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Ijser: Failure Modes of RC Columns Under Loading

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1279

ISSN 2229-5518


G. Doğan, M. H. Arslan

Abstract—Failure of reinforced concrete (RC) columns has been a main cause of collapse of existing RC building frames so far.
Similar failure patterns of buildings have been repeatedly observed in the investigation of past earthquake damages. As
observed from these events, seven failure types cause completely failed buildings or partially damage the structural members.
The names of them flexural failure, shear failure, shear failure of flat-plate construction (punching failure), bond splitting failure,
splice failure of longitudinal reinforcement, creep failure and column-beam joint failure. The objectives of this paper are to
highlight some of these observations, causes of failure and to find preventing method of these damages. Some analytical
calculation is also given in this paper.

Index Terms— Earthquake, Failure of columns, Punching, Reinforced Concrete, Shear Effect

——————————  ——————————

d : Core of constant diameter

l : Length of core

Ac : Gross section area of column

Nd m : Greater of the factored axial forces calculated under vertical loads only and
under simultaneous action of vertical and seismic loads
f ck : Characteristic compressive cylinder strength of concrete

ρl : Longitudinal column reinforcement

Vn : Column shear strength

Vp : Max. probable shear force required for the plastic hinge form. at column ends

Mp : Max. plastic moment capacity of the column

L : Clear height of the column

ℓb : Development length

f yd : Design yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement

f ctd : Design tensile strength of concrete

φ : Rebar diameter

Vc : Concrete contribution to the shear strength

P : Axial load

Ag : Gross cross section area

fc` : Specified compressive concrete strength

b,d : Web width and effective depth of the section

vc : Shear strength carried by concrete

A sw : Transverse reinforcement area within a spacing

f ywd : Yield strength of transverse reinforcement

s : Spacing in loading direction

Nb : Axial force on balanced point

D` : Distance measured parallel to the applied shear between centers of the peripheral hoop

as Japan, USA, India, Greece, in Turkey most of

1 INTRODUCTION failure types have occurred due to,
There have been observed different failure • Earthquakes (for instance in Turkey,
types in reinforced concrete (RC) building over than 500.000 building heavily
members such as columns, beams, shear walls, damaged after the earthquakes
infill walls, slabs, connection regions etc. (lateral load is dominant)
Performance of RC buildings has demonstrated • Self-weight (in the last decade over than
that a concrete column has an important role for 200 building totally collapsed in
preventing totally collapse of building. As well Turkey (axial load is dominant))

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1280
ISSN 2229-5518

Recent earthquakes (Erzincan-1972, Kobe- combined axial load and bending moment
1995, Marmara-1999) show that, RC member reaches capacity when concrete reaches the
failing may cause the total collapsing of a ultimate deformation level as about 0.003~0.0035.
building and it has become an obvious realty that If concrete reaches the deformation capacity
the column damage is the most serious and before yielding of longitudinal reinforcement
important failure type in all structural members. bars in tension region, the failure mode is called
Summaries of the performance of RC buildings in as compression dominant flexure failure.
past earthquake are provided in literature [1-2]. The main parameter of the deformation type
Lessons and prominent observations under combined axial load and bending moment
summarized in those documents and other are; section area of column, concrete compressive
earthquake reconnaissance reports [3-4] indicate strength, axial forces level and amount of
that damage in poorly detailed columns is a longitudinal and lateral reinforcement bars.
primarily cause for significant structural damage With reference to the N-M interaction diagram
including excessive permanent drift and building given in Fig. 1, the design point on the
collapse. compression axial load side should be made to lie
Sometimes, buildings and structures have at or below the balanced point, that is N<N b so
failed or suddenly sustained damage because of that the failure of column is by yielding of steel
their own weight or other loads. The collapses and not by crushing of concrete.
occurred spontaneously, and were not related to If the column is idealized as a rigid body, the
an earthquake or other external causes. Kaltakcı flexural deformation of the column can be
et al. [5-7] studied about the collapsed RC represented by the rotation of the rigid body. Fig.
building in their self-weight. The most dramatic 2.a shows this type of failure mode.
failure example of self-weight was the Zumrut The bending cracks investigated at the socket
Apartment Building disaster: a 9-story RC level of the columns of a coffee-processing
building in Turkey that collapsed on February 2, factory erected in 1996 in Izmit can be seen in Fig.

