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J. Pijar MIPA, Vol. 17 No.

4, July 2022: 554-559 ISSN 1907-1744 (Print)

DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v17i4.3412 ISSN 2460-1500 (Online)


Intannia Eka Putri Sugiharti*, Ahmad Raksun, and I Gde Mertha

Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher and Training Education, University of Mataram,
Mataram, Indonesia
*Email: intanniaeka12@gmail.com

Received: March 1, 2022. Accepted: April 29, 2022. Published: July 31, 2022

Abstract: This study aimed to determine the effect of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) from tofu industry waste,
EM4, and their combination on the growth of mustard greens (Brassica juncea L.) and to determine the most
optimal dose to increase the growth of mustard greens. This study used a factorial Completely Randomized Design
(CRD) consisting of 2 factors. The first factor is the dose of POC from the tofu industry waste, and the second is the
dose of EM4. Each factor has five levels of fertilization with three replications. The treatment of liquid organic
fertilizer from tofu industry waste consisted of 0 ml, 25 ml, 50 ml, 75 ml, and 100 ml. The EM4 treatment consisted
of 0 ml, 1 ml, 2 ml, 3 ml, and 4 ml/100 ml water. The parameters observed in Green mustard growth were plant
height, number of leaves, wet weight, leaf area, and dry weight. The results of the research showed that the POC of
tofu waste, EM4, and its combination did not have a significant effect on all parameters.

Keywords: Liquid Organic Fertilizer, Industrial Waste of Tofu, EM4, Growth Green Mustard.

INTRODUCTION that can be used in agricultural management efforts

Industrial wastewater is known to have a that can reduce negative influences on the
variety of organic matter content, which, if not environment. EM4 consists of a mixture of beneficial
managed properly, can negatively influence the and naturally living microorganism cultures and can
environment. Organic compounds at high be applied as an inoculum to increase the diversity of
concentrations will cause pollution to the aquatic soil and plant microorganisms [8]. EM4 contains
environment [1]. In the liquid waste of tofu, there are 90% Lactobacillus sp bacteria and three other types
nutrients N, P, and K. Where N (nitrogen) serves for of microorganisms, namely photosynthetic bacteria,
the formation or growth of vegetative parts of plants, Streptomyces sp, and yeast, that work synergistically
such as leaves, stems, and roots, and can increase the to fertilize the soil and promote plant growth [9].
breeding of microorganisms in the soil. [2]. Industrial Processing of liquid tofu waste into liquid organic
liquid waste of tofu can be used as a liquid organic fertilizer needs to be added EM4 to improve the
fertilizer that is safe for plants in a certain quality production of fertilizer.
concentration. The use of organic fertilizers in the Mustard plants are vegetable commodities
community is still low due to the lack of public that have commercial value and good prospects. In
knowledge about producing organic fertilizers from terms of technically and economically, society is
waste. One of them is industrial wastewater of tofu. very supportive, so it has the feasibility to be pursued
Tofu liquid waste can be used as liquid in Indonesia. The part of mustard plants that are of
organic fertilizer through fermentation. In the economic value is the leaves, so efforts to increase
fermentation process carried out by aerobic and production are attempted to increase vegetative.
anaerobic microorganisms, there is an overhaul of Fertilization is carried out [10]. Fertilization can be
complex chemical compounds to be simpler, aimed done using organic or inorganic fertilizers. Most
at accelerating the absorption of nutrients in plants. farmers use inorganic fertilizers more often. It can
Due to fermentation, nutrients N, P, K, and other lead to a deterioration of compounds or materials in
nutrients contained in the liquid waste of tofu can be the soil. By utilizing liquid tofu waste into liquid
easily absorbed by plants [3]. Biologically, organic organic fertilizers, the community has other
fertilizers are the main energy source or become alternatives for fertilizing plants [11].
foodstuffs for the activity of soil micro-bodies. The The purpose of this study is to find out (1)
addition of organic fertilizers encourages the the effect of giving waste liquid organic fertilizer of
breeding of organic bodies and increases the tofu on the growth of mustard green plants, (2) the
availability of plant nutrients [4]. effect of EM4 administration on the growth of
Society still depends on the use of inorganic mustard green plants, and (3) the effect of giving a
fertilizers that can provide faster results, more combination of liquid organic fertilizers of tofu and
practical, and easy to obtain, one of which is widely EM4 on the growth of mustard green plants, (4) the
used is NPK fertilizer. However, excessive inorganic most optimal dose of liquid organic fertilizers of tofu
fertilizers can have negative environmental impacts, and EM4 in increasing the growth of mustard green
such as damaging soil structure and lowering soil plants.
fertility rates [5-7]. The use of effective
microorganisms (EM 4) is one of the technologies
J. Pijar MIPA, Vol. 17 No.4, July 2022: 554-559 ISSN 1907-1744 (Print)
DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v17i4.3412 ISSN 2460-1500 (Online)

