DLP English 10
DLP English 10
DLP English 10
(First Quarter)
Week 1
Day 1……………………………………………………………………1
Day 2……………………………………………………………………3
Day 3……………………………………………………………………7
Day 4……………………………………………………………………12
Week 2
Day 1……………………………………………………………………19
Day 2……………………………………………………………………23
Day 3……………………………………………………………………28
Day 4……………………………………………………………………31
Week 3
Day 1……………………………………………………………………36
Day 2……………………………………………………………………43
Day 3……………………………………………………………………52
Day 4……………………………………………………………………59
Week 4
Day 1……………………………………………………………………67
Day 2……………………………………………………………………72
Day 3……………………………………………………………………83
Day 4……………………………………………………………………90
Week 5
Day 1…………………………………………………………………94
Day 2…………………………………………………………………98
Day 3…………………………………………………………………105
Day 4…………………………………………………………………110
Week 6
Day 1…………………………………………………………………116
Day 2…………………………………………………………………122
Day 3…………………………………………………………………126
Day 4…………………………………………………………………130
Week 7
Day 1…………………………………………………………………134
Day 2…………………………………………………………………140
Day 3…………………………………………………………………146
Day 4…………………………………………………………………151
Week 8
Day 1…………………………………………………………………153
Day 2…………………………………………………………………158
Day 3…………………………………………………………………161
Day 4…………………………………………………………………165
Week 9
Day 1…………………………………………………………………167
Day 2…………………………………………………………………176
Day 3…………………………………………………………………183
Day 4…………………………………………………………………187
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Date and Time: First Quarter: Week 1, Day 1
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards: literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing
and resolving personal conflicts and also how to use
strategies in linking textual information, repairing,
enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis
markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals,
reflexive and intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive
Standards: text using a variety of techniques and devices.
C. Learning Evaluate the students’ preparedness to tackle the
Competencies/ lessons in Grade 10 thru a Diagnostic Test.
Objectives: EN10. Pretest
II. CONTENT Evaluating students’ preparedness
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s P2–5
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages P2–5
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Pretest
Resources Learner’s Manual
A. Reviewing Orient students in taking the Diagnostic Exam.
Previous Lesson Invite the students to cooperate on checking their
or Presenting the background knowledge, and to prepare them for the
New Lesson development of target skills.
B. Establishing a Setting standard for the test:
Purpose for the 1. Clarify given direction stated in the questionnaire.
Lesson 2. Instruct the students that the test is good for 60
minutes only and that answer sheets will be
collected on time stated.
3. Let the students understand that self-reliance
and honesty should be followed in taking the test.
C. Presenting
Instances of the
D. Discussing New
Concepts and
Practicing New Test Proper
Skill Test Questionnaire attached
E. Discussing New
Concepts and
Practicing New
Skills #2
F. Developing
(Leads to
Assessment 3)
G. Finding Practical Ask:
Applications of 1. How many finished the test on time? How many
Concepts and did not?
Skills in Daily 2. Which item (s) did you find difficult? Easy?
H. Making
and Abstractions
about the Lesson
I. Making
and Abstractions
about the Lesson
J. Evaluating
Learning Checking of the answer sheets.
K. Additional Conduct an Item Analysis
Activities for 1. How many got passing score?
Application or 2. How many got failing score?
Remediation 3. What is the performance level (PL) of the class?
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Date & Time: First Quarter: Day 2, Week 1
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards: literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing
and resolving personal conflicts and also how to use
strategies in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing
communication public speaking, emphasis markers in
persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text
Standards: using a variety of techniques and devices.
C. Learning Determine how connected events contribute to the totality of
Competencies/ a material viewed.
Objectives: EN10VC-Ia-1.4/2.4:
Write the LC Get information that can be used in everyday life from news
Code for each reports, speeches, informative talks, panel discussions, etc.
II. CONTENT Determining connected events to determine the
totality of events
Getting information that can be used in everyday life
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages P3-5
2. Learner’s
Materials P6–9
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
C. Other Learning
Resources Learner’s Material, Internet
A. Reviewing Ask:
Previous Lesson 1. Among those persons with disability (PWD), whom
or Presenting do you admire most? Why? (answers may vary)
the New Lesson 2. What makes him/her popular or famous? What
contribution did he give to the world? (answers may
B. Establishing a Instructions before viewing
Purpose for the 1. Find out how Nick V overcame his personal
Lesson challenges and turned it into strength.
2. Note how the students (his audience) reacted to
his inspirational message.
C. Presenting Watch the video entitled “inspiration to life” and be ready
Examples/ for discussion.
Instances of the
D. Discussing New Video Presentation: “Inspiration to Life”
Concepts and https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=b_N_dYRb4_4
Practicing New
Skill #1
Average Class
Questions for
Discussion: 1. What’s his physical
1. What keeps him disability?
going as an Describe.
individual? (Nick has no arms and
(His outlook/ legs)
attitude in life 2. What kind of attitude
keeps him going did you observe about
positively about Nick V?
life) (Nick does not feel sad
2. How does he even if he is a PWD.)
accept physical 3. Why do you think he
disability? How always looks happy
does this despite his
attitude affect his physical disability?
outlook in life? (He has positive outlook
(When you are in life.
contented about 4. If you were Nick, how
life, you become would take this
happy) challenge?
3. How did he (Maybe, I will be a
inspire the young beggar.
students in Maybe, I will always be
meeting at home to hide my
challenges? physical disability)
(He influences 5. Were you inspired by
other to be the speaker in the
happy despite video?
physical (Yes, I admire him.)
4. What did you
learn from Nick
(I learned that
physical disability
is not a
hindrance to
E. Discussing Instruct the students to listen to a News Report:
New Concepts (Refer to Appendix B.1, Week 1, Day 2)
and Practicing Group Task: Information Galore
New Skills #2 Group the class in five groups and let the leader assign
one student to act as TV News Reporter. Then, let the
student read a report from TV or Gadget about a PWD
turned famous and successful.
Let the student read the news report aloud.
F. Developing Ask:
Mastery 1. What common physical disability do you see in your
(Leads to community?
Formative (Answer may vary)
Assessment 3) 2. What sort of difficulty do they suffer as PWD?
(Answer may vary)
3. What Government program is being promoted by
the government nowadays for PWDs?
(The government promotes that PWDs be given
special attention)
4. As a responsible Filipino citizen, how could you help
promote this program in your locality?
(I will uphold and promote this government
program to support the PWDs to live equally with
ordinary citizens of the community.)
(Refer to Appendix B.2, Week 1-Day 2)
Additional Questions for Discussion:
1. When was RA10754 approved?
(March 23, 2016)
2. What were the privileges of the special people
(PWDs)? (Answers may vary)
3. Why should they be treated as special?
(They are less fortunate….)
G. Finding
Practical Ask: Why do we get informations? In what way can getting
Applications of informations help us in our daily lives? Cite instances to
Concepts and support your idea.
Skills in Daily
H. Making Ask: What are the connected events in the material that you
Generalizations viewed/heard? What is the relevance of getting information
and from the different sources?
about the
I. Evaluating Group Presentation
Learning Group Task: U and I Equals
(Use same grouping as in F)
1. Just make an estimate # of PWDs enrolled in school
this school year and talk about what special
treatment you can do for them. (Answer may vary)
2. Why should these people be treated special? Why
Let each student choose their stand and make them
debate to come up with the desired idea.
Group Stand - 50% Content - 30%
Cooperation - 20%
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Date and Time: First Quarter: Week 1, Day 3
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature
Standards: and other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving
personal conflicts and how to use strategies in linking textual
information, repairing, enhancing communication public speaking,
emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals,
reflexive and intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using
Standards: a variety of techniques and devices.
C. Learning Explain how the elements specific to a selection build its theme.
Competencies/ EN10LT-Ia-14.2:
Objectives: Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers,
Write the LC titles, non – linear illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text.
Code for each EN10RC-Ia-2.15.2:
3. Textbook
4. Additional
(LR) portal
D. Other Learning Learner’s Material, Learning Plan gr8, copies of the text, manila
Resources paper, pentel pen, chalk, laptop and projector`
A. Reviewing
Previous Lesson Pre-Reading A. Direction: Match Column A to Column
or Presenting the A. Do task 6 B to find out what the underlined
New Lesson “Vocabular word means or referred to.
y Spinner”
page 12. Column A Column B
1. Joan feels A. Feeling/showin
Cue Words:
comfortable in g a desire to
Comfortabl her seat. harm who has
e harmed
Overlapping 2. The swimmer B. To dive /jump
Plunged awardee from a high
Hurtled plunged into starting whistle
Vengeful the pool. place
C. To move
3. The runner rapidly/forcefull
B. Ask: hurtled as he y a grudged
1. What are heard the D. To happen at
some myths that startling the same time
you have read or whistle. E. To dislike/feel
maybe watched? 4. A vengeful angry toward
person never someone
2. Why are these lets go of a F. Affording/enjoyi
stories called grudged. ng contentment
myths? 5. The committee and security
was worried
3. Define myth with their
Have you ever read or watch a
Why are these stories called
B. Establishing a Motivation:
Purpose for the Have you ever experienced being trapped in an unsafe
Lesson place or island?
How would your personal challenges make you a better
Motive Question:
How did Daedalus and Icarus escape from the island of
C. Presenting Advanced Learners Average Learners
Examples/ During Reading Guided reading of the
Instances of the Silent Reading of the selection
Lesson selection
D. Discussing Post- Reading
New Concepts 1. How did Daedalus and
and Practicing Icarus escape from the
New Skill #1 island of Crete?
2. Why did Minos imprison
Daedalus and Icarus?
B. Based on students’
responses, revisit the
Elements of the Story and
the importance of using
Graphic Organizer
F. Developing Work in Pair Work in Pair
Mastery (Leads to Read the text once again; Read the text once again,
Formative Create a graphic organizer recall the events. Complete
Assessment 3) of what happened in each of and fill in the diagram below
the following places based on what happened in
the following places.
1. The palace of Minos
2. In prison The Palace
3. Icarus in the Sea of Minos
4. Sicily
Icarus in the
In Prison
Evaluating Read the story entitled “The
Learning Two Brothers”
Using the plot organizer, (The same short story and
enumerate the events in the assessment activity may be
story. used for the average
Write your answer in the
rectangle and explain your
answer in class.
REF: (English 8 K-12, (note: Teacher may use a
Teachers’ Manual) different graphic organizer
suitable to the topic)
Rising Action
Falling Action
L. Additional
Activities for Use a graphic organizer in
Application or showing the different types
Remediation of pronouns.
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Date and Week, 1 Day
Time: First Quarter: 4
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards: literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing
and resolving personal conflicts and also how to use
strategies in linking textual information, repairing,
enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis
markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals,
reflexive and intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text
Standards: using a variety of techniques and devices.
C. Learning Use reflexive and intensive pronoun.
Competencies/Obje EN10G-Ia-27
ctive: Identify the factors of public speaking
Using reflexive and intensive pronoun.
Identifying the factors of public speaking
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature, pp 10 -
Pages 12
2. Learner’s Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature, pp 18 -
Materials Pages 20
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning https://magneticspeaking.com/the-top-9-characteristics-
Resources of-effective-public-speakers/
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Average
A. Reviewing Preparation check. Scan the paragraphs.
Previous Lesson or Pick at least five (5) Write on your notebook
Presenting the New sentences with pronouns. all the pronouns used by
Lesson Rewrite the statements and the author. (Task 16 (A)
make the pronouns reflexive. Grammarian for a Day,
Make sure these pronouns pages 18 – 19)
reflect the subject of the (Paragraphs are in the
sentence. (Task 16 (B) book)
Grammarian for a Day, page
B. Establishing a Are you familiar with reflexive and intensive
Purpose for the pronoun?Listen to this lecturette: Intensive and reflexive
Lesson pronoun
What is reflexive pronoun?
A reflexive pronoun is a type of pronoun that is
preceded by the adverb, adjective, pronoun, or
noun to which it refers, so long as that antecedent
is located within the same clause.
What is an intensive pronoun?
An intensive pronoun is almost identical to a
reflexive pronoun. It is defined as a pronoun that
ends in self or selves and places emphasis on its
antecedent by referring back to another noun or
pronoun used earlier in the sentence.
The Top 9 Characteristics of Effective Public Speakers
by Peter Khoury
According to a study published by the University of
Wolverhampton “A highly confident speaker is viewed as
being more accurate, competent, credible, intelligent,
knowledgeable, likable, and believable than the less
confident uncertain speaker.”
When it comes to public speaking, confidence is key (not
the only key mind you). When speaking in public, it’s only
natural to be nervous. In fact, Mark Twain once said,
“There are only two types of speakers in the world. 1. The
nervous and 2. The Liars.”
There are two main antidotes for anxiety
Excitement – If you’re truly excited about your subject, that
feeling will shine through any nervousness you may have
while you are giving your presentation. Studies show that
people who label their anxiety as excitement end up
feeling more comfortable speaking.
Authenticity – Be yourself. If you have to deviate a little
from your meticulously written presentation, do so!
Although you should practice your speech as often as
possible, you don’t want to memorize it! Memorizing a
speech can cause you to fumble over a section if you didn’t
say it just right.
To excel at public speaking you must do more than just
defeat your nervous jitters. You must also have confidence
in your subject and be yourself while you are on stage.
In order to really communicate to people through speech,
you need to have passion about your subject. Without
passion, your speech is meaningless. You need to exude
a level of sincerity in your emotion when communicating to
your audience if you want them to be moved by your
Be Yourself
You don’t have to be someone else on stage, all you have
to do is just be yourself. Sometimes, no matter how much
you believe in your message or how well you’ve
rehearsed, if you don’t act like yourself in front of the
group, your audience may view your speech as insincere
or calculated.
If a political candidate doesn’t seem authentic, it’s not likely
they’ll win an election. If a company’s social marketing
strategy appears inauthentic, their sales will not go up. If
you create a page on a dating website but what you write
is not authentic, the people reading are likely to pick up on
this inauthenticity and never contact you. Speaking is the
same way.
Practice, not memorization – In order to ‘be yourself’ in a
presentation, you shouldn’t memorize your speech in
absolutes. Practice your speech as often as possible, but
be willing to change up the wording. This makes it easier
to change it up during the actual presentation if things
aren’t going exactly as planned. Memorization can set up
a barrier between you and your audience.
Speak in a natural voice – any connection you’ve made
with your audience could be broken by tones that seem
‘fake’ or ‘too perfect’. In general, you should try to speak in
a conversational tone. If you say few “ahhs” and “umms”
that’s ok, don’t sweat it.
Voice Modulations
If you want to be more engaging as a speaker, then avoid
talking in a tone that seems too well rehearsed, but you
still want to take the speed and inflection of your delivery
into account when you practice your speech.
Keep it Short and Sweet
If you’re only given 30 minutes to give a speech, don’t
force yourself to fill the entire time allotted. Say what you
need to say and use any remaining time for questions or
to let your audience out a little early.
While you’re speaking people are likely on their phones,
tablets, or laptops, reading emails, surfing the web,
researching who you are, or maybe taking notes on your
speech. It’s your job to make them put their devices down
and pay attention to what you have to say.
You can’t ask them to turn off their phones, but you can
make them set their phones down by creating an
atmosphere that excites and engages the listeners.
The best ways to connect with your audience are;
• Tell stories
• Be aware of your target audience
• Know the energy in the room
• Be Willing to poke fun at yourself
• Work on your non-verbal body language
Paint a Picture Through Storytelling
One of the best ways to really engage your audience is by
becoming a good storyteller. This aspect of public
speaking is so important I didn’t want it to simply be a bullet
point in the ‘Connect with your Audience’ section.
Storytelling is a powerful tool used by the best speakers.
By employing context into your speech for your audience
to connect with, you’re creating an easy to listen to the
atmosphere in which you are not simply shoving
information at them in the hopes that they’ll retain that
The story is the most digestible, understood, and easy to
retell communication medium in the world. A story is what
really sticks in a listener’s mind.
When writing your speech, think about what you need to
say in order to establish a context that your audience will
understand and be able to engage with.
Repetition can help ensure your audience takes the main
points away from your presentation. It promotes clarity and
helps to encourage acceptance of an idea.
In order to employ repetition in your presentations,
determine what you want your audience to take away from
your speech. Say it. Say it again. And then say it a third
time just in case anyone missed it the first couple of times.
Don’t Just Practice, Practice, Practice
Have you ever heard someone say that they want to seem
authentic on stage, so they didn’t practice their speech?
Although it may seem contradictory, the more you practice
a presentation, the more spontaneous it will actually
Of course, you have to practice it the right way though.
Take into account your environment when you practice
and always practice as if you’re giving your presentation to
a group of people. Speeding through your presentation on
the bus in a hushed voice is more likely to hurt you than
help you.
Practicing will help to make you feel more confident, and
appear more authentic, thus creating a better opportunity
to connect with your audience. Which, in the end, is the
ultimate goal of public speaking.
In summary, the best way to give an inspiring presentation
is by having a message that you believe in that the
audience can connect to. The connection between you
and the audience is what allows them to truly listen to your
message and be inspired.
It takes a lot of practice and experience to become a
powerful public speaker, and by emulating the mentioned
characteristics of effective public speakers you can
become more inspiring and more influential.
F. Developing A. Watch a video of particular public speaker.
Mastery (Leads to https://youtube.com/watch?v=A8_OmntvWAY
Assessment) A. Based on the video viewed . . .
1. Identify and write on your notebook the intensive
and reflexive pronoun used.
2. Give the factors that the speaker used in order for
him to be an effective speaker.
G. Finding Practical Where can we use the knowledge of reflexive and
Applications of intensive pronouns in our lives? In what way are they
Concepts and Skills useful in making an effective speech?
in Daily Living
V. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
Why did this work?
VI. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Date: First Quarter: Week 2, Day 1
1. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards: literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing and
resolving persona conflicts, also how to use strategies in
linking textual information, repeating, enhancing
communication public speaking, emphasis markers in
persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
2. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text
Standards: using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
3. Learning Determine how connected events contribute to the totality of a
Competencies/ material viewed. EN10VC-Ib-1.4/2.4:
Determining how connected events contribute to the totality of
II. CONTENT a material viewed.
A. References
1. Teacher’s pages 20-24
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature pages 31-35
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature pages 31-35
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Mp4 of the song, copy of the song lyrics, visual aids
A. Reviewing The most important component of defense is awareness. In
Previous the previous lesson, you have been made aware of your
Lesson or personal challenges and that is your initial step into building a
Presenting defense against life’s inevitable challenges.
New Lesson In this lesson, you will perform a lot of activities that will help
you to be strong amid discrimination. Specifically, you will be
asked to answer the important question, How do I build the
best defenses against challenges to achieve the best
quality of life?
Be reminded that your expected output in this lesson is a
quality brochure on building defenses against
discrimination and the criteria for assessment are:
organization, graphics, relevance of content, and conventions.
(Source: Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature p31
Your Journey)
B. Establishing a Have the students accomplish a word web Let the students
Purpose for activity on the word DISCRIMINATION. do this word web
the New Advanced students will work on this in groups of 3.
Lesson individually.
E. Discussing You must have known people who have successfully
New Concept overcome discrimination. Now work in pair and answer the
and Practicing following questions:
New Skills #2 Who do you consider as a person who inspires you
because he/she has successfully combated
What do you think are the defenses he/she has built to
overcome discrimination?
Write your answers on your notebook and be ready to share it
with your classmates.
F. Developing Supply the spaces below with a particular event from the
Mastery music video which corresponds to the following:
(Leads to
Formative Exposition: ________________________________
Assessment 3)
Rising Action: ______________________________
Climax: ___________________________________
Resolution: _______________________________
G. Finding
Practical Across the Curriculum
Applications of Have you had any experience in life wherein you need to hide
Concepts and your real self?
Skills in Daily What do you think is the implication if one is not able to show
Living his/her true self-identity?
H. Making
Generalization In what way did the connected events of the music video
s and contribute to the totality of the material viewed?
about the
I. Evaluating Answer the following questions:
Learning 1. What are the personal challenges/events highlighted in the
music video?
2. In what way did the connected events of the music video
contribute to the totality of the material viewed?
J. Additional As you embark on this journey, the tasks/ activities you’re
Activities for engaged in will help you answer this enduring and essential
Application or question: How do I build the best defenses against
remediation challenges to acquire the best quality of life?
Keep this question in mind as we work on the different parts of
this week’s lesson. List your initial answers to the enduring
question inside the balloon.
I. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
II. No. of learners
who require
activities for
III. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
IV. No. of learners
who continue to
V. Which of my
strategies work
well? Why did
these work?
VI. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
VII. What
innovations or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Date: First Quarter: Week 2, Day 2
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards: literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing
and resolving persona conflicts, also how to use
strategies in linking textual information, repeating,
enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis
markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals,
reflexive and intensive pronouns.
III. References
1. Teacher’s Guide P24-28
2. Learner’s Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature pages
Materials Pages 35-44
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
5. Other Learning copy of the selection, visual aids
A. Reviewing A. PRE-READING
Previous Lesson or
Presenting New 1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Study the definitions and word forms. Then, rearrange the
letters in bold to form the correct word for each item
below. Write your answer on your notebook.
1. to escape or avoid (verb) eveda 1. evade
2. dangerous (adjective) erpisulo 2.perilous
3. poisonous (adjective) vsmuone 3. venomous
4. ashamed (verb) aeadhbs 4. abashed
5. satisfy, gratify (verb) peeapsa 5. appease
6. brave (adjective) vorlsaou 6. valorous
(Source: Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature
p36 Task8 Mystery Word)
2. Motivation
Before we read the story entitled “The Gorgon’s Head,”
let us accomplish the story anticipation guide below. Mark
the checklist with (/) if you agree or (x) if you disagree with
the statement.
A Gorgon is a monster
Perseus is a hero.