2004, leaving 92 people dead. 2.b. Formation of bending cracks at lower
The last experimental and analytical sections of the columns is a widespread failure
investigations [3-8-9] have been concentrated on type confronted. This type of failure is the
deficiencies in seismic shear resistance of RC indicator of column exceeding the ultimate elastic
columns. moment bearing strength at lower sections. The
Typical failure types in columns can be inadequacy of the column cross-sections
divided as flexure, shear, combined shear and especially in frame’s orthogonal out-of-plane
flexure and bond failure. direction (the asymmetrical approach in column-
From this point of view, the main aim of this design) and exceedingly ratio of the longitudinal
study is to explain failure modes of RC columns. reinforcement the total area of which reaches up
The other major objective of this research is to to the ultimate value given in the building codes
identify main factors contributing to shear failure that a column might possess are the principal
and gravity load collapse of lightly RC columns. reasons for column lower section failures.
At the end of the paper, the significance of To compare concrete strength with code’s
column failure for a RC structure is emphasized. requirement [12], six specimens were extracted
from different axe’s columns (one of them is
shown in Fig. 2.b.). Core of constant diameter,
2 FAILURE MODES OF RC COLUMNS d=8 cm, and different lengths, l. The results are
As mentioned above, columns have the most listed in Table 2 where the core strength is
important role in all structural members of a converted into that of the standard cylinder of 15-
building. According to the base civil engineering 30 cm.
concept, columns failure wants to be occurring Fig. 3 gives basic information about
after beams and the other components damages. material strength. As illustrated in Fig. 3, even
Performance of existing buildings in earthquakes though the concrete strength must be
indicates that the beams are less vulnerable to emphasized upper than 30 MPa in the project,
damage during earthquakes and their damage experimental study shows that real strength is
appears to be less critical to performance as lower.
compared with that of columns and column – In various studies on concrete strength in
beam joints. Table 1 represents of damage level of different regions of Turkey, it is concluded that
a column [10-11]. the average concrete compressive strength in
existing buildings is around 10 MPa [13-16].
2.1. Flexural Compression Failure Especially in the Kocaeli Earthquake, average
A flexural compression failure is a common concrete compressive strength that was taken
failing type in RC especially high rise RC damaged and undamaged buildings was as low
building columns. A RC column that subjected as 1/3 of the design strengths very low and far

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1281
ISSN 2229-5518

from TEC-2007 [12] and TBC-2000 [17] mm diameter smooth rebar are generally used
requirements. Fig. 4 was taken from a damaged but with respect to TEC-2007 minimum bar
column that was made low quality materials. diameter must be 14 mm. The selection of
According to TEC-2007 [12], Gross minimum φ14 steel prevents buckling of
section area of column shall satisfy the condition reinforcement.
given in equation 1, in this formulation N dm During an earthquake, however, exterior
refers to design axial load from load combination columns, especially corner ones, are subjected to
includes earthquake effect. In the drift version of varying axial force due to the overturning
TEC-2017 [12] the formulation are revised by moment of a structure; the axial force level in
changing 0.5 to 0.4. these columns may become extremely high in
compression, leading the flexural compression
N dm failure.
Ac ≥ (1)
(0.50 × f ck ) 2.2. Shear and Torsion Failure
Shear and torsion failure after inelastic cyclic
(N dm = N g +N q ±N E ) loading is often observed in RC beam or column
whose shear strength is slightly larger than its
Shorter dimension of columns with flexural strength. In the AIJ Design Guidelines,
rectangular section shall not be less than 250 mm 1999 [20], this kind of failure is attributed to the
and section area shall not be less than 75000 two reasons,
mm2. Although min. dimension of column has (1) reduction of effective compressive strength
been 250 mm since TEC-1975 [18], in practice of concrete due to intersecting flexural-shear
there has been observed too many application cracks, and
that contains column dimensions is less than 250 (2) reduction of aggregate interlocking due to
mm. In the chapter 21 of ACI 318-95 [19], the min. wide flexural-shear cracks (Architectural Institute

