Sabs 0306
Sabs 0306
Sabs 0306
March 2002
3.1 Water Audit
Related Strategy Objective: Objective 3 – Ensure adequate information to support decision
The planning framework guidelines provide guidance on the water audit necessary to derive the
several components of demand and assumption (section 4.2.2 and Table 4.3). In sections 4.3.3 to
4.3.8, methodologies for quantifying the losses in each component of a water supply and
distribution network are given.
This section provides further pertinent information that will assist in undertaking water audits
with the aid of the Water Audit Report (WAR) provided with SABS 0306:1999.
Definitions, Terminology, Abbreviations
A water audit is a comprehensive method to determine water “loss”. It is a management tool used
⇒ reduce water and revenue losses
⇒ reduce inefficiencies
⇒ plan renovations
⇒ evaluate operations
⇒ evaluate water rates.
A water audit computer program is provided with the South African Standard Code of Practice
SABS 0306: 1999 and described in Chapter 8 and Annexure M of the Code. The water audit
computer program facilitates the conducting of a water audit in a standardised manner and
includes the following:
• an inventory of water related infrastructure
• demographics of consumers
• composition of the water services authority’s organisation
• measurements of water volumes and flows
• statistics derived from the data
• performance evaluation and water balance for the whole water services authority
• detailed sensitivity analysis that facilitates the conducting of a detailed water audit over the
Compiling a water audit requires completion of a step-by-step process. Each step of this process
in turn involves various administrative, institutional, organisational and communication processes
that must be managed.
General Approach and Methodology
Box 3.1 SABS 0306 Water Audit Report (WAR)
Water Supply Authority Name: Enter the authority name in full, e.g. Cape Town Metro.
Completed by, telephone no, Postal address: The name, telephone number and postal address of the
person responsible.
Report period: Give the start and end dates of the previous financial year or any other period if data is
not available for a full year.
If the population at the previous census information is unknown, an estimate is entered as well as an
explanation why census information was not available, and how the population was estimated.
Population: Give the total number of residents.
Change since previous census: The difference (number) between the above population and the
population as at the previous census is given.
Total length of Mains (km) - The lengths of all mains owned by the authority.
Total length of Connections (km): Refer to Code of Practice Clause
Property information: A breakdown of the number of even/stands/plots, and the total area in hectares,
for domestic, commercial, industrial, recreational, institutional and other use is given. This data is used
for establishing unit leakage rates for comparative purposes.
Quantities for agricultural use are included. If other usage is substantial, explanation of what it is also
Number of domestic properties: Total of all domestic properties in town is required.
Metered connections (No.): This is established from billing record. This also includes all small and
large meters.
Unmetered connections (No.): An indication of the extent of one component of unaccounted for water.
Stand pipes (No.): An indication of the level and type of service provided.
Stopped meters removed (No.): An indication of the level of service provided together with the data above.
Inaccurate meters removed (No.): An indication of the extent of meter problems and/or level of
productivity of Water Division.
Average No. meters read per month: An indication of the level of productivity in conjunction with other
Number of employees in Water Division: The total employees on the Water Division's payroll is
required. (Including admin) This includes leak detection staff, if any, but excludes support staff, e.g.
Town Engineer, and admin. Staff in Treasury.
Number of employees in dedicated leak detection teams: Indication of the level of dedicated leak
Total annual water supplied (m³): This is the volume of water purchased / raw water brought in by the
authority, before purification or distributed by the authority.
Total annual metered water delivered (m³): As measured at metered connections & metered
Total annual metered domestic consumption (m³): Describe how this was determined (See 3.1
Definitions in the Code of Practice).
Total annual industrial & commercial usage (m³):
Average Daily Demand (ADD) (m³):
Total annual amount spent by Water Division (R): Includes all operating and maintenance costs as well
as cost of water and cost of leak detection and control.
Total annual amount spent on Leak Detection & Control (R): Including cost of labour, travelling,
materials etc. (i.e. included in total amount spent by Water Division above)
Cost of water purchased (R): As a component of total amount spent by Water Division above.
Billed: Metered Consumers: Value of consumer meters billed.
Billed: Other: (e.g. flat rate) Value of other consumers billed.
Revenue Received: Total value of money collected.
Total volume water billed (m³)
Water tariff (R/m³): A breakdown of consumption ranges and the tariff for each range is required.
Reservoir Name: The name of the Reservoir is required.
Capacity (Ml): The total capacity of the Reservoir measured in Ml.
Spill: Water spill measured in masl - Mean Average Supply Level (or m³).
Date Tested: Date on which the Reservoir was tested.
Leakage Rate (m³/day)
Previous Date Tested: The Date on which the Reservoir was last tested. (I.e. drop test etc.)
Previous Leakage Rate (m³/day)
How are stopped & inaccurate meters detected?
What has been done to reduce the UAW in the last financial year?
What is planned to reduce the UAW since the last financial year? Refer to Code of Practice Clause 4.
What has been done to reduce the number of unmetered connections in the last financial year?
What is planned to reduce the number of unmetered connections since the last financial year?
What has been done to detect & reduce water pressure in high-pressure areas in the last financial
What is planned to detect & reduce water pressure in high-pressure areas since the last financial
How was the minimum night flow determined? Refer to Code of Practice Clause 5.1, Figure 6.2,
Annexure C.
Explain assumptions & calculations of how high pressure areas were determined.
Detail should be supplied for each district, sub-district and zone. Refer to Code of Practice Clause 4.3.
See Figure 4, for a typical structure for a water distribution system.
Where areas are not subdivided in smaller areas, data must be provided up to the smallest area
available, e.g. if there are no zones defined for a sub-district, data must be provided up to sub-district
level. If no districts are defined, at least one district record should be created and data must be entered
for the whole authority.
Each district, sub-district and zone is to have a unique number or code of up to eight characters to
identify it. These values must be entered when adding a record, and cannot be changed afterwards.
All information shown has already been entered in other sections. The District, Sub-district or Zone
buttons to display the statistics for all Districts, Sub districts or Zones.
The comparative ratios available are:
ADD: NMNF Ratio = ADD / 24 / NMNF
Specific loss (Ls) = NMNF / Total pipe length (m³/hr/km)
ADD: Metered volume = ADD / Total volume measured at metered connections
NMNF: Metered volume = NMNF / Total volume measured at metered connections
Leakage = NMNF / No of Properties * 1000 (l/prop/hr)
All the values on this screen are calculated from values entered on previous screens.
All the values on this screen are calculated from values entered on previous screens.
Cost Framework
Initial cost Ongoing cost Relative cost Risk/Confidence
R250 (WAR in SABS 0306) Dependant on effort for each Dependent on effort for
step of audit each step of audit
SABS South African Standard Code of Practice. The management of potable water in distribution
systems. SABS 0306:1999.
Suggested Further Reading
American Water Works Association (1990). Water Audits and Leak Detection. AWWA Manual
Johnson EH (1995). Field evaluation of large in-line flow meters. Water SA Vol. 21 No. 2, pp
Johnson EH (1999). In-situ calibration of large water meters. Water SA Vol. 25 No. 2, pp 123-
Johnson EH (2000). A methodology for prioritising and financial evaluation of physical and non-
physical water losses. WISA Biennial Conference, Sun City.
Wallace LP (1987). Water and Revenue Losses: Unaccounted-for Water. AWWA Research
3.2 Flow Measurement
Related Strategy Objective: Objective 1: Implement efficient distribution management measures
(Meter Management).
3.2.1 General Requirements
The purpose of this section is to set out the basic principles of flow metering for WC&WDM
purposes, within the context of the metering required for general operation and management
purposes and the procedure for making necessary improvements where required.
Definitions, Terminology, Abbreviations
The terminology used in this section follows SABS 0306 (section 4.3.1) in relation to meter
function within a network, in order of decreasing size:
Bulk supply
Sub-district (typically 2,000 – 10,000 connections)
Zone (not more than 2,000 connections)
In small systems the bulk supply, district and even sub-district may be a single supply area.
It may be noted when referring to literature from other countries, that the term "district meter
area" may be equivalent to sub-districts or zones in SABS 0306.
A number of DMA’s/zones will be identifiable by examining record plans of the network. These
will generally be in rural or outer suburban areas. In urban centres and inner suburbs, however,
there will be insufficient understanding of the hydraulic spectrum of the system to be able to
determine zone boundaries without disruption to the pressure regime.
In such cases “temporary zoning” may be adopted and by a process of trial and error it may be
possible to convert some of those to permanent zones.
To be able to design robust zones in areas of complex connectivity requires the use of hydraulic
models, effectively conducting the trial and error process by mathematical simulation.
Potential problem areas to be aware of include:
(i) areas of low pressure,
(ii) where essential supplies must be maintained, both of which may be adversely affected by
installing flow meters, or by closing valves and diverting supply, and
(iii) maintenance of fire flows.
Boundary valves
Unless there is a maintenance regime for regular checking the operability of valves, it is likely a
number of boundary valves will not be drop tight and will need to be replaced.
The boundary valves provide the integrity of the zone and should not be opened except in
emergency, e.g. large fire demand, or if development requires the reconfiguration of the zone.
Unfortunately, not withstanding instructions given in this regard, valves may be tampered with or
opened in unauthorised action by operations personnel, despite the use of red paint markings or
polyurethane foam fill. If this is likely to be or found to be a problem, one solution is to create an
above ground inter-zone correction as shown in Figure 3.2.
Figure 3.2: Separation point between management districts
District Boundaries
A boundary should be designed not only to encompass the recommended number of properties,
but also to cross as few mains as possible. The boundary should follow the “line of least
resistance” by using natural geographic and hydraulic boundaries. The aim here is clearly to
minimise the cost of installation, operation and maintenance.
Small mains should be crossed in preference to large ones; later reference to the network model
will define those mains where a closed valve may replace a meter.
Where possible, trunk mains and large distribution mains (greater than 300 mm) should be
excluded from districts to avoid costly meter installations, and more importantly, to improve the
accuracy of flow information. Where a large proportion of the flow entering a district passes out
again to other parts of the system, the accuracy of the estimate of demand in that district is
relatively poor. This is because changes in inflow and outflow could imply large changes in
district demand but in fact be solely due to compounded errors in metering.
Trunk mains and other large mains can be avoided by drawing adjacent district boundaries
parallel to the main and metering the smaller distribution mains where they join the trunk main.
This exercise is made easier if all mains larger than 300 mm are highlighted on the map. There
will clearly be cases where this is uneconomic due to large numbers of smaller mains leaving the
trunk main. The decision must then be made to:
a) meter the trunk main, or
b) if only small distribution areas are being served by the trunk main, exclude them from the
district metering system, and use mobile water loss metering or non-metering methods of
leakage control.
Some distribution systems include small supply systems closed by district valves, or pressure
zones created by pressure reducing valves or natural hydraulic conditions. In these cases district
boundaries already exist and demand can be monitored by installing a meter at the input to the
zone or by using the source meter, if this will provide the necessary discrimination.
Where such self-contained supply systems contain service reservoirs or water towers,
measurement of district demand will have to take account of the change in level in the reservoir.
It will generally be found that the existing level measuring equipment is unsatisfactory for
determining demand as it is designed to measure the quantity of water in the reservoir rather than
the rate of change of level.
It is possible to uprate the level measuring equipment but it is likely that only in the smallest of
service reservoirs and in water towers will there be sufficient discrimination to detect small
changes in leakage. It will therefore usually be necessary to meter the inlet and outlet of such
Data capture
Routine monitoring of a district meter falls into three categories:
i) reading the meter (manually or electronically);
ii) using a data logger;
iii) linking the meter to a telemetry system.
