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Analysis and Calculation of The Electromagnetic Field in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based On ANSYS

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The 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE2009)

Analysis and Calculation of the Electromagnetic

Field in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
Based on ANSYS

Cao Yongjuan Li Qiang Yu Li

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Nanjing University of Information Nanjing University of Science and Nanjing University of Information
Science & Technology Technology Science & Technology
Nanjing, China Nanjing, China Nanjing, China
yjcao@nuist.edu.cn chnliqiang@163.com yuli@nuist.edu.cn

Abstract—Permanent magnet (PM) synchronous motor has the synchronous motor was analyzed and calculated. No-load and
magnet devices with variable shapes and location, so the load electromagnetic field in PM synchronous motor were
electromagnetic field in PM synchronous motor is more complex. obtained. When the PM synchronous motor was loaded, direct
Finite element method (FEM) provides an accurate means of axis and quadrature axis armature reaction magnetic field were
determining the electromagnetic field distribution, with due obtained. Besides, back EMF of PM synchronous motor was
account magnetic saturation characteristics. With the ANSYS, figured out with two different means, and the calculation
the distribution of electromagnetic field in PM synchronous results were compared and analyzed. By back-dealing model of
motor was analyzed and calculated. Through a prototype ANSYS, the pictures of magnetic flux density (B) and
machine, no-load and load electromagnetic field in PM
magnetic vector potential (A) were gained. Back EMF is a
synchronous motor were obtained. When the PM synchronous
motor was loaded, direct axis (d-axis) and quadrature axis (q-
critical parameter of PM synchronous motor. Based on
axis) armature reaction magnetic field were obtained. By back- magnetic flux density and magnetic vector potential, flux
dealing model of ANSYS, the pictures of magnetic flux density linkage can be calculated. Then back EMF of PM synchronous
(B) and magnetic vector potential (A) were gained. Then back motor was figured out with two different means, and the
EMF of PM synchronous motor was figured out with two calculation results were compared and analyzed.
different means, and the calculation results were compared and
analyzed, which are helpful for the design and performance II. MAGNETIC FIELD SOLUTION IN PM SYNCHRONOUS
analysis of PM synchronous motor. MOTOR
Keywords-ANSYS Software; Electromagnetic Field; A. Model of PM Synchronous Motor
Electromotive Force (EMF); Permanent Magnet (PM)
Synchronous Motor In order to simplify the analysis and calculation, some
assumptions about machine model of PM synchronous motor
should be made as follows [2]:
(a) Magnetic field is constant in axial direction, so the
Permanent magnet (PM) synchronous motor has many magnetic field calculation can be simplified 2-D field.
advantages, such as simple structure, small volume and high (b)Ignore external magnetic field of PMSM, namely, the
efficiency. It has been developing rapidly and researching at magnetic filed intensity out of the solving area is zero. The
home and abroad in recent years as the result of the magnetic vector potential along the stator external diameter
development of a new kind of permanent magnet material, circle is zero.
which has high performance and low cost. PM synchronous (c) Permeability of iron core is isotropy.
motor has the magnet devices with variable shapes and Under these assumptions, a typical 3-phase PM
location, so the electromagnetic field in PM synchronous synchronous motor was analyzed using ANSYS software in
motor is more complex . The conventional magnetic circuit this paper. Fig.1. shows the shapes of the stator and rotor of
method results in a great error for the calculation of the the prototype machine, equipped with a vertical magnetized
magnetic field of a motor with equivalent flux paths. Finite PM rotor and a slotted stator core. The permanent magnets of
element method (FEM) provides an accurate means of the motor are made from Nd-Fe-B, which is mainly made of
determining the magnetic field distribution, with due account Neodymium Iron and Boron, with excellent Energy Product
magnetic saturation characteristics. and high Coercive Force.

In this paper, by using ANSYS, a large-scale current FEM

analysis software, the distribution of magnetic field inside PM

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Fig.3. No-load magnetic flux line distribution
a) stator b) rotor
The energy transfer of electric machine is done by air gap
Fig.1. the shapes of PM synchronous motor between rotor and stator, so the distribution of magnetic flux
The main design specifications of the PM synchronous density along air gap is important for the operation
motor are given in Table Ⅰ. characteristic of the machine. By the back-dealing model of
TABLE I ANSYS, the distributed plot of air gap magnetic flux density
DESIGN SPECIFICATION OF PM SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR (B) is gained and shown in Fig.4. It can be seen that the
Design specifications Value waveform of magnetic flux density is near to sinusoidal wave.
Pole number 6 The picture of magnetic vector potential at stator inner
Stator outer radius 130mm diameter circle (A) is also gained and shown in Fig.5.
Stator inner radius 90.4mm
PM outer radius 90mm
Shaft radius 30mm
Stator slot number 36
Rotor slot number 42
Because of the structure symmetry and periodical repetition,
the region of one pair of poles is required for magnetic field
analysis. Fig.2 shows the 2-D model of one-pole range of the
typical 3-phase PM synchronous motor.
Fig.4. no-load air-gap magnetic flux density

