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الجديد Data guru, staff, siswa,sarpras revisi 1

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School Vision

The vision of Barunawati Vocational School Surabaya is "Qualified, Global Insight,

Entrepreneurial and Religious School”

B. School Mission

To achieve the vision that has been formulated, it is carried out with activities in the
form of a mission, namely:

1. Improving the quality of the active, innovative, creative and fun learning process.

2. Improving the quality of integrity through fostering entrepreneurial and religious


3. Implementing the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system in management and


4. Strengthening partner institutions with the world of business and industry, both in the

learning process and in graduate students.

C. School Goals

The objectives of Barunawati Vocational School Surabaya to be achieved are as follows:

1. Creating students to have faith and piety to God Almighty

2. Building students to have noble character and good behaviour

3. Creating students to have science, technology and art

4. Creating students to have life skills as provisions for life in society

5. Giving therapy for the obstacle’s students have

6. Creating students to be creative and independent

: Barunawati Vocational School Surabaya

NPSN : 20539249


Sub-district : Perak Utara





School Status : Private

Forms of Education : Vocational School

Ministry of Builderr : Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology

Foundation : BARUNAWATI BIRU SURABAYA Foundation

NPYP : AB5023

No. Establishment Letter : 420/34.B-1987

Date of Establishment
: 05-10-1987

Number Operasional
: -422/50240/436.6.4/2014

Date Operasional Letter : 25-11-2014

File Operasional Letter : Lihat SK Operasional

Date Upload SK Op. : 2018-01-26 13:53:28.863

Accreditation :A

Large of Area : 3.456 m²

Internet Access : 1. Telkom Speedy

2. others (Cabelling)
Fax : 0313291312

Telepon : 0313291312

Email : smkbarunawatisurabaya@yahoo.co.id

Website : http://www.barunawati.com

E. Expertise Competency
There are 6 majors at Barunawati Vocational School Surabaya, namely:
1. Accounting
2. Office Management
3. Visual Communication Design
4. Computer and Network Engineering
5. Hospitality
6. Culinary

F. S c h o o l C u r r i c u l u m

Curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding

objectives, content, and learning materials as well as the
methods used as guidelines for organizing learning activities to
achieve certain educational goals. Barunawati Surabaya
Vocational School is currently implementing 2 c urricula, namely
the 2013 revised 2017 Curriculum and the Merdeka Curriculum.

There are four points of change in the 2013 revision of the 2017
curriculum which we will understand one by one as follows:

1. Strengthening Character Education (PPK)

Discussions about character education that must be improved

were realized with the revision of the 2013 curriculum this year.
Integrating PPK in classroom learning must and must be carried
out by the teacher. There are at least 5 important characters that
must be possessed by students as a result of integrating learning
with character education. The five characters include religious,
nationalist, integrity, mutual cooperation, and independence.

2. Literacy

Rumors about the low literacy level of Indonesian society according to the results of world
literacy research have also become an important focus in the current revision of the 2013
curriculum. This literacy ability is then expected to be embedded in each learning objective
both at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of learning.

3. Creative, Critical Thinking, Communicative, and Collaborative (4C)

The next point that has changed from the 2013 revision of the 2017 curriculum is regarding
the 4C abilities that students are expected to acquire. The ability to be creative, think
critically, communicate, and collaborate is a provision for students in the 21st century. That
is why the curriculum expects formal education and learning to be able to contribute, train,
and also produce these four abilities.

4. Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS)

The decision to change the 2013 curriculum revision this year emphasizes the need for
HOTS integration in learning. This shows that learning must provide training not only for
the basic abilities of students in a subject, but also for high-level abilities. This is expected
so that students can compete in the world arena.

As part of the learning recovery effort, the Merdeka Curriculum (which was previously
referred to as the prototype curriculum) was developed as a more flexible curriculum
framework, while also focusing on essential material and developing the character and
competence of students. The main characteristics of this curriculum that support recovery
of learning are:

1. Project-based learning for the development of soft skills and character according to the
Pancasila student profile.

2. Focus on essential material so that there is sufficient time for in-depth learning of basic
competencies such as literacy and numeracy.

3. Flexibility for teachers to carry out differentiated learning according to students'

abilities and make adjustments to the context and local content.

The Merdeka curriculum includes three types of learning activities as follows:

1. Intracurricular learning is carried out in a differentiated manner so that students have

enough time to explore concepts and strengthen competence.

