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Unit I

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Electrical Quantities, Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s laws, Resistors in series and

parallel combinations, Current and Voltage division rules, Node and Mesh


• Charge:
A body is said to be charged positively, if it has deficit of electrons. It is said
to be charged negatively if it has excess of electrons. The charge is measured
in Coulombs and denoted by Q (or) q.
1 Coulomb = Charge on 6.28×1018 electrons.
• Atom:
To understand the basic concepts of electric current, we should know the
Modern Electron Theory. Consider the matter which is in the form of solid,
liquid (or) gas. Smallest particle of matter is molecule. Minute Particles are
called molecules, which are themselves made up of still minute particles
known as Atoms.

Atom: Minute tiny Particles with the central Part Nucleus.


Proton Electrons Neutrons

Figure 1.1
These are the types of tiny Particles in an Atom.
Protons: It is charged with positive charge.
Neutron: It is uncharged and hence it is neural.
Electron: It is revolving around nucleus. It is charged with small and constant
amount of negative charge.

In an Atom, No of electrons = No of Protons

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• Electric Potential:
When a body is charged, either electrons are supplied on it (or) removed from
it. In both cases the work is done. The ability of the charged body to do work
is called electric potential. The charged body has the capacity to do, by
moving the other charges by either attraction (or) repulsion.
The greater the capacity of a charged body to do work, the greater is its
electric potential. And the work done, to charge a body to 1 Colomb is the
measure of electric potential.
Work done W
Electric potential, V= =
Charge Q

W = Work done per unit charge.

Q = Charge measured in Coulombs.

Unit of electric potential is Joules / Coulomb (or) Volt. If W = 1 joule; Q = 1

Coulomb, then V = 1/1 = 1 Volt.
A body is said to have an electric potential of 1 Volt, if one Joule of work
is done to charge a body to one Coulomb. Hence greater the Joules / Coulomb
on a charged body, greater is electric potential.

• Potential Difference:
The difference in the potentials of two charged bodies is called potential
Consider two charged bodies A and B having Potentials of 5 Volts and 3
Volts respectively.

A=+5V B=+3V

Potential Difference is +2v.

Unit of potential difference is Volts.
Potential difference is sometimes called Voltage.
• Electric Current:
Flow of free electrons through a conductor is called electric current. Its unit is
Ampere (or) Coulomb / sec.
Charge(q) q
Current, (I) = = Coulombs /
Sec Time(t) t
In differential form, i = Coulombs / Sec
Consider a conducting material like metal, say Copper. A large number
of free electrons are available. They move from one Atom to the other at
random, before an electric force is applied. When an electric potential

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difference is applied across the metallic conductors, free electrons start

moving towards the positive terminal of the cell. This continuous flow of
electrons forms electric current. According to modern electronic theory, the
direction of conventional current is form positive terminal to negative
terminal through the external circuit.

Flow of electrons
Flow of
conventional Current

+ –

Figure 1.2

Thus, a wire is said to carry a current of 1 Ampere when charge flows

through it at the rate of one Coulomb per second.

• Resistance:
Consider a conductor which is provided some potential difference. The free
electrons start moving in a particular direction. While moving, the free
electrons may collide with some Atoms (or) Molecules. They oppose the flow
of electrons. Resistance is defined as the property of the substance due to
which restricts the flow of electrons through the conductor. Resistance may,
also be defined as the physical property of the substance due to which it
opposes (or) restricts the flow of electricity (i.e. electrons) through it. Its unit
is Ohms.
A wire is said to have a resistance of 1 ohm if a potential difference of
1V across the ends causes current of 1 Amp to flow through it (or) a wire is
said to have a resistance of 1 ohm if it releases 1 Joule, when a current of 1A
flows through it.

• Laws of Resistance:
The electrical resistance (R) of a metallic conductor depends upon the various
Factors as given below,

(i) It is directly proportional to length l, ie, R α l

(ii) It is inversely proportional to the cross sectional area of the
Conductor, ie, R α
(iii) It depends upon the nature of the material of the conductor.
(iv) It depends upon the temperature of the conductor.

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From the First three points and assuming the temperature to remain constant,
we get,

R= ρ
ρ (‘Rho’) is a constant of proportionality called Resistivity (or) Specific
Resistance of the material of the conductor. The value of ρ depend upon the
nature of the material of the conductor.

• Specific Resistance (or) Resistivity:

Resistance of a wire is given by R= ρ

If l = 1metre, A =1m2 then, R = ρ . The resistance offered by a wire of length

1 metre and across sectional area of Cross-section of 1m2 is called the
Resistivity of the material of the wire.


l =1m A = l m2

Figure 1.3
If a cube of one meter side is taken instead of wire, ρ is defined as below.,
Let l = 1 metre, A = 1 m2, then R = ρ. “Hence, the resistance between
the opposite faces of 1 metre cube of the given material is called
the resistivity of that material”. The unit of resistivity is ohm-metre
RA Ωm2
[ρ= = = Ωm(ohm-metre) ]
l m


Figure 1.4

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• Conductance (or) Specific Conductance:

Conductance is the inducement to the flow of current. Hence, Conductance is
the reciprocal of resistance. It is denoted by symbol G.
1 A A
G= = =σ
R ρl l
G is measured in mho Symbol for its unit is ( U )

Here, σ is called the Conductivity (or) Specific Conductance of the material

• Conductivity (or ) Specific Conductance:

Conductivity is the property (or) nature of the material due to which it allows
flow of current through it.
A l
G= σ (or) σ =G
l A
Substituting the units of various quantities we get
σ= =mho/metre
 The S.I unit of Conductivity is mho/metre.

• Electric Power:
The rate at which the work is done in an electric circuit is called electric
Work done in an electric circuit
Electric Power =
When voltage is applied to a circuit, it causes current to flow through it. The
work done inmoving the electrons in a unit time is called Electric Power. The
unit of Electric Power is Joules/sec (or) Watt. P = VI = I 2 R = V 2 / R

• Electrical Energy:
The total work done in an electric circuit is called electrical energy.

ie, Electrical Energy = (Electrical Power)*(Time)

Electrical Energy = I2 Rt = t

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Electrical Energy is measured in Kilowatt hour (kwh)

Problem 1.1 The resistance of a conductor 1 mm2 in cross section and 20 m

long is 0.346 Ω. Determine the specific resistance of the conducting material.

Given Data
Area of cross-section A = 1 mm2
Length, l = 20 m
Resistance, R = 0.346 Ω
Formula used: Specific resistance of the Conducting Material, R =
Solution: Area of Cross-section, A = 1mm2
= 1 * 10−6 m2

1*10−6 * 0.346
= = 1.738*10 -8 Ωm

Specific Resistance of the conducting Material,  = 1.738*10−8 Ωm.

