Aoam211 Midterm Reviewer
Aoam211 Midterm Reviewer
Aoam211 Midterm Reviewer
Teamwork Skills
Communication Skills In hospitality, regardless of your role, you will always
Strong communication skills are highly valued in every only ever be one cog in a much larger machine.
industry, but especially so in hospitality and tourism. Whether it is within a particular hotel department, in a
Each day you will be dealing with people from a busy kitchen or as part of the bar staff, you need to be
variety of backgrounds, ages, nationalities, and able to work well with others, especially during busy
temperaments, so it is important that you can periods.
communicate in a way that is both clear and Given the high turnover rate within the industry, this
understandable, as well as representative of your can be challenging, after all, you will have to adapt to
employer’s brand. new faces constantly and build relationships from
As already mentioned, you want your customers to scratch all over again.
come back, so the ability to build and cultivate But if you are not working seamlessly in union, the
relationships can make a big difference. whole operation can start to go south, which is bad for
It is also important to be able to communicate clearly customers, for your employer and ultimately for you.
with your fellow staff members, especially in busy, Problem-Solving Skills
high pressure environments like kitchens or This is a skill that is highly valued in any industry, in
nightclubs, where effective teamwork is crucial. hospitality though, the ability to think on your feet and
Multitasking Skills solve problems quickly can save yourself a lot of
One of the reasons why hospitality can be so difficult potential hassle.
to work in is because it is almost always hectic. For instance, if a guest complains about their room,
In most cases, there is no such thing as a quiet day in you could offer them complimentary drinks in the bar
the office and, therefore the ability to multitask and while you wait for another guest to check out.
handle several tasks at once will serve you well. This keeps the customer happy, leaves a good
This means learning how to prioritize and manage impression of the hotel and saves you the trouble of a
your time effectively, while you will also need to be potential conflict.
able to handle pressure and remain clam when things Alternatively, if a customer has very specific dietary
get chaotic. requirements, you could consult with the chef on their
Work Ethic behalf to offer a tailored alternative solution.
If you are going to work in hospitality, regardless of Attention to Detail
your role, you are going to have to work hard. Attention to detail skills can come in handy when
It is likely that you will be on your feet for most of the working in hospitality. Whether it is spotting billing or
time, working long shifts for little reward—all while administrative errors at reception or noticing that a
maintaining a cheerful and friendly facade in front of particular ingredient is past its best in the kitchen, it is
customers. the little things that can make a big difference.
Therefore, if you have a tendency to avoid work, or It can also help you to develop relationships with
you are not willing to roll up your sleeves and get customers and provide a more positive experience
stuck in, it is likely that you will get found out and overall. For instance, suggesting a particular wine to
dismissed rather quickly. accompany a dish, remembering how a certain
Language Skills customer prefers their drink to be made, or even
Although not necessarily a requisite, language skills noticing that somebody is struggling to carry their
are a huge bonus in this field because they allow you luggage and offering to help are all small details that
to communicate with a wider range of clients. can leave a big impression on customers.
They are particularly useful if you want to work in the
tourism sector, where your knowledge of languages is Human Resources Planning
useful on an in-person, day-to-day basis. HR planning is responsible for determining the human
Language skills can also benefit your career in the resource contributions as well as the processes and
long term, too. activities required to achieve the goals and objectives
If you speak French, for example, then there could be of the business plan.
operations and/or management opportunities It evaluates current human resources policies and
available to you on a more senior level, such as in a practices in light of the business goals and
customer liaison or relationship management role. determining which new human resources initiatives
Professionalism are necessary.
Most employers in the hospitality industry rely on their It is a dynamic management process of ensuring that
customer-facing staff to uphold the reputation of their at all times a company or its units has in its employ
brand; therefore, it is important that at all times you the right number of people with the right skills,
remain highly professional. assigned to the right jobs where they can contribute
Usually this means ensuring that you look tidy and most effectively to the productivity and profitability of
well groomed, are on time for your shifts and are not the company.
caught doing anything you should not be doing, such
as smoking outside the main entrance or not washing
your hands before handling food.
It also means keeping your cool and not reacting
negatively when dealing with an angry or irate
Determining HR Requirements
Human resources forecasts stem from the operational
plans of finance, sales, marketing and production
Predicting the number of employees that operation
will need to recruit, hire, train, develop, transfer and
Human Resources Process promote is based upon operational objectives
Effective human resources planning refers to Demand for employees is based upon a combination
identifying and selecting the right person for the right of variables that are common to all operations
job at the right time:
right person: appropriate qualifications in terms of HR Needs versus Supply
skills and experience
right job: implies that a careful analysis
has been done to determine what the work requires in
both physical and mental energies
right time: knowledge of projected needs
HR Supply Analysis
Inventory of Internal Labor Supplies
Analyze the abilities, skills, talents and growth
potential of the people in the operation and Linking HR Planning to Strategy
organization However, today's HR professionals are developing
Skills inventory schemes to actively involve all employees in strategic
a data system that describes the employees working planning with the aim of making every employee
for the hospitality organization by name, skills, and productively contribute to the growth of the company.
important characteristics Individual employees no longer work in isolation but
a management tool used for assessing the supply and as a part of a team to accomplish the company’s
available skills of employees objectives.
Job Content
HR managers are fully alive to the fact that any A job description is a useful, plain-language tool that
outside impression of an organization can be badly explains the tasks, duties, function and responsibilities
impaired by disgruntled employees, which will of a position.
adversely impact company sales. It details who performs a specific type of work, how
that work is to be completed, and the frequency and
the purpose of the work as it relates to the
organization's mission and goals.
Job descriptions are used for a variety of reasons,
such as determining salary levels, conducting
performance reviews, clarifying missions, establishing
titles and pay grades, and creating reasonable
accommodation controls, and as a tool for recruiting.
Job descriptions are useful in career planning, offering
training exercises and establishing legal requirements
for compliance purposes.
A job description gives an employee a clear and
Job Design for Human Resources in Hospitality concise resource to be used as a guide for job
Job analysis performance. Likewise, a supervisor can use a job
Is the process of determining that what knowledge description as a measuring tool to ensure that the
each employee needs, what task the employee needs employee is meeting job expectations.
to perform & the standard to which the employee must
perform the task. The three components of job Job Qualifications
analysis are as follows: Job requirements are the skills, experience, and
Job knowledge attributes the employer wants to find in the candidate
Is the complete know how require to perform a who is hired for the position.
particular task while meeting the require standard. Job qualifications are the credentials that qualify an
Job list applicant for the role.
Enumerates in simple term the various tasks to be Job requirements may include specific skills, types
accomplished and amounts of work experience, personal qualities,
Job breakdown educational credentials, professional certifications, or
Identifies what an employee needs to know to areas of knowledge.
perform, the task to the expected standard. Job postings may also state that some other skills,
experience, or credentials are preferred but not
Job Design
Job design involves organizing the tasks and What Employers are looking for?
responsibilities for each position. For this, the Employers Like People Who Are
following questions will be asked: Able to follow instructions Organized
What specific tasks need to be accomplished accurately
for the position?
How is each task performed? Tidy in their appearance Able to handle problems
How long does each job take to complete? Enthusiastic Able to work as part of a
What is the order in which the tasks need to Team
be completed?
Willing to learn Able to work with