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Exer 1323

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Exercises on Thermodynamics Exercise 1.1 Tom wants to measure his temperature using a thermocouple as a thermometer.

He denes temperature such that T is to be proportional to the thermocouple voltage. He places the thermocouple in ice water (0 ), in boiling water (100 ), and in his mouth. Below are the voltage readings he obtains: Substance Thermocouple Voltage (mV) ice water 3.1 Toms mouth 4.7 boiling water 7.1 What is temperature of Toms mouth using the thermocouple as a thermometer? If the numerical value of the temperature is such that the thermocouples voltage is proportinal to T , then we have T 100 = (1) 4.7 3.1 7.1 3.1 Solving for T using this equation gives T = (1.6/4)100 = 40 . Since the normal temperature of a person is around 37 , should Tom worry that he has a fever? No! The thermocouple does not have the same properties as an ideal gas. If Tom used a constant volume ideal gas thermometer (or a standard mercury thermometer) he would have gotten 37 C as the value for his temperature. Exercise 1.2 The temperatures at the Golden Gate bridge can vary from 20 C to +40 C. If the bridge is made out of steel ( = 1.1 105 C 1 ), how much will the length of the bridge change for this temperature change? The length of the Golden Gate Bridge is around 1250 meters. Using the denition for in linear expansion, we have L = L0 T L = 1250(1.1 105 )60 L 0.825 meters 1

since T is 60 C. Expansion joints are needed to handle the temperature change. Exercise 1.3 Dave uses an Aluminum ruler to measure a steel rod. The ruler is calibrated to be accurate at 20 C. Dave measures the steel when both the steel rod and the Aluminum ruler are at a temperature of 100 C. At this temperature, the rod measures 60 cm as read o the hot Aluminum ruler. What is the true length of the steel rod when it is at a temperature of 20 C? Let L0 be the true length of the steel rod when it is 20 C. At 100 C, the length of the rod is L: L = L0 (1 + steel 80 ) (2)

The length L is also the length of 60 centimeter of Aluminum that is heated to 100 C. That is, L = 60(1 + Al 80 ) cm Equating the two expressions for L, we have L0 (1 + steel 80 ) = 60(1 + Al 80 ) cm Solving for L0 gives 1 + Al 80 1 + steel 80 1 + (2.3 105 )80 = 60 1 + (1.1 105 )80 = 60.058 cm (4) (3)

L0 = 60


Exercise 1.4 Your task is to design an immersion heater that will bring a cup of 400 grams of water from a temperature of 20 C up to a temperature of 100 C. You want the heating time to be 2 minutes. What should the wattage be for your immersion heater. We rst need to determine the amount of energy needed to increase the temperature of 400 grams of water by 80 C: 2

Q = mcT = (400 grams)(1 = 32000 cal = 133952 Joules If this much energy needs to be transfered in 2 minutes (120 seconds), the power of the heater must be P ower = 133952 Joules 1116 W atts 120 sec (5) cal )80 C gram C

Exercise 1.5 Ronald McDonald wants to help with the energy problem by not wasting the ice in his drink. He wants to know how much ice at 0 C he should add to 500 grams of water at 20 C so that the water cools down to 0 C just as the last bit of ice melts. How many grams of ice should he add to his 500 gram drink? The energy lost by the water when the temperature decreases from 20 C to 0 C equals the energy gained by the ice as it melts (staying at 0 C. The heat capacity of water is 1 cal C/gram, and the latent heat of ice is 80 cal/gram. Let x be the number of grams of ice. Then:

Energy gained by ice = Energy lost by water cal x80 = 500 g (1 )20 C g C x = 125 grams After the 125 grams of ice melts to 0 C water, the initial 500 grams of water has cooled to 0 C. No ice is wasted. So, in order to not waste ice, your drink should start with 1/4 of it being ice. Remember this the next time you ll up your drink at the soda fountain. Exercise 1.6 Raman is served 500 grams of very hot tea, which is at a temperature 100 C. He 3

wants to add some ice at 10 C to cool it to 60 C. How much ice should he add? This problem is similar to the previous one, except the ice goes through a phase change. The physics is the same: the energy gained by the ice is equal to the energy lost by the tea. The energy lost by the tea is easy to calculate, Q = mcT = 500(1)(40 C) = 20000 cal. Let x be the mass of ice needed. The ice gains energy in three stages: rst the x grams of ice rises to 0 C, then the ice melts, and nally the x grams rises in temperature from 0 to 60 C. The heat capacity of ice is 0.5 cal/ C/gram, so we have 20000 = x(0.5)10 + 80x + x(1)(60) (6)