RESEARCH METHODS the plant is measured using a ruler, starting from the
This research was conducted from June to base of the stem closest to the root to the end of the
September at the Green House of the Faculty of unfolded longest leaf, 2) The number of leaves
Agriculture, Jl. Pendidikan 37, Unram Lama, Dasan counted is the leaves that have opened perfectly, 3)
Agung Baru, Selaparang District, Mataram City, the plant measures, Wet weight is harvested and
West Nusa Tenggara. The Measurement of growth cleaned from the attached soil using water carefully
parameters is carried out at the Biology Laboratory, so as not to damage the plant parts, next dredged by
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Mataram the wind for 3-5 minutes. The part that is weighed to
University. The measured growth parameters are the get the fresh weight of the plant is all parts of the
height of the plant, number of leaves, wet weight, plant except the root part, 4) Measurement of leaf
leaf area, and dry weight. area is carried out by gravimetric method using the
The materials used in the study were formula:
mustard seeds, liquid waste of tofu, soil, polybags,
Leaf area = duplication weight x 100 cm2
water, EM4, sugar, label paper, aluminum foil paper,
paper weight(10x10cm)
and HVS paper. The tools used in the study were
buckets/jerry cans, stirrers, hoes, earth sifters, meters, 5)Dry weight was measured by the plant wrapped
rulers, gloves, manual scales, measuring cups, hand using aluminum foil paper, then in the oven for 48
sprayers, stationery, cameras, ovens, scissors, and hours at a temperature of 700 C. Once in the oven,
analytical scales. the sample is weighed using analytical scales.
The stages of implementation of this study The research design used is a factorial
are: (1) making LOF from fermented tofu water Complete Random Design (CRD). This research
waste for 14 days, (2) making EM4 solution that will design consists of 2 factors that each have five levels
be watered on plants once a week, (3) preparing of fertilization with three repetitions so that the
planting media, (4) selecting good seeds, (5) planting experimental unit used as many as 75 plants. The
seeds as many as eight seeds per polybag, (6) looting first factor is the treatment with liquid organic
after the plant grows with several leaves as many as fertilizer waste of tofu, namely P0: 0 ml (control),
two strands, (7) conducting maintenance by P1: 25 ml, P2: 50, P3: 75 ml, P4: 100 ml. The second
watering and weeding, (8) giving LOF tofu waste factor is em4 treatment, namely E0: 0 ml / 100 ml of
and EM4 according to the treatment dose with a water, E1 : 1 ml / 100 ml of water, E2 : 2 ml / 100 ml
feeding interval once a week, (9) measuring plant of water, E3 : 3 ml / 100 ml of water, E4 : 4 ml / 100
growth parameters. ml of water.
The technique of measuring the growth of
mustard green plants is as follows: 1) The height of

Table 1. Combination of treatments

Treatment P0 P1 P2 P3 P4
E0 P0E0 P1E0 P2E0 P3E0 P4E0
E1 P0E1 P1E1 P2E1 P3E1 P4E1
E2 P0E2 P1E2 P2E2 P3E2 P4E2
E3 P0E3 P1E3 P2E3 P3E3 P4E3
E4 P0E4 P1E4 P2E4 P3E4 P4E4