Perseus could be successful in
killing Medusa without the help of
the gods.
None may look upon the Gorgon
and live. The sight of them turns
men to stone.
Andromeda is killed by a monster.
(Source: Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature
p36 Task7 Guide for Reading)
B. Establishing a 3. Motivation
Purpose for the New What are the little acts of heroism that you have done
Lesson lately?
What personal challenges did you overcome to fulfill acts
of heroism?
4. Motive Question
What heroic characteristics does Perseus have?
Examples/ Instances Silent reading of the story Guided reading of the
of the Lesson “The Gorgon’s Head” selection.
by Anne Terry White.
(Source: Celebrating
Diversity Through World
Literature pp37-42)
D. Discussing New C. POST READING
Concepts and 1. Engagement Activity GROUP TASK
Practicing New a. What heroic Divide the class into 5 groups
Skills #1 characteristics does and distribute a short bond
Perseus have? paper for each group that
b. What is the “dreadful contains questions related to
oracle” that was the selection. Give the groups
delivered to King 10 minutes to discuss their
Acrisius? answer and 1 minute each to
c. What adventure does present.
Polydectes suggest that
Perseus undertake?
d. What is Polydectes’
true motive in sending
Perseus to kill Medusa?
e. Explain how the oracle
given to King Acrisius is
f. What is the message of
the story?
(Source: Celebrating
Diversity Through World
Literature p42 Task 9
Dissecting the Text)
E. Discussing New 2. Literary Extender
Concept and Now, I will group you into five. Each group will be given a
Practicing New specific task to work on.
Skills #2
Group 1: Create a timeline of events in the story. Why
are these significant events?
Processing Questions:
1. How did you feel about the activity?
2. What diagram was assigned to you?
3. Did you find diagramming difficult? Why or why not?
4. How do these textual aids help you in understanding
the text?
(Source: Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature
p42 Task10 Visualizing the Text)
F. Developing 3. Skill Development (ADVANCED)
Mastery Now on your notebook, pick out at least ten sentences
(Leads to from the myth “The Gorgon’s Head” that shows sensory
Formative images. Identify the senses to which these statements
Assessment 3) appeal.
H. Making
Generalizations and What is the importance of sensory images in
Abstractions about understanding a text/selection?
the Lesson
I. Evaluating Let the students read the poem “Night in the Country” by
Learning Cynthia Rylant and while reading they should complete
the five senses chart by listing sensory images they heard
from the poem. This should be done individually.
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Date: First Quarter: Week 2, Day 3
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and
Standards: other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal
conflicts, also how to use strategies in linking textual information,
repeating, enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis
markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a
Standards: variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
C. Learning Use reflexive and intensive pronouns. EN10G-Ib-27:
II. CONTENT Identifying and Using Intensive Pronouns in meaningful discourse
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 29-30
1. Learner’s Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature pages 45-46
2. Textbook Pages Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature pages 45-46
3. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning module, visual aids
A. Reviewing Review
Previous Lesson Review the students about the lesson of the story “The Gorgon’s
or Presenting New Head” and on the definition and example of a reflexive pronoun.
B. Establishing a Motivation
Purpose for the Display the following sentences:
New Lesson
Jenny herself gave her mother a gift.
Jenny gave her mother a gift herself.
Allow responses and discussion. If students are unable to identify the
difference, tell them to focus on the pronoun- herself. Explain to the
students how pronoun herself is differently used in the two
C. Presenting Presentation
Examples/ Below are the paragraphs lifted Let the students do this task in
Instances of the from the story “The Gorgon’s groups of 4.
Lesson Head.”
Encircle all the pronouns from
the paragraph. Then, on your
notebook copy the sentences
with the pronoun you encircled.
Now, revise the sentences by
changing the encircled pronoun
to reflexive type.
(See attached paragraphs)
D. Discussing Discussion
New Concepts Study the following sentences below, tell whether the pronouns in
and Practicing bold are used as Reflexive or Intensive pronouns. Explain your
New Skills #1 answer.
H. Evaluating Write a short paragraph regarding a goal that you recently achieved.
Learning Describe how you accomplished and achieved this goal. Use at least
five intensive pronouns in your paragraph and underline it. Be ready
to share your work with your classmates for feedback.
I. Additional Cut out articles from an old newspaper or magazines. Then, identify
Activities for the reflexive and intensive pronouns used. Underline the reflexive
Application or pronouns once and the intensive pronouns twice.
I. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
II. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
III. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson
IV. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
V. Which of my
teaching strategies
work well? Why did
these work?
VII. What
innovations or
localized materials
did I used/discover
which I wish to
share with other
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Date: First Quarter: Week 2, Day 4
A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of how
world literature and other text types serve as ways of
expressing and resolving persona conflicts, also how
to use strategies in linking textual information,
repeating, enhancing communication public
speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts,
different forms of modals, reflexive and intensive
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful
Standards: persuasive text using a variety of persuasive
techniques and devices.
C. Learning Determine the effect of textual aids like advanced
Competencies/ organizers, titles, non-linear illustrations, etc. on the
Objectives: understanding of a text. EN10RC-Ib-2.15.2:
Determine the effect of advanced organizers
on the understanding of a text.
Creating personal goal using graphic
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 30-32
2. Learner’s Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature
Materials Pages pages 47-49
3. Textbook Pages Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature
pages 47-49
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Editorial cartoon about discrimination, visual aids
A. Reviewing Previous Examine the editorial cartoon below and answer the
Lesson or Presenting questions that follow.
New Lesson
(Source: www.nordis.net)
1. What is the cartoon all about?
2. What kind of discrimination is shown in the
3. What would you do if you were in the shoes of the
one discriminated against?
4. What would you do if you have the power to change
this scenario?
(Source: Celebrating
Diversity Through World
Literature p49 Task19
Creating a Personal Goal)
I. Additional Activities You were informed at the beginning of the lesson that
for Application or you are to create a quality brochure that will feature
remediation your own defenses against discrimination.
Start planning for your Brochure. You can make use
of internet sources for important information to make
your work substantial. You can use the following
materials but not limited to:
Colored paper
Long bond paper
Scissors and Paste
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other
School: Grade Level 10
Teacher: Learning Area English
Time & Date: First Quarter Week 3, Day 1
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing
and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use
strategies in linking textual information, repairing,
enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis
markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals,
reflexive and intensive pronouns.
A. References
1. Teacher’s p. 37
Guide pages
2. Learner’s p. 53
3. Textbook p. 53
4. Additional Almonte, Liza R. et.al.Celebrating Diversity
Materials from through World Literature. Pasig City:Rex
Learning Bookstore,Inc.p.53
Resource https://carleton.ca/experientialeducation/types-of-
(LR) portal advanced-organizers/
Osewalt, Ginny. “Common Advance Organizers
and Why They
B. Other charts, paper
Learning task cards
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
I. Reviewing
previous Ask the students the Ask the students
lesson or following questions the following
presenting the and tell them to draw questions and tell
new lesson an illustration to them to use the
clearly explain their chart below.
How do I improve
my strengths to
achieve my goal?
How do I use my
My strengths
Process the
students’ answers.
II. Establishing a
purpose for Tell the students the lesson title and the lesson
the lesson objectives.
Inform them of the expected output for this lesson.
III. Presenting
examples/Inst Ask the students the following question:
ances of the
new lesson 1. Does the illustration you used recently give
you a clear vision of how you will achieve your
goal? Explain your answer.
4. Do you think we could 5. What do you call these
interchange the qualities of objects?
Joaquin and Cristina? (Suggested answer:
(Suggested Answer: yes) advance organizer/
graphic organizer)
5. What would
interchanging their qualities
(Suggested Answer:
Interchanging qualities of
Joaquin and Cristina implies
equality in roles and in other
aspects of life.)
V. Discussing
new concepts Ask the students the following questions:
and practicing 1. What are advance organizers?
new skills # 2 (Suggested answer: An advance organizer is
a cognitive instructional strategy used to
promote the learning and retention of new
information. It
is presented prior to learning and can be used
by the learner to organize and interpret new
incoming information
Mayer, 2003)
Assessment Huckleberry Finn”. Ask Tell each group to
3) them to read and think choose their leader.
about the answer to the Give each leader a
question, “What were task card.
the significant events in Group Tasks:
the life of Huckleberry Group 1- Title and Story
Finn?” Map. Use a Title and Story
Map to tell the events in
the story.
Tell them to look for a Group 2- Picture Web.
partner to discuss their Draw a picture web that
answers with. Then, ask will represent the events in
them to use a graphic the life of the characters in
organizer to explain their the story.
answer. Group 3- Story Pyramid.
Use this organizer to show
After discussing their the five parts of a plot of
answers, tell them to the story.
share their output to the Group 4- Cause and
class. Effect. Identify the cause
Solicit feedback from the and effect of the actions of
class on the work of the characters in the story.
other pairs. Group 5- Time Line. Use
a timeline to show the
(Note: For this task, they will significant events in the life
use the summary of the of the character.
story entitled “The (Note: For this task, they
Adventures of Huckleberry will use the story entitled
Finn” by Mark Twain) “The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn” by Mark
See attachment or use the Twain)
link- See attachment or use the
https://www.enotes.com/topi link-
cs/adventures-of- https://www.enotes.com/to
huckleberry-finn pics/adventures-of-
d. Making Call on students to give the meaning of Advance
generalizations Organizers.
and abstractions
about the lesson Ask them how Advance Organizers help in
understanding a text
e. Evaluating
learning Given the story, what graphic organizer will you
use to easily understand the story?
1. What was the condition given to Orpheus?
(Suggested Answer: Orpheus was given a condition
that Eurydice would follow him and that he should
not look back.)
2. What do you think is the reason why Orpheus failed
to bring Eurydice back to the upperworld?
(Suggested Answer: Orpheus did not fulfill his
promise. He looked back to see if Eurydice was
following him.)
3. How did you come up with your answer?
(Answers may vary)
4. How does the organizer help you to understand the
(Suggested Answer: The organizer helps to
understand the details of the story. It shows the
logical arrangement of events.)
f. Additional Using a graphic organizer, give the main idea and details
activities for of the essay entitled “Success is a Journey, Not a
application or Destination”.
remediation (See attachment or use the link-
I. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
II. No. of learners
who require
activities for
who scored
below 80%
III. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lessons
IV. No. of learners
who continue
to require
V. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
VI. What
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
VII. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with
other teachers?
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Time and Date: First Quarter: Week 3-Day 2
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards: literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing and
resolving personal conflicts, also how to use strategies in
linking textual information, repairing, enhancing
communication public speaking, emphasis markers in
persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
B. Performance
Standards: The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text
using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
C. Learning
Competencies/ Determine the implicit and explicit signals, verbal, as well as
Objectives: non-verbal, used by the speaker to highlight significant points.
Write the LC Code EN10LC-Ic-.4
for each
II.CONTENT Using Implicit and Explicit signals
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide p. 38
2.Learner’s p. 53
Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages p. 53
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B.Other Learning Projector, speaker, picture, copy of the song, MP 3 player
Resources https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK1KCcwy20k
www.google .com
A. Reviewing
Previous Lesson Call some students to give a recapitulation of the
or Presenting the previous lesson by asking the following questions:
New Lesson
1. What are advance organizers?
2. Give some examples of advance organizers?
3. How do advance organizers help in understanding a text?
B. Establishing a
Purpose for the Today you will learn
Lesson about explicit and implicit A. Unlocking of Difficulties
signals.To help you with
it you listen to the song Below are phrases taken from
entitled “Let it Go” by the lyrics of the song. Make an
Idina Menzel. The song educated guess about the
is one of the most meaning of the unfamiliar word in
popular Disney songs each phrase by getting clues
and is the sound track of from the words that surround the
the Disney animated vocabulary word. Match the
movie “Frozen”. meaning of the words in column
A to column B. Then, use the
A. Unlocking of words in your own sentence.
english/esl-tefl-ell- 3.conceal- a. to hide
4. rage-b. violent or uncontrolled
Note: Use the anger
vocabulary words found
in the lyrics of the song 5.swirling- to have a twist or
“Let it Go”. You may convolution
include the vocabulary
words like isolation,
slam, conceal, rage
and swirling. You may B. Motivation Question:
also make modifications
like 1 point for every The teacher asks these
correct guess of the questions to the class:
word, 1 point for giving a
synonym, and another 1. Are you always true to
for using it in their own yourself? What hinders you from
sentence. You may also expressing your true self/the real
shorten the time limit to you?(answers may vary)
guess the word.
2.If no one will judge or there
B. Motivation were no limits to what you could
Question: have or you want in your life,
what would you want to be?
The teacher asks these (answers may vary)
questions to the class:
C. Motive Question:
The teacher asks the
hanging question to the
C. Presenting Let the students watch Let the students watch /listen to
Examples/Instanc /listen to the song the song entitled “Let it Go” from
es of the Lesson entitled “Let it Go” from the movie Frozen.
the movie Frozen.
3. Why does she has to (The people expect her to be the
hold back about her good/perfect girl.
power? for the follow-up question,
(She is afraid of hurting answer may vary)
her loved ones
whenever she releases 5. Why does the girl finally
her power.) decided that she has to let it go?
Do you think it is a good
4.What expectations do decision?
people have from her? (She can’t hold back anymore.
Do you think it is fair? She finally realized that the
problem does not bother her
(The people expect her anymore.)
to be the good/perfect
girl. 6.What feeling does the speaker
for the follow-up have after letting go?
question, answer may (She feels empowered. She is
vary) happy because finally she’s free.)
7. Have you ever felt like this
5. Why does the girl before? Did you experience self-
finally decided that she repression?
has to let it go? Do you (answers may vary)
think it is a good 8. What is the song all about?
decision? 9. What lesson did you learn from
(She can’t hold back it? (answers may vary)
anymore. She finally
realized that the problem
does not bother her
choose their group with
the corresponding task
to perform. Give them 5
minutes to rehearse and
3 minutes to perform.
Compose a song
which tackles about the Literary Extender
theme- freedom and
empowerment, or
embracing one’s self.
Below are varied activities for
You can also consider a
the students. Let them choose
song that is
their group with the corresponding
transformative in
task to perform. Give them 5
nature. You may use
minutes to rehearse and 3
musical instruments to
minutes to perform.
enhance your
Scout for another song which
tackles about the theme- freedom
Deliver a spoken
and empowerment, or
poetry about “The Art of
embracing one’s self. You can
Letting Go”. Pour out
also consider a song that is
your emotions but at the
transformative in nature. You
same time it should
may use musical instruments to
leave an inspiring
enhance your presentation.
message to your
Compose a poem about “The
Art of Letting Go”. Pour out your
emotions but at the same time it
Present a role play
Should leave an inspiring
you favorite scene in the
message to your audience.
Disney animated movie
Present a role play your
GROUP 4- THE favorite scene in the Disney
FEARLESS WRITERS! animated movie Frozen.
Think about the
instances in your life GROUP 4- THE FEARLESS
when you hold back for WRITERS!
one thing. One reason Think about the instances in
for this is our fears. your life when you hold back for
Compose an essay one thing. One reason for this is
about overcoming our our fears. Compose an essay
fears, for example fear about overcoming our fears, for
of failure, fear of example fear of failure, fear of
rejection etc. Give rejection etc. Give solutions so
solutions so that these that these fears will not control us.
fears will not control us.
Present a Present a contemporary
contemporary dance or dance or interpretative dance
interpretative dance about women empowerment.
about women
empowerment. Note: The teacher may or may
not give the Literary Extender
Note: The teacher may to the students since this take
or may not give the too much time.
Literary Extender to
the students since this Present the Rubric for the
take too much time. Performance
Present the Rubric for
the Performance
E. Discussing Determining Implicit and Explicit Signals to highlights
New Concepts significant points.
and Practicing
New Skills #2 ACTIVITY 1
Divide the class into four groups. Let them recall significant
lines from the song “Let it Go”. Then, accomplish the table
Analysis Questions:
1. What is explicit? What is implicit?
(Explicit means something is made clear and stated plainly.
Implicit means something is implied but not directly stated)
2. What is the difference between implicit vs. explicit signals?
(Implicit means implied and explicit means explained)
3. How do these implicit and explicit signals help add value
to the lyrics and over all meaning of the song?
(Implicit and explicit signals help add value to the lyrics and
over all meaning of the song by highlighting the significant
points of the song.)
Lecture-Discussion on Implicit and Explicit
F. Developing Let the class answer Let the class answer this:
Mastery this: Identify whether the lines from
(Leads to Identify whether the lines the song “Let it Go” from the
Formative from the song “Let it Go” Disney film Frozen, is implicit or
Assessment 3) from the Disney film explicit signal.
Frozen, is implicit or ______ 1. A kingdom of isolation
explicit signal. ______ 2. Let it go.
1.A kingdom of
isolation_ _____3. I’m free
2. Let it go.____ _____4. Conceal, don’t feel
3. I’m free_____ ____ 5. Let the storm rage on
4. Conceal, don’t
feel.___ Answers:
5. Let the storm rage 1.explicit
on.___ 2.explicit
G. Finding Ask the class:
Practical 1. What advice is given in the song? Do you agree with it or
Applications of not? Why?
Concepts and 2. In what way can we apply it in our life?
Skills in Daily
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
work well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
can help me solve?
G. What
innovations or
localized materials
did I used/discover
which I wish to
share with other
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Time & Date: First Quarter: Week 3, Day 3
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature
Standard and other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving
personal conflicts, also how to use strategies in linking textual
information, repairing, enhancing communication public
speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms
of modals, reflexive and intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful text using a variety
Standard of persuasive techniques and devices.
C. Learning Differentiate formal from informal definitions of words
Competencies/ (EN10V-Ic-13.9)
Objectives Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute
to the theme of the story (EN10-WC-Ib-12.1)
Explain the literary devices used (EN10LT-Ic-2.2)
II. CONTENT Lesson 3: Capitalizing on Strengths and Recognizing our
Topic: Formal and Informal Definitions
Selection: Orpheus by Alice Low
A. References
1. Teacher’s 39-42
Guide pages
2. Learner’s 54-58
Materials pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional Almonte, Liza R. et.al.Celebrating Diversity through World
Materials from Literature. Pasig City:Rex Bookstore,Inc.p.53
Learning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drnBMAEA3AM
Resource ( LR) https://www.novinite.com/articles/115027/Greek+Culture+and+
portal Traditions+-+Where+the+West+Meets+the+East
A. Other Learning pictures, paper, laptop/ mp3 music
Resources puzzles, cartolina
III. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing Pre-Reading
previous lesson Ask these questions:
or presenting the 1. How do we define a word?
new lesson (Suggested Answer: We define a word either by giving its
synonyms and antonyms or by giving examples.)
2. Do you know the song entitled “DOREMI” from the
“Sound of Music”?
3. How are the words being defined in that song?
(Suggested Answer: The words in that song are being
defined by giving examples and characteristics attributed
to the words)
B. Establishing a
purpose for the Instruct the students Instruct the students to
lesson to open their books open their books
Celebrating Diversity Celebrating Diversity
through World through World Literature,
Literature, pages 54- pages 54-55.
55. Tell them that the words
Tell them that these in Task 4, Mystery
words in Task 4, Words given are used in
Mystery Words are the story that they will be
used in the story that reading today.
they will be reading Let them analyze how
today. these words are being
Let them analyze defined.
how these words are Let them answer the
being defined. processing questions.
Let them answer the
processing Processing Questions:
questions. 1.What did you notice in
the way these words are
Processing being defined?
Questions: (Suggested answer:
1. What did you notice in Each word has two
the way these words definitions; separated as
are being defined? A and B)
(Suggested answer: 2.How do you
Each word has two differentiate definition A
definitions; separated from B?
as A and B) (Suggested Answer: A is
2. How do you differentiate a formal definition while
definition A from B? B is an informal
(Suggested Answer: A definition)
is a formal definition 3.Which is better way to
while B is an informal define a word?
definition) (Suggested answers: This may
3. Which is a better way to depend upon the student’s
define a word? preference. A is a better way to
(Suggested answers: define a word because all the
This may depend upon characteristics that are specific
the student’s to a term are being used.
preference. A is a better B is a better way to define a
way to define a word word because examples and
because all the synonyms or antonyms are
characteristics that are being used to explain an
specific to a term are unknown word.)
being used.
B is a better way to
define a word because
examples and
synonyms or antonyms
are being used to
explain an unknown
C. Presenting
examples/Instanc Write the meaning of Write the meaning of
es of the new formal and informal formal and informal types
lesson types of definitions of definitions on the
on the board or post board or post a manila
a manila paper/ paper/ cartolina with the
cartolina with the meaning of these two
meaning of these two types of definition of
types of definition of words.
words. Let the students give
Let the students give their own examples of
their own examples words with their formal
of words with their and informal definitions.
formal and informal Process the students’
definitions answers.
Process the Next, engage the
students’ answers. students’ attention by
Next, engage the posting pictures of
students’ attention by Hades and Persephone
posting pictures of on the board then, ask
Hades and who these characters
Persephone on the are.
board then, ask who Call on a student to read
these characters are. the meaning of myths.
Call on a student to Then, give additional
read the meaning of inputs on it. Emphasize
myths. Then, give that gods and goddesses
additional inputs on are among the
it. Emphasize that characters in myth.
gods and goddesses Before reading the text,
are among the ask the students this
characters in myths. guide question: “To what
Before reading the extent would you use
text, ask the students your strength to save a
this guide question: person you love?”
“To what extent
would you use your Have the students do the
strength to save a “Reading aloud”
person you love?” technique in reading the
Have a silent reading
of the text.
D. Discussing Post Reading:
new concepts 1. To what extent would you use your strength to save
and practicing a person you love?
new skills # 1 (Answers may vary)
2. What was the greatest strength of Orpheus? What
was his weakness?
(Suggested answer: Orpheus’ strength-possessing a
remarkable talent in music.