• Meter reading: This method, in its simplest form, provides cumulative demand figures only
if read manually. Cumulative readings from those meters with a mechanical register are
recorded weekly. One or two personnel (depending on safety conditions, and whether or not
heavy covers have to be lifted) can read typically 40 meters per day. As a first stage, meter
readings are recorded in a notebook, or by means of a portable data capture device (electronic
notebook). Later these readings may be transferred to a simple graph or wall chart, or to a
data file stored on a computer.
Sometimes it is worthwhile to read cumulative meter readings at night, as one of the duties of
the night survey team, and in small networks with one meter per district, it is possible to
extend this practice so that night demand is recorded for half an hour or more during the
period of minimum night flow especially when no data loggers are available. This
necessitates taking demand readings twice, and simultaneously reading large metered
consumers to obtain the net night flow.
The addition of a simple encoder counter or outreader to the meter greatly enhances meter
reading. The outreader can be installed in a small chamber remote from the meter and
connected by ducting to an inductive interface fitted to the meter. Meter reading becomes a
one-person operation. Safety is improved by eliminating the need to lift heavy meter chamber
covers, and, in some dangerous locations, limiting the time in the area.
Other instruments have hybrid registers that combine the proven mechanical register with the
latest electronic meter data capture technology. Because the mechanical register works totally
independently of the electronics, the meter reading is guaranteed, even if the electronics
should fail.
The extremely high integrity of the remote reading is guaranteed using an inductive shaft
encoder. Compatibility with existing data transmission systems is ensured by retaining the
standard optical pulser interface.
The electronic data interface provides additional useful information for management purposes
including the following:
⇒ Actual meter reading
⇒ Momentary flow rate at the time of interrogation
⇒ Maximum flow rate (programmable)
⇒ Minimum flow rate (programmable)
⇒ Volume in reverse flow (independent of reading)
⇒ Meter serial number
⇒ Annual key data value (to synchronise several meter readings at different locations)
⇒ Statistical values (last 12 months).
This register is battery operated but has a long battery life of over 8 years. The collection and
manipulation of data from these registers is assisted by hand-held electronic devices (e.g.
“Husky” or “Radex”) and readily available software.
This option is favoured by most water authorities for the ongoing monitoring of management
• Data loggers: There are several ways in which data loggers can be used to enhance still
further the quality and quantity of flow data. The methods employ either ad hoc or
continuous data logging.
The use of a data logger on an ad hoc basis allows extra demand information, particularly
night demand, to be gained, so that leakage can be distinguished from a temporary increase
in demand. Logging requirements are influenced by district demand characteristics.
Continuous data logging can be implemented in conjunction with modems and transmission
facilities such as land lines or cellular phones as a cost effective telemetry (remote
monitoring) system. The greatest advantage of adopting this approach is that the logger
retains the data when the transmission system fails. Various data logger hardware and
software systems are readily available. When selecting a particular make of data logger
system, emphasis must be placed on the compatibility of the various components of the
system. The meters, pick-ups, data loggers, registers and software should be well tried and
tested as a complete system as well as include the latest innovative technology.
Guideline Manual for WSIs 3.16
EJ/dg Chapter 3 Distribution Management
WC/WDM Implementation Guidelines for WSIs DRAFT
March 2002
For ad hoc use, the following factors influence the number of loggers needed:
i) The maximum number of meter sites per district. This includes not only source meters
and district boundary meters, but also all the large metered consumers identified as
being significant during the initial work.
ii) The number of districts which are monitored simultaneously.
iii) Anticipated or planned frequency of night flow measurement.
iv) The numbers of staff for monitoring and the size of the area covered.
In continuous mode, one logger per meter site is necessary if on-site interrogation is
practised, twice this number if loggers are removed from site for interrogation.
Methodology for Implementation
Step 1 Identify possible districts and zones using maps, mains records and site inspection.
Undertake preliminary demand analysis.
Step 2 Note low pressure areas, critical consumers, high fire risk premises.
Step 3 Check operability of proposed zone valves, replace if necessary. Alternatively, install
above ground inter-zone connection.
Step 4 Isolate zone and monitor pressures, both within zone and beyond as appropriate.
Step 5 Review and repeat as necessary.
Step 6 Analyse demands, size, specify, procure, design and install meter installation.
Step 7 Commission meter and check that zone is tight (zero pressure test).
Step 8 Identify conventional boundary valves with permanent marker system, e.g. red paint,
polyurethane foam chamber filling.
Step 9 Mark up record drawings with boundary valves (special symbol) and meter(s).
Methodology for Maintenance and Sustainability
There are two distinct components of system maintenance:
i) ensuring that original design criteria of the districts are met and any changes recorded; and
ii) maintenance of plant and equipment.
District maintenance: This is a response to changes in supply and distribution within the system
which may influence the operation of a district, particularly data interpretation. There may be a
consequential need to amend the district metering scheme if changes are significant.
Potential changes to the system are:
i) changes in zone boundaries;
ii) new supply connections; and
iii) changes in operation.
• Changes in zone boundaries: These occur mainly as a result of the reallocation of pressure
zone boundaries resulting from a pressure reduction exercise or an extension of the supply
It will be necessary to re-route the boundaries of affected districts, following the design
criteria previously discussed. Other components of the system operation, such as record
keeping and data interpretation, will also be affected, and appropriate actions are listed
i) Update mains maps to show new district boundary and boundary crossings.
ii) Record new closed district valves, or district valves which have changed status and are now
iii) Record new meter positions – update meter records for meter type, and number, calibration
factor, main diameters, etc.
iv) Check whether existing meters are affected by new design criteria (e.g. changes in flow
range, flow direction). If necessary install a new meter or closed valve.
v) Update property counts.
vi) Update records of industrial and commercial users. Review numbers of large users who
should be data logged. Review significance of other metered users and non-metered
commercial users on district demand.
vii) Revise district gross and net flow data in the calculations. Add or remove meters and note
effect of change of direction of flow in or out of a district.
viii) Reappraise district cost data and demand levels.
• New supply connections: There are two implications of new supplies within a district:
i) an increase in the number of properties; and
ii) an increase in boundary crossings by new mains.
New domestic properties must be added to the district property count. New
industrial/commercial metered or unmetered properties must be recorded, graded to the
appropriate category, and monitored.
Where new supplies are laid across a boundary between adjacent districts, the new main
should be metered or valved if there is a supply from an alternative source. If a new main is
laid across a boundary which does not join two districts, the boundary is extended to
encompass the new area of distribution. Mid-block water mains in dense developing areas
should also be carefully investigated. New meters should be installed and appropriate meter
records updated.
• Changes in operation: Flow changes within a district, or between districts, can significantly
affect the interpretation of flow data.
Changes to the flow pattern fall into two categories:
(i) Permanent changes
Increase or decrease in pressure: The effect of pressure on demand and leakage is well-
known. Any permanent change to system pressures should be followed by night demand
measurement and a repeat achievement of base levels of leakage.
Changes in pumping: Additional or reduced pumping may affect the range of flow through
the district meter. A pump switching on and off during supply operation may cause a change
of direction, e.g. by gravitation. Correspondence changes in flow rate, velocity, and flow
direction may require a new meter.
Rezoning: Sudden changes in demand by rezoning, or by changes in population or industry
may affect the flow range of the meter and flow direction.
(ii) Temporary changes: As with permanent system changes, pressure, flow rate, and flow
direction can also be affected in the short term during normal operation of the distribution
system. Examples of these changes are:
⇒ sub-division of the district by valving during leak detection and location;
⇒ valving during routine operations such as repairs, cleaning, or renovation;
⇒ temporary changes in demand caused by population fluctuation or cyclic industrial
demand patterns.
These should be recorded as awareness of such activities will affect data interpretation.
Maintenance of plant and equipment:
i) routine maintenance and fast repair of any defects minimise loss of data;
ii) regular calibration of flow meters to ensure they are maintained within accuracy limits
(refer to SABS 0306: 1999 Clause 10.3), and
iii) regular maintenance of the associated flow logging and data transmission equipment to
ensure that adequate monitoring levels are achieved.
Cost framework
Initial cost Ongoing cost Relative cost Risk/Confidence
R150 000 (for district R15 000 p.a. 100% (with respect 95% confidence
of 1000 connections) to metering)
Reference and Suggested Further Reading
(See next section).
3.2.3 Water meter types, applications and selection
This section provides a comparison of the commonly available water meters, an indication of
some of their applications as well as details/references of how to select and correctly size water
Definitions, Terminology, Abbreviations
Accuracy: The closeness of the actual reading to the true value.
Accuracy curve: The signature curve of a meter that is established under laboratory conditions
for a particular type of meter illustrating the relative change accuracy of measurement as the rate
of flow through the meter changes.
There are no universally suitable flow meters for all applications and it is important to choose the
one that meets nearly all the requirements for a particular installation. Different types of meters
have different accuracy curves defining the change in accuracy as the rate of flow of the water
changes. This accuracy curve related to a flow range defines the meter’s performance
Generalised accuracy (signature) curves for a mechanical turbine, electronic ultrasonic,
differential pressure averaging pitot and differential pressure orifice plate are illustrated in Figure
% Difference of Actual Flow
0 ULTRA SONIC (Time of flight)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
There are two main categories of meters, viz. those that extract energy from, and those that add
energy to the flow. Examples of those that extract energy from the flow are Differential Pressure,
Turbine (e.g. velocity), Vortex, Averaging Pitot and Positive Displacement meters. Meters that
add energy to the flow are Electromagnetic, Ultrasonic and Thermal types.
The meters most commonly used in the Water Industry are:
• Positive Displacement
• Velocity (incl. Woltmann, Single and Multi Jet)
• Electromagnetic
• Differential Pressure
• Vortex
• Ultrasonic
A comparison of these various types of meters is given in Table 3B(a).
Table 3B: Comparison of water meter types
Water meter types
Parameters Positive Electro- Differential
Velocity Vortex Ultrasonic
Displacement magnetic Pressure
Error (%) ± 0.2 to ±1 ±0.2 to ±0.5 ±0.2 to ±1 ±0.5 to ± 1 ±1 over ±1 to ±2
(under ideal
over over over over over over
measuremen measurement measurement measurement measurement
Re 20000
t range range range range range
Linearity (%) ±0.5 to ±1 ±0.1 to ±0.3 ±0.5 to ±1 Dependent on ±1 ±0.1 to ±1
over differential
over over over over
measuremen pressure
measurement measurement measurement measurement
t range measurement
range range range range
Repeatability (%) ±0.02 to ±0,2 ±0.1 to ±0.2 Dependent on ±0.1 to ±1 ±0.2 to ±1
±0.5 over differential
over over over
measuremen pressure
measurement measurement measurement
t range measurement
range range range
Operational turn 100 to 150:1 10 to 250:1 10 to 100:1 3 or 4:1 4 to 40:1 5 to 100:1
down ratio
Pressure drop at 1-2 velocity 1-2 velocity Minimal 4-6 velocity 1-2 velocity Minimal
maximum flow heads heads heads heads
Minimum velocity 0.8 0.2 Below 0.1 Depends on About 0.4 0.1
(m/s) maximum
(with sensors
in contact with
Maximum velocity 9 5 12.5 8 9 10
Diameter (mm) 5 to 600 3 to 1000 2 to 3000 6 to 2600 12 to 300 6 to 3000
Flow direction Bi- Uni- Bi- Some meters Uni- Bi-directional
directional directional directional bi-directional directional
As with many technologies, there are frequent new product launches and refinements which mean
that specifications and equipment are continually subject to change.
Data Loggers and Pulse Units
One of the most significant opportunities, in distribution system management, in recent years has
come with the development of inexpensive, robust and reliable data loggers.
Loggers are electronic devices capable of capturing data from flow meters and/or pressure
sensors. They enable continuous records of flow through meters to be produced without the need
for telemetry. This provides the data necessary for proper management of the distribution system,
particularly in the control of leakage.
