Unit Plan
Unit Plan
Unit Plan
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Concept and Definition of Unit Planning
2.2.1 The Unit Concept
2.2.2 Definition of Unit Planning
2.3 Purposes of Unit Planning
2.4 Characteristics of Unit Planning
2.5 Types of Unit Planning
2.5.1 Subject Matter Units
2.5.2 Experience UnitsITeaching-Learning
2.5.3 Teaching Learning Unit
2.6 Essential Components of Unit Planning
2.6.1 Formulation of Objectives
2.6.2 Criteria for Selection and Statement of Objectives
2.6.3 Selection of the Learning Situation
2.6.4 Selection ofthe Learning Component
2.6.5 Selection and Organization of Teaching-Learning Activities
2.6.6 Selection of Methods of Evaluation
2.7 Unit Planning-Practical Procedure
2.7.1 Steps in Writing a Unit
2.7.2 Format of Unit Planning
2.7.3 Sample Unit Planning
2.8 Let Us Sum Up
2.9 Answers to Check Your Progress
2.1 0 Activity
After going through this practical, you should be able to:
explain the concept of unit planning and define unit planning;
describe the characteristics of unit planning;
a state the types of unit planning;
explain the essentials of unit planning;
list the steps in writing unit plan; and
prepare a sample of teaching learning unit.
In this practical you will review what has been learnt in Block 2 of BNS-111.
Curriculum Development, Planning and Organization of the Curriculum and learn
how to plan unit for teaching and learning.
Practical Manual-Nursing With the understanding of learning theories and psychology of learning more and
Education and Research more educators have accepted the unit as the basis for organisation of learning. The
basis for the unit idea can be traced to Herbart (1776-2841) who stressed four
essentials in the learning process. His followers divided the process into 5 steps,
1) Preparation
2) Presentation
3) Association
4) Generalisation
5) Practical application
There were others like John Dewey and Morrison whose contribution to the
development of the unit concept is noteworthy: Let us now move on to the concept of
1) Unit planning helps in the gradual growth of students, proceedings from simple
to complex which is its greatest asset.
1) The aims ofthe unit should be clear and well defined. Each unit should indicate
its general andhpecific objectives. A good unit is organized around the purposes
of learners.
2) A good unit indicates activities of students and the procedures to be adopted to
carry out these activities to a successful completion of a unit. Some of these
activities will be pre-determined by the teaching; and some of them will emerge
as the work of the unit progresses.
3) A good unit incorporates a good body of instructional material and the sowrces to
be used. These materials are related to the aims, activities and procedures. The
materials should be within the range of understanding of all the students and
allow for individual differences.
4) A good unit is unified and with its emphasis on a series of related and
meaningful activities, suggests wholeness in the organization.
5) A good unit provides place of beginning and ending. This means that it starts
with a definite problem situation. Once the problem has been solved or.question
answered the pupil sees clearly whether his goal is reached.
Specific 0bjectives
2.7.3 Sample Unit Planning
Given below is the sample of a unit planning.
Theory-3 hours
Practical-1 0 hours
Placement: 5th Semester
4) i) The aims of the unit should be clear and well defined. Each unit should
indicate its general and specific objectives. A good unit is organized around
the purposes of learners.
ii) A good unit indicates activities of students and the procedures to be adopted
to carry out these activities to a successful completion of a unit. Some of
these activities will be pre-determined by the teaching; and some of them
will emerge as the work of the unit progresses.
iii) A good unit incorporates a good body of instructional material and ti&
sources to be used. These materials are related to the aims, activities and
procedures. The materials should be within the range of understanding of all
the students and allow for individual differences.
iv) A good unit is unified and with its emphasis on a series of related and
meaningful activities, suggests wholeness in the organization.
1) Prepare a unit for teaching your students. Study the steps and activities involved
in planning a unit.
2) Plan a unit for teaching basic nursing students. Selcct any unit from GNM