Orpheus weakness- inability to accept the loss of his
wife; lack of trust & lack of patience)
3. What effect did Orpheus’ music have on people and
gods? Cite two examples of this.
(Suggested answers: Orpheus played his lyre so
sweetly that he charmed all things on earth; Men
and women forgot their cares when gathered around
him to listen; Wild beasts lay down as they gathered
around him as if they were tamed, entranced by his
soothing notes; Rocks and trees followed him and
the rivers changed their direction to hear him play.)
11. How did you feel while reading the story? What
made you feel that way?
(Answers may vary)
12. What do you think is the purpose of the author in
writing the story?
E. Discussing Small Group Differentiated Small Group
new concepts Activities Differentiated Activities
and practicing
new skills # 2 Divide the class into five Divide the class into
groups. five groups.
Each group will draw their Each group will be
own puzzle and supply each given a piece of a bulb
piece of the puzzle with the puzzle
required answer. Tell them Ask them to supply
that this activity is only for 10 each part of the puzzle
minutes. Then, ask a with the given plot of
representative to report their the story Orpheus. The
group’s output. activity is only for 10
Ask other groups to give their minutes.
comment on the output
presented by other groups. Group Tasks:
Group 1- Exposition
Group 2- Falling Action
Group 3- Climax
Group 4- Rising Action
Group 5-Resolution
Let them present their
work and form the bulb
puzzle by pasting each
of the pieces together.
(Note: This is for the
students to get the
importance of each
piece of the puzzle to
complete the whole
parts, as it will lead
them to realize also
the importance of plot
to understand the
theme of the story.)
Ask other groups to
give their comment on
the output presented
by other groups.
F. Developing Let them answer these Let them answer
mastery (leads to questions: these questions:
Formative 1. How do the elements help 1. How do the elements
Assessment 3) you understand the flow of help you understand the
the story? flow of the story?
(Suggested Answer: The (Suggested Answer: The
elements help the readers to elements help the readers
know what happens in the to know what happens in
story) the story)
2. What is the theme of the
2. What is the theme of the
(Suggested Answer: Love
and Trust) story?
(Suggested answer: Love
and Trust)
3. In what way do these 3.In what way do these
elements contribute to your elements contribute to your
understanding of the understanding of the
selection’s overall theme? selection’s overall theme?
(Suggested Answer: The (Suggested Answer: The
elements contribute to the elements contribute to the
development of the theme of development of the theme
the story)
of the story.)
G. Finding Ask the students to name the Ask the students to name
practical persons that they know who the persons that they know
application of became successful in arts and who became successful in
concepts and music. Let them exchange ideas arts and music. Let them
skills in daily on how they think these persons exchange ideas on how
living became successful in their fields. they think these persons
became successful in their
H. Making To generalize, let the students To generalize, let the
generalizations answer these questions: students answer these
and abstractions 1.How do you differentiate questions:
about the lesson Formal from Informal Definition? 1.How do you differentiate
(Suggested Answers: A formal Formal from Informal
definition consists of three parts: Definition?
the term, the part of speech to (Suggested Answers: A
which it belongs, such as a noun formal definition consists of
or a verb, and all the traits or three parts: the term, the
characteristics that are specific to part of speech to which it
that term. In an informal belongs, such as a noun or
definition, the writer uses known a verb, and all the traits or
words or examples to explain an characteristics that are
unknown term. These definitions specific to that term. In an
may be synonyms or antonyms informal definition, the
introduced by or, in other words, writer uses known words or
or like.) examples to explain an
Source:http://content.nroc.org/De unknown term. These
velopmental definitions may be
English/unit05/Foundations/identi synonyms or antonyms
fying-types-of-definitions.html introduced by or, in other
2. How does plot contribute to the words, or like.)
theme of the story? Source:
(Suggested Answer: The plot Source:http://content.nroc.o
develops the theme of the story.) rg/Developmental
3. Give the meaning of Literary English/unit05/Foundations
Devices such as Tone, Mood, /identifying-types-of-
Technique & Purpose of the definitions.html
author. 2. How does plot contribute
(Suggested Answers: Tone- the to the theme of the story?
attitude of the writer towards his (Suggested Answer: The
subject, Mood-feeling created in plot develops the theme of
the reader by a literary work, the story.)
Technique- the structure used by 3. Give the meaning of
the author in his work. Purpose- Literary devices such as
the reason an author writes about Tone, Mood, Technique &
a topic.) Purpose of the author.
(Suggested Answers:
Tone- the attitude of the
writer towards his subject,
Mood-feeling created in the
reader by a literary work,
Technique- the structure
used by the author in his
work. Purpose- the reason
an author writes about a
I. Evaluating Provide the students an organizer Provide the students an
learning showing the summary of the organizer showing the
story. Then ask them to do the summary of the story. Then
following: ask them to do the
1. Write a short paragraph following:
highlighting the importance of plot 1. Write a short paragraph
to the theme of the story. highlighting the importance
2. Explain the literary devices of plot to the theme of the
used by the author in her writing. story.
2. Explain the literary
devices used by the author
in her writing.
J. Additional Let them recall the movie that Let them recall the movie
activities for they have just watched entitled that they have just watched
application or “Frozen”. Ask them to give the entitled “Frozen”. Ask them
remediation plot and theme of the story. to give the plot and theme
of the story.
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Time and Date: First Quarter: WEEK 3-DAY 4
A. A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards: literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing
and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use strategies
in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing
communication public speaking, emphasis markers in
persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
B. B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text
Standards: using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
B. B. Establishing a The teacher asks these questions to the class:
Purpose for the
Lesson 1. Do you read books or novels? Do you watch movies?
(answers may vary)
2. Do you know some novels or books that are featured in
films? How do you call the transfer of written work in whole
or part to feature film?
(movie adaptations)
3. Give some movie adaptations that you have watched?
(answers may vary)
The teacher asks these questions to the class:
1. Did you experience one greatest challenge or hardship
in your life? What was it?
2. How did you overcome or survive that hardship?
Motive Question:
(Pondicherry India. Pi’s
father is a zoo keeper.)
3. Yann Martel recalls that
many Pondicherry residents 3. Describe Pi’s childhood
provided him with stories, experience. How does he
but he was most intrigued get his nickname Pi?
by this tale because Mr. (He is interested in
Adirubasamy said it would religions.His name is
make him believe in God. Piscine---named after a
Did Pi’s tale alter your swimming pool, an object
beliefs about God? In what built to hold water. He was
way? then called Pi by his
classmates while writing the
4. Early in the novel, we mathematical construct on
discover that the narrator the board.)
majored in religious studies 4. What are the various
and zoology, with particular religions that Pi has during
interests in a sixteenth- his formative years?
century Kabbalist and the (Hinduism, Christianity and
admirable three-toed sloth. Islam)
In subsequent chapters, he
explains the ways in which 5. Why are they going to
religions and zoos are both immigrate to Canada?
steeped in illusion. Discuss (He sold the zoo already)
some of the other ways in
which these two fields find 6. What calamity did they
unlikely compatibility. meet along the voyage
going to Canada? How
5. Pi’s full name, Piscine does Pi reacted when he
Molitor Patel, was inspired saw the storm?
by a Parisian swimming (They met a storm along the
pool that “the gods would voyage, he was so excited
have delighted to swim in.” to see a storm)
The shortened form refers
to the ratio of a circle’s 7. What happened to Pi
circumference divided by its after the storm? What are
diameter. What is the the other surviving animals?
significance of Pi’s unusual What happened to these
name? animals on the lifeboat?
(He was in the middle of the
6. How would the novel’s ocean with the company of
flavor be different if Pi’s sole orangutan, hyena, zebra
surviving animal was the and the tiger named
zebra or orange juice? (We Richard Parker. The hyena
assume that if the hyena wounds and eats the zebra,
had been the only surviving and then killed the
animal, Pi would not have orangutan too. The tiger
lived to tell us his story.) killed the hyena. Richard
parker and Pi were left on
7. Pi sparks a lively debate the boat.)
when all three of his
spiritual advisors try to claim 8.Descibe the events while
him. At the heart of this he was adrift in the lifeboat.
confrontation is Pi’s
insistence that he cannot
accept an exclusively 9.What is the importance of
Hindu, Christian, or Muslim the raft that Pi constructed?
faith; he can only be content (It is the most important
with all three. What is Pi survival element he can do.
seeking that can solely be It may mean more than just
attained by this apparent a raft, it can also symbolize
contradiction? his faith)
transition from youth to
adulthood, albeit seldom as
traumatic as Pi’s. What
event marks your coming of
Source: Celebrating
Diversity through World
Literature, English 10 LM
D. Discussing New
Concepts and Literary Extender Literary Extender
Practicing New
Skills #1 Divide the class into 3 Divide the class into 3
groups. Let them choose groups. Let them choose
their group and the their group and the
corresponding task. corresponding task.
Group 1 Group 1
Choose at least 3 Choose at least 3
quotations from the movie quotations from the movie
and explain it and explain it
You may consider the You may consider the
quotations on Task 8.2 A quotations on Task 8.2 A
Quote on Quote Quote on Quote
Source: (Celebrating Source: (Celebrating
Diversity through World Diversity through World
Literature p61) Literature p61)
Apply the techniques you Apply the techniques you
learned in effective public learned in effective public
speaking. speaking.
Group 2 Group 2
Develop your strategies of Develop your strategies of
overcoming challenges. overcoming challenges.
Share it to the class. Share it to the class.
Group 3 Group 3
Think for a metaphor for a Think for a metaphor for a
(tiger) Richard Parker. What (tiger) Richard Parker. What
could be a metaphor for it? could be a metaphor for it?
Why? Why?
movie “Life of Pi’’ contribute movie “Life of Pi’’ contribute
to the totality of the movie? to the totality of the movie?
Source: targetpublic.com
Target Public
Note: The teacher may use the rubric for Task 17: Thanks
for the AD! On page 66, Celebrating Diversity through
World Literature.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
C.Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with a
D.No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
work well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovations
or localized materials
did I used/ discover
which I used to share
with other teachers?
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Area: English
Time and Date: First Quarter: 1
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards literature serves as a way of expressing and resolving
one’s personal conflicts through using strategies in
linking, textual information, repairing or enhancing
communication, and crafting formal/informal word
definitions; the ethics and strategies of public speaking;
and using of emphasis markers in persuasive texts.
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages Pages 53-55
2. Learner’s
Material pages Pages 68-71
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from https://youtube/kZIXWp6vFdE
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
“It’s our ability to deal with the challenges and not their
absence that gives us true glory, comfort, and happiness
in life.”
C. Presenting Let the students watch a video about dealing with
examples/instanc personal challenges. As they watch the video, have them
es for the new note details and take note of the difficult words
lesson mentioned in the video clip.
5. a. A hamstring is a
noun that means any of
five tendons at the back of
a person’s knee.
b. hamstring- muscle’s
tissue in the leg.
second definition of
F. Developing
mastery (Leads to
Assessment 3)
1. Obscure - a. an a. enraged
adjective which b. an adjective which
means not means not
discovered or known discovered or
about or uncertain known about
b. not known c. very pleasant
2. Indignant – a. an d. stubborn
adjective which e. it is a noun which
refers to a length
means feeling or
showing anger or of thread or yarn,
annoyance at what loosely coiled and
is perceived as knotted
unfair treatment f. move or fall
b. showing anger
3. Gorgeous- a. an
adjective which
means beautiful or
very attractive
b. good-looking,
4. Obstinacy – a. a
noun which refers to
the quality or
condition of being
b. hard-headedness
5. Skeins – a. a noun
that refers to the
length of thread or
yarn, loosely coiled
and knotted
b. coiled yarn.
6. Descend - a. verb
which means move
or fall downward
b. go downward )
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Time and Date: First Quarter: WEEK 4-DAY 2
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards literature serves as a way of expressing and resolving
one’s personal conflicts through using strategies in linking,
textual information, repairing or enhancing communication,
and crafting formal/informal word definitions; the ethics and
strategies of public speaking; and using of emphasis
markers in persuasive texts.
A. References
2. Learner’s
Material pages Pages 68-71
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing Let the students give a Have the students share their
previous lesson recap of the previous ideas about the viewing task
or presenting lesson. Let them give on the previous lesson. Recall
the new lesson examples of sentences the vocabulary words
showing the formal and discussed by letting the
informal definition of the students share their sample
following words: sentences to the class.
a. resent b. trickery
c. shrivelled d. reckless
e. shuttle f. clad
Answers/Sample sentences
C. Presenting Orient the students about the selection to be discussed.
es for the new Arachne is a myth from Ancient Greece as retold by
lesson Olivia Coolidge. Find out how how the character’s human
desires, intuitions, and motives lead to dealing with
personal challenges.
D. Discussing Let the students read Let the students read the
new concepts the selection silently. selection silently.
and practicing
new skills #1 ( See page 69-71 of the ( See page 69-71 of the
Learner’s Material) Learner’s Material)
boasting about being Both of them don’t want to
better than her. accept defeat.
Both Arachne 1. What are some details
and Athene in the story that will
possess prove that Arachne’s
excellent talent pride is the reason for
in weaving and her downfall?
they are proud of
their skill.
Both of them
don’t want to
accept defeat.
2. What is your
opinion on the
characteristics of
Athene (the old
woman) and
Arachne based
on their words
and actions,
especially with
dealing with
(Answers may vary)
is man versus self.
It revolves around
Arachne and her
pride or being
boastful of her
2. What did Arachne
do that make it
difficult for her to
solve her problem?
(She had shown an
arrogant, boastful,
and disrespectful
3. What happens to
her as she lives
through her
(Arachne was cursed
by Athene and she
became a spider.)
Group 5 Theme
Builders (Answers may
1. Had Arachne
changed her
attitude, do you
think the old
woman would
have punished
her? Explain
your answer.
2. How did the 2. What is your opinion on the
story help you characteristics of Athene (the
understand the old woman) and Arachne
value of dealing based on their words and
with challenges? actions, especially with dealing
3. What meaningful with personal challenges?
lesson did the
story teach us? (Answers may vary)
was not at all frightened and
completely believed she would
win. (Climax)
Arachne challenged the old
lady to a weaving contest.
(Rising Action)
our locality? So, as a student, in what way can you help in
improving this industry?
*Did you know that Athena can't tolerate the affront to her
pride, though, so she turns Arachne into a spider doomed
to weave forever. From the unfortunate spider-woman
comes the name for the 8-legged creatures – Arachnids.
H. Making Mood and tone are two literary elements that help create
Generalizations the main idea of the story. The mood is the feeling you
and Abstractions get while reading a story. This could be happiness,
about the Lesson sadness, darkness, anger, suspension, loneliness, or
even excitement. It refers to the atmosphere in the story.
1. The sun was bright and the sky was clear. Joan jogged
down the path with Ray at her side and smiled about last
night’s victory. The tone in this excerpt can be best
described as _____.
a. cheerful b. gloomy
c. boring d. thoughtful
a. Brave b. cheerful
c. sorrowful d. shy
technology. And there is such a demand for workers with
your skills that you can choose from thousands of jobs.
Many of these jobs have high starting salaries and perks
like your own pet robot, a new convertible automobile or
monthly online shopping allowance.
a. fearful b. confident
c. depressed d. frightened
a. calm b. annoyed
c. scary d. excited
a. Annoyed b. frightened
c. excited d. calm
a. thrilled b. irritated
c. frightening d. peaceful
a. calm b. annoyed
c. scary d. excited
8. The young girl sat on the steps waiting for what seemed
to be an eternity for her father to pick her up. She was
thinking about the last time she saw him. It had been years.
Finally, it started getting dark outside and her mother called
her to come inside for dinner. She bowed her head and
slowly trudged inside as she came to the painful
acceptance that he was not coming. He had let her down
like so many times before. The mood of the passage is
a. indifference b. despair
c. surprised d. contentment
Answer key:
1. a. cheerful
2. a. brave
3. b. confident
4. d. excited
5. d. calm
6. b. frightening
7. b. annoyed
8. b. despair
J. Additional
activities for
application for
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Time and Date: First Quarter: WEEK 4-DAY 3
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards literature serves as a way of expressing and resolving
one’s personal conflicts through using strategies in
linking, textual information, repairing or enhancing
communication, and crafting formal/informal word
definitions; the ethics and strategies of public speaking;
and using of emphasis markers in persuasive texts.
2. Learner’s Material
pages Pages 73-74
Why should our ideas be connected when
speaking or writing?
Arachne was a maiden.
She became famous throughout Greece.
She was neither well-born nor beautiful.
She came from no great city.
Arachne was a maiden who became famous
throughout Greece, though she was neither
well-born nor beautiful and came from no great
Writing is an important communication and skill.
1. addition
5. Passage of Time
First boil the water; then, pour it over a cup to make a
cup of tea.
6. Emphasis or Intensification
certainly, indeed, in fact, of course
day. (However/On the and plays video games all
contrary) day.
a. However
b. in addition
c. Although
2. There are many
2. There are many
occupations to choose
occupations to choose from
from nowadays.
nowadays. _________you
_________you can
can become a doctor,
become a doctor,
engineer, teacher, artist,
engineer, teacher, artist,
athlete, musician, or chef,
athlete, musician, or chef,
just to name a few. (a)
just to name a few. (For
example) a. For example
b. As such
c. Likewise
3. Getting a college degree
is important. _________, 3. Getting a college degree
building a good network of is important. _________,
friends is crucial to future building a good network of
success. (Similarly/Also ) friends is crucial to future
success. (a)
a. Similarly
4. Eating well will help you
live a healthier b. In my opinion
life._______, exercising c. On the other hand
every day is also highly
recommended.(In like 4. Eating well will help you
manner,/Similarly) live a healthier
life._______, exercising
5. Essays must be every day is also highly
handed in by the deadline.
______________ , they recommended. (a)
will not be marked
a. Moreover
anymore. (Otherwise/Or
else) b. As a result
c. Whenever
6. You will not pass the
test ______ you study 5. Essays must be handed
hard. (unless) in by the deadline.
______________ , they will
not be marked anymore. (c)
a. obviously
b. as a result
c. otherwise
a. unless
b. before
c. so that
G. Finding practical What is the importance of using words and expressions
applications of that emphasize a point?
concepts and skills
in daily living
B. Write the appropriate transitional devices to complete
the paragraph that follows.
Also Indeed
Answer Key:
1. First
2. And then
3. For instance
4. Indeed
5. Also
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Time and Date: First Quarter: WEEK 4-DAY 4
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards literature serves as a way of expressing and resolving one’s
personal conflicts through using strategies in linking, textual
information, repairing or enhancing communication, and
crafting formal/informal word definitions; the ethics and
strategies of public speaking; and using of emphasis markers
in persuasive texts.
C. Learning
Competencies/Obj Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion
ectives Write the EN10WC-Id-12.2
LC code for each
Selecting, organizing and producing visuals and graphics to
II. CONTENT make a meaningful photo essay
A. References
2. Learner’s
Material pages Pages 75-77
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Rubric for grading students’ output
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
B. Establishing a 1. Ask the students to Ask the students:
purpose for the list the five most
lesson important things they What are the five most
would want to do in important things you would
facing or dealing with want to do in facing or
personal challenges. dealing with personal
Instruct the learners challenges?
to think about and list Are they based on fact or
the five most opinion?
important things they Based from your choices,
would want to do in which among the literary
facing or dealing with selections we have
personal challenges. already discussed in our
2. Make them tell class has a close
whether they are connection with your
based on fact or choices?
opinion. Answers may vary.
3. Discuss their choices
and let them decide
on the top three.
C. Presenting Orient the students that As you prepare for the final task
examples/instance they need to make a which is the photo essay, you will
s for the new photo essay about choose at least three characters in
lesson dealing with their the literary selections that we
personal challenges. Let already discussed.
them form small groups
of five and do the Rank your chosen characters
following tasks: using the following template:
characters who have Outstanding/Dominant
influenced their Character Traits
outlook in life.
3. Ask them to rank Charac Similari Differe
characters and ter ties nces
according to their
preference and do a
character inventory
by considering their
qualities, attitudes,
or traits.
4. Make them highlight
three outstanding or
dominant character
traits that help them
resolve personal
conflict and let them
consider their
differences and
D. Discussing new Discuss with the class what a photo essay is and how they will
concepts and create their own.
practicing new
skills #1 A photo essay is a set or series or series of photographs that
are made to create series of emotions in the viewer. A photo
essay will often show pictures in deep emotional stages. Photo
essays range from purely photographic works to photographs
with captions or small comments to full text esays illustrated
with photographs.
Remind the students that the tone, mood, and theme of the
essay must be presented through visuals and text.
Have the students organize the visuals or texts, and main idea.
Do not forget to show how the visuals and text convey your
main idea, then use them to prove your stand about how one
can deal with personal challenges.
positively. Provide a catchy and meaningful title of your photo
Note: Teacher may create own rubric for grading their output
so that they could be guided in making their photo essay.
E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new
skills #2
G. Finding What did you find most difficult/most challenging in this task?
applications of How did you deal with it?
concepts and skills
What do you think is the importance of photo essay?
in daily living
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Area: English
Date: First Quarter: Week 5, Day 1
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standard literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing
and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use strategies
in lining textual information, repairing, enhancing
communication public speaking, emphasis markers in
persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text
Standard using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
C. Learning Determine the effects of textual aids like advance
Competencies organizers, titles, non-linear illustrations, etc. on the
understanding of a text. EN10RC-Ie-2.15.2
II. CONTENT Determining effects of textual aids
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
Pages pp. 69-83
2. Learning
Materials Pages pp.79-86
3. Textbook Pages
Eng. Expressways IV p.160
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning http://depedbohol.org/v2/wp-
Resources content/uploads/2015/11/1stquarter.final-English-10.pdf
Power point slides, laptop, projector
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Average
A. Reviewing Let the students read the Call a student to read to the
previous lesson or introduction for Lesson 5- class the introduction for
presenting new Winning Over Individual Lesson 5- Winning Over
lesson Challenges. Individual Challenges.