The following factors need to be taken into account when considering the specification of
different makes and types of logger:
• Memory configurations – for example:
⇒ Logs until memory full
⇒ Barrels (continuous roll-over memory) – i.e. when memory is full, logging continues
but the oldest data is overwritten
⇒ When full, the logger time setting changes to the next longest period and the existing
data is recalculated into the new period format.
• Memory capacity.
• Logger time intervals, e.g. 30 seconds to 60 minutes.
• Flow sensor types supported, e.g. pulse heads.
• Battery life – long life non-rechargeable batteries have been found to be more satisfactory
than rechargeable batteries.
• Logger casing waterproofed to a specified standard, e.g. IP68.
• Need for dual channel loggers, i.e. capable of logging pressure as well as flow.
• Window displays – not all loggers have visual display facilities.
• Method of downloading and software available for storage and analysis of data.
Mechanical meters now generally have a magnetic coupling between the undergear and the
reading register. A pulse unit is a device that generates electrical pulses and is fitted between the
magnetic drive and the reading register of the meter. The electrical pulses are transmitted to a
logger and converted into flow measurement.
Factors Affecting Meter Installations
SABS 1529 (1994) and the Trade Metrology Act, 1973 specify the metrological characteristics of
mechanical water meters and meters with mechanical measuring elements and electronic
indicators. Once these minimum requirements are met, the deciding factor used for the selection
of management/district meters and associated systems in a developing area are related to the
• Environmental considerations: The environment in which the meter is to be operated and
maintained has a great influence on the final choice of a particular meter make and model.
The prevalence of lightning has a major impact on disruption to the monitoring of flow with
the aid of electronic based metering devices.
• Maintenance/operational requirements: The installation of a by-pass around the meter
installation facilitates maintenance and operations without interruption to supply.
A simplified (generic) methodology for the selection of water meters is as follows:
Step 1 - Determine average water demand for the particular installation.
Step 2 - Establish peak (maximum) water demand and whether fire flow is to be included.
Step 3 - Establish the minimum water demand (usually related to minimum night flows).
Step 4 - Compare the flow range determined in steps 1 to 3 with the manufacturer’s
specification for various water meters.
Step 5 - Determine the energy head loss for the meter corresponding to the maximum flow
established in step 2 and establish if it is within the hydraulic requirements of the
Step 6 - Consider the purchase and installation cost for the meter selected and other
financial considerations.
This is an iterative process that in practice could involve numerous sub-steps within each step. An
example of a comprehensive computerised meter selection system is described by Johnson (2001)
and covers all the methodologies mentioned in Table 3B(b) and was applied in the case history
detailed in Box 3.2.
Typically it is found that the meter will be smaller than the main in which it is to be inserted,
requiring tapers to be fitted. Rule of thumb with mains operating at normal velocities is that the
meter diameter will be about two-thirds of the pipeline, e.g. 200 mm meter in a 300 mm diameter
main. Notwithstanding manufacturers’ claims as to low flow accuracy, generally it is desirable to
try to maintain low flows above 0.5 m/s and below 3.0 m/s to achieve acceptable accuracy.
Box 3.2 Case History of the Implications of Installation of Incorrectly Selected Water Meters
In 1997, a consortium that included Meinecke do Brazil undertook a pilot project for SABESP for the change-out of 354 bulk
consumer meters in São Paulo.
Starting with available billing data and the meter database, the consortium selected a total of 354 high-priority meters to be
evaluated. Site inspections and data logging followed. With the use of meter sizing software, replacement meters were
selected. These were installed. Follow-up logging was undertaken to confirm that the selection and sizing was correct:
Results of pilot study:
• 6 meters were undersized (larger meters were fitted)
• 248 meters were oversized – comprising 70% of all meters (smaller meters were fitted – including 27 combination meters)
• 100 meters were correctly sized (but not necessarily accurate, a few were renewed/recalibrated, most were replaced).
• Billed consumption increased by 2,000,865 m³ in the first year
• The average payback on the capital outlay was 2 months
• In 83 cases, the payback was less than 1 month.
Source: Bold (2001)
Cost framework
Initial cost (complete) Relative Cost Risk/Confidence
R 1 500 (domestic connection) R150 p.a. 1% of establishing a district 99% confidence
R15 000 (150 dia) R1 500 p.a. 10% of establishing a district 95% confidence
There are many examples of good results from one-off campaigns as (1). Unfortunately a not
insignificant number of indicatives fail to be sustained as in (2).
This method may not be practical in situations where low night flows are of very short
ii. Open and Close: This is a method where each section is turned off and on again for a
brief period so that the supply is interrupted for only a short time. The results are much
more difficult to analyse but the procedure may be necessary to better maintain supplies
for essential services.
iii. Double Locking: For this test, as the metered supply is cut off to a section an alternative
supply is made available from outside the district. This is ideal where it can be arranged
but requires more labour and an assurance that all valves, not only the boundary valves,
close drop-tight.
Step testing is not recommended for old, badly maintained reticulation networks where the
operation of valves can result in excessive maintenance and rehabilitation costs. In such
situations, acoustic loggers obviate the requirement for step testing as valve operations are not
Similarly if there is high general leakage then distinct steps may not appear on the flow trace.
Since step testing only reduces the area of search, it is still necessary to employ specific leak
location techniques to pinpoint the leak(s) within the step tested section.
Acoustic Methods – General
The sound of water escaping from a defect has been the basis of leak location for many decades
and remains the basis of most modern methods. It will be appreciated that the nature and intensity
of the noise is dependent on the characteristics of the defect aperture and how much water is
escaping (imagine a whistle). Unfortunately it is the smaller leaks that generally make more noise
than the larger ones and in a high leakage area that has not been tackled previously, it is often
advisable to start with the tried and tested method of sounding all fittings and usually checking
inside all valve, hydrant and meter chambers. Once this has been done and the repairs completed,
more sophisticated methods can then be effective.
Fittings on water mains and service connections are “sounded” by inspectors. This sounding is
basically listening for the characteristic noise of leaking water using a form of stethoscope or an
electronic listening device with amplifier. Other acoustic devices include a geophone/ground
microphone that registers the vibration generated by the leak. Leak sound correlations are used to
identify, by interpolation, the location of a leak between two points on the water main to which
sensors are attached. Leak noise correlators are most effective on metallic pipes, on AC/FC and
uPVC pipes the sensors must be closer together and interpretation of the readouts requires greater
Acoustic (noise) Loggers
Acoustic (noise) loggers are strategically placed within the distribution network on valves and
hydrants. The loggers are pre-set to record during the period that coincides with the minimum
night flow, when background noise is likely to be lower. Noise amplitude will vary due to
random effects, but there is always a consistent minimum due to the constant noise of leakage.
Noise generated by a leak tends to have reasonably consistent loudness (amplitude). The location
of the leak is established from the simultaneous analysis noise recorded by the various loggers as
well as their location during the survey.
The advantage of acoustic noise loggers include the fact that the specific empirical measurements
provide a better indication of leakage than general theoretical values.
Other methods
⇒ Intelligent pigging
Intelligent pigging utilises the principles of ultrasonic or magnetic-flux to determine the
position of leaks within large diameter steel pipelines. Although intelligent pigging is well
established in the oil and gas industry it has yet to be adopted by the water industry to any
great extent.
⇒ Statistical pipeline leak detection
The method detects leaks in pipelines using computer calculations of statistical probability.
The system checks for unusual trends in flow and pressure and is reputed to be sensitive
enough to be able to trace leaks as small as 0,5 percent of the total flow through the pipeline.
This system has been cost effectively applied to oil and gas pipelines but has still to be
adopted by the water industry.
⇒ Network analysis utilising inverse problem solving
Leak detection in water-distribution systems can be accomplished by solving an inverse
problem using measurements of pressure and/or flow. The problem is formulated with
equivalent orifice areas of possible leaks as the unknowns. This method will not substitute the
more traditional leak surveys but can serve as a guide that would assist the more conventional
⇒ Infrared spectroscopy
An image of the pipe underground is established from the latent heat reflected from the pipe.
This method is not applicable for areas which have numerous underground services because
of their side spectrum of emitting sources.
⇒ Subsurface interface radar (SIR)
This method which “sees” into the ground up to a depth of 6 metres is reputed to be able to
locate leaks within pipes. However, a pilot study conducted within an established urban area
revealed that the SIR only had an approximately 64% success in locating pipes. The
equipment is complicated and expensive requiring a considerable level of technical expertise
to operate. The cost effectiveness of this method of leak detection has still to be established.
⇒ Tanker method for distribution systems with intermittent supply
Leak detection within water distribution systems that are consistently subject to intermittent
water supply because of insufficient availability of water, poor condition of the distribution
system and lack of funds to increase capacities require the following approach:
i. Comprehensive mapping of the distribution network using pipe locations and acoustic noise
sounding equipment.
ii. Isolation of a small area of approximately 100 connections or 500 m pipe length using values
in the network and at consumer meters.
iii. Injection of water from a mobile water tanker and pumping equipment into the isolated area
through a water meter with a data logger installed. Installation of pressure gauges or loggers
on either side of the isolation point also facilitates determining of the area is isolated.
iv. Undertake leak detection using any of the previously mentioned methods such as acoustic
sounding sticks and correlators.
v. After location and repair of the leaks redo the test to compare minimum flows before and
The amount (flow) of water from a pressurised pipe system, in line with basic hydraulic theory, is
dependent on the size of the opening and its shape, and the pressure in the system at the point of
discharge. This principle applies to a leak in a pipe in just the same way as a consumer's tap.
A reduction of operating pressure within the distribution system will reduce the volume of
leakage water lost in a given time from a given sized hole or crack. A saving may also be
realised, especially in older networks of cast iron with lead services, by reducing the frequency of
burst occurrences. A reduction of operating pressure will also reduce waste and pressure related
consumption e.g. the flow from an open tap or garden sprinklers, as well as reducing customer
Other benefits that flow from an effective pressure management regime include:
• direct and consequential cost savings, e.g. damage to property, with fewer bursts
• fewer interruptions to supply to consumers
• cost savings in purchase of new pipes and fittings to a lower pressure rating
The objective of pressure management is to develop a pressure regime within the distribution
network that is as close as possible to the ideal of providing just the declared minimum at all
times and no more. The factors which act as a constraint to the ideal are (a) topography,
(b) friction losses within the network, and (c) fluctuations in consumer demand.
In new systems the design should be carefully undertaken to achieve an optimal pressure profile
using hydraulic modelling methods. Wherever possible pressures should not exceed 50 m and
the average pressure across the system should be significantly lower. Sufficient capacity should
be provided in the mains so that the diurnal fluctuation does not exceed +/- 5 m. Careful zoning
configuration and location of service reservoirs should minimise the need for PRVs, but may not
eliminate them altogether in areas of undulating topography.
Where the topography of the supply area varies significantly, it may well be the case that the
system is already sub-divided into basic pressure zones. Normally, however, pressure within
these primary zones will still vary to a considerable extent. Pressure management as envisaged
within this document may be seen as an extension of that principle by separating off areas that,
due to their elevation, are operating at much higher pressures than are necessary for basic service
Methods of Pressure Control
Table 3D(a) Methods of Pressure Control
Method Advantages Disadvantages
Break pressure tanks, service No special maintenance regime Likely to be costly unless designed
reservoirs required in as part of a general system
improvement scheme
Pump control Simple and cheap Limited application
Valving, zoning Simple and cheap Limited application
Pressure reducing valves Versatile, relatively inexpensive, Prone to incorrect siting or sizing if
need not restrict flow rates not adequately designed
Limited life device and regular
maintenance required
• The simplest form of pressure reducing device is a break pressure tank, indeed service
reservoirs within a large supply network fulfil that function as well as providing basic storage.
