Awindya Candrasmurti Resume - Alterra
Awindya Candrasmurti Resume - Alterra
Awindya Candrasmurti Resume - Alterra
I'm a driven MBA student who is eager to put my knowledge and talents to use. a detail-oriented individual with a Chemical Engineering
bachelor's degree. With the previous course and internship I have taken, I gained many soft skills that are needed in the work field. I
constantly work to my highest ability because I am well-organized, incredibly motivated, and energetic. I am responsible for each given
project and I always appreciate learning new things. I'm a superb team player with excellent listening and communication skills. I'm
interested in similar professions like business strategy, data analyst, and operations management.
Work Experiences
PT PERTAMINA RU IV - Cilacap, Indonesia Feb 2021 - Apr 2021
Learned about the production of lubricants
Evaluated the efficiency of Heat Exchanger in Furfural Extraction Unit II
Assembled a report about the company and the evaluation of the equipment
Education Level
Institut Teknologi Bandung - Bandung, Indonesia Aug 2022 - Dec 2023 (Expected)
Masters Degree in Business Administration, Young Professional
Subject learned: Financial Report and Control, Organizational Behaviour and Managing People, Marketing, and Operations
Universiti Teknologi Mara - Shah Alam, Malaysia Sep 2020 - Mar 2021
Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering
Fall Periods Exchange Programme for 1 semester
Presenters for Virtual Colloqium: Academic Exchange Throughout Virtual Environment
Organisational Experience
Bahana Cendana Kartika Riau - Rumbai, Indonesia Sep 2015 - Sep 2016
Head of Consumption
Responsible for preparing and ensuring meals for lunch and snack break during practice for 20+ students
HMTK (Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia) - Semarang, Indonesia Feb 2018 - Dec 2018
Inauguration Staff
Assemble and run an open house event for new students along with other staffs
Head of Consumption division during family gathering 2018 and responsible for lunch for 50+ students and staffs