Then, solicit from them Let the students pick out the
thoughts about the striking big word (CHALLENGES)
statements from the from the report and have
paragraph and share it to the them share their
class. thoughts/ideas about it.
B. Establishing a Introduce the Big Question: Introduce the Big Question:
purpose for the
Let the students give their Let the students give their
tentative answers and have tentative answers and have
them use the shape below them use the shape below
for their individual for their group entry/output.
My Targets My Targets
D. Discussing new Let the class read silently the text and let them do the
concepts and Small Group Differentiated Activities (SGDA).
practicing new (The reading text must be assigned to the students to be
skills #1 read at home.)
Task 1-SGDA:
Group 1-Vocabulary Hunt
(Note: Students shall give 5-8 vocabulary words)
Group 2- The Power of C2
Group 3- Lasting Virtue
Group 4- Thinking It Through
Group 5- Theme Connection
E. Discussing new
concepts and Let the students work in triad and do this task to check
practicing new their understanding of the text.
skills #2
Task 2- Getting Aid from S-W-B-S
Read the grid carefully then based on the details included,
write a four-sentence synopsis of the text, “How Odin Lost
His Eye.”
Concept Note:
lead the students to tell or write the plot summary in one or
two sentences in the least and up to 5 sentences at the
F. Developing
mastery (leads to Let the students do this Let the students do this
formative task individually. task by pair.
assessment 3)
Task 3- Getting Done Task 3- Getting Done
Read and understand the Read and understand the
information contained in information contained in
the organizer then, write a the organizer then, write a
short paragraph about it. short paragraph about it.
Help to the Help to Help to the Help to
Guatemala Environmen Guatemala Environmen
n women t n women t
The Trees are The Trees are
Connecticut good for the Connecticut good for the
factory soil. factory soil.
pays them pays them
to plant to plant
trees, not trees, not
money but money but
corn which corn which
is food for is food for
the children the children
The money Trees The money Trees
they get prevent the they get prevent the
from rain from from rain from
planting washing planting washing
trees pays down the trees pays down the
for their soil. for their soil.
household household
expenses. expenses.
Ref: https://www.storynory.com/thors-hammer/
1. What is missing when Thor wakes up?
2. Whom does he approach to help him find the hammer?
Describe Loki.
3. How does Loki know who stole Thor’s hammer?
4. How do they get the hammer back?
5. Why does Thor kill Thrym and his whole household?
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Date: First Quarter: Week 5, Day 2
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standard literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing
and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use strategies
in lining textual information, repairing, enhancing
communication in public speaking, emphasis markers in
persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text
Standard using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
C. Learning Explain how the elements of a story (character and
Competencies characterization) contribute to the theme of the story read
II. CONTENT Using the elements of a story-characters and
characterization to get the theme of the story
A. References
1. Teacher’s pp. pp. 69-83
Guide Pages
2. Learners’ pp. 62-64
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
the Learning
Resource (LR)
B. Other English Communication Arts III by Serrano & Lapid, pp.
Learning 241-243
Advanced Learners Average Learners
Odin, the great King of gods and All-
father of the earth
He wanted to protect his people from
Wanted the enemies (the frost giants) by
knowing more about them.
He had to give up something that is
But very important to him in order to see
them from the magic well.
Odin, the great King of gods and All-father of the earth,
wanted to protect his people from the enemies (the frost
giants) by knowing more about them but he had to give
up something that is very important to him in order to see
them from the magic well so he decided to pluck out one
of his eyes as a sacrifice.
3. Its theme
(There are times that we have to give up something
important or to sacrifice in order to win over our personal
(Answers may also vary)
Task 2: Memory Plus Task 2: Memory Plus
B. Establishing a Ask students to recall Ask students to recall more
purpose for the more deeply the story deeply the story and have
lesson and have them answer them fill up the following:
the following:
C. Presenting Task 3: Defense Task 3: Defense Against
examples/ Against Memory Gap Memory Gap
instances of
the new Within one minute, ask Within three minutes, ask
lesson students to recall the students to recall the
elements of fiction and elements of fiction and poetry
poetry and call one and call one student to
student to quickly recite quickly write them on the
them. board.
(Characters, setting, plot, (Characters, setting, plot,
conflict, theme, point of conflict, theme, point of view,
view, symbolism) symbolism)
Concept Note:
(May also be given as a short lecture/discussion or any
suitable strategy)
Character Trait Proof Revelation style
Concept Note:
The characters and how the author characterizes them in
a story greatly contribute to the building of its theme.
following answers from the 2) What thought is
students may be considered: projected by the poem?
- We should not (Answers may vary.
underestimate /criticize others Any or a combination of
because of their any of the following
looks/appearance. answers from the
- God has created each and students may be
every one of us with respective considered:
abilities and talents.) - We should not
- We have been gifted in underestimate/ criticize
various ways; and have been others because of their
given different roles in life; we looks/appearance.
have to be proud of it and do - God has created each
our best to tackle our roles. and every one of us with
-Although we are created respective abilities and
differently, we must accept talents.)
with thankfulness whatever - People have been
abilities, talents and roles God gifted in various ways;
has given us. and have been given
3) Do you agree with this different roles in life; we
thought? Explain your view. have to be proud of it
(Answers may vary) and do our best to
b. For characterization, ask: tackle our roles.
1) What positive and negative -We must accept with
traits does the squirrel thankfulness whatever
possess? abilities, talents and
2) How do you characterize roles God has given us.
the mountain? What are its 3) Do you agree with
strengths and weaknesses? this thought? Explain
3) How do these traits your view. (Answers
contribute to the theme? may vary)
4) Show your answers through b. For
an appropriate graphic characterization, have
organizer. them fill up the following
organizer where M+
(Answers may vary) refers to the positive
character traits of the
mountain and M2 its
negative traits; S1 and
S2 refer to the squirrel’s
positive and negative
traits. Have them
explain their work to
show their connection
with the theme (center).
G. Finding Discuss or give activities on the following to enrich
practical students across learning areas. Choose any or all of
application of the following topics, for advanced or average
concepts and learners:
skills in daily
1. Character witness
1. What is a character witness?
2. If you are asked to be a character witness of a person
in your neighborhood, can you use the “6 secrets” used
by a writer for his characterization? Why or why not?
3. Will you volunteer to be a character witness in your
community or in any legal undertaking where a friend of
yours is involved? Why or why not?
4. How about if the person is your enemy but you know
that he is not guilty? Will you testify?
2. Character assassination
1. What is character assassination?
2. In what particular situations is character assassination
3. Who usually do these?
4. Will you use this strategy to your enemy or contender
if you are a contestant or a candidate? Explain.
Concept Notes:
(Indicate special cases including but
not limited to continuation of the
lesson plan to the following day in
case of re-teaching or lack of time,
transfer of lesson to the following day,
in cases of class suspension, etc)
(Reflect on your teaching and assess
yourself as a teacher. Think about
your students’ progress this week/this
day. What works? What else needs to
be done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional
supervisors can provide for you so
when you meet them, you can ask
them relevant questions.
VII. OTHERS (Indicate below whichever is appropriate)
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
(those who scored below 80%)
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Date: First Quarter: Week 5, Day 3
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standard literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing
and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use strategies
in lining textual information, repairing, enhancing
communication public speaking, emphasis markers in
persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text
Standard using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
C. Learning Compose a persuasive text of three paragraphs expressing
Competencies one’s stand on an issue
C. Presenting Let the students do the first task.
of the new lesson Task 1- I’m Willing to Do
Choose from the pool of choices the ways you can adopt to
win over challenges in life. Put a happy emoji for your
Being strong
1. If you are the voice for the youth, which of the ways will
you let them adopt to win one’s personal challenges in life?
D. Discussing new Distribute to the students the copy of the text. Let the
concepts and students read the text and answer the questions that
practicing new follow. Then, let them share their answers to the class.
skills #1
Activity 1- I’m Talking to You
Answer and share your ideas about the following
1. What challenge is posed to the writer?
2. What response does he give to his professor?
3. Does he win his challenge in life? What makes you say
4. What life lesson do you draw out from the experience of
the writer?
5. Which of his statements will you adopt for you to win
your challenges in life?
6. Have you experienced the same challenge with the
writer? How are you able to win this challenge in your life?
7. What type of text is the selection?
A persuasive essay convinces the reader to accept a
particular point of view or take a specific action. Persuasive
essays require good research, awareness of the reader’s
biases and a solid understanding of both sides of the issue.
Writing a Persuasive Text
1. Write a Draft
Choose a position.
Understand the audience.
Do the research.
Identify the most convincing evidence.
3. Use of modals:
a. must- express obligation
b. need to-indicates necessity
c. should and ought to- express sense of obligation to
do or become something
d. shouldn’t or ought not to- indicate prohibition or
disapproval of something that was done in the past
Reference: https://www.time4writng.com
4. “You should think again before you ask your drink.”
Ask the students these:
a. What do the underlined words have in common?
b. How are they positioned in the sentences?
c. Which of this show necessity? obligation? prohibition? to
do or become something?
Do or
Prohibition or
I. Evaluating Write three-paragraph essay persuading others on the
Learning importance of developing a positive attitude and weeding out
undesirable traits to win over your personal challenges.
The writing activity will be done collaboratively:
School: Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teacher: Grade Level: 10
Date: First Quarter: Week 5, Day 4
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standard literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing
and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use strategies in
lining textual information, repairing, enhancing
communication in public speaking, emphasis markers in
persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text
Standard using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
2. Learners’
Materials Pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from the
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning You tube-a short film “The Most Beautiful Thing”
Resources https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP8psM4LWXk)
You tube – a video clip from “Lessons Taught by Life”
Materials: laptop, projector, video clips, pictures, task
cards, marking pens, colored pens
colored/bond papers/cartlona/manila paper
Advanced Learners Average Learners
Task 4: Different Works for Task 4: Speak out and
Get Points!
D. Discussing Different Folks
new 1. Tell students that they
concepts 1. Ask the following questions: have to go back to the
and a. Who are the two main previously posted questions
practicing and try to answer them. For
new skills #1 characters in the story? the incentives, teacher may
give the following
b. Who among you can relate
corresponding points
to the male character? To
individually for every
the female character?
answer they give:
c. In what way can you relate one point – answers to one-
to them? Explain. word/ phrase/ sentence low-
2. Review the types of conflict. level questions
Task 5: Conflict Role
E. Developing
mastery Have the students fill up the following chart:
(leads to Story:
assessment) The Most Beautiful Thing
1. The elements of fiction can also be found in films.
2. One of these elements is the plot.
3. Within the plot lie the conflicts/ problems that the
characters have to contend with.
4. These conflict can be internal (man versus himself)or
external (man versus man, man versus nature, man versus
society and man versus the supernatural)
4. These elements help in building the theme of a story.
5. In our short film, how did conflict contribute to the theme of
the story
Task 6 – Our Insights
F. Finding Show students at least 3 pictures (this can be done by groups)
practical and have them express their insights about the picture.
application (It would be better to use pictures that will extend their
of concepts horizons across curriculum). Pictures connected with life
and skills in challenges and conflicts may include:
daily living. 1. disasters/calamities (natural or man-made – Science,
2. political activities (rallies, election, etc. – Araling
3. people (slums, beggars, street children, PWD, etc. –
4. nature (flowers, insects, birds, mountains, rivers, etc. –
5. Others
G. Making Task 7 – Let’s Wrap it Up
and abstractions 1. What can you say about conflicts in fiction? How about in
about the lesson real life?
2. What is the role of conflicts in fiction? What is the role of
conflicts in our daily life?
3. Give your insight about what you have learned in this
lesson in one sentence. Start your sentence with “I have no
doubt that…”
H. Evaluating
learning Task 8 – Our Skills Meter
Show the video clip from You tube – “Lessons Taught by Life”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJupxviLMEA and have
students answer the following question:
1. What was the problem of the poor man in the story?
2. How did he try to solve this conflict?
3. Was he successful in his attempt? Why?
4. How important is an e-mail address, according to the
5. How did the man solve his problem?
6. Did he succeed? Explain.
7. What is your insight on the following: “Today, a man
without an e-mail doesn’t exist. A man who doesn’t exist can’t
hold a job.”
8. At the end of the story, what did the man really want to tell
when he said, “I’d be taking out the trash?”
(Indicate special cases including but not
limited to continuation of the lesson
plan to the following day in case of re-
teaching or lack of time, transfer of
lesson to the following day, in cases of
class suspension, etc)
(Reflect on your teaching and assess
yourself as a teacher. Think about your
students’ progress this week/this day.
What works? What else needs to be
done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional
supervisors can provide for you so
when you meet them, you can ask them
relevant questions.
VII. OTHERS (Indicate below whichever is appropriate)
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Time and Date: First Quarter: WEEK 6-DAY 1
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing
and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use strategies
in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing
communication, public speaking emphasis markers in
persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text
Standard using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
C. Learning Compare new insights with previous learnings.
Competencies/ EN10RC-IF21
Objectives Express insights based on the ideas presented in
the material viewed. EN10VC-IF125
Differentiate formal from informal definitions of
words. EN10V-IF13.9
II.CONTENT Comparing and expressing new insights based on
the ideas
Differentiating formal from informal definitions
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature, pp.84-104
2. Learner’s Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature, pp. 92-96
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional (http://www.online-literature.com/maupassant/194/)
Materials from (https//www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Denotation-
Learning Resource and-Connotation-Practice-Worksheet-1076040)
(LR) Portal (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnLVRQCjh8c)
B. Other Learning 4 pcs ¼ size illustration board and chalk
Resources Cut out definition and scrambled words for the texttwist
written on cartolina
Connotation and denotation chart
IV. Procedures Advanced Average
A. Reviewing A.PRE-READING
previous lesson or 1. A Bird’s Eye View
presenting the new
lesson Let students view the drawing or the video clip of “One-
Armed Young Lady and a One-Legged Young Man.” Let
students answer the ff. questions: (Task 2, pages 93-94)
a. Does the drawing or video remind you of someone
you’ve heard of or met in real life?
b. What does the drawing/video suggest about
challenges and opportunities?
c. Which details in the drawing/video show the
importance of turning challenges into opportunities?
Say: Today, we will meet a character in one of the stories
of French writer, Henri Rene Albert Guy de Maupassant.
Try to find out what kind of challenges the main character
went through because of his handicap and how he dealt
with them.
2.Unlocking of difficulties
Divide the class into 4 groups, then assign a rapporteur to
write the group’s answer on the illustration board. The
group with the most number of correct answers wins the
TEXTTWIST. Unlock the meaning of the unfamiliar terms in
the story by unscrambling the letters to form the word being
a. SEITIMRIFNI- physical weaknesses or ailments of
age; lack of strength (INFIRMITIES)
b. NDVGAOBA- wandering from place to place without
any settled home, nomadic; leading an unsettled or
carefree life (VAGABOND)
c. HCAEUTA- a castle or fortress in France; a stately
residence imitating a distinctively French castle
d. KLSUN- walked or moved in a slow, sinuous,
provocative way (SLUNK)
e. DECHOURC- stooped or bended low
f. AYH-STFOL- lofts in a stable or barn for the storage
of hay (HAY-LOFTS)
g. GNIREDLOMS- burning without flame; undergoing
slow or suppressed combustion (SMOLDERING)
h. GNOUFLDIN –an infant or small child without a
known parent or guardian (FOUNDLING
4. Motive Question
What did Bell, a foundling and handicapped, do in order to
live/ survive?
examples/ instances Guided
of the new lesson Silent reading of the selection reading of
c. How did the people in the village treat him? groups and
Why? distribute
d. Who was the only person in the village strips of
who seemed to care for him? What colored
happened to her? paper
e. How would you describe the kind of life containing
Bell had after the death of Baroness d’ a question
Avary? about the
f. What incident in the story led to his selection.
imprisonment and eventually to his death? Give the
g. Was Bell justified for what he did? Why? groups 10
Why not? minutes to
h. If you were Bell, what would you do to process
become self- reliant (or not depend on others their
for survival)? answer
i. What can you say about the villagers in the and one
story? minute
j. How should we treat mentally and each to
physically disabled members of the society? present.
E. Developing
mastery Let the
class work
Difficult words Denotative Connotative in groups
Meaning Meaning of 5 and
(Formal (Informal accomplish
Meaning) Meaning) the same
Example: task
1. squeezed Pressed Forced; to be
2. something given a tight
3. firmly; hug
4. removed
5. liquid from
e English
J. Additional activities Independent Practice
for application or Supply the denotative and connotative meaning of the
remediation words below.
Assignment/ 1. Stylish
Agreement 2. Inquisitive
3. Stubborn
4. Scrawny
5. Wise
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
B. No. of learners
who require additional
activities for
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
work well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovations
or localized materials
did I use or discover
which I wish to share
to others?
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Time and Date: First Quarter: WEEK 6-DAY 2
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
literature and other text types serve as ways of
expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to
use strategies in linking textual information, repairing,
enhancing communication, public speaking emphasis
markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals,
reflexive and intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive
Standard text using a variety of persuasive techniques and
C. Learning Compare new insights with previous learnings.
Competencies/ EN10RC-IF21
Objectives Use modals. EN10G-IF-3.6
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials https//www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.
from Learning asp?id=2229
Resource (LR) Portal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YQIaOldDU
B. Other Learning Handouts of the excerpt (main text)
Resources Worksheets on modals expressing futurity and
Drawing materials, 5 pcs half size white cartolina
IV. Procedures/ Level Advanced Average
A. Reviewing previous A. A GLIMPSE OF THE PAST
lesson or presenting Three or five students are called to share what they
the new lesson have read or viewed about (the persons with physical
disability previously assigned as part of the across the
curriculum) and how each coped with their situation to
attain success.
Ask: What common traits did the physically handicapped
possess which made them overcome life’s challenges?
What qualities do they have which are worth
B. Establishing a B.PRE-LISTENING
purpose for the lesson/ 1. Motivation
Activating prior Divide the class into 5 groups and let them draw what
knowledge they imagine our world will be like twenty years from
2. Motive Question
What kind of future world does the narrator imagine?
examples/ instances of Let the students listen to the narration of Morgan
the new lesson Freeman. This may be done twice.
D. Discussing new C. POST LISTENING
concepts and COMPREHENSION CHECK (to be answered orally
practicing new skills during the discussion)
1. What kind of world/future is described in the
passage? Cite sentences that would support your
2. According to the narrator, what specific things
can we do to help realize the kind of future he
3. Do you personally believe that we can achieve
this kind of world? Why? Why not?
4. What specific problems brought about by climate
change are we faced with these days?
5. As a student, what can you contribute to mitigate
the effects of climate change?
E. Developing mastery D. GRAMMAR/ LANGUAGE in FOCUS
Based on the selection, determine how the underlined
words function in the sentences below:
1. We will wake up to find that the energy that
powers the alarm clock came from the breeze, to
the trees the night before, and we will go to work
that morning riding the rays of the sun.
2. We can make today the day we stop thinking that
the changes required to get there are impossible
and beyond us; and start realizing that they are
not only possible, but what the future requires us.
3. We must stop turning from the warnings of
science and fear in denial, and instead turn
toward the solutions and partnerships we need.
4. You can choose today to make a world of
Analysis Questions:
1. What do you call the underlined words?
2. What is the function of each modal?
3. What other examples of modals do you know of?
F. Finding practical Let the class list down at least 5 means of combating
applications of problems caused by climate change. Let them use
concepts and skills in modals in their sentences.
daily living
G. Making What are modals? How do they function in sentences?
generalizations and
MODALS are types of auxiliary verbs used to express
abstractions about the
ability, possibility, permission, obligation, futurity or
Shall indicates simple futurity and obligation.
Should expresses past obligation or necessity.
Will expresses simple futurity and willingness.
Would expresses invitation or past possibility.
Might is used to express less or remote
May expresses future possibilities mixed with
doubt and uncertainty. It also expresses
permission or a wish.
Can expresses ability, permission or request.
Must expresses obligation, necessity, logical
conclusion, or strong recommendation.
(Note: The teacher may ask students to give their own
examples of sentences using the above-mentioned
modals, and explain how they function in their
8. You (should) clean this
room more often.
9. I (will) help you iron out
things so that all will be
well for you. (willingness,
10. Judy is not at home. She
(must) have gone to
Madrid. (logical conclusion)
B.Write a 5-sentence essay
about your friend.Use at least 5
modals in your sentences.
A. No. of learners who earned
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson?
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I use or discover
which I wish to share to others?
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Time and Date: First Quarter: WEEK 6-DAY 3
I. Objectives
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standard literature and other text types serve as ways of
expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how
to use strategies in linking textual information, repairing,
enhancing communication, public speaking emphasis
markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals,
reflexive and intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive
Standard text using a variety of persuasive techniques and
C. Learning EN10RC-IF25 Express insights based on the ideas
Competencies/ presented in the material viewed.
Objectives EN10RC-IF14.2 Determine the roles of discourse
markers (e.g. conjunctions, gambits, adverbs) in
signalling the functions of statements made.
II. Content Expressing insights based on the ideas
Determining the roles of discourse markers
III. Learning
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature pp.94-
2. Learner’s Material Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature pp.100-
Grammar and Composition Handbook pp.349-350
3. Additional Materials Website
from Learning https://arewetoast.com
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Hand-outs of the article pictures of Mother Earth
Resources Worksheets on discourse markers paper and pencil
IV. Procedure Advanced Average
A. Reviewing previous A. A Glimpse of the Past
lesson and The teacher shows 2 sets of pictures of Mother
presenting the new Earth, then and now.
lesson Then ask:
What different scenarios/ situations do the
pictures imply?
Is there an urgency for us to act now? Why?
B. Activating prior B. Pre-Listening
knowledge/ developing
a purpose for reading 1. Motivation
Can mankind adapt to the changes in
environment caused by global climate change? Why?
2. Motive Question
What are the causes of climate change?