This also provides flexibility for teachers to choose teaching tools that suit the needs

and characteristics of their students.

2. Co-curricular learning is in the form of a project to strengthen the Pancasila Student

Profile, with the principles of interdisciplinary learning oriented towards character

development and general competence.

3. Extracurricular learning is carried out in accordance with the interests of students and

the resources of the teaching unit.

The Merdeka curriculum includes three types of learning activities as follows:

1. Intracurricular learning is carried out in a differentiated manner so that students have

enough time to explore concepts and strengthen competence.

This also provides flexibility for teachers to choose teaching tools that suit the needs

and characteristics of their students.

2. Co-curricular learning is in the form of a project to strengthen the Pancasila Student

Profile, with the principles of interdisciplinary learning oriented towards character

development and general competence.

2. Extracurricular learning is carried out in accordance with the interests of students and

the resources of the teaching unit.

Implementation of learning in the Independent Curriculum is a cycle that goes through the
following three stages:

1. Diagnostic assessment

The teacher conducts an initial assessment to identify the potential, characteristics,

needs, stages of development, and stages of student learning achievement. Assessments
are generally carried out at the beginning of the learning year, so the results can be used
to make further planning regarding the learning method that should be used.

2. Planning

teacher arranges the learning process according to the results of the diagnostic
assessment, and groups students based on ability levels.

3. Learning

During the learning process, the teacher will conduct formative assessments
periodically, to determine student learning progress and make adjustments to learning
methods, if necessary. At the end of the learning process, the teacher can also carry out
a summative assessment as a process of evaluating the achievement of learning
Indarti Rachmawati, S.Psi. Principal
Anang Kurniawan, S.Pd. Vice Principal Of The Curriculum Section
Astuti Widayatun, S.Pd. Vice Principal Of Student Section
Ellya Suryakartika, S.Pd. Vice Principal Of Infrastructure Facilities
Ratna Dewi Ayu Sartika, S.Pd. Head of Accounting Study Program
Dwi Damayanti, S.Pd. Head of Office Management Study Program
Heru Bin Adhisetiawan, S.Pd. Head of Multimedia Study Program
Suyanto Adiguna, S.Kom. Head of Computer and Network Engineering
Study Program
Indira Racmitha, S.Pd., Gr. Head of Hospitality Study Program
Novarina Nurul Kusuma W, S.Pd., M.M. Head of Culinary Study Program
Marizka Dwi Mayangsari, S.Pd. Public Relations Coordinator
Fenny Yusniar Hidayati, S.Pd. Field Industrial Practice Coordinator
Mochammad Chusaini, S.Kom. Laboratory Coordinator
Margareta Lilis Lindawati, S.Pd., M.Pd. Special Job Fair Coordinator
Asmaul Fauziah, S.Pd. intra-school students organization Coordinator
Drs. Samuri Guidance Teacher of X AK
Dra. Woro Wandansari Guidance Teacher of X MP 1
Najmah Zahiroh, S.Pd. Guidance Teacher of X MP 2
Asruly Wulandari, S.Pd. Guidance Teacher of X DKV
Tri Puji Andrianingsih, S.Kom. Guidance Teacher of Wali kelas X TKJ 1
Burhanuddin, S.Pd.I. Guidance Teacher of X PH
Eko Sri Minarti, S.H. Guidance Teacher of X KL
Drs. M. Syafii Guidance Teacher of XI AKL 1
Berliana Ucha Maulid Perdani, S.Pd. Guidance Teacher of XI AKL 2
Abdul Hakam, S.Pd. Guidance Teacher of XI OTKP 1
Subiyanto, S.Pd., M.M. Guidance Teacher of XI OTKP 2
Lisyani, S.S. Guidance Teacher of XI MM 1
Nanang Ma'ruf, S.Pd. Guidance Teacher of XI MM 2
Deddy Febryla Kurniawan, S.Pd. Guidance Teacher of XI TKJ
Aditya Fahamzah, S.Pd. Guidance Teacher of XI PH
Chintami Surya Ayu, S.Pd. Guidance Teacher of XI TB
Miftahul Aziz, S.Pd.I, M.Pd.I. Guidance Teacher of XII AKL 1
Dewi Sakuntala, S.Pd. Guidance Teacher of XII AKL 2
Dra. Yuni Amaliah Guidance Teacher of XII OTKP 1
Ayu Wijayanti, S.Pd. Guidance Teacher of XII OTKP 2
Asmuni, S.Th.I., M.Pd.I. Guidance Teacher of XII MM 1
Meila Johanawati, S.T. Guidance Teacher of XII MM 2
Munir Pariyatun, S.Pd. Guidance Teacher of XII TKJ
Kholilatur Rosyida, S.Pd. Guidance Teacher of XII PH
Drs. Sutiono Teacher
Khoirul Anwar, S.Pd. Teacher
Hery Setiawan, S.Pd., M.M. Teacher
Sugeng Harianto, A.Md., S.Ak. Teacher
Muhammad Syaiful Arif, S.Kom. Teacher
Anugrah Budi Satria Mahardika, S.Pd., M.Pd.Teacher
Dra. Meirina Guidance Counseling Teacher
Nur Lailatus Sa’adah, S. Guidance Counseling Teacher
Rendanium Head Of Administration
Eszet Tullah Adm Dapodik
Aditya Purnama Administration
Keyne Erryan Administration
Abdur Rahman Housekeeping
Parni Housekeeping
Dedy Housekeeping
Rina Hariani Housekeeping
Nur Komariya Housekeeping
SCHOOL YEAR OF 2020 – 2021
Accounting 159
Office Management 199
Multimedia 136
Computer and Networking Engineering 93
Hospitality 62
Total 649

