Etailed Esson LAN: Spanish Standards
Etailed Esson LAN: Spanish Standards
Etailed Esson LAN: Spanish Standards
Standards Addressed: Spanish Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools & National Education Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S
Oral and Written Presentation SIII.4 The student will present information orally and in writing in Spanish, combining learned and original language in increasingly complex sentences and paragraphs.
SIII.5 The student will present in Spanish student-created and culturally authentic stories. 1. Produce well-organized spoken and written presentations appropriate to the type of audience and the purpose of the presentation. 2. Use appropriate verbal and nonverbal presentational techniques, including visual aids and/or technological support. Making Connections through Language SIII.7 The student will use Spanish to reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections. Communication across Communities SIII.10 The student will improve Spanish language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. 1. Expand Spanish language skills and cultural competence through the use of media, entertainment, and technology. (Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools, 2011).
4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students: b. plan and manage activities to complete a project. c. collect and analyze data to make informed decisions. 5. Digital Citizenship Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students: a. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology b. exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity. d. exhibit leadership for digital citizenship. 6. Technology Operations and Concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students: a. understand and use technology systems. b. select and use applications effectively and productively. d. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies. (International Society for Technology in Education, 2007)
Lesson Goals:
The goal of the lesson is for the students: to learn about the Voice thread technology and rules to communicate through e-mails to start contacting students in other countries through global Networks and email to practice the target language in an authentic way. After completion of the lesson, students will be able to: create a voice thread both in English and Spanishto present and digitally share the history, elements and significance of the history of Halloween (or the festival of the dead being studied orally and in writing form to communicate across cultures. These voicethread will be post in ePaLs Global Community ( locate an image to best communicate the ideas presented write formal and informal emails to communicate ideas and history of culture. Handouts, internet print outs and notes about Halloween Voice thread handout tutorial Thumb drive
Performance Objectives:
Voicethread: Image Searchers: - Google Images: - Bing Images: Voicethread Tutorial: Voicethread Tutorial in Writing form created by Author of this plan: E-mail Lesson: Using Voicethread for digital conversation: Voicethread: E-mail Lesson: Computers with audio and microphone Internet connection
To start the lesson the teacher: will state the objectives that need to be achieved by the end of the lesson as well as an overview of the lesson. will quickly review the computer-lab and lesson rules and procedures. will show different Voicethreads as examples for the students to prompt a discussion: What can you learn about the values of a country or a culture by studying images? Day 1 1. Students will find three pictures that identify three aspects of their culture (see below) and saved them in their thumbdrive. Students should save the pictures URL for reference. Where they are from favorite food one favorite holiday 2. Using the LCD projector, the teacher will demonstrate how to create a voicethread. Students will follow instructions and at the same time will create their own voicethread using the pictures saved before. In this case it wil be a simple voicethread where they introduce themselves in Spanish. The computer-lab teacher will provide support to the students in the process while the Spanish teacher gives instructions. 3. After students are done, teacher will discuss with students the Dos and Donts of voicethread. 4. After students have finished their voice thread, some of them will present
Step-By-Step Procedures:
Their voice thread to the rest of the class. These voicethreads will be evaluated for completion and will be taken as examples for what to do and not to do when creating a voicethread. Day 2: For the second day students will work on their voicethread creation. They will collaborate in pairs to create their scripts but will create each one a voicethread. Students will: 1. search pictures on Internet that illustrate their voicethread. They will save them and save the URLs where they find them. 2. Organize the pictures in way that create a history 3. write down a script to accompany the pictures 4. Create a voicethread using following the writing tutorial (It can be found in the website or here in the Resources for students section). For more understanding on how voicethread works they can also use the video tutorial Note: This voicethread will be published on ePaLs website. Day 3 1. Students will have 30 minutes to complete, improve, or ask questions about their voice thread. 2. Using the LCD projector the teacher will review important points about writing e-mails such as e-mail etiquette. Since students know how to write and send e-mails, teachers will just mention that for the project purpose they will be using the Carbon Copy a 3. Students will watch a slideshare video ( and following the instructions students write an e-mail to the teacher with your questions about the project and an e-mail to one of the classmates with Cc to the teacher. Students should follow the e-mail etiquette stated in the lesson
Students will turn in the following items: 1. Halloween Voicethread: Writing and speaking skills will be assed. 2. The informal and informal e-mails in Spanish: Grammar, composition, and etiquette will be assessed Students will be graded according to the rubrics. The students will write complete a Follow Up survey about what they did in the computer lab. This will help the teacher see which students understand what they are doing and which students need more assistance. This information will also provide information to improve the learning process.
Teacher will establish (As stated above) the rules and expectations during the project in the classroom, computer-lab, as well as in the communication with other students. Another resource for classroom management is the checklist. The technology and media specialist and the special education teacher will be present during the instruction to provide support to students. Special Education students will have extra time to complete the project with their special education teachers. I will work aside with the gifted and talented to teach them how to create identities within their voicethread to allow others to comment on their voice thread. Students who finish early will help the special education students to complete their project in the classroom. I will stay after school if students have questions or need support. They will not work on this project at home using their school laptops.
Comments / Notes: