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IPC - 122 Shitoljhorna Khal RW Draft

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The document discusses a project to re-excavate and renovate khals (canals) in Chittagong City to mitigate water logging problems. It provides details on expenditures, payments, and work completed.

The project is about re-excavating, renovating, and developing khals (canals) in Chittagong City, Bangladesh to address water logging problems. The total contract amount is 7,230,000,000 BDT.

IPC-122 provides an interim payment certificate with details of expenditures, previous and current bills, tax deductions, retention amounts, and net payable amount for the project.

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City

Client: 34 Engineer Construction Brigade Contract Amount (BDT): 7,230,000,000.00

Consultant : Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services Date of Work Order: 26 September, 2018
Contractor : Wahid Construction Ltd Date of Completion: 31 December, 2019
Date of Submission: 16 October ,2019

Particulars Remarks
(A) (B) ( C) (D) (E ) (F) (D-E)
1 Parmanent Work Completed 7,230,000,000.00 #REF! 80,268,619.00 33,845,921.00 #REF!
2 Advance Payment 250,000,000.00 250,000,000.00 250,000,000.00
3 Deduction of Advance
a. 1st Instalment : UP to 15 Crore @ 10% of up-to-
date work complete at Column-D 21,219,816.04 9,595,594.04 5,642,116.00 11,624,222.00
b. 2nd Instalment: 15 to 30 Crore @ 20% 12,558,920.00 - 12,558,920.00
c. 3rd Instalment: 30 to 45 Crore @ 20% - -
d. 4th Instalment: 45 to 60 Crore @ 25% - -
e. 5th Instalment: 60 to 75 Crore @ 25% - -
4 Total Advance Deduction (a+b+c+d+e) - 33,778,736.04 9,595,594.04 5,642,116.00 24,183,142.00
5 Sub Total (1+2-4) without column C #REF! 320,673,024.96 28,203,805.00 #REF!
6 Deduction ofIncome TAX @5% of Sub-total 5 #REF! 22,447,112.00 1,974,266.00 #REF!
7 Deduction of VAT @7.5 % of Sub-total 5 #REF! 22,588,131.00 2,115,285.00 #REF!
8 Sub-total (TAX+VAT)=6+7 - #REF! 45,035,243.00 4,089,551.00 #REF!
9 Deduction of Retention Money @5% of 1 #REF! 4,013,431.00 1,692,296.00 #REF!
10 Net Payable Amount (5-8) - #REF! 275,637,782.00 24,114,254.00 #REF!
Amount Payable in this IPC-05: Tk. Seven Crore Twenty Eight Lac Twenty Five Thousand One Hundred Seventy One Taka Only

Certified that the works has been carried out as per terms and condition of the contract and materials used satisfy the requirement of the specification.
Wahid Construction Ltd. CEGIS Headquarters 34 Engineer Construction Brigade

1. Md. Bajlur Rashid 2. Engr. Major Sarder Ziaur Rahman 1. Maj Muhammad Rizwanur Rahman Rikabder, Engrs. 2. Lt. Col Md . Shah Ali
1. Engr. Habibor Rahman (Retd.)
Project Manager Resident Deputy Team Project
Project Officer (PO)
Engineer Leader Director
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Client: 34 Engineer Construction Brigade Contract Amount (BDT): 7,230,000,000.00
Consultant : Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services Date of Work Order: 26 September, 2018
Contractor : Wahid Construction Ltd Date of Completion: 30 June, 2022
Name of Khal : Shitolhorna Khal (CH: 0+000 to 6+790) - Retaining Wall Date of Submission: 25 June, 2022

Particulars TOTAL Remarks
(A) (B) ( C) (D) (E ) (F) (D-E)
1 Parmanent Work Completed 7,230,000,000.00 2,509,044,535.00 2,473,885,050.00 16,830,773.00 35,159,485.00
2 Advance Payment 250000000+473000000 473,000,000.00 473,000,000.00 - -
3 Deduction of Advance 25 Crore Earlier Adjusted
a. 1st Instalment : UP to 169.61 Crore @
26.28% of up-to-date work complete at Column- 137,806,911.00 137,806,911.00 - -
b. 2nd Instalment: 169.61 to 202.21 Crore @ 36.28% 89,605,536.00 89,605,536.00 - -
c. 3rd Instalment: 202.21 to 234.81 Crore @ 36.28% 119,136,043.00 119,136,043.00 - -
d. 4th Instalment: 234.81 to 267.40 Crore @ 29.02% 38,722,419.00 28,519,136.00 4,884,291.00 10,203,283.00
e. 5th Instalment: 267.40 to 300.00 Crore @ 7.26% - - - -
4 Total Advance Deduction (a+b+c+d+e) 385,270,909.00 375,067,626.00 4,884,291.00 10,203,283.00
5 Sub Total (1+2-4) without column C 2,596,773,626.00 2,571,817,424.00 11,946,482.00 24,956,202.00
6 Deduction of Income TAX @ 7% 111,209,557.00 109,462,622.00 836,254.00 1,746,935.00
7 Deduction of VAT @7.5% 132,080,781.00 130,339,650.00 833,476.00 1,741,131.00
8 Sub-total (TAX+VAT)=6+7 243,290,338.00 239,802,272.00 1,669,730.00 3,488,066.00
9 Sub Total (5-8) 2,353,483,288.00 2,332,015,152.00 10,276,752.00 21,468,136.00
10 Deduction of Retention Money @5% of 1 125,452,227.00 123,694,253.00 841,539.00 1,757,974.00
11 Net Payable Amount (9-10) 2,228,031,061.00 2,208,320,899.00 9,435,213.00 19,710,162.00
Amount Payable in this IPC-122: Tk. One Crore Ninety Seven Lac Ten Thousand One Hundred Sixty Two Taka Only.
Wahid Construction Ltd. CEGIS Headquarters 34 Engineer Construction Brigade

1. BA-4251 2. BA-6013
1. Maj Md. Abdul Fattah Khan 2. Engr. Major Sarder Ziaur Rahman Major Md Jayedi Ahsan Lt. Col Md. Shah Ali
1. Engr. Habibor Rahman
(Retd.) (Retd.) Habib
Project Manager
Engineer Deputy Team Leader Project
Project Officer Director
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City

Wahid Construction Ltd.

IPC-122 summary as per price BOQ

Khal Name: Shitoljhorna Khal
Price in BDT
Up-to Remarks
Sl. No. Description of Item Previous period This period
This period

1 RCC Retaining wall 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00

Total amount for RCC Retaining Wall= 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

Supplying Sign Board at site of 1.5mx1.0m size in plain CI sheet;

1 12 painting, writing, erecting & fixing with bamboo including all No. 2850.00 3.000 8,550.00 0.000 - 3.000 8,550.00
complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Providing Layout and carry over Bench Mark (BM) at site from
nearby BM pillar, demarcating property lines, existing ground level
(EGL), formation ground level (FGL), highest flood level (HFL),
2 2 plinth level (PL). Setting and marking all pillars, markers, pegs etc. Sqm 12.00 12755.483 153,065.80 376.450 4,517.40 13131.933 157,583.20
showing and maintaining reduced levels (RLs) including locating,
establishing, protecting all public utilities within the premise of
work and finally all to be presented in black and white etc. all
Earth Work
complete as in
perexcavation in the
direction of foundation
E-I-C. trenches for hydraulic
structures in all sorts of soil except rocky, gravelly, slushy or
organic type, up to a depth of 2m to the lines, grades and elevation
as shown on the drawings, removing boulders, logs and other
3 objectionable materials, clearing all loose materials, disposing of all cum 400.00 27761.712 11,104,684.96 0.000 - 27761.712 11,104,684.96
Wall excavated materials to a safe distance designated by the Engineer-
in-Charge for an initial lead of 20m, and cut to a firm surface etc.
all complete as per requirement and direction of the Engineer-in-
Earth Work in excavation in foundation trenches for hydraulic
structures in all sorts of soil except of rocky, gravelly, slushy or
organic type, for each additional depth beyond 2m to the lines,
grades and elevation as shown on the drawings, removing boulders,
logs and other objectionable materials, clearing all loose materials, -
disposing of all excavated materials to a safe distance designated by
4 4
the Engineer-in-Charge for an initial lead of 20m, and cut to a firm
surface, etc. all complete as per requirement and instruction of the
1st 1m and part thereof cum 526.63 10363.966 5,457,975.20 0.000 - 10363.966 5,457,975.20
2nd 1m and part thereof cum 549.69 10016.612 5,506,031.34 0.000 - 10016.612 5,506,031.34
3rd 1m and part thereof cum 572.00 8640.759 4,942,514.26 0.000 - 8640.759 4,942,514.26
Sub- Total of Retaining Wall, A= 27,172,821.56 4,517.40 27,177,338.96

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

Shore protection work during excavation in foundation trenches to

protect loose soil due to damage of property with bitumen drum
sheet fitted with gazari post 150mm minimum dia, 0.90m c/c to be
driven half of the total length of the post Drum sheet to be fitted
with Garzan wooden batten 50mmx50mm size at 0.60 meter c/c
5 8 supplying and fixing with 150mm dia gazari post crosses 1.80 sqm 1420.000 0.000 - 0.000 - 0.000 -
meter c/c fixed with necessary nuts and bolts at the slope side of
palisading and tied up the palisading work by GI wire No. 10 with
gazari past 150mm dia and 1.8 meter c/c driven at the opposite
direction up to 1.20 meter depth including supplying all necessary
nails and spikes etc. complete as per direction of E-I-C. (Payment
will be charge
made forof the
workHot rolled
above Steellevels.).(the
ground Sheet piles rate
as per
costspecifications (sections, thickness, lengths &
of vertical posts)
Mechanical properties) for shoring during earth excavation for
6 9 foundation trenches to support the soil due avoiding damages of kg 25.000 1460324.436 36,508,110.90 226971.260 5,674,281.50 1687295.696 42,182,392.40
property, road, houses etc. Before using the sheet pile supplied by
the contractor a written approval from Project Director must be
Driving U-type steel sheet pile of various sections and weights in
any type of soil by monkey hammer including handling and placing
in position, staging and supplying of all equipment like monkey
hammer, pulley, rope, bamboo, bullah etc. including correcting
7 10 sqm 1220.000 11913.570 14,534,555.77 1827.000 2,228,940.00 13740.570 16,763,495.77
leaning beyond tolerance & other defects etc. complete as per
drawing and direction of the Engineer in charge (Measurement will
be taken on projected "width x driven depth" from lowest ground
level) up to 4.5m depth.
Taking out u-type steel sheet piles of various sections and weights
from any type of soil by mechanical device including handling and
8 11 placing in stacks etc. complete (measurement will be taken on sqm 3150.00 11869.410 37,388,642.45 1827.000 5,755,050.00 13696.410 43,143,692.45
projected "width x embeded depth" including arranging all
equipment etc. all complete as per direction of the Engineer in
Sub- Total of Retaining Wall, B= 88,431,309.11 13,658,271.50 102,089,580.61

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

Construction of temporary cross dam in all type of soil, including

cutting, carrying throwing & filling with all leads and lifts etc. and
9 14 removing the cross dam after complete the re- excavation of khal, RM 18500.00 41.000 758,500.00 0.000 - 41.000 758,500.00
etc. all complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

P&B: Pumping and bailing out water from the interior of any
foundation enclosure of work site with all leads and lifts including
supply, operation and maintenance of requisite number of water
pumps, arrangements for protection of ringh bund and side slopes
of foundation pit against erosion or washout etc. It should be perHr/
10 15 carried out in such a manner as to preclude the possibility of the pump
430.00 1727.500 742,825.00 0.000 - 1727.500 742,825.00
movement of water through or alongside any concrete being placed,
etc. all complete as per direction of E-I-C. No pumping or bailing
will be permitted during the placing of concrete.

Sand filling on the prepared foundation bed with sand of specified

FM in layers not more than 150mm thick including necessary
carriage, leveling, watering and ramming to achieve minimum dry
density (MDD) of 95% STD compaction with optimum moisture
11 18 content (OMC) by ramming each layer up to finished level as per cum 795.000 2209.490 1,756,544.86 0.000 - 2209.490 1,756,544.86
direction of E-I-C.
Sand of Minimum FM 0.8

Sub- Total of Retaining Wall, C= 3,257,869.86 - 3,257,869.86

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

RCC-25SCCM: Reinforced cement concrete work for pre-cast pile

with cement content relates to mix ratio 1:1.5:3 and maximum
water cement ratio 0.4 having minimum required average
compressive strength, f'cr = 33.5 MPa and satisfying a compressive
strength f'c = 25 MPa at 28 days on standard cylinders as per
standard practice of code AASHTO/ ASTM and cement
conforming to BDS EN 197-1 : 2003 CEM-II/A-L/M/V/W 42.5N,
water reducing admixture of complying type A under ASTM C 494
(Doses of admixture to be fixed by the mix design), sand of
minimum FM 2.5 and 20mm down well graded crushed stone chips
broken from boulders (Preferably stone chips from Madhyapara,
Dinajpur, LAA value not exceeding 30) conforming to ASTM C
19 33, including breaking stone boulders into chips, screening through Cum 15500.00 1991.298 30,865,111.25 0.000 - 1991.298 30,865,111.25
proper sieves, cleaning and washing, centering and shuttering with
MS sheet, MS angle, nuts and bolts, chamfering edges, preparation
of casting beds, laying polythene, placing reinforcement cages in
position, mixing in standard mixture machine with hoper,
maintaining allowable slump of 50mm to 100mm, casting,
compacting by mechanical vibrators and tapered rods as where
necessary, curing for 28 days etc. The cost of reinforcement and
it's fabrication, binding, welding and placing is not included but the
cost of admixture is included in this unit rate. Additional quantity
of cement to be added if required to attain the specified strength to
be provided by the contractor at his own cost. Note: Using Concrete
Sub- Total of Retaining Wall, D= 30,865,111.25 - 30,865,111.25

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

RCC-25SCBP: Reinforced cement concrete work for pre-cast pile

with cement content relates to mix ratio 1:1.5:3 and maximum
water cement ratio 0.4 having minimum required average
compressive strength, f'cr = 33.5 MPa and satisfying a compressive
strength f'c = 25 MPa at 28 days on standard cylinders as per
standard practice of code AASHTO/ ASTM and cement
conforming to BDS EN 197-1 : 2003 CEM-II/A-L/M/V/W 42.5N,
water reducing admixture of complying type A under ASTM C 494
(Doses of admixture to be fixed by the mix design), sand of
minimum FM 2.5 and 20mm down well graded crushed stone chips
broken from boulders (Preferably stone chips from Madhyapara,
Dinajpur, LAA value not exceeding 30) conforming to ASTM C
33, including breaking stone boulders into chips, screening through
'Retaining proper sieves, cleaning and washing, centering and shuttering with
20 MS sheet, MS angle, nuts and bolts, chamfering edges, preparation cum 16000.00 896.660 14,346,560.00 0.000 - 896.660 14,346,560.00
of casting beds, laying polythene, placing reinforcement cages in
position, mixing in mechanized batch mix plant & pumping using
line pump or boom placer, maintaining allowable slump of 50mm
to 100mm, casting, compacting by mechanical vibrators and
tapered rods as where necessary, curing for 28 days etc. The cost of
reinforcement and it's fabrication, binding, welding and placing is
not included but the cost of admixture is included in this unit rate.
Additional quantity of cement to be added if required to attain the
specified strength to be provided by the contractor at his own cost.
Note: Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer & Concrete Pump

Sub- Total of Retaining Wall, C= 14,346,560.00 - 14,346,560.00

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

RCC-25SCCM: Reinforced cement concrete work with minimum

cement content ralated to nominal mix ratio 1:1.5:3 and maximum
water cement ratio 0.4 achieving minimum required average
strength, f'cr = 33.5 Mpa and satisfying a compressive strength, f'c
= 25 Mpa at 28 days on standard cylinders as per standard practice
of Code AASHTO/ ASTM and using cement conforming to BDS
EN 197-1 : 2003 CEM-II 42.5N / ASTM C150 Type-1, with high
range water reducing admixture complying type A or F under
ASTM C 494 (Doses of admixture to be fixed by the mix design),
sand of minimum FM 2.5 and 20mm down well graded crushed
stone chips broken from boulders (Preferably stone chips from
Madhyapara, Dinajpur, LAA value not exceeding 30) conforming
to ASTM C33 including breaking chips, screening through proper
'Retaining sieves, cleaning, placing shutters in position, making shutters
31 water-tight properly, placing reinforcement in position, mixing in Cum 15200.00 0.000 - 0.000 - 0.000 -
standard mixture machine with hoper, maintaining allowable slump
of 50mm to 100mm, casting in forms, compacting by mechanical
vibrator machine, curing for 28 days, removing centering-
shuttering after approved specified time period, other incidental
charges, etc. all complete as per drawing, specification & direction
of the E-I-C. The cost of reinforcement and it's fabrication,
welding, coupling, placing, binding etc. is not included but the cost
of admixture is included in this unit rate. Additional quantity of
cement to be added if required to attain the strength at the
contractor's own cost.
Note: Using Concrete Mixer
For bottom and approach slab of box culvert, regulator/ pipe sluice/
Rubber Dam/ WRS of any height

Sub- Total of Retaining Wall, F= - - -

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

Manufacturing, supplying and fitting fixing MS shoe at RCC pre-

cast pile tip with tip area 12mm x 12 mm, butt area 150mm x
150mm and height 250mm, fabricated with 6mm thick 4 nos MS
plate (12mm x 150mm x 250mm) at sides and one plate (12mm x
15 28 12mm) at tip, having 6mm thick continuous fillet weld at all joints Each 2070.00 2757.000 5,706,990.00 0.000 - 2757.000 5,706,990.00
and 20mm dia. 800mm long anchor MS re-bar along with 4 nos.
20mm x 20mm x 3mm MS angle welded to the tip plate including
cost of all materials, labour etc. all complete as per design, drawing
& direction of the E-I-C.
RCC-25SCCM: Reinforced cement concrete work with minimum
cement content ralated to nominal mix ratio 1:1.5:3 and maximum
water cement ratio 0.4 achieving minimum required average
strength, f'cr = 33.5 Mpa and satisfying a compressive strength, f'c
= 25 Mpa at 28 days on standard cylinders as per standard practice
of Code AASHTO/ ASTM and using cement conforming to BDS
Retaining EN 197-1 : 2003 CEM-II 42.5N / ASTM C150 Type-1, with high
Wall range water reducing admixture complying type A or F under
ASTM C 494 (Doses of admixture to be fixed by the mix design),
sand of minimum FM 2.5 and 20mm down well graded crushed
stone chips broken from boulders (Preferably stone chips from
16 32 Madhyapara, Dinajpur, LAA value not exceeding 30) conforming Cum 19100.00 4925.551 94,078,014.55 0.000 - 4925.551 94,078,014.55
to ASTM C33 including breaking chips, screening through proper
sieves, cleaning, placing shutters in position, making shutters
water-tight properly, placing reinforcement in position, mixing in
standard mixture machine with hoper, maintaining allowable slump
of 50mm to 100mm, casting in forms, compacting by mechanical
vibrator machine, curing for 28 days, removing centering-
shuttering after approved specified time period, other incidental
charges, etc. all complete as per drawing, specification & direction
of the E-I-C. The cost of reinforcement and it's fabrication,
welding, coupling, placing, binding etc. is not included but the cost
of admixture is included in this unit rate. Additional quantity of
Sub- ifTotal
cement to be added of Retaining
required to attain theWall, E=at the
strength 99,785,004.55 - 99,785,004.55
contractor's own cost.
Note: Using Concrete Mixer
For diaphragm walls, wing walls, pier columns, abutments and
other vertical members of hydraulic structure
Height up to 5 m

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

RCC-25SCCM: Reinforced cement concrete work with minimum

cement content ralated to nominal mix ratio 1:1.5:3 and maximum
water cement ratio 0.4 achieving minimum required average
strength, f'cr = 33.5 Mpa and satisfying a compressive strength, f'c
= 25 Mpa at 28 days on standard cylinders as per standard practice
of Code AASHTO/ ASTM and using cement conforming to BDS
EN 197-1 : 2003 CEM-II 42.5N / ASTM C150 Type-1, with high
range water reducing admixture complying type A or F under
ASTM C 494 (Doses of admixture to be fixed by the mix design),
sand of minimum FM 2.5 and 20mm down well graded crushed
stone chips broken from boulders (Preferably stone chips from
Madhyapara, Dinajpur, LAA value not exceeding 30) conforming
to ASTM C33 including breaking chips, screening through proper
sieves, cleaning, placing shutters in position, making shutters
17 32 water-tight properly, placing reinforcement in position, mixing in Cum 19600.00 3161.911 61,973,451.68 591.127 11,586,089.20 3753.038 73,559,540.88
standard mixture machine with hoper, maintaining allowable slump
of 50mm to 100mm, casting in forms, compacting by mechanical
vibrator machine, curing for 28 days, removing centering-
shuttering after approved specified time period, other incidental
charges, etc. all complete as per drawing, specification & direction
of the E-I-C. The cost of reinforcement and it's fabrication,
welding, coupling, placing, binding etc. is not included but the cost
of admixture is included in this unit rate. Additional quantity of
cement to be added if required to attain the strength at the
contractor's own cost.
Note: Using Concrete Mixer
For diaphragm walls, wing walls, pier columns, abutments and
other vertical members of hydraulic structure
Height up to 5 m
Sub- Total of Retaining Wall, E= 61,973,451.68 11,586,089.20 73,559,540.88