Fig.2. Analysis region of the PM synchronous motor

Fig.5. Magnetic vector potential at stator inner diameter circle
B. No-Load Magnetic Field Analysis
C. Load Magnetic Field Analysis
According to Fig.2, after completing the parameter setting,
using the ANSYS solving instruction, the finite element When the PM synchronous motor is loaded, stator current
calculating program of machine magnetic field can be started. is not zero. If the winding’s axis of A-phase is accordant to
The calculating time depends on the computer performance time and is coaxial to quadrature axis, three phase
and the density of the finite element gridding. Using the back- instantaneous current can be expressed as the following
dealing model of ANSYS after calculation, the corresponding equations:
result can be obtained, such as magnetic flux lines distribution, ⎧i = 2 I cos α = I cos α
magnetic flux density and so on[3]. ⎪A m

When the magnetic field is only excited by magnetic ⎨iB = 2 I cos (α − 120 ) = I m cos (α − 120 ) (1)
devices, namely, the current of stator winding is equal to zero, ⎪
the magnetic field obtained by ANSYS is no-load magnetic ⎪⎩iC = 2 I cos (α + 120 ) = I m cos (α + 120 )
field. The no-load magnetic flux lines distribution of PM
synchronous motor can be obtained after FEM’s calculation. In consequence, there are a changeless angle ( 180 − α )
Using the instruction of plotting magnetic flux lines, the no- between armature reaction magnetic motive force and
load magnetic flux lines distribution is shown in Fig.3. quadrature axis, as shown in Fig.6 [4].

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Fig.10 Direct axis component of magnetic flux density
Fig.6. Armature reaction magnetic motive force
Seen from Fig.6, suppose that α equals to 0 degree, III. BACK EMF CALCULATION
equation (1) turns into:
The electromotive force (EMF) of stator winding is critical
iA = I m , iB = iC = − I m 2 (2) to the design and analysis of PM synchronous motor. No-load
In this case, there is only quadrature axis component of the EMF, namely, E0 is induced by no-load air gap flux density.
magnetomotive force. Based on the similar analysis of “no-
load magnetic field”, three phase current density, as described The value of E0 is relative to stator current, motor efficiency
in (2), is applied to the model shown in Fig.2. Using the and the amount of permanent magnets.
ANSYS solving instruction, quadrature axis component of In this paper, two methods based on the evaluation of air
armature reaction magnetic flux line and magnetic flux density gap magnetic flux density Br and magnetic vector potential Az ,
are respectively obtained by Fig.7 and Fig.8.
as shown in Fig.3 and Fig.4 respectively, are used to compute
the no-load EMF E0 .

A. The method based on magnetic flux density

Using the back-dealing model of ANSYS after calculation,
the corresponding coordinate values of magnetic flux density
can be obtained. Based on these values, magnetic flux density
Fig.7. Quadrature axis magnetic field distribution waveform can be get in Matlab software, as shown in Fig.11-a.
Using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), magnetic flux density
can be expressed as (3) . ( Considering the fundamental
component and the 1st, 3rd, 5th harmonic component )
⎛ xπ ⎞ ⎛ xπ ⎞ ⎛ 3 xπ ⎞
Br = −0.01325 − 0.6042 cos ⎜ ⎟ + 0.0425sin ⎜ ⎟ + 0.1408 cos ⎜ ⎟
⎝ L ⎠ ⎝ L ⎠ ⎝ L ⎠
⎛ 3 xπ ⎞ ⎛ 5 xπ ⎞ ⎛ 5 xπ ⎞ (3)
−0.0302 sin ⎜ ⎟ − 0.1233cos ⎜ ⎟ + 0.0442sin ⎜ ⎟
⎝ L ⎠ ⎝ L ⎠ ⎝ L ⎠
Where L is the length of arc of half period (one pair pole).
Fig.8 Quadrature axis component of magnetic flux density Fig.11-b shows the fundamental component of magnetic
In the same way, suppose that α equals to 90 degree, flux density.
namely, iA = 0 , iB = 3I m 2 , iC = − 3I m 2 , armature
reaction magnetomotive force only has direct axis component.
Fig.9 and Fig.10 show direct axis component of armature
reaction magnetic flux line distribution and magnetic flux

Fig.11 air-gap magnetic flux density and its fundamental component

Now calculate as following steps.

