(')veY~, .7lO-ihe-v Uk~ Q v-crttcOJ _
~oru/Y)n 0/
3-.1c:f cerle" eoch dro_l~nO wdh q cS~Cyolt
.-fAeme. CornpoYl.sane, bete.oeen CDVCYOW:& O')'C .-fhe"YL:io"'6e
pe'(~o'lrnLcI on ~ ~tnt mWron oJ-- a. ~rne ~ •
R,y e"l\o. ro pIe : -10 CDm'fXA')'e' Cf)'t I ofr01IxL~ (n one
CoVe,o.r wHh vecrt-o.-tron oJt.lbu~ '(n &conol
CDV<=Yo.o I land u..sed f lard awe"'6~ cJto-"r I::u~ in Q

~(yd COV'C1''Qff I each X ond 'I locoJ-tcn mwJ- be ,

e"X.QO'lined ~ndl\JiduaJtr, &, q 00(/ ~Yiol cell at LocaJ-tur
muS. t be \ I ~ L' • ! " ~ Q ~Otl QIYld
exOIlrU ned Ino (VI (?tUcu 0- . 0 ()
eeU oJ- JocoAiDn )(ro - Yla UJtll be COffiFo:tcJ +0, ct?
ver~ol-ton eeu.()I~'6'po.ot- ond .-fhhJ l()Jt"i Land CJ1>ed.)
Land CDve'Yed or
X'ro -Y(O - You(occJton be able. mitt-
10 envl ofon ·1tJ6 b~ irn:1gJru ()~ 0. ffolDffcbl c..~-re 1n
tVhi Ch each "rOck -kJPe j 0 .ht no
dhec-l(;t on top ~
-fhe nex.t- " and 1-0 F Q pCck~Ye ~ .-the errl1YC:' &1r--1dJ-J
Q-rea. / H- t0W be nLces~Q"1 10 j:Lt r 0. 10..'er numbeo 4f
C-m,C6 ~-e'6'.
o.d.vo.ntQr ~ -/-PU6 modeJ Ls --tf-x:J- coroptJaRom
CD.rnpo-ns,cDn i
mc.Jlilpie -iherne& 0, coveY? .fo-r each.
aa l Cett locaJion ·,b lelcJtve1cr EUJ>V' 1h.1~ ~6 "YooncJL Q

q:plOQL l of'.Ol ha.J> p"OOve n wcc.~. '!he rnoV n Jj ba..­

-dvantruy ~6.-f-hol' ~+ J1 mi-l-b i-he cpb'cJen+ t''Xai'YUraPiz
'~'31eta.~ol/)eJJpb aD-- -!tvtyle6 -to me -io-Dne 'Ycfa:Hon &ltVp6
rd7h~n .-the 6pa-fioJ +arre lA.:rrlk. & co no/. dJ6odtXlnto.~ ~~
fY'O'Ye &1o'YQ? 'e,pace 1o-r ..J-he cdl cWo. and. 'ihe J1.ep-re­
-5entQ-Hol) ~6 lfe,h'coJ 'Yathey ~Il hOYc~C)ntcJ ,ri)/VCh
lAXluJd (Y)D'YE do~e~ YC6er()6~ my no.-tfon rt rno.:p6.

po'tn b m~C'{ po1mo

i:OJ \, c-cll ; /::, =1~bCf~nu~
c/},-cc Ht c'lIwlrln 1Ol.\"-o,,­
> 1MtqR1D yloclef :

h.IHh Q <sUrf mexb~ ccrHon ~.--fhe Checke'6 toQYd.

a.noJo~, +he ~cond. b:u!c 'Ycute,. doJo. rrec/el,.-fhcJ- m
-The T1'1 91<l D data. mcd'el J ~ b rfl, 6 rrtX'Je I Pr b aloo
W:oed ~n --the eo.'YL.( 9 1S &zrt£ IY). her U-& O1o~U me 1-hoJ­
-the ycc1 &:y-lQ 'Ye6 en checkn6oo'YJ mop 6e-tve --to conteJr:
Q 6incte ofrYibLtt ,'YQfh.ey ihon jus~ o..iheme. ~ns+eQcl
t.o: co.n w,e -the nurnbe¥ -1 \ 'Yed (~Uo.'Y(".l>' .ro :nepreocrJ:r
!IC01:e. ond' 0 \ bla.ck &tl(O'Ye;:, 'rfo i neb c oh r-/he o.h:,enc.e
4 w:ill"i.
It .-1herr.cx~C map 4 lord we 1hoJ- CDntoJ N>
+v y
c.a+eries , (')o.rnet.~ . 'Ycc,ecr!-ion I D.3'ic.t.tlknE J

o..not '!cor denc~ ~ s :nep"'(e~cn IJ:dl Q)... each.

lndlL!ifud 1

~ -these 10u ~ oJty'/ btu tDotJd h:wr -+0 be 6-epet-yot:eP

~r OD CUi lndlv; d'ucJ lili
a'. (9ne ~y t0cx.Jd. eJal\J
.-to, rua vcu1 +u"le OfLtt.
J with po 1'$ and O's :f1epcsenHn(f
~~ p.e.sence o. o.b.s.enc.e ~ -!-h} D o.cflv1 ~ ~Oy eo.ch
~d c-d{· k-eC'rccd~cn, "ndtu>lotJ and :ne.slcknc..es c.rocJJ
be ~eF.3ent.eP ~n +he 8o.rne c..em.f' lA.9Hh each
va,coble ::ne~e~et)c.e dhecThJ I V'Qiher .-fraY) Jletewnc.i rut
.-the ~7""iJ c..e{(6 OJ. JJd 11> -the qRJD JU.JI\IAR. ) MAf)7 cl'oot..fYl&l

ca.c h 1:>"(I")[xy ~ co~ e'(~ Jv::,

wJe't"0ud JJ.-redtrrnClp {Cv.,l~OYL
ylll x ..