dimensions of columns is 300 mm. The reason for of Japan (1999) [20].
this is to satisfy minimum rigidity, decrease the Shear and torsion failure which are the most
axial load level, and thus increase in ductility. brittle mode of RC columns are caused by
In buildings, the redundancy is higher and the especially lack of lateral reinforcements. As shear
bending moment due to lateral loads per column failure proceeds, degradation of the concrete core
may be small. Further, the efforts of designers to may lead to loss of axial load carrying capacity of
reduce column sizes to increase architectural the column. As the axial capacity diminishes, the
appeal pushes the design point more towards the gravity loads carried by the column must be
apex of the N-M interaction diagram. This is not transferred to neighboring elements. A rapid loss
desirable owing to possible brittle compression of axial capacity will result in the dynamic
failure. In addition, smaller column sizes relative redistribution of internal actions within the
to that of the beams suggest that the beams are building frame and may progressively lead to
likely to be stronger than columns. Under lateral collapse.
loads, this strong-beam-weak-column system A simple way to check for shear failure in a
leads to catastrophic storey collapse mechanisms frame system with double-curvature columns is
(or sway mechanisms). Typical strong beam- to compare the column shear strength, V n , with
weak column failure type represents in Fig. 5. the maximum probable shear force required for
According to all seismic codes, columns must be the plastic hinge formation at column ends, V p
stronger 1.2 times than beams. In example (given in equation 2)
buildings given in Figure, beams are 1.65 times 2M P
stronger than columns. From these points of VP = (2)
view, it may be required to the design point to a L
level marginally above the balanced axial load, if
not at or below the balanced axial load. Fig. 6 M p maximum plastic moment capacity of the
shows column with buckled longitudinal bars column, L is clear height of the column.
that experienced high axial load. The main reason of the shear failure is
Longitudinal column reinforcement shall not exceeding tension stress of the concrete tension
be less than 1%, nor shall it be more than 4% of strength. If shear deformation due to shear cracks
gross section area ( 1% < ρ  < 4% ). In the code, is idealized as shown in Fig. 7.
selection of low steel ratio is encouraged. The After the concrete cracks under the tensile
reason of that is; low steel ratio is an stress, the stress must be transferred to the lateral
amplification of larger cross section. This reinforcement. Brittle shear failure occurs in the
situation effects ductility to increase. The author diagonal tension mode when the minimum
has observed that in all seismic regions amount of lateral reinforcement is not provided
column’s ρl is ranges between 1% and 2%. 12-16 in the member. Fig. 8 illustrated shear effect on a