Problem 1.2 A Coil consists of 2000 turns of copper wire having a cross-
sectional area of 1 mm2. The mean length per turn is 80 cm and resistivity of
copper is 0.02 μΩm at normal working temperature. Calculate the resistance
of the coil.

Given data:
No of turns = 2000
Length / turn = 80 cm =0.8 m
Resistivity, = 0.02 µΩm = 0.02*10-6 Ωm = 2*10-8 Ωm
Cross sectional area of the wire, A= 1mm2 = 1*10-6m2

Mean length of the wire, l = 2000*0.8 =1600 m.
We know that, R = 
2 *10−8 *1600
Substituting the Values, R = = 32Ω
Resistance of the coil = 32Ω

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Problem 1.3 A wire of length 1m has a resistance of 2Ω. What is the

resistance of the second wire, whose specific resistance is double that of first,
if the length of wire is 3m and the diameter is double that of first?

Given Data:
For the first wire: l1 = 1m, R1 = 2 Ω, 1 =  (say)
d1 = d (say )

For the Second wire: l2 = 3m, d2 = 2d, ρ2=2 ρ

l1 ρ*1 d
R1 = ρ1 = 2 [Radius of the wire =  r 2 , where r= ]
A1 πd 2
4ρ  1
ie, R 1 = 2 = 1 2 …………….. (1)
πd d

R = ρ l2 = 2ρ*3 = 6ρ (2)
2 2
A 2 π(2d)2 πd2
Dividing equation (1) by (2),
4  d 2 4 R
*  = 1
 d 2 6 6 R
6R1 6* 2
R = = =3Ω
4 4
R2 = 3 Ω

The Resistance of the second wire, R2 = 3 Ω

Problem 1.4 A Rectangular copper strip is 20 cm long, 0.1 cm wide and 0.4
cm thick. Determine the resistance between (i) opposite ends and (ii) opposite
sides. The resistivity of copper is 1.7*10 -6 Ωcm.

Figure 1.5 Figure 1.6

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(i) Opposite Ends

Wide, w = 0.1cm
Thickness, t = 0.4cm
Length, l = 20cm
(ii) Opposite Sides:
Wide, w = 0.1cm
Thickness, t = 20 cm
Length, l = 0.4 cm
(a) Area = w * t = 0.1* 0.4 = 0.04cm2

l 1.7 *10−6 * 20
R1 = = = 0.85*10−3 Ω
A 0.04
R1 = 0.85 m [Opposite ends, referring to Figure 1.5]

Area, A = w * t = 0.1* 20 = 20cm2

1.7 *10−6 * 0.4
R2 = = 0.34 *10−6 Ω [Opposite Sidesi referring to Figure 1.6]
R2 = 0.34 Ω

Problem 1.5 A silver wire of length 12m has a resistance of 0.2Ω. Find the
specific resistivity of the material. The cross-sectional area of the wire is
R=  length, l =12m
Resistance, R= 0.2Ω
A = 0.01cm2
RA 0.2 * 0.01*10−4
= =
l 12
 = 1.688*10 Ω m


The relationship between DC potential difference (V) current (I) and

Resistance (R) in a DC circuit was first discovered by the scientist George
Simon Ohm, is called Ohm’s law.
• Statement:
The ratio of potential difference between any two points of a conductor to the
current following between them is constant, provided the physical condition
(eg. Temperature, etc.) do not change.

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ie, = Constant


V = I * R
Where, R is the resistance between the two points of the conductor.
It can also be stated as, provided Resistance is kept constant, current is
directly proportional to the potential difference across the ends of the
Power, P = V * I = I R =

• Illustration:
Let the potential difference between points A and B be V volts and current
flowing be I Amp. Then, = Constant ,
= R (say)

Figure 1.7

We know that, if the voltage is doubled (2V), the current flowing will also be
doubled (2I). So, the ratio remains the same (ie, R). Also when voltage is
measured in volts, current in ampere, then resistance will be in ohms.

• Graphical representation of Ohm’s law

[Slope line of the graph represents the resistance]

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Slope = Resistance

I (amps)
Figure 1.8

• Limitations in ohm’s law:

(i) Ohm’s law does not apply to all non-metallic conductors. For eg.
Silico Carbide.
(ii) It also does not apply to non-linear devices such as Zener diode, etc.
(iii) Ohm’s law is true for metal conductor at constant temperature. If the
temperature changes the law is not applicable.

• Problems based on ohm’s law:

Problem 1.6. An electric heater draws 8A from 250V supply. What is the
power rating? Also find the resistance of the heater element.

Given data:

Current, I = 8A
Voltage, V = 250V


Power rating, P = VI = 8* 250 = 2000Watt

V 250
Resistance (R) = = = 31.25 Ω
I 8

Problem 1.7 What will be the current drawn by a lamp rated at 250V, 40W,
connected to a 230 V supply.
Given Data:
Rated Power = 40 W
Rated Voltage = 250 V
Supply Voltage = 230 V

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V 2 2502
R= = = 1562.5 Ω
P 40
Current, I = = 230 = 0.1472 A
P 1562.5

Problem 1.8 A Battery has an emf of 12.8 volts and supplies a current of 3.24
A. What is the resistance of the circuit? How many Coulombs leave the
battery in 5 minutes?

V 12.8
Circuit Resistance, R = =4Ω=
I 3.24
Charge flowing in 5 minutes = Current × time in seconds
Charge flowing in 5 minutes = 3.24×5×60 = 960 Coulomb

Problem 1.9 If a resistor is to dissipate energy at the rate of 250W, find the
resistance for a terminal voltage of 100V.

Given data:
Power = 250W
Voltage = 100V
V 2 1002
Resistance, R = = = 40 Ω
 250
R = 40 Ω .
Problem 1.10 A voltmeter has a resistance of, 20,200 Ω. When connected in
series with an external resistance across a 230 V supply, the instrument reads
160 V. What is the value of external resistance?

R 70V


Figure 1.9
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The voltage drop across external resistance, R

VR = 230 −160 = 70V

Circuit current, I = 160 = 1 A
20, 000 125
We know that, V = IR
70 = IR
70 =  R
R = 8750 Ω

• Introduction:

The closed path followed by direct Current (DC) is called a DC Circuit A d.c
circuit essentially consist of a source of DC power (eg. Battery, DC
generator, etc.) the conductors used to carry current and the load. The load for
a DC circuit is usually a resistance. In a DC circuit, loads (i.e, resistances)
may be connected in series, parallel, series – parallel. Hence the resistor has
to be connected in the desired way for getting the desired resistance.
Resistances in series (or) series combination
The circuit in which resistances are connected end to end so that there is one
path for the current flow is called series circuit. The voltage source is
connected across the free ends. [A and B]

R1 R2 R3 RT
V2 V3
+ – + –

Figure 1.10

In the above circuit, there is only one closed path, so only one current flows
through all the elements. In other words, if the Current is same through all the
resistors, the combination is called series combination.

