Module 3 Ouput - Guidelines
Module 3 Ouput - Guidelines
Module 3 Ouput - Guidelines
Deadline: November 7, 2022
1. This is a paired activity, and you can refer to your previous parings in MO2. You can also
form another group as long as involved parties are well informed.
2. Think of a main topic and write research problems that involve hypothesis testing for each of
the following tests:
Spearman’s Rank-Order Correlation
Chi-Square Test of Independence
Single Linear Regression
3. Create a survey form using Google Forms by including the variables that you will be using for
computation. You can review the video lesson about Google Form in Module 1.
4. Gather the needed data set by sending the link (created survey) to your respondents. You can
give it to anyone (including your classmates) who willing to fill-out the form via Google Forms.
The minimum sample size is 50.
5. The following elements should be present for each type of test:
Research Problem
A table containing mean, variance/standard deviation, test value, critical value/p-value,
degrees of freedom, type of test, level of significance, and other important measures in
the analysis.
A paragraph that contains analysis, decision, conclusion, and interpretation.
6. Follow and use the format in the ‘Module 3 Output Format’ file, which is in the ‘Laboratory
Outputs’ folder.
7. Name your file “O3_Group_Type the number of your group” and save as pdf file. For
example, O2_Group_1.
8. Only the leader will send your output using ‘Module 3 Output Submission Bin’. Download the
sheet file in Google Forms and attach it upon submission. Take note of the deadline.
9. The rubric below will be used for each problem and analysis.
Testing Mean Difference Formative Assessment Rubric
Criteria Excellent (3 points) Good (2 points) Poor (1)
Problem The problem created is The problem shows the Appropriate
relevant and shows the proper use of measures. content is not
proper use of measures. The word problem is observed. The
The word problem is written written in clear and word problem is
in clear and coherent coherent language. not written in
language. clear and
Hypothesis Hypotheses are clearly and Hypotheses are clearly Hypotheses are
correctly stated. stated with minor errors. stated, but with
major errors.
Test Statistic An appropriate test statistic An appropriate test An inappropriate
is used and computed statistic is used and test statistic is
correctly. computed with minor used.
Conclusion The p-value or critical value The p-value or critical It is unclear how
is correctly determined and value is determined and a conclusion, if
used to draw a correct used to draw a any, is made.
conclusion. conclusion. Minor errors
are present.
Interpretation Interpretation is correctly Interpretation is in Interpretation is
and clearly stated in context. context, with minor out of context.