Fundamental amplitude of air-gap magnetic flux density is:
Fig.9 Direct axis magnetic field distribution
Bm =0.6057T

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Fundamental amplitude of air-gap magnetic flux is:
Φm = Bm Lef τ = 0.0034Wb Besides, according (5), we can see that the magnetic vector
π potential difference is the magnetic flux between two points
Where Lef is armature available length; τ is the distance per length. Cosine and sinusoidal fundamental wave
coefficient are respectively the half of quadrature axis
between two poles. In this prototype machine, component and direct axis component of fundamental flux
Lef = 90.8mm ; τ = 2π × 90.2 / 2 p = 94.46mm . per pole per length. So the magnetic flux amplitude per pole
Thus no-load EMF is: can be figured out as follows.

E0 = 2π fNK dp Φ m =0.0152fNK dp (4) Φ m =2 Lef 0.00132 + 0.01782 = 0.00324Wb

No-load back EMF is:
Where f is rated frequency; N is turns of armature
E0 = 2π fNK dp Φ m =0.0144fNK dp (7)
winding per phase in serials; K dp is winding coefficient.
After comparing the above calculation results (4) and (7)
with two different means, we can see that the two results
B. The method based on magnetic vector potential are equivalent and the two methods are both effective.
The magnetic vector potential simplifies the evaluation of
the flux passing through a surface. The magnetic flux linked IV. CONCLUSIONS
by a closed surface S is given by the integration of the Through modeling, loading, solving and back-dealing
magnetic flux density over S. By the Stokes’ theorem, this can model of ANSYS, one-pole model of PM synchronous motor
be represented as the line integral of magnetic vector potential was analyzed and calculated. No-load and d-axis, q-axis
A around the contour C enclosing the surface, as shown in (5).. armature reaction electromagnetic field distribution in PM
1 1
synchronous motor were obtained. Based on magnetic flux
Φ ( Δz =1) = ∫ Az i dz = ∫ Az 2dz −∫ Az1dz = Az 2 − Az1 = ΔAz (5) density and magnetic vector potential, no-load back EMF was
C 0 0 calculated by two different methods, and the calculation results
Using FFT, magnetic vector potential can be expressed as were compared and analyzed. The calculation results showed
(6). Fig.12-b shows the fundamental component of magnetic that the two means are both effective, which are helpful for the
vector potential. Using FFT, magnetic vector potential can be design and performance analysis of PM synchronous motor.
expressed as (5).
⎛ xπ ⎞ ⎛ xπ ⎞ ⎛ 3xπ ⎞
Az = −0.0013cos ⎜ ⎟ − 0.0178sin ⎜ ⎟ + 0.0005cos ⎜ ⎟ (6)
⎝ L' ⎠ ⎝ L' ⎠ ⎝ L' ⎠
⎛ 3xπ ⎞ ⎛ 5 xπ ⎞ ⎛ 5 xπ ⎞
+0.0021sin ⎜ ⎟ − 0.0001cos ⎜ ⎟ − 0.0004sin ⎜ ⎟ [1] Renyuan Tang, The Theory and Design of Modern Permanent Magnet
⎝ L ' ⎠ ⎝ L ' ⎠ ⎝ L' ⎠
Motor, Beijing: Machine Industry Publishing Company, 1997.
Where L ' is the length of arc of half period (one pair pole). [2] Zhiguang Hu, The Analysis and Calculation of Motor Electromagnetic
Field, Beijing: Machine Industry Publishing Company, 1986.
[3] American ANSYS Corporation, ANSYS Electromagnetic Analysis
Guide, 1998.
[4] E. Zhou. Electric Machines, Beijing: China Electric Power Publishing
Company, 1995.
[5] Z.Q. Zhu. “Finite element analysis in the design of permanent magnet
machine”. IEE, Institution of Electrical Engineering, 2000.
[6] Zhou, P., Rahman, M.A., Jabbar, M.A. “ Field circuit analysis of
permanent magnet synchronous motors”. IEEE Transactions on
Magnetics, 30(4), pp. 1350-1359, 1994.

Fig.12 magnetic vector potential at stator inner diameter circle and its
fundamental component

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