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

Supplying and fabrication of Ribbed or deformed bar reinforcement

conforming to BDS ISO 6935-2:2006 (or standard subsequently
released from BSTI) for all types of RCC work including
straightening, removing ruts, cleaning, cutting, hooking, bending,
lapping and/or welding wherever required as directed, placing in
position, tieing with 22 BWG black annealed binding wire double
fold, cost of binding wire and anchoring to the adjoining members
wherever necessary, supplying and placing with proper cover
blocks (1:1), supports, chairs, spacers, splices or laps etc. including
cost of all materials, cost of labour, cost of equipment &
machinery, loading and unloading, transportation, all other
incidental charges and work at all leads and lifts etc. to complete
the work as per design, drawing, specifications and direction of the
'Retaining E-I-C. Reinforcement shall be measured only in lengths of bars
35 as actually placed in position on standard weight i.e. 7850 Kg 99.00 1225013.937 121,276,379.81 0.000 - 1225013.937 121,276,379.81
kg/m3 (BNBC Table 6.2.1) basis. No separate payment shall be
allowed for Chairs of any shape & profile, spacer bar of any shape
& profile, lap/ splice, wastages, binding wire, concrete cover blocks
etc. as the cost of these is included in the unit rate.
RB 400 / 400W: Ribbed or Deformed bar produced and marked as
per BDS ISO 6935- 2:2006 with minimum yield stress, fy (ReH) =
400 MPa, but the actual yield strength based on mill tests does not
exceed fy by more than the 125 MPa, the ratio of actual ultimate
strength, fu (Re) to actual tensile yield strength (fy) shall be at least
1.25 and minimum elongation after fracture (A5.65) & minimum
total elongation at maximum force (Agt) is 14% and 2.5%

Sub- Total of Retaining Wall, F= 121,276,379.81 - 121,276,379.81

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

Supplying and fabrication of Ribbed or deformed bar reinforcement

conforming to BDS ISO 6935-2:2006 (or standard subsequently
released from BSTI) for all types of RCC work including
straightening, removing ruts, cleaning, cutting, hooking, bending,
lapping and/or welding wherever required as directed, placing in
position, tieing with 22 BWG black annealed binding wire double
fold, cost of binding wire and anchoring to the adjoining members
wherever necessary, supplying and placing with proper cover
blocks (1:1), supports, chairs, spacers, splices or laps etc. including
cost of all materials, cost of labour, cost of equipment &
machinery, loading and unloading, transportation, all other
incidental charges and work at all leads and lifts etc. to complete
the work as per design, drawing, specifications and direction of the
'Retaining E-I-C. Reinforcement shall be measured only in lengths of bars
35 as actually placed in position on standard weight i.e. 7850 Kg 104.00 1097240.219 114,112,982.73 43711.934 4,546,041.11 1140952.152 118,659,023.84
kg/m3 (BNBC Table 6.2.1) basis. No separate payment shall be
allowed for Chairs of any shape & profile, spacer bar of any shape
& profile, lap/ splice, wastages, binding wire, concrete cover blocks
etc. as the cost of these is included in the unit rate.
RB 400 / 400W: Ribbed or Deformed bar produced and marked as
per BDS ISO 6935- 2:2006 with minimum yield stress, fy (ReH) =
400 MPa, but the actual yield strength based on mill tests does not
exceed fy by more than the 125 MPa, the ratio of actual ultimate
strength, fu (Re) to actual tensile yield strength (fy) shall be at least
1.25 and minimum elongation after fracture (A5.65) & minimum
total elongation at maximum force (Agt) is 14% and 2.5%

Sub- Total of Retaining Wall, F= 114,112,982.73 4,546,041.11 118,659,023.84

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

Providing weep holes in Reinforced concrete retaining wall,

abutment, wing/ return wall, with 50 mm dia PVC pipe extending
through the full width of structure with slope 1V : 7H towards
20 36 draining face including hand packing of filter materials shown in Each 820.00 410.000 336,200.00 0.000 - 410.000 336,200.00
the drawings (60mm - 40mm, 40mm - 20mm and 20mm - 5mm
sized shingles wrapped in coarse sand (FM>1.5)filter in the back
of each weep hole etc. all compete as per direction of the E-I-C.
[Cost of PVC
Suppying and pipe is and
fitting included
this item and
wide, shall type
3 bulb not be paidwater
stops having minimum strength of 13.80 N/mm2 at 225%
21 37 elongation and of approved quality in expansion joints with m 900.00 993.250 893,925.00 81.050 72,945.00 1074.300 966,870.00
necessary arrangments for modification in shuttering and keeping
the water stop in position etc. complete as per design, specification
and direction of Engineer in charge.
Labour Charge for fitting and fixing 23cm wide P.V.C water
22 38 stops, in the expansion joints of hydraulic structures with m 49.89 993.250 49,553.24 81.050 4,043.58 1074.300 53,596.83
necessary modification of formworks as per design, specification
and direction of Engineer in charge.
Supplying and fitting, fixing dowel bar in expansion joints
of hydraulic structures with 20 mm dia M.S. Plain bar 1000mm
long embeded in concrete in one end and painted other end for a
23 39 length of 500 mm inserted into a 25mm 600mm long PVC pipe that Each 510.00 1357.000 692,070.00 94.000 47,940.00 1451.000 740,010.00
closed other end by plastic cap as shown in the design drawings
including placing in position, binding with G.I. wire etc. complete
as per direction of Engineer in charge.
Providing cork sheet/ polysterene sheet in the expansion joints of
concrete works including supply of all materials etc. complete as
24 42 design drawings and direction of Engineer in charge.
a. 20mm thick sheet Sqm 461.70 557.069 257,198.76 31.023 14,323.09 588.092 271,521.85
Sub- Total of Retaining Wall, G= 2,228,947.00 139,251.67 2,368,198.67

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

Sand filling on the prepared foundation bed with sand of minimum

FM>1.5 relative density >50% with 150mm in thickness each layer
including supplying, placing in confirmity with the profile and level
25 NTI-01 cum 2510.00 562.914 1,412,914.14 0.000 - 562.914 1,412,914.14
as per design including watering, compaction etc all complete as
per instruction of the E-I-C

Cement Concrete work (1:3:6) in blinding/ centering layer below

RCC works, pump house and bottom of sump well in connection
with Rubber Dam construction with Portland cement, sand
26 NTI-02 (minimum FM1.8) and 20mm down graded stone chips (LAA value cum 11530.40 631.806 7,284,981.09 0.000 - 631.806 7,284,981.09
not exceeding 35) including mixing by concrete mixer machine,
laying, casting, compacting by concrete vibrator, curing for the
requisite period etc. all complete as per direction of the Engineer in
CC-10: Cement concrete
charge. Cylinder crushingwork in foundation
strength of concretewith minimum
should be as
compressive strength
specified in the design.of 10 Mpa at 28 days (sugessted mix
proportion 1:3:6) on standard cylinder as per standard practice of
27 NTI code AASHTO/ASTM and cement conforming to BDS EN 197- cum 9150.52 411.903 3,769,131.17 29.263 267,774.87 441.167 4,036,906.04
1:2003 CEM-II/A-L/M/V/W 42.5N, sand of minimum FM 1.8 and
20mm down well graded 1st class/ picked brick chips (LAA value
not exceeding 40) comforming to ASTM C 33 including breaking
bricks into chips, shuttering, mixing by concrete mixture machine,
Sub- Total of Retaining Wall, H=
casting, laying compacting and curing for the requisite period etc
12,467,026.40 267,774.87 12,734,801.27
all complete as per direction of E-I-C. Additional quantity of
cement to added if required to attain the strength at the contractor's
own cost.

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

Driving pre-cast RCC piles with drop hammer type rig in any type
of soil to the required depth including fitting and fixing steel cap,
handling and keeping in position and maintaining driving log in
prescribed format as per design, drawing & direction of the E-I-C.
Before commencing driving operation, contractor shall submit the
25 NTI-03 methodology for carrying the driving operation including sequence m 800.00 72.000 57,600.00 0.000 - 72.000 57,600.00
of driving to the E-I-C. The maximum permitted deviation of the
finished pile from the horizontal & vertical shall be 50mm & 25mm
respectively. Cutting of a pile not being installed to the planned
depth is exclusively subject to the approval of Design Unit, LGED.
X-section of pre-cast pile: 300mm X 300mm
For height: Up to 6m
Driving pre-cast RCC piles with drop hammer type rig in any type
of soil to the required depth including fitting and fixing steel cap,
handling and keeping in position and maintaining driving log in
prescribed format as per design, drawing & direction of the E-I-C.
Before commencing driving operation, contractor shall submit the
methodology for carrying the driving operation including sequence
26 NTI-04 of driving to the E-I-C. The maximum permitted deviation of the m 1000.00 0.000 - 0.000 - 0.000 -
finished pile from the horizontal & vertical shall be 50mm & 25mm
respectively. Cutting of a pile not being installed to the planned
depth is exclusively subject to the approval of Design Unit, LGED.
X-section of pre-cast pile: 300mm X 300mm
For height: 6m and above
Driving pre-cast RCC piles with automatic diesel hammer mounted
rig in any type of soil to the required depth including fitting and
fixing steel cap, handling and keeping in position and maintaining
driving log in prescribed format as per design, drawing & direction
of the E-I-C. Before commencing driving operation, contractor
28 NTI-5 shall submit the methodology for carrying the driving operation cum 1050.00 19057.000 20,009,850.00 0.000 - 19057.000 20,009,850.00
including sequence of driving to the E-I-C. The maximum
permitted deviation of the finished pile from the horizontal &
vertical shall be 50mm & 25mm respectively. Cutting of a pile not
being installed to the planned depth is exclusively subject to the
approval of Design Unit, LGED.
X-section of pre-cast pile: 300mm X 300mm
Sub- Total of Retaining Wall, H= 20,067,450.00 - 20,067,450.00

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

Back filling in hydraulic structure with sand of FM >=0.80 in layer

not more than 150mm thick including nacessary carriage, levelling,
watering and ramming to achieve minimum dry density (MDD) of
29 NTI-6 95% of STD compaction with optimum moisture content (OMC) by cum 795.000 10938.074 8,695,768.59 0.000 - 10938.074 8,695,768.59
ramming each layer upto finished level as per direction of E-I-C
etc. all complete as per instruction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
Providing compacted sand, Cement & aggregate sub base course
with using cement confirming to BDS EN 197-1:2003 CEM-ll
42.5N/ ASTM C150 Type-1 (BDS EN), 50mm down well graded
1st class bricks chips and sand FM 0.80 mixed in proportion
30 NTI-8 1:15:15 including mixing properly, watering, compacting cum 5117.000 1674.149 8,566,618.51 361.512 1,849,856.90 2035.661 10,416,475.42
mechanically to give to compaction 100%. All complete as per
drawing, specification & direction of E-I-C

Supplying of non bio-degradable geo-textile bags (empty) of

sizes (600 mm x 600 mm) at project/work site including
fabrication and supply of geo-textile fabric (mass>=
Retaining 400gm/m²) and sewing in accordance with the detailed drawing nos 135.000 730.000 98,550.00 19.000 2,565.00 749.000 101,115.00
31 NTI-09
Wall and Technical Specifications including cost of all materials,
labours, taxes, incidental charges etc. complete as per direction
of Engineer in charge.
Geo-bag; size:600mmx600mm, geo-fabric th.=>3.0mm,
Filling, sewing & placing of non bio-degradable geo-textile bags
of sizes (600 mm x 600 mm) with 50 mm down graded singles,
sewing along one transverse (top) side after filling singles
Retaining including cost of all materials, labours, taxes, incidental nos 812.000 730.000 592,760.00 19.000 15,428.00 749.000 608,188.00
32 NTI-10
Wall charges but excluding cost of geo-bags as per design, technical
specification and detailed drawing etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer in Charge.
Geo-bag (600mmx600mm): geo-fabric thickness =>3.0 mm,
Sub- Total of Retaining Wall, I= 17,953,697.11 1,867,849.90 19,821,547.01