C. Presenting C. While Listening
examples/ instances of Let the students jot down discourse markers used in the
the new lesson sentences as they listen to the article on climate change
D. Discussing new D. Post Listening Let the
concepts and practicing Comprehension Check (to be students
new skills answered orally) work by pair.
1. What are the causes of climate
2. What are the activities of man
that caused it?
3. What is therefore our only hope
for the coming years?
4. What basic truths about climate
change should nations accept?
5. How can human civilization
survive due to its effects?
6. Why is open international
cooperation and assistance
7. What should developed nations
eliminate/ forego? Why?
8. What is the challenge to every
nation? And to every individual?
What can you do to meet your
individual challenges?
E. Literary Extender
The students are asked to do
any of the tasks below:
a) Draw one’s own vision of
Mother Earth 20 years
from now
b) Compose a jazz chant/
word rap on protecting
Planet Earth for future
E. Developing Mastery E. Grammar/ Language in Focus
3. What other examples of discourse markers
can you mention?
F. Finding practical F. Let the class list down some ways on how to help
applications of and address the problem on climate change. Use
concepts and skills in discourse markers.
daily living
G. Making G.How do you determine the tone, mood, technique
generalizations and and purpose of the author?
abstractions about the What are discourse markers? How are they used in
lesson sentences?
Discourse markers are words, phrases and
expressions that connect the different parts of the text.
They show the relationship of ideas in a text.
1. comparison -----------likewise, as with, equally, in
like manner
2. contrast --------------- while, but, despite, however, in
spite of, nevertheless, nonetheless, although
3. reason or cause ---- because, for, since, in so far
as, in order
4. effect or result ------- accordingly, as a result, hence,
therefore, consequently
5. addition --------------- and, also, as well as, beside,
6. emphasis ------------- above all, indeed, in fact,
especially, in particular
7. condition -------------- if, even, even if, as long as,
provided that, unless
8. example, illustration or explanation ------------ for
example, for instance, such as, illustrated by
9. summary or conclusion ----------------- finally, in
conclusion, in closing, in short, in summary
10. sequence ----------- after, before, first, meanwhile,
subsequently, then
H. Evaluating Learning J. Fill in the blanks with the correct Let the
discourse markers to complete the students
given sentences. Be able to identify work as a
their functions. group
1. Words of refusal must be chosen composed of
carefully (and) must be said with the 5 to 6
correct manner. (addition) members.
2. It must be done (in order) not to Other
offend others. (reason) possible
answers can
be given.
3. (Although) it may be difficult to
control your emotions, it is important
that you must remain calm. (contrast)
4. Be firm, (but) refrain from yelling.
5. Many people often eat in restaurants
(especially) in fast food stores.
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Area: English
Time and Date: First Quarter: WEEK 6-DAY 4
I. Objectives
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
literature and other text types serve as ways of
expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how
to use strategies in linking textual information,
repairing, enhancing communication, public speaking
emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms
of modals, reflexive and intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive
Standard text using a variety of persuasive techniques and
C. Learning EN10LT-IF-2.2.3 Determine tone, mood,
Competencies/ technique and purpose of the author.
Objectives EN10WC-IF-12.3 Compose a persuasive text of
three paragraphs expressing one’s stand on an issue.
II. Content Determining tone, mood, technique and
purpose of the author.
Composing a persuasive text
III. Learning
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature pp.84 –
2. Learner’s Material Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature pp.92 -
1 08
3. Textbook pages Communication for Progress pp.202 – 203
4. Additional Materials http://www.google.com
from Learning
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Hand-outs of the essay
IV. Procedure Advanced Average
A. Reviewing B. Developing vocabulary/ concepts
previous lesson Here are some words taken from the essay you
and presenting are about to read. Determine the synonyms of
the new lesson the given words by filling in the blanks with
letters to complete their meanings.
a. prevalence w _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ d
b. malady d _ _ o _ _ _ r
c. ingrained I _ _ t _ _ _ _ d
d. anarchy l _ w _ _ _ s _ _ _ s
e. perverse u ____ s _____e
B. Establishing a B. Pre-Listening
purpose for the lesson/ 1. Motivation
activating prior a) Work in pairs and do “Mind Map” or semantic
knowledge map below. Provide words or related ideas to the
middle figure.
M. Motive Question
What is our hard-to-break habit?
C. Presenting C. While Listening
examples/ instances of Let the students jot down the words that express the
the new lesson writer’s tone, mood, purpose and technique.
c) pursues a point further, cites examples,
and proposes a course of action
d) analyzes a situation that calls for change
3. Every public place should have Wi- consist of 5
Fi to 6
4. Families must spend more time members.
5. The use of alternative medicine
J. Additional activities J. What are simple virtues that should be taken to
for application or heart to effect notable changes in the life of Filipino
remediation people? Illustrate using the semantic map.
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Time and Date: First Quarter: WEEK 7-DAY 1
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standard literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing and
resolving personal conflicts, also how to use strategies in
linking textual information, repairing, enhancing
communication, public speaking emphasis markers in
persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature, pp.84-104
Guide pages
2. Learner’s Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature, p.104
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/climate-smart-
Materials from agriculture/0/steps/26565)
Learning Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Handouts of the excerpt (main text)
Resources Worksheets on modals
Crossword puzzle
IV. Procedure Advanced Average
A. Reviewing
previous lesson or
presenting the new
lesson 1. Unlocking of difficulties
Let the class fill in the missing letters in the puzzle to
complete the word defined.
1. greatness of size or
amount (magnitude) 3. of ample or
quantity, size, etc.
2. to increase the severity,
bitterness or violence; 4. making one feel
Aggravate (exacerbate) think about serious
matters (sobering)
1 2
3 3
3. S C _ R C _ - insufficient to satisfy the need or
not abundant (scarce)
4. _U B S_ _N T I _ L - of ample or considerable
amount, quantity,
size,etc. (substantial)
5. S O _ E _ I N G - making one feel serious or think
about serious
matters (sobering)
6. M _ T _ G _ _I _ N - the act of lessening the force or
intensity of
( mitigation)
B. Establishing a 2. Motivation
purpose for the
The teacher lets the class watch a short video clip featuring
lesson/ Activating
natural disasters caused by climate change.
prior knowledge
What do you notice about the price of agricultural crops
these past few days? What do you think could be the reason
for the rising price of agricultural products?
3. Motive Question
What is one major effect of climate change on food
D. Discussing new C. COMPREHENSION CHECK (to be answered orally
concepts and during the discussion)
practicing new
1. What is one major effect of climate change on food
2. What are examples of natural calamities caused by
climate change that have adverse (ill effects) effects on
3. What particular phenomenon mentioned in the article
poses a big threat to agriculture?
4. How will this affect production?
5. If these periods of extreme high temperature will not be
mitigated, what could be the ultimate effect of this on human
6. As a student, how can you help in your own way to lessen
global warming?
7. What does the article want to impart to us?
F. Finding practical Let the class list down at least 5 means of combating
applications of problems in agriculture caused by climate change.
concepts and skills
in daily living
G. Making MODAL verbs are auxiliary verbs that add meaning to the
generalizations main verb in a sentence by expressing possibility, ability,
and abstractions permission, obligation, necessity, intention, possibility or
about the lesson remote possibility.
Use appropriate
modals in your
School: Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teacher: Grade Level: 10
Date and Time First Quarter: Week 7, Day 2
Advanced Learners Average Learners
Task I – Getting Started
A. Reviewing
previous lesson 1. Ask: Are you familiar with panel discussion? Tell us
or Presenting the more about it.
new lesson 2. Tell them that at the end of the week, they will be
presenting a panel discussion and that the lesson for
today will help them to be a good speaker in any
speaking situation, including panel discussion.
3. Inform them that they will be doing a series of activities
that will help them to gain knowledge and skills in
preparation for the panel discussion.
Words and
I like most
D. Discussing new Task 4: Let’s Get Task 4: Let’s Get Informed
concepts and Informed
practicing new 1. Distribute to class the
skills #1 1. Distribute to class the reading material (Appendix )
hand-out (Appendix B) for for them to read.
them to read
2. Ask:
a. What is rhetoric?
b. What are the three basic
rhetorical arguments,
according to Aristotle?
3. Distribute
randomly/post on the
board/around the room
meta strips of the
examples that a speaker Rhetorical Strategies
may use under logos,
pathos, and ethos.
(Appendix B) logos pathos
Device s
Grouped into 3, each ethos
group is designated one
Group 1 – logos
Group 2 – pathos
Group 3 – ethos
the teacher
prepared (see Sentence
cal Example
Appendix C and No.
fills up the table
women and those who had speech defects but who tried
to develop their speaking abilities and became
successful in their endeavor because of their powerful
H. Making Ask:
generalizations 1. What is rhetoric?
and abstractions 2. What are the three persuasive ways of speaking?
about the lesson 3. How do we use logos, pathos, and ethos to make our
speech more appealing?
I. Evaluating Replay the two video clips and have them fill in the
learning following table:
Rhetorical Appeal used
Speaker (extract sentences from their speech)
Logos Pathos Ethos
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
J. Other List down other ways great List down other ways great
Activities for speakers do to capture the speakers do to capture the
Enhancement attention of their audience attention of their audience
Remediation Ref.: Ref.:
https://www.inc.com/sims- https://www.inc.com/sims-
wyeth/how-to-capture-and- wyeth/how-to-capture-and-
hold-audience-attention hold-audience-attention
(Indicate special cases including but not limited
to continuation of the lesson plan to the
following day in case of re-teaching or lack of
time, transfer of lesson to the following day, in
cases of class suspension, etc)
(Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as
a teacher. Think about your students’ progress
this week/this day. What works? What else
needs to be done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors
can provide for you so when you meet them, you
can ask them relevant questions.
VII. OTHERS (Indicate below whichever is appropriate)
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation (those who scored
below 80%)
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/ discover which I wish to share with other
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Date: First Quarter: Week 7, Day 3
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standard literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing
and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use strategies
in lining textual information, repairing, enhancing
communication public speaking, emphasis markers in
persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text
Standard using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
C. Learning Employ the techniques in public speaking in a sample
Competencies public speaking situation
Using words and expressions that emphasize a point
II. CONTENT Employ the techniques in public speaking
Using words and expressions that emphasize a
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
Pages pp. 69-83
2. Learning
Materials Pages pp. 87-89, 90-91
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning http://depedbohol.org/v2/wp-
Resources content/uploads/2015/11/1stquarter.final-English-10.pdf
power point slides, laptop, projector
IV. PROCEDURES Advanced Average
A. Reviewing Challenge the students to think of and share to the class
previous lesson or another story, television program, movie that portrayed a
presenting new lesson about winning over challenges.
B. Establishing a Activity 1- Thoughts for Today
purpose for the * Share your thoughts/imaginations about the following:
lesson - kind of challenge you don’t want to meet
- kind of challenge you prefer to meet
C. Presenting Concept Note:
examples/instances Public Speaking occurs when you give a speech before a
of the new lesson live audience.
In most cases
I believe
Another key point
For this reason
In fact
Most important information
On the negative side
To point out
With this in mind
Ref: https://www.toastmasters.org
Speaker’s Name
Techniques used
c- Only put enough seats for the expected attendees so
they sit close to the front and the interactions are better.
d- Have a good microphone system.
e- Have the perfect timing.
Panel discussion must not be more than 40 minutes
leaving the 20 minutes for audience
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Date: First Quarter: Week 7, Day 4
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
literature and other text types serve as ways of
expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to
use strategies in lining textual information, repairing,
enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis
markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals,
reflexive and intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive
Standard text using a variety of persuasive techniques and
C. Learning Employ the techniques in public speaking in a sample
Competencies public speaking situation
Using words and expressions that emphasize a point
II. CONTENT Employing techniques in public speaking
Using words and expressions that emphasize a
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
Pages pp. 69-83
2. Learning Materials
Pages pp. 90-91
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous To participate in a short but meaningful panel
lesson or presenting discussion on winning over personal challenges.
new lesson
B. Establishing a A. Before the Activity
purpose for the lesson
C. Presenting - Let the students prepare for the Culminating
examples/instances of Activity.
the new lesson - Check on the organizer, moderator and panelists.
D. Discussing new - Check on the set up:
concepts and a. Venue
practicing new skills b. Chairs
#1 c. Microphones
E. Discussing new d. Others
concepts and
practicing new skills B. During the Activity
F. Developing mastery - Let the students present the Panel Discussion on
(leads to formative winning over challenges in life.
assessment 3)
G. Finding practical
applications of C. After the Activity
concepts and skills in
daily living - Evaluate the performance of the students using
H. Making the rubric for a panel discussion
generalizations and
abstractions about the - Do the feedback activity/ Post Observation
lesson activity
I. Evaluating Learning
School: Grade: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Dates: First Quarter: Week 8, Day 1
A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of how
world literature and other text types serve as ways of
expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how
to use strategies in linking textual information,
repairing, enhancing communication, public
speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts,
different forms of modals, reflexive and intensive
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful text
Standards: using a variety of techniques and devices.
C. Learning Compare new insights with previous learnings.
Competencies/Objecti EN10 RC- Ih-21
ves: Write the LC Code Differentiate formal from informal definitions of
for each words.
EN10V- Ih- 13.9
Comparing new insights with previous
II. CONTENT learnings.
Differentiating formal from informal definitions
of words
D. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages p.84-85
1. Learner’s Materials
Pages p. 92-96
2. Textbook Pages Bermudez et al. English Expressway IV. 2007. Pp.
3. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
E. Other Learning Learner’s Material, Worksheets, chalk board, meta
Resources strips, sample essay, laptop, projector
A.Reviewing Previous Introduce to the students the topic of the lesson:
Lesson or Presenting the Differentiating Formal from Informal Definitions of
New Lesson Words
Inform the students that their main output for the
week is a well-written persuasive essay.
Ask the students of their ideas/background
knowledge about persuasive essay. Distribute meta
strips where they will write their responses then, let
them post it on the board.
Persuasive Essay
What I Know What I Still Gained
Let the students do the Venn diagram to
compare their insights about the people with
two-in-one culture orientation
1. What did you observe in the definition of the
words in sentences 1-3 and the words in sentences
2. Were the format of the definitions the same?
3. Do you know what type of definitions are used?
The two types of definitions that are commonly used
1. INFORMAL – connotation
- uses one’s own idea or experience
which can be associated to
the word.
- usually a synonym or antonym or
a short phrase written in
The organization of parents has a communal (shared
by members of the group) garden which support the
program of a Green School.
2. FORMAL – denotation
- direct, literal meaning of the word is
- dictionary meaning
- has three (3) parts:
a. the term being defined;
b. the class to which the word belongs;
c. the differentia or feature that distinguish the term
from other words.
The heart is an organ that pumps blood through the
2. The traffic cop is Denotation vs.
checking the record of the Connotation
driver’s license. 1.
3.The investigator found out 5.
who the culprit was.
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Week 8, Day
Date: First Quarter: 2
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing
and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use strategies
in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing
communication, public speaking, emphasis markers in
persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
b. Establishing a Let the students cite names of personalities or ask them if
purpose for the they have watched a video or movie that shows people
lesson who turned their challenges into opportunities.
C. Presenting Have the students watch a video clip of Pilipinas Got
examples/ instances Talent 2018 Wheelchair Dance (Julius and Rhea
of the new lesson Wheelchair Dance Duo)
D. Discussing new For Advance Learners For Average Learners
concepts and Think-Pair-Share Ask the students to
practicing new skills Have students work in pair watch the video.
#1 and use the details of the Process the activity by
video clip to answer answering the following
Questions on the topic questions:
“Turning Challenges into 1. Did you enjoy the
Opportunities” performance?
Answer: 2. How did you feel
1. What does this video tell while watching the
about challenges and video?
opportunities? 3. Describe the persona
2. Which details in the video in the video?
show the 4. What did the
Importance of turning performance tell you?
challenges into
3.What could be the
motivation of the player in
achieving his goal?
4. What
conclusion/generalization can
be drawn in the story?
E. Discussing new Divide the class in five groups. Task: Have the students
concepts and Have them read two stories read the two stories.
practicing new skills about turning challenges into Draw differences and
#2 opportunities. Draw similarities similarities based on:
and differences of two stories a. theme
using a graphic organizer b. attitude of the
Venn diagram. character
F. Development From the stories read let the
mastery (Leads to students write a short
Formative paragraph on how the two
Assessment 3) characters turned challenges
into opportunities.
G. Finding practical Invite students to share their personal
applications of Experiences on winning over challenges.
concepts and skills
in daily living
H. Making Ask
generalizations and Have the students draw abstractions on winning over
abstractions about challenges.
the lesson
I. Evaluating Divide the class into four Task:
learning groups. Have each group draw 1. Have the students
generalizations on the theme read several
“Turning Challenges into inspirational quotes on
Opportunities” by doing the winning over
following tasks: challenges.
Group 1- Sing a song about 2. Identify the general
winning over challenges. idea conveyed by the
Group 2- Deliver a choral quotes.
speech on dealing with ”Turn a setback into a
challenges. comeback”
Group 3- Write a letter to ”Running Away From
someone giving on him advise Your Problem Is A Race
on turning challenges into You’ll Never Win”
opportunities. “The struggle you’re in
Group 4- Write a slogan about today is developing the
winning over challenges. strong you need for
“Don’t limit your
challenges ;challenge
your limits. Each day we
Must strive for constant
and never ending
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Dates: First Quarter: Week 8, Day 3
a. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how
Standards: world literature and other text types serve as ways
of expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also
how to use strategies in linking textual information,
repairing, enhancing communication, public
speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts,
different forms of modals, reflexive and intensive
2.Learner’s Materials p. 87
3.Textbook Pages English Expressways IV pp. 298-300
English of the New Generation 8, p. 16
4.Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
5.Other Learning “Go the Distance” lyrics
Resources www.lyricsg.com/172522/michael-bolton/go-thedistance
Modal Verbs- Perfect English Grammar www.perfect-
b. Establishing a Introduce the song, Go the Distance, and give an input
Purpose for the about its background.
c. Presenting Let the students listen to Michael Bolton’s Go the
Examples/Instanc Distance.
es of the Lesson Provide them with copies of the song.
d. Discussing New Task: Go the Distance Song
Concepts and 1.Ask students to group into four.
Practicing New 2. Have them listen to the song.
Skills #1 3. Pay attention to the underlined verbs in the lyrics.
4. Process the activity by answering the following
a. What do you feel while listening to the song?
b. What does the speaker in the song wish for?
c. What does the song reveal about facing challenges?
d. How are the lines in the song related to overcoming
e. What make you appreciate the song?
Divide the class into four For the Average
groups. Have each group do Learner
the following tasks: Group 2- Act out the
For the Advanced Learner part in the song that
Group 1- Illustrate through a touched you most.
drawing a person’s quest for Group 3- Sing a
success different song with the
Group 4- Make a collage same message as “Go
depicting success. the Distance.”
b) might is the past form
of may.
c) mean something less
likely than may. (ex. I
might be late)
CAN – is used to:
a) express ability.
b) express present or
5. Evaluating Complete each sentence by writing the appropriate
Learning modal.
1. Althea’s job starts at 3:00 A.M. and ends at 6:00 P.M.
She __ be exhausted after such long hours of work.
2. I ___ hear the song, the fans wore outrageous.
3. Manny__ thrown several punches in a minute.
4.My mother __try this bacon.
5. __ I give suggestion?
6. When I was young, I__ run 100 meters.
7. I __solve this problem by myself.
8. She__ be the next Miss Universe.
9.Terry__ take a leave of absence from work next
10. Sandra says I __ bring this camera every weekend.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
Why did these work?
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Date: First Quarter: Week 8, Day 4
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
literature and other text types serve as ways of
expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to
use strategies in linking textual information, repairing,
enhancing communication, public speaking, emphasis
markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals,
reflexive and intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful text using a
Standards: variety of techniques and devices.
C. Learning Employ the techniques in public speaking situation.
Competencies/objectives EN10 OL-Ih- 3.16.1
Compose a persuasive text of three paragraphs
expressing one’s stand on an issue.
EN10 WC- Ih-12.3
II. Content Employing techniques in public speaking
Composing a persuasive text expressing one’s
stand on an issue.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
Pages p. 98
2. Learner’s Materials p. 91
3. Textbook Pages
A. Reviewing previous We are done with our discussion of Modals may, might,
lesson or presenting the can and could.
new lesson What does the modals may, might, can and could
b. Establishing a Ask:
purpose for the lesson What qualities must a speaker possess in order to
persuade his/her audience?
D. Discussing new Think- Pair- Share
concepts and practicing Let students share their insights and observations
new skills #1 about the manner, technique and style of the different
speakers whom they have watched in the video.
(Process the answers of the students)
E. Discussing new Teacher discusses techniques in Public Speaking and
concepts and practicing discusses the persuasive text being used by the
new skills #2 speakers when they delivered their speeches.
(Applying the different techniques of Public Speaking)
F. Development mastery Divide the class into five For Average Learner
(Leads to Formative groups. Each team will be
Assessment 3) given topic to be 1. Boys gossip more than
developed. girls do.
Suggested topics: For 2. Students need to read
Advanced Learners more books.
1. Regulating the use of
gadgets among high
school students
2. Students who are
cyber bullies should be
expelled from school.
3. LGBT should be
allowed to cross-dress.
(Take note of your stand
on these issues)
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Dates: First Quarter: Week 9, Day1
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards: literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing
and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use strategies
in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing
communication public speaking, emphasis markers in
persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
F. References
A. Reviewing
or Presenting the The teacher will divide the The same activity will be
New Lesson class into five groups. Each given to the students, but
group will be given a cardboard the items will be flashed on
to use in the game where screen to facilitate the
students will write their game.
answers. Each item will be
read by the teacher twice and
students will write their chosen
letter on the cardboard. The
first group who will provide the
correct answer will get the
corresponding points. The
group with the highest score
will be announced as winner.