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1282
ISSN 2229-5518

column after Adana Earthquake. failure for the buildings under earthquake effects
Transverse reinforcement in concrete columns and may even cause damage in some cases. [28-
is used to fulfill three main functions. These 31]. The slabs and column components with
functions include restraining longitudinal greater flexibility can be observed collapse [29,
reinforcement against buckling, increasing shear 32].
resistance, and confining concrete for improved Fig. 13 represents the pan – cake collapse of a
deformability. Short and stubby columns attract RC building in Marmara region, after the 1999
shear stresses that may exceed diagonal tension Marmara-Kocaeli earthquake.
capacity of concrete. The excess shear in these It can be seen that in many destructive
columns is resisted by transverse reinforcement. earthquakes, the construction is totally collapsed
Shear reinforcement is usually designed because of the weak column or insufficient
following the 45o truss analogy employed in the ductility [28-29, 33-37].
ACI-318 [21] design code.
The lack of shear reinforcement was one of the 2.4. Bond Splitting Failure
main causes of collapse of the buildings and it is In a reinforced concrete member, load is
shown Fig. 9a [22]. Some RC colomns failed due transferred between the reinforcement bars and
to its shortening because of the effect of the the concrete through bonds under loading. High
masonry wall (short column effect) (Fig. 9b) flexural bond stresses may exist in members with
Fig. 10 is represents a shear failure type steep moment gradients along their lengths. The
occurred after 1999 Marmara earthquake [24]. As splitting failure of bond is influences many
well as ACI-318, during the last few decades factors;
several shear strength model have been proposed • Used deformed bars,
and used for the design and evaluation of RC • the proportioning and positioning of the
columns. A short brief of this model is given in main reinforcement and lateral confining
Table 3 for a sample column. In the Table 3, only reinforcement within the member,

concrete contribution and transverse • material characteristics of the concrete,
reinforcement is given. According to the ASCE- • the concrete cover on the deformed bars,
ACI Committee 426 Proposals [25], the most • yield strength of the reinforcement bars.
critical mechanism were identified as the shear In figures 14 and 15 bond splitting failure
transfer by the transverse reinforcement and types are given.
concrete. Shear transfer by uncracked concrete,
interface shear transfer in the cracked concrete, 2.5. Splice Failure of Longitudinal
aggregate interlock, dowel shear carried by the Reinforcement
longitudinal reinforcement and arch action in
deep members is commonly neglected. The reinforce concrete is composed of steel
In lightly reinforced columns after the shear and concrete material. While using lap-spliced
failure degradation of the core concrete may lead design, it is very important to make sure that the
to loss of gravity-load-carrying capacity. A bonding between concrete and reinforcement is
sudden loss of column axial capacity will lead to sufficient. Because the lap-spliced steels strongly
transfer of column gravity loads to neighboring affect the column ductility [38-39].
frame members with ensuing dynamic The Chi-Chi Earthquake [40] caused severe
redistribution of forces within those members damages in the central regions of Taiwan
and a possible subsequent building collapse. counties. In Taiwan, the traditional low rise
Fig.11 shows shear failure effect in a lightly buildings were designed without ductile details
reinforced column [26] . to resist strong earthquake ground motions, and
suffered moderate to major damages, even
2.3. Shear failure of flat-plate construction collapse. According to the reconnaissance reports
(punching failure) [39], it is believed that the failure mechanisms of
steels lap-spliced at the plastic hinge zone and
The flat plate is a two-way reinforced concrete insufficient confinement of columns are fatal
framing system utilizing a slab of uniform factors that bring to the structure to collapse.
thickness, the simplest of structural shapes. A flat Particularly, the construction of lap-spliced steels,
plate floor do not have beams supported the which play an important rule to affect the
slabs. Serious shear failure of flat-plate (punching member behaviors, may led to brittle structural
failure) was observed after the 1985 Mexico City collapse [38-39].
and 1999 Marmara-Kocaeli Earthquake. Longitudinal reinforcement is spliced in
Pure punching failure capacity of the various ways, including lap splice, mechanical
connections is defined using the eccentric shear splices and welded splices. Splices should located
stress model of TBC-500-2000 and new TEC-2017 in a region where tension stress is low. Splices in
draft code [27]. Slab-Column joints can cause order buildings were located in regions of higher

