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A Comparative Analysis On Customer Satisfaction Towards Reliance Jio and Airtel With Reference To Anantapur

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 6, September-October 2022 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

A Comparative Analysis on Customer Satisfaction towards

Reliance Jio and Airtel with Reference to Anantapur
S Afreen1, Dr. BC Lakshmanna2
Student, 2Assistant Professor,
School of Management Studies & JNTU, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: S Afreen | Dr.

The high growth in the demand of these telecommunication services BC Lakshmanna "A Comparative
all over the world led to the invention of new technology and Analysis on Customer Satisfaction
internet. Phones etc into the market. As India a developing country towards Reliance Jio and Airtel with
with immense market volume we can see the high demand in the Reference to Anantapur" Published in
telecom services.
Journal of Trend in
Telecommunication is simply defined as the process of transmission Scientific Research
of information along a significant distance to communicate over. and Development
(ijtsrd), ISSN:
As per the methodology applied, the consumer mainly focuses on 2456-6470,
four factor viz, price, product, promotional factor, place of the Volume-6 | Issue-6, IJTSRD51933
product available. According to their research, product/service will October 2022,
play a vital role in deciding the consumer to use/buy the particular pp.659-670, URL:
service/product. The project aims at analysing a specific marketing www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd51933.pdf
for product and services of these brands only in network service
sector. Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and
International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Customer satisfaction, a term frequently used in urban planning, industry is an intensive type of land
marketing, is a measure of how products and services use with economic activity involved with
supplied by a company meet or surpass customer manufacturing and production.
expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as "the
The process of transmitting or receiving information
number of customers, or percentage of total
over a distance by any electric or electromagnetic
customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its
medium can be called as telecommunication.
products, or its services (ratings) exceeds specified
Information may take the form of voice, video, or
satisfaction goals."
data. Over the last 2,000 years we have learned to
DEFINITION communicate over land, sea and space.
According to Philip Kotler:- Telecommunications was the cutting-edge business of
“Marketing is the social process by which individuals the 19th century and the industry with foremost
and group obtain what they need and want through growth in the past 100 years.
creating and exchanging products and value with
Players in Indian telecom industry
Bharti Airtel
An industry is an area of economic production which Reliance Jio
involves large amounts of upfront capital investment BSNL
before any profit can be realized. In economics and

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD51933 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 6 | September-October 2022 Page 659
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
COMPANY PROFILE Number of employees : 17,917 (2021)
Reliance Jio Revenue : `101,258 crore (US$13 billion)
Jio is the largest 4G network in India. Jio offers
fastest network in all over India and is the most Area Served : World wide
popular company in India. Reliance launched Jio, and Website : www.airtel.com
it becomes India’s fastest telecommunication
Total Assets : `346,027 crore (US$45 billion)
network. Jio provides digital platform to India. The
company headquarter is in Mumbai, Maharashtra, Turnover :1.16 trillion
India. Company Status : Active
In order to make the service more reliable and
customer retention the role of analysis of customer
satisfaction will play an important role. The vast
customer flow countries like India, the perception and
tastes of an individual are varying for every 100 km
circumference that lead to behave a diversified
Name of the organisation : Reliance Jio Infocomm customer base.
Industry : Telecommunication This study covers customer of reliance Jio and Airtel
in the areas of Anantapur city.
Founded : 15 February 2007
The study makes effort to ascertain the satisfaction
Headquarters : Maharashtra, India level of customers Reliance Jio and Airtel only.
Managing Directors & CEO : Mukesh Ambani
Number of employees : 15,000-20,000 1. To find out the factors that influence the customer
Revenue : `90,287 crore (US$12 billion) satisfaction on Reliance Jio and Airtel services.
2. To compare the level of customer satisfaction
Area served : World wide towards of Reliance Jio and Airtel services.
Website : www.jio.com 3. To study the sources of information on Reliance
Total Assets : `305,956 crore (US$40 billion) Jio and Airtel services.