Medel -=
rhc .-thhol 'Y'(V"f.e'l GiT6 rncdel M,4IP :An~r~ eo,

P<>ckii. (MAl") moclel developec! 6t c· txm" 'o",U n

.-{eYrDdlt( 'rrrk~'ia~ --the. odvQnta~ ~ -Ihe o!:ove .-ftro
YQ;le'/ ofcJA· !>loucrtJye mool'~ Nl~' Sn -the u Jale;:
modef eD-C h .-thern::Jl c- CflJe'6'D..rf- 16 YE cDYded d
Gcce:!:.sed ~epa..ett(jJ b~ fd)..p name ('J1 -tit-Ie- '1tUD
'rf:> Ctccornp(;ohed 6 jl1:COYd.; nO each VQy1obte, Of
("'(X)ppc1j un! t- , rJf.-the CDve ¥o..~'~
0 .-fh-erne Ob Q s,eFO-YcJ;­
nurn6e"l' cec/e 01 Labe-f i WWc.h Qcc..eS&-ecl lnctui CQh be
duoJlt.~ t..0hen +he cove'Q~ ~6 -ye+,-ieved. rhe.oa1el CJ::r('ra·
~por>d~ --m a. pcn-tion 4
fhe iter-not and !-xu, ~tt, own ~rl
O>.<'>~ red -+0 tt-. Sf) .fh~6 u:::D.Lt, ',t L:s eculk -to pel'~m
()~"(o:JTon on Indiv~duoJ ~,id (!OdIe, and o'mupE> tfr 6!,r%
~'fcd cdl ~, Ctrd -the YC&DIt.d1on cho.nr \n value Yeiw~
:11 e wlr!ti()(j onud" 0.. 6't n cft
num6ey pey mopp!()j UNf J
-tnuc> ~lmpb~fo me c..ompAo.Horu. If->e Ov'-CYCltl m~oY
lrnprovLrnent ts.-f-hcJ- -the rnL'thcd o../lotOo "leo..cLt
~pu-lc\Ron 4
.--ft--e .deJa. in a man'l-+o-Ofle yda-lTonbW-p
f.-th e oll,,'fbLLti" VcJUE6 nnal .-the oere, O"-ld edf&. i
!he MAP da.fa. mode/;6 comfa+£ bit: W cJ~+ oJ!
CDrnpu.~"I 6(fITms =/tom i~' o-"i~noJ rno..;ntaroe 'X'"Of:,({)(
-to, MaLCnio.sh ord pc ve"Yslon& ord rnOo/CYl) UN)X'-[Q:L.beoi

INOYK fstatton Ver6Ion,s. ~+ can be ~-eol 0..0 ct +eo..cWn~

Ift"Yf:>iOf/· tfr ~'J IS 00 if i6 vcyy ~r e~ bI-r:: and oJ~· ttcotn/
Cl m<:LJor mcx:lu1c tn commeyC:-ia} ~T& F'O-ck~ U ke

bl::'"E n
Affho u r

-+0 oj/ow DOt

~e -fyQdHlonoJ~
oJt:;- 'i bu-~ -+0 be
6mrrd i ndi v 1c1uo.P~ ~Y eacL Wid cdr &l me ho.,v t:­ I

evolved -to t nctuG& ~~,ect- Unk rfo ex.iD-lin clcJa.bcue

('()onawmerr/- 8zrGIIl6. rhl s oppma.ch
e-xt~ ~ intf-tieL
rth-e uti ~ ~ q:"ihc
""ill.G"t qlo b(f rn~ nJ m.i 51 n;r "the
nU~b-e.. ~T LDVCYa.~ and BubS..J-i-h.t1-iIl'Q rnd.+t pu­
VQYfo61-e& f::rr each OYid cdl til eo.ch coveyor-, ~tltl
cxietvJ on.o .m --/he '"'(CLOU.. doJo.. rncdef hcwe o.ho allow,
dhecl- (Jnk~ 'io exi.sf'lI"J(f ~:T& ~(ftirn& 'tho.t- use a.
vecfo, !w..ck and ~ torn ,Qll;)' ..k:J vEclo)' .
YlOf' ~d
----..,. "-"""- ~

/he vccfo"f mcd-el l.~ clOOL .-fa ...fhc irad.i-fioncJ f.'OCl.pp

Ctpp'tOo..ch IAJheTe -the cbJecl:& ®lYe YEpYe se nled ~ poin~
ltnce, , 0Y a:recu . ?n ct vecfcJY model. ihe pos"rf-ion o ~ Fain"
and Q,eCU Q')"C poecJQct~ 6pcuVeJ. '!he pObt+t on ~D
.0ne'!> ,
eo.ch object i 6 dtf nEd ~ Q c.ooyetnok p:it.,6.
\/ecloy-s a:re ~YQpkicoJ ~bJect6 -t+oJ-- hcwc . rd-ri<
potml-htle& wch M po~n-1& I lines, and +0 .,--ep')"e.se/ peLt-arM
~eca"'io.ptu col errlHie~ tn cornpe-tle'Y ~1'Qp[JCJ~' Vcc~ h:w
~ pred6 e dcyecfton lenr ord ~e (And can be elegY!< I I

btJ C-OCfYoU not: rornefrtd'

!he vc::cto'Y moder 1e, ldeaJ 1-0 YepYC6ent di6C-ret
Acc.o--rdintt -to ~in concepr dbco-eG: . c~41+t~
en-ti.fit'&. I

oyC 'Yc{J'5eE>enleol ou, potnQ, lint'6 o.nd OyeD-E:,. POtn+ /6


6'impfn 70 ~np-d' and o.no!fe. Pc/cnto Otye 'recyuheol

~-cpre6e~t e~+re& Wh06t' Q."rCOh OyE ne(j{;~ 61e eJ, r.d-'
rrofJDYl6.nt; ~uch Qe& eledri c pole~) ~t-bcix., .-k.tbe well,e-lt
~i nc:, de ~ n c: J 6.d ..Ju:x:, (Xl ~ h b, , o.'Ye u.ud -Iv

'Y'epresent t-a!uye..¢ ih::J- Qye JJneoy tn roli:tye }.~

ex.o.r-nple I 'YOo..d€:'· ~o"{e p'rpe-Une/!;,. Th-e(f CQn 0.1,0 be lA..1>d
..-fc lep,-.esen+ JJneQ"J -beo.ftne.o -Th:J- do nd- I10JJe aN!
ph-tr kol e,u6(;nu. I l!:>UC?' 0.0 0. .tnt:' ') ohOLOcn3 on 'lfrl-c<r-
-rrxH onoJ ben-dt:>Y. M io qte r) rot- ptJ.:,& ble .-fa yepoe..senr
'f'ecJ.- lAJo,lJ .1JneQ"Y 't':'n~+teb btJ 0. cS1n~ JJ nE.. MuH-lplJ.
~eru.en+toJ!t runn'Edcd &EOmenti, Db ll nc ~'Ye ttbed
etc c:reolt an o6jec.f-. 1hese muJ.#ple line-I!, o..~
colleet'tvelo co.!,{:'d o1l polyiJne. fbLt.{ t ne& have: rell ett
~t:Yuc1u.e ihan linecS. MuJ/-tple l1n'Et=.· a.....-e mu..Htple 'drV ect
buf -each 4.-The pdti.1ne.s hOJJino- rnuffiplc JJn-e"f;tY
oearn'Cnu, ;6 Q ~'ln?!e ~ed"" Arc . ~b nnrIThey tf-yr() 1~~cJ
~n ARC/INFO &vnOf1.~mow>~ WHh p'lfne.
/'IYCo.6 o.YC YcpYesenl~~ b-~ 0.. dose .~e+ ~ JJ ne6
and Q'Ye~ w,ed ..-/0 d-ep ne if- o.n:ti:~es. wc.h OJ:> pl or­
-C'rounds. r buiteb()C't' I Err o.drn~ni~l;;-n:-/1ve a.~Co.b. These. ..des-eol
Del- ~ Uneo a:oe 'Y"e~"LYYecl 10 0-2:> p:lLWM rrr YCatOnl
At. wHh hne ~edu.yc.o, 60rne ~e6e poltcJOOM CDst­ 4
on We ~"munJ t0lv.le athL't 0 O:re ~ rro.rnoy(t' Po'(rt~

nc:eo! an~ poc"f:t, .-fa tnpuJ- bul- ~ o.yc:o. peri mete Y f J

anel mhe:'r ~o meh-: c olt-y'i tu~ rncut be c.ornpulr-d 6J­

9f D &ttwo.'Ye 'Yo..1-he'Y 'fho.o b mo..nuCJ 1np.J- . d
~e e:bJec.~ - t::eu,cJ vc:cfcrY mcxfd, pOt nt':6 I /; neb jGlyetJ
eO}) be ')"e rJ"rc <3cnf.ed vi Q d~MCYC nr- vcdo"Y model. Fw"l
6uc.h models rmpoYCon[ ~ di6c..w.& (1') bpo.(fetti
(j) VcYkJl dic-RDnO;rtj- ,(3) dual tndepenc1cnt rrnp -cnc.Dobn(
Gnd (4) to poloW ~CJ medel.
~)~j~-~ ,

lhe spe.rttc mode~ u..&c.& ,*,e _ et,\mp)e~J Tty

~ do.tO- (':J~uctu.ye. At! oq;ecfb . Qye dc~ned ~ ~'tnt
;terns a.nd no "f"cteYcnce t.s made .-ro cr-/-he.. oqjc:ct0 .
e,pofc:tri dolo- Q'YL collection ~, pd~ o1'ld ..DJ nee,
.5c8merriD lNc+h no 'Ye-oJ Connt'cI---ion. Theye (we no
SPCef·~c. poini6---that dC6i~not wheyc .--/-he tne& e-'r{);J.O.J
no'Y .-f-heyc Qn~ ~c.cJ 'YC fa.1-l0DoW pI!:> betwee.n rWte. o~cJ£
The COmmon bounoloyiu 6e1tueen o..dJo..ct:nl- p0ta~M
n....e &1o'YecJ .-twice. Th'r6 mOdel cannot- handLt.- hole€:>
L0't1-h'in a. poiJrr n . The &loucfcHc i l:> lneWcJent- )f} alolo.
~.fcnQ(f Glnd QUeY1 eb ) and COfU>f6tcn~ eh e cK6 aye 001­
~U::Ae . FCff pol'trrn A
A,5(iclen+;.j1c.v tf rt'toOf) andnumbc., 'p
. IJ~.. C(O<T1CJJ noh) ~
5,3 CCW(d1~ o~
1)Vei lc-.<.
'SlY [coovcU"Q~ Or Vt-<h'l( ;it)
4-,5 [(oc)1et;"ole cf \fey tc·-.!vj
ve-.it CC6