The rst term on the right is the energy gained by the ice as its temperature increases from 10 to 0 . The middle term, 80x, is the energy gained when the x grams of ice melts without changing temperature. The last term on the right is the energy gained when x grams of water has a temperature increase of 60 C. Solving for x gives x= 20000 138 grams 145 (7)

Exercise 1.7 Rick has just installed solar collectors to heat water. His large water tank holds 400 liters of water. The solar collectors have an area of 8 m2 (2 meters by 3 meters). If the water in his tank starts out with a temperature of 20 C in the morning, what is its temperature in the evening after the sun has set? Some useful information: solar energy intensity is around 800 W/m2 , solar collectors have an eciency of around 30%, and suppose the sun shines for 8 hrs/day. First lets calculate the energy Q collected by the solar collectors. Since a Watt = 1 Joule/sec, the number of Joules of energy collected is Joules )(3600 sec)(8 hours)(8 m2 )(0.3) sec m2 5.53 107 Joules 1.32 107 cal

Q = (800

where we have used the conversion 1 cal = 4.186 Joules. To determine how much the temperature will change, we use the property of the specic heat: Q = mcT : 4

Q mc 1.32 107 = (400000)1 T 33 C T = where we have used the conversion 1 liter = 1000 grams of water. So the nal temperature of the water is around 53 C. 400 liters of water at 53 C is enough hot water to last a family for a day. Start installing solar collectors.

Exercise 1.8 Merton the civil engineer needs to determine the energy transfer through two materials that are next to each other. Each material has an area A. One material has a thickness L1 and a thermal conductivity constant of k1 . The other material has a thickness L2 and a thermal conductivity constant of k2 . If the higher temperature on one side is TH , and lower temperature is TC , what is the rate of energy transfer through the two materials? See the gure. Once a steady energy ow has been reached, the energy transfer rate through material 1 equals the energy transfer rate through material 2. Let T be the temperature in the middle of the two materials. Then we have k1 A(TH T ) A(T TC ) = k2 L1 L2 (8)

Since the areas cancel, the critical factor is the ratio k/L. It is useful to dene a new quantity R L/k, which is called the Thermal Resistance or R value. We can solve the above equation for T : T = R1 TH + R2 TC R1 + R2 (9)

where R1 = L1 /k1 and R2 = L2 /k2 . Now that we know the temperature in the middle, we can solve for the energy transfer rate through the materials. Since the rate is the same through each one, we only need to calculate the rate through (say) material 1:

Q 1 = (T TC ) At R1 TH TC = R1 + R2 A Q = (TH TC ) t R1 + R2 From the last line, we see that the total thermal resistance Rtot of the two materials equals the sum of the thermal resistances of each one: Rtot = R1 + R2 . This is an important relationship when civil engineers need to calculate the thermal conductivity of materials placed together. Exercise 2.1 Lenny has a balloon lled with helium. He wonders: how fast are the helium atoms moving around in the balloon. What are you going to tell him? The temperature in the room is 20 C. We can gure out how fast the helium molecules are moving. From the kinetic theory of gases we derived in class that the root-mean-square velocity is vRM S = 3kT /m where m is the mass of a molecule. Multiplying the top and bottom of the fraction under the square-root by Avagodros number NA , we get 3RT (10) M where R = NA k 8.34 J/(mole K) is the gas constant and M = NA m is the molar mass. For helium the molar mass is 0.004 Kg, so we have vRM S = 3(8.34)(293) 0.004 1354 m/s

vRM S =

since T = 273 + 20 = 293 K. It is interesting that we dont need to know the volume of the balloon, the pressure inside it, or the number of molecules in the balloon. The average speed of the molecules only depends on the temperature of the helium gas.

