Kehoe 2009
Kehoe 2009
Kehoe 2009
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Figure 1. Deep-vee hull form.
hull, i.e., carry the same payload of weapons and sensors deep-Vee hull compared to a frigate with a round-bilge
and provide similar calm water speed and endurance [2]. hull.
In addition to improvements in the round-bilge hull Secondly, the paper reports on several design features
form and the introduction of new concepts, there is a of a deep-Vee hull that can have a significant impact on a
new and unique hull form which, based on model test ship design. Then, to quantify and compare the impact
data, promises better seakeeping performance and higher of a deep-Vee hull form on ship characteristics, the third
speeds in high sea states than any existing round-bilge section reports the results of a comparison of a deep-Vee
hull form. Test data indicates that this new hull form ex- and a round-bilge frigate.
hibits less heave, pitch and yaw, experiences lower verti- The paper concludes with a discussion of the findings
cal accelerations, has comparable roll motions and lateral and the authors’ conclusions. Included is a prognosis of
accelerations, and has a lower probability of slamming ways in which lessons learned from the ship design
than a round-bilge hull. This new design is the HRS studies may be used to improve the deep-Vee hull form.
deep-Vee hull developed by Hydro Research Systems
S.A., Geneva, Switzerland, hereafter referred to as Hull SEAKEEPING PERFORMANCE
Form V, or imply as the “deep-Vee hull form” [4]. OF DEEP-VEE HULLS
Unlike the hard-chine hull form used in planing craft,
the deep-Vee hull form is designed for operations at EARLYDEVELOPMENTAL
speed-to-length ratios associated with displacement type
hulls. As shown in Figure 1, the deep-Vee hull form has a The original investigations associated with the develop-
unique and synergistic combination of design features, ment of a deep-Vee hull form for use in the design of
which include: ships with displacement type hulls involved models with
- The bow extending below the keel line, hull forms derived from Hull Form I, which was used in
- After sections with constant deadrise that increase the design of the Turkish Coast Guard SAR-33 patrol
in the area immediately adjacent to the transom, craft. Seakeeping model tests of Hull Form I1 and a
- Reverse keel drag, with parallel buttock lines, round-bilge hull, based on the Leander class frigate, were
- A stern skeg that acts like a bilge keel, and conducted separately in the open waters off the Isle of
- Partial bilge keels located aft, in way of the chine. Wright using large radio controlled models of frigates
[ 5 ] . This is the only occasion in which a deep-Vee hull
The deep-Vee hull form, under development for the and a round-bilge hull have been model tested in open
past 15 years and for which a patent is pending, is based waters under similar conditions. The models were fitted
on an evolutionary series of model tests conducted by the with identical autopilots, rudders, propellers, brackets,
British Hovercraft Corporation and the model test basins and shafting. In addition, the round-bilge model was fit-
in Hamburg, Duisburg, and Paris. A series of models, ted with bilge keels, a skeg and fin stabilizers (which were
HRS Hull Forms I through VI, have been constructed not operated).
and tested with the objectives of: The full scale characteristics of the models used for
these tests were as follows:
- Studying the development of a deep-Vee hull form
with proportions typical of displacement type hulls,
- Reducing calm water resistance at relatively low Deep-Vee Round-Bilge
speed-to-length ratios ( V / n , and
- Improving seakeeping performance at all speeds. Length, LBP 352.9 ft. 360.8 ft.
Beam, B 50.8 ft: 39.4 ft.
This paper is divided into four areas. Initially reported Displacement, A 3,042 L.T. 3,000 L.T.
is the seakeeping performance of the deep-Vee hull form.