• To find equivalent Resistance:

Let, V = Applied voltage

I = Source current = Current through each element

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V1, V2, V3 are the voltage across R1, R2 and R3 respectively.

By Ohms law, V1 = IR1

V2 = IR2 and V3 = IR3
But V = V1 + V2 + V3 = IR1 + IR2 + IR3 = I ( R1 + R2 + R3 )
V=I ( R1 + R2 + R3 )
( )
The ratio of V I is the total resistance between points A and B and is called
the total (or) equivalent resistance of the three resistances
RT = R1 + R2 + R3
1 1 1 1
Also, = + + (In terms of conductance)
GT G1 G2 G3

 Equivalent resistance (RT) is the sum of all individual resistances.

• Concepts of series circuit:

i. The current is same through all elements.
ii. The voltage is distributed. The voltage across the resistor is directly
proportional to the current and resistance.
iii. The equivalent resistance (RT) is greater than the greatest individual
resistance of that combination.
iv. Voltage drops are additive.
v. Powers are additive.
vi. The applied voltage is equals to the sum of different voltage drops.

Voltage Division Technique: (or) To find V1, V2, V3 interms of V and R1,
R2, R3:

Equivalent Resistance, RT = R1 + R2 +R3

By ohm’s low, I = =
RT R1 + R2 + R3

V1 = IR1 = R1 =
RT R1 + R2 + R3

V2 = IR2 = R2 =
RT R1 + R2 + R3

 Voltage across any resistance in the series circuit,

 Vx = V
Note: If there are n resistors each value of R ohms in series, then the total
Resistance is given by,
RT = n * R
• Applications:
 When variable voltage is given to the load, a variable resistance
(Rheostat) is connected in series with the load. Example: Fan
regulator is connected in series with the fan.
 The series combination is used where many lamp of low voltages are
to be operated on the main supply. Example: Decoration lights.
 When a load of low voltage is to be operated on a high voltage supply, a
fixed value of resistance is connected in series with the load.
• Disadvantage of Series Circuit:
 If a break occurs at any point in the circuit, no current will flow and
the entire circuit becomes useless.
 If 5 numbers of lamps, each rated 230 volts are to be connected in
series circuit, then the supply voltage should be 5 x 230 = 1150
volts. But voltage available for lighting circuit in each and every
house is only 230 V. Hence, series circuit is not practicable for
lighting circuits.
 Since electrical devices have different current ratings, they cannot be
connected in series for efficient operation.
• Problems based on series combination:
Problem 1.11 Three resistors 30 Ω, 25 Ω, 45 Ω are connected in series across
200V. Calculate (i) Total resistance (ii) Current (iii) Potential difference
across each element.

Figure 1.11
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(i) Total Resistance (RT)

RT = R1 + R2 + R3
RT = 30 + 25 + 45 = 100 Ω
V 200
(ii) Current, I = = =2A
RT 100
(iii) Potential difference across each element,
V1 = IR1 = 2 * 30 = 60 V
V2 = IR2 = 2 * 25 = 50 V
V3 = IR3 = 2 * 45 = 90 V
Problem 1.12 Find the value of ‘R’ in the circuit diagram, given below.

50 Ω 10 Ω R
100 V

200 V Figure 1.12

We know that, V1 = IR1

I = V1 / R1 = 100/50 = 2 A
Similarly, V2 = IR2 = 2 * 10 = 20 V

Total voltage drop, V = V1 + V2 + V3

V3 = V – (V1 + V2 ) = 200 – (100 + 20)
V3 = 80 V
V3 = IR3 , R3 = V3 /I = 80/2 = 40 Ω
 R3 = 40 Ω

Problem 1.13 A 100W, 200V bulb is put in series with a 60W bulb across a
supply. What will be the current drawn? What will be the voltage across the
60W bulb? What will be the supply voltage?
100W 60W

I 200V

Figure 1.13
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Power dissipated in the first bulb, P1 = V1 I
Current, I = P1 / V1 = 100/200 = 0.5 A
Power dissipated in the second bulb, P 2 = V2I
Voltage across the 60 W bulb,
P 60
V = 2 = = 120V
I 0.5
The supply voltage, V = V1 + V2 = 200 +120
V = 320V
The supply voltage, V = 320 V.
Problem 1.14 An incandescent lamp is rated for 110V, 100W. Using suitable
resistor how can you operate this lamp on 220V mains.

100W, 110V R

+ –
220 V

Figure 1.14

Power 100
Rated current of the lamp, I = = = 0.909A, I = 0.909A
Voltage 110
For satisfactory operation of the lamp, Current of 0.909A should flow.
When the voltage across the lamp is 110V, then the remaining voltage must
be across R
Supply voltage = V = 220 Volts
Voltage across R = V −110 Volts
ie, VR = 220 −110 = 110V
By ohm’s law, VR = IR
110 = 0.909 R
R = 121 Ω

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Problem 1.15 The lamps in a set of decoration lights are connected in series.
If there are 20 lamps and each lamp has resistance of 25Ω, calculate the total
resistance of the set of lamp and hence calculate the current taken from a
supply of 230 volts.
Given Data: Supply voltage, V = 230 volts
Resistance of each lamp, R = 25 Ω
No of lamps in series, n = 20

Solution: Total Resistance, RT = n * R = 20 * 25

RT = 500 Ω

V 230
Current from supply. I = = = 0.46 A
RT 500
Problem 1.16 The field coil of a d.c generator has a resistance of 250Ω and is
supplied from a 220 V source. If the current in the field coil is to be limited to
0.44 A. Calculate the resistance to be connected in series with the coil.

Given Data: Source voltage, V = 220 volts, I = 0.44 A

Field coil resistance, Rf = 250 Ω

Solution: Let the resistance in series with Rf be R in Ohms.

Total resistance, RT = Rf + R = 250 + R
Current, I = 0.44 A
V 220
By ohm’s law, R = = = 500 Ω
I 0.44
250 + R = 500 Ω
R = 500 – 250 = 250 Ω
R = 250 Ω

Resistance in Parallel (or) Parallel Combination

If one end of all the resistors are joined to a common point and the other ends
are joined to another common point, the combination is said to be parallel
combination. When the voltage source is applied to the common points, the
voltage across each resistor will be same. Current in the each resistor is
different and is given by ohm’s law.
Let R1, R2, R3 be three resistors connected between the two common
terminals A and B, as shown in the Figure 1.15(a)..