An example would be where a municipality's take off from a water board trunk main is via a
service reservoir whose top water level is much lower than the pressure in the trunk main. If
there is insufficient storage within the distribution network then its provision can provide the
opportunity to reconfigure the network in such a way as to improve the pressure regime.
• Pump control applies where the network is fed from a booster pump, generally, but not
necessarily, without a header tank. Applicable to either multiple or variable speed pumps the
method involves linking the pump start / speed to a pressure monitor on the pump delivery
which is set so that pressure at the highest point in the network is kept to no more than the
minimum needed, as far as practicable.
• Valving or zoning applies where there are several service reservoirs at different levels. By
changing the zone boundaries it may be possible to reduce average pressures.
• An in-line pressure reducing device performs a similar role to a break pressure tank, but the
downstream static head is not reduced to atmospheric at the device location.
• In-line devices are:
Throttle Simply by partially closing a valve, pressures will reduce downstream, but the
amount of pressure reduction is wholly dependent on the flow through the throttle.
If set such that sufficient pressure is maintained to supply consumers during peak
hour demand, at night the pressure reduction will be much less. This is the opposite
of what would be the feature of an ideal design.
Fixed Outlet This comprises a throttle whose aperture is continuously adjusted so as to maintain
PRV a fixed pressure downstream of the valve. Whereas there is a fixed outlet pressure
at the valve, the pressures within the zone will vary according to demand and
distance from the PRV. In the case of a large zone, or one which has higher than
average pipe losses within the zone, the valve setting to attain sufficient pressure for
peak hour demand at the critical point in the network will be significantly higher
than desirable for low demand periods.
Dual Outlet Sometimes known as "two point" PRV in which the outlet pressure is time based.
PRV The pressure setting between 06.00 to 22.00, say, would be the same as for the fixed
outlet valve, but a lower setting from 22.00 to 06.00 would still attain the minimum
pressure at the critical point. The average pressure in the network over 24 hours is
therefore less than is the case with the fixed outlet PRV.
Dual Outlet Instead of operating on a timer, the PRV is linked to a flow meter and the high or
Flow low setting is determined by the flow through the valve. Thus whilst generally the
Regulated higher pressure would apply during the day and the lower at night, the unit can
respond to any flow variation regardless of time of day, ‘toggling’ between
pressures as the flow in the system rises and falls. Therefore the average pressure
will generally be less than with the standard dual outlet type. This type of control
also ensures that, in the case of a fire demand during a period of low pressure, the
pressure setting will revert to the higher level.
Flow In this type the PRV is also linked to a flow meter and continuously adjusts its
Modulated outgoing pressure according to demand. It is therefore possible to achieve a near
PRV constant minimum pressure at the critical point in the network and to achieve the
lowest possible average pressure in the network downstream of the valve.
It will be appreciated that the increase in performance offered by the more sophisticated PRVs
necessitate a higher maintenance commitment and increased risk of control breakdown.
Within gravity fed parts of the network, a pressure reduced area must be hydraulically isolated
from adjacent areas and it is often convenient to combine this with a district meter area with the
pressure reducing device being physically adjacent to the meter within a common structure.
Whereas the principle of district metering for active leakage control necessitates the creation of
relatively small supply areas, pressure reduced areas can be as large as the topography and system
configuration permits, indeed the larger the area the more cost-effective the PRV installation
becomes. Where applicable, a single pressure reducing device can serve more than one district
meter area (although in that case care must be taken in positioning the PRV and district meters to
avoid meter accuracy problems).
What cannot be done is for a pressure reduced area to be fed from more than one pressure
reducing device, since this will introduce an inherent hydraulic instability.
The implementation of a pressure reduction scheme is likely to limit the capacity of a distribution
system to deliver water to customers. The impact on commercial customers, particularly those
with fire fighting sprinkler systems, high rise buildings and the fire services, needs to be taken
into account. Even domestic and other customers who are not affected in any material way, may
perceive a difference and some customer complaints may result, even if advance notice has been
given. The existence of combination boilers, kidney dialysis machines and other pressure-
sensitive appliances should be appreciated.
The relationship between flow through a fixed orifice and pressure obeys the square root law, but
many leak defects within pipe systems, such as at joints and cracks in plastic materials, vary in
opening according to pressure. Three basic relationships are recognised in this regard: "fixed
path", "linear path" and "expanding path"1. An individual leak and a pipe network do not
necessarily have the same relationship.
Experiments carried out as part of the UK National Leakage Initiative2 recommended that for
examining the effect of pressure on leakage in a zone, the relationship between leakage and
average zone night pressure (AZNP) should be taken as:
Leakage Index = 0.5 AZNP + 0.007 AZNP2.
The effect of this formula is shown in Tables 3.2.2(b) and (c)
Table 3D(b) Leakage Index
Pressure Leakage
m Index
70 69.3
65 62.1
60 55.2
55 48.7
50 42.5
45 36.7
40 31.2
35 26.1
30 21.3
25 16.9
20 12.8
SABS 0306 section 9.3.5 Fig 20
UK Water Industry Managing Leakage Report G Managing Water Pressure [ref para equ]
Guideline Manual for WSIs 3.37
EJ/dg Chapter 3 Distribution Management
WC/WDM Implementation Guidelines for WSIs DRAFT
March 2002
7. Assuming this confirms potential of the site, discuss proposals with fire officer and agree
on any operational procedures, design features.
8. Design and install flow meter (that may also be used for active leakage control).
9. Advise consumers of possible changes to pressures in their system, both inside the pressure
reduced area and in adjacent areas.
10. Identify critical consumers, e.g. kidney dialysis patients, and ensure that they are aware and
that they have emergency contact details.
11. Advise water services admin office to expect consumer reports of pressure problems and
ensure that these are properly recorded for possible follow up.
12. With flow meter installed, close boundary valves and measure pressures upstream and
downstream of the meter and at critical point(s), ideally using electronic data loggers for 24
hours, but visual observations from standard hydrant pressure gauges otherwise.
13. At night, close inlet valve to zone and check for zero pressure. If not then there is zone
breach that must be found and rectified before proceeding to next step.
14. Optional: use line valve to throttle pressure at night to achieve minimum pressure at critical
point(s) and confirm the pressure drop across the valve.
15. If all OK decide on type of valve to be specified and procure.
16. Design PRV (and meter if applicable) installation, build chamber, install and commission
valve (and telemetry if applicable). Reduce pressures in steps over a period of weeks.
17. Monitor PRV performance closely for first few weeks.
18. Establish maintenance regime and maintenance contract with valve supplier or other
competent service provider
19. Appreciate the benefits!
Always fit the simplest valve that will do the job. Only choose dual outlet pressure or flow
controlled valve if there is significant diurnal pressure variation and the water savings
benefits are worthwhile.
PRVs should be fitted downstream of the flow meter and on a by-pass so that it can be taken out
of line if a fault occurs. If necessary, the pressure reduction can be maintained approximately by
valve throttling as a temporary expedient.
The sizing of the PRV is important and reasonably reliable flow estimation as well as pressure
ranges must be provided to suppliers when obtaining quotations.
Telemetry adds to the cost but is strongly recommended if a flow control PRV is adopted.
Methodology for PRV Maintenance and Sustainability
PRVs are definitely not ‘fit and forget’ items. They are akin to short life pumps, requiring regular
maintenance and renewal every 5 – 10 years. Telemetry is therefore of benefit since it enables a
10 minute check to be made on the valve on, say, a weekly basis, to ensure that it is operating as
Items which require regular checks, and, if necessary, corresponding alterations in PRV settings
(i) Status of boundary valves.
(ii) Extensions at margins of PRV area e.g. additional properties/roads/streets at elevations
near design setting.
(iii) Additions/changes to consumption profile within defined area; e.g. new housing site or
changing industrial consumption.
(iv) Regular checks on PRV inlet/outlet settings to confirm profile against design settings.
(v) Status of valves within the PRV area.
Yearly maintenance of a PRV should include cleaning of filters in the small bore pipework to the
pilot valve. If the water contains sediment, whether from the treatment plant or from deposits
inside the pipelines, then more frequent maintenance may prove to be necessary. If there is any
doubt as to the capacity of the WSI to undertake PRV maintenance, a maintenance contract
should be established with the original supplier or other suitable specialist service provider. With
a PSTN type telemetry link they can monitor valve performance remotely.
Box 3.3.2 Case Study: City of Cork (Ireland) 1998/99
As part of a comprehensive water conservation and network management project for this city of 127,000 population, validated
hydraulic models were used to design district meter areas and identify opportunities for pressure reduction. Out of a total of 15
potential locations, 3 were chosen for a pilot / demonstration before proceeding with the full programme. In particular it was
desired to evaluate the effect of different levels of control, with a view to deciding on the specification for future PRV installations.
The 3 PRVs were to control pressures in 5 DMAs:
1 Mahon South East
2 Southern A South East and South West
3 Chetwynd North West and North Central
Having regard to fire risks in the zones it was decided to procure 2 no. PRVs with dual outlet flow control and 1 no. PRV with full
flow modulation. Although fixed outlet pressure PRVs would not be fitted, for evaluation purposes fixed and two point time based
operation could be simulated by setting the valves to operate in those modes. It was also decided to fit the PRVs with telemetry
loggers to be able to monitor the PRV performance from the Corporation offices.
Flow range before PRV fitted 7.5 - 20 l/sec
Pressure range upstream 40 - 45 m
Critical point pressure 37 - 44 m
Proposed downstream pressure at valve 25 - 30 m
Predicted saving 3.57 l/s, 308 m3/d
The valve was commissioned with the downstream pressure set at 28m. The night flow fell from 7.3 to 4.4 l/s. 250 m3/d saved.
After a week the valve was changed to operate in dual outlet mode to give a day pressure of 25m and night pressure of 18m. The
flow at night fell to 1.8 l/s but coincided with a leak repair estimated to account for 1.0 ll/s. PRV saving 393 m3/d.
Flow range before PRV fitted 11 - 28 l/sec
Pressure range upstream 30 - 48 m
Critical point pressure 23 - 44 m
Proposed downstream pressure at valve 25 - 30 m
Predicted saving 3.76 l/s, 325 m3/d
The valve was commissioned with the downstream pressure being set at 28m. The night flow fell from 11.3 to 6.9 l/s. 383 m3/d
saved. The critical point pressure dropped to 20 - 23m.
A week later the valve was changed to operate in dual outlet mode, the pressure being reduced further at night. The control was set
to give a day pressure of 26.5m and night pressure of 24m. This reduced the flow at night to 5.8 l/s. 479 m3/d saved.
After a further week the valve was changed to full flow modulation. The control was set to give a maximum day time pressure of
26.5m, the night time pressure falling to 21m. This change in pressure control dropped the flow at night to 4.7 l/s. 575 m3/d saved.
This PRV failed to commission concurrently with the other two due to zone breaches which took many months of "detective work"
by the superintendents and inspectors to resolve, supported by the hydraulic modeller. Eventually success was theirs and the zone
was reconfigured, but it meant that the saving achieved of 2.8 l/s was less than the 4.5 l/s originally envisaged. This despite a very
thorough exercise at the start of the project to check each main and valve on the existing record drawings with the inspectors, and
many corrections being made.
Cost Framework
Pressure reduction is often the most cost-effective of all demand management measures, the
larger the supply area fed through a single PRV, the greater the financial benefit.