4. The criminal received
the death penalty for his
heinous crimes.
a. Moral
b. Likeable
c. Delightful
d. Bad
come under fire from human
rights groups and legislators
who warned the move could
harm rather than protect
D. Discussing Google Me! : Informal Vs Informal Vs Formal
New Concepts Formal Definition! Definition!
and Practicing
New Skill # 1 The teacher will differentiate Liability a. An obligation
informal and informal definition or debt or
of words by presenting responsibility
examples. After which, they will owed to
be asked to use someone
b. Accountability
dictionary/Webster, can browse
Oppose a. To disagree
the internet to fill in the box. with or
disapprove of
Words Formal Informal something or
Definition Definition someone
b. Refuse
Liability Amend A .The act of
process of
Oppose changing the
words or
meaning of a law
or document
a. Very bad or
Juvenile Heinous Evil
b. Horrible
Mandatory a. Young Person
Juvenile below legally
established age
of adulthood
b. Teenage
a. Required by
Manda Law or
-tory compulsory
b. Required
Processing Questions
1. What did you notice
in the way these
words are defined?
2. Given the definitions
of the words in the
table, which word is
defined formally?
Informally? Put a
check on the column
3. How do you
definition A from B?
4. Which is better way
to define a word?
E. Discussing Pair Up! Think, Group Chat &
New Concepts The teacher will ask the Share
and Practicing students to look for a pair to
New Skills #2 perform the task. The teacher will group the
Question 1: What is the video class into five (5) groups to
all about? perform the task.
The video is all about
lowering the age of
criminal liability in the
Question 2: Based on the
video clip, what are the serious
crimes considered to be
criminalized and will put the
youngsters to jail?
murder, parricide,
infanticide, car napping,
serious illegal detention,
violation of the
dangerous drugs
Question 3: Based in the cited
crimes shown in the video clip,
Do you agree to lower the age
criminal liability to penalize the
said crimes?
No, because children
must undergo counseling
first and being branded as
a criminal will probably
have psychological and
emotional effects to the
Parents must be liable to
the crimes committed by
their children.
YES. They deserve to be
punished for the crime
they committed.
YES. They are already
aware of what they are
Question 4: Do you think
lowering the minimum age of
criminal liability will decrease
the crimes such as snatching,
stealing, illegal drugs
involvement where youths are
YES. Because youth will
be afraid to commit a
crime if they know that
they will answerable to
the law.
YES. Parents and the
community will be aware
of legal action that may be
charge against them if
they will tolerate in
juvenile crime.
Skills in Daily Reference: a One –Legged Young
Living https://youtu.be/UTrb6i7gJAk Man. Each group will
be given a copy of
video and will discuss
about what does the
video imply.
Ask the students share
their thoughts regarding
the video
Picture of couple dancing
Which details of the
The students will take note
drawing show the
important details about the
importance of turning
picture or video watched.
challenges into
View the drawing of “One-
What questions about
Armed Lady and a One- Legged
Young Man” (a very unique and turning challenges into
unequalled ballet performance) opportunities do you
see how it relates to challenges still in mind?
and opportunities.
Use the details of the drawing
and the video clip`s clues to get
an idea of how one can turn to
challenges into opportunities.
relate its message to hope to be answered in
what the drawing this lesson.
depicts. 2. Let them take turns in
sharing these questions
Answer: We can face and find what they have
our challenges in life in common.
and turn them to
Check them against this
essential question: How do
I turn challenges to
I. Evaluating On your paper, copy the figures (The same activity will be
Learning as shown below and list these given to the students)
words/groups of words that
suggest challenges and
challenges to opportunities.
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Date: First Quarter: Week 9, Day 2
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards: literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing
and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use strategies
in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing
communication public speaking, emphasis markers in
persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text
Standards: using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
C. Learning
Competencies/O Compare new insights with previous learnings.
bjectives: EN10RC-Ii-21
Write the LC Code Use modals.
for each EN10G-Ii-3.6:
Comparing new insights with previous learnings.
Using modals
A. References https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-asus-
A. Reviewing K-W-L ACTIVITY!
Previous Lesson Prior to the presentation of the lesson, the students will
or Presenting the be asked to fill the KWL chart based on what they learned
New Lesson and expect about Modals.
E. Discussing New Let`s Play! The teacher will group the
Concepts and The teacher will ask the class into five groups to
Practicing New Skills students to guess the play the game. The group
#2 missing word to complete with the highest score will
the title of the be announced as winner.
song/movies/poem or lines
in poetry. The student with
the highest score will be
given rewards. *I _____ return.
*I ______ always love
_______ I compare you- Whitney
thee to a summer`s Houston
day-William *I _______ survive! -
Shakespeare Dianne Ross
My heart ______ go on *_______ of the Wind –
- Celine Dion Jim Photoglo
I think I ---------- never
see, a poem as lovely
as a tree.- Joyce Let the students analyze
Kilmer. the sentences shown
Let the students analyze the
sentences shown below. a. He will leave for the
plane at 7am.
a. He will leave for b. I will make dinner.
the plane at 7am. c. I will call you at 4pm.
b. I will make dinner. d. The summer will be very
c. I will call you at hot.
4pm. e. Will you help me with
d. The summer will these boxes?
be very hot.
e. Will you help me
with these boxes?
1.Does the first sentence
Questions Possible
answers present a future action?
What does The last
sentence e? question is a Let’s Practice!
polite question.
Analyze the following
sentences. Fill the blank
Let`s Practice! provided with the correct
Exercise A: Will, Shall, modal to use in each item.
and Would 1. _____ you post this
There is a mistake in each letter for me?
of the sentences below. 2. _____ you answer the
Correct the mistakes by phone?
adding the correct modal
3. Parents ______ provide
1. their children enough food,
Incorrect: They shall have a water and shelter.
meeting later. 4. __________ we dance?
Correct: They 5. My parents _____ buy
_____________ have a me a cake on my birthday.
meeting later. 6. December ____ be a
2. If it were not raining, very happy and gift-giving
we will go for a walk. month.
If it were not raining, 7. There are so many
we ____________go for a visitors so you _____ be
walk. preparing snacks for them.
3. I promise I would pay you
8. I ____ will take my
back soon!
college education.
I promise I _____________
pay you back soon! 9. _____ he sends me
4. I think he shall pass his your credentials?
test. 10. Next month, he ____
I think he _____________ buy a new car.
pass his test.
5. It's too bad I am so short!
If I were taller, I shall play
It's too bad I am so short! If
I were taller,
I _____________play
F. Developing Underline the correct modal that best suit the
Mastery sentence.
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3) As we get older and when we think about our past
we sometimes ponder the things that we (shall/should)
have done. And we also may regret those things we did
badly and the mistakes we made. In reality,
we can always learn from our mistakes and hope to
never make them again. For example, if I failed a test
because of a lack of study, the next test
I (will/shall) hope to pass because of hard work.
Remember too that some regrets are not based in reality
and we may waste time thinking that they are.
(Will/ Would ) I have really not have been involved in a
car crash if I had been driving more slowly? After all, the
other driver ought to have been concentrating and not
playing with their radio. We have to be honest with
ourselves and live in the now. The only things
we can control are the things happening now, in this
Group 1: Protecting
the environment
Group 2: Respecting
the elders
Group 3: Students’
conduct in the
J. Additional
Activities for
Application or
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
work well? Why did
these work
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovations
or localized
materials did I
used/discover which
I wish to share with
other teachers?
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Date: First Quarter: Week 9, Day 3
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature
Standards: and other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving
personal conflicts, also how to use strategies in linking textual
information, repairing, enhancing communication public speaking,
emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals,
reflexive and intensive pronouns.
B. Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using
Standards: a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
What is public speaking?
Motive Question:
What sports did the speaker
compare her life with? Motive Question:
The same question may be
given to the average students.
C. Presenting Let the students watch the video The same activity may be
examples/ of the 2018 Toastmasters World given to average learners only
instances of the Champion of Public Speaking that the teacher will provide a
new lesson Ramona J. Smith transcript of the speech to
guide the students in
understanding the speech.
D. Discussing Engagement Activity: Engagement Activity:
new concepts Let the students answer the Group the students into three
and practicing following questions. and let them answer the
new skills following questions:
1) What sports did the speaker
compare her life with? 1) What sports did the
2) Why do you think did she speaker compare her life
consider ourselves as our with?
greatest opponent? 2) Why do you think did she
3) What are the losses or consider ourselves as our
failures she had in life? greatest opponent?
4) How did she treat all her 3) What are the losses or
failures in life? failures she had in life?
5) What failures or challenges 4) How did she treat all her
do you encounter nowadays? failures in life?
How are you going to turn it to 5) What failures or challenges
an opportunity to make your life do you encounter nowadays?
better and to stand still? How are you going to turn it to
an opportunity to make your
life better and to stand still?
H. Evaluating Group the students into four then ask them to do Task 7 on pages
learning 102-103 of the module.
J. Additional .
activities for
application or
Assignment or
School: Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Learning Area: English
Date: First Quarter: Week 9, Day 4
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards: literature and other text types serve as ways of
expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to
use strategies in linking textual information, repairing,
enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis
markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals,
reflexive and intensive pronouns.
B.Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive
Standards: text using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
1. Teacher’s Guide
2.Learner’s Materials Pages 105-107 Pages 105-107
3.Textbook Pages
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
5.Other Learning
A. Reviewing 1) Unlocking of Unlocking of Difficulties
previous lesson or Difficulties Can you guess me?
presenting the new Can you guess me? Divide the class into six
lesson Divide the class into six groups and ask them to
groups and ask them to guess what word is being
guess what word is being described by the set of boxes
described by the set of and the meaning below it.
boxes and the meaning The group with the most
below it. The group with number of correct answers
the most number of will be declared as the
correct answers will be winner.
declared as the winner.
f r
1) of little or less
1) of little or less importance
importance or value
or value (INFERIOR)
i d l
2) difficult or impossible to
2) difficult or impossible believe (INCREDIBLE)
to believe (INCREDIBLE)
h r l
3) causing horror or very
shocking and
3) causing horror or very upsetting (HORRIBLE)
shocking and upsetting
t t n
4) an aim or purpose; the
4) an aim or purpose; thing that you plan to do or
the thing that you plan to achieve (INTENTION)
do or achieve
r d
a h t
6) a person who designs and
guides a plan or project or
building (ARCHITECT)
B. Establishing a 1) Motivation
purpose for the MIRROR ME
lesson/ Activating Let the students draw a mirror on a sheet of paper. Then,
prior knowledge ask them to write at least three names of the persons
whom they compare themselves with. Then let them
answer the following questions:
1) What are the characteristics of these people which are
the same with you?
2) What are the things that these people have which you
wish that you have?
3) What do you feel every time you compare yourself with
2) Motive Question
Why do we have to avoid comparing ourselves with other
C. Presenting Silent Reading
examples/ instances Let the students read the persuasive essay entitled “Why
of the new lesson We Should Not Compare Ourselves With Others” silently.
D. Discussing new Engagement Activities Engagement Activities
concepts and Let the students answer the Group the class into three.
practicing new skills following questions orally. Then let them answer the
following questions on a ½
a) Why do we need to avoid
comparing ourselves with
others? a) Why do we need to
avoid comparing ourselves
b) How can we avoid with others?
comparing ourselves with
b) How can we avoid
comparing ourselves with
c) What are the negative others?
effects of comparing
c) What are the negative
oneself to other people?
effects of comparing
d) According to the essay, oneself to other people?
comparing yourself with d) According to the essay,
others will give you a comparing yourself with
horrible pride. Cite some others will give you a
proof that this scenario will horrible pride.
likely to happen if you keep Cite some proof that this
scenario will likely to
on comparing yourselves happen if you keep on
with others. comparing yourselves with
e) Why did the author say
e) Why did the author say
that happiness and
that happiness and
uniqueness will likely be
uniqueness will likely be
achieved if you do not
achieved if you do not
compare yourselves with
compare yourselves with
f) What insights have you f) What insights have you
gained from the essay? gained from the essay?
E. Developing Skills Development
mastery 1) Spot My Techniques
Divide the class into six groups and ask them to list the
sentences used in the essay that makes it a persuasive
Let them discuss among themselves what are the
persuasive techniques and devices used by the author in
writing the article.
Discuss the students’ answers.
My Time To EQS The same task will be given
(Encourage, Question to average students only that
and Suggest) it will be done in triad since
Ask the students to pair they prepared their
up and exchange their persuasive essay in triad.
drafts for peer checking.
Ask the students to read
the task on page 106 of
their module to guide
them in giving their
comments, questions
and suggestions for the
improvement of their
classmate’s persuasive
article. (Teacher can give this as an
individual activity through
(Teacher can give this as guided writing.)
an individual activity
through guided writing.)
J. Additional
activities for Let the students publish their work in the school’s news
application or wall or post it on facebook or blog.
Assignment or
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I used/discover which
I wish to share with other teachers?
APPENDIX A: Week 1, Day 1
General Directions: Read carefully each item and follow directions as indicated.
Write the letter of the most appropriate answer on your answer sheet.
Part I. Knowledge
A. Basic points to consider in Writing Process (Nos. 1-3)
Directions: Complete the diagram by writing the three (3) basic points to
consider during the preliminary stage of writing process (1-3)
3. 2.
B. Special Terms
Directions: Match each term in Column B with the most appropriate
description in Column A.
4. argument a. what needs to be proven by facts
5. controlling idea b. central idea of a work of literature
6. mood c. feeling created in a reader by a literary work
7. opinion d. a core idea or focus of a written work
8. tone e. contains the body evidence used to support
9. theme a point of view
f. refers to the attitude of the writer towards his
Modals. Directions: Choose from the pool of answers the writer’s or
speaker’s intention as hinted by each underlined expression.
a. ability b. obligation
c. probability d. willingness
Part II. Understanding
17. The main point of the article is best expressed in sentence no. _______.
a. 3 b. 4 c. 10 d. 12
18. Exploring the sea of goodness, means you are practicing ____________.
a. conscientiousness c. righteousness
b. humility d. sympathy
20. The kind of evidence used by the writer to support her stand is through
a. anecdotes b. examples c. statistics d. video
22. The word “fought” is a/an ________ of the word “defied” in sentence no. 4.
a. connotation b. denotation c. opposite d. symbol
26. An effective persuasive technique used by the author to emphasize his point is
through appealing to ________.
a. emotion b. moral c. reason d. both A and C
For nos. 30 to 32
30. The word in the poem which is the opposite of “acceptance is ____________.
a. bids b. joys c. pangs d. rebuff
31. Lines no. 5 to 7 appeal more to the sense of ___________.
a. feeling b. sight c. taste d. touch
32. The tone of the poem is more of _____________.
a. admiration b. criticism c. inspirational d. pride
For nos. 33 to 36
If you have endured a great despair,
Then you did it alone.
Getting a transfusion from a fire,
Picking the scabs off your heart,
Then wringing it out like a sock.
from: Courage by Anne Sexton
33. The feeling that the writer intends us to have toward life is __________.
a. contentment b. courage
c. fear d. hopelessness
34. The word in the poem that gives hint to the mood it evokes is ________.
a. aspired b. sail
c. sink d. succeed
35. The figurative language used in the poem is ___________.
a. alliteration b. metaphor
c. personification d. simile
36. The last two lines of the poem express ______________.
a. arrogance b. courage
c. optimism d. warning
Directions: Imagine you are a sales representative persuading the consumers to buy
the latest gadget or product you’re promoting or selling. Write a paragraph convincing
the public about the advantages of buying the gadget. Convince them using the
persuasive techniques you know. You will be given ten (10) points for this task.
General Directions: Read carefully each item and follow directions as indicated.
Write the letter of the most appropriate answer on your answer sheet.
Part I. Knowledge
A. Basic points to consider in Writing Process (Nos. 1-3)
Directions: Complete the diagram by writing the three (3) basic points to
consider during the preliminary stage of writing process (1-3)
3. 2.
Data Gathering Outlining
B. Special Terms
Directions: Match each term in Column B with the most appropriate
description in Column A.
E 4. argument a. what needs to be proven by facts
D 5. controlling idea b. central idea of a work of literature
C 6. mood c. feeling created in a reader by a literary work
A 7. opinion d. a core idea or focus of a written work
F 8. tone e. contains the body evidence used to support a
B 9. theme point of view
f. refers to the attitude of the writer towards his
C. Grammar
Modals. Directions: Choose from the pool of answers the writer’s or
speaker’s intention as hinted by each underlined expression.
a. Ability c. obligation
b. probability d. willingness
Part II. Understanding
17. The main point of the article is best expressed in sentence no. __________.
a. 3 b. 4 c. 10 d. 12
18. Exploring the sea of goodness, means you are practicing ____________.
a. conscientiousness c. righteousness
b. humility d. sympathy
20. The kind of evidence used by the writer to support her stand is through
a. anecdotes b. examples c. statistics d. video
21. The generalization or statement about life or human experience the passage
make is to _____________.
a. bring out the best in you c. struggle against the odds
b. stand up for one’s belief d. take the strength to bear up the odds
1.) The best way to overcome a disability is to face it head-on and not to
let it prevent you from achieving great things. 2.) This is the lesson I draw from
the lives of the people whom I admire – the musician Stevie Wonder and the
track-and-field star Jackie Joyner-Kersee. 3.) I respect them for their courage and
strength in overcoming obstacles. 4.) Both are African-American with disabilities
who defied obstacles in order to be successful in their fields. 5.) They taught me
never to give up no matter how intimidating the obstacles I face in life.
From: Overcome an Obstacle to
Succeed by Eddie Harris
22. The word “fought” is a/an ________ of the word “defied” in sentence no. 4.
a. connotation b. denotation
c. opposite d. symbol
26. An effective persuasive technique used by the author to emphasize his point is
through appealing to ________.
a. emotion b. moral
c. reason d. both A and C
For nos. 30 to 32
An excerpt from: RABBI BEN EZRA
by: Robert Browning
Then, welcome each rebuff
That turns earth’s smoothness rough,
Each sting the bids nor sit nor stand nor go!
Be our joys three parts pain!
Strive, and hold cheap the starin’;
Learn, nor account the pang; dare, never
Grudge the three.
32. The tone of the poem is more of _____________.
a. admiration b. criticism c. inspirational d. pride
For nos. 33 to 36
If you have endured a great despair,
Then you did it alone.
Getting a transfusion from a fire,
Picking the scabs off your heart,
Then wringing it out like a sock.
from: Courage by Anne Sexton
33. The feeling that the writer intends us to have toward life is ____________.
a. contentment b. courage
c. fear d. hopelessness
34. The word in the poem that gives hint to the mood it evokes is _________.
a. aspired b. sail
c. sink d. succeed
35. The figurative language used in the poem is ___________.
a. alliteration b. metaphor
c. personification d. simile
36. The last two lines of the poem express ______________.
a. arrogance b. courage
c. optimism d. warning
APPENDIX B.1: Week 1, Day 2
To run her business and talk to people, Gilda uses her hands — either through
pen and paper or Filipino Sign Language. The definition of a successful Deaf
Entrepreneur, she runs a travel and tour business called Nakahara Lodging and Travel
Agency. Catering to those like her, it's primarily a travel service for deaf people around
the world, though they also provide services for hearing people.
Drawing inspiration from foreign deaf friends, she and her fellow deaf Pinoys met in
tourist spots, and she decided to set up her own business starting in 2004. A travel
agency like any other, she's known for her reliable arrangements and service which
she describes has "age-old" Filipino hospitality.
Pushing through discrimination and barriers, she managed to learn the ins and
outs of booking flights, accommodations, and tour management.
In 2007, she was recognized at the Go Negosyo Caravan for People with Disabilities
in De Salle –College of St. Benilde. But, as she said in her interview with Manila
Bulletin, representing the fellow deaf is its own reward.
“As a deaf person in this kind of business, I am proud to say that I have crossed
the border of so-called limited access. I honestly worked hard to achieve my goals. I
wanted to show the world that we are not cut off from mainstream society and we are
capable of regularly doing and keeping our jobs like the rest of hearing and speaking
Aside from all of this, Gilda has helped establish a deaf organization in her
province of Eastern Samar.
It's not huge acts that make someone inspirational. It's the daily effort to better
yourself in whatever situation you find yourself in. These three Filipinos are an
inspiration not just to PWDs, but to the rest of us as well.
APPENDIX B.2: Week 1, Day 2
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-seventh day of July, two
thousand fifteen.
“(a) At least twenty percent (20%) discount and exemption from the value-added tax
(VAT), if applicable, on the following sale of goods and services for the exclusive use
and enjoyment or availment of the PWD:
“(1) On the fees and charges relative to the utilization of all services in hotels and
similar lodging establishments; restaurants and recreation centers;
“(2) On admission fees charged by theaters, cinema houses, concert halls, circuses,
carnivals and other similar places of culture, leisure and amusement;
“(3) On the purchase of medicines in all drugstores;
“(4) On medical and dental services including diagnostic and laboratory fees such as,
but not limited to, x-rays, computerized tomography scans and blood tests, and
professional fees of attending doctors in all government facilities, subject to the
guidelines to be issued by the Department of Health (DOH), in coordination with the
Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth);
“(5) On medical and dental services including diagnostic and laboratory fees, and
professional fees of attending doctors in all private hospitals and medical facilities, in
accordance with the rules and regulations to be issued by the DOH, in coordination
with the PhilHealth;
“(6) On fare for domestic air and sea travel;
“(7) On actual fare for land transportation travel such as, but not limited to, public utility
buses or jeepneys (PUBs/PUJs), taxis, asian utility vehicles (AUVs), shuttle services
and public railways, including light Rail Transit (LRT), Metro Rail Transit (MRT) and
Philippine National Railways (PNR); and
“(8) On funeral and burial services for the death of the PWD: Provided, That the
beneficiary or any person who shall shoulder the funeral and burial expenses of the
deceased PWD shall claim the discount under this rule for the deceased PWD upon
presentation of the death certificate. Such expenses shall cover the purchase of casket
or urn, embalming, hospital morgue, transport of the body to intended burial site in the
place of origin, but shall exclude obituary publication and the cost of the memorial lot.
