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Processor Quality Control

r aand
nd Densitometry
r ssolutions
olutions fr
om AMD
M TTechnologies,
e chnologies, Inc.

Processor Quality Control is still required.

They’re never gone away, but recently there have been Here are the three most popular models (if you are a
an increase in inspections by many state agencies. European customer, you may need a tracable calibrated
However, as we move quickly towards an all digital unit, in which case call us).
world, it is harder to find quality sensitometers and
densitometers. Many manufacturers have simply Densonorm 21-ECO - a combination of a 21-step
stopped making these products. Used equipment is, sensitometer and a point densitometer.
quite frankly, pretty beat up.
Densonorm 21-E - automatically calculates Relative Speed
We have the QA products you need. and Average Gradient after you have manually measured
We have never stopped providing good QA products, each step.
including sensitometers and densitometers. In fact, we
have added new models to our offerings. Densonorm 21i - adds an automatic film reader to the “E”
version and also calculates all of the important
Shown below is our most popular housing. It’s a measurements.
combination sensitometer and densitometer. With our
Densonorm, you always have both halves of the Each unit produces the information needed for daily quality
“operation” at your fingertips. It’s one piece of control, but with the “21i” all of the work is done seconds
equipment to keep track of, not two. after the unit reads the film strip. This saves time and
eliminates the hassle of film QA.
Step 4: Read out the
results here.

Step 2 “ECO” & “E”: Read

Step 2 “I”: With the “21i” points here.
slip film strip in here and
the unit will pull it Step 5: Chart the results.
through its reader and We provide a step-by-step
make all calculations. manual with sample forms.

Step 1: Produce
sensitometry strip here.

Specifications Autoreading Densitometer Point Densitometer

System - microprocessor controlled. Reads 21 steps in less than 5 seconds Length of measure arm - 8” (20cm)
Film size reach - up to 7” (middle of 14” width film) Automatic zero calibration LCD display of results
Dimensions: 9.5” l x 3.5”h x 7.5”d (240 x 85 x 190mm) No warm-up time required Calibration with enclosed calibration film
Weight: approx: ECO-2.2 lbs (1 kg) - E & I-3.3 lbs (1.5 kg) Information displayed on LCD Independent light area - 3mm diameter
Power supply: 9.5 volt battery for short term use. Also Immediate evaluation of the following statistics: Measure range: 1.00 - 4.50D
provided with 120/220 power adapter Speed Index & Contrast Index Measure accuracy: =/- 0.01
Base and Fog Stability: +/- 0.01
D step 21 (D-max) Temperature operating range: 59 to 95F
Sensitometer LE (Speed) & LK (Contrast) (15-35C)
21-density steps - with increase of 0.15D per step Relative Speed & Average Gradient
Green color peak wavelength - 510nm Can display values for individual steps
Blue color peak wavelength - 460nm Can be set for English, Spanish, French and German Model Numbers
Exposure tolerance within each step - less than 0.01D RS232 Interface (for download into special software) 40450 - Densonorm 21-ECO
Repeatability: better than +/-0.02 log e Measure range: 1.00 - 4.50D 40460 - Densonorm 21-E
Time Stability: better than +/-0.02 log e Measure accuracy: +/- 0.01 40470 - Densonorm 21i
Setting: separate adjustments for blue or green Stability: +/- 0.02D
wavelength Independent light area - 3mm diameter
Temperature operating range: 59 to 95F (15-35C)
218 Bronwood Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90049-3104 USA
800.423.3535 * 310.471.8900 * fax:310.471.8900

Specifications and prices subject to change without notice. c 2013, AMD Printed in USA
Document No. 350-4-539 Rev. 00

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