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I1 R1

I2 R2
I3 R3 RT = R

+ –
+ – V
V I = V/R

Figure 1.15

I = (1)

Let I1, I2, I3 are the currents through R1, R2, R3 respectively.
V By ohm’s law,

 V V V  (2)
 I1 = , I2 = , I3 = 
 R1 R2 R3 

Total current is the sum of three individual currents,

IT = I = I1 + I2 + I3 (3)
Substituting the above expression for the current in equation (3),
= + +
R R1 R2 R3
1 1 1 1
= + +
R R1 R2 R3

Referring to Figure (1.15(b)), RT = R

1 1 1 1 1
= = + + (4)
R RT R1 R2 R3
Hence, in the case of parallel combination the reciprocal of the equivalent
resistance is equal to the sum of reciprocals of individual resistances.
Multiplying both sides of equation (4) by V2, we get
V2 V2 V2 V3
= + +
R R1 R2 R3
ie, Power dissipated by R = Power dissipated by R1 + Power dissipated by R2
+ Power dissipated by R3

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We know that reciprocal of Resistance is called as conductance.
Conductance = 1 / Resistance
G = 1/R]
Equation (4) can be written as,
G = G1 + G2 + G3

• Concepts of Parallel Circuit:

• Voltage is same across all the elements.
• All elements will have individual currents, depends upon the
resistance of element.
• The total resistance of a parallel circuit is always lesser than the
smallest of the resistance.
• If n resistance each of R are connected in parallel then,

1 n
R =
T n
• Powers are additive.
• Conductance are additive.
• Branch currents are additive.

• Current Division Technique:

Case (i) When two resistances are in parallel:
Two resistance R1 and R2 ohms are connected in parallel across a battery of
V (volts) Current through R2 is I2 and through R2 is I2 The total current is I.
I1 R1

I I2 R2

+ V –
Figure 1.16

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To express I1 and I2 interms of I, R1 and R2 (or) to find branch currents I1, I2:
I2 R 2 = I1R1
I 2= 1 1 (1)

Also, the total current, I = I1 + I2 (2)

Substituting (1) in (2), I1 + 1 1 = I
I1 R2 + I1 R1
I1 (R1 + R2 ) = IR2
I1 =
(R1 + R2 )
Similarly, I2 =
(R1 + R2 )
To find the equivalent Resistance, (RT) :

Hence, the total value of two resistances connected parallel is equal to

their product divided by their sum i.e.,
Product of the two Resistance
Equivalent Resistance =
Sum of the two Resistane
Case (ii) When three resistances are connected in parallel. Let R1, R2 and R3
be resistors in parallel. Let I be the supply current (or) total current. I 1, I2, and
I3 are the currents through the resistors R1, R2 and R3.
I1 R1

I2 R2

I3 R3
+ –

Figure 1.17

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To find the equivalent Resistance (RT):
1 1 1
1 1
= = + +
R RT R1 R2 R3
1 R1 R2 + R2 R3 + R3 R1
RT R1 R2 R3
RT = R R + R1 R2 +3 R R
1 2 2 3 3 1

To find the branch currents I1, I2 and I3:

We know that, I1 + I2 + I3 = I (1)

Also, I3 R3 = I1 R1 = I2 R2

From the above expression, we can get expressions for I 2 and I3 interms of I1
and substitute them in the equation (1)

I1 R1 I1 R1
I1 + + =I
R2 R3
I (1+ + 1)=I
R2 R3
I1 (R2 R3 + R3 R1 + R1 R2 )
R2 R3

Similarly we can express I2 and I3 as,

• Advantages of parallel circuits:

 The electrical appliances rated for the same voltage but different
powers can be connected in parallel without affecting each other’s
 If a break occurs in any one of the branch circuits, it will have no
effect on the other branch circuits.

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• Applications of parallel circuits:

 All electrical appliances are connected in parallel. Each one of them
can be controlled individually will the help of separate switches.
 Electrical wiring in Cinema Halls, auditoriums, House wiring etc.

Comparison of series and parallel circuits:

Series Circuit Parallel Circuit
The current is same through all the The current is divided, inversely
elements. proportional to resistance.
The voltage is distributed. It is The voltage is the same across each
proportional to resistance. element in the parallel combination.
The total (or) equivalent resistance Reciprocal of the equivalent
is equal to sum of individual resistance is equal to sum of
resistance, ie. RT = R1 + R2 + R3 reciprocals of individual
1 1 1 1
Hence, the total resistance is greater resistances, ie, = + +
than the greatest resistance in the RT R1 R2 R3
circuit. Total resistance is lesser than the
smallest resistances in the circuit.
There is only one path for the flow There are more than one path for
of current. the flow of current.

• Problems based on parallel combinations:

Problem 1.17 What is the value of the unknown resistor R shown in Figure
1.18. If the voltage drop across the 500Ω resistor is 2.5V. All the resistor are
in ohms.

+ A I C I2
550 I1 50
12 V R 500

– B D

Figure 1.18
Given Data:
V500 = 2.5V
V 2.5
I = 500 = =0.005A
R 500

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V50 = Voltage across 50 Ω
V50 = I2 R = 0.005*50 = 0.25 V
VCD = V50 +V500 = 0.25 + 2.5 = 2.75 V
V550 = Drop across 550Ω = 12 − 2.75 = 9.25 V
V 9.25
I = 550 = = 0.0168A
R 550
I = I1 + I2 → I1 = I − I2 = 0.0168 − 0.005
I1 = 0.0118A
R = CD = 2.75 = 232.69 Ω
I1 0.0118
R = 232.69 Ω
Problem 1.18 Three resistors 2 Ω, 3 Ω and 4 Ω are in parallel. How will be a
total current of 8A is divided.

Figure 1.19

This given circuit can be reduced as, 3 Ω and 4 Ω are connected in parallel.
3* 4 12
Its equivalent resistances are, = = 1.714 Ω
3+ 4 7

Figure 1.20

1.714 Ω and 2 Ω are connected in parallel, its equivalent resistance is 0.923 Ω

1.714 * 2
= 0.923
2 + 1.714

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0.923 Ω

Figure 1.21

V = IR = 8* 0.923
V = 7.385V

V = 7.385 = 3.69 A
Branch currents, I1 =
R1 2
V = 7.385 = 2.46 A
2I =
R2 3
V = 7.385
3I =
= 1.84A
R3 4

Problem 1.19 What resistance must be connected in parallel with 10Ω to give
an equivalent resistance of 6Ω

Figure 1.22

R is connected in parallel with 10 Ω Resistor to given an equivalent resistance

of 6 Ω.
10 * R
10 + R
10R = (10 + R ) 6
10R = 60 + 6R
10R – 6R = 60
R= = 15 Ω
R = 15 Ω

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Problem 1.20 Two resistors R1 and R2 are connected in Parallel and a
Voltage of 200V DC is applied to the terminals. The total current drawn is
20A, R1=30 Ω. Find R2 and power dissipated in each resistor, for the figure

I1 I2
200 V 30 R2

Figure 1.23

Given Data:

V = 200V, I = 20A, R1 = 30 Ω

V = 200 = 6.667 A
Solution: I1 =
R1 30
I1 + I2 = I
I2 = I − I1
= 20 − 6.667 = 13.33 A
2I =
 1
1 2
20 * 30
13.33 =
30 + R2
(30 + R2 )13.33 =600
13.33R2 = 600 − 400
13.33R2 = 200
R2 = = 15 Ω
R2 = 15 Ω

Power dissipated in 30 Ω, P 1 = VI1 = 200*6.667

P1 = 1333 W
Power dissipated in 15 Ω, P 2 = VI2
P2 = 200*13.33 = 2667
P2 = 2667 W

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Problem 1.21 Calculate the current supplied by the battery in the given
circuit as shown in the figure 1.24.

