Computer Software
Computer Software
Computer Software
SOLARIS redhat, etc. 4. Allow in creating new versions after modification and
Types of Software
5. Must be distributed under a license that guarantees
1. System Software- the basic computer the right to read, redistribute, modify and use the
software that commands the computer hardware
software freely (OSI, 2004)
and computer system to perform specific task (
6. The distribution terms must comply with the 10
2. Programming Software - provides tools to
criteria defined by OSI:
assist a programmer in writing commands or
codes using different programming languages in a) Free distribution
a more convenient way. b) The program should include a source code
c) License must allow modifications and derived
3. Application software - is compiled readily
executable program that can be used in different d) Integrity of the author’s source code
application such as in EHR, Clinical Information
e) No discriminations against persons or groups
System, Health care Information System, f) No discriminations against any fields of endeavor
Hospital information System etc.
g) Distribution of License
h) License must not be specific to a product
i) License must not restrict other software’s
4. Utility Software j) License must be technology-neutral
6. Programming environment
Free Software
support programs
It is the matter of the users’ freedom to run, copy,
Common Software Useful to Nurses
distribute, study, change and improve the
In most hospitals, most software system used by software.
nurses are based in Hospital Information System
4 Kinds of freedom with the use of the software:
( HIS)
Any software that satisfies the open FREEDOM 0 :The freedom to run the program
software initiative (OSI) definition. for any purpose.
FREEDOM 1: The freedom to study how the
Conditions for OSI certification: program works and adapt it to the users’ needs.
(An access code is a precondition for this)
1. Promoting software reliability and quality through:
FREEDOM 2: The freedom to redistribute
a. independent peer reviews copies to help others
FREEDOM 3: The freedom to improve the GNU/Linux (originally called the KERNEL)
program and release improvements to the public
It is the critical center point of an operating
(An access code is a precondition for this)
system that controls the CPU usage, memory
LICENSING management and hardware devices.
⦿ Giving the user the permission in using the It mediates communication between the different
software programs running within the operating system.
⦿ The license may have specific restrictions related Influences the performance and the hardware platforms
to the use, modification or duplication of the that the OSS/FS system can run on.
software (which will depend on the End User
⦿ Web Browser and server
Licensing Agreement-EULA).
Eg. Mozilla , Apache, Chrome
⦿ The person who creates the software owns the
copyright to it and has the right to allow others ⦿ E-mail
to copy it or deny that right.
⦿ Presentation tools
⦿ Software companies hold the intellectual rights/
property created by their employees ⦿ Word processing or Integrated Office Suite
2 main licenses:
⦿ Operating System