:1,5[C OOTc/1"o.tt
',L[COC"YcU _fl..
vc.,le>. II]
r-, ~
FoY .'POiJ.f.YJCf) B '.
• 0" e,,4- [, ol~ ,,'it1<C'O" ~ pdL{7'0 <>If'I:l NJ(f\ be"

-l iii
4,5" [co07cl.i.~
{,~[coo,d,nat- ~ .. oJ
I A 6, "I-[C<>oycIJro.fi '1J VOv " VI]
--L . 0/; ve-rl, v,i] ,
i ;; ~,
f,o[ coovol1"o.t. A... ~ .
I 1"[c.oo,,dlrnt..
:1. VC"l'c=
vl,v Q%o..JJ'. "-J
t-O'< l "'Ie C
--l.....­ C,4[;C!c0+tt'cY 4 !t"c cmcJ nurnbc... ~t
I viii I, I [cooycl,,,C>.c, ~ veyl;~ viiifrif (c.si
OIO~~ +1:4[ uo,nl1n¥:< o£
6, L. LC~or C!': nett, e{
vevl'>. ixJ
Vc.,- ti;( xJ
"Ie [ coo, eU ncJ:, tf 'ltc, li" ,x i J
1=0'- pOi nr !:>
'V l t D , ) fickn-li+r.,.v ~ j'O,nt- ard dr
-=-- ~
e'YlEJl Dlc+i
OnD.Yl ~
Moe E ! 5;'[cOOYcUnaJ.:t o/-tklf:tlini

. V'tYlf V'!O'lnlC -\)


V'Cy{e"ll die. 'onQ.Y~ tUe& Q &mtb,. o-ppooo..ch ao

8pClrefl:i but- 0. e,mo...Acy 61~uctiJYe • 3+ l..li!>e~ -koo fILe
..-ro Sttne -the vcdcn dolo... The -f-hel- ~Ie S+Cl'YCS -the
ve-r-He.e6 o.nd.-the Seconal fie 61-ol eo --the dcsC"dptron
0& e:>6jectb. 5n {hi 6, doJ5.. rncxJe/, ;~ &Jme lI"N'fr'ces o:¥e
sha.ccJ 6(f ---k-on a.djo.cenr pOl.t.~irM ).-fhe..se vC'"'Ifi ce.=:,· o."Ye
.nor- YC9'w"fed 10 &fo-re ~(c.e. !ioweveY) topoloW c.oJ
~dcd1on 6kip6· a-re rDr- \,(Jefl clcfned' Tn -10& model.
ll')e p,oblcm. tlt
r.sbnd pdJ.(cF n &+t" c?Lic,+& ~ 'rhCy-efm
it- i6 ~npey;aO' -feY dala on-;;Ltf0 a.nd Cfuc~d .
P1le i f:ilt: ~
·. '/eih:-I-. X Y pcU-(rnA : I, II, I".. . 'V

J "

1 l­
P''od''I"l&: ;v vi, 'Ii;, V
It I) 3
Iff "l­ ii f'-e. C ! vii;) I)().>< I xi
;1/ "1­, ~
v 6 f'!l;n~ /): xi',
ui,. 4­ +­
VI' .3 "'I­
'i I: i
A Ix 4­ ...

.. )( (, L.
--~" '+ 3
~" S 5
0,1:1 ~-t-----+----r~II--+-f--t--.X

CJ.)~ C~~t-~~)~/
gl2>F- CgeOrecrrwWcoJ ~e ru..~) ! ­
~ -.....-...---Q~ ~

the 'DTrvlt=: model CiXll> developed 6~ ihe unlkcl

8>tcJ.~6 Bu-yeQ.1J +.-the C-enSLL/>· Thib to Q cDmple~
model be.J..r JYl'()Ye Ibtdlirnr . 7+- U&:0 ~-rcc fl~~ 1-0,
Ycpn:sent- the vedo-r dolo.. rhi::, model al80 ewet do
duplico.tcon op- dolo. .toy adjacent- PO~ff<Jn& O-nd COJ)
e.5td::1Jsh sevc,aJ 'Y'Cfo..+rOf)6kJ p6 between ~bJccto.
T)hecHDll.b <t
cbjecG con ~o be clcleYfrUned 6 .-the
e):n,iT I)~ '-''C'Ylex. anal crcl;n VCytclt. ha.veve"Y , ~
opP,OQCh 1s not \.feYtJ eWd-enr-. 1h~ tllME (,,(Xl}, 1fu ~u1
attempt- -b 6uJ It- eJl.p; cU- iopol0ctccJ "('LId-ion olu p6 .
Howeve'Y i r- ~ f:,ev'C'YQ..~ llmi [o..ttOIU:> c.omFO"'fccI to c.. fuJ~
~[cwcoJ mcr/!d.