Processes Outcomes
Needs Analysis
Asset Assessment
Asset Performance
Performance Assessment
Asset Strategy
The age of infrastructure such as pipelines can act as a proxy variable for determining the
approximate value of water lost due to leakage. This linkage between the age distribution of
pipelines and the cost of leakage can be achieved through the application of the Fundamental Law
of Decay. The rate of deterioration of infrastructure overtime can be illustrated in Figure 3.6
whereby a pipeline system’s age distribution is converted to a weighted Law of Decay S-curve
relating to the annual cost of water leakage from the systems. These weighted curves have been
derived from pipe age data and year 2000 costs to illustrate the effect that the deterioration of
infrastructure can have on leakage costs if maintenance and refurbishment of the piping system
was neglected.
It is important to be aware that, whilst generally the older parts of the system will exhibit, on
average, poorer condition and performance than newer parts, when it comes to looking at
particular components, such as individual lengths of water main, age alone is not sufficient
justification for replacement or retention. Many examples can be found of old mains being in
better condition than much newer mains. Reasons for this can include quality of original
materials from a particular supplier, quality of workmanship and supervision of works at the time
of installation.
Figure 3.6 : Fundamental Law of Decay
Pipelines Age Distribution
500.00 30
Percentage of Pipes
400.00 15
Value R million
300.00 0 Value(R)
10 20 30 40 50
Ave. Age Years
1979 1983 1986 1989 1991 1994 1997 1999 2002 2005 2007 2010 2013 2015 2018 2021 2023 2026 2029 2031
The South African Standard Specifications SABS 1529-1 (1994) as well as the International
Standards ISO 4064 (1993) provide a generic definition of this accuracy envelope from the
minimum flow rate (qmin) up to their maximum or overload flow rate (qs) as follows:
• qmin is the lowest flow rate at which the meter is required to give indications within the
permissible tolerance and is specified as a ratio of the permanent flow rate (qp) for various
metrological classes of water meters.
• qp is the flow rate for which the meter is designed and at which the meter is required to
operate in a satisfactory manner for a short period of time without deterioration. This short
period of time is specified by some manufacturers as 24 h in the life of the meter.
• qs is the rate that is equal to 2 qp and also represents the highest flow rate at which the meter
is required to operate in a satisfactory manner for a short period of time without deterioration.
This short period of time is specified by some manufacturers as 24 h in the life of the meter.
• Between qmin and qp, a transitional flow rate (qt) is specified dividing the flow range into two
separate permissible tolerance zones.
• qt is also specified as a ratio of qp for various metrological classes of water meters.
qp is also referred to as qn and qs as qmax in the International Standards ISO 4064 (1993).
The water meter should be managed throughout its life cycle. After the meter has been selected
(See 3.1) and purchased, it usually goes through the following steps in its life cycle:
• Stock - The meter is placed in stock and pertinent records are kept regarding the meter’s
particulars and inventory details.
• Installation request - A formal request for installation of a new meter is received and after
the receipt of the prescribed payment and documentation/ plans, the meter is issued to the
plumber for installation.
• Removal request - An existing meter could be required to be removed because of planned
maintenance scheduling, the meter ceases to function properly or stops. The old meter is
then exchanged for a new meter after the prescribed documentation has been completed.
• Movement recording - Details of meters issued, installed and returned to the
workshop/depot are recorded.
• Testing & repairs - Meters returned to the workshop are inspected, tested,
repaired/refurbished and tested again. Testing of meters are usually conducted in terms of
SABS 1529. All test results are recorded. Meters that pass the prescribed tests are returned
to stock and those that fail are scrapped.
The keeping and updating of meter records facilitates the management process and should
include at least the following:
- meter serial number
- meter type and size
- stock reading
- stock date
- scrapped date
- town planning allotment area
- water supply area (reservoir)
- installation reading
- date installed
week/average day
week/average day
Ratio maximum
Average day for
Ratio minimum
Date on
25.6.00 22,708 3,244 9,00 1,126
2.7.00 18,018 2,574 7,38 0,894
9.7.00 19,572 2,796 8,28
16.7.00 19,348 2,764 8,10
23.7.00 21,161 3,023 9,18 2,880 3,188
30.7.00 17,801 2,543 8,64
6.8.00 10,227 1,461 7,38
The application of confidence limits facilitate the determination of the applicable limits with
which water demands/usage would be expected to be found.
For large number of data (i.e. ≥ 30) then the confidence (fiducial) limit for this data can be
determined by the following formula:
S ± zc σs
where S = sample mean
σs = standard deviation (standard error)
Zc = from table below.
Confidence level 99.73 99% 98 96% 95.45 95% 90% 80% 68.27 50%
% % % %
zc 3.00 2.58 2.3 2.05 2.00 1.96 1.64 1.28 1.00 0.674
3 5 5
Generally the 95% confidence level is used, i.e. S ± 1,96σs
The optimisation of the meter refurbishment programme also facilitates the establishment of the following:
⇒ The optimal frequency for the removal of water meters of a specific size and type
⇒ The cost of water lost through failed (i.e. stopped) meters
⇒ The cost of water lost through inaccurate meters.
Rehabilitation may be undertaken for reasons of water quality, structural condition and
performance, and hydraulic factors. For the purposes of WC/WDM, rehabilitation would focus
on the structural condition of the infrastructure that is at the root cause of excessive physical
water loss. A single strand approach is not the most cost effective in the long run, however. For
example it may be decided to replace a defective high leaking water main, but the question then
arises as to the size - in a single strand approach the replacement would be the same size, but
adopting an integrated approach would see the main correctly sized for future demands.
Network Serviceability Requirements
The water supply and distribution network is the means of delivering water from the point of
production to consumers. The objective of an integrated rehabilitation plan is therefore attain a
configuration and condition that, with competent operation and maintenance, the WSI can
provide consumers with water that meets statutory standards of quality, at sufficient but not
excessive pressure, and on a continuous 24 hour per day 365 day per year basis. From the WSI's
perspective, the cost of operation and maintenance to achieve satisfactory consumer quality
standards should not be excessive.
Water Quality
Whilst for the most part, water quality is dependent on the raw water source and the form of
treatment of the raw water, compliance with the standards also requires that the passage of water
through the network does not cause an otherwise compliant water to become non-compliant
because of the internal condition of the pipes and fittings. For example iron mains and lead
service connections.
Pressure and Flow
The minimum pressure in the water main when consumers are drawing water at the maximum
hourly rate of demand will normally be stated in the bylaws under general conditions of supply,
e.g. 15 m head. When pressure drops below the minimum target level this can represent a trigger
level for rehabilitation, but when providing new or rehabilitated mains a higher design pressure
would normally be set, e.g. 25 m head, as a design safety margin. Fire flow provision also needs
to be considered but under that condition it is only necessary to ensure that negative pressures in
the mains do not occur. Maximum pressure should ideally not exceed 50 m since problems with
plumbing fittings can occur and burst rates are likely to increase exponentially.
Interruptions to Supply / Mains Failures
Typical average mains failure rates for a system are:
Trunk mains:
"good" condition 0.015 -0.020 per km per year
"below average" 0.06 - 0.07 per km per year
Distribution mains:
“low” 0.10 – 0.15 per km per year
“average” 0.20 – 0.35 per km per year
“high” 0.40 – 0.55 per km per year
In a recent survey of 27 water undertakings in Europe: (AWWRF, 1998)
10 undertakings had "low" failure rates <0.2 per km per year
7 had "moderate" failure rates 0.2 - 0.4 per km per year
9 had "high/very high" failure rates 0.4 - >1.0 per km per year
Failure rates also vary according to pipe material and age (and it is not necessarily the case in a
given system that the oldest mains exhibit the highest failure rate).
The above statistics relate to the whole network but when individual mains or zones are
considered, much higher failure rates expressed per unit of length will be found. Whilst the
impact of bursts on the consumer is partly a function of the efficiency of response by the water
undertaking, typical trigger levels for rehabilitation of mains that are deemed to encompass both
consumer service and economic factors are:
• times per year per 1000 population in urban areas*
• 4 times per year per 1 km of pipeline in rural areas
*equivalent to around once per year per km
Service Pipe Defects
Individually, these are dealt with as and when they arise as part of normal operations, but
considered as a group within a DMA where there has been a history of past failures, the
likelihood of an ongoing significant commitment to service repair works may be expected.
Average defects rates collated from a number of sources have been reported as:
Communication pipes and stop taps 1 – 2 per 100 services per year
Supply pipes and internal plumbing c 2 per 100 services per year
Valves and Stop Taps
Valves and stop taps are essential appurtenances that if, in poor condition, absent in key locations
or inaccessible, make normal operational activities more difficult, and therefore costly, and will
aggravate the effect on consumers and third parties of burst incidents.
Ideally, a water distribution network would not leak. Except for water taken for operational
purposes and fire fighting, all water produced would be delivered to consumers. In practice,
however, there are no leak free systems, although it is perfectly possible using good quality
modern materials and high standards of design and installation, to provide new mains and
services that are virtually 100% watertight on completion.
Due to many factors, water networks do develop leaks and the numbers inevitably increase over
time if no action is taken. But providing prompt repairs are made to bursts that cause loss of
supply or cause damage to persons or property, the system can be said to remain "serviceable".
Mains may be regarded as unserviceable on leakage grounds if there are security of supply or
hydraulic capacity problems and if, due to the condition of the mains, the leakage cannot be
practically or economically reduced.
Many leaks are found on service connections and since they are generally of smaller flow than a
most mains leaks, they are less likely to show on the surface and likely to run for much longer
before discovery and repair. They will also be greater in number than mains leaks. Service pipe
leakage can therefore represent a greater proportion of total losses than mains leakage and in a
rehabilitation programme service pipe renewal should be evaluated accordingly.
Financial and Economic Factors
In a system that is in need of rehabilitation, excessive operating costs for the WSI go hand in
hand with poor serviceability in relation to consumer needs. Parts of a network that are in poor
condition will incur higher than average costs with regard to:
• numbers of reported bursts to be repaired
• frequency of intervention and numbers of unreported bursts to be repaired to maintain leakage
at target levels under active leakage control
• frequency of mains flushing to remove loose particle corrosion products
Social factors that come into the economic appraisal include reliability of supply expected by
existing and potential industrial consumers, third party damage resulting from burst events, and
disruption to commercial activities in urban centres. The point at which a particular main
becomes unserviceable due to its high cost of maintenance is a matter for economic appraisal, but
many such mains will probably also be classified as unserviceable on grounds of consumer
service quality.
General Approach and Methodology
Integrated Approach
If an integrated approach is to be adopted, it is recommended that generally rehabilitation is
prioritised and undertaken on a Zonal basis, dealing with all of the known deficiencies in the a
zone within the one contract. An integrated design for the rehabilitation works in a DMA would
deal with all serviceability issues concurrently in the most cost-effective manner.
Where there are unlined iron mains, if not now but in the future they will give rise to water
quality problems. Relining will deal with the water quality problem, but in an integrated
approach their continued deterioration would be assessed and a decision made on whether just to
reline or whether to renew, according to structural condition. Relining of course stops any further
internal corrosion, but not external corrosion.
Structurally sound mains can therefore be non-structurally relined, providing that there is
sufficient hydraulic capacity. Structurally defective mains can either be replaced by pipe
insertion or by pipe bursting to increase hydraulic capacity if required, as an alternative to
conventional open cut construction. In considering hydraulic capacity, it should be remembered
that reducing leakage demand will effectively release capacity for consumption.
In town centre zones, rehabilitation by Zone also provides an opportunity to rationalise the
configuration of the network - often the historical development of the network has left a legacy of
duplication of mains and unnecessary redundancy.
Prioritisation by Zone
To prioritise rehabilitation works by DMA, the following physical and performance
characteristics should be evaluated, to the extent that data are available:
A. Mains properties - proportion of old unlined cast iron mains (% of total length)
B. Connections - lead services (% of total connections)
C. Structural performance (per km of main)
D. Leakage performance (per km of main or connection)
E. Water quality - unlined iron mains, dirty water complaints, sample data (per 100 customers)
F. Hydraulic performance – length of mains or numbers of consumers having less than the
minimum pressure stated in the bylaws at peak demand (per km or per 100 connections)
G. Other factors - critical consumers, sensitive mains, development planning
For each category, a simple ranking order procedure is quite satisfactory, e.g for 10 Zones, from 1
for the highest to 10 for the least in need of rehabilitation.