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

Removal of all type of rocky, gravell, Slushy or organic Soil by

excavating earth of canal/Khals/drain to the lines, grades and
elevation as shown in the drawing including of all leads and lift and
33 NTI-17 carrying, disposing of all excavated material at a safe distance cum 410.00 45721.146 18,745,669.86 0.000 - 45721.146 18,745,669.86
designated by the E-I-C including arranging for and supplying all
necessary tools and equipment at work site, etc complete as per
direction ofsurplus
Disposing the E-I-C
excavated soils of all types outside the site
premises up to a lead of specified distance including cost of labour,
cost of equipment and machinery, loading and unloading at both
ends, transportation, all other incidental charges at all leads and lifts
NTI-14 etc. complete as per approval of the E-I-C. The surplus excavated -
material must be dumped in an unobjectionable place outside the
site premises with minimum traffic disruption and the procuring
entity will not be responsible for any irregularities by the party
regarding disposing of the earth.
a. Lead 0 km to 1 km cum 125.00 68244.292 8,530,536.51 0.000 - 68244.292 8,530,536.51
b. Lead 1 km to 2 km cum 155.00 5271.111 817,022.26 0.000 - 5271.111 817,022.26
c. Lead 2 km to 3 km cum 210.00 23230.481 4,878,400.94 0.000 - 23230.481 4,878,400.94
d. Lead 3 km to 4 km cum 265.00 4141.037 1,097,374.81 0.000 - 4141.037 1,097,374.81
e. Lead 4 km to 5 km cum 320.00 0.000 - 0.000 - 0.000 -
Sub- Total of Retaining Wall, J= 34,069,004.37 - 34,069,004.37

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

RCC-25SCCM: Reinforced cement concrete work with minimum

cement content ralated to nominal mix ratio 1:1.5:3 and maximum
water cement ratio 0.4 achieving minimum required average
strength, f'cr = 33.5 Mpa and satisfying a compressive strength, f'c
= 25 Mpa at 28 days on standard cylinders as per standard practice
of Code AASHTO/ ASTM and using cement conforming to BDS
EN 197-1 : 2003 CEM-II 42.5N / ASTM C150 Type-1, with high
range water reducing admixture complying type A or F under
ASTM C 494 (Doses of admixture to be fixed by the mix design),
sand of minimum FM 2.5 and 20mm down well graded crushed
stone chips broken from boulders (Preferably stone chips from
Madhyapara, Dinajpur, LAA value not exceeding 30) conforming
to ASTM C33 including breaking chips, screening through proper
Retaining sieves, cleaning, placing shutters in position, making shutters
NTI-18 water-tight properly, placing reinforcement in position, mixing in Cum 15700.00 7147.929 112,222,491.58 196.220 3,080,654.00 7344.149 115,303,145.58
standard mixture machine with hoper, maintaining allowable slump
of 50mm to 100mm, casting in forms, compacting by mechanical
vibrator machine, curing for 28 days, removing centering-
shuttering after approved specified time period, other incidental
charges, etc. all complete as per drawing, specification & direction
of the E-I-C. The cost of reinforcement and it's fabrication,
welding, coupling, placing, binding etc. is not included but the cost
of admixture is included in this unit rate. Additional quantity of
cement to be added if required to attain the strength at the
contractor's own cost.
Note: Using Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
For bottom and approach slab of box culvert, regulator/ pipe sluice/
Rubber Dam/ WRS of any height
Sub- Total of Retaining Wall, K= 112,222,491.58 3,080,654.00 115,303,145.58

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

Labour for breaking head of hardened cast-in-situ bored pile/ pre-

cast piles to the correct lines and levels from the top of the piles to
the cut-off level as indicated in the approved drawing and exposing
pile reinforcement for embedment in pile cap by any means and
disposal of the debris to an unobjectionable place outside the site
premises including scrapping and removing concrete from steel/
MS rods, straightening and bending of pile bars, preparation and
making of platform where necessary, carrying, all sorts of handling,
36 26 stacking the same properly after clearing, leveling and dressing the cum 4950.00 70.686 349,894.46 0.000 - 70.686 349,894.46
site and clearing the river bed, etc. all complete as per direction of
the E-I-C. Measurement will be given for the actual pile head
Retaining volume to be broken.The debris from pile chipping shall be
Wall disposed outside the site premises at an environmentally safe place
with minimum traffic disruption and procuring entity will not be
responsilbe for any irregularities by the party regarding dumping of
the debris.
Back filling by previous excavated soil in layer not more than
150mm thick including nacessary carriage, levelling, watering and
ramming to achieve minimum dry density (MDD) of 95% of STD
37 5 compaction with optimum moisture content (OMC) by ramming cum 380.00 2159.112 820,462.67 0.000 - 2159.112 820,462.67
each layer upto finished level as per direction of E-I-C etc. all
complete as per instruction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

Dismantling damaged structural works in bridge/culvert and

removing the debris to a safe distance, stacking properly for
38 46 measurement, etc. all complete as per direction of the E-I-C. Brick cum 900.00 3.516 3,164.06 0.000 - 3.516 3,164.06

Sub- Total of Retaining Wall, = 1,173,521.20 - 1,173,521.20

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
34 Engineer Construction Brigade, Bangladesh Army
Project: Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems in Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
IPC-122 Summary

IPC-122:- Measurement period:- Upto 08 June, 2022 G.Bill amount = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00
Previous period This period
This period
Unit price
Sl. BOQ Part Item# Description of Item Unit Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Quantity Amount (Tk) Remarks

Dismantling damaged structural works in bridge/culvert and

removing the debris to a safe distance, stacking properly for
39 47 measurement, etc. all complete as per direction of the E-I-C.RCC cum 4200.00 0.500 2,100.00 0.000 - 0.500 2,100.00

PS: Providing and laying polythene sheet (0.18mm thick) on

40 12 prepared road surface underneath the cement concrete, etc. all sqm 24.00 12761.773 306,282.55 376.450 9,034.80 13138.223 315,317.35
complete as per specifications and direction of the Engineering-in-
Sub- Total of Retaining Wall, L= 308,382.55 9,034.80 317,417.35
G.Bill amount for Retaining Wall = 761,712,011.00 35,159,485.00 796,871,496.00

Contractor Consultant 34 ECB Representative

Representative Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for Layout (Shitoljhorna Khal)
Item No & Name: 02:- Providing Layout and carry over Bench Mark (BM) at site from nearby BM
pillar….. (RW BOQ )

Chainage Segment Length, A Width, B Ar, D=A*B Net Area,

Sl No Side RW Type
(m) (m) (Sqm)
Deduction (D) Sqm
MB & Page No Remarks
From To
Previous Certified Quantity, P= 12,755.483
1 4+910 4+950 L/S RW-5A 1 Sqm 41.000 3.900 159.900 - 159.900 MB-19/Pg-49 Long Heel
2 4+950 4+980 L/S RW-4A 1 Sqm 30.000 3.550 106.500 - 106.500 MB-19/Pg-27 Long Heel
3 4+980 5+010 L/S RW-4A 1 Sqm 31.000 3.550 110.050 - 110.050 MB-19/Pg-25 Long Heel
Sub-Total Quantity, Q= 376.450
Total Quantity, P+Q= 13,131.933
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 376.450


Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Measurement for Sheet Pile Weight - Shitoljhorna Khal
Wahid Construction Ltd. IPC-122

Item No & Name: 09. Hiring charge of U-Type Hot rolled Steel Sheet piles as per approval and specifications (Retaining Wall BOQ )

Location Unit
Sl Length,A Width,B Height,C Thickness, Area=(A*C) MB & Page
Unit Side weight Quantity (kg) Remarks
No (m) (m) (m) D (m) sqm No
From To (kg/m)

Previous Certified Quantity, A = 1,460,324.44

1 4+460 4+524.5 kg L/S 62.800 0.400 12.000 0.0105 753.600 120.000 90,432.00 MB-19/Pg-45

2 4+524.5 4+554.5 kg L/S 30.000 0.400 12.000 0.0105 360.000 120.000 43,200.00 MB-19/Pg-45

3 kg L/S 18.800 0.400 12.000 0.0105 225.600 120.000 27,072.00 MB-19/Pg-45

4 4+554.5 4+584.5 kg L/S 4.400 0.400 12.000 0.0105 52.800 120.000 6,336.00 MB-19/Pg-45

5 kg L/S 6.800 0.400 12.000 0.0105 81.600 120.000 9,792.00 MB-19/Pg-45

6 kg L/S 32.000 0.400 12.000 0.0105 384.000 120.000 46,080.00 MB-19/Pg-45

4+584.5 4+622.5
7 kg L/S 3.200 0.400 6.000 0.0105 19.200 120.000 2,304.00 MB-19/Pg-45

8 20.000 33.755 675.10 MB-19/Pg-45 I-Joist

9 32.000 33.755 1,080.16 MB-19/Pg-45 I-Joist

Sub-Total Quantity ; B= 226,971.26

Total Quantity ; A+B= 1,687,295.70
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 226,971.26

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Measurement for Sheet Pile Weight - Shitoljhorna Khal
Wahid Construction Ltd. IPC-122

Item No & Name: 09. Hiring charge of U-Type Hot rolled Steel Sheet piles as per approval and specifications (Retaining Wall BOQ )

Location Unit
Sl Length,A Width,B Height,C Thickness, Area=(A*C) MB & Page
Contractor Unit Side weight Quantity (kg)
Consultant Remarks
No (m) (m) (m) D (m) sqm No
Representative (kg/m) Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for Sheet Pile Drive - Shitoljhorna Khal

Item No & Name: 10. Driving U-type steel sheet pile of various sections and weights in any type of soil by monkey hammer (Retaining Wall BOQ )

Sl Length,A Width,B Height,C Thickness, Area=(A*C)
Unit Side Quantity (Sqm) MB & Page No Remarks
No (m) (m) (m) D (m) sqm
From To

Previous Certified Quantity, A = 11,913.57

1 4+460 4+524.5 Sqm L/S 62.800 0.400 12.000 0.0105 753.600 753.600 MB-19/Pg-46

2 4+524.5 4+554.5 Sqm L/S 30.000 0.400 12.000 0.0105 360.000 360.000 MB-19/Pg-46

3 Sqm L/S 18.800 0.400 12.000 0.0105 225.600 225.600 MB-19/Pg-46

4 4+554.5 4+584.5 Sqm L/S 4.400 0.400 10.500 0.0105 46.200 46.200 MB-19/Pg-46

5 Sqm L/S 6.800 0.400 8.000 0.0105 54.400 54.400 MB-19/Pg-46

6 Sqm L/S 32.000 0.400 11.500 0.0105 368.000 368.000 MB-19/Pg-46

4+584.5 4+622.5
7 Sqm L/S 3.200 0.400 6.000 0.0105 19.200 19.200 MB-19/Pg-46
Sub-Total Quantity, Q= 1827.000
Total Quantity ; A+B= 13,740.57
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 1,827.00 -

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for Sheet Pile Taking Out - Shitoljhorna Khal