File 1
IICftc'!. X 'I
I l..
,. 6
I< 5

V I 0­
! ..
'"i • V~
.. t 1­
e ~ 'Ill ~ ::r-

it ~I
\I Iii I

J< • "\­ l.­

i I~
i C
'" X b ~

. 'I­

,c..-t)~i~ ~:
Bn oydel' 10 u..&e .-+he dolo. rr:artipulCfHcn Qnd
an a1..tr & &.Jo&(jlR:m mO.e cUi de htG-1 nnd ol::fujn~ ~
et'es(yt~d Y'C&J-Io,.-fo oJlow a.duunced ana.1-t cal 1echnJep­
~n <$:6 daki Q.ndi~ 8~<s*molrc &ktd7}- in on.t{ pmjecr
cn.eo.., muc.h expUdt- ~pdi oJ lr1oymo31on "6 to be
~Teo.trJ, '"The tOFOlo~ ccJ deJa. model ;n co, poyalio 8cl..t#lDr

to &orne ~.-{he fr"eCfuent/;., tlM~of Dpe-fo..1-IonJ!, in o.dvanc.ed

~1'& a.rotfcol t-echruCfue6' /hie:, J0 done ~ 'C"x.plrc1~
~ccrrd:nO adjCl.c-~nL.lt ;ntm- ro o.--t1on ~nto .-the ~1c lOfco..l
t::ntt~ in topolDWCoJ alalex e,FYuctuyt.b I bewnrtin~ o..nol
ending whe n 1r con Io..do o. i nle"Y s~ d; ondhey (; ne J OY
when .-fher-e t6 0.. chanc;r in -the di.edion ~ lJne. q-
Eexch Une .-then h::Lo iwo 6~ nurobe'6 ~ Q poly

4- c..OO'Y&noto o.nd QI) Q..b:>ouob.d ncx:J.e numbe-r. 11re.- nock

: s .-the' ~ n teY 6~cHon 1
1:wO (')y mOTE Uncs, o.nd H-&
numbe't :6 Med .fo 'Y'effCY 10 aNt Une +0 u.)Wck- H- 76
connedZol - Sn cc1ditlO() I each Une 6eamenr I cat/ed Q.

Unk I ho...; H~ OlDn ~d~n+i b~cQHon numb ...Jhof L.:, t)..Jjed

D.D Q pdnle"Y --To ~nc:t cot ...fte oec-
<-(-hal­ ~~ IJOde6
YepT~&~nl:- ~I-& be~nnln1 o.nef 'Endl~ polL<fcF0' The&E
{jnb nbo' have iden+C#caHon 'cnole6 -ffnl- ..dolt:
r:oLo?r n f\umbeyi'> -+0 bee t.0Wth. --ttco PD~M . (AYe
adUQc.en l:' --.l....
- I V -eo.c
h other oJ orxr
11t; Lmn:fh.
Sn 1P-d"' I <the
l~pt ona! -y{tl.- p0tcrrn
Q'tc 01.':>0 staYed cx-pUc1tf.LJ J

&lthoJ- -even ~t8 -tc:d!a.a, ~~p if> dtmlno.tJ. 7hie:,

. (\ ~- ollow6 --the CDrnh1 LR>, "!o -knol.O -the
d€&{~n ~OJ.U'(e r­
a-duoJ 'fe!ct-Hon&Jp arnonCO oH 1+6 ~QPl,JccJ PO-~;,<fo,
lden-l-irr --the 6p:dicJ Ye.ta.itOI/6tJpo eonccUned tf') on
o.no.Pco~ map. eloWfYlfnt· ~undQfn'<:-"nto11- ,-the topolo~ecJ I'OLUWI

o.uo1fabfe in (';j1'6 'CnSLeye Co.) 1f->oJ- no node t:Jy (jnt" 6ert:'(l

to dupUcatd I Cb) ihol- Une 8e:W()t:"n~ Q~ nod~ can

Y-cbncnc.ed .-fa mo,e 'ihon one polt-~n, and Cc.) <tho!- oil
FO~~ru, CQQ be acJccyvCltll..Lj YCpYe6cnITd. CJne p~l ~
1opolC(lj col clcJo.. 81"(udtlYt~~ :toy #1e vedcn YLprcscnlcrlio
16 <shown ex/aD .

® L~ ..lDr
nf J
-{.~ 116

10 undcxs!and. ·---the: (op%ereal v-ecToy dolo­

oI:ru.c..LuyC I M LlD CDru>rcley Q ndWOYK IA)Hh % nodeo
C/lcodt:'d Oi. n.1 -fa n~ . the 1.i nk.6 'JOt nc n~ all -these
noo,fe& cllcDded ~. 11 +0 J /4 and."1-he poLt-Jr m
COC':Qftid b~ oJr-ff,esc hne 8E'Omcnt6 Ihnb QYe ceded
. M A1- --to A IS . The c'feo.+ion' et --+hi 6 <'?:.Iyttctuye ~'Y
LCJ(Y)ple~O-.Y'eo..co..• ..,ied 6uJ- ~n
i-e-e:t.fuYel> 'to 6'n-ie~
~t ~&~. ~tJnCJucr . tden-Hr eo -(he.s.e sto-ocJ
w' icteni-i-bfncr ct boundcn(f nchDOyk ~ O:YC5 ) ehccH
PO~(f~ -fm d09UYE I and JJnk'rn~ O:'IC& 'tn1o r:o~aon
"lhe o.'YeCl. 4 p.D~rru:. can .-then be c.al e:.ulotd OA-nJ
- Ur\.('1pe ideni-iycnfron nurnbey& otro..cheJ. 11)10 iclerntYev
weH.Jd allow ron6pcA1cJ 'tn~mo:-/for> 10 be linked ~
a. srx::c1 ~c PoUd(f/1 .
1o.ble 4.. poOV( dco 4he sp:rficJ doh cJC)~
wHh.fhe Cllm-dinob .-pIe , '1oble je~) -efJ all --/he nD~
OJ')d .fue co-rye~pordin~ o.1J:?r b.J; ~J")1o.mo:l1o() cun be