Having established the ranking order for each condition and performance category these are then
used to derive a composite or weighted zones prioritisation rating.
Having established the ranking order for each condition and performance category these are then
used to derive a composite or weighted zone prioritisation rating. The weightings will be a matter
for the WSI to determine according to its priorities.
Some of the categories overlap since a particular condition can have more than one effect.
Weightings can be used to reflect this.
Rehabilitation of Mains
Within a Zone, in the detailed design stage, available condition, performance and strategic
importance information on individual mains or groups of mains would be examined for:
• burst frequency
• leakage (from step testing)
• physical condition
• soil corrosivity (in relation to metallic mains and fittings)
• head loss
• age
• importance
Each parameter can be given a score and weighting in a similar manner to the procedure for
prioritising zones. A possible format and provisional condition and performance rankings based
on a 0 to 5 score for each parameter is outlined in the table below, but as with the prioritisation by
zone, the scorings and weightings will be determined by the WSI according to local priorities and
Table 3E Example of Scoring System for Mains Rehabilitation
Parameter Scoring Range Weighting
Burst frequency 0 = < 0.05/km.yr 5 = >2/km.yr 2
Leakage 0 = <UARL 5 = >5Xuarl* 2
Physical condition 0 = excellent 5 = very poor 3
Soil corrosivity 0 = non aggressive soil or not relevant (plastic main, non-ferrous fittings) 1
5 = highly aggressive soil
Head loss 0 = <1 m/km 5 = >20 m/km 1
Age 0 = < 20 years 5 = >80 years 1
Importance 0 = not critical or sensitive and without development impact 5 = both 1
critical and sensitive and with development impact
* UARL – Unavoidable Real Losses litres/ – see Planning Framework manual section
In respect of physical condition gradings, a 0 score would represent a main that is in best "as
new" condition, designed and installed under a competent quality control regime. New mains
laid with only minimal building control inspection may well not achieve a 0 score. At the other
end of the range, a cast iron main with a physical condition score of 5 would be one which, from
test sample analysis, had a predicted remaining life of less than 5 years.
Where the available information relates to a part of a zone comprising a group of mains, e.g.
interpolation between pipe samples or step test results, the rating would be applied equally to the
whole group.
The resultant rating would then be used to determine whether an individual main should be
replaced. For example using the above suggested scoring and weighting values a rating of 15
should provide a trigger point, since one would suppose that a main in “very poor” condition (5 x
3 = 15) should be replaced, regardless of any other factors. It may be visualised that the trigger
value may vary according to the cost of rehabilitation, since cost benefit needs to be
Having determined which mains are to be replaced on (mainly) structural grounds, the hydraulic
regime of the zone would be examined, a validated hydraulic model of the existing system being
a valuable, some would argue essential, tool in this regard. As a baseline case, the result of
Guideline Manual for WSIs 3.52
EJ/dg Chapter 3 Distribution Management
WC/WDM Implementation Guidelines for WSIs DRAFT
March 2002
adopting structural and non-structural liners where appropriate would first be evaluated. The
hydraulic design would then be optimised by selective size for size pipe replacement or up-sizing
as required to meet the level of service and fire flow design criteria.
Trunk mains can be considered on the same principle as distribution mains, but in all cases the
importance score would be 5.
Rehabilitation of Services - Structural and Hydraulic Considerations
The factors that determine the need for replacement of service pipes and connections are similar
to those applicable to mains, except that it is impracticable to assess the condition of individual
services. As far as structural and hydraulic performance is concerned they can be grouped on a
street by street basis. Historic failure rates, the condition of ferrules and stop taps and leakage
rates would all be considered in determining the need for rehabilitation.
Rehabilitation of Services – Water Quality (Lead)
The present maximum permitted level in South Africa under SABS 241 is 100 µg/l with a
recommended maximum 50 µg/l. Therefore replacement of lead services for water quality
reasons may only be required in a minority of cases. [In Europe the permitted lead concentration
was reduced in a 1998 directive from 50 to 10 µg/l (at the consumer’s tap) and this is giving rise
to the implementation of both chemical dosing to reduce plumbosolvency, where the water
characteristics are suited, and lead service replacement programmes.]
Operational Considerations
As well as determining the rehabilitation for individual mains, the opportunity should be taken to
deal with any operational problems and to rationalise the configuration of the network. Examples
would include:
• the replacement of defective key valves that would not otherwise be renewed as part of the
mains relining or replacement
• any additional valves required to minimise numbers of consumers affected by shut-offs
• elimination of unnecessary parallel mains, ensuring that redundant mains are sealed off and all
services transferred
Box 3.5 Case Study Waterford (Ireland) 2000/1
The implementation of a water conservation and network management project for the Corporation of Waterford (pop 45,000),
identified a number of cast iron mains totalling 6.5 km in length that had very poor structural, leakage and hydraulic performance.
These were allocated a high priority for selective rehabilitation in a first phase works contract, in advance of a planned DMA
rehabilitation programme.
The mains were generally very old and in and around the commercial centre of the city and a "no-dig" solution using a PE all
welded pipe and services system was designed, with a combination of slip lining and pipe bursting according to the hydraulic
requirements determined from hydraulic model.
A contractor was appointed who had considerable rehabilitation works experience in the UK, but their Irish division was unused to
this kind of work. A very experienced contracts supervisor was assigned to ensure that many of the novel (in Ireland) procedures
were followed and quality standards met. This included consumer care procedures and a "street in a week" completion (including
permanent reinstatement) planning methodology. The rigorous PE joint testing regime in the specification was followed and all
jointing operatives had to possess a current certificate of competence in use of the apparatus.
Waterford Corporation personnel were trained in the use of PE pipes and fittings to enable them to make new connections and
repairs resulting from third party damage. The Corporation also purchased and now uses impact mole apparatus to make "no-dig"
service connections in PE.
On completion of the work, the Corporation reported a reduction in water into supply of nearly 2,000 m3/d, corresponding to a
specific saving of 12.8 m3/hr per km of main for the 6.5 km. The selected mains were in several DMAs where average specific
losses were in the range 4 - 6 m3/ The associated low pressure and dirty water problems which the project was also designed
to address, were also rectified.
The Corporation, not unused to complaints from the public about street works, were pleasantly surprised that an article in the local
newspaper complimented them on the efficiency with which these essential works were carried out and the care that had been taken
to minimise disruption to the community.
The hydraulic design of a rehabilitated network follows standard design criteria (ref section 2.5)
with leakage demand being separately modelled. In an urban area leakage losses in poor
condition zones can easily be of the order of 5xUARL or more, whereas a system in near new
condition should not exceed 1xUARL, exclusive of consumer leakage.
It is of interest to compare these values with the permissible leakage specified in tests on
completion of new water mains.
Procedure for Implementation - Integrated Approach
The following depends upon having reasonably competent records of the mains, including pipe
materials and approximate year laid (can be roughly estimated if not recorded by reference to age
of development), and burst locations. It assumes that the network is or will be sub-divided into
management districts or Zones.
Ideally rehabilitation schemes should be designed using validated hydraulic models, but as these
are not yet common practice in SA, the following procedure is used:
1. Collate all data on burst locations and consumer complaints if available and prepare
incident maps (in GIS if available).
2. Collate physical evidence of system condition that can be location referenced, e.g. pieces
of failed pipe, services, corroded valves, photographs
3. Establish pressure contours within system by reference to topographical maps, service
reservoir levels, field pressure tests
4. Review customer profile in Zones - key and critical
5. Identify "sensitive" mains
6. Establish development potential each Zone
7. Use ranking system to prioritise by Zone
8. Develop unit costs for rehabilitation elements, estimate approximate works in each Zone
and develop phased programme
9. For first phase priority Zone carry out field investigations - pipe sampling and laboratory
testing, soil tests, pressure monitoring
10. Review results of active leakage control - frequency of intervention, step tests, etc. to
confirm "fragile" mains
11. Estimate future demands, including potential leakage reduction, and assess pressure
changes, identify mains under hydraulic stress
12. Use scoring method to prioritise mains
13. Decide on relining / renewal policy for iron mans
14. Determine hydraulic reinforcement required - use poor condition mains that are going to be
replaced on structural grounds for this reinforcement, wherever possible
15. Finalise integrated design and estimate costs
16. Make the business case!
17. Appoint a competent contractor for the works and employ adequate supervision - one
inspector / clerk of works for every two gangs plus RE
18. Keep good records of the work which will invariably differ from the design and on
completion ensure that the previous mains records and any asset databases are amended
19. Finally: Make absolutely sure that all old mains are disconnected
Order of Initial Cost (2002) All in rate R/m 100/150/200 dia plus R/ service connection
Ongoing Costs:
Order of Annual Cost (2002) No additional operational cost. Cost savings be reduction of burst
frequency, mains flushing as applicable to particular scheme.
• the time spent on preventive maintenance is less than it would take to repair equipment/
structure which has already failed.
Figure 3.9: The Cost of Maintenance
ce c
e ma
ve ntiv
Amount of Maintenance
City Council
Incident Job Card Regi ster Plumber Backfil l Entered Priori ty Problem
IR #: Date Reported:
Job Card
Costing Detail
Cost Framework
Initial cost (complete) Ongoing cost Relative cost Risk/Confidence
R150 000 R15 000 p.a. 95% confidence
Related Strategy Objective
References/Suggested Further Reading
American Water Works Association (1986). Introduction to Water Distribution. Principles and
Practices of Water Supply Operations. Volume 3.
CIWEM (1996)Monograph on Best Practice: Rehabilitation of Water Mains.
De Wit PWC & Hamersma SA (1992). Production of Operations Management. A practical
approach. International Thomson Publishing (Southern Africa) (Pty) Ltd.
Jordan JK. Maintenance Management. American Water Works Association.
Walski TM (1987). Water Supply System Rehabilitation. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Report on Levels of Service for Water Industry for England and Wales, Office of Water Services
(OFWAT) (1999/2000)
3.5 Design and Quality Standards of New Infrastructure
3.5.1 Standards and Codes
Related Strategy Objective : Objective 7 – Ensure the implementation of WC/WDM best practice
in new developments.
This section briefly describes those standards and codes of practice that are currently available for
water infrastructure and components that will promote efficient use of water as well as limit
losses/wastage of water.
Definitions, Terminology, Abbreviations
Standards and codes of practice provide the necessary guidelines for the design, specification,
implementation, operation and management of engineering infrastructure. These standards and
codes of practice are not always legally enforceable.
Table 3G(a) indicates some of the Guidelines and Legal requirements associated with the various
water infrastructure and their components.
Table 3G(a)
Description Guide Legal Requirements
Potable Water Drinking Water SABS 241 Water Services Act (No.