A comparison is made with the seakeeping performance A comparison of the results of early model tests are
of a round-bilge hull form. An estimate is made of the summarized in Figure 2, in terms of significant single
combat system performance of a 4,500-ton frigate with a amplitude ship motions and ship speeds of 12-14 knots in
40 Naval Engineers Journal, May 1987
g 2.6
,,,/,-- o6
180 90 0 180 90 0 180 90 0
Headlng Headlng Heading
b 10
n 6 / ---- LEANDER AT 14 KNOTS
180 90 0 180 90 0
Headlng Headlng
waves with a significant height of 22 feet, i.e., low sea of 455.33 feet, operating at speeds of 15 to 25 knots in a
state 7. The sea spectra used for these tests were selected Pierson-Moskowitz sea spectrum with a significant wave
to ensure that the sea conditions would be similar to a height of 16.07 feet, i.e., sea state 6 [6].
Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum. At 25 knots, Figure 3 indicates that the significant
As shown in Figure 2, the deep-Vee model generally single amplitude pitch was about 2.6" and the vertical ac-
exhibited better seakeeping performance than the celerations midships were about 0.19 Gs. These values
Leander model. The deep-Vee model experienced less are well within the limits of the U.S. Navy seakeeping
pitch and lower bow vertical accelerations, significantly limiting criteria for full power operations, which are:
less yaw in following seas and, hence, much better course
keeping ability than the Leander model. However, a Roll 8"
separate analysis of Leander's full-scale characteristics Pitch 3"
suggests that it's yaw performance is, in fact, better than Vertical acceleration (Bridge) 0.4 Gs
Lateral acceleration (Bridge) 0.2 Gs
that reflected by model test data. The roll angles and Slamdhour 20
lateral accelerations of the deep-Vee model were lower in
beam seas, although it was not fitted with fin stabilizers,
bilge keels, or skeg.
m o
yI 0.5 - V ELOCITY
" A (ZM). I t / s e c
In recent years, a series of model tests have been con- AI:
> :> 0.4 -
:N -4.0 HEAVE
ducted of resistance and seakeeping in head seas with the - m
m 0z
(Zrn). 11.
objective of modifying the earlier deep-Vee hull form in
order to reduce its calm water resistance and improve its
P 5 0.3 - -30
seakeeping performance. These objectives have been 80 Y 0.2 - - 2.0
("1, d e g r e e s
10 15 20 25
I / 1001 \ -- - - - - ROUND-BILGE
- / I -Deep-Ye0 \
- - - - Round-Bilge \
' I \
' I ;8 0 - \
$ Z \
30- ' I 4
I / 5 /
I I /
n 60-
20 - I / /
/ Sea State I-
5 40-
n H 1/3=
19.7 11.
20 -
10 20 30 9.8 ft.
There was very limited evidence of slamming during 10 2b 30
these extensive model tests in head seas. SPEED, KNOTS
Based on available data, the probability of slamming tions forward. Model tests have shown that this round-
was calculated for deep-Vee and round-bilge frigate de- bilge hull form, which is shown in Figure 5 , has excellent
signs of similar length and a displacement of 4,500-tons. seakeeping and powering characteristics.
The slamming calculations were based on the prediction As shown in Figure 4, the results of which are consis-
methodology developed by M.K. Ochi at the David Tay- tent with observations of seakeeping model tests in head
lor Naval Ship Research and Development Center [7]. seas, a ship with a deep-Vee hull has a much lower prob-
The results are shown in Figure 4 [ 8 ] . ability of slamming than a comparable size ship with an
The round-bilge hull form used in these calculations excellent round-bilge hull. This results from the lower
was based on the hull form of an existing frigate, which ship motions of the deep-Vee ship and its relatively deep-
was fitted with a stern wedge to improve its powering per- er bow immersion.
formance. The lines incorporate hull flare above the
waterline and a full waterplane area and Vee-shaped sec- Speed in Rough Seas
- Deep-Vee
The data in Figure 7 indicates that the speed of the
____- Round-Bilge
deep-Vee frigate is only limited by resistance when op-
erating in waves of up to about 30 feet i.e., high sea
state 7, not by ship motions; whereas, the speed of the
round-bilge frigate is limited by slamming when opera-
ting in waves higher than about 13 feet, i.e., higher than
sea state 5. Therefore, a deep-Vee frigate should be cap-
able of maintaining significantly higher speeds in moder-
ate to high sea states than a comparable round-bilge frig-
ate because the commanding officer will not have to re-
duce power in order to reduce slamming.