1fven ..-fa eo-ch f-Di nr J Jj n-e and poudT n 6-J -keep1fl?t'

-#ie i denkf (a:fron nUmbcY6.

lo..6)e 1


L'ln!:: No.
Lei\- /\Ode
R:?rhr !'lOde kit- pol~~ On Rttt po~ GDf)
-- -,
.0. 1 nl i'l'l.. 0 Al.
1.2­ /)~
I')~ At
l~ ("13
n4 0 As
It ('\6
1\4­ A~ 0
10 fl+ 1'1-' A~ 0
111 I'\':J­ AI
h rHo ('\8 Al Ars
1~ ('\'6 ns A-:r A&
1~ 1)5 f"\b
A":f M-
1.\0 n?' I),\­ A5 Af,

ttl n~ 1"\5" A"f- A5

111. Ii~ ns­ A~ A1

tl~ (\~
oS" A'b At
l,t f)~
L nl\
I----~---_. --
-_.~._~------ ._­
x - coo·roll f'lcJ:t y- coo-.-d:.1 noli


Xl.­ '>'1­

)<~ )I~

')<4 Y4

)1.-6 'N,. .!

X=I­ 'If
i='ield- 6.~ccf If-eclcn Md'd ~
~ ~ '-"""-""'- ~ I.
-Alihout vecta"'f-5 o:rc tdeal ~ 'Y-cpye6eMIl(l d.;::c~e-u
()bjeLf"b ,H- con cJ&o te tUC"J 10--( -fteIG'- bed Oy c-o".-Ji­
-f)\JDt9--& ofoPD.. &tJ~h ru, ere voHon , --I-c.mpeYokuYE I e.tc..
MClS6 - r:::dll13 I cOlllou"t ltlle~ I ~MlLne<!:. o..re C'.).uc1' .--fa 'C"P"e:le1

eleVQ#on or- afhe-y c.on+tnuomLttf- e.ho..~na voJU-e6' l-louJe~)

If-- 8hou..fd be barne in m7nc1 -t-hoJ- 'cute. Like MMn­
-C1r~ Canno~ be o6cc{,ned hJ ant ()~ -the op0lefrrerr!-ionec
rnodef~ .
'Point--- rvloold
~ ....-.-..-.
Mul-Hple PJcn~ o.'Ye Le~d -to ycpye6L{)[- lhe .5U"YtG..u.
For- example I 0. P-dTQrnid con be ..,-cp-re sC"nk:J 6~ Q.

rn'inrmurf) cf -p ve 'FOinl;, I -to UY -{o-y be o.nd one ~Y

peal:. Mcus- peen/:- r6 0. -fechrUC}-LfE .--fo yepYC6-ent­
c3t.I"1Oo.c.e(') ubln(J &evC'ycJ po7n16 'fn D- vc¥(t cf'E'nse rrx:u-r-el

But- pol. nr model ts not Q red O-ppooa.ch --10 ,,-epr-i:e:.ent

c$c..n-ba.c.e!!» becruue if­ 'reCjU-he6 .-+he viewe. 10 1rno..(fne
.-/-he su-rha.c e jO'tncr)l(j rlhe PJ"rntb·

Lontou"( /8&oline
~ -------
16 nn lrfU.1fnQ.lf Une ~ con,do.nt ~.l~-
vwon cn..--fhe ca:mund 8t1"rbo.ce. k COyycs.ponol1na Une
Dn Q rro.p i6 cnfled 0.. lcontac__n Une', a. hne on CL
mop -J-hoJ- Jo'in& plo.ceo ~ -the &lrne devo..1-ron (futt r J
above hoe../· Conlot_n (n+eY~ {6 -Ihe d~~bc.'Lnc.e
In -devCL1-Con beltDeen two ron lCSu y Line!). g80Unc:. '1.6
0-: .tne Cn Q ~uy6ac:e Conneci-in~ po'lnb, J eCl/--rcJ VCl.tue 4
{Such Qjl, tempeyolllye I 'Yd'tnfo..ll, ete. Contoc...n I jooli nt'6
Can be uJ,~d 4c <rep.el'>ent 6U"f&o..CCe,. f&J..t even '1n .-/hi 0
CD--!e H-- yeq,uhe.s .-the
I vi eLOn io i mo.ff nc --the &uYba.ce
between hDo e.on5..ty l1ne6.

'Rcure-< Vs \Jec.toy ~

the +ro.dH-tonol odvo.nto..cr c _ a.nd Jx&cdvClnl~ e>b

710Slel \(1:"f6l--lS 6~ol deJa. ohuctuYc:.1 hcwC' 60 doW/roe­
-nled bt.t kennde.~ and MerX6. l1're baJ,tc 15&Lte..£

.nclucle deJa. vowme, 'Y-ctri-cvoJ. -ctYc1enu.j) dolo., o..CW'IcwJ

Jo.lo.: d.tspJOJ--! I cowec.+ne8€:> to po'tLn/.xJ1on) a~ dolo..
rrunipula.ton , e~1i clenCJ.t ' and pr--oc~lner ca~d;tta.
Cornp~Yl bDm. e& deJa. volume be!iDeen ywte"i o.V\ci
vce..{cs-r st'ti~ (Aye 'Cn+TYc~t dependent- upon -the

data. beu-e d~rncnt&, o..b wef{ ~ c.cne.iolnobon ~ o..CWyo.cg

Olnd p-r~ubron. Ii dd-cU led compayi6ion b-ehD-C:'en 'Ycu>GI'

model and vecf'o"l model.