Data analysis was analyzed by using the P0E1 combination treatment (combination of 0 ml
application SPSS Statistic Version 25. The data LOF of tofu waste and 1 ml of EM4/100 ml of
obtained from this study were analyzed using a two- water), which is 28.83 cm. Measurements of the
way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) test to number of leaves, leaf area, and dry weight obtained
determine the effect of treatment on the growth of the highest average values on the P1E4 treatment (a
mustard green plants. Further tests can be done if F combination of 25 ml of tofu waste LOF and 4 ml of
count > F table using the BNT test (Smallest Real EM4/100 ml of water), namely 10.33 strands
Difference) at a significant level of 5% [12]. Suppose continued, 67.45 cm2, and 8.99 gr respectively.
the statistical test calculation value (P-value) is Measurement of the wet weight of plants obtained
greater than the value of α (5%). In that case, it can the highest average value at P0E0 (control), which is
be concluded that H0 is accepted and can be 32.33 gr. Furthermore, the Measurement of data was
formulated: P-value > α (0.05) = H0 failed to be analyzed using the ANOVA test to determine the
rejected [13]. effect of treatment on the growth parameters of
mustard greens. The parameters measured include
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS the height of the plant, number of leaves, wet weight,
The data of plant height measurement leaf area, and dry weight of the plant.
results obtained the highest average value on the

J. Pijar MIPA, Vol. 17 No.4, July 2022: 554-559 ISSN 1907-1744 (Print)
DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v17i4.3412 ISSN 2460-1500 (Online)

Table 2. ANOVA Test Recapitulation

No. Growth parameters Nilai P (sig)

LOF Tofu waste EM4 LOF tofu waste*EM4
1 Plant’s height 0.709 0.803 0.997
2 Number of leaves 0.852 0.375 0.658
3 Wet weight 0.131 0.310 0.916
4 Leaf area 0.302 0.028 0.771
5 Dry weight 0.356 0.056 0.943