--- 22 KNOTS
0 : I I I I I i
180 150 120 90 60 30 0 180 150 120 90 60 30 0
the HSVA model test basin in Hamburg. The roll damp- IMPACT OF DEEP-VEE HULL
ing factors for the unappended deep-Vee hull form were DESIGN FEATURES
based on yoll damping model test data. The deep-Vee de-
sign was fitted with short bilge keels (that are integrated There are several features, inherent in a deep-Vee
into the after chine), spray rails, and a stern skeg. The hull, that can have a significant effect on a ship design.
round-bilge design (Figure 5 ) incorporated a displace- The influence of these design features was determined
ment skeg and bilge keels. For the purposes of the through an analysis of the deep-Vee hull form using first
analysis neither design had active fin stabilizers. principles and by conducting feasibility design studies of
The U.S. Navy's limiting design criteria is 8" of roll a 1,200-ton corvette and a 2,400-ton frigate with deep-
and 0.2 Gs of lateral acceleration. The model test data Vee hull forms [12, 131.
shown in Figure 8 indicates that the roll motions and
lateral accelerations of the deep-Vee and round-bilge CALMWATERRESISTANCE
frigates are generally comparable. The data indicates that
the deep-Vee frigate will not exceed the U.S. Navy criter- A deep-Vee hull form has more wetted surface than a
ia when operating at speeds of about 22 knots or more on comparable round-bilge hull form; hence, it has more
any heading; whereas, the round-bilge frigate will not ex- frictional resistance. It also has a relatively higher
ceed the criteria when operating at speeds of about 20 prismatic coefficient (C,) and a relatively higher im-
knots or more on any heading. At speeds below 22 knots, mersed transom area.
the deep-Vee frigate will be limited only when operating Figure 9 shows the estimated shaft horsepower (SHP)
within about +30" of beam seas. At speeds below 20 curves of two comparable deep-Vee and round-bilge
knots, the round-bilge frigate will be limited when frigates in calm water, calculated using U.S. Navy prac-
operating within about f60" of beam seas. tices for applying the Taylor-Gertler Standard Series.
The roll motions and lateral accelerations predicted As shown in the following tabular data, these SHP
by the HSVA seakeeping computer program for the curves reflect frigates of equal displacement and length.
deep-Vee hull form are larger than the roll motions and However, as shown in the tabular data, the frigates have
lateral accelerations that were measured during earlier different beam-to-draft ratios, reflecting the different
deep-Vee seakeeping model tests in head seas at similar proportions of deep-Vee and round-bilge hull forms.
speeds and sea states. These differences in performance
are due to the inability of the computer program to ac-
count for the dampening effect of the added mass of the
deep-Vee hull form operating in waves. Figure 8,
therefore, may predict somewhat higher roll motions and 70.000
lateral accelerations for the deep-Vee hull form as com-
pared to those of the round-bilge hull form. DEEP-VEE
The use of a fin stabilization system would allow the 60,000 ROUND-BILGE
deep-Vee frigate to conduct unlimited operations on all
headings and speeds in waves of 15 feet or higher, i.e.,
low sea state 6. Because of its high GM and its hull
form, the size of the fins used in a deep-Vee design a 50.000
would have to be larger than those used in a convention- v)
al round-bilge frigate of comparable size. However, a U
recent computer study, that was based on the HSVA roll
damping model test data, indicates that a deep-Vee hull a
form can be effectively fitted with fin stabilizers [ll]. v)
The new rudder roll stabilization system that is currently 0
under development would be particularly attractive for + 30,000
deep-Vee frigates. LL
Directional Stability
During the previously noted HSVA roll damping
tests, it proved possible to qualitatively assess the direc-
tional stability of Hull Form IV. As noted in Reference 10.000
[ 101, the model was free-running and hand-operated by
an experienced helmsman. The model was connected to
the carriage only by flexible cables and could carry out
motions in all six degrees of freedom. The tests were MI I I I I I
conducted at speeds corresponding to 0, 10, 20, and 25 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
these midship sections were used to estimate the COMPARISON OF A DEEP-VEE AND
light ship structural weights of the deep-Vee frigate ROUND-BILGE FRIGATE
The midship sections developed for comparative In order to quantify and compare the impact of a
estimating purposes were based on the following de- deep-Vee and a round-bilge hull form on the light
sign characteristics: ship and full load displacement, fuel load, and speed
of a large frigate of about 4,500-tonsYtwo feasibility
Item Deep-Vee Round-Bilge designs were developed. The designs were devel-
oped as modified repeat follow-ons of the FFG-7
Full load displacement, L.T. 4,500 4,500 class frigate. The designs had the same length, re-
Displacement-to-length ratio, quired deck area, combat system, number of accom-
~/(~/100)3 55 55 modations, propulsion systems, design practices and
Length-to-depth ratio, L/D 13.5 13.5
Block coefficient, C, 0.46 0.48 criteria, margins, and endurance cruising range.