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1283
ISSN 2229-5518

tensile stresses because the implication for dependent deformation of concrete that is
earthquake performance was inadequately subjected to permanent loads. Fig. 19
understood. Splice failure reduces flexural demonstrated that concrete specimen which are
resistance of the member often before yielding. loaded up to 60%, 70% and 75% of their strength
In the code, lap splices of column longitudinal carry such loads forever without showing any
reinforcement should be made, as much as failure. When the same specimen is loaded so
possible, within the column central zone defined. that the stress in concrete is 80% or more of its
In the drift version of TEC-2007 [12], TEC-1975 strength, the specimen fails after a certain time
[18], TEC-2016 [27] lap splices of the columns [41]. Fig. 20 shows a creep failure. Creep causes
proposed mid-section of the column (Fig. 16). significant deformation and makes some cracks
In this case, the splice length shall be equal to occur. A harmful type of this failure is shown in
the development length ℓ b given in TBC-2000 for Fig. 21. In Table 4 [42], experimental study results
tension bars. In equation 3, development length were given. It is clear that compressive strength
is given. Here, f yd is design yield strength of of concrete is really very low according to the
longitudinal reinforcement, f ctd is design tensile TEC-2007 and TBC-2000 design criteria.
strength of concrete, φ is rebar diameter. Kaltakcı et al. [5-7] studied about the collapsed
 f yd  RC building in their self-weight. The main
 b = 0.12 φ ≥ 20φ (3) structural failing cause is creep deformation of
 f ctd  the concrete. Creep failure, heavily damaged
column in an apartment is shown Fig. 22 [42].
According to TEC-2007 [12], in the case where
lap splices of column longitudinal reinforcement 2.7. Column-Beam Joint Failure
are made at the bottom end of the column, the Many of the beam-column joints are heavily
following requirements shall be met. damaged as result of
(a) In the case where 50% of longitudinal • insufficient lateral ties at the

reinforcement or less is spliced at the bottom end beam-column joints. A view of one of
of column, lap splice length shall be at least 1.25 the damaged joints is shown in Fig.
times ℓ b . 23b. In the figure, beam-column
(b) In the case where more than 50% of connections consisted of weak
longitudinal reinforcement is spliced at the reinforced concrete columns and
bottom end of column, lap splice length shall be strong beams. On the contrary,
at least 1.5 times ℓ b . The same condition shall similar building that is shown in
apply to starter bars protruding from the Fig.23a did not meet heavily damage
foundation. after earthquake shock.
Lap splices in moment-frame columns were • Confinement reinforcement did not exist
typically made immediately above the floor and beam reinforcing bars anchorage
framing or the foundation. That means the lap in the joint is inadequate. This type of
splices in column were located in a plastic hinge damage was also reported for the
zone that is the most critical region of RC September 21, 1999 Chi Chi
members. The authors have observed this earthquake [43].
common mistake in many of buildings. This Beam-column joints of frame systems
damage is due to inadequate lap splice length. comprised of columns and beams of high
During the 1985 Mexico earthquake no ductility that have been separated into two
confinement effect was observed in the columns classes as confined and unconfined joints in the
where the transverse reinforcement was TEC-2007.
insufficient. In addition, there were inadequate a) In the case where beams frame into all four
construction joints on the shear walls, there was sides of a column and where the width of each
movement and damage throughout the joints[29- beam is not less than 3/4 the adjoining column
30]. In addition, inadequate construction and width, such a beam-column joint shall be defined
materials quality may cause structural failure or as a confined joint (Fig.24).
collapse. b) All joints not satisfying the above given
Fig.17-18 is a good example of splice failure of conditions shall be defined as unconfined joint
longitudinal reinforcement. Most of buildings (Because it is rather difficult to satisfy this
collapsed because of inadequate lap splices in requirement practically).
column- base connection region after 1999 It is rather difficult to satisfy this requirement
Marmara Earthquake. practically. In practice, it is observed that
additional stirrups were not provided near and
2.6. Creep Failure within the connections in many cases [11].
Creep has an unfavorable effect on the To the TEC-2007, in structural systems
strength of concrete. Creep failure is the time comprised of frames only or of combination of