Turnover : 5.3 trillion SOURCE OF DATA:

The study is based on both primary and secondary
Company Status : Active data.
Bharti Airtel Limited, also known as Airtel, is an The primary data for the study is to be collected from
Indian multinational telecommunications services 106 respondents from Anantapur city with the help of
company based in New Delhi. It operates in 18 a properly designed questionnaire.
countries across South Asia and Africa, as well as the
Channel Islands. Currently, Airtel provides 4G and Secondary data:
4G+. It is updating its infrastructure for a planned Secondary data is conducted from books, journals,
offering of 5G. Currently, offered services include documents, websites, articles, research papers, and
fixed-line broadbands, and voice services depending other publications.
upon the country of operation. SAMPLING:
For collecting the primary data convenient sampling
technique is adopted. Total sample size is limited to
Name of the organisation : Bharti Airtel Limited TOOLS AND TECHNIUES
Industry : Telecommunication TOOLS
Founded : 7 July 1995 EXCEL: 1. Excel is used for analysis purpose.
Headquarters : New Delhi, India 2. Graphical representation interpretation is done with
the help of tables and column charts.
Managing Director & CEO : Sunil Bharti Mittal

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD51933 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 6 | September-October 2022 Page 660
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
TECHNIUES: Interpretation:
1. F-Test The table shows that out of 106 respondents in that
2. Chi-Square Tests 70.7% respondents are 15-25 years, 23.5%
respondents are 25-35 years, 5.6% respondents are 35
and above years.
N.H: There is no significant difference between There four most of the respondents are 15-25 years.
income and satisfaction level.
A.H: There is a significant difference between income
and satisfaction level.
N.H: There is no significant difference between age
and awareness level.
A.H: There is a significant difference between age
and awareness level.
1. The study is conducted on Airtel and Jio located
at Anantapur city with 106 respondents. showing occupation of the respondents:
2. The study of the project is only limited to these No. of
S. NO Attributes Percentage
two Companies that is Airtel and Jio. respondents
showing the Gender of the respondents: 2 Employee 31 29.24%
S.NO Gender No. of respondents Percentage 3 Business person 6 5.66%
1 Male 56 52.80% 4 Others 9 8.49%
2 Female 50 47.16% Total 106 100%
Total 106 100% SOURCE: Primary data collected from the
SOURCE: Primary data collected from the respondents.
respondents. Interpretation:

The table shows that out of 106 respondents in that

56.6% respondents are students, 29.2% respondents
Interpretation: are employees, 5.6% respondents are business person,
The table shows that out of 106 respondents about 8.4% respondents are others.
52.8% are males and 47.6% are females.
Therefore most of the respondents are students.
There four most of the respondents are males.
showing income level of respondents:
showing Age of the respondents:
No. of
S. No. of S. NO Attributes Percentage
Attributes Percentage respondents
NO respondents
1 Below 100000 58 54.71%
1 15-25 75 70.75%
2 Above 100000 33 31.13%
2 25-35 25 23.58%
3 Above 200000 11 10.37%
3 35 and above 6 5.66%
4 Above 300000 4 3.77%
Total 106 100%
Total 106 100%
SOURCE: Primary data collected from the
SOURCE: Primary data collected from the

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The table shows that out of 106 respondents in that 54.7% respondents are below 100000 income, 31.1%
respondents are above 100000 income, 10.3% respondents are above 200000 income, 3.7% respondents are
above 300000 income.
Therefore most of the respondents are below 100000 income.
showing the users of JIO and AIRTEL:
S.NO Attributes No. of respondents Percentage
1 Jio 66 62.26%
2 Airtel 40 37.73%
Total 106 100%
SOURCE: Primary data collected from the respondents.

The table shows that out of 106 respondents in that 62.2% respondents are Jio, 37.7% respondents are Airtel.
Therefore most of the respondents are Jio.
showing the first time of users JIO and AIRTEL
S. NO Attributes No. of respondents Percentage
Jio Airtel Jio Airtel
1 Yes 38 31 59.37% 73.80%
2 No 26 11 40.62% 26.19%
Total 106=64 106=42 100% 100%
SOURCE: Primary data collected from the respondents.

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The table shows that out of 106 respondents Among 64 Jio respondents, in that 59.3% respondents are first
users, 40.6% respondents are not first time users.
Among 42 Airtel respondents, in that 73.8% are first time users, 26.1% respondents are not first time users.
There four most of the respondents are first users of Jio and Airtel.
showing the users of prepaid and post-paid services:
S.NO Attributes No. of respondents Percentage
1 Prepaid 54 36 84.37% 85.71%
2 Post-paid 10 6 15.62% 14.28%
Total 106=64 106=42 100% 100%
SOURCE: Primary data collected from the respondents.

