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Amali Nilai Tenaga BIO KSSM F4

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MODUL • Biologi Tingkatan 4

Peta pemikiran
I-think map

Lengkapkan kelas-kelas makanan di bawah. / Complete the classes of food below.

Tujuh kelas makanan / Seven classes of food

Protein Karbohidrat Lipid Garam mineral

Protein Carbohydrate Lipid Minerals salt

Serat Air Vitamin

Fibres Water Vitamins

3 Lengkapkan yang berikut untuk menerangkan nilai tenaga makanan.

Complete the following to describe energy content of food.
• Jumlah tenaga yang dibebaskan apabila satu gram makanan dioksidakan dengan
lengkapnya. / The amount of energy released when one gram of food is oxidised completely.
• Unit nilai tenaga ialah kilojoule per gram (kJ g ) kalori (kal)
atau .
The unit of energy value is kilojoules per gram (kJ g ) or calories (cal)

Unit 9
• Formula untuk mendapatkan nilai tenaga ialah: / The formula to obtain the energy value is:

4.2 J g–1 ºC–1 × jisim air (g) × kenaikan suhu (ºC)

Nilai tenaga makanan (kJ g–1) =
Jisim makanan (g) × 1 000

4.2 J g –1 oC –1 × mass of water (g) × increase in temperature ( oC)

Energy value of food (kJ g–1) =
Mass of food (g) × 1 000

EKSPERIMEN BERPANDU Menentukan nilai tenaga dalam sampel makanan

GUIDED EXPERIMENT Determining the energy value of the food sample

TUJUAN Mengkaji nilai tenaga sampel makanan.

Studying the energy value of a food sample.

PERNYATAAN Apakah nilai tenaga dalam kacang gajus dan kacang tanah?
PROBLEM STATEMENT What is the energy value of a cashew nut and a peanut?

HIPOTESIS Kacang tanah mempunyai nilai tenaga yang lebih tinggi berbanding gajus.
Peanut contains higher energy value than cashew nut.

PEMBOLEH UBAH Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan: Jenis sampel makanan

Manipulated variable: Type of food sample
Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Nilai tenaga
Responding variable: Energy value
Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Isi padu air
Constant variable: Volume of water

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MODUL • Biologi Tingkatan 4

BAHAN Kacang gajus, kacang tanah, kapas, air suling, plastisin

Cashew nut, peanut, cotton, distilled water, plasticine

RADAS Kaki retort, tabung didih, termometer, jarum, silinder penyukat, penunu Bunsen dan
penimbang elektronik.
Retort stand, boiling tube, thermometer, pin, measuring cylinder, Bunsen burner and electronic balance.

PROSEDUR 1 Sebiji kacang gajus segar ditimbang dan jisimnya dicatat.

A fresh cashew nut was weighed and the mass was recorded.
2 Tabung didih diisikan dengan 20 ml air suling.
A boiling tube was filled with 20 ml distilled water.
3 Suhu awal air dicatat.
The initial temperature of the water was recorded.
4 Kacang gajus dibakar dan diletakkan sedekat mungkin dengan tabung didih.
The cashew nut is ignited and placed close to the bottom of the boiling tube.
5 Penghadang angin diletakkan di sekeliling radas untuk mengurangkan haba yang terbebas
ke persekitaran.
A windshield was placed around the apparatus to reduce heat loss to the surrounding.
6 Air di dalam tabung didih dikacau supaya haba dapat disebarkan secara sekata.
The water in the boiling tube was stirred to distribute the heat evenly.
7 Suhu akhir air diukur dan direkodkan dengan menggunakan termometer apabila kacang
gajus telah habis terbakar.
The final temperature of the water was measured and recorded by using a thermometer when the
Unit 9

cashew nut has stopped burning.

8 Nilai tenaga kacang gajus dihitung menggunakan formula berikut:
The energy value of the cashew nut was calculated using the following formula:
4.2 J g–1 ºC–1 × jisim air (g) × kenaikan suhu (ºC)
Nilai tenaga makanan (kJ g–1) =
Jisim makanan (g) × 1 000
4.2 J g –1 oC –1 × mass of water (g) × increase in temperature ( oC)
Energy value of food (kJ g–1) =
Mass of food (g) × 1 000

9 Eksperimen di atas diulang dengan menggunakan kacang tanah.

The above experiment was repeated by using a peanut.

RESULTS Suhu akhir
Suhu awal
Sampel Jisim Jisim air
air, t1 (ºC) air, t2 (ºC) Nilai tenaga
makanan makanan (g) (g) Final (kJ g –1)
Food Mass of the Mass of temperature Energy value
temperature of
sample food (g) water (g) (kJ g –1)
the water, t1 (oC) of the owater, t2
( C)

Kacang gajus
Cashew nut

Kacang tanah

KESIMPULAN Hipotesis diterima. Kacang tanah mempunyai nilai tenaga yang lebih tinggi berbanding
Hypothesis is accepted. Peanut contains higher energy value than cashew nut.

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