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1284
ISSN 2229-5518

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Buildings under Extreme Environment,” Structural [41] Ersoy U., Ozcebe G., Reinforced Concrete, METU, Ankara,
Engineering and Structural Mechanics, K. S. Pister, Ed., Turkey, 1996.
Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1980, pp 188-237. [42] Kara N., Technical Report on Altınbasak Apartment, 2004,
[31] Kasai, K., and Popov, E. P., “On Seismic Design of Konya, Turkey
Eccentrically Braced Steel frames,” Proceedings of the 8th [43] Yoshimura K., Kuroki M.,Damage to Building Structures
World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Caused By the 1999 Chi-chi Earthquake in Taiwan, ( http://
Francisco 1984, Vol. V, pp 387-394. www.arch.oita-u.ac.jp/a-kou/taiwan1.pdf)


IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1286
ISSN 2229-5518

G. Doğan, M. H. Arslan

Res. Asst., Selcuk University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, Konya,


Assoc.Prof. Dr., Selcuk University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering,


Corresponding author:

Musa Hakan Arslan

Tel: +90-332-223-2660

E-mail address: mharslan@selcuk.edu.tr
Postal address: Selcuk University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Civil
Engineering, Konya, Turkey

List of Figures

Fig. 1. Interaction curve of a column

Fig. 2a. Deformation mode
Fig. 2b. Bending cracks witnessed in a coffee-processing factory in Izmit
Fig. 3. Comparative experiment of concrete strength

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1287
ISSN 2229-5518

Fig. 4. Typical column failure

Fig. 5. Strong beam-weak column failure example
Fig. 6. Columns failure with buckled longitudinal bars
Fig. 7. Shear failure mechanism
Fig. 8. A damaged column by shear effect
Fig. 9a. The Lack of Shear reinforcement failure of the column
Fig. 9b. Short column effect
Fig. 10. Shear failure at column top
Fig. 11. Shear failure of column
Fig. 12. Shear failure of flat-plate construction (punching failure)
Fig. 13. The pan-cake collapse
Fig.14. Longitudinal reinforcement of a column is not closely spaced
Fig. 15. The concrete cover on the deformed bars is thin
Fig. 16. Lap splices of columns in TEC
Fig. 17. Inadequate details at the base
Fig. 18. Failure of short lap splices in moment-column frame
Fig. 19. Short columns failed
Fig. 20. Creep has an unfavorable effect on the strength of concrete
Fig. 21. Cracks caused by creep
Fig. 22. Creep failure, heavily damaged column in an apartment
Fig. 23a. Undamaged column-beam joint
Fig. 23b. Figure damaged column-beam join
Fig. 24. Beam-column joints of frame systems


Fig. 1. Interaction curve of a column

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1288
ISSN 2229-5518

Fig. 2b. Bending cracks witnessed in a coffee-processing

Fig. 2a.Deformation mode
factory in Izmit

Fig. 3.Comparative experiment of concrete strength

Fig. 4. Typical column failure

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1289
ISSN 2229-5518

Fig. 5. Strong beam-weak column failure example

IJSER Fig. 6. Columns failure with buckled longitudinal bars

Fig. 7.Shear failure mechanism

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1290
ISSN 2229-5518

Fig. 8.A damaged column by shear effect

Fig. 9a. The Lack of Shear reinforcement failure of the
column [22]
Fig.9b. Short column effect [23]

Fig. 10.Shear failure at column Top [24]

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1291
ISSN 2229-5518

Fig.11. Shear failure of column [26]

Fig. 12. Shear failure of flat-plate construction (punching failure)

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1292
ISSN 2229-5518

Fig. 13. The pan-cake collapse

Fig. 14. Longitudinal reinforcement of a column is not closely spaced (450-600 mm)

IJSER Fig. 15.The concrete cover on the deformed bars is thin

TEC-1975 [18] TEC-2007 [12] TEC-2017 (draft) [27]

Fig. 16. Lap splices of columns in TEC

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1293
ISSN 2229-5518

Fig. 17. Inadequate details at the base [19-23]