The table shows that out of 106 respondents Among 64 Jio respondents, in that 84.3% respondents are prepaid,
14.2% respondents are post-paid.
Among 42 Airtel respondents, in that 85.7% respondents are prepaid, 14.2% respondents are post-paid.
Therefore most of the respondents are using prepaid services.
showing average monthly recharge expenditure of users:
S. NO Attributes No. of respondents Percentage
1 Rs.100-Rs.200 13 11 20.31% 26.19%
2 Rs.200-Rs.300 28 17 43.75% 40.47%
3 Rs.300-Rs.400 19 12 29.68% 28.57%
4 Above Rs.500 4 2 6.25% 4.76%
Total 106=64 106=42 100% 100%
SOURCE: Primary data collected from the respondents.

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The table shows that out of 106 respondents, Among 64 Jio respondents, in that 20.3% respondents are Rs.100-
Rs.200,43.7% respondents are Rs.200-Rs.300, 29.6% respondents are Rs.300-Rs.400, 6.2% respondents are
above Rs.500.
Among 42 Airtel respondents, in that 26.1% respondents are Rs.100-Rs.200, 40.4% respondents are Rs.200-
Rs.300, 28.5% respondents are Rs.300-Rs.400, 4.7% respondents are above Rs.500.
Therefore most of the respondents are monthly recharge expenditure is Rs.200-Rs.300.
level of satisfaction of the respondents (Tariff):

SOURCE: Primary data collected from the respondents.

The table shows that out of 106 respondents, Among 64 Jio respondents, in that 29.6% strongly satisfied, 21.8%
satisfied, 31.2% neutral, 9.3%dissatisfied, 7.8% strongly dissatisfied.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD51933 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 6 | September-October 2022 Page 664
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Among 42 Airtel respondents, in that 30.9% strongly satisfied, 23.8% satisfied, 33.3% neutral, 7.1%dissatisfied,
4.7% strongly dissatisfied.
Therefore most of the respondents are feel about tariff is neutral.
level of satisfaction of the respondents (signal coverage):

SOURCE: Primary data collected from the respondents.


Among 42 Airtel respondents, in that 30.9% strongly satisfied, 26.1% satisfied, 38% neutral, 2.3% dissatisfied,
2.3% strongly dissatisfied.
Therefore most of the respondents are feel about signal coverage is neutral.
level of satisfaction of the respondents (Data plan):
Data plan No. of respondents Percentage
Jio Airtel Jio Airtel
Strongly satisfied 16 13 25.00% 30.95%
Satisfied 22 15 34.37% 35.71%
Neutral 18 11 28.12% 26.19%
Dissatisfied 6 2 9.37% 4.76%
Strongly dissatisfied 2 1 3.12% 2.38%
Total 106=64 106=42 100% 100%
SOURCE: Primary data collected from the respondents.

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The table shows that out of 106 respondents, Among 64 Jio respondents, in that 25% strongly satisfied, 34.3%
satisfied, 28.1% neutral, 9.3% dissatisfied, 3.1% strongly dissatisfied.
Among 42 Airtel respondents, in that 30.9% strongly satisfied, 35.7% satisfied, 26.1% neutral, 4.7% dissatisfied,
2.3% strongly dissatisfied.
Therefore most of the respondents are satisfied with data plan.
level of satisfaction of the respondents (Data speed):

SOURCE: Primary data collected from the respondents.


The table shows that out of 106 respondents, Among 64 Jio respondents, in that 26.5% strongly satisfied, 37.5%
satisfied, 28.1% neutral, 7.8% dissatisfied, 0% strongly dissatisfied.
Among 64 Jio respondents, Among 42 Airtel respondents, in that 30.9% strongly satisfied, 38% satisfied, 26.1%
neutral, 2.3% dissatisfied, 2.3% strongly dissatisfied.
Therefore most of the respondents are satisfied with data speed.
level of satisfaction of the respondents (customer care service):

SOURCE: Primary data collected from the respondents.