Standards 108 of 1997)
Basic Water and Sanitation “Red Book” Guidelines for the provision of Water Services Act
Provision Engineering Services and Amenities in
Residential Township Development
Water Losses SABS 0306 : 1999 Water Services Act
Metering - SABS 1529 - Water Services Act
- SABS 0306 - Trade Metrology Act
Medium-Pressure Pipes - SABS 1200L
Erf connections - SABS 1200LF
Pipe Bedding - SABS 1200LB
SABS Number Title
3527/50110 SABS 1240 Flush valves for water closets
3527/50180 SABS 1021 Polyacetal water taps
3527/50540 SABS 1480 Single-control mixer taps
3527/50130 SABS 191 Cast-steel gate valves
3527/50190 SABS 776 Copper-alloy gate valves
3527/50420 SABS 1056-3 Ball valves – Part 3 – Light pattern type
3527/50580 SABS 752 Float valves
3527/50060 SABS 1067-1 Copper based fittings for copper tubes – Part 1 – Compressor fittings
3527/50870 SABS 1067-2 Copper based fittings for copper tubes – Part 2 – Capillary solder
3527/51500 SABS 546 Cast-iron fittings for asbestos-cement pipes
3527/54861 SABS 1733-1 WC Flushing systems (low-capacity flush) Part 1 – systems including
flushing cisterns
3527/54907 SABS 1808-5 Water supply and distribution components –Part 5 - Flexible
3527/54897 SABS 1808 8 Water supply and distribution components – Part 8 – Tap converter
3527/54898 SABS 1808 9 Water supply and distribution components – Part 9 – Tap (metering)
3527/54899 SABS 1808 10 Water supply and distribution components - Part 10 – Valves (copper
alloy) (non-return)
3527/54900 SABS 1808/16 Water supply and distribution components – Part 16 – Drinking
3527/54901 SABS 1808/30 Water supply and distribution components – Part 30 – Taps
3527/54896 SABS 1733 - 2 WC Flushing systems (low-capacity flush) systems including flush
valves not (started yet)
3527/54903 SABS 1808-32 Water supply and distribution components – Part 32 – Valves (float)
3527/54905 SABS 1808 53 Water supply and distribution components - Part 53 – Drain cocks for
hot water
3527/????? SABS 1806-26 Water supply and distribution components – Part 26 – Backflow
preventers – double check
3527/53848 SABS 1808-31 Water supply and distribution components – Part 31 – Valves (control)
(Hydraulically operated)
3527/54851 SABS 1808-35 Water supply and distribution components – Part 35 – Valves and taps
3527/54852 SABS 1808-37 Water supply and distribution components – Part 37 – Valves and taps
3527/54854 SABS 1808-40 Water supply and distribution components – Part 40 – Cocks (draw off)
(range) and (tank)
3527/54823 SABS 1808-13 Water supply and distribution components – Part 13 – Diaphragm
valves nominal diameter 15-300 mm
There are two types of cathodic protection; galvanic and impressed current. In galvanic cathodic
protection, a metal (usually magnesium) that corrodes at a higher rate that the pipe is buried near
the pipe and wired to the pipe. As this metal corrodes, an electrical circuit is set up and the pipe is
protected. The buried metal is called a “sacrificial anode”. In impressed current cathodic
protection, the electrical source is not the sacrificial anode, but commercial ac power which is
rectified to dc power and directed into the ground using buried anodes.
Severity of corrosion in any given case will depend upon many factors, some of which may be
more important than others. The factors most likely to affect the rate of corrosion are:
a) Relative positions of metals in galvanic series
b) Size of anode area with respect to cathode area
c) Location of anode with respect to cathode
d) Resistance of metallic circuit
e) Type and composition of electrolyte
f) Conductivity or resistivity of electrolyte
g) Uniformity of electrolyte
h) Depolarising conditions.
One of the most important constituents influencing internal metal corrosion in a water supply and
distribution system is the dissolved oxygen in the water. Other parameters used to establish the
corrosivity of water include chlorine concentration, the presence of chlorides and sulphates,
whether the water is hard or soft, etc. The Ryznar Index can be used as a guide to determine the
water’s expected corrosion tendency.
The material type of the pipes and fittings as well as the type of protective coatings have an
influence on the rate of corrosion of these fittings.
The design, specification and quality of construction will all have an influence on the growth of
the leakage from a water main. It is also important to note that the practical limits for future
leakage measurements cannot expect to be lower than those stipulated for the construction of the
The preparation of the trench, the compaction of the pipe bedding and the type of soil used all
have an influence on the pipe’s ability to withstand the soil and other external pressures without
damage or failure. SABS 1200LB provides details of the standards required for the design,
construction and specification of pipe bedding.
External and internal corrosive protection coatings and linings assist in reducing the rate of
corrosion. Damage to these coatings can occur during installation or during maintenance
activities which can increase the rate of corrosion at these points of concentration. Cathodic
protection systems can slow down or even reverse this process of corrosion. There are two main
types of cathodic protection systems, viz. sacraficial anodes and impressed current systems.
Sacraficial anode systems take advantage of the effect of dissimilar metal cell that is strong
enough to counteract corrosion cells normally existing on pipelines.
The driving voltage exists between pipe steel and galvanic anode metals. As this voltage is low, it
is only used in low resistivity soils and usually placed at specific “hot spots” on the pipeline.
Impressed current systems utilise a rectifier as a power source linked to a bed of anodes as well as
the pipeline. The current is therefore forced to flow from the anode bed, through the ground to the
pipeline where the ions are deposited.
The leakage rate increases as the test pressure increases as illustrated in Figures 3.10 and 3.11.
These graphs have been determined from the formulae for permissible leakage rates given in
SABS 1200L, Clause 7.3.3.
Figure 3.10
Leakage Rate (l/h/km)
100 mm Dia
150 mm Dia
3.00 200 mm Dia
250 mm Dia
300 mm Dia
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Figure 3.11
Permissible Leakage Rate for AC Pipes
Leakage Rate (l/h/Km)
100 mm diameter
150 mm diameter
20 200 mm diameter
250 mm diameter
15 300 mm diameter
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
The purpose of this section is to briefly describe the design and construction requirements for
service connections.
Definitions, Terminology, Abbreviations
Service connection – The connection (communication) pipe between the water reticulation main
and the boundary of an individual property (erf).
Ferrule – A short metal tube that is screwed or plugged into the wall of a pipe or into a saddle to
form a connection.
Saddle – A metal ring split into two semi-circular halves that are clamped round a pipe and used
with a ferrule to form a connection.
Stop tap (stop valve) – A shut-off device installed in a pipeline to control the flow of water.
Water service connections are the pipes that lead from the water main to the customer’s
plumbing. Service connections vary in size depending on the pressure at the main, the distance
from the main to the meter, the quantity of water required, and the residual pressure needed for
the required quantity of water. Plastic and copper pipe are commonly used for residential service
lines, whereas larger industrial service lines may be cast-iron, asbestos-cement, or other common
piping material used in distribution systems.
In most cases, each customer is served through an individual service line. However, sometimes
multiple service connections within a short section of main provide for large service demands, or
one large service line is used to serve all occupants of a multi-family apartment complex.
Because most service lines are underground, water suppliers must maintain accurate records on
the size, location, and components used, in order to quickly and efficiently repair, replace, or shut
off a service.
Water meters are used to measure and record the volume of water flowing through a line. The
primary function of metering is to aid a water utility in equitably charging customers for the
water they use. Different types of water meters are available for various applications. (Also see
Section 3.1).
The sizing of new water connections is usually achieved with the application of the European
Load Unit System. This is an empirically formulated method that uses mathematically defined
loading units to calculate the probable peak demand flow rate. SABS 0252 : 1994 provides details
of a similar approach based on the probable peak demand flow.
The position of the service connection is usually dictated by the positioning of the stop tap and
water meter as access to the meter as well as the site should be maintained. Where corrosive soils
are present or there is a risk of spillage in industrial areas, polyethylene pipes should be installed.
Damage to the connection at the water main can be minimised by the introduction of a long bend
in the polyethylene pipe. Drawings should indicate the minimum cover over the connection pipe,
the distances from property boundaries and position/depths of the meter.
Meters are usually specified by the local authority. (Also see Section 3.1). SABS 1200LF
provides details on the design, specification and construction of erf (service) connections.
References and Suggested Further Reading
American Water Works Association (1986). Introduction to Water Distribution Principles and
Practices of Water Supply Operations.
SABS 1200 LF (1983). Standard Specifications for Civil Engineering Construction. Part LF – Erf
The cost of quality = cost of control + cost of failure
= (cost of prevention + cost of inspection)
+ (internal cost of failure + external cost of failure).
The cost associated with quality can be limited by determining the relationship between the cost
of quality and the degree to which the quality of the product has been adapted to meet the set
quality standards. When the degree of adaptation is high (few defects), the cost of failure will be
low and the cost of control fairly high. When the degree of adaptation is low (many defects), the
opposite will apply. The business must consequently strive to function between these two
extremes, namely at that point where the total cost of quality per unit is the lowest. Figure 3.12
illustrates this concept.
Figure 3.12: The cost of quality curve
Total cost
Cost of failure
Minimum cost
Average cost
Cost of control
Number of defects High
9. After the test pressure has been maintained for at lest two hours, conduct a leakage test
by measuring, with the make-up reservoir, the amount of water that has to be pumped
into the line in order to maintain the specified test pressure.
10. Compare the amount of leakage to the suggested maximum leakage given in SABS
1200L (Clause 7.3.3). A swift loss of pressure is likely due to a break in the line or a
major valve opening. A slow loss of pressure may be due to a leaking valve or a curb
stop not shutting off.
If the line has failed the leakage test, it is necessary to find where the excessive leakage
is taking place. There are a few steps that can be taken to ensure that there is a pipe
leak and not a leak at a fitting. First, leave the line under normal pressure. The next
day, repeat the test. If the leakage measured the next day is greater than before, the leak
probably is in a pipe joint or a damaged pipe. If the leakage is the same, it is probably
in a valve or service connection.
• Testing of water meters
New and repaired water meters must be tested and verified correct in terms of the Trade
Metrology Act, 1973 (Act 77 of 1973). SABS 1529-1: 1994 provides details of the test
required and the acceptable error limits of these tests.
There are three basic elements to a meter test:
⇒ Running a number of different rates of flow over the operating range of the meter to
determine overall meter efficiency.
⇒ Passing known quantities of water through the meter at various test rates to provide a
reasonable determination of meter registration.
⇒ Meeting accuracy limits on different rates for acceptable use.
Tests are generally carried out on a test facility such as a flow laboratory which consists
basically of a calibrated water tank, a rate of flow indicator, a regulating valve and water
supplied at a constant pressure.
Meters can also be tested in situ as clearly detailed in Annexure G of SABS 0306:1999.
• Cathodic protection – test measurement of potential
The application of a copper sulphate electrode and voltmeter in the field provides an
indication of the magnitude of cathodic protection a pipe system has. The copper sulphate
electrode consists of a copper rod inserted into the top of a tube containing a saturated
solution of copper sulphate. The bottom of the tube is plugged with porous wood.
The electrode is placed in contact with the ground via the wooden plug, the copper rod is
connected to the voltmeter and the voltmeter in turn is connected to the pipeline via a
contact point. The pipe usually has sufficient cathodic protection if the voltmeter records
between –0,85 and -2,5 volts.
A record in the form of a graph indicating the various voltage readings corresponding to
the various measurement points along the pipeline is a pragmatic way of identifying which
lengths of pipe are or are not protected by cathodic protection.
• Testing of fire hydrants
After installation and before backfilling (and after pressure testing a newly installed water
main), test the hydrant as follows:
1. Open the hydrant fully and fill with water; close all outlets.
2. Vent air from the hydrant by leaving one of the caps slightly loose as the hydrant is
being filled. After all air has escaped, tighten the cap before proceeding.
• where pipelines need to cross roads, care should be taken to ensure the pipe is well bedded
and at a sufficient depth (0,8 m). It is advisable to maintain a larger diameter pipe than may be
required from design considerations for road crossings;
• comments in the section on valves and other fittings are also valid for distribution networks;
• where air valves and scour valves are required, taps on standpipes or at other terminals should
be sited to fulfil this function as well;
• isolating valves should be located at street corners, or opposite erf corner boundary pegs.