Item No & Name: 11. Taking out U-type steel sheet piles of various sections and weights from any type of soil by mechanical device…. (Retaining Wall BOQ )

Sl Length,A Width,B Height,C Thickness, Area=(A*C)
Unit Side Quantity (Sqm) MB & Page No Remarks
No (m) (m) (m) D (m) sqm
From To

Previous Certified Quantity, A = 11,869.41

1 4+460 4+524.5 Sqm L/S 62.800 0.400 12.000 0.0105 753.600 753.600 MB-19/Pg-47

2 4+524.5 4+554.5 Sqm L/S 30.000 0.400 12.000 0.0105 360.000 360.000 MB-19/Pg-47

3 Sqm L/S 18.800 0.400 12.000 0.0105 225.600 225.600 MB-19/Pg-47

4 4+554.5 4+584.5 Sqm L/S 4.400 0.400 10.500 0.0105 46.200 46.200 MB-19/Pg-47

5 Sqm L/S 6.800 0.400 8.000 0.0105 54.400 54.400 MB-19/Pg-47

6 Sqm L/S 32.000 0.400 11.500 0.0105 368.000 368.000 MB-19/Pg-47

4+584.5 4+622.5
7 Sqm L/S 3.200 0.400 6.000 0.0105 19.200 19.200 MB-19/Pg-47
Sub-Total Quantity, Q= 1827.000
Total Quantity ; A+B= 13,696.410
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 1,827.00 -

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for RCC-25SCCM -Cut of Wall+ Fillet+Sharekey+Sharekey Fillet+Wall (Shitoljhorna Khal)

Item No & Name: 32..RCC-25SCCM: Reinforced Cement Concrete work with minimum cement content ralated to nominal... (Retaining Wall BOQ ) IPC-122

Chainage Volume,
Segment Length, A Width, B Height, C Net Volume, (D)
Sl No Side Item RW Type Unit D=A*B*C MB & Page No Remarks
From To (30m) (m) (m) (m) cum
Previous Certified Quantity, P= 8087.461
L/S Cut of Wall RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 0.300 1.000 9.000 9.0000 MB-20/Pg-04 RMC
L/S Cut of Wall Fillet RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 0.150 0.300 1.350 1.3500 MB-20/Pg-04 RMC
1 4+950 4+980
L/S Wall Fillet RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 0.150 0.300 1.350 1.3500 MB-20/Pg-04 RMC
L/S Wall RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 0.400 4.000 48.000 48.0000 MB-20/Pg-04 RMC
L/S Cut of Wall RW-4A 1 Cum 31.000 0.300 1.000 9.300 9.3000 MB-19/Pg-43 RMC
L/S Cut of Wall Fillet RW-4A 1 Cum 31.000 0.150 0.300 1.395 1.3950 MB-19/Pg-43 RMC
2 4+980 5+010
L/S Wall Fillet RW-4A 1 Cum 31.000 0.150 0.300 1.395 1.3950 MB-19/Pg-43 RMC
L/S Wall RW-4A 1 Cum 31.000 0.400 4.000 49.600 49.6000 MB-19/Pg-43 RMC
L/S Cut of Wall RW-5A 1 Cum 27.000 0.300 1.000 8.100 8.1000 MB-19/Pg-33 RMC
L/S Cut of Wall Fillet RW-5A 1 Cum 27.000 0.150 0.300 1.215 1.2150 MB-19/Pg-33 RMC
L/S Share Key RW-5A 1 Cum 27.000 0.300 0.600 4.860 4.8600 MB-19/Pg-33 RMC
3 5+010 5+040
L/S Share Key Fillet RW-5A 1 Cum 27.000 0.300 0.600 4.860 4.8600 MB-19/Pg-33 RMC
L/S Wall Fillet RW-5A 1 Cum 27.000 0.150 0.300 1.215 1.2150 MB-19/Pg-33 RMC
L/S Wall RW-5A 1 Cum 27.000 0.425 4.500 51.638 51.6375 MB-19/Pg-33 RMC
L/S Cut of Wall RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 0.300 1.000 9.000 9.0000 MB-19/Pg-35 RMC
L/S Cut of Wall Fillet RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 0.150 0.300 1.350 1.3500 MB-19/Pg-35 RMC
4 5+040 5+070
L/S Wall Fillet RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 0.150 0.300 1.350 1.3500 MB-19/Pg-35 RMC
L/S Wall RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 0.400 4.000 48.000 48.0000 MB-19/Pg-35 RMC
L/S Cut of Wall RW-4A 1 Cum 32.800 0.300 1.000 9.840 9.8400 MB-19/Pg-37 RMC
L/S Cut of Wall Fillet RW-4A 1 Cum 32.800 0.150 0.300 1.476 1.4760 MB-19/Pg-37 RMC
5 5+070 5+100
L/S Wall Fillet RW-4A 1 Cum 32.800 0.150 0.300 1.476 1.4760 MB-19/Pg-37 RMC
L/S Wall RW-4A 1 Cum 32.800 0.400 4.000 52.480 52.4800 MB-19/Pg-37 RMC
Sub-Total Quantity, Q= 318.2495 Cum
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for RCC-25SCCM -Cut of Wall+ Fillet+Sharekey+Sharekey Fillet+Wall (Shitoljhorna Khal)

Item No & Name: 32..RCC-25SCCM: Reinforced Cement Concrete work with minimum cement content ralated to nominal... (Retaining Wall BOQ ) IPC-122

Chainage Volume,
Segment Length, A Width, B Height, C Net Volume, (D)
Sl No Side Item RW Type Unit D=A*B*C MB & Page No Remarks
From To (30m) (m) (m) (m) cum

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative

L/S Cut of Wall RW-4A 1 Cum 32.000 0.300 1.000 9.600 9.6000 MB-19/Pg-39 RMC
L/S Cut of Wall Fillet RW-4A 1 Cum 32.000 0.150 0.300 1.440 1.4400 MB-19/Pg-39 RMC
6 5+100 5+130
L/S Wall Fillet RW-4A 1 Cum 32.000 0.150 0.300 1.440 1.4400 MB-19/Pg-39 RMC
L/S Wall RW-4A 1 Cum 32.000 0.400 4.000 51.200 51.2000 MB-19/Pg-39 RMC
L/S Cut of Wall RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 0.300 1.000 9.000 9.0000 MB-19/Pg-41 RMC
L/S Cut of Wall Fillet RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 0.150 0.300 1.350 1.3500 MB-19/Pg-41 RMC
7 5+130 5+160
L/S Wall Fillet RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 0.150 0.300 1.350 1.3500 MB-19/Pg-41 RMC
L/S Wall RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 0.400 4.000 48.000 48.0000 MB-19/Pg-41 RMC
L/S Cut of Wall RW-5A 1 Cum 39.000 0.300 1.000 11.700 11.7000 MB-19/Pg-31 RMC
L/S Cut of Wall Fillet RW-5A 1 Cum 39.000 0.150 0.300 1.755 1.7550 MB-19/Pg-31 RMC
8 4+580 4+610
L/S Wall Fillet RW-5A 1 Cum 39.000 0.150 0.300 1.755 1.7550 MB-19/Pg-31 RMC
L/S Wall RW-5A 1 Cum 39.000 0.425 4.500 74.588 74.5875 MB-19/Pg-31 RMC
R/S Cut of Wall RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 0.300 1.000 9.000 9.0000 MB-20/Pg-02 RMC
R/S Cut of Wall Fillet RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 0.150 0.300 1.350 1.3500 MB-20/Pg-02 RMC
9 5+160 5+190
R/S Wall Fillet RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 0.150 0.300 1.350 1.3500 MB-20/Pg-02 RMC
R/S Wall RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 0.400 4.000 48.000 48.0000 MB-20/Pg-02 RMC
Sub-Total Quantity, R= 272.8775 Cum
Total Quantity, P+Q+R= 8,678.588 Cum
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 591.1270 Cum
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for RCC-25SCCM -Cut of Wall+ Fillet+Sharekey+Sharekey Fillet+Wall (Shitoljhorna Khal)

Item No & Name: 32..RCC-25SCCM: Reinforced Cement Concrete work with minimum cement content ralated to nominal... (Retaining Wall BOQ ) IPC-122

Chainage Volume,
Segment Length, A Width, B Height, C Net Volume, (D)
Sl No Side Item RW Type Unit D=A*B*C MB & Page No Remarks
From To (30m) (m) (m) (m) cum

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement Summary for Rebar (Shitoljhorna Khal)

Item No & Name: 35. Supply and Fabrication of Ribbed or Deformed Bar (Retaining Wall BOQ ) IPC-122

Name of Items Description Remarks
Q (kg)

Previous Certificated Quantity for Retaining Wall; Base, A= 1180208.198

Retaining Wall-
Sub-Total of This Quantity,RW Base,B= 31410.654
Total Quantity for Retaining Wall; Base, C=A+B 1211618.852

Previous Certificated Quantity for Retaining Wall; Wall, E= 162317.025

Retaining Wall-
Sub-Total of This Quantity,RW Wall,F= 12301.280
Total Quantity for Retaining Wall; Wall, F=D+E 174618.305

Previous Certificated Quantity for Pre-cast Pile, M= 979728.933

Pre-cast Pile Sub-Total of This Quantity,Pre-Cast Pile, N= 0.000
Total Quantity for Pre-cast Pile, O=M+N 979728.933

G.Total Quantity Upto Now(IPC-122),P=C+F+O 2365966.090

Item No: 35 Previous Certified Quantity IPC-119, Q=A+E+M 2322254.156
This IPC-122, (P-Q) 43711.934

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement Summary for Rebar (Shitoljhorna Khal)

Item No & Name: 35. Supply and Fabrication of Ribbed or Deformed Bar (Retaining Wall BOQ ) IPC-122

Name of Items Description Remarks
Representative Q (kg)
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Rebar Measurement (Without Wall Binder) for Retaining Wall (Base) -Shitoljhorna Khal
Item No & Name: 35. Supply and Fabrication of Ribbed or Deformed Bar (Retaining Wall BOQ ) IPC-122

Sl Chainage RW Segment Length Rebar Quantity

Side Unit Total Quantity MB & Page No Remarks
No Type (30m) (m) (Base)
From To
1 4+910 4+950 L/S RW-5A 1 Kg 41.00 13874.966 13,874.9658 MB-19/Pg-50 BBS Attached
2 4+950 4+980 L/S RW-4A 1 Kg 30.00 8624.109 8,624.109 MB-19/Pg-28 BBS Attached
3 4+980 5+010 L/S RW-4A 1 Kg 31.00 8911.579 8,911.579 MB-19/Pg-26 BBS Attached
Sub-Total of This Quantity, RW Base, A= 31,410.6541 Kg

Contractor Consultant Representative

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Rebar Measurement (Only Wall Binder) for Retaining Wall (Wall) -Shitoljhorna Khal
Item No & Name: 35. Supply and Fabrication of Ribbed or Deformed Bar (Retaining Wall BOQ ) IPC-122