The recapitulation of the ANOVA test of dose of more than 100 ml. This difference in results
the main influence and interaction of liquid organic is likely due to differences in the added materials as
fertilizers (LOF) of tofu and EM4 waste on the well as the media used.
growth of mustard greens is presented in the table 2. On the parameters of the number of leaves,
The results of the ANOVA test of the main the wet and dry weight of the plant without treatment
influence and interaction of liquid organic fertilizers (control) have quite good growth. The addition of the
(LOFs) of tofu and EM4 waste on the growth of EM4 dose lowers those parameters. It is likely
mustard greens showed that all the main factors and because the content in the planting media can support
interaction factors obtained from P (sig) value of > plant growth, so the addition of EM4 or LOF of tofu
0.05. Based on the analysis results, it can be known waste cannot be seen as the effect. The addition of
that the alternative hypothesis (H1) is rejected or the EM4 can increase the availability of nutrients, but
null hypothesis (H0) is accepted at the 5% test level. plants do not use it for their growth. The lowest
The results of the analysis can be concluded that the compost and EM4 dose treatment already supports
main factors of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) of tofu plant growth, then the increase in compost dose and
waste. The main factors of EM4, the interaction EM4 dose cannot increase plant growth [22].
factors of liquid organic fertilizers (LOF) of tofu The results of the ANOVA test showed that
waste, and EM4 did not exert a significant influence the provision LOF of tofu waste and EM4 did not
on all the observed green mustard growth parameters have a significant influence on the observed growth
(Brassica juncea L.). parameters. It was according to the low nitrogen,
The administration of liquid organic phosphorus, and potassium content in tofu liquid
fertilizers (LOF) of tofu and EM4 waste does not waste fertilizers and the planting media used. The
exert a significant influence on the growth of liquid tofu waste used was made of 2 kg of soybeans
mustard green plants on all observed growth mixed with 60 liters of water, and it was the last
parameters, including plant height, the number of liquid waste from tofu treatment so that the protein
leaf strands, wet weight, leaf area, and dry weight of content is not too much. The content of nitrogen and
the plant. Organic fertilizers do not contain large K2O in solid tofu waste (tofu pulp) is 1.24% and
amounts of nutrients. Still, adding organic matter to 1.34%. The result is greater than the content in tofu
the soil can trigger the growth of microorganisms liquid waste which is only 0.27% nitrogen and 0.29%
that help absorb nutrients and play an important role K2O [23]. The acidity level of the soil or the pH of
in improving soil structure [14;15]. the soil also affects the growth of the plant. The
In this study, the results of the ANOVA test ability of plants to carry out the nutrient absorption
showed that the main factors of liquid organic process is influenced by the main factors, namely the
fertilizer (LOF) of tofu waste, the main factors of acidity level of the soil or pH. Soils that have a
EM4, the interaction factors of liquid organic neutral pH are good soils used for farming. Soils
fertilizers (LOF) of tofu waste, and EM4 did not with a neutral pH are at 6.5-7.8. The chemical
have a significant influence on all the observed green properties of the soil are closely related to
mustard growth parameters (Brassica juncea L.). The fertilization activities. Knowing the chemical
same results were also shown in the research properties of the soil means getting an idea of the
conducted by [16; 17; 18; 19], which states that the type and amount of fertilizer needed. Knowledge of
administration of waste liquid organic fertilizers does the chemical properties of the soil can give an idea of
not significantly influence plant growth parameters. fertilizer doses and fertilizer reactions after they have
However, the results of research conducted by [20; been given to the soil [24]
21] state that the administration of waste liquid The low content of nitrogen, phosphorus,
organic fertilizers tofu significantly influences plant and potassium elements in organic fertilizers causes
growth parameters. In Savitri's study, researchers plant growth to be not optimal. Physiologically,
added several other ingredients that may increase the nitrogen can spur the vegetative growth of plants and
availability of nutrients in liquid organic fertilizers, the development of plant organs so that it is faster to
such as the addition of chitosan. Researchers added experience an increase in the number of leaves and
Curcuma and lemongrass. In addition, the planting the size of the leaf area. In addition, the element
media used is a mixture of soil and sand, and the nitrogen is also part of chlorophyll. If the plant is
dose of liquid organic fertilizer given starts from a exposed to nitrogen element deficiency, it can inhibit
J. Pijar MIPA, Vol. 17 No.4, July 2022: 554-559 ISSN 1907-1744 (Print)
DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v17i4.3412 ISSN 2460-1500 (Online)