Figure 1.24

Solution: The above given circuit can be redrawn as,

I1 I2

48 V
R1 R2

Figure 1.25
R1 and R2 are in parallel across the voltage of 48 volts.
RR 8*16 16 Ω
Equivalent Resistance, RT = 1 2 = =
R1 + R2 8 + 16 3
RT = 5.33
I = = 48 = 9A
R 5.33

Problem 1.22 Calculate the total resistance and battery current in the given
R1 = 8 Ω

R3 = 12 Ω
16 V

B R2 = 16 Ω D

Figure 1.26

The given above circuit can be re-drawn as,

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Figure 1.27

8 Ω, 16 Ω, 12 Ω are connected in parallel. Its equivalent resistance,

RT = R R + R1 R2 +3 R R
1 2 2 3 31


Figure 1.28

RT = = 3.692 Ω
128 +192 + 96
RT = 3.692 Ω
I = = 16 = 4.33A
R 3.692

Problem 1.23 In the Circuit shown in the figure 1.29, calculate

(i) The current in all resistors.
(ii) The value of unknown resistance ‘x’
(iii) The equivalent resistance between A and B.

Figure 1.29

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Solution: As all the resistors are in parallel, the voltage across each one is
same. Give that current through 6 Ω , ie, I 6 Ω = 5A

Voltage across 6 Ω = 5×6 = 30volts.

V30 30
Hence, current through 30 Ω, I = = = 1A
R 30
V15 30
Similarly, current through 15 Ω, I = = = 2A
R 15
Total Current, I = I6 + Ix + I30 + I15
10 = 5 + Ix +1+ 2
IX = 2 A

Hence, the current flowing through the ‘X’ Resistor is, IX = 2 A

Value of the Resistor ‘X’ is given by,
30 30
X= = = 15 Ω
Ix 2
Let, the equivalent resistance across AB = RT
1 1 1 1 1
= + + +
RT 6 x 30 15
1 5 + 2 +1+ 2 1
= =
RT 30 3
RT = 3 Ω
Series — Parallel Combination

As the name suggests, this circuit is a combination of series and parallel

circuits. A simple example of such a circuit is illustrated in Figure 1.30. R 3
and R2 are resistors connected in parallel with each other and both together
are connected in series with R1.
I1 R2

Figure 1.30

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Equivalent Resistance: RT for parallel combination.

R p = R 2+ R3
2 3

Total equivalent resistance of the circuit is given by,

RT = R1 + RP
TR = R1 +
R2 R3
R +R
2 3

R2 R3
Voltage across parallel combination = I * .
R2 + R3

• Problems based on Series – Parallel Combination:

Problem 1.24 In the circuit, find the current in all the resistors. Also
calculate the supply voltage.

Figure 1.31
Voltage across 15, V15 = I15  R = 815 = 120V

Resistors 2 Ω, 5 Ω, 10 Ω are connected in parallel, it equivalent resistance is

given by,
2 *5*10
RP = = 1.25 Ω
2  5 + 510 +10  2
Voltage across the parallel Combination is given by
Vp = V2 = V5 = V10 = I  RP = 81.25 = 10V

Total supply Voltage, V = V15+Vp

V = 120 +10 = 130V
V = 130V

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Hence, the Current through the parallel combination of the resistors are given
V2 10
Current through 2 Ω resistor, I = = = 5A
R 2
V5 10
Current through 5 Ω Resistor, I = = =2A
R 5
V 10
Current through 10 Ω Resistor, I = 10 = = 1A
R 10

The Current of 8A across the parallel combination is divided as 5A, 2A, and

Problem 1.25 Calculate the equivalent resistance offered by the circuit to the
voltage source and also find its source current

Figure 1.32
Solution: The given above circuit can be re-drawn as

Figure 1.33
20 Ω and 10 Ω resistors are connected in parallel, its equivalent resistance is
20 *10
given by, = 6.667 Ω
20 + 10
The given circuit is reduced as,

Figure 1.34
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6.667 Ω and 5 Ω resistors are connected in parallel, its equivalent resistance is
6.667 *5
given by, = 2.857 Ω
6.667 + 5
The circuit is reduced as,

Figure 1.35
20 Ω and 2.857 Ω are connected in parallel. It equivalent resistance is,
20 * 2.857
= 2.497 Ω
20 + 2.857
The Circuit is re-drawn as,

2.497 Ω

Figure 1.36

Hence the equivalent resistance of the Circuit is RT = 2.497 Ω = 2.5 Ω

Source Current of the Circuit is given by,

V 50
I = = =20A
R 2.5
Problem 1.26 Find the equivalent resistance between the terminals A and B.

Figure 1.37

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3 Ω and 3 Ω are connected in Series, it equivalent resistance is, (3 + 3) = 6 Ω.

The Circuit gets reduced as

Figure 1.38

6 Ω and 6 Ω are connected in parallel. The circuit gets reduced as,

6* 6
= 3hms.

Figure 1.39

3 Ω and 3 Ω are connected in series (3 + 3 = 6 Ω).

The reduced Circuit is,

Figure 1.40

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6 Ω and 6 Ω are connected in parallel. Its equivalent resistance, =3Ω
The circuit can be reduced as,

Figure 1.41
3 Ω and 3 Ω are connected in series. (3 + 3 = 6 Ω).

Figure 1.42
6* 6
6 Ω and 6 Ω are connected in parallel. It equivalent resistance, =3Ω

Figure 1.43
3 Ω and 3 Ω are connected in series, the reduced Circuit is 3 + 3 = 6 Ω

Figure 1.44

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6 Ω and 6 Ω are connected in parallel.

= 3 Ω . The equivalent resistance between the terminals A and B
6 +6
given by RAB = 3 Ω.



Figure 1.45

 RAB = 3 Ω

Problem 1.27 Determine the value of R if the power dissipated in 10 Ω

resistor is 90 W.

Figure 1.46


100 Ω and 10 Ω are connected in parallel.