"RO-b1eY Model Vedo"t J""lcdd---­
.,,=,dvo.niQ.~ .~_ _ Ad\Jo~ __. .

i· 8+- i8 Co 6tmple do../ti. 1· 8f provtcl'efi" 0- mOTe

I 5ftucture
compo.cJ· daJ15. o1Yu c:tuH
"*'on -the 'YQ..&Gy model
~. 3t p''rO V idC6 epr clef)t-­
\ :2. OveylO-t
ecurLt~ Qnd

encodJnr op wpolort.
I rrnplernenliJ. and ,OJ!> 0.. ycoull- ,rnoYe,
I ebbtclenr Impurnc()Cc,Jfon
e&-ope-ro:Honb ~oJ- veq,u.iYe
.i topol~ccJ fnfoYrnof1rm _ .
&ict\: Clb ner-WO'Yk aro.1fi o

15. -Att ep:xticJ "o:fiQbtU~16 ;:;. !he veclo"Y mode' l~ betle-t

! ~Wclc-ntLtt 'Y'epyt=~r:nkcf ~n I owled' -fo 8U.PPO-rt-t n cr
I 0 'Yolth -toymcJ-. I ~ro.pWCb --/hot do.se~
I , o.prno-:xJmoli hancl-ch-awn
+. The 'YOJ>G"t ieT~ i 6 mO..-ei rrup 6
0"'- leM Teq,Lthc'Cl! 10'7 e~rc1er.l.t
i ' . 'f>ClnJptJolton ordl 'Cnhonttmen~
'if ~froJ :~. I
~------_·------i--·-··'~------·-·-- .-.. - - "';.·1

Dl8CldvQnhg u
J)bodvQn_~~~_. _.__ ._
!l. The YCUa'Y clcJa. sfn.-lc.Lu'Ye i. Sf- ;8 roOTe complc-x. d::Ja
is 1-e8.S cornpo..d- ~ 6t"ructuyC ...ffnn Cl.. 8 l mpv.

~. lopoto~ coJ ~dcd10I'\6Wp& ~. Ovevl0-9-J ope'YaFOf1.1) axe

on: mo'YC d) W uJ+- 10 r!'(J'(C et ire uJ + -fa
'r-cpYc:s eo nl- , ~I . l-
I m r"-'- fnc:' nr· ,
etc.,-r 1:6 ~-i-e-rd--.-'- 0 - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - ­
bOLl n

rove a. blocbJ npreo.'Yo..nce 4· Man~pLllcJ1Ol1 ~ oi~1~cJ

- ().()cernenr
and enh­
ycdhe-r fhQr) --the 6moom
UnC6 4 f-a.od- ohntC11 "'mp~' I~ ca.nnor-- tt e~e­
'lhi& COon be CJVLYcome bt} --+cveCtj dOO'L. ~11 +hc vcdiiy
w1nc~ a. veT, lay~ ownbey dornoJn .
c. dl e, / buJ- 1r- fTX)J.J "Y coul l­
'm unQccep+-o..1d.tJ taY~
.yle~ .
, 1
. , ." , "1

,. ':,~9~~~:
mefhocA ~. dolo. ;np-t~ 0Uck
""Theyc ().YE ihycc

are vJtde~ l»>ed: kC(fba:wd dlLY(f ,ClU~01TIcJ1c &Wf-tro!icn

and 8CQnNn~. 1)<Wtex1 dcJD.. mll~t:- be. doc.orlooded +-orn
-the1 y SW,ce media. o.rd m()J.t 'f'cCjru;,e "'rcio'"ffO)aJt;nd'­
-fa ClYlVCy[- --them -10 OJ) o.pp,op,iok ierrncJ- .-ferr .-fhe 91S
beln used. k.tc)''(1Y)cJb, D"l conVCY6l0f) ,fl)Q.J.tf 010 Ix ~e<y~
--u1'Ycd' o.tIe"Y OtrJo1o~e deJa. be been convt:"'f teel -fo
dJ.cjtn..l .[O-UO) , J='o-r 't:'?t..o.mple, e4lei 5Co.n(\,l~ C<. pape'Y map)
..-f"he -pIep,,-ocluced ~ .-the cScO()n.1 eC}w pment- mo.o nor n:r
be cornpcJ-rbl e tOc1h -the 91'5 CD i r ncede, yc-fo-yrncJb,. I

~'Y beth ..-the a.nc:Jofe CIrri dJc;ftoJ da.Do:, -ke~boQ.Yd "cI')L"Y~

method, I.. Icd ~. ~ o.Hlornoti c dir H6i~ onJ
jf II H

o meihoet6 Me VCy~ rmp:>Yco.re.

ke~l:xx:u-d' cnl;y( etten ye-fencd 10 0-0 ke~ coJ1n~ .