Sl Chainage RW Segment Length Rebar Quantity

Side Unit Total Quantity MB & Page No Remarks
No Type (30m) (m) (Wall)
From To
1 4+950 4+980 L/S RW-4A 1 Kg 30.000 1,272.327 1,272.327 MB-20/Pg-04 BBS Attached
2 4+980 5+010 L/S RW-4A 1 Kg 31.000 1,314.738 1,314.738 MB-19/Pg-43 BBS Attached
3 5+010 5+040 L/S RW-5A 1 Kg 27.000 1,288.230 1,288.230 MB-19/Pg-33 BBS Attached
4 5+040 5+070 L/S RW-4A 1 Kg 30.000 1,272.327 1,272.327 MB-19/Pg-35 BBS Attached
5 5+070 5+100 L/S RW-4A 1 Kg 32.800 1,391.078 1,391.078 MB-19/Pg-37 BBS Attached
6 5+100 5+130 L/S RW-4A 1 Kg 32.000 1,357.149 1,357.149 MB-19/Pg-39 BBS Attached
7 5+130 5+160 L/S RW-4A 1 Kg 30.000 1,272.327 1,272.327 MB-19/Pg-41 BBS Attached
8 4+580 4+610 L/S RW-5A 1 Kg 39.000 1,860.777 1,860.777 MB-19/Pg-31 BBS Attached
9 5+160 5+190 R/S RW-4A 1 Kg 30.000 1,272.327 1,272.327 MB-20/Pg-02 BBS Attached
Sub-Total of This Quantity, RW Wall, A= 12,301.2796 Kg

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement Summary Water Stopper
Item No & Name: 37. Suppying and fitting and fixing 23cm wide, 3 bulb type PVC water stops having minimum strength of 13.80 N/mm2 at 225%
elongation..(Retaining Wall BOQ )

Chainage Side Unit Length, A (m) Quantity (A*B) Sqm MB & Page No Remarks

Previous Certified Quantity, R = 993.25

1 4+950 4+980 L/S M 9.050 9.050 MB-20/Pg-05
2 4+980 5+010 L/S M 9.050 9.050 MB-19/Pg-44
3 5+010 5+040 L/S M 9.500 9.500 MB-19/Pg-34
4 5+040 5+070 L/S M 8.700 8.700 MB-19/Pg-36
5 5+070 5+100 L/S M 8.700 8.700 MB-19/Pg-38
6 5+100 5+130 L/S M 8.700 8.700 MB-19/Pg-40
7 5+130 5+160 L/S M 8.700 8.700 MB-19/Pg-42
8 4+580 4+610 L/S M 9.950 9.950 MB-19/Pg-31
9 5+160 5+190 R/S M 8.700 8.700 MB-20/Pg-03
Sub-Total Quantity,S= 81.050
Total Quantity, R+S = 1074.300
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 81.050

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd. IPC-122
Measurement Summary Water Stopper
Item No & Name: 38. Labour Charge for fitting and fixing 23cm wide P.V.C water stops, in the expansion joints of hydraulic structures with
necessary..(Retaining Wall BOQ )

Chainage Side Unit Length, A (m) Quantity (A*B) Sqm MB & Page No Remarks

Previous Certified Quantity, R = 993.25

1 4+950 4+980 L/S M 9.050 9.050 MB-20/Pg-05
2 4+980 5+010 L/S M 9.050 9.050 MB-19/Pg-44
3 5+010 5+040 L/S M 9.500 9.500 MB-19/Pg-34
4 5+040 5+070 L/S M 8.700 8.700 MB-19/Pg-36
5 5+070 5+100 L/S M 8.700 8.700 MB-19/Pg-38
6 5+100 5+130 L/S M 8.700 8.700 MB-19/Pg-40
7 5+130 5+160 L/S M 8.700 8.700 MB-19/Pg-42
8 4+580 4+610 L/S M 9.950 9.950 MB-19/Pg-32
9 5+160 5+190 R/S M 8.700 8.700 MB-20/Pg-03
Sub-Total Quantity,S= 81.050
Total Quantity, R+S = 1074.300
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 81.050

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement Summary Dowel Bar
Item No & Name: 39. Supplying and fitting, fixing dowel bar in expansion joints of hydraulic structures with 20 mm dia M.S.
Plain bar 1000mm long..(Retaining Wall BOQ )
Sl Expansion Nos Per
Chainage Side Segment Unit Quantity (A) MB & Page No Remarks
No ID Segment
Previous Certified Quantity, R = 1,357.00
1 4+950 4+980 L/S Base+Wall 1 Each 10.000 10.000 MB-20/Pg-05
2 4+980 5+010 L/S Base+Wall 1 Each 10.000 10.000 MB-19/Pg-44
3 5+010 5+040 L/S Base+Wall 1 Each 12.000 12.000 MB-19/Pg-34
4 5+040 5+070 L/S Base+Wall 1 Each 10.000 10.000 MB-19/Pg-36
5 5+070 5+100 L/S Base+Wall 1 Each 10.000 10.000 MB-19/Pg-38
6 5+100 5+130 L/S Base+Wall 1 Each 10.000 10.000 MB-19/Pg-40
7 5+130 5+160 L/S Base+Wall 1 Each 10.000 10.000 MB-19/Pg-42
8 4+580 4+610 L/S Base+Wall 1 Each 12.000 12.000 MB-19/Pg-32
9 5+160 5+190 R/S Base+Wall 1 Each 10.000 10.000 MB-20/Pg-03
Sub-Total Quantity,S= 94.000
Total Quantity, R+S = 1451.000
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 94.000

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd. IPC-122
Measurement Summary
Item No & Name: 42. Providing cork sheet/Polysterene sheet in the expansion joints of concrete works..(Retaining Wall BOQ )
Sl No Chainage Side Unit Items Quantity Sqm MB & Page No Remarks
Previous Certified Quantity, R = 557.07
1 4+950 4+980 L/S Sqm Base Joint+Wall 3.420 MB-20/Pg-05
2 4+980 5+010 L/S Sqm Base Joint+Wall 3.420 MB-19/Pg-44
3 5+010 5+040 L/S Sqm Base Joint+Wall 3.855 MB-19/Pg-34
4 5+040 5+070 L/S Sqm Base Joint+Wall 3.245 MB-19/Pg-36
5 5+070 5+100 L/S Sqm Base Joint+Wall 3.245 MB-19/Pg-38
6 5+100 5+130 L/S Sqm Base Joint+Wall 3.245 MB-19/Pg-40
7 5+130 5+160 L/S Sqm Base Joint+Wall 3.245 MB-19/Pg-42
8 4+580 4+610 L/S Sqm Base Joint+Wall 4.103 MB-19/Pg-32
9 5+160 5+190 R/S Sqm Base Joint+Wall 3.245 MB-20/Pg-03
Sub-Total Quantity,S= 31.023
Total Quantity, R+S = 588.092
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 31.023

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for Cement Concrete Work- Brick Chips (Shitoljhorna Khal)
Item No & Name: CC-10: Cement concrete work in foundation with minimum compressive strength of 10 Mpa at 28
days... (Retaining Wall BOQ )

Chainage Height/ Volume,

RW Segment Length, A Width, B Net Volume,
Sl No Side Unit Thickness, D=A*B*C Deduction MB & Page No Remarks
Type (30m) (m) (m)
C (m) (cum)
(D) cum
From To
Previous Certified Quantity, P= 411.903
1 4+910 4+950 L/S RW-5A 1 Cum 41.000 4.031 0.075 12.395 - 12.3953 MB-19/Pg-49
2 4+950 4+980 L/S RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 3.687 0.075 8.2958 - 8.2958 MB-19/Pg-27
3 4+980 5+010 L/S RW-4A 1 Cum 31.000 3.687 0.075 8.5723 - 8.5723 MB-19/Pg-25
Sub-Total Quantity, Q = 29.2634 Cum
Total Quantity, P+Q = 441.167 Cum
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 29.2634 Cum

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for Macadam (1:15:15) (Shitoljhorna Khal)
Item No & Name: NTI-8:- Providing compacted sand, Cement & aggregate sub base course with….. (Retaining Wall

Chainage Volume,
Segment Length, A Net Volume,
Sl No Side RW Type Unit Area (m2) D=A*B*C Deduction MB & Page No Remarks
(30m) (m) (D) cum
From To
Previous Certified Quantity, P= 1,674.149

1 4+910 4+950 L/S RW-5A 1 Cum 41.000 3.738 153.258 - 153.258 MB-19/Pg-49

2 4+950 4+980 L/S RW-4A 1 Cum 30.000 3.414 102.420 - 102.420 MB-19/Pg-27

3 4+980 5+010 L/S RW-4A 1 Cum 31.000 3.414 105.834 - 105.834 MB-19/Pg-25

Sub-Total Quantity, Q= 361.512

Total Quantity, P+Q= 2,035.661

This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 361.512

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for Macadam (1:15:15) (Shitoljhorna Khal)
Item No &Contractor
Name: NTI-8:- Providing compacted sand, Cement & aggregate sub base course with….. (Retaining Wall
Representative Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for Geo Bag
Item No & Name: NTI-09:- Supplying of non bio-degradable geo-textile bags (empty) of sizes (600
mm x 600 mm) at project/work site including fabrication

Chainage Part of Segment Nos Per

Sl No Side Unit Net Quantity MB & Page No Remarks
Segment (30m) Segment
From To
Previous Certified Quantity, P= 730.000
1 4+910 4+950 L/S Base 1 Nos 7.00 7.00 MB-19/Pg-50
2 4+950 4+980 L/S Base 1 Nos 6.00 6.00 MB-19/Pg-28
3 4+980 5+010 L/S Base 1 Nos 6.00 6.00 MB-19/Pg-26
Sub-Total Quantity, Q= 19.00
Total Quantity, P+Q= 749.00
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 19.00

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for Geo Bag
Item No & Name: NTI-10:- Filling, sewing & placing of non bio-degradable geo-textile bags of sizes
(600 mm x 600 mm) with 50 mm down graded singles

Chainage Part of
Sl No Side Segment (30m) Unit Nos Per Segment Net Quantity MB & Page No Remarks
From To
Previous Certified Quantity, P= 730.000
1 4+910 4+950 L/S Base 1 Nos 7.00 7.00 MB-19/Pg-50
2 4+950 4+980 L/S Base 1 Nos 6.00 6.00 MB-19/Pg-28
3 4+980 5+010 L/S Base 1 Nos 6.00 6.00 MB-19/Pg-26
Sub-Total Quantity, Q= 19.00
Total Quantity, P+Q= 749.00
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 19.00

Contractor Representative Consultant

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for RCC-25 Concrete - Base (Shitoljhorna Khal)
Item No & Name: NTI-18..RCC-25: Reinforced Cement Concrete work with minimum cement content ralated to nominal...
(Retaining Wall BOQ )

Chainage Height/ Volume,

Segment Length, A Width, B Net Volume, (D)
Sl No Side RW Type Unit Thickness, D=A*B*C Deduction MB & Page No Remarks
(30m) (m) (m) cum
C (m) (cum)
From To
Previous Certified Quantity, P= 7147.929
1 4+910 4+950 L/S 1 RW-5A Cum 41.000 3.900 0.550 87.945 - 87.9450 MB-19/Pg-50 RMC

2 4+950 4+980 L/S 1 RW-4A Cum 30.000 3.550 0.500 53.250 - 53.2500 MB-19/Pg-28 RMC