Beam-to-draft ratio, B/t 3.18 3.21 One study used Hull Form V and the other, the
Hull girder bending moment round-bilge hull form shown in Figure 5 . The designs
constant, K 16.5 23.0 were not developed, or expected, to have the same
Calculated primary stress, seakeeping performance.
tons/in.2 8.5 7.5 Both designs include the combat system of the
FFG-7, except that a 29-cell VLS launcher, in a type
The midship section of the round-bilge hull was based A module, was substituted for the Mk-13 launcher.
on the use of mild steel (MS). The use of mild steel is The combat system of the FFG-7 was selected only
consistent with the historical parametric weight data because it provided a typical budget of payload
which is available for weight estimating purposes. High weights, vertical centers of gravity, deck areas, and
tensile steel (HTS) was used for the midship section of electrical loads.
the deep-Vee frigate. The two simplified midship sec- Both designs include a twin screw gas turbine pro-
tions are shown in Figure 10. Based on this data, as pulsion plant consisting of two LM2500 gas turbines
compared to existing ships of comparable size, the in- rated at 22,500 BHP each, with a mechanical cross
crease in hull structural weight associated with the use connection between the shafts to permit cruising op-
of a deep-Vee hull form is estimated to be about 115 erations on one shaft. The machinery box arrange-
tons, or about 3.5% of the light ship displacement of a ment of the FFG-7 was used for both designs. In rec-
4,500-ton round-bilge frigate. ognition of the Vee-shaped lower hull sections, the
Dimensions in Inches
0.25 0.25
5 4A I *
0.025 0.50
I -b+ 0.375
1.00 $
- 30
90, SPEED vs. TIME
70. I-
z 20-
60 n
- I I I I I I I I 1
40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Speed Operating Profile
20 301
g 20-
0 15-
1 " " 1 " " I ' $10-
10 20 30
-~ ~~
Figure 16. SHP curves.
ship and full load displacement, and lower speed in calm
I . I 4
I I I 1
1 4 ' 5 6 7 8
The difference between the calm water resistance Sea State Operating Profile
of the large baseline deep-Vee and round-bilge frig- Figure 17. Frigate speed and sea state operating profile.
ates is greater than has been identified in previous
studies of a 1,200-ton corvette and a 2,400-ton frig-
ate [12, 131. This increase in the difference in calm Navy frigate hull form. In this case, the round-bilge
water resistance is thought to reflect the fact that: FFG-7 hull form, as well as its appendages and propul-
sion train were used. Compared to a round-bilge hull, a
(1) The round-bilge hull form used in the study, deep-Vee hull is better able to accommodate a free
which also incorporates a stern wedge to im- flooding transom extension. Model tests have shown that
prove its powering performance, has excellent there is clean separation of the flow aft of the transom
calm water resistance characteristics. when a deep-Vee hull is operated at low speed-to-length
(2) The previously developed deep-Vee corvette and ratios. The deadrise angle of the improved deep-Vee hull
frigate incorporated a short, free flooding, trans- form was also increased somewhat in order to reduce the
om extension; and, prismatic coefficient. The calculations were performed
(3) This study emphasizes resistance characteristics
at lower speed-to-length ratios than the previous
for frigates with the following characteristics:
studies, which were based on shorter, relatively Improved FFG-7
higher speed ships.