Exercise 2.2 While sitting in class one day, Nathan was wondering: how much energy does the air in the room have? Can we answer his question? Yes we can, approximately. Air is consists mainly of diatomic gases: N2 and O2 . The energy of a diatomic gas starts out like a monatomic gas for temperatures less than around 150 K: U = (3/2)nRT . For temperatures above 150 energy can be transfered into rotating the molecules, and the change in energy U = (5/2)nRT . Since room temperature is around 300 K, the energy of a diatomic gas at this temperature is: 3 5 nR150 + nR(T 150) 2 2 4 nR 150

where we used T = 300 K. It is easier to cast the right side of this equation in terms of P and V . At equilibrium the gas variables satisfy: P V = nRT , so nR = P V /300. Thus, the total energy can be written as PV 150 = 2P V (11) 300 This is an easier form to work with. The pressure in the room is around one atmosphere: P 1.013 105 N/m2 . The volume of the room is around V (10m)(5m)(2m) = 100 m2 . Using these values, we have U 4 U 2(1.013 105 )(100) 2.02 107 Joules Too bad we cant transfer some of the 20 million Joules of energy in the air of the room to help us solve exam problems.

Exercise 2.3 While sitting in her igloo, Lutaaq realized that the air she breaths out is much warmer than the air she takes in. She wondered: how much energy am I transfering into the air with each breath? Can we answer her question?

Yes we can, at least approximately. Lets assume that the air she breaths in is around a temperature of 20 C, and that the air she breaths out is around her body temperature of 40 C. Since air is a diatomic gas, the energy of n moles of air at room temperature is U = (5/2)nRT . The change in the energy of the air she breaths in, after she breaths it out, is 5 U = nRT (12) 2 We just need to know approximately how many moles of air we breath in and out. This volume of air is called the tidal volume and is around 500 ml or 0.5 liters of air. Since one mole of air at room temperature and pressure is 22.6 liters, the number of moles we breath in and out is around 0.5/22.6 0.022 moles. Using these numbers we obtain U 5 (0.022)(8.34)(20 ) 2 9.2 Joules

This is a small amount of energy, but 9.2 Joules gets transfered with each breath. The average breathing rate is 12 breaths/min, so in an hour, (9.2)(12)(60) 6600 Joules of energy gets transfered to the air in the igloo. Energy also gets transfered through her skin, so the food Lutaaq eats helps keep the igloo at a comfortable temperature. Exercise 2.4 A gas consisting of n moles of a monatomic gas goes througth the cyclic process shown in the gure. It starts o at point A in the P V plane. It rst expands at constant pressure (isobaric) to the point B. Then the pressure is reduced, with constant volume, to the point C (isometric process). Finally, the gas is compressed with a constant temperature TC = TA back to the point A (isothermal). The pressures and volumes are labeled in the gure. For each process, and the whole cycle, nd U , Q, W , and S. It is easiest to rst nd U for each process, then W for each process. To nd Q, we can use Q = U + W . Since there are n moles of a monatomic gas, U = (3/2)nRT = (3/2)P V . So U (A B) = UB UA 9

3 3 (2V0 )(2P0 ) (V0 )(2P0 ) 2 2 = 3V0 P0

Similarly, for the process from B C we have U (B C) = UC UB 3 3 = (2V0 )(P0 ) (2V0 )(2P0 ) 2 2 = 3V0 P0 The process from C to A is isothermal, i.e. T = 0, so U = 0. The work done is the next easiest to calculate, since it is the area under the curve describing the process. The work done by the gas from A to B is area under the line, or simply Wby (A B) = (2P0 )(2V0 V0 ) = 2V0 P0 (13)

because the pressure is constant during the process. The work from B to C is zero, since the volume doesnt change: Wby (B C) = 0. To calculate the work from C to A we need to integrate, since the pressure is not constant as the volume changes: Wby = P dV (14)

For an isothermal process, T is constant, so P = nRTC /V . The integral becomes: Wby (C A) = nRTC dV V 2V0 V0 = nRTC ln( ) 2V0 = nRTC ln(2) = 2V0 P0 ln(2)

Since Q = U + Wby , we can determine Q for all processes. The results are summarized in the chart below: Process Q Wby U AB 5V0 P0 2V0 P0 3V0 P0 BC 3V0 P0 0 3V0 P0 CA 2V0 P0 ln(2) 2V0 P0 ln(2) 0 Whole Cycle 2V0 P0 (1 ln(2)) 2V0 P0 (1 ln(2)) 0 10