Where pipes intersect, isolating valves should be installed in the smaller diameter branches;
• pipes should not rise above hydraulic gradient, otherwise there may be problems with
The reticulation should be designed so that the residual pressure in the reticulation main at any
point is within the following limits:
Minimum peak hour demand: 15 m plus 2,75 x number of floors of building.
Maximum at zero flow : 50 m.
Please note the relationship leakage/pressure in Table 3D (c) e.g. 61% reduction if pressure
reduced from 60 to 30 m.
Any of the recognised hydraulic formulae may be used to calculate friction issues in pipelines, for
The Darcy-Weisbach equation for determining head loss in a pipeline:
flv 2
Ht =
2 gd
The Chezy equation for determining flow velocities:
2 gd
v² = hf = C²RS
The Manning-Strickler equation for flow velocities:
1 2/3 1/2
v= R S , and the
Prandi-von Karman equation and Colebrook and White equation to determine f in the different
hydraulic zones
ht = head loss
f = resistance coefficient
l = length of pipe
v = velocity
d = diameter of pipe
g = acceleration due to gravity
C = Chezy’s constant = 8g
The concept of using dual systems becomes more attractive when the treatment of raw water for
potable use is very expensive such as:
• where sea or brackish water (with high TDS concentrations) is the closest available water
• where intensive indirect re-use of water may cause high TDS concentrations in the source (as
with the Vaal River Barrage); and
• where the high increment cost of developing new fresh water sources may dictate
consideration of reclamation and direct re-use of treated sewage effluents.
Box 3.7 Garies Local Authority
Garies Local Authority is situated within the Benede Oranje Catchment Area on the West Coast of South Africa and has a
population of approximately 1500 people. The area has an average monthly rainfall of 14 mm and during the summer months, the
average temperature is 32°C. The average daily water consumption is 275 m³ (2000) and expected to be 347 m³/d in 2005.
Boreholes can deliver approximately 300 m³ per day of potable water and 219 m³ per day of salt water.
In 2000, nearly 95% of the 325 households were connected to the sewerage reticulation system. A dual water distribution system is
utilised to provide salt water for use with the waterborne sewage system and potable water for human consumption.
Operating and maintenance costs are included in the fixed tariff for the salt water supply. The Council introduced a double-billing
system that separates current water accounts and previous debts as well as a potable water disconnection policy to encourage
payment of water accounts. The salt water system is not included in the disconnection regulations which prevents any health risks
from the lack of flushing water. Monthly charges for full waterborne sanitation systems is R34 (2000).
A surface dam has been constructed to replenish the groundwater resource through infiltration.
occurs the flow of air through the meter causes it to over register and customers get billed for
water they have not used.
Intermittent supply rationing refers to the means by which a WSI controls the water demand in a
distribution system, or an isolatable part thereof, by closing the inlet isolating valve(s) to the area
for predetermined periods. For large areas, this valve is usually a distribution reservoir’s outlet
valve, fitted downstream of any bulk water meter.
The draft regulations relating to compulsory national standards, issued in terms of section 9(1) of
the Water Services Act 1997, state that no customer is to be without a water supply for more than
seven full days in any year (see regulation 3(b)(iii)). Thus to maintain minimum standards, in
terms of the regulations, WSIs wishing to introduce intermittent supplies must ensure that at least
one complete flow no-flow cycle takes place every 24 hours rather than, say, every 48 hours.
Thus, a cycle comprising a flow period of 16 hours followed by a no-flow period of 32 hours is
not permitted in terms of the regulations whilst a flow period of 8 hours followed by a no-flow
period of 16 hours is permitted, provided all the other requirements of a basic water supply
service are met.
As the flow period per day decreases, the peak water demand from the system will rise, and the
pressures in the system will fall, until customers at or near the system’s critical pressure point will
not have access to water for a part of the flow period. It is therefore essential that the flow period
is long enough to allow customers access to water for the full flow period and that the minimum
flow of water from shared access points is not less than 10 litres per minute (see regulation 3(b)(i)
relating to compulsory national standards).
Whilst intermittent supply rationing is introduced to control the water demand in a distribution
system, or an isolatable part thereof, it still generally allows customers with unregulated
household connections to access an amount of water in excess of any free basic amount. If this
excess amount is such that the WSI needs to recover the cost, it is recommended that payment be
based on a graded flat rate system which makes use of bulk water meters to calculate the total
revenue to be raised. For more detailed recommendations on introducing a graded flat rate
payment system see section 5.3 of “Prepayment water meters and management systems: a booklet
for local authorities and community institutions” Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
(DWAF) April 2001. Where a household already has a meter and there is evidence that the
discharge of air through the meter is causing it to over register, the customer should be asked to
pay the graded rate or the metered consumption, whichever is less.
Before intermittent supply distribution management is introduced it is important for the WSI to
clarify its aims and to have a reasonable understanding of both its customers and the distribution
system. For example are there any non domestic customers who need an uninterrupted 24 hour
supply? What is the total inflow to the system each hour over a 24 hour period? This immediately
allows the WSI to calculate the maximum water saving possible from shutting off the supply over
different time periods. Further analysis of the system and, in particular, of the minimum night
flow, will help the WSI to estimate what percentage of the maximum savings are likely to be
transferred to water usage at another period, after intermittent supplies have been introduced. For
example a high minimum night flow, with low explainable normal night use, indicates high
combined losses from pipe leaks, pipework fittings and customer fittings. This minimum night
flow demand, which is wastage, will not be transferred, if intermittent supply rationing is
introduced. Low minimum night lows indicate low wastage and means that customers may
transfer water usage to other times.
If it appears that intermittent supply rationing on its own is not going to reduce the demand
sufficiently, a WSI can consider combining this management tool with other methods of reducing
the demand, such as placing restrictions on the use of hoses.
After clarifying its aims and estimating the number of hours per 24 hours that the water needs to
be shut off, the WSI needs to discuss the implementation strategy with its customers. Care needs
to be taken to check if there are any customers that will be more than inconvenienced by the
proposals. The hours of shut off also need to be discussed. In areas with shared standpipes
customers often take the opportunity to encourage as much water collection outside school hours
as is practical. For example water demand may be remarkably constant from 6am through to 8pm
but when told that the WSI is planning to supply water for 7 hours each day from 8am to 3pm,
they may recommend that Monday to Friday during school terms the hours be changed to 3 hours
in the morning from 5am to 8am and 4 hours in the afternoon 3pm to 7pm.
Customers are also likely to ask about longer term plans. It is important that WSIs answer such
queries honestly and thoughtfully, so that they do not make promises they cannot keep. This
means having a good understanding of all the other water demand management and cost recovery
techniques, so that they know what types of systems and actions are likely to be appropriate for
any future upgrading that is to be implemented: refurbishment, pressure management, equity
valve or in tank FLOW regulators used in conjunction with yard or roof-mounted tank,
conventional metering, conventional metering combined with an electronic maximum daily
QUANTITY regulator, prepayment meters with or without a maximum daily QUANTITY
regulator. Customers should not be left with the impression that intermittent supply rationing is
only a short term interim measure until all individual households connections are fitted with
conventional water meters, if in fact such a solution would be inappropriate and therefore is
unlikely to be implemented.
For customers with individual household connections the introduction of intermittent supply
rationing may mean having to learn how to store water hygienically. The provision of appropriate
education in this respect is also required in terms of draft regulation 3(a) relating to compulsory
national standards.
After these essential preliminary steps have been taken the WSI will be ready to implement the
intermittent supply rationing as follows:
• Shut the selected isolating valve(s) at the agreed time. As the valve gets close to the fully
closed position, close it more slowly to prevent dangerous water hammer upstream of the
valve. There will only be more than one valve to close in instances where there is more than
one valve feeding the system to be controlled.
• Re-open the selected valve(s) to refill the pipelines at the agreed time.
Ensure the pipelines are refilled slowly, so that they are not damaged by water hammer as the
refilling process ends.
• Especially in the early days, the system should be monitored to ensure that no unintended
outcomes have occurred: e.g. excessive queues at shared standpipes or customers near the
critical pressure points being deprived of water for additional periods because of an excessive
peak demand.
• Monitoring is also necessary to check that the WSI’s objectives have been met.
• Lastly, the quality of the water towards the end of the distribution system needs to be checked
occasionally to ensure that no poor quality water is being sucked into the pipelines whilst
they are not under pressure.
WSIs need not allow these water hammer and water quality warnings to discourage them unduly
from using intermittent supply rationing. It has been used successfully for several years on a
number of remote community-operated schemes in Northern Province.
Once customers agree to its introduction, intermittent supply rationing can implemented at very
short notice at minimum cost.
In areas where the water wastage is high, the demand for water can often be halved by
intermittent supply rationing.
There is no fire protection water available during the period the water is switched off.
Example ‘A’
A number of remote communities, in Northern Province, visited by the author in 1994 had stand
alone reticulated schemes operated by the communities themselves (see Department of Water
Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) 1997, pp 33 & 34). All these schemes, which supplied water to
customers through a limited number of shared standpipes, were operated on an intermittent
supply basis, with water being available fairly regularly in the morning, and again later in the
afternoon and evening, for a total of up to 12 hours per day. The reasons these communities
operated their schemes on an intermittent supply basis varied from scheme to scheme but was
always for one or a combination of the three reasons which follow:
• Operating the scheme in this manner reduced running costs by curtailing demand and water
• The water source or pumping equipment could not deliver the total unrationed demand.
Water was therefore only made available when there was water in the distribution reservoir.
This manner of operation helped to ensure that all customers had equal access to the limited
water delivered by the system.
• Organising pump operators to operate the pumping equipment on a semi-continuous basis,
including overnight, to ensure that the full unrationed demand could be met proved more
difficult than organising the limited set hours for water availability.
Example ‘B’
Since the introduction of the free basic amount of water policy in July 2001, many of the larger
municipalities have indicated that they can afford, in the medium term at least, to supply all
households with 6 kilolitres of water per month free. However, many poor urban families within
these municipalities, with unregulated unmetered house connections, are using up to 20 and 25
kilolitres per month and paying a low flat rate for this water rather than paying on a consumption
basis (Hemson 2001). This is threatening the financial viability of the free basic amount of water
policy in these larger municipalities. In many instances, intermittent supply rationing could be
used to reduce the free water delivered to around the 6 kilolitres level. An example of how this
was done in one of Odi Retail’s peri-urban supply areas, in North West Province was the shutting
off of the supply to the villages for 36 hours out of every 48 hours. This was undertaken after an
extensive cost recovery and awareness campaign and with the co-operation of the community.
References and Suggested Further Reading
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (1997). “Implementing prepayment water metering
systems”. The Director Interventions and Operations Support, Department of Water Affairs and
Forestry, P/Bag X313, PRETORIA, 0001 South Africa. Oct 1997, pp 71.
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (2000). “Water supply service levels: a guide for local
authorities”. The Director Interventions and Operations Support, Department of Water Affairs
and Forestry, P/Bag X313, PRETORIA, 0001 South Africa. Nov 2000, pp 35.
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (2001). “Prepayment water meters and management
systems: a booklet for local authorities and community institutions”. The Director Interventions
and Operations Support, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, P/Bag X313, PRETORIA,
0001 South Africa. Apr 2001, pp 33.
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (2001). “Draft regulations under Section 9(1) of the
Water Services Act, 1997: compulsory national standards”. The Director Interventions and
Operations Support, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, P/Bag X313, PRETORIA, 0001
South Africa. May 2001, pp 10.
Guideline Manual for WSIs 3.79
EJ/dg Chapter 3 Distribution Management
WC/WDM Implementation Guidelines for WSIs DRAFT
March 2002
Hemson, D (2001). “Free water?” An unpublished e-mail from Dr David Hemson, Social Policy
Program, University of Durban-Westville, P/Bag X54001, DURBAN, 4000 South Africa. Feb
2001, pp 2.