Fig. 18. Failure of short lap splices in moment-
column frame
Fig. 19. Short columns failed

Fig. 20. Creep has an unfavorable effect on the strength of concrete [41]

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1294
ISSN 2229-5518

Fig. 21. Cracks caused by creep

Fig. 22. Creep failure, heavily damaged column in an apartment [42]

Fig. 23a.Undamaged column-beam joint Fig. 23b.Figure Damaged column-beam joint

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1295
ISSN 2229-5518

Fig. 24. Beam-column joints of frame systems




IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1296
ISSN 2229-5518



Damage Level Light Minor Medium Major Collapse

Shear or flexural
Light damage on exposed and Significant damage on
cracks on columns,
Very Light or no columns, shear buckled in columns, columns and shear walls,
Description appreciable
damage cracks on RC non- large shear cracks a part of entire building
damage on non-
structural walls especially in shear collapsed
structural walls
Many heavy cracks
Heavy cracks of 1- are found, crushing
Column Cracks Cracks with smaller Cracks of 0.2-1 mm
2 mm wide are of concrete and -------------
Definition than 0.2 mm are found
found buckling of

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1297
ISSN 2229-5518

Compressive Strength

Core l/d Tested Core(MPa) Standard Cyclic Core (MPa)

I 1.52 20.41 19.75

II 1.34 19.83 17.13
III 1.28 16.10 13.40
IV 1.40 18.50 16.55
V 1.33 17.45 15.05
VI 1.39 17.02 16.15
Average 16.34

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1298
ISSN 2229-5518

Model for Shear

 P  ' A sw × f ywd × d
VC = 21 +  f c bd VS = VC + VS
1 ACI-318-02
 2000A 
 g  s

 3P 
Vc = v c 1 + ' bd
 f A 
ASCE-ACI  c g  A sw × f ywd × d
2 Committee 426 VS = VC + VS
  s
Vc = v c 1 + bd
Proposals P
 6 f'A 
 c g 

P A sw × f ywd × d
3 SEAOC VC = 3.5 f c' 1 + 0.002 Ac VS = VC + VS
Ag s

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1299
ISSN 2229-5518

 P  ' A sw × f ywd × d
VC = α ' 1 +  f c bd VC + VS
Ascheim and
4 VS =
 2000A c  s
A sw × f ywd × d
5 Caltrans Vc = F1 F2 f c' (0.8A c ) VS = VC + VS
A sw × f yw × D '
6 Priestly VC = k f c' A e VS = × cot 30 0 VC + VS
A sw × f yw × (D ' − c)
7 Kowalski VC = αβκ f 0.8A g' VS = × cot 30 0 V + V
c s C S

P / Ag A sw × f ywd × d
8 Konwinski VC = α f c' 1 + 0.85A g VS = 0.85 × VC + VS
12 f c s

 P  '
VC = 3.5λ k +  f c bd A sw × f ywd × d
 2000A g  VS = VC + VS
 
9 FEMA-273

Compressive Strength

Core l/d Tested Core(MPa) Standard Cyclic Core (MPa)

I 1.5 13.96 12.89

II 1.5 13.67 12.62
III 1.5 5.03 4.65
IV 1.5 6.36 5.87
V 1.5 8.91 8.23
VI 1.5 14.62 13.49
VII 1.5 12.57 11.60
VIII 1.5 8.02 7.40
IX 1.5 16.75 15.46
X 1.5 8.67 8.01
XI 1.5 6.25 5.77
XII 1.5 7.46 6.88
XIII 1.5 9.23 8.52
XIV 1.5 4.79 4.42
XV 1.5 8.79 8.12

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 1300
ISSN 2229-5518

XVI 1.5 11.72 10.81

XVII 1.5 9.59 8.85
XVIII 1.5 8.91 8.23
XIX 1.5 8.91 8.23
XX 1.5 4.67 4.31
Average 8.69


IJSER © 2016

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