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The table shows that out of 106 respondents, Among 64 Jio respondents, 21.8% strongly satisfied, 26.5%
satisfied, 37.5% neutral, 12.5% dissatisfied, 1.5% strongly dissatisfied.
Among 42 Airtel respondents, in that 23.8% strongly satisfied, 33.3% satisfied, 38% neutral, 4.7% dissatisfied,
0% strongly dissatisfied.
Therefore most of the respondents are neutral with data speed.
showing the satisfied services of JIO and AIRTEL:
S. NO Attributes No. of respondents Percentage
1 Highly satisfied 32 17 50% 44.71%
2 Satisfied 11 10 17.18% 18.43%
3 Average 1 4 1.50% 9.25%
4 Not satisfied 20 11 31.25% 28.94%
Total 106=64 106=42 100% 100%
SOURCE: Primary data collected from the respondents.

The table shows that out of 106 respondents, Among 64 Jio respondents, in that 50% highly satisfied, 17.1%
satisfied, 1.5% average, 31.2% not satisfied.
Among 42 Airtel respondents, in that 44.7% highly satisfied, 18.4% satisfied, 9.2% average, 28.9% not satisfied.
Therefore most of the respondents are highly satisfied with the services.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
showing the source of information:
S. NO Attributes No. of respondents Percentage
1 Newspaper 8 7 12.56% 13.50%
2 Advertisement 44 24 68.73% 57.83%
3 Friends and family 12 11 18.72% 28.92%
Total 106=64 106=42 100% 100%
SOURCE: Primary data collected from the respondents.

The table shows that out of 106 respondents, Among 64 Jio respondents, in that 12.5% newspaper, 68.7%
advertisement, 18.7% friends and family.
Therefore most of the respondents are know about advertisement.
showing the to change your JIO and AIRTEL services in future:
S. NO Attributes No. of respondents Percentage
1 Yes 25 18 39% 42.10%
2 No 39 24 60.93% 57.82%
Total 106=64 106=42 100% 100%
SOURCE: Primary data collected from the respondents.

The table shows that out of 106 respondents, Among 64 Jio respondents, 39% are yes, 60.9% are no.
Among 42 Airtel respondents, 42.1% are yes, 57.8% are no.
Therefore most of the respondents are saying they don’t changing this services.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD51933 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 6 | September-October 2022 Page 668
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showing the do you recommende JIO and AIRTEL services to others:

SOURCE: Primary data collected from the respondents.


The table shows that out of 106 respondents, Among 64 Jio respondents,32.8% always, 42.1% likely, 25% most
Among 42 Airtel respondents, 39.4% always, 40.2% likely, 21% most likely.
Therefore most of the respondents are recommend Jio and Airtel services likely.
FINDINGS: 7. Most of the respondents are neutral with customer
1. The data from the survey shows that most of the care service.
respondents are 52.8% males. 8. Most of the respondents are highly satisfied with
2. Most of the respondents are 70.7% 15-25 years. the Jio services.
3. Most of the respondents are 56.6% students. 9. Most of the respondents are know about Jio with
4. Most of the respondents are 54.7% below 100000 advertisement.
income. 10. Most of the respondents are saying they don’t
5. Most of the respondents are using 62.6% Reliance changing Jio services in future.
Jio services. 11. Most of the respondents are recommend Jio
6. Most of the respondents first time users 73.8% services always to others.
Reliance Jio services. SUGGESTIONS:
1. Most of the respondents are using Jio 85.7% 1. Try to improve network facilities. No network
prepaid services. coverage on border areas and high altitude areas
2. Most of the respondents are using Jio Rs.200- so provide more network connections.
Rs.300 monthly recharge expenditure. 2. Reduce the monthly unlimited recharge plans and
3. Most of the respondents are feel about tariff is improve the signal system.
neutral. 3. The reliance Jio sim users are expecting high
4. Most of the respondents are feel about signal speed. So, Increasing the network speed to great
coverage is neutral. extent. It would be better.
5. Most of the respondents are satisfied with data 4. Spread out awareness about Jio in deep routed
plan. rural areas.
6. Most of the respondents are satisfied with data 5. Remove the problem of calling congestion and
speed. call drop.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD51933 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 6 | September-October 2022 Page 669
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Conclusion: unexpected changes in customer’s behaviour and
Reliance Jio has become a very successful brand in competitor’s strategies.
India and providing customer satisfaction is their Most of the respondents are having good awareness
main objective. It provides unlimited free calling and
level towards the tariff, data speed, data plan, signal
data services and SMS. Reliance Jio’s free coverage, customer care, are the influencing factors in
introducing offer created lot of radical and
making the purchase decision.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD51933 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 6 | September-October 2022 Page 670

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