SCHOOL YEAR OF 2021 – 2022

Accounting 157
Office Management 206
Multimedia 140
Computer and Networking Engineering 96
Hospitality 49
Culinary 15
Total 663

SCHOOL YEAR OF 2022 – 2023

Accounting 131
Office Management 177
Visual Communication Design 130
Computer and Network Engineering 100
Hospitality 42
Culinary 32
Total 612

Barunawati Vocational School Surabaya has a Special Job Exchange Unit to act as a bridge for
disseminating information about job vacancies. In addition, the Special Job Exchange unit also
provides alumni tracing services which are useful for exchanging information about job
vacancies. Special Job Exchange of Barunawati Vocational School has also collaborated with the
business world and the industrial world to increase alumni absorption in the world of work.

The Bussines Center at Barunawati Vocational School Surabaya is a student center in learning
the practice of managing a business. There are several types of services available at the Bussines
Center including Credit Top Up, Photocopying, Printing, Transferring design to Mug Services,
Pin Printing Service, T-Shirts Printing Service.

The Hospitality Laboratory at Barunawati Vocational School Surabaya is equipped with various
facilities including hotel rooms, private bathroom facilities, front office rooms, meeting rooms,
air-conditioning facilities, and other equipment which is cozy and homey.

As a Vocational School based on multimedia broadcasting, Barunawati Vocational School

Surabaya has a mini studio with complete facilities. Hands-on practice in mini studios prepares
vocational school students to be more professional in the industrial world. Television Studios are
equipped with sophisticated equipment, students can also directly carry out broadcasting,
cinematic, photography, live streaming activities.


Barunawati Vocational School Surabaya has a Multimedia Graha as a meeting room which its
functions as a gathering, meeting, discussions, seminar room to determine priorities or make
Culinary Laboratory

Barunawati Vocational School Surabaya has a restaurant where is used for the practice of serving
food and beverage products and providing "service" including service methods, employee
hospitality. There is an "ambience" atmosphere, including: theme, lighting, uniforms, furniture,
cleanliness, equipment, decoration and table manner. Barunawati Vocational School also has a
kitchen as a place of practice for students majoring in Culinary to carry out all cooking activities.
The kitchen is not only a place for practice to produce new recipes but also has functions as a
place for food processing and how to serve it.


The Computer Laboratory is used by the students to carry out competency practice in
Accounting, Office Management Automation, Computer and Network Engineering, Visual
Communication Design, Hospitality, Culinary according to their respective majors. A computer
laboratory is a facility provided by a school that functions to support the implementation of the
Teaching and Learning Process. One of the most popular computer laboratory facilities is the
internet access.

Barunawati Vocational School has a library called Book Café. The Book Cafe of Barunawati
Vocational School Surabaya provides sources of information in the form of fiction and non-
fiction books from various authors. The existence of the Book Café is not only able to increase
the literacy level of students but also is beneficial for teachers in preparing teaching materials
and enlarge teacher’s knowledge.

The teacher's room of Barunawati Vocational School on the 1st floor. It has function not only as a
place for teachers to work and rest but also as a place for teachers to receive guests, both students
and other guests.

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