“(b) Educational assistance to PWD, for them to pursue primary, secondary, tertiary,
post tertiary, as well as vocational or technical education, in both public and private
schools, through the provision of scholarships, grants, financial aids, subsidies and
other incentives to qualified PWD, including support for books, learning materials, and
uniform allowance to the extent feasible: Provided, That PWD shall meet the minimum
admission requirements;
“(c) To the extent practicable and feasible, the continuance of the same benefits and
privileges given by the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), Social Security
System (SSS), and Pag-IBIG, as the case may be, as are enjoyed by those in actual
“(d) To the extent possible, the government may grant special discounts in special
programs for PWD on purchase of basic commodities, subject to the guidelines to be
issued for the purpose by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the
Department of Agriculture (DA); and
“(e) Provision of express lanes for PWD in all commercial and government
establishments; in the absence thereof, priority shall be given to them.
“The abovementioned privileges are available only to PWD who are Filipino citizens
upon submission of any of the following as proof of his/her entitlement thereto:
“(i) An identification card issued by the city or municipal mayor or the barangay captain
of the place where the PWD resides;
“(ii) The passport of the PWD concerned; or
“(iii) Transportation discount fare Identification Card (ID) issued by the National
Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP).
“The privileges may not be claimed if the PWD claims a higher discount as may be
granted by the commercial establishment and/or under other existing laws or in
combination with other discount program/s.
“The establishments may claim the discounts granted in subsection (a), paragraphs
(1), (2), (3), (5), (6), (7), and (8) as tax deductions based on the net cost of the goods
sold or services rendered: Provided, however, That the cost of the discount shall be
allowed as deduction from the gross income for the same taxable year that the discount
is granted: Provided, further, That the total amount of the claimed tax deduction net of
value-added tax, if applicable, shall be included in their gross sales receipts for tax
purposes and shall be subject to proper documentation and to the provisions of the
National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), as amended.”
“SEC. 33. Incentives. – Those caring for and living with a PWD shall be granted the
following incentives:
“(a) PWD, who are within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity to the
taxpayer, regardless of age, who are not gainfully employed and chiefly dependent
upon the taxpayer, shall be treated as dependents under Section 35(b) of the NIRC of
1997, as amended, and as such, individual taxpayers caring for them shall be accorded
the privileges granted by the Code insofar as having dependents under the same
section are concerned; and
“x x x.”
SECTION 5. Repealing Clause. – All laws, orders, decrees, rules and regulations,
and other parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed,
amended or modified accordingly.
SECTION 6. Effectivity. – This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its
publication in the Official Gazette or in two (2) newspapers of general circulation.
APPENDIX C: Week 2, Day 3
That was the last time Perseus ever used the horrible head. He gave it
most willingly to Athene, who kept it ever after.
Now that Polydectes was dead, Danae yearned to go home again and
be reconciled to her father. So Perseus made the fisherman Dictys king of the
island and sailed with his mother and Andromeda to Greece.
But it happened that when they came to Argos, King Acrisius was away
from home. Games were being held in Larissa, and Perseus, hearing of them
decided to go there and take part. And there at the game it was that the oracle
which Acrisius had received at Delphi was strangely fulfilled. For when it came
to Perseus’ turn to throw the discus, he threw it so that it swerved to one side.
It landed among the spectators and killed an old man. That old man was King
Acrisius, who had gone to such cruel lengths to avoid the fate which the gods
had ordained.
APPENDIX D: Week 4, Day 1
APPENDIX E: Week 5, Day 1
1 Thor wakes up one morning to find that all is not right with the world. His
magical hammer, Mjolnir, is missing.
2 Convinced that theft is just one of Loki’s usual pranks, he finds the trickster
god and demands to know where his hammer is.
3 Loki insists he didn’t take Thor’s hammer. He’s pretty sure he knows who did,
though, and has a plan.
4 Thor asks Freyja if Loki can borrow her ride. It’s magical feather dress that
gives the wearer the wings of a bird. With some interesting whining noises.
Loki departs for Jotunheim, the land of the giants.
5 In Jotunhaim, Loki finds the frost giant, Thrym sitting on a mound, braiding
golden leashes for his dogs and stroking the manes of his horses in a creepy
sort of way.
6 When Loki tells Thrym that Thor’s hammer is missing, the giant admits to
hiding it eight miles below the earth. In exchange for returning the hammer,
Thrym explains, he wants Freyja, the most beautiful goddess in Asgard for his
7 Loki flies back to Asgard and breaks the bad news to Thor.
8 Right away, Thor insists on finding Freyja. He tells her to put on a wedding
dress. She’s got to marry Thrym.
9 Freyja is totally offended that Thor would even suggest such a thing.
10 All the gods hold a council to discuss how they’re going to get Thor’s hammer
11 The watchman god Heimdall, suggests that Thor put on a wedding dress,
some gemstones, Freyjas special necklace and some keys. In other words,
Thor should dress up like Freyja and travel to Jotunheim to get his hammer
back himself.
12 Loki decides to go with Thor to Jotunheim as a bridesmaid.
13 When Thrym sees them coming, he instructs his servants to deck the halls for
Fretja’s on her way to marry him.
14 In the wedding feast, Thor eats an entire ox, eight salmon, three barrels of
meat and the entire wedding cake.
15 Loki excuses the “bride’s” monstrous appetite to Thrym explaining that she
was so excited about her marriage to him that she fasted for eight days in a
16 Eager to kiss his bride, Thrym lifts her veil and immediately leaps back in
horror. His bride’s eyes are fiery red.
17 Loki explains that she was so excited about her marriage to him that she
hasn’t slept for eight days in a row.
18 Thrym’s sister appears in front of “Freyja” demanding the bridal fee. She tells
Freyja to take the rings off her fingers.
19 Now, its time for Thrym to fulfill his side of bargain. He instructs his servants
to bring in Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, and lay it in the bride’s lap to bless her.
20 Thor’s heart leaps in his chest when he sees his hammer. Immediately picking
it up, he kills the giant’s entire household.
Ref: https://www.storynory.com/thor-hammer/
APPENDIX F: Week 5, Day 2
1 The mountain and the squirrel1
2 Had a quarrel.
3 And the former called the latter “Little Prig”;2
4 Bun3 replied,
5 “You are doubtless very big;
6 But all sorts of things and weather
7 Must be taken in together
8 To make a year,
9 And a sphere4.
10 And I think it no disgrace5
11 To occupy my place.
12 If I am not so large as you,
13 You are not so small as I
14 And not half so spry6.
15 I’ll not deny you make
16 A very pretty squirrel track7.
17 Talents differ: all is well and wisely put;
18 If I cannot carry forests on my back,
19 Neither can you crack a nut.”
(noun) a small animal with a long thick tail and red, grey or black fur. Squirrels eat
nuts and live in trees.
(verb) to keep something in a safe place to use later
Little Thief
a knot of hair shaped like a small round roll of bread
a region that surrounds a planet, especially the earth:
energetic, lively, active, swift
a line or route along which something travels or moves;
5. The theme of the story is found in line 17 and elaborated in lines 18 to 19.
Paraphrase it.
APPENDIX G: Week 5, Day 3
Answer Key- Week 5, Day 3
Advanced Average
Task 1- I’m Willing to Do
Being strong
b. They are placed before the main verb.
1. Must- necessity
2. Need to- obligation
3. Ought to/Should- to do or become
4. Ought not/Should not- prohibition
Rating - Description
5 Excellent
4 Very impressive
3 Impressive
2 Convincing
1 Beginning
Appendix H: Week 6, Day 1
The Beggar
He had seen better days, despite his present misery and infirmities.
At the age of fifteen both his legs had been crushed by a carriage on the Varville
highway. From that time forth he begged, dragging himself along the roads and through
the farmyards, supported by crutches which forced his shoulders up to his ears. His
head looked as if it were squeezed in between two mountains.
A foundling, picked up out of a ditch by the priest of Les Billettes on the eve of
All Saints' Day and baptized, for that reason, Nicholas Toussaint, reared by charity,
utterly without education, crippled in consequence of having drunk several glasses of
brandy given him by the baker (such a funny story!) and a vagabond all his life
afterward--the only thing he knew how to do was to hold out his hand for alms.
At one time the Baroness d'Avary allowed him to sleep in a kind of recess
spread with straw, close to the poultry yard in the farm adjoining the chateau, and if he
was in great need he was sure of getting a glass of cider and a crust of bread in the
kitchen. Moreover, the old lady often threw him a few pennies from her window.
But she was dead now.
In the villages people gave him scarcely anything--he was too well known.
Everybody had grown tired of seeing him, day after day for forty years, dragging his
deformed and tattered person from door to door on his wooden crutches. But he could
not make up his mind to go elsewhere, because he knew no place on earth but this
particular corner of the country, these three or four villages where he had spent the
whole of his miserable existence. He had limited his begging operations and would not
for worlds have passed his accustomed bounds.
He did not even know whether the world extended for any distance beyond the
trees which had always bounded his vision. He did not ask himself the question. And
when the peasants, tired of constantly meeting him in their fields or along their lanes,
exclaimed: "Why don't you go to other villages instead of always limping about here?"
he did not answer, but slunk away, possessed with a vague dread of the unknown--
the dread of a poor wretch who fears confusedly a thousand things--new faces, taunts,
insults, the suspicious glances of people who do not know him and the policemen
walking in couples on the roads. These last he always instinctively avoided, taking
refuge in the bushes or behind heaps of stones when he saw them coming.
When he perceived them in the distance, 'With uniforms gleaming in the sun,
he was suddenly possessed with unwonted agility--the agility of a wild animal seeking
its lair. He threw aside his crutches, fell to the ground like a limp rag, made himself as
small as possible and crouched like a bare under cover, his tattered vestments
blending in hue with the earth on which he cowered.
He had never had any trouble with the police, but the instinct to avoid them was
in his blood. He seemed to have inherited it from the parents he had never known.
He had no refuge, no roof for his head, no shelter of any kind. In summer he
slept out of doors and in winter he showed remarkable skill in slipping unperceived into
barns and stables. He always decamped before his presence could be discovered. He
knew all the holes through which one could creep into farm buildings, and the handling
of his crutches having made his arms surprisingly muscular he often hauled himself up
through sheer strength of wrist into hay-lofts, where he sometimes remained for four
or five days at a time, provided he had collected a sufficient store of food beforehand.
He lived like the beasts of the field. He was in the midst of men, yet knew no
one, loved no one, exciting in the breasts of the peasants only a sort of careless
contempt and smoldering hostility. They nicknamed him "Bell," because he hung
between his two crutches like a church bell between its supports.
For two days he had eaten nothing. No one gave him anything now. Every
one's patience was exhausted. Women shouted to him from their doorsteps when they
saw him coming:
"Be off with you, you good-for-nothing vagabond! Why, I gave you a piece of
bread only three days ago!
And he turned on his crutches to the next house, where he was received in the
same fashion.
The women declared to one another as they stood at their doors:
"We can't feed that lazy brute all the year round!"
And yet the "lazy brute" needed food every day.
He had exhausted Saint-Hilaire, Varville and Les Billettes without getting a
single copper or so much as a dry crust. His only hope was in Tournolles, but to reach
this place he would have to walk five miles along the highroad, and he felt so weary
that he could hardly drag himself another yard. His stomach and his pocket were
equally empty, but he started on his way.
It was December and a cold wind blew over the fields and whistled through the
bare branches of the trees; the clouds careered madly across the black, threatening
sky. The cripple dragged himself slowly along, raising one crutch after the other with a
painful effort, propping himself on the one distorted leg which remained to him.
Now and then he sat down beside a ditch for a few moments' rest. Hunger was
gnawing his vitals, and in his confused, slow-working mind he had only one idea-to
eat-but how this was to be accomplished he did not know. For three hours he continued
his painful journey. Then at last the sight of the trees of the village inspired him with
new energy.
The first peasant he met, and of whom he asked alms, replied:
"So it's you again, is it, you old scamp? Shall I never be rid of you?"
And "Bell" went on his way. At every door he got nothing but hard words. He
made the round of the whole village, but received not a halfpenny for his pains.
Then he visited the neighboring farms, toiling through the muddy land, so
exhausted that he could hardly raise his crutches from the ground. He met with the
same reception everywhere. It was one of those cold, bleak days, when the heart is
frozen and the temper irritable, and hands do not open either to give money or food.
When he had visited all the houses he knew, "Bell" sank down in the corner of
a ditch running across Chiquet's farmyard. Letting his crutches slip to the ground, he
remained motionless, tortured by hunger, but hardly intelligent enough to realize to the
full his unutterable misery.
He awaited he knew not what, possessed with that vague hope which persists
in the human heart in spite of everything. He awaited in the corner of the farmyard in
the biting December wind, some mysterious aid from Heaven or from men, without the
least idea whence it was to arrive. A number of black hens ran hither and thither,
seeking their food in the earth which supports all living things. Ever now and then they
snapped up in their beaks a grain of corn or a tiny insect; then they continued their
slow, sure search for nutriment.
"Bell" watched them at first without thinking of anything. Then a thought
occurred rather to his stomach than to his mind--the thought that one of those fowls
would be good to eat if it were cooked over a fire of dead wood.
He did not reflect that he was going to commit a theft. He took up a stone which
lay within reach, and, being of skillful aim, killed at the first shot the fowl nearest to him.
The bird fell on its side, flapping its wings. The others fled wildly hither and thither, and
"Bell," picking up his crutches, limped across to where his victim lay.
Just as he reached the little black body with its crimsoned head he received a
violent blow in his back which made him let go his hold of his crutches and sent him
flying ten paces distant. And Farmer Chiquet, beside himself with rage, cuffed and
kicked the marauder with all the fury of a plundered peasant as "Bell" lay defenceless
before him.
The farm hands came up also and joined their master in cuffing the lame
beggar. Then when they were tired of beating him they carried him off and shut him up
in the woodshed, while they went to fetch the police.
"Bell," half dead, bleeding and perishing with hunger, lay on the floor. Evening
came--then night--then dawn. And still he had not eaten.
About midday the police arrived. They opened the door of the woodshed with
the utmost precaution, fearing resistance on the beggar's part, for Farmer Chiquet
asserted that he had been attacked by him and had had great, difficulty in defending
The sergeant cried:
"Come, get up!"
But "Bell" could not move. He did his best to raise himself on his crutches, but
without success. The police, thinking his weakness feigned, pulled him up by main
force and set him between the crutches.
Fear seized him--his native fear of a uniform, the fear of the game in presence
of the sportsman, the fear of a mouse for a cat-and by the exercise of almost
superhuman effort he succeeded in remaining upright.
"Forward!" said the sergeant. He walked. All the inmates of the farm watched his
departure. The women shook their fists at him the men scoffed at and insulted him. He
was taken at last! Good riddance! He went off between his two guards. He mustered
sufficient energy--the energy of despair--to drag himself along until the evening, too
dazed to know what was happening to him, too frightened to understand.
People whom he met on the road stopped to watch him go by and peasants
"It's some thief or other."
Toward evening he reached the country town. He had never been so far before.
He did not realize in the least what he was there for or what was to become of him. All
the terrible and unexpected events of the last two days, all these unfamiliar faces and
houses struck dismay into his heart.
He said not a word, having nothing to say because he understood nothing.
Besides, he had spoken to no one for so many years past that he had almost lost the
use of his tongue, and his thoughts were too indeterminate to be put into words.
He was shut up in the town jail. It did not occur to the police that he might need
food, and he was left alone until the following day. But when in the early morning they
came to examine him he was found dead on the floor. Such an astonishing thing!
Appendix I: Week 6, Day 2
Our Future as narrated by Morgan Freeman (transcription)
One day, we will wake up to find that the energy that powers the alarm clock
came from the breeze to the trees the night before, and we will go to work that morning
riding the rays of the sun. It will light our cities, and power our businesses. It will warm
our homes, and cool our workplaces. It will reduce sources of conflict, and fuel our
economies. It will connect us all. It won’t scar the land or poison the seas. The food we
eat will be good for our bodies, and good for the planet, and the weather that day won’t
make us worry for tomorrow. There will be more jobs and less disease. The sea level
will stop rising and species will stop dying. The question is how we get to that day from
where we are today-- all 7.3 billion of us.
We start by deciding that beyond our doubts and differences, certain day truly
exists, and there is something each of us can do today. We can make today the day
we stop thinking that the changes required to get there are impossible and beyond us;
and start realizing that they are not only possible, but what the future requires us. We
must stop turning from the warnings of science and fear in denial, and instead turn
toward the solutions and partnerships we need. We can make today, the day we stop
pointing at each other in blame and instead chart a new course together. We have
never faced a crisis this big, but we have never had a better opportunity to solve it. We
have everything we need to wake up to a different kind of world. We need our leaders
to be brave and their choices to be bold. They will little remember us as the generation
that destroyed its home, or the one that finally came to respect it. We have every
reason in the world to act. We can’t wait until tomorrow. This is our only home. You
can choose today to make a world of difference.
Appendix J.1: Week 6, Day 3
Climate change is real, the actions of mankind are the origin of climate change,
and there is no know way to reverse climate change – we can only hope to slow the
rate of change for the next several thousand years. These basic truths must be
accepted by nations and form the basis for national policy.
Secondly, national policies must accept that climate change is global in its
scope, global in its causes, and global in its mitigation. No one country can resolve the
problem, nor can any country avoid it. If the human civilization is to survive as we know
it, all nations must fully and freely cooperate. The alternative to rapidly developing
means of open international cooperation and assistance is for the nations to turn
themselves into armed fortress to protect their resources and prevent immigration of
displaces climatic refugees. Inevitably, this approach would lead to global warfare and
destruction, and a radically altered environment.
And, thirdly national policies must accept that there is no one solution that will
fit all nations, rather entirely different approaches will be required in different regions
and nations. For example, the developed nations must eliminate their dependence
upon fossil fuels while maintaining their quality of life, while developing nations must
forgo the use of fossil fuels while attempting to meet the natural aspirations of their
citizens for an improved quality of life. It would appear obvious that an international
sharing of resources, technologies and expertise will be required.
Can all nations set aside regional, political, historical, cultural and religious
differences and cooperate in the solution and survival of Global Climate Change? If
not, human civilization is surely toast.
Appendix J.2: Week 6, Day 3
Answers to Questions
D. Post Listening
Comprehension Check
1. The activities of mankind.
2. Illegal activities like:
Illegal logging and fishing,
Burning plastic,
Improper garbage disposal etc.
3. To slow the rate of change.
4. a. Must be accepted by nations and form the basis for national policy.
b. Must accept that climate change is global in its scope.
c. Must accept that there is no one solution that will fit all nations.
5. All nations must fully and freely cooperate.
6. To protect their resources and prevent immigration of displaced refugees.
7. Eliminate their dependence upon fossil fuels and to maintain quality life.
8. Set aside difference and cooperate.
Analysis Questions
1. Discourse Markers
2. To make comparison, contrast, reason, cause etc.
3. likewise, while, because etc.
H. Discourse markers are words, phrases & expressions that connect the different
parts of the text. They show relationship of ideas.
I. Varied answers.
J. Evaluation
1. and – addition
2. in order – reason
3. Although
4. but – contrast
5. especially – emphasis
6. For this reason – effect or result
7. In the first place – sequence
8. For example – example
9. because – reason
10. Finally – conclusion
Appendix K.1: Week 6, Day 4
Our national pride as a country always dips on layer lower every time foreigners
comment on our hard-to-break habit: coming late. This shortcoming among our
countrymen has so acquired quite a prevalence that an unflattering phrase was coined
that has actually indicted the entire Filipino race: “Filipino time.”
The ironic thing about this situation is that some of our countrymen reinforce
this perception either by boasting about it or by proving people right by really being
tardy in their appointments. Something even more perverse has developed: It has
become fashionable or, as they say, “politically correct,” to be late or to be indifferent
about the rights of others. Something has really turned upside down – when right
becomes wrong and wrong becomes right.
Appendix K.2: Week 6, Day 4
Answers to Questions
1. widespread
2. disorder
3. instilled
4. lawlessness
5. unreasonable
1. Examples – coming on time or early, not tardy, not late, prompt, right time,
respecting the rights of others, no shortcoming.
2. coming late
D. Comprehension Check
2. coming late
3. dips on layer lower which becomes an embarrassment
4. Indicted Filipino race
5. Time is gold. It should not be wasted
6. Disregard of traffic rules
7. Suppose to be
8. Ashamed, Apologize – Ex. Coming to school
9. Getting up early
10. Enlightened
11. Serious
12. To persuade
13. Argumentative
7. First sentence in every paragraph. Yes
8. beginning
9. a. second paragraph
b. first paragraph
c. third paragraph
d. third paragraph
10. Persuasive essay
11. b
Persuasive essay also known as argumentative essay, utilizes logic & reason to
show that one idea is more legitimate than the other. To influence readers to act.
Following the 3 parts of an essay – introduction, body & conclusion.
Appendix L: Week 7, Day 1
While gradual increases in temperature and carbon dioxide may result in more
favorable conditions that could increase the yields of some crops, in some regions,
these potential yield increases are likely to be restricted by extreme events, particularly
extreme heat and drought, during crop flowering. Crop production is projected to
decrease in many areas during the 21st century because of climatic changes. This is
illustrated in figure 1 which summarizes average crop yield projections across all
emission scenarios, regions, and with- or without- adaptation by farmers, showing an
increasing trend towards widespread yield decreases.
Heat waves (periods of extreme high temperature) are likely to become more
frequent in the future and represent a major challenge for agriculture. Heat waves can
cause heat stress in both animals and plants and have a negative impact on food
production. Extreme periods of high temperature are particularly harmful for crop
production if they occur when the plants are flowering – if this single, critical stage is
disrupted, there may be no seeds at all. In animals, heat stress can result in lower
productivity and fertility, and it can also have negative effects on the immune system,
making them more prone to certain diseases.