Deep- Vee Round-Bilge
Item Frigate Frigate
In order to quantify the impact of factors (1) and
(2), above, on differences in calm water resistance, the Length between perpen-
performance of an improved version of Hull Form V, diculars, LBP 400 ft. 400 ft.
with a short, free flooding transom extension added, was Beam at design waterline, B 48.76 ft. 50.73 ft.
compared to a round-bilge frigate with an existing U.S. Draft amidships, t 16.64 ft. 15.94 ft.
Baseline Improved
In addition, our experience indicates that the Deep-Vee Deep-Vee Round-Bilge
parametric equations used in the computer program Item Hull Form Hull Form Frigate
to estimate weights, by their inherent nature, func-
Length between perpen-
tion conservatively when two identical ships with diculars 425 ft. 425 ft. 425 ft.
different beams are compared. In this case the equa- Beam 52.5 ft. 49.5 ft. 41.1 ft.
tions unnecessarily overestimate the impact of an in- Draft 16.3 ft. 16.9 ft. 15.4 ft.
crease in beam on several light ship weight groups Length-to-beam ratio 8.1 8.6 8.9.
Full load displacement 4,836 L.T. 4,590 L.T 4,266 L.T.
by about 5% or more. In reality the difference in the Light ship displacement,
light ship weight of actual deep-Vee and round-bilge including margins 3,693 L.T. 3,566 L.T 3,300 L.T.
ships will be less than that calculated by the comput- Fuel load 874 L.T. 756 L.T. 700 L.T.
er program. Sustained speed calm water 26.1 kt. 27.1 kt. 28.6 kt.
I <.so0 L.T.
80.000 - DEEP-
-2 50.000-
I 4.000 L.1.
..I. 8.000 L.T.
I 1
10,000 -
12 18 10 24
28 32
-12 18 20 24
9.8 FT. W A V E S
28 32 SWATH
..,. e.000 L.T.
Figure 19. SHP curves for improved deep-Vee hull form. ROUND-
deep-Vee design in calm water is still more than that i.000 2.000 1.000 4.000
o.000 1.000 8.000
required for the round-bilge design. However, in 9.8-foot EOUIVALENT SEAKEEPING CAPABILITY
waves, the improved deep-Vee design requires less power
than the round-bilge design at speeds less than 20 knots Figure 20. Comparison of deep-Vee with other concepts.
or at speeds higher than 30 knots. It is estimated that the
carry the same payload, but to also have similar sea-
annual fuel bill for the improved deep-Vee frigate design,
keeping performance as illustrated in Figure 20, the
with its displacement reduced to 4,590 L.T., will be round-bilge frigate would have been much larger in
within 1% of the fuel bill for the 4,266 L.T. baseline
displacement than the deep-Vee frigate, required
round-bilge design.
more endurance fuel, and had similar calm water
speed. Had a SWATH frigate design also been devel-
oped to carry the same payload and to have similar
seakeeping performance it would also have been
A previous study has shown that a SWATH frig- larger in displacement and required more fuel than
ate, with the same payload as a round-bilge frigate, the deep-Vee frigate. Therefore, when seakeeping
has significantly superior seakeeping performance. performance is considered as the basis for compari-
However, as illustrated in Figure 20, it is about 30% son, a frigate with a deep-Vee hull should result in a sig-
larger in displacement than the round-bilge frigate, nificant savings in size, acquisition, and life cycle cost,
requires about 30% more fuel load, and has about 6% compared to a round-bilge or SWATH frigate.