3 4+980 5+010 L/S 1 RW-4A Cum 31.000 3.550 0.500 55.025 - 55.0250 MB-19/Pg-26 RMC

Sub-Total Quantity, Q= 196.220 Cum

Total Quantity, P+Q= 7,344.15 Cum

This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 196.220 Cum

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for Polythene

Item No & Name: 12:- PS: Providing and laying polythene sheet (0.18mm thick) on prepared road surface
underneath the cement concrete, etc….. (RW BOQ )

Chainage Segment Width, B Ar, D=A*B Net Area, (D)

Sl No Side Unit Length, A (m) Deduction MB & Page No Remarks
(30m) (m) (Sqm) Sqm
From To
Previous Certified Quantity, P= 12,761.773
1 4+910 4+950 L/S 1 Sqm 41.000 3.900 159.900 - 159.900 MB-19/Pg-49
2 4+950 4+980 L/S 1 Sqm 30.000 3.550 106.500 - 106.500 MB-19/Pg-27
3 4+980 5+010 L/S 1 Sqm 31.000 3.550 110.050 - 110.050 MB-19/Pg-25
Sub-Total Quantity, Q= 376.450
Total Quantity, P+Q= 13,138.223
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 376.450

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd
Measurement sheet for RCC Dismantling Work
Item no. 47 IPC-122
Sl Length Width Thickness Quantity
Date Item Location Nos MB & Page No Remarks
No (m) (m) (m) (cum)
Previous Certified Amount A = 0.500

Shitoljhorna Khal
1 06.05.2021 Footing 0.000 1.000 0.200 0.000 MB-12/P-15
CH: 0+145-180.70

Shitoljhorna Khal
2 06.05.2021 Short Column 0.000 0.300 0.300 0.000 MB-12/P-15
CH: 0+145-180.70

Shitoljhorna Khal
3 06.05.2021 Grade Beam 0.000 0.250 0.300 0.000 MB-12/P-15
CH: 0+145-180.70

Shitoljhorna Khal
4 06.05.2021 Column 0.000 0.250 0.250 0.000 MB-12/P-15
CH: 0+145-180.70

Sub-Total Quantity ; B= 0.000

Total Quantity ; A+B= 0.500
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 0.000

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd
Measurement sheet for Brick Dismantling Work
Item no. 46 IPC-122
Sl Length Width Thickness Quantity
Date Item Location Nos Deduction MB & Page No Remarks
No (m) (m) (m) (cum)
Previous Certified Amount A = 322.869

Brick Wall Shitoljhorna Khal

1 06.05.2021 0.000 1.000 0.250 0.000 MB-12/P-15
(Guide Wall) CH: 0+145-180.70

Brick Wall Shitoljhorna Khal

2 06.05.2021 0.000 1.450 0.125 0.000 MB-12/P-15
(Guide Wall) CH: 0+145-180.70

Sub-Total Quantity ; B= 0.000

Total Quantity ; A+B= 322.869
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 0.000

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement Summary for Precast Pile Concrete
Item No & Name: 19 & 20. RCC-25 SCCM (Retaining Wall BOQ ) By using Mixture Machine and RMC

Sl. Pile Length Quantity,

Name of Khal Unit Pile Nos Quantity/Pile Remarks
No (m) Q (Cum)
1 Shitoljhorna Khal Cum 12 m 1901 1.0475 1991.298 MC

2 Shitoljhorna Khal Cum 12 m 856 1.0475 896.660 RMC

Sub- Total Quantity Upto IPC-100, Q1= 2757 2887.958
3 12 m 0 1.0475 0.0000 RMC
Shitoljhorna Khal Cum
4 12 m 0 1.0475 0.000 MC

Sub- Total Quantity for This IPC-103,Q2= 0 0.0000

Total Quantity Upto Now,Q=Q1+Q2 2757 2887.958

Upto now Mixure Qty(Cum) 1991.298 RMC Qty (Cum) 896.660

Previous Certified Quantity = 1991.298 Item no 19.. Using

Mixure Machine
This Certificate Quantity (Cum) 0.000

Previous Certified Quantity = 896.660

Item no 20.. Using
This Certificate Quantity (Cum) 0.0000

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement Summary for Precast Pile Concrete
Contractor Representative Consultant Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd
Measurement for Precast Pile Concreting C-25
Item No & Name: 19 & 20. RCC-25 SCCM (Retaining Wall BOQ ) IPC-122
Sl Nos Quantity MB No & Page
Date Description Volume/Per Remarks
No A (Q)=(A*V), (Cum) No
Pile, V (Cum)
Name of Khal : Shitol Jhorna
1 24.01.2022 12 m Length 1.0475 0.0000 MB-17/Pg-08 RMC
2 26.01.2022 12 m Length 1.0475 0.0000 MB-17/Pg-09 RMC
3 31.01.2022 12 m Length 1.0475 0.0000 MB-17/Pg-10 RMC
Sub Total Quantity (12 m length) This IPC-
0 0.0000
103, b1=

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd
Measurement Summary for MS Shoe at RCC Precast Pile
Item No & Name: 28. MS Shoe at RCC Precast Pile (Retaining Wall BOQ ) IPC-122

Sl Shoe Nos /Per Pile, V Quantity

Date Location Nos, A MB No & Page No Remarks
No (Each) (Q)=(A*V), (Each)

1 24.01.2022 0 1 0 MB-17/Pg-08
2 26.01.2022 Shitol Jhorna Khal 0 1 0 MB-17/Pg-09
3 31.01.2022 0 1 0 MB-17/Pg-10
This IPC
Sub Total Quantity (12 m length) This IPC-
0 0
103, b1=

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Measurement Summary for Precast Pile Rebar
Item No & Name: 35. Supply and Fabrication of Ribbed or Deformed Bar (Retaining Wall BOQ )

Sl. Quantity (kg)/Pile as Quantity,

Name of Khal Unit Pile Length (m) Pile Nos Remarks
No per BBS Q (kg)-as per BBS

1 Shitoljhorna Khal Kg 12 m 2757 403.679 1112943.003

Sub- Total Quantity Upto IPC-100, Q1= 2757 1112943.003

1 Shitoljhorna Khal Kg 12 m 0 403.679 0.000

Sub- Total Quantity for This IPC-103,Q2= 0 0.000

Total Quantity Upto Now,Q=Q1+Q2 1112943.003

Previous Certified Quantity = 1112943.003
This Certificate Quantity(Kg) 0.000

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Measurement Summary for Precast Pile Rebar
Item No & Name: 35. Supply and Fabrication of Ribbed or Deformed Bar (Retaining Wall BOQ )

Sl. Quantity (kg)/Pile as Quantity,

Contractor of Khal Unit Pile Length (m) Pile Nos Remarks
No per BBS Q (kg)-as per BBS
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for Precast Pile Rebart (Shitoljhorna Khal)
Item No & Name: 19 & 20. RCC-25 SCCM (Retaining Wall BOQ )
Date Description Nos A Per Pile Weight, K (Kg) Quantity (Q)=(A*K), (Kg) MB & Page No Remarks
Name of Khal : Shitoljhorna Khal Khal
1 24.01.2022 12 m Length 0 403.679 0.000 MB-17/Pg-08
2 26.01.2022 12 m Length 0 403.679 0.000 MB-17/Pg-09
3 31.01.2022 12 m Length 0 403.679 0.000 MB-17/Pg-10

Sub Total Quantity (12 m length) This IPC-103, b1= 0 0.000

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for Precast Pile Driving
Item No & Name: NTI 5. Driving pre-cast RCC piles with automatic diesel hammer mounted rig in any type of soil to the required..
Nos Driving Pile Driving Pile Quantity
Sl No Date Side MB & Page No Remarks
A Length= L, (RM) Length= L1, (RM) (Q)=(A*L1) (RM)
From To
Sub Total Quantity For 6m & 12 m length as
1869 0.000 19057.000
Previous Certificated IPC, a1=
1 R/S 5.000 5.000 0.000 MB-16/Pg-30
29.01.2022 0+000 0+030
2 R/S 6.000 6.000 0.000 MB-16/Pg-30

3 L/S 5.000 5.000 0.000 MB-17/Pg-13

04.02.2022 0+000 0+030
4 L/S 6.000 6.000 0.000 MB-17/Pg-13

Sub Total Quantity (6+5 m length) This IPC-103, b1= 0 0.000

Total Quantity For 6 m & 12 m length Upto IPC-103,

312+1347 19057.000

Upto now (IPC-103) Quantity ,Q = a1+b1 19057.000

Previous Certified Quantity Upto IPC-100, P=a1 19057.000
Total Quantity for this IPC-103 = 0.000

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for Precast Pile Driving
Item No & Name: NTI 5. Driving pre-cast RCC piles with automatic diesel hammer mounted rig in any type of soil to the required..
Nos Driving Pile Driving Pile Quantity
Sl No Date Side MB & Page No Remarks
A Length= L, (RM) Length= L1, (RM) (Q)=(A*L1) (RM)
From To
Contractor Representative Consultant Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.

Measurement for Dewatering (Shitoljhorna Khal)

Item No & Name: 15. Pumping and bailing out water from the interior of any….
Sl No Location Date Nos Running time(hr) Quantity (hr) MB & Page No Remarks
Sub-Total Quantity, A = 1727.5

Shitoljhorna Khal-
1 16 HP 10.12.2021 - 23.12.2021 1 0.000 0.00 MB-18/Pg-38
Down Stem

Sub-Total Quantity, B = 0.00 Hour

Total Quantity,A+B= 1727.50 Hour
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 0.00 Hour

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for Precast Pile Driving
Item No & Name: NTI 3. Driving pre-cast RCC piles with drop hammer (Upto 6.00m)..
Nos Driving Pile Driving Pile Quantity
Sl No Date Side MB & Page No Remarks
A Length= L, (RM) Length= L1, (RM) (Q)=(A*L1) (RM)
From To
Sub Total Quantity For 6m & 12 m length as
12 0.000 72.000
Previous Certificated IPC, a1=
1 27.02.2022 0+100 0+113 0 L/S 6.000 6.000 0.000 MB-16/Pg-30

Sub Total Quantity (6 m length) This IPC-107, b1= 0 0.000

Total Quantity For 6 m & 12 m length Upto IPC-111,

12 72.000

Upto now (IPC-111) Quantity ,Q = a1+b1 72.000

Previous Certified Quantity Upto IPC-107, P=a1 72.000
Total Quantity for this IPC-111 = 0.000

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd
Measurement sheet for Pre-Cast Pile Head Breaking (Shitoljhorna Khal)-RW-4A
Item No & Name: NTI 26. Labour for breaking head of hardened cast-in-situ bored pile/ pre-cast piles to the correct lines………….. (Retaining Wall BOQ )
Sl Chainage Length Width Thickness Quantity
Date Item Side Nos MB & Page No Remarks
No From To (m) (m) (m) (cum)

Previous Certified Amount = 70.686

1 27.02.2022 0+100 0+113 Pre-cast Pile Head Breaking L/S 0 0.300 0.300 0.425 0.0000 Err:509
Sub-Total Quantity 0.0000 cum
Total Quantity = 70.686 cum
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 0.000 cum