Note that the change in the internal energy U for a complete cycle equals zero. It has to be, since we believe that U is a state function and doesnt depend on how the gas got to that state. Getting U = 0 is a good check that we havent made any mistakes. The change in entropy, S, can be calculated for the processes by evaluating the heat transfer divided by T : S = Q/T . For the process A to B, the temperature is constantly changing so we need to integrate. The A to B process is isobaric, so we can use the heat capacity at constant pressure Cp to relate Q to T : Q = nCp T . For a monatomic gas, Cp = (5/2)R. So we have S(A B) = =

Q T 5 dT nR 2 T

5 = nR ln(2) 2 For the process from B to C, the temperature is also continuously changing, so we have to integrate to nd the change in entropy. However, in this case the process is isometric, so Q is related to T via the heat capacity for constant volume, Cv , which is Cv = (3/2)R for a monatomic gas. So we have S(B C) = =

Q T 3 dT nR 2 T

3 = nR ln(2) 2 For the isothermal process C to A, the temperature is not changing, so the change in entropy is simply S = Q/TC , where Q is the heat transfered into the gas. From the table above, Q = 2V0 P0 ln(2). So we have S = 2V0 P0 ln(2) TC = nR ln(2)

since P0 (2V0 ) = nRTC . The entropy results can be summarized in the following chart: 11

Process AB BC CA Whole Cycle

S (5/2)nR ln(2) (3/2)nR ln(2) nR ln(2) 0

Note that the change in entropy S for a complete cycle equals zero. It has to, since we believe that Entropy is a state function and doesnt depend on how the gas got to that state. Getting S = 0 is a good check on our calculations. Exercise 2.5 A monatomic gas is contained in a cylinder with a movable piston. Initially it has a volume V0 , pressure P0 and temperature T0 . A weight is placed on the piston, and the gas is compressed adiabatically to a pressure 10P0 . What is the nal volume of the gas, and what is the nal temperature? Express your answers in terms of V0 and T0 respectively. Since the gas is monatomic, P V 5/3 = constant for adiabatic processes: Pf Vf

Vf Vf Vf

= P0 V0 P0 = V0 ( )3/5 Pf 1 = V0 ( 3/5 ) 10 0.25 V0


The nal temperature can be determined using the ideal gas law: nRTf = = = = Tf = Pf Vf (10P0 )(0.25V0 ) 2.5 P0 V0 2.5nRT0 2.5T0

The temperature in Kelvin increases by a factor of 2.5. The work done on the gas increases the internal energy of the gas.


Exercise 2.6 John pours himself a cup of tea. The tea contains 500 grams of water initially at a temperature of 100 C. While waiting for the tea to cool down, John falls asleep. When he wakes up, the tea is at the room temperature of 20 C. The temperature of the room has hardly changes. How much has the entropy of the universe increased? When the tea cools down, its entropy decreases. However, the entropy of the room increases. Lets rst calculate the decrease in the entropy of the tea. As the tea loses energy, its temperature is continuously changing. When we add up the changes in entropy, S = Q/T we need to integrate since T is always changing: Q T Ti Tf mcdt = T Ti Tf = mc ln( ) Ti = (0.5 Kg)(4186 505J/ K We now need to calculate the increase in entropy of the room. Since the temperature of the room essentially did not change, the increase in entropy is just Q (15) Troom 293 K where Q is the total energy transfered to the air. This is the same amount of energy lost by the cooling tea. So Q = mcT = 0.5(4186)(80 ) 167440 Joules. Using this value for Q, we have Sroom 167440 +571J/ K (16) 293 Adding the two changes together, we nd that the net change of the entropy of the tea and the room as the tea cools down is around 571 505 = +67 J/ K. Sroom Exercise 2.7 John wants to try to make tea again. To heat the water, he puts 500 grams of water 13 Q Joules )ln(293/373) Kg K