less speed. The study also has shown that a round-
bilge frigate, with equivalent seakeeping perfor- AND COMBAT
mance to a SWATH, is about 30% larger in displacement
than the SWATH, requires about 10% less In a discussion of seakeeping, combat system per-
fuel, and is 1 knot faster in calm water speed [2]. formance, and operational capabilities of frigate
From the standpoint of the seakeeping perfor- size ships in Reference [l], it was hypothesized that
mance of frigates carrying the same payload, our as- the maximum achievable speed of frigates in high sea
sessment is that a deep-Vee frigate: states would be reduced more than the speed of slower
- Provides seakeeping performance considerably
but much larger merchant ships and naval auxiliaries.
superior to a similar size frigate with a round- This hypothesis was confirmed by the results of a subse-
bilge hull form, and guent seakeeping questionnaire sent to the commanding
- Provides seakeeping performance that is general- officers of U.S. Navy auxiliary, replenishment, and am-
ly similar to a larger SWATH frigate. phibious ships.
As shown in Figure 21, a typical 20,000-ton merchant
Therefore, had the comparative frigate designs ship or navy auxiliary ship, with a maximum calm water
reported on in this paper been developed not only to speed of 21 knots, will be capable of achieving speeds of
52 Naval Engineers Journal, May 1987
--- - - - - ROUND-BILGE
v) 6o
u 50
12 40
2 30
-1 20
I 1 - E x i s t i n g Round-Blige F r i g a t e
1'0 1'5
2'5 310
2 - Improved Round-BliQe Hull F o r m with Fins
21 3 1 4 1 5 I 6 ' 7 1 3 - I m p r o v e d Round-Bilge Hull Form with Fins.
SEA STATE T o w e d A r r a y a n d Long Range ASW MisSiieS
4 - D e e p - V e e F r i g a t e with A d v a n c e d Combat S y s t e m
Figure 21. Improving the speed of advance of convoys.
Figure 22. Improving the ASW availability of frigates.
about 16 knots in sea state 6, about the same as a
400-foot round-bilge frigate with a calm water speed of
28 knots. Therefore, since ASW frigates must have a eep-Vee hull provides considerably better seakeeping
speed advantage over ships in company if they are to con- performance than a round-bilge hull. The data indicates
duct ASW operations effectively, merchant ship convoys that, as compared to a frigate with a round-bilge hull, a
and naval battle groups enroute to or from Northern 4,500-ton frigate with a deep-Vee hull should be:
Europe could frequently be restricted to speeds of 12 to
- Capable of significantly higher speeds in moderate to
15 knots in order to give escorting round-bilge frigates a
high sea states because of a delay in the onset of
speed advantage. However, as also shown in Figure 21, slamming, and
because of its superior seakeeping performance, a com- - Capable of operating its combat systems and other
parable deep-Vee frigate should maintain a speed advan- ship systems more effectively in higher sea states
tage up to sea state 7. Thus, the speed of convoys and while conducting such operations as antisubmarine
battle groups operating in high sea states could often be warfare, launching and recovering helicopters, and
increased by nearly 50% if deep-Vee frigates were used as replenishment-at-sea, because of lower ship motions.
Reference [l] also reported that the availability of From the standpoint of seakeeping performance, the
existing U .S. round-bilge frigates for conducting results of the study indicate that the 4,500-ton deep-Vee
ASW operations in the winter North Atlantic, using frigate illustrated in Figure 23 should have the opera-
hull mounted sonars and helicopters, was as follows: tional capabilities of a much larger round-bilge
Latitude (N or S) Availability destroyer or cruiser. In practice, this means that if
future ships were designed with deep-Vee hulls they
60" 15% should not have to be lengthened, or lengthened as
40" 35% much, beyond the minimum length required for the
20" 55 070 location of weapons, sensors, machinery, etc., in order
0" 80% to achieve a specified minimum level of seakeeping per-
As shown in Figure 22, it is estimated that this formance. It also means that it should be feasible to
availability could be significantly improved by the adop- design smaller, lower cost frigates in the future without
tion of an improved round-bilge hull form, like that of having to sacrifice seakeeping performance.
the DDG-51 class, with roll stabilization fins, a towed Based on the results of the feasibility design study of
sensor, and a locally stabilized stand-off missile system two modified repeat designs of the FFG-7 frigate, one
which can launch missiles under severe sea conditions. with a deep-Vee and the other with a round-bilge hull
As also shown in Figure 22, it is estimated that with the form, it has been determined that the frigate with a
use of the deep-Vee hull form, the availability of deep-Vee hull would have:
frigates to conduct ASW operations in northern waters
would be about 95%, particularly if advanced hull
- Higher calm water resistance and fuel costs,
- Higher light ship displacement, but nearly equal ac-
mounted sonars were used in conjunction with quisition costs, and
helicopters. - Less speed in clam water.