;5 --/he -enl-nd dcJo.. In~o a ..pIe oJ· 0. cornpuJe"Y Loeyrn;noJ·

This .-f-echtLcepue i5 us-oed 1o'Y aJlh·c bellI- doPCl. -fho}- (X'IE
Q®lo.-bte eJnlt{ Of") p:D-pe-r. lh"6 techntcv-te can be m1·)1'c.d
10tfh dl~t.f.toif)a pTOCes c {err .-the C·n:~o..ton q- G[1 8
dcJo. bOSe. The QH-yibtLti doh, onc-c ;6 dirlxJ fcyroo}-,
CL.e linked 10 .-+he n:t~vo.()L- mo-p -f;eolines In .-the
~po-.HoJ ofcJo..bo;e Wtn~ ;denti~c(xfton ccxJe&. rhe'fC o:ye

UnittUE CDdcs ""that Qye arlocalid.-fo eo.ch (XJtnt- J llne o.MCI

C{YCO -beolu'Je in --Ihe oIal'a..s6.
lhe c-oc:nd.tnok6 ~ &p:J1oJ -en-#fk& {jke F)(:ttnt I

ond O..r eQ ieaN ~ Ca.n be encoded ~ k~fbc:o.'Yd

e.nf:;-~. 'ThIs rneitod 16 u~ed when -the c.oD¥ebncJ:t~ ,', .\
~ -these e,ptoJ errlifte6 O:l'e knoLOf) ord iheye OYC ~~.,
-100 rnon~ 4 .-them. j~ 'ihe coo.d.i nol:u Qye mOTe In
num bey ) ih'1 b c1cJo Con be 'Encoded winCff &ffttE,'t"1!'
/he pro c.edtJ"l'e E>f kelf0G-yd enl-=tLt con be wed +0
e.ntc1 ,turd 'Y"ec.o-rd In-{oYmcJl~n. Thce, rne'itnd hQc!t> .-10
obt-c:iC n veYth1~ level '*
prccioion doJl\ fxJ -cn/eYcrxu-­
--the acluoJ 8tnvernr- meill.u-remen~ , /hiE> method '6
It<?>ecl ~Y -+he development et cocfQt>h-cJ i nfar-fYlIXftor) 5ftlrn

~O .9t:d .~~~J2(?f~6
Sconncnt ib me mOb[- co~monlt! LLted ~~
e1b oulornoJ; tel: Wl-T 8c r>lJ' eXonni nca:- ' 0 on oppropvoli,
methOd ~ dolo. enc.odin]t when 'Ycutcy dale. C\Y'C YCCYLlhec(
&1 nee iN 6 16 -1tJe CtU.toroollc CJu.fpuJ-- .foYmol~ ';yom mo6L­
6w.nninttf &~fuJoYe. Ihu.&
s.c.annlrYft mcuJ be wed ,@.b Q
mel:: a:-lOw1ol YCli[e7 oIalD..het -fo-r.-the OVCy -'Plotti()~ vec..ro" i
l()f;-a~h-uc:d~JYc otcJ5. 6uch cu. pipel1ne0 orol cnble6.

-A &:o..f)ney ;e, 0. piece ~ hO"t'cllUUrE .roy convn11no

o.n or%OVe COl(yCe dOCctroent ·tD a. dicrh-J 'Y'QJ:>tt, 1or~
(heye a:.e --+c.oo li"dPe-!:> e+ &conneys, ct) F-b..H::ecl &'Co.nner
Gnd' eli) , yotolr n~ d.. . urn lh-c cheape6t- ~c..onneY6

aye &moll ~}loJ-becf C)c.Qnn-eY~) 0-nc?1 hit

C}ua1i~ anal
..Q.Cfif -fen'nnoJ- UanneY6 QyC wteJin~ dyum 6c.a.nney'b
rn wki ch .-the &nsoy move& cJo~.-/he o..x.i6 ~ iotal-ton.
A dCWtoJ ~rnoc~ 4- The roup 16 p.odu.ced b.et
('('()vt1'" on elCCh-onlc oIclecfo1' QCY~~ --+he map w"(~QCJ~'
1fe &iJc q.- +he map Q"fea. viewed 6{ ..,he defee.toy
." ':. ond 8conne'i ohou-rel be pTa c.es~cd c. eel; ted 10 'trnprove
I .: "-~; .

--!hc cyucJi~ Ohol ronvn-[- --!he 'YO..1Ih-.. *' vedo'Y ~7 ~rl.h\Q_

dtrli 8o.-lT0f) . 1he a..ccu-rOUt etr.--f--hc &:QnneeJ ou..t:-put- do1a.
dep=nch w 1he cyua.t~ t/;- cSconnc-r I ire 9J--lo1J~ ob.-+he
&fttill.YC U1>l:d ---10 dbJo. ) om. ...-fhc:
pmce6f::. ----tI-r scanned
CjJlo.h'j et-.-/he &Ju.YCe doeumene. A veytj Irn~:~Qrt ~o1u'Y~
-H-x:J- a EfT 6, W-C~ 8hoc.J cJ 6b6nvc o-b'lcy &onnl1f 1he
fnPc1 mop .-the OCCU'rYenc.e
'N) tp-.lrn::o LOW(k. ..\;:) q- I

bbk 0ppeo.yonce on .-the $conned cx.JpuP-. ~; f, can. b~

Ye moved 6 '-j 0. pmces6 Car'(e d ,1_ • •
--rrJn(){'7] .

"1he "fe6ofv..fron op-.--the DeOr'l1) n- tueol opfer}:; 1he

~~ ~ 0tJ-pJ- do.tc\· lhc cheo~ .;toJ--beci 6c.oJln-e'l6

hcwe '1e&lLt.diolLO 4- ~OD-500 mm IAJheYL'O-b...-fhe moYt' 'Cxpcn­

-beVC cl'TUrD 6conncl"6 USe 'l'C6oLuJ-ID~ tt 10- 50 rom .

thoe. h.Q~t7 1he "('c66u.yHcn, The J-QYCfY --+he \Itlwrne tJr.-fhe

dala. pw LPoJ p.ocfuc.eaP.



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