Stea =

into his microwave oven. The water is initially at 20 C. The oven can supply energy to the water at a rate of 1200 Watts. He turns the oven on and waits for the water to heat up to 100 C. However, he falls asleep again and the oven keeps heating up the water till it all evaporates, and turns to steam. When the pressure of the steam reaches 10 atmospheres the microwave explodes waking John up. How long did it take for the water to a) reach 100 C, b) completely evaporate, and c) reach a pressure of 10 atmospheres? a) To increase the temperature of 500 grams of water from 20 to 100 requires an energy of Q = mcT = 500(1 cal/ g)(80) = 40000 calories. In units of Joules, this is Q = 40000(4.186) = 167440 Joules. Since the oven can supply energy at a rate of 1200 Joules/sec, the time needed to heat the water to 100 is 167440 140 seconds 1200 So John should have set the timer for around 2.5 minutes. t= (17)

b) The energy needed to change 500 grams of water (at 100 ) to steam (at 100 ) is Q = mL = 500(540cal/gram) = 270000 calories. Since the latent heat to change water to steam at 100 is 540 cal/gram. In units of Joules, this is Q = 270000(4.186) = 1130220 Joules. Since the oven can supply energy at a rate of 1200 Joules/sec, the time needed to heat evaporate the water is 1130220 941 seconds (18) 1200 So around 15 minutes after the water has reached 100 the water has evaporated to become steam. t= c) Now, the microwave contains 500 grams of water vapor at a temperature of T = 373 K, and we will assume a pressure of one atmosphere. If the pressure increases to 10 atmospheres, while keeping the volume constant, the temperature must reach Tf = 10(373) = 3730 K. That is, the change in temperature must be 3357 K. The heat capacity of water vapor at constant volume is around (9/2)R per mole. Water molecules have rotational and vibrational modes of energy. The amount of energy needed to double the pressure is then Q = nRT = (500/18)(9/2)(8.314)(3357) = 3488762 Joules, since the molar mass of water is 18 grams. Since the oven can supply energy at a rate of 1200 Joules/sec, the time needed to bring the steam up to 10 atmospheres is 14

3488762 2907 seconds (19) 1200 So around an hour after John puts the water in the microwave oven, it explodes and John wakes up. Do not try this experiment at home, use an alarm clock instead. t= Exercise 2.7 Phil has a large cylinder lled with helium. It starts o with a volume of 2 liters, a pressure of 105 Pa, and a temperature of 300 K. He quickly decreases the volume to one liter adiabatically. Then, he waits for the gas to cool back down to 300 K at this one liter volume. Finally, he expands the piston slowly out to 2 liters such that the temperature of the gas remains constant at 300 K. The three processes, adiabaticisometric-isothermal, form a cycle as shown in the gure. Calculate U , Q, Wby , and S for each leg of the cycle, and for the whole cycle. It is easiest to rst determine which quantities do not change. For the complete cycle, U and S are zero: U = 0 and S = 0. This must be true, since the total internal energy and the entropy are state functions of the gas. Their values only depend on the state of the gas and not how the gas was produced. For the adiabatic process, Q = 0, thus Q(a b) = 0. Since there is no heat transfer in the adiabatic process, S = 0. For the isothermal process, U = 0, thus U (c a) = 0. For the isometric process, V = 0, thus the work done from b to c equals zero: W (b c) = 0. These 6 zero values can be entered in the table in the gure. The next easiest quantity to calculate is U (a b), since U = (3/2)nRT for a monatomic gas. We just need to calculate n and Tb . n = (Pa Va )/(RTa ) = (105 )(2 103 )/(8.314)/(300) 0.08 moles. To obtain Tb we need to use the properties of the adiabatic process. For an adiabatic process, P V = constant. Since P = nRT /V , we have T V 1 = constant: Tb Vb1 = Ta Va1 Tb Vb

Tb Tb

= = =

Ta Va2/3 Ta 22/3 (300)22/3 476.2 K

since = 5/3 for a monatomic gas. Now that the temperatures are know, we can calculate U . U (a b) = (3/2)nRT = 1.5(0.08)(8.314)(476.2 300) 176 15


Joules. With this value of U (a b), we can determine Wby (a b): Wby (a b) = Q U = 176 Joules. The next quantity we can calculate is the work done by the gas from c to a. Wby (c a) = P dV . Since the temperature is constant, P = nRT /V , and we can calculate the integral. Wby (c a) = =