the process of chlorophyll formation in the leaves. by plants because it is still in the form of compounds
The element nitrogen plays an important role in the that need to be broken down into ions that are easily
formation of green leaf substances used in the absorbed by plants [31]. Liquid waste of tofu is
process of photosynthesis of plants. It can produce converted into fertilizer through the fermentation
carbohydrates as food that will be used in the growth process with the help of EM4 bio activators. EM4
process [25]. Sufficient N, P, and K nutrients will will decompose the nutrients in tofu liquid waste into
stimulate overall growth such as stems and branches simpler nutrients so that plants can directly absorb
and be able to form broad leaf strands with high and use them to support their growth and
chlorophyll content so that the plant can produce development. Fermentation occurs in anaerobic
enough assimilation to support its vegetative growth environmental conditions where microorganisms
[26; 27]. Nitrogen is the main nutrient for plant decompose organic compounds such as proteins,
growth, as it is a constituent of proteins and nucleic carbohydrates, and fats into simpler forms of
acids. Thus, it also arranges the protoplasm as a compounds. The advantage of anaerobic processes is
whole. If the N element is available, a lot will that the process produces energy in the form of
produce more protein so that the leaves can grow biogas, is easy to do, cheap, does not require large
wider [28]. The provision of liquid organic fertilizers land, and does not require energy for aeration [32].
(LOF) of tofu waste and EM4 does not significantly The fermentation process with EM4 that takes place
influence all observed growth parameters due to the anaerobically can eliminate unpleasant odors. The
low nutrient content of N, P, and K in organic fermentation duration will affect the content of
fertilizers. nutrient elements contained in the liquid waste of
P1E4 treatment (a combination of 25 ml tofu because the longer it is fermented, the food
LOF tofu and 4 ml EM4 / 100 ml of water) obtained source for these bacteria will also decrease over time
the highest average growth of mustard green plants the fermentation process occurs. Therefore, it is
compared to other treatments. This is in line with the necessary to know the best period of the fermentation
statement [29] that the volume of EM4 bio activators process so that it can produce enough nutrient
greatly affects the content of N, P, and K, because content for plant growth [33].
the more volume of EM4 bio activators, the higher The use of organic fertilizers in this study
the levels of N, P, and K. The average observation LOF waste of tofu and EM4 did not exert a
results of the lowest growth parameters are indicated significant influence and interaction on all observed
by the combination treatment given 2 ml EM4 / 100 growth parameters. In this study, EM4 should be
ml of water. The treatment of P1E2 (a combination used only during the fermentation process of liquid
of 25 ml LOF tofu and 2 ml EM4 / 100 ml of water), waste of tofu so that the content contained in the
which has the height and least number of leaves, and liquid waste can be decomposed by microorganisms
the treatment of P3E2 (combination of 75 ml LOF contained in EM4. It is more recommended to
tofu and 2 ml EM4 / 100 ml of water) which has a combine liquid organic fertilizers (LOF) of tofu
wet weight, leaf area, and lowest dry weight. waste by adding inorganic fertilizers tailored to the
The increase in wet weight and dry weight symptoms of nutrient deficiency needed by plants.
of the plant is closely related to the number and area Fertilization activities, especially inorganic
of leaves. If the plant has a large number of leaves, it fertilizers, should be tailored to the needs of plants.
will produce a high wet weight, and a wide leaf Following the concept described in the Minimum
surface allows it to absorb more sunlight. The Liebig law, the provision of fertilizers/nutrients that
photosynthesis process takes place faster, resulting in are effective in increasing crop yields is the nutrient
the higher weight of the plant [30]. Although not whose availability is the most minimal/critical in the
significant, the results showed a link between the soil. Thus, the addition of inorganic fertilizers is
observed growth parameters where the treatment of adjusted to the symptoms of nutrient strength through
P1E4 (a combination of 25 ml LOF tofu and 4 ml visual observation or utilization of data from soil
EM4 / 100 ml of water) has the average number of analysis [34]. Thus, its effect can be seen by the
leaves the most: 10.33 strands and the largest leaf provision of treatment, including the combination
area is 67.45 cm2 so that plants with P1E4 treatment treatment of LOF waste tofu and EM4.
have the largest wet weight and dry weight, namely
wet weight 30.33 grams, and dry weight 8.99 gr. CONCLUSION
The availability of nutrients strongly Based on the results of research and
influences plant growth in an optimum and balanced discussion, it can be concluded that: (1) The
state. A plant will thrive if all the nutrients needed provision LOF of tofu waste does not have a
are sufficient and available in the appropriate form significant influence on all parameters of mustard
for the plant to absorb. In liquid waste know, there growth, and (2) Em4 administration does not have a
are organic materials such as nitrogen (N) for the significant influence on the parameters of mustard
growth of buds, stems, and leaves, phosphorus (P) to growth. (3) The interaction of liquid organic
stimulate the growth of roots, fruits, and seeds, and fertilizers (LOF) tofu waste and EM4 has an unreal
potassium (K) to increase plant resistance to disease effect on all observed growth parameters, including
pest attacks. However, it cannot be directly absorbed
J. Pijar MIPA, Vol. 17 No.4, July 2022: 554-559 ISSN 1907-1744 (Print)
DOI: 10.29303/jpm.v17i4.3412 ISSN 2460-1500 (Online)

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