100 *10
Its equivalent resistance is, = 9.09 Ω
100 + 10

The circuit is reduced as,

Figure 1.47
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Current of 2A flows through the 9.09 Ω resistor. Voltage across 9.09 Ω is
given by,
V9.09 = I9.09  R
V9.09 = 2  9.09 = 18.18V

Similarly voltage across the unknown resistor VR,

VR = V −V9.09 = 50 −18.18 = 31.818V

Figure 1.48
Hence the Current through 40 Ω, 80 Ω resistors can be found out with the
voltage drop of 31.818V across it.
VR 31.818
I80 = = = 0.397 A
80 80
VR 31.818
I40 = = = 0.7954 A
40 40
Hence current through the unknown resistor R is I R,
I R = I −  I 80 + I 40 
IR = 2 − (0.397 + 0.7954) = 0.8075A

Hence, the value of the unknown Resistor R is given by

VR 31.818
R= = = 39.4 Ω
I R 0.8075
The value of the unknown resistor R is given by, R = 39.4 Ω.

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Problem 1.28 Calculate the following for the circuits given,

Figure 1.49

(i) Total resistance offered to the Source.

(ii) Total Current from the Source.
(iii) Power Supplied by the Source.
Solution: 12 Ω and 6 Ω are connected in Parallel.
Its equivalent resistance, = 4 Ω . The reduced circuit is given as,
12 + 6

Figure 1.50
4 Ω and 12 Ω are connected in parallel. =3Ω
12 + 4

Figure 1.51

7 Ω and 3 Ω are connected in series, 7 + 3 = 10Ω

Total resistance offered to the Source, R = 10 Ω

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Total Current from the Source, I = = 10 A
I = 10 A
Power supplied by the Source, P = I R = 10 10 = 1000W
2 2

P = 1000W.
Problem 1.29 A letter A is Constructed of an uniform wire of 1 Ω resistance
per cm. The signs of the letter are 60cm long and the cross piece is 30cm long,
Apex angle 60o. Find the resistance of the letter between two ends of the legs.

30 60° 30

30 30 30

Figure 1.52

The given circuit can be redrawn as,

Figure 1.53

60 Ω and 30 Ω are connected in parallel

60 *30
= 2O ohms
60 + 30
20 Ω

30 Ω 30 Ω

Figure 1.54

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Equivalent Resistance = 80 Ω.

Problem 1.30 Find the current supplied by the battery.

Figure 1.55

The given circuit can be re-drawn as,

8Ω 12 Ω

Figure 1.56
8 Ω and 12 Ω connected in parallel.
= 4.8 Ω
8 + 12

Reduced circuit is,


4.8 Ω

Figure 1.57

V 24
Current, I = = = 5A
R 4.8
I = 5A

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Problem 1.31 Find the current supplied by the battery for the figure shown

I A 6Ω
4Ω 8Ω

B 2Ω

Figure 1.58


The given above circuit can be redrawn as,

Figure 1.59

6* 4
4 Ω and 6 Ω are connected in parallel. = 2.4 Ω

Similarly, 2 Ω and 8 Ω are connected in parallel.

= 1.6 Ω
The reduced circuit can be re drawn as,
2.4 Ω

4Ω 1.6 Ω

Figure 1.60

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2.4 Ω and 1.6 Ω are connected in series. 2.4 +1.6 = 4 Ω

Figure 1.61

4* 4
4 Ω and 4 Ω are connected in parallel =2Ω
The reduced circuit is,


Figure 1.62

V 12
I= = = 6A
R 2
Current I, supplied by the battery = 6A.

Problem 1.32 Two Resistors R1 = 2500 Ω and R2 = 4000 Ω are joined in

series and connected to a 100v supply. The voltage drop across R 1 and R2 are
measured successively by a voltmeter having a resistance of 50,000 Ω. Find
the sum of the Reading.
Case (i) A voltmeter is connected across 2500 Ω.

Figure 1.63

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2500 Ω and 50,000 Ω are connected is parallel.
2500 * 50000
= 2381ohms
2500 + 50000

Figure 1.64

2381 Ω and 4000 Ω are connected in series.

2381+ 4000 = 6381 Ω

V 100
Current I = = = 0.01567A
R 6381

Voltage drop across, the Resister R1 is measured by connecting a voltmeter

having resistance of 50,000 across R1. Hence VA be voltage drop across R1

VA = IR = 0.01567 * 2381
VA = 37.31V
Case (ii) Voltmeter is connected across 4000 Ω.

Figure 1.65

4000 Ω and 50,000 Ω are connected in parallel.

4000 * 50000
= 3703.7ohms
4000 + 50000

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Figure 1.66

Current, I =
= = 0.0161 A
R 6203.7
Voltage drop across the resistor R2 is measured by connecting a voltmeter
having resistance of 50000 across R2.Hence, VB be the voltage drop across R2.
VB = IR = 0.6161* 3703.7
VB = 59.7V
The total voltage drop = VA + VB
V = 37.31+ 59.7
V = 97 V
Problem 1.33 Find the value of ‘R’ and the total current when the total power
dissipated in the network is 16W as shown in the figure.

Figure 1.67
Total Power (P) = 16w
P 16
Total Current, I = = = 2A
V 8
P 16
Total Resistance, (R ) = = = 4 Ω
I2 4
Total Resistance between A and B is given by,

2*8 4 * R
RAB = +
2+8 4 +R

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4 ( 4 + R ) = 1.6 ( 4 + R ) + 4R R = 6 Ω.


Kirchhoff’s current law

The kirchoff’s current law states that the algebraic sum of currents in a node
is zero.
It can also be stated that “sum of incoming currents is equal to sum of
outgoing currents.”
Kirchhoff’s current law is applied at nodes of the circuit. A node is
defined as two or more electrical elements joined together. The electrical
elements may be resistors, inductors capacitors, voltage sources, current
sources etc.

Consider a electrical network as shown below.



I2 R4 I4



Figure 1.68

Four resistors are joined together to form a node. Each resistor carries
different currents and they are indicated in the diagram.

I1 → Flows towards the node and it is considered as positive current.

(+ I1)
I2 → Flows away from the node and it is considered as negative current.
(- I2)
I3 → Flows towards the node and it is considered as positive current.
I4 → Flows away from the node and hence it is considered as negative
current (-I4)

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Applying KCL at the node, by diffinition-1 algebraic sum of currents in a

node is zero.

+ I1 – I2 + I 3 – I4 = 0 (1)

taking the I2 & I4 to other side

I1 + I3 = I2 + I4 (2)
From equation (2) we get the definition – 2. Where I1 & I3 are positive
currents (Flowing towards the node) I2 & I4 are negative currents. (Flowing
away from the node).

