Chapter 2 Ed2
Chapter 2 Ed2
Chapter 2 Ed2
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the lecture, students should be able to:
Data transfer takes place over the system bus. System bus includes an
16-bit bidirectional data bus for the 8086 (8 bits for the 8088), a 20-bit
address bus, and the signals need to control transfers over the bus.
Micro architecture of the 8088 and 8086
Figure below shows the architecture of the two processing units – BIU
& EU.
Each unit has dedicated functions and both operate at the same time.
Bus Interface Unit
• The BIU connects the microprocessor to external devices.
• Components in BIU:
1) Segment Register
2) Instruction Pointer
3) Address Generation Adder
4) Bus Control Logic
5) Instruction Queue
During execution of the instruction, the EU may test the status and
control flags, and updates these flags based on the results of executing
the instruction.
If the queue is empty, the EU waits for the nest instruction byte to be
fetched and shifted to the top of the queue.
Based on the following internal architecture:
The EU receives instruction codes and data from the BIU.
Then it decodes and executes these instructions, and stores
the results in the general registers/memory or status flags.
By passing the data back to the BIU, data can also be stored in
a memory location or written to an output device.
The organization of the processor into a separate BIU and EU
allows the fetch and execute cycles to be done in
Recall: BIU uses a mechanism known as an instruction queue to
implement pipelined architecture.
Internal Register
Segment Usage
Code (CS) Space to store instruction codes
Data (DS) Space to store program data
Stack (SS) Space to store temporary information
Extra (ES) Space to store program data
The active segments of memory are identified by the value of
addresses held in four internal segment registers-CS, SS,DS, and ES.
The values held in these registers are referred to as the current-segment
register values; for example, the value in CS points to the first word-
wide storage location in the current code segment.