- A substantial reduction in calm water resistance and [2] Kennell, Colen, Brian White and E.N. Comstock ,
light ship displacement, “Innovative Naval Designs for North Atlantic
- An increase in calm water speed, and Operations,” SNAME Transactions, 1985.
- Nearly equal annual fuel costs. [3] Ellsworth, W. M. (Ed.), “Modern Ships and
Craft,” Naval Engineers Journal, Vol. 97, Feb.
Until now, navies have had the choice of procuring [4] Serter, E.H., “Deep-Vee and Round-Bilge Hull
either small fast monohull type ships with a single mission Forms for Naval Applications,” International De-
fense Review, Vol. 17, April 1984.
capability, but limited seakeeping ability, or much larger,
[5] British Hovercraft Corp. Ltd. Report No.
more costly multimission ships with better seakeeping X/0/3252, ‘‘Hydro Research System, Seakeeping
ability. To break the relationship in monohull type ships Tests on a 119.5m Deep-Vee Craft,” Jan. 1984.
between seakeeping, ship size, and ship cost, new con- [6] Blume, P., “Model Tests with the Hull Form V-A
cepts, such as hydrofoils, air cushion vehicles, surface ef- (4,600-tons),” Report No. S225b/86, Hambur-
fect ships, and SWATHS have been developed which gische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt, October 1985.
have provided improved seakeeping performance and [7] Ochi, M.K., “Predictions of Occurrences of Slam-
higher speeds in rough seas. Unfortunately, they have ming at Sea,” 5th Symposium of Naval Hydrody-
also introduced new technical risks and high costs. namics, ONR, Washington, D.C., 1964.
Model tests indicate that the deep-Vee hull form [8] Blume, P., “Prognosis of Slamming Probability in
Head Seas for Two Projects,” Report No.
should provide better seakeeping and combat system per- S221/86, HSV Hamburg, April 1986.
formance and the ability to maintain higher speeds in [9] Direction, Technique Construction Navale, “Tech-
rough seas than any monohull type ship available. In ad- nical Report No. 2291/1,” 1983.
dition, feasibility design studies conducted to date in- [lo] Blume, P., “Roll Damping and Roll Motions in Ir-
dicate that the HRS deep-Vee hull form should also be a regular Sea Waves, Serter Hull Form IV-G,”
lower cost, lower risk solution than any of the new ship Report No. S218/B-6, Hamburgische Schiffbau-
design concepts that are being considered. Equally im- Versuchsanstalt, April 1986.
portant is the fact that the deep-Vee hull form, with all of [ I l l Brown Brothers, “Estimated Roll Motions for a
its advantages, can be used in the design of small patrol Deep-Vee Frigate Using Active Fin Stabilization,”
craft and corvettes, as well as large frigates. Letter Report ACFC/MA, March 7, 1986.
[12] Kehoe, J.W., K.S. Brower, and E.H. Serter,
“Deep-Vee Hulls - Improved Seakeeping for
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Small, Fast Warships,” International Defense
Review, Vol. 19, November 1986.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the technical [13] Kehoe, J.W., K.S. Brower, and E.H. Serter, “Im-
contributions of Herbert Meier and Kenneth Walker pact of Deep-Vee Hull Form on the Design and
and the typing and graphics support of Rose Lowstuter Performance of Frigate Sized Ships,” ASNE
and Joan Lively of Spectrum Associates Inc., Arling- Destroyer, Cruiser, and Frigate Technology Sym-
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