Kirchoff’s voltage Law: (KVL)

Kirchhoff’s voltage law states that “sum of the voltages in a closed path
(loop) is zero”.
In electric circuit there will be closed path called as loops will be present.
The KVL is applied to the closed path only the loop will consists of
voltage sources, resistors, inductors etc.
In the loop there will be voltage rise and voltage drop. This voltage rise
and voltage drop depends on the direction traced in the loop. So it is
important to understand the sign convention and the direction in which KVL
is applied (Clock wise Anti clock wise).

• Sign Conventions

+ + R –

(a) (b)

Figure 1.69

Consider a battery source V as shown in the figure 1.69(a). Here positive

of the battery is marked with + sign and negative of the battery is marked
with – sign.
When we move from + sign to – sign, it is called voltage drop.
When we move from – sign to + sign, it is called as voltage rise.

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When KVL is applied in Anti clockwise direction as shown above it is

called as voltage drop. A voltage drop is indicated in a loop with “—” sign (–


For the same battery source if the KVL is applied in clock wise direction
we move from – sign to + sign. Hence it is called as Voltage Rise. A Voltage
rise indicated in the loop with + sign. (+V).
Similarly in the resistor the current entry point is marked as positive (+
sign) and current leaving point is marked as negative sign. (– sign).

I + _

For the resistor shown in the diagram above, if KVL is applied in clock
wise direction then it is called as voltage drop. Voltage drop in KVL equation
must be indicated with negative sign (–).  –IR.

I _

For the resistor shown in the diagram above, if KVL is applied in anti
clockwise direction then it is called as voltage rise. A voltage rise is indicated
in the KVL equation as positive. i.e. + IR.
In short the above explanation is summarized below in a Table.

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S.No. Element KVL in clockwise KVL in anticlockwise

1. + _ + _ + _

Drop Rise
V +V

R _ R _ R_
I + I + I +
Drop Drop

• Procedure for KVL:

* Identify the loops and Name them.
* Mark the branch currents and name them.
* Apply the sign convention.
* Select a loop & apply KVL either in clockwise or Anticlockwise and
frame the equation.
* Solve all the equations of the loop.

• Problems based on Kirchhoff’s laws

Problem 1.34 For the given circuit find the branch currents and voltages by
applying KVL.

Figure 1.70

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Figure 1.71

Consider loop ABEF & Apply KVL in CLK wise direction

100 – 5I – 6I1 = 0
But I = I1 + I2

100 – 5 ( I1 + I2 ) – 6I1 = 0
100 – 5I1 – 5I2 – 6I1 = 0
−11I1 – 5I2 + 100 = 0
11I1 + 5I2 = 100 (1)

Consider loop BCDEB & Apply KVL in CLK wise direction

−10I2 – 8I2 + 6I1 = 0
−18I2 + 6I1 = 0
6I1 = 18I2
I1 = 3I2 (2)

Sub I1 in equ (1)

11 (3 I2 ) + 5 I2 = 100
33 I2 + 5 I2 = 100
38 I2 = 100
I 2= = 2.63 Amps.
I2 = 2.63 Amps

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Sub I2 in equ (2)

I1 = 3(2.63) = 7.89Amps
I1 = 7.89Amps
I = I1 + I2 = 10.52
I = 10.52Amps.

Voltage Across 5 = 5  I = 5  10.52

= 52.6 volts
Voltage Across 6 = 6  I1 = 6  7.89
= 47.34 volts
Voltage Across 10 = 10  I2 = 10  2.63
= 26.3 volts
Voltage Across 8 = 8  I2 = 8  2.63
= 21.04 volts


The above problem can be solved by applying KVL in Anti clock wise

Consider loop ABEF & Apply KVL in anti clock wise direction
6I1 + 5I −100 = 0

But I = I1 + I2

6I1 + 5 ( I1 + I 2 ) −100 = 0
6I1 + 5I1 + 5I2 = 100

11I1 + 5I2 = 100 (3)

Consider loop BCDEB & Apply KVL in anti clockwise direction

8I2 + 10I2 – 6I1 = 0
18I2 = 6I1
I1 = 3I2 (4)
equations (3) & (1) are identical

equations (2) & (4) are identical

Hence we get the same answer irrespective of directions of applying KVL.

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Problem 1.35 Calculate the branch current in 15 Ω resistor by Applying
kirchhoff’s law

Figure 1.72

Figure 72 battery voltage value 25 volt missing


Name the loop and Mark the current directions

Figure 1.73

Consider the loop ABEFA & apply KVL in CLK wise

10 – 10I1 – 25 ( I1 + I 2 ) – 5I1 = 0
10 – 10 I1 – 25 I1 – 25 I2 – 5 I1 = 0
– 40 I1 – 25 I 2 + 10 = 0
40I1 + 25I2 = 10 (1)
Consider the loop BCDEB and Apply KVL in CLK wise direction

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Consider the loop BCDEB and Apply KVL in CLK wise direction

15 I 2 – 25 + 20 I 2 + 25 ( I1 + I 2 ) = 0
15 I 2 – 25 + 20 I 2 + 25 ( I1 + I 2 ) = 0
15 I 2 – 25 + 20 I 2 + 25 I1 + 25 I 2 = 0

25I1 + 60 I 2 – 25 = 0

25I1 + 60 I 2 = 25 ……………..(2)

Solve (1) & (2) & find I2 alone

(1)  25  1000 I1 +625I2 = 25
(2)  40  1000 I1 + 2400I2

(A) − (B)  –1775 I2 = −750

I2 = 0.42 Amps.

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Current in 15 Ω resistor is 0.42Amps.

Problem 1.36 For the given network find the branch current in 8 Ω and
voltage across the 3 Ω by applying KVL

Figure 1.74


Name the loop and mark the current directions and apply sign convention.

Figure 1.75

Consider loop ABDA and apply KVL -8I1 +8

−12I1 – 3I2 + 40 = 0
12I1 + 3I2 = 40
Consider loop BCDB and apply KVL
-8(I1 - I2) – 4(I1 - I2 + I3 )+ 3 I2=0
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I2 – 4I1 +4 I2 - 4 I3 + 3 I2=0 (1)

–12I1+15I2 – 4I3 = 0 (2).
Consider loop ABCA and apply KVL
–12I1 – 8(I1 – I2) + 5I3= 0
–12I1 – 8I1 + 8I2 + 5I3 = 0
–20I1+ 8I2 + 5I3 = 0 (3)

Solve equ (2) & (3) and cancel out I3

(2) x 5  –60 I1+ 75 I2 – 20 I3 = 0
(3) x 4  –80 I1+32 I2 + 20 I3 = 0
Add the above two equations  – 140 I1 + 107I2 = 0 (4)

Solve equ (4) & (1) and find I 1 & I2

12I1 + 3I2 = 40 (1)

–140I1 + 107I2 = 0 (4)

(1) x 107  1284I1+ 321I2 = 4280

(4) x 3  – 420I1+ 321I2 = 0
Subtract the above two 1704 I1 = 4280
I1 = 2.51 Amps

Sub I1 in (4)

-140 × 2.51 + 107I2 = 0

-351.4 + 107I2 = 0
107I2 = 351.4
I2 = 3.28 Amps
Current in 8 Ω resistor = I1- I2
= 2.51- 3.28
= -0.77 Amps.