P dV


dV V

Vf Vi = Pc Vc ln(2) = (2 105 )(103 ) ln(2) 139 Joules = nRTc ln Since U (c a) = 0, Q(c a) = U + Wby = 139 Joules. We can add up the columns to nd Q and Wby for the complete cycle. This yields Q = Wby = 37 Joules for the whole cycle. In computing the entropy changes, it is easiest to calculate the entropy change along the isothermal. This is because T is constant for an isothermal process: dQ 1 Qtotal = dQ = (20) Tc Tc Tc We could also have used Ta in this equation, since Ta = Tc . For the isothermal process c to a, Qtotal = Q(c a) 139 Joules. Thus, S(c a) = Qtotal 139 0.46 Joules/ K (21) Tc 300 Since the entropy change for the whole cycle is zero, we must have S(b c) 0.46 Joules/K. We can now ll in the whole chart for Phils cyclic process. S(c a) = Exercise 2.8 Little Roni has a balloon lled with helium. The balloon has a volume of 0.01 m3 , and contains 0.8 moles of helium. The balloon is initially at a temperature of 300 K. While she is sitting in her pre-school classroom, the balloon suddenly pops. She immediately becomes concerned about the entropy increase of the helium that was in 17

the balloon, and wants us to calculate the increase of entropy. The classroom has a volume of 100 m3 and the helium gas comes to equilibrium in the classroom with a nal temperature of 300 K. Can we help her? Yes, we can. Eventhough the process is not a reversible process, we can still calculate the dierence in entropy between the initial state and the nal state. The initial state consists of 0.8 moles of helium at a volume of 0.01 m3 , and a temperature of 300 . In the nal state the same 0.8 moles of helium has a volume of 100 m3 and a temperature of 300 . For the actual process, one cannot draw a curve in the P V plane that connects these two states. However, the change in entropy of the system only depends on the initial and nal states, and not on the process connecting the two states. So, to nd the change in entropy, we can choose any process that connects the two states. An isothermal process is probably the easiest one to choose, since the initial and nal temperatures are the same. The change in entropy from an initial state i to a nal state f is dQ (22) T For an isothermal process, the temperature is constant and can be taken out of the integral: S = 1 Q dQ = (23) Ti Ti where Q is the total amount of heat energy transfered. For an isothermal process for a ideal gas, U = 0, so Q = Wby . The work done by an ideal gas for an isothermal process is S =

Wby = Carrying out the integral yields

p dV = nRT

dV V


Vf ) = nRTi ln(105 ) Vi Putting all the equations together, we obtain for the entropy change Wby = nRTi ln( 1 (nRTi ) ln(105 ) Ti = nRln(105 ) 18


S =

= (0.8)(8.314)5 ln(10) +76.6J/ K That is a large entropy increase, so you had better not pop too many balloons. Exercise 2.9 While walking along the beach one day, Sandy spots a crumpled up aluminum can whose mass is 100 grams. It has been sitting in the sun all day and is at a temperature of 80 C. Sandy is not thinking about the environment and throws the hot aluminum can into the ocean, which has a temperature of 20 C. After the aluminum is nished transfering energy into the ocean, how much did the entropy of the universe change? We can calculate the entropy change of the aluminum can, and then the entropy change of the ocean. First the aluminum can. As the can loses energy, its temperature continuously changes. Therefore, we must integrate (Q)/T since T changes: dQ T The temperature change T is related to Q by Q = mcT , so we have Scan = mc dT T Ti We must use the Kelvin scale for temperatures, which gives Scan = dT = mc ln(293/353) 353 T The heat capacity of aluminum is 0.21 cal/g/ C = 890J/kg/ C, so Scan = mc Scan = (0.1)(890) ln(293/353) 16.6 J/ K
293 Tf





The change in the entropy of the ocean is easier to calculate since the temperature of the ocean essentially does not change during the process. It remains at 20 C = 293 K. Thus, the change in entropy of the ocean is Qtotal (30) 293 The total energy transfered to the ocean is Q = mcT , where the quantities on the right side are for aluminum. That is, Q = 0.1(890)(60) = 5340 Joules. So the entropy change of the ocean is Socean = 19

5340 = +18.2 J/ K 293 The net change in the entropy of the universe is Socean = Snet = 18.2 16.6 = 1.6 J/ K



So not only has Sandy polluted the environment, she also increased the entropy of the universe. If she would have thrown the can into the recycle bin, at least she would have helped the environment.


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