Assign 3 PDF
Assign 3 PDF
Assign 3 PDF
BCE223L (9536)
Let’s Check
BLAST FURNACE 1. It separates the iron from the waste materials and sinters the ore and flue
MOTTLED CAST IRON 2. It is the medium stage cast iron which properties are in between gray
cast iron and white cast iron.
STEEL 3. The world’s foremost construction material that contains between 0.2% and
2% carbon by weight and sometimes small amounts of other elements, including manganese.
ASTM D 143-94 4. It is ASTM Standard Test Methods for Small Clear Specimens of Timber.
PRESTRESSING 5. This is a kind of steel bar that is used in the form of strands or tendons.
HARDWOODS 6. A type of wood that are most commonly are known as deciduous trees, more
scientifically known as angiosperms.
UNIVERSAL (HYDRAULIC) TESTING MACHINE 7. The machine used for tensile test.
ELASTIC LIMIT 8. In the stress-strain diagram, it is the point in which the material will no longer
go back to its original shape when the load is removed.
SWELLING 9. An increase of the dimensions of wood due to changes of its moisture content.
YIELD POINT 10. In the stress-strain diagram, it is the point at which the material will have an
appreciable elongation without any increase in load.
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Let’s Analyze
Activity 1. Choose 5 most important properties of metals which you believe are essential in
determining its suitability for intended used in construction. Why?
1. High melting point – one of the most important properties of metals which I believe essential
in determining suitability for intended used in construction is its high melting point. Melting
temperature of a metal is so important because metals are most formable when they are liquid.
Metals are heated to their melting temperatures for many different manufacturing processes.
Smelting, fusion welding, and casting all require metals to be liquids in order to be performed
2. Malleability –a malleable material is one in which a thin sheet can be easily formed by
hammering or rolling; in other words, the material has the ability to deform under compressive
stress, knowing the malleability of the metals used will let us know which one is suited to use in
a particular construction so that’s why I choose this as one of the most important properties of
metals which I believe essential in determining its suitability for intended used in construction.
3. Conductivity – this is an important property since metals are excellent conductors of electricity
and heat. Because they are also ductile, they are ideal for electrical wiring. Choosing ideal metal
conductivity can help make a cost-effective decision on alloy selection – for conductivity or
almost any other desired performance.
4. Sonorous - Metals are generally sonorous, that’s why they make a ringing sound when struck.
Therefore, they are used for making bells. Metals such as iron are very strong. It is therefore,
widely used in the construction of buildings, bridges, railway lines, carriages, vehicles and
5. Reactivity- Some metals will undergo a chemical change (reaction), by themselves or with
other elements, and release energy. These metals are never found in a pure form, and are difficult
to separate from the minerals they are found in. Other metals don’t react at all with other metals.
This means they can be found in a pure form (examples are gold and platinum). Because copper
is relatively inexpensive and has a low reactivity, it’s useful for making pipes and wiring.
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In a Nutshell
Activity 1. The study of types and properties of construction materials such as steel and woods,
is indeed pre-requisite to becoming an engineer.
Based on the topics presented and learning exercises that you have done, why would you choose
structural steel as construction material. Please feel free to write your answer below. I have
indicated mine.
4. It is easy to modify.
5. It is lightweight.
6. It promotes safety.
7. Adaptability - Steel framed buildings are perfect because they allow for physical expansion
without too much difficulty. Modification of end walls and construction of new framework can
be completed relatively pain-free, both quick and inexpensive
8. Proven Durability Over Time - steel is resistant to rot, mold and shrinkage; steel is not
vulnerable to termites of other insects; and, steel will not crack, split or knot like wood.
Impressively, steel is resistant to fire, earthquakes, hurricanes and other severe natural weather
9. Diverse Building Applications
10. Strong Joints
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Q&A List
1. What is the significance and use of tensile Tension tests provide information on the
test? strength and ductility of materials under
uniaxial tensile stresses. This information may
be useful in comparisons of materials, alloy
development, quality control, and design
under certain circumstances.
2. What is ASTM E8? ASTM E8 describes tensile testing of metals
such as steel or metal alloys. These test
methods cover the tension testing of metallic
materials in any form at room temperature,
specifically, the methods of determination of
yield strength, yield point elongation, tensile
strength, elongation, and reduction of area,
modulus of elasticity and, rupture strength.
3. What are the uses of zinc? are used for some types of hardware and
plumbing items; finds use as an alloying
element in brasses. serve in the production of
paper, plastics, ceramics, rubber, abrasives,
paint, and other products.
- used for specialized products in which
corrosion resistance is important, such as
anchors, flashing, screws, nails, expansion
joints, and corner beads; to produce a wide
range of products, such as low voltage buss
bars, cavity wall ties, electric cable binders,
electric motor covers, grading screens, and
roofing and fascia material.
4. What is a lead? Lead (chemical symbol Pb) is a soft, heavy
metal with good corrosion resistance that is
easily worked. Its ability to resist penetration
from radiation is a unique feature.
5. What is tensile strength? It is the ability to undergo a great deal of force
without breaking or deforming. This is due to
a mixture of strength and flexibility
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