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for Earth Filling (Shitoljhorna Khal)
Item No & Name: NTI:- Back filling by previous excavated soil in layer not more than…..
(Retaining Wall BOQ )

Chainage Volume,
Segment Length, A Net Volume,
Sl No Side RW Type Unit D=A*B*C Deduction MB & Page No Remarks
(30m) (m) (D) cum
From To
Previous Certified Quantity, P= 2,159.112

1 0+125 0+270 Err:509 RW-4A 1 Cum 0.000 973.050 - 973.0500 MB-18/Pg-38

Sub-Total Quantity, Q= 973.050
Total Quantity, P+Q= 3,132.162
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= 973.050

Contractor Consultant Representative

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for Back Filling (Sand-FM>0.80) (Shitoljhorna Khal)
Item No & Name: NTI-6:- Back filling in hydraulic structure with sand of FM >=0.80 in layer not
more than 150mm….. (Retaining Wall BOQ )

Chainage Volume,
Segment Length, A Net Volume,
Sl No Side RW Type Unit D=A*B*C Deduction MB & Page No Remarks
(30m) (m) (D) cum
From To
Previous Certified Quantity, P= 10,938.074

1 0+125 0+270 Err:509 RW-4A 1 Cum 0.000 0.000 - - 0

Sub-Total Quantity, Q= -
Total Quantity, P+Q= 10,938.074
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= -

Contractor Consultant Representative

Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Item No & Name: 03. Earth work in Excavation in foundation trences…..upto 2 m. (Retaining Wall BOQ )
Summary Measurement
SL Chainage
Loaction Unit Side Qty Upto Qty Previous Qty This IPC Remarks
No From To
1 4+630 4+750 L+R 1673.840 1673.840 0.000
2 5+540 5+840 L/S 3398.820 3398.820 0.000
3 5+720 5+840 R/S 1649.310 1649.310 0.000
4 0+060 0+200 R/S
3494.120 3494.120 0.000
5 0+200 0+280 L+R
6 0+300 0+660 L+R 7570.300 7570.300 0.000
7 0+120 0+200 L/S 704.454 704.454 0.000
8 5+450 5+540 L/S 474.633 474.633 0.000
9 Shitol Jhorna CUM 5+520 5+720 R/S 1454.120 1454.120 0.000
10 5+840 5+980 L/S 561.180 561.180 0.000
11 0+000 0+120 L/S 1181.576 1181.576 0.000
12 0+000 0+060 R/S 510.979 510.979 0.000
13 4+370 4+460 L/S 229.000 229.000 0.000
14 4+460 4+610 R/S 1376.850 1376.850 0.000
15 6+050 6+200 L/S 1014.040 1014.040 0.000
16 5+840 6+020 R/S 1770.440 1770.440 0.000
17 5+450 5+520 R/S 698.050 698.050 0.000 MB-18/Pg-46
Total Quantity 27761.712 27761.712 0.000
Unit Rate (Tk) 400.000
IPC-112 Amount (Tk) 11,104,684.960 11,104,684.960 -

Contractor Representative
Contractor Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Item No & Name: 04. a) Earth Work in excavation in foundation trenches for hydraulic structures in all sorts of soil…...1st 1m and part thereof (Retaining Wall BOQ )

Summary Measurement
SL Chainage Qty
Loaction Unit Side Qty Previous Qty This IPC Remarks
No From To Upto
1 4+630 4+750 L+R 1443.360 1443.360 0.000
2 5+540 5+840 L/S 1349.970 1349.970 0.000
3 5+720 5+840 R/S 506.300 506.300 0.000
4 0+060 0+200 R/S
1462.160 1462.160 0.000
5 0+200 0+280 L+R
6 0+300 0+660 L+R 172.900 172.900 0.000
7 0+120 0+200 L/S 274.214 274.214 0.000
8 5+450 5+540 L/S 295.282 295.282 0.000
9 Shitol Jhorna CUM 5+520 5+720 R/S 923.140 923.140 0.000
10 5+840 5+980 L/S 496.340 496.340 0.000
11 0+000 0+120 L/S 428.518 428.518 0.000
12 0+000 0+060 R/S 215.402 215.402 0.000
13 4+370 4+460 L/S 260.360 260.360 0.000
14 4+460 4+610 R/S 682.430 682.430 0.000
15 6+050 6+200 L/S 629.610 629.610 0.000
16 5+840 6+020 R/S 886.660 886.660 0.000
17 5+450 5+520 R/S 337.320 337.320 0.000 MB-18/Pg-46
Total Quantity 10363.966 10363.966 0.000
Unit Rate (Tk) 526.630
IPC Amount (Tk) 5,457,975.200 5,457,975.200 -

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Item No & Name: 04. a) Earth Work in excavation in foundation trenches for hydraulic structures in all sorts of soil……2nd 1m and part thereof (Retaining Wall
Summary Measurement
SL Chainage Qty
Loaction Unit Side Qty Previous Qty This IPC Remarks
No From To Upto
1 4+630 4+750 L+R 1507.440 1507.440 0.000
2 5+540 5+840 L/S 459.710 459.710 0.000
3 5+720 5+840 R/S 369.390 369.390 0.000
4 0+060 0+200 R/S
1476.080 1476.080 0.000
5 0+200 0+280 L+R
6 0+300 0+660 L+R 211.520 211.520 0.000
7 0+120 0+200 L/S 402.306 402.306 0.000
8 5+450 5+540 L/S 463.794 463.794 0.000
9 Shitol Jhorna CUM 5+520 5+720 R/S 974.020 974.020 0.000
10 5+840 5+980 L/S 521.900 521.900 0.000
11 0+000 0+120 L/S 531.332 531.332 0.000
12 0+000 0+060 R/S 212.240 212.240 0.000
13 4+370 4+460 L/S 349.570 349.570 0.000
14 4+460 4+610 R/S 912.850 912.850 0.000
15 6+050 6+200 L/S 359.540 359.540 0.000
16 5+840 6+200 R/S 929.020 929.020 0.000
17 5+450 5+520 R/S 335.900 335.900 0.000 MB-18/Pg-46
Total Quantity 10016.612 10016.612 0.000
Unit Rate (Tk) 549.690
IPC Amount (Tk) 5,506,031.340 5,506,031.340 -

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative

Contractor Representative Consultant Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Item No & Name: 04. a) Earth Work in excavation in foundation trenches for hydraulic structures in all sorts of soil……3rd 1m and part thereof (Retaining
Wall BOQ )

Summary Measurement
SL Chainage Qty
Loaction Unit Side Qty Previous Qty This IPC Remarks
No From To Upto
1 4+630 4+750 L+R 1772.180 1772.180 0.000
2 5+540 5+840 L/S 0.000 0.000 0.000
3 5+720 5+840 R/S 307.960 307.960 0.000
4 0+060 0+200 R/S
1304.260 1304.260 0.000
5 0+200 0+280 L+R
6 0+300 0+660 L+R 95.480 95.480 0.000
7 0+120 0+200 L/S 107.050 107.050 0.000
8 5+450 5+540 L/S 414.996 414.996 0.000
9 Shitol Jhorna CUM 5+520 5+720 R/S 872.520 872.520 0.000
10 5+840 5+980 L/S 313.180 313.180 0.000
11 0+000 0+120 L/S 205.735 205.735 0.000
12 0+000 0+060 R/S 259.438 259.438 0.000
13 4+370 4+460 L/S 291.930 291.930 0.000
14 4+460 4+610 R/S 614.750 614.750 0.000
15 6+050 6+200 L/S 356.240 356.240 0.000
16 5+840 6+200 R/S 1308.090 1308.090 0.000
17 5+450 5+520 R/S 416.950 416.950 0.000 MB-18/Pg-47
Total Quantity 8640.759 8640.759 0.000
Unit Rate (Tk) 572.000
IPC Amount (Tk) 4,942,514.260 4,942,514.260 -
Contractor Representative Consultant Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Item No & Name: NTI17. Removal of all type of rocky, gravell, Slushy or organic Soil by excavating earth of canal/Khals/drain to the lines, grades and elevation (Retaining Wall

Summary Measurement
SL Chainage Qty
Loaction Unit Side Qty Previous Qty This IPC Remarks
No From To Upto
1 4+630 4+750 L+R 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 5+540 5+840 L/S 1984.220 1984.220 0.000
3 5+720 5+840 R/S 1020.960 1020.960 0.000
4 0+060 0+200 R/S
4616.640 4616.640 0.000
5 0+200 0+280 L+R
6 0+300 0+660 L+R 9896.020 9896.020 0.000
7 0+120 0+200 L/S 1274.608 1274.608 0.000
8 5+450 5+540 L/S 839.800 839.800 0.000
9 Shitol Jhorna CUM 5+520 5+720 R/S 939.740 939.740 0.000
10 5+840 5+980 L/S 781.700 781.700 0.000
11 0+000 0+120 L/S 1686.818 1686.818 0.000
12 0+000 0+060 R/S 909.330 909.330 0.000
13 4+370 4+460 L/S 662.630 662.630 0.000
14 4+460 4+610 R/S 1315.840 1315.840 0.000
15 6+050 6+200 L/S 1093.550 1093.550 0.000
16 5+840 6+200 R/S 1300.570 1300.570 0.000
16 5+450 5+520 R/S 715.170 715.170 0.000 MB-18/Pg-47
Total Quantity 29037.596 29037.596 0.000
Unit Rate (Tk) 410.000
IPC Amount (Tk) 11,905,414.360 11,905,414.360 -
Contractor Representative Consultant Representative
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Summary Of Excavated Soil Disposing
Sl No Name of Khal Dispose Point Total Quantity (Cum) Remarks
1 0-1 km - MB-18/Pg-47

2 1-2 km -
3 Shitoljhorna Khal 2-3 km -
4 3-4 km -
5 4-5 km -
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= -

Contractor CEGIS
Representative Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water Logging Problems In Chittagong City
Wahid Construction Ltd.
Measurement for Sand Filling (FM>0.8) (Shitoljhorna Khal)
Item No & Name: 18:- Sand filling on the prepared foundation bed with sand of specified FM in layers….. (Retaining
Wall BOQ )

Chainage Volume,
Segment Length, A Width (m), Height (m), Net Volume,
Sl No Side RW Type Unit D=A*B*C Deduction MB & Page No Remarks
(30m) (m) B C (D) cum
From To
Previous Certified Quantity, P= 2,234.950
1 4+980 5+010 L/S RW-4A 1 Cum 0.000 4.352 0.150 0.000 - - MB-19/Pg-25
Sub-Total Quantity, Q= -
Total Quantity, P+Q= 2,234.950
This IPC-122 Quantity, S= -

Contractor Consultant
Representative Representative
Re-excavation, Renovation and Development of Khals for Mitigation Water
Logging Problems In Chittagong City

Measurement for Sheet Pile Lifting

Sl No Date Nos Length (m) Width (m) (square Remarks
1 12.02.2019 1 12 0.45 5.400
2 13.02.2019 6 12 0.45 32.400
3 14.02.2019 5 12 0.45 27.000

Total Quantity 64.800 Sq. Meter

Meaurement Certified upto Previous Certification 0.000 Sq. Meter
This Certificate 64.800 Sq. Meter

Contractor Consultant ECB

Representative Representative Representative

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