Evidence for an increase in heat waves exists from warming that has already
occurred, and greater than expected increases in heat wave frequency and magnitude
(figure 3). It is difficult to make accurate predictions about the future frequency and
magnitude of heat waves, but there is consensus among projections that
measurements for both will continue to increase in the UK, in Europe, and at a global
scale. The impact of heat waves are expected to be non-uniform, with
disproportionately negative effects in less developed countries. Together with other
aspects of climate change such as increased drought incidence, they may exacerbate
existing issues around food security. (https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/climate-
Appendix L.1: Week 7, Day 2
“Well…You know, so much of the time we’re just lost. We say, “Please, God, tell us
what is right. Tell us what is true.”
I mean there is no justice. The rich win; the poor are powerless. We become tired of
hearing people lie. And after a time we become dead, a little dead. We think of
ourselves as victims — and we become victims. We become weak; we doubt
ourselves; we doubt our beliefs; we doubt our institutions; and we doubt the law.
But today you are the law. You are the law, not some book, not the lawyers, not a
marble statue, or the trappings of the court. See, those are just symbols of our desire
to be just. They are, in fact, a prayer, I mean a fervent and a frightened prayer.
In my religion, they say, “Act as if you had faith; faith will be given to you.”
If we are to have faith in justice we need only to believe in ourselves and act with
justice. See, I believe there is justice in our hearts.”
Appendix L.2: Week 7, Day 2
“How many of you know the 16 words in President Bush’s State of the Union
Address that led us to war? (none) How many know my wife’s name? (everyone).
How can you know one, and not the other? When did the question move from ‘Why
are we going to war?’ to ‘Who is this man’s wife?’
I asked the first question, and somebody else asked the second. And it worked.
Because none of us know the truth. The offence that was committed was not
committed against me, it was not committed against my wife – it was committed against
you. All of you.
The responsibility of a country is not in the hands of a privileged few. We are strong
and we are free from tyranny as long as each one of us remembers his or her duty as
a citizen. Whether it’s to report a pothole at the top of your street, or lies in a State of
The Union Address, speak out! Ask those questions. Demand that truth. Democracy
is not a free ride man, I’m here to tell you.
But this is where we live. And if we do our job, this is where our children will live. God
bless America.”
Appendix L.3: Week 7, Day 2
9. The speakers should use these strategies with care and good intention. They
should not be used (especially the pathos) to divert the real issue or confuse the
Appendix L.4: Week 7, Day 2
In my 25 years of experience as a doctor, I can say that the epidemic can affect the
whole region within the month
1. As well as nicotine, each cigarette contains more than 4,ooo different chemicals,
many of which are harmful to the body.
2. Cary W tweeted, “Drive is such an amazing film, went in with a crush on Carey
Mulligan. Left with a crush on Ryan Gosling." [Twitter post discovered by
3. "I will end this war in Iraq responsibly, and finish the fight against al Qaeda and the
Taliban in Afghanistan…” by Barack Obama. August 28th, 2008.
4. And now at last, with success so plainly in our sight, our love of liberty and the voice
of reason alike urge us to guard and cherish the prize that has been so hardly won.
– (Manuel Quezon, Nov. 25, 1935)
5. As a matter of fact, I have come here to honor your invitation.
6. I beg you, fellow members of this House, to pause and consider dispassionately the
effects of this innovation, not so much upon our political system as upon our people.
7. The word “nationalism is rooted in the word “nation” and if patriotism is the love of
the patria or country, nationalism is the love of nation.
8. Scientists who are tacking this event say that the El Nino this season will be the
“climatic event of the century”
9. What is true is that we live in kind of spaceship called the earth, and only a limited
amount of air is forever available to us.(Sydney Harris)
10. And that is why prevention – immediate, drastic and far-reaching – is our only hope
for the future. (Sydney Harris)
11. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with
soul force. (Martin Luther King)
12. I say to you today my friends, even thugh we face the difficulties of today and
tomorrow, I still have a dream. (Martin Luther King)
13. If every person in Macau were given equal portions of land, each would live in a
space a quarter the size of a tennis court.(Blythe Hamer)
14. But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm
threshold which leads into the palace of justice. (Martin Luther King)
15. If people could design computers to perform unpleasant tasks, it would be a
wonderful experience.
16. Research reveals that 45 percent of randomly-selected respondents from a
university thinks that scientists will be able to put a human mind onto a CD-ROM or
computer to be used in robots chip.
Some months ago, while doing research on the general subject of pollution, I learned
how dumb I had been all my life about something as common and familiar – and
essential-as air.(Sydney Harris)
Appendix M: Week 7, Day 3
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Total
concentrates on a specific topic that is
clear, significant and supportable
manifests coordination and
collaboration among the panelists to
clarify the topic at hand
Persuasive techniques
uses logical and emotional appeals;
avoids fallacies
Clarity of ideas
clearly presents reasons, facts and
opinions as support
Response to questions asked
Thinks before speaking; presents
relevant ideas; clearly uses evidence;
gives reasons
Language convention
Uses simple, direct, concise and clear
expressions free from errors; articulates
responses clearly
Rating Description
5 Excellent
4 Very Impressive
3 Impressive
2 Convincing
1 Beginning
Appendix N: Week 8, Day1
Throughout high school I chose to ignore my Filipino side. The most important
thing for me was to fit in – wear the latest clothes, listen to the coolest music, speak the
slang spoken between friends. If anyone asked me my ethnic background, I
emphasized that I was half-white, leaving out that I was half-Filipino. If prodded any
further, I said that my mother was born in the Philippines, but that she was definitely
mixed with Spanish blood. Somehow I had come to the conclusion that to be American
meant I should exclude my Filipino heritage. To include it also might mean I wouldn’t fit
in with my teenager – I had never been to the Philippines, I spoke only English, and I
practiced no Filipino customs.
Since I came to college I have been exploring the Filipino culture more as part of
my family history than as my own culture. This is a step toward true recognition of my
Filipino identity. Though I have been raised in America and have lived the “American”
culture, this doesn’t mean I should deny that I am also a Filipino. My Filipino heritage
has a claim on me that has been waiting to be explored further – waiting to include me
- and I in it. Growing up as mixed Asian and American has made me aware that it isn’t
necessary for me to be 100% American. Now, as I begin to study Filipino history and
culture through research and from my mother, I integrate this new knowledge with my
American culture. This process of integration bridges the two identities that make who
I am. Now I no longer say I am all American or all Filipino, instead I can proudly say
that I am both.
English Expressway IV
Virginia F. Bermudez, Ed.D., et al
2007 Edition, pages 36-37
Appendix O: Week 9, Day 3
Mr. Contest chair, fellow fighters, can you think of a time when life tried to knock you
down? Who was your toughest opponent? Most often, our most challenging opponent
is ourselves.
Round one, college. I dropped out of college, not one, not two, not three, but four times.
I told myself college isn't for me and I would never go back.
Round two, marriage. I married my soul mate, the love of my life, my best friend. He
was fine too. We were married for eight long beautiful amazing months. You heard right.
Months not years. It was like immediately after we said I do, the heavyweight champion
came in and delivered an electrifying knockout blow to our vows. Boom! Divorced.
Round three, speaking. In 2015 I competed for the first time in the International speech
contest. I won at the club level. I won at the area level. I wanted the division level. There
the district level is on the way. I was on the road. I was on fire. I was unstoppable.
I lost. I was crushed. After going three rounds and taking hit after hit I was ready to
throw in the time. I was down for the count, six, seven, eight. When was the last time
life not you down? Who was that lifeline that you reached out to, to help you stand back
up? Was it your family? Your friends? Or did you hold on to your faith?
Maybe you've never been knocked down. But you've seen one of your family members
take a devastating blow. Were you the lifeline that they were reaching out to, to help
them stand back up. Were you the coach in the corner, saying, “Get up! Get up! Stand
As I gathered all the strength within myself. Stand. Instead of looking into a mirror of
defeat, it became a window of possibilities. I got back in the rack. I went back to college.
I got my degree and I graduated magna laude.
Yeah, after failing four times, I was still standing. After my loss at the district level, I'm
speaking to you from the world championship stage. It's a moment. Thank you. Even
after suffering loss, I'm still standing. Ask for my marriage, I'm still in training.
I have not yet found Mr. Right. But this is an international convention and there are
thousands of men from hundreds of different countries so single Toastmasters. Even
after my divorce, I'm still standing. My challenge to you is to stay in the ring, whether
you're a fighter or a coach. If you're on the side of the ring coaching or if you're in that
ring throwing those jabs and those hooks when that final bell rings “Bing Bing Bing” the
fighters and the coaches will raise their hands with victory singing “I'm still standing
yeah yeah yeah. We're still standing. Very nice. Stay in that ring and even after you
take a few hits use what you learn from those previous fights and at the end of each
round you'll remain still standing Mr. contest.
Appendix P.1: Week 9, Day 4
In our culture a lot of times people advise us to compare ourselves with others.
"You should be like your father," "You can win; the others aren’t as good as you," "You
must be the best of your class," etc., and this is not always the best way of thinking.
There are many reasons to change this way of thinking and begin to compare ourselves
only with ourselves. This is the way it should be, and in this paper I will discuss some
of the most important reasons for this.
The first reason to avoid comparing yourself with others is that there will be
always someone better than you. It doesn’t mater in which aspect, but it is always true.
Therefore, you could feel inferior to others and maybe without a real reason. For
example, you can be an incredible architect and the best of your generation, and this
can make you feel incredibly good, but if someday someone is better than you are, you
could feel sad although you are still the same incredible architect that you were before.
The second reason to elude this kind of comparison is that you will always find
someone worse than you, but as opposed to the first reason, this can make you feel
better than the others, and this feeling can turn into a horrible pride. For example, if you
are the second best student of your class, and one day the very best student leaves
the school, you will then be the best one although you are still only as good as you were
These two first reasons lead us to a third one: If you want to be better than the
others, you don’t need to improve yourself; you only have to make the others look bad.
If I want to be the leader of the group, but you are the leader now, what I need to do is
to make you look like a traitor or stupid and then I can take your place. Then I will be
better than you.
A fourth reason to stop comparing ourselves is that the one who compares
him/herself with others is judging, and this doesn’t help us develop as human beings.
Nobody knows the internal reality of the other; nobody knows his/her story and his/her
most deep intentions, and when we judge it’s harder to accept the others.
The last but most important reason to avoid comparing ourselves with others is
that when we do, we can be tempted to copy them, to do the same things, and to act
and think like them. The problem with this is that if we copy someone, we will never
know who we really are and what we really want, and then we will never grow spiritually.
For all these reasons and because we are unique, we should not compare
ourselves with others, only with ourselves. The only comparison pattern that we really
have is our consciousness. So, if we use this pattern we will not feel less or more than
others; we will not try to make others look bad; we will not judge so much; and we will
accept ourselves as we really are. In other words, we will live happier.
Appendix P.2: Week 9, Day 4
A lot of people, especially young people, go through the day without having
breakfast. Many people believe that it is not necessary, or they say that they don’t have
time for that, and begin their day with no meal. I believe that everyone should eat
breakfast before going to their activities. The purpose of this paper is to show the
importance of breakfast, especially for students.
The first reason why you should eat breakfast before going to school is for your
health. When you skip breakfast and go to school, you are looking for a disease
because it’s not healthy to have an empty stomach all day long. It’s very important to
have a meal and not let your stomach work empty. All you are going to get is gastritis
and a lot of problems with your health if you don’t eat breakfast.
Another reason for eating breakfast is because you need food for to do well in
your classes. You body and your brain are not going to function as good as they could
because you have no energy and no strength. When you try to learn something and
have nothing in your stomach, you are going to have a lot of trouble succeeding. A lot
of people think that they should not eat because they are going to feel tired, but that’s
not true. Breakfast is not a very big meal, and on the contrary, you’re going to feel tired
if you don’t have breakfast because you have spent the entire previous night without
The last reason to have breakfast every day is because you can avoid diseases
if you eat some breakfast in the morning. If you don’t eat, you are going to get sick, and
these diseases will have a stronger effect on you because you’re going to get sick
easier than people who have breakfast every day.
You have to realize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and
you cannot skip it without consequences for your health, your school and your defense
mechanism. It is better to wake up earlier and have a good breakfast that run to school
without eating anything. It is time for you to do something for your health, and eating
breakfast is the better way to start your day.
Appendix P.3: Week 9, Day 4
Today science and technology has come to pervade every aspect of our lives.
Computer, television and radio have almost replaced the newspaper and letter once
dominated our lives. Accordingly, the issue about whether the ability to read and write
is more important today may attract our attentions. It is clear that classified views have
converged into two: some think reading and writing ability is more important today than
in the past, while others deny its importance. As I see it, I agree with the former view
without any hesitation and my choice is based on a careful consideration of the
following reasons.
The main reason which may win most of people's support is that if lack the
reading and writing ability, one would be considered as illiterate who has been deprived
of the most basic right of human beings in the 21st century. It will be hard for us to
imagine how somebody who can't read and write communicates with other people. A
case in point is that one of my neighbors who is an old man and cannot read and write
may only talk with others face to face. As for making friends by email and search
information in newspaper, it is absolutely impossible.
The second reason I would like to point out is that people today who cannot
read and write cannot even make a living. Good jobs are difficult to find because of
economic depression. Nearly all the jobs require people who can read and write very
well. Even if one just plans to be a driver, he must read the road sign and know where
he is and where he will go.
Furthermore, the ability to read and write could bring us lots of advantages.
Suppose that people who have tired out with a hard week's sweat and effort may get
lots of benefits and relief from reading a short novel and broaden his horizon by
appreciating a nice poem. Many friends around me would believe reading and writing
some effective ways to relax themselves.
People today especially those children may find it easier for them to manipulate
the mouse of the computer than to write things down by hand. Watching TV instead of
reading may still occupy someone's most leisure time. Yet if all the factors I discussed
above are contemplated and we are to minimize the losses and maximize the gains, it
will not be hard for us to realize that the ability to read and write is more important today
than in the past.
Appendix P.4: Week 9, Day 4
I am sure that you know that smoking harms your body. Then why do you
continue smoking? Maybe you do it because you haven’t really become conscious
about all the effects that smoking has. There are a lot of reasons why you shouldn’t
smoke. Some of them are that smoking affects your health, that you spend a lot of
money on cigarettes, and that when you smoke you are not respecting people around
The first reason why you shouldn’t smoke is that smoking affects your health. If
you smoke, your physical condition will be negatively affected, so it will be very
difficult for you to succeed in sports. Also, smoking produces lethal diseases like cancer
and reduces the length and quality of your life. Maybe you don’t notice all the physical
effects of smoking immediately, but you surely will be sorry one day.
The second reason why you shouldn’t smoke is because of all the money that
you spend on it. Maybe you start smoking only when someone offers you a cigarette,
but there will be a day when you will feel the need of a cigarette. By this time, you will
pay whatever to smoke, and each time you will smoke more, so you will spend more
money. All the money you would spend on cigars could have be spent in something
better, don’t you think?
The last reason why you shouldn’t smoke is out of respect for the people around
you. When you smoke, you not only harm yourself, but you also harm all the people
around you. So you mustn’t be selfish; you should at least avoid smoking in front of
people who don’t smoke. Also, many people don’t like the cigarette’s smell, so they
won’t enjoy your company. Would you like that?
I have said just some reasons of why you shouldn’t smoke, so I hope that now
those of you who smoke are able to think a little and try to make a smart decision. In
addition to all the reasons I’ve said, I would like you to think about how much you love
yourself and then whether you want to continue harming yourself. Think also about all
the people who love you, like your family who doesn’t want to see you suffering or sick.
If you decide to continue smoking, what a pity. But if you decide to stop smoking,
congratulations! Remember that "If you can dream it, you can do it."
Appendix P.5: Week 9, Day 4
In the past years the use of the television and the internet has increased; this
situation has caused many people to change their likes and the way that they enjoy
their free time. Because of television and the internet, many people spend less time
reading, so the purpose for this essay is to present reasons why people should read
just for pleasure. The reasons that I give you are quite simple: to improve your
knowledge, to expand your general culture, to have more fun, to make your imagination
fly, to find new ways to express your ideas, and finally to expand your vocabulary.
The first reason that I give you to enjoy reading is that when you read, you can
expand your knowledge and also your culture. There are a lot of good books in which
you can find history, novels, tragedies, comedies and a variety of other themes. You
can see that people who read more often frequently have a bigger knowledge of life
and also a bigger perspective of their environment. I think that fact gives them an
advantage over all others who do not read frequently.
The second reason to read more often is that through books you can have fun
and even travel in your imagination. Children have not yet lost the ability of getting
into their dreams, and because of this, in their first years the parents read a lot of tales
in which they use their imagination. Adults should try to keep this ability, so we do not
forget the importance of the use of the imagination. The imagination also represents a
tool that could help you to develop your professional career in a creative way.
Finally, the third and the most important feature that reading offers you is that it
does not matter the age that you have, you always could expand your vocabulary and
the ways to express your ideas to the others in a simple and correct form. By the time
you can improve the kind of books that you read, there are a lot of categories, so you
will never stop learning from the pleasure of reading. People who know how to choose
a book generally have the capability of choosing a formal book in which they can find
formal grammatical structures and obviously a formal vocabulary. All these things allow
them to gain greater fluency in their communication.
In conclusion, I recommend that you enjoy reading more often. There are
excellent reasons for doing it; you just have to want to expand your knowledge and your
culture, to improve your imagination and also your vocabulary. I know that we should
evolve with the technology; that is, it is good to know how to navigate in the internet,
but we must also not forget the books. Try to choose good books at the beginning, and
then I ensure you that you never will stop reading.
Appendix P.6: Week 9, Day 4
In the past, I have never been inclined to participate in sports. Honestly, I didn’t
like it, but many persons whom I lived with kept telling me everyday how good it was.
Since the peer pressure was growing, I decided to go to the gym. It wasn’t until then
that I could really understand people when they said exercise really helped a person
get organized and keep yourself in a healthy physically and mentally.
For starters, when you are a lazy person, it is difficult to take the first step, but
it is all a matter of committing yourself to something that will provide you a lot of
positive feedback. Once you start doing exercise and observing positive results, you
actually enjoy it. It takes a lot of effort and strong will, but it's worth it. The principal
thing to do is to participate in an activity you like. If you do you’ll start organizing your
day in a way that enables you to do everything you have to, including exercising. You
will no longer be a person stressed-out without time to carry on with all your activities.
Second, it is obvious that once you exercise you will have a better condition.
You will be healthier in a physical way. It is probable that you will lose weight and your
muscles will get stronger and stronger. Your body will feel good, full of energy and it
will respond immediately to any action you want to do, any activity that has to be done
with high spirits.
The third reason why exercising is good is that it affects you positively in a
mental and psychological way. Doing exercise helps you set specific goals which along
with strong will can be achieved. When you do that, you are aware of your abilities,
accept your weaknesses, and your self-esteem goes up. Any sport distracts you
because it helps you not to think about school, friends, problems, among other things.
It brings you time to think about yourself and no one else. It helps you keep your mind
busy and to avoid dangerous habits like drugs.
Doing exercise is very important to any person of any age. The positive effects
of exercising, which I’ve already mentioned, are like a chain. Once you do a sports
activity that you like, you get organized; therefore, you start doing things the right way
and get enormous benefits which make you feel good as a whole human being. You
start living your life happily
Appendix P.7: Week 9, Day 4
There is one thing you should not do somehow: Do not say something that will
hurt somebody’s feelings. Unless that something has to be said inevitably, say it, but
as softly and gently as you can. Never hurt anyone intentionally. Always think twice
before saying something. You choose what to say, just be sure to say the right thing at
the right time. If you do that, you won’t regret a thing.
Second, if you want to communicate effectively, defend what you say. Once you
have said something you can never go backward; you must back it up. The worst thing
that you can do when speaking is to hesitate. Hesitance means self-insecurity and this
means weakness. The strength of your words will surely determine their effect on the
listener. The way that you speak and the content of your speech tell a lot about yourself
and your personality. A conversation allows speakers and listeners to get to know each
other better. Besides, people will only know what you say; they cannot go any further if
you do not let them. It is only by means of intelligence, strength, and security that you
will be able to change the world around you. And, it is also by means of intelligence,
strength, and security that you will be heard and taken into account.
The third main aspect of effective communication is to express exactly what you
mean to say. Pick up the words that will express exactly what you are thinking of. Do
not forget that one half of a word belongs to the listener and the other to the speaker.
The listener gets his or her own version of what is said. However your job is to express
yourself clearly, so that you can avoid misunderstandings. Although, avoiding
misunderstandings is a hard task (not impossible), when it is achieved you will be
expressing yourself effectively. Everybody will be able to identify exactly what you say,
what you think, and what you want. Words are double edged weapons which can be
used either to defend or to attack. If you make a good use of them, you will be able to
do almost everything.
The fourth main point to effective communication, and probably the most
important of all, is the listening part. Listen and do not interrupt when it is no longer
your turn to speak. You will surely learn new things from listening to others. If a person
is speaking, it’s because she or he wants to be heard. Effective communication is based
on both listening and speaking. If communication were based only on speaking, it would
be an absolute tyranny. Nevertheless, communication is the means through which you
express yourself in order to be heard and change your environment according to your
own version of reality. Thus, it would be impossible to change anything if there were no
one to listen, learn, and accept new ideas. Listening is a gift, and good listeners are
always very appreciated because there are only a few.
Effective communication will help you to express yourself better, allow you to
let other people express themselves, and help you to change your environment toward
your own thoughts and beliefs. Words inspire no fear. Speak them. Words make you
strong. Support them. Words show what you are and what you think. Do not let yourself
be misunderstood. Words are valuable. Listen to them!
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