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Art App 4

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Module 4 - Two Dimensional Media

Journal Prompt : The Medium is the Message

Marshall McLuhan (Links to an external site.)’s quote that “the medium is the message”
helps us understand the frontiers and limits of the tools we use. Artistic mediums are not only
extensions of our creativity but avenues that help define changes in scale. For example, the
introduction of painting extends by leaps and bounds what drawing could do.
Using the external links page/ any work of art (Filipino artists or foreign), find one
example of each two-dimensional medium discussed in module 4; drawing, painting,
printmaking and collage. Write a short summary of how the nature of each medium dictates
the expression of the artist using it. In other words, what makes each medium unique, and how
does it limit or expand what the artist is able to do with it?

The painting of Impasto by Mr.
Vincent Van Gogh expressed a highly
convincing textured structure that
intentionally appears to give a great
and a warm fuzzy feeling that nature can
give to person. On painting, the
painter used thick oil paint. The brush
is drenched in thick paint and made an
application to the canvas's surface to
portray a graceful movement of
seemingly dancing monochromatic
group of green bushes, and the
admixture colors of light green to
neutral colors contrast with a layering
color of green on the canvas's top
portion, with an overlapping shade of
yellow ocher to reflect light behind
gloomy bushes.

As I scanned these various types of

drawings, I came along through Picasso's
drawing, which exemplifies the common two
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dimensional drawing of Western culture, that also uses structure or loudness to illustrate
weight and size distribution. We could even see in Picasso's work that such face and
background surrounding the woman's body
have lines and curves to depict shadow and the figure-ground connection between the
positive shape (woman) and the ground.
Despite the fact that he only used charcoal and pencil to construct the sketch, the material
and detail of the woman's face were illustrated.


Printmaking is a
medium that
esses itself through an artistic process based on the principle
erring images from a matrix onto another surface, most
commonly paper or
fabric. The
nal etching served as a matrix or template for producing seve
erred images of the artist's
original work. The
structure could
detailed or as simple as the artist and medium decided, and it crea
que color contrast, typically black and white, that really "explo
he medium.

For the very last two-dimensional medium, collage, I chose the art of a German

Mr. Kurt Schwitters with the name or title of Opened by Customs

1937–8, the artist
conveyed his work by dragging and dropping
er fragments that had been cut and torn from a variety of sources,
including parcel paper, Nazi administrative labels, a large
n of printed Norwegian text from a book or a pamphlet, a blue label
for Spanish
oranges, and a printed list of travel-related. The
man artist really made an outstanding art while expressing his own
hts, this type of two dimensional medium really helps him to bring
out his talent and by depicting the real work of art.

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