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MGT590 Action Research - Module 2 Assessment

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Research Methods Organizational Chart

What Exactly Is a Research Methodology?

Methodology in research is defined as the systematic method of resolving a research problem by

gathering data using various techniques, providing an interpretation of the data gathered, and
drawing conclusions about the research data. A research methodology is the blueprint for a
research or study (Murthy, S. N., & Bhojanna, U., 2009).

Methods vs. Methodology

Confusion between "methodology" and "methods" in research is common, especially since the
terms are sometimes used interchangeably. In the context of research, methods and methodology
refer to two related but distinct concepts: method is the technique used to collect evidence;
methodology, on the other hand, "is the underlying theory and analysis of how research does or
should proceed" (Kirsch, G., & Sullivan, P. A., 1992). (Jane Mills & Melanie Birks, 2014)define
methodology similarly as "a set of principles and ideas that inform the design of a research study."
Methods, on the other hand, are "practical procedures used to generate and analyze data" (Jane
Mills & Melanie Birks, 2014).To summarize these definitions, methods refer to the technical
procedures or steps taken to conduct the research, while methodology explains why certain
methods are used in the process.

Methodological Approach or Research Methods

Academic researchers have traditionally approached research studies using two distinct paradigms,
namely positivistic and phenomenological (Collis, J., & Hussey, R. , 2014). Positivistic and
phenomenological approaches, also known as qualitative and quantitative approaches (Dumay,
2008), play an important role in determining your data collection process, particularly the methods
you will use in your research.

The research methods you use lay the groundwork for your research. According to Neil McInroy,
CEO of the Centre for Local Economic Strategies, failing to use appropriate research methods and
design creates a "shaky foundation for any review, evaluation, or future strategy" (Macdonald, S.,
& Headlam, N, 2008). Any type of research will require you to collect data in the form of numbers
or descriptions, which means you will be required to count or converse with people (Macdonald,

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S., & Headlam, N, 2008). There are two fundamental research methods used for either approach
in research: quantitative and qualitative research methods. Even if you pursue a career in
philosophy, you may come across and even use these methods.

Quantitative Method

This approach is frequently used by researchers who adhere to the scientific paradigm (Haq, 2014).
This method attempts to quantify and generalize data from a sample of a target population
(Macdonald, S., & Headlam, N, 2008). It employs a structured data collection procedure and
produces numerical data. Quantitative research also employs objective analysis via statistical
methods (Macdonald, S., & Headlam, N, 2008).

According to a report, quantitative research accounted for the lion's share of global market research
spending in 2018 (ESOMAR, 2019).

Qualitative Method

In contrast to the quantitative approach, which seeks to count things in order to explain what is
observed, the qualitative research method seeks to create a complete and detailed description of
your observations as a researcher (Macdonald, S., & Headlam, N, 2008). The qualitative method,
rather than providing predictions and/or causal explanations, provides contextualization and
interpretation of the data gathered. This research method is subjective and necessitates a smaller
sample size of carefully selected respondents.

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Mixed method

A modern method was created by combining traditional quantitative and qualitative approaches.
According to (Brannen, J., & Moss, G, 2012), the existence of the mixed methods approach
stemmed from its potential to help researchers better understand social relations and their
complexities by fusing quantitative and qualitative research methods while recognizing the
limitations of both.

In social research, mixed methods are also known for the concept of triangulation. According to
(Haq, 2014), triangulation allows researchers to present multiple findings about a single
phenomenon by combining quantitative and qualitative approaches in one study. This is the type
of method that could be used to investigate sleep and academic performance.

Which method will use for my research?

For my final research I hope to used quantitative method. Most probably my research will be based
on the development of service quality measures in supermarkets. This will involve collecting data
from the people and analyzing, measuring, presenting and make suggestions. Therefore, my
research will be based on quantitative method.

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Research Methods Search

articles/journals name, links Qualitative, specific how the data was collected
and sources quantitative measurements used and organized
or mixed
A Study on the Impact of Service Quantitative The convenience SERVQUAL was chosen to
Quality on Customer Loyalty Method sampling method and a measure the variables in this
A case of Sri Lankan questionnaire were study, and regression was
Supermarkets used in this study to chosen to analyze data using
IOSR Journal of Business and collect data from 384 SPSS (Statistical package for
Management (IOSR-JBM) respondents. the social sciences) software.
(D.D.B Kobbekaduwa,W.N.S
Aththanayake ,, October. 2019)

Service Quality (Servqual) and its Quantitative A cross-sectional SERVQUAL was used in this
Effect on Customer Satisfaction in Method survey with 369 study to analyze the gap
Retailing respondents was used between customer perceptions
European Journal of Social as the research and expectations regarding
Sciences – Volume 16, Number 2 methodology. service at retail units in the
(2010) South Indian state of Andhra
(C.N. Krishna Naik,Swapna Pradesh.
Bhargavi Gantasala,Gantasala V. The obtained data was
Prabhakar, 2010) analyzed using the reliability
method, correlation, and

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Measuring Service Quality in Quantitative A structured Annova and descriptive

Retail Banking Method questionnaire was used statistics were used in the
Indian Journal of Applied to survey 180 bank analysis. The purpose of this
Research customers in paper is to assess the service
(Ms. Richa Pandi,Dr. Ram Kumar Ahmedabad using non- quality of retail banking
Balya, Aug 2013) probability services.
convenience sampling.

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