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Negative sign indicates that current flows in the opposite direction of our

Voltage in 3 Ω resistor = 3I2

= 3 × 3.28 = 9.84 volts

Note: Since there are 3 loops three unknown currents I 1, I2 and I3 should be
named in the loop.

Problem 1.37 For the given network shown below find the branch currents
by applying KVL and also find the voltage across 5 Ω resistor.

50 V

Figure 1.76
Name the loop and assume the branch currents.

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Figure 1.77

Consider the loop ABDA and apply KVL.

–4I1 – 5 I3 + I2 = 0
–4 I1+ I2 – 5 I3 = 0 (1)

Consider the loop BCDB and apply KVL.

–3(I1 – I3) + 3(I3 + I2) + 5I3 = 0
–3I1+ 3I3 + 3I3 + 3I2 + 5I3 = 0
–3I1+ 3I2 + 11I3 = 0 (2)

Consider the loop ADCA and apply KVL.

–6(I1 + I2) – I2 – 3(I3 + I2) + 50 = 0
–6I1 – 6I2 – I2 – 3I3 – 3I2 = –50
–6I1 – 10I2 – 3I3 = –50
6I1+ 10I2 + 3I3 = 50 (3)

From eqn is (1) & (2) Cancel I 3

–4I1+ I2 – 5I3 = 0 (4)
–3I1+ 3I2 + 11I3 = 0 (5)

(4) x 3  –12I1 + 3I2 –15I3 = 0

(5) x 4  –12I1 + 12I2 –44I3 = 0

By subtracting the above two equations –9I2 – 59I3 = 0

9I2 = – 59I3
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I2 = – 6.56I3 (6)
–3I1+ 3I2 + 11I3 = 0 (7)
6I1+ 10I2 + 3I3 = 50 (8)

(7) x 2  –6I1+ 6I2 + 22I3 = 0

(8)  6I1+ 10I2 + 3I3 = 50

By adding the above two equations 16I2 + 28I3 = 50 (9)

Sub eqn (6) in (9)
16 (–6.56 I3) + 25 I3 = 50
–104.96 + 25 I3 = 50
–79.96 I3 = 50
I3 = –0.625 Amps (10)
Sub eqn (10) in (6)
I2 = –6.56 x (–0.625)
I2 = 4.1 Amps (7)
Sub (10) & (11) in eqn (8)
6I1+ 10I2 + 3I3 = 50
6I1+ 10 (4.1) + 3 (–0.625) = 50
6I1+ 41 – 1.875 = 50
6I1= 10.875
I1 = 1.81 Amps

Current in 6 Ω resistor = (I1 + I2) = (1.81 + 4.1) = 5.91Amps

Current in 4 Ω resistor = I1 = 1.81 Amps
Current in 5 Ω resistor = I3 = –0.625 Amps
Current in 3 Ω resistor = (I1 – I3) = 1.81 + 0.625 = 2.44 Amps
Current in 3 Ω resistor = (I3+I2) = 3.475 Amps
Current in 1 Ω resistor = I2= 4.1 Amps.
Voltage Across 5 Ω resistor= 5 × 0.625 = 3.13 volts.

Problem 1.38 For the Circuit shown below determine voltages (i) Vdf and

Figure 1.78
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Mark the current directions and mark the polarity

Figure 1.79
Apply KVL to loop abcda
10 –2I1 -3I1 –5I1 =0
–10I1 = –10
I1= 1 Amps

Apply KVL to loop efghe

5I2 – 10 + 3I2 + 2I2 =0
10I2 = 10
I2 = 1 Amps
To find Vdf:
Trace the path Vdf

Figure 1.80

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Vdf = –5(I1 –3I1 +10 + 2I2 +5I2)

Vdf = –5 –3 +10 +2 +5
Vdf = 9 Volts.
Vdf= –9 Volts [∵ because - sign on d side + on f side]

To find Vag:

Figure 1.81

Apply KVL to the above Trace

–2I1 -10 –3I2 = Vag
Vag = –2 – 10 – 3
Vag = –15

Vag = 15 Volts. (With a side + w.r.t g)

Problem 1.39 Find the currents through R2, R3, R4, R5 and R6 of the network.

Figure 1.82

R2 =8 Ω
R3 =4 Ω
R4 =6 Ω
R5 =20 Ω
R6 =10 Ω

Name the circuit and mark the current directions and polarity as shown below

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Figure 1.83

Apply KVL to the loop ACBA.

–4(I1 –I2) + 6I3 + 8I2 = 0.
–4I1 + 4I2 + 6I3 + 8I2 =0
–4I1 + 12I2 + 6I3 =0 (1)
Apply KVL to the loop BCDB
–6I3 –10 (I1 –I2 + I3) +20 (I2 – I3) =0
–6I3 – 10I1 + 10I2 – 10I3 + 20I2 – 20I3 = 0
–10I1 + 30I2 – 36I3 = 0 (2)
Apply KVL to loop EABDFE
–8 I2 – 20 (I2 – I3) +12 (2 – I1) = 0
–8 I2 – 20 I2 + 20 I3 + 24 – 12 I1 = 0
–28 I2 + 20 I3 + 24 – 12 I1 = 0
–12 I1 – 28 I2 + 20 I3 = -24
12 I1 + 28 I2 – 20 I3 = 24 (3)

Solving equ. (1) (2) & (3). We get

I1 = 1.125 Amps
I2 = 0.375 Amps
I3 = 0 Amps

 Current in R2 = 0.375 Amps

R3 = 0.75 Amps
R4 = 0 Amps
R5 = 0.375 Amps
R6 = 0.75 Amps

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▪ In nodal analysis, node equations relating node voltages are

obtained for a multi node network.
▪ These node voltages are derived from kirchoff’s current law (KCL)
• In this method the number of equations required to be solved is N-1,
where N is the number of nodes.
• A node is a junction in a network where three or more branches
meet. One of the nodes in a network is regarded as reference
(datum) node and the potential of the other nodes are defined
with reference to the datum node.

Case I.

Consider figure 1 Let the voltages at nodes a and b be V a and Vb. Applying
Kirchoff’s current law (KCL) at node ‘a’ we get

R1 I1 a I3 R 3 b I5 R 5
I2 I4
V1 R2 R4 V2

Figure 1.84

I1 + I2 + I3 = 0 (1)



Problem 1.42 Use the Nodal Method to find Vba and current through 30 Ω
resistor in the circuit shown



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