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Davao City Philippines Vertical Housing: With Energy Ef Cient Building and Biomimetics Concepts On Building Envelope

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Final Architecture Design Studio

Design of
With Energy Efcient Building and Biomimetics Concepts on
Building Envelope

By: Fernan Cagucay Santoso

Supervisor: Prof. Noor Cholis Idham, ST., M. Arch., Ph. D
Final Architecture Design Studio



Fernan Cagucay Santoso


i Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio



Fernan Cagucay Santoso


Davao City Vertical Housing ii

Student’s Full Name : Fernan Cagucay Santoso
Final Architecture Design Studio

Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio


Praise and gratitude I pray to Allah SWT because with the abundance of His grace, I was successful in finishing a Final
Architectural Design Studio with title “Design of Davao City vertical housing With Energy Efficient Building and Biomimetics
Concepts on Building Envelope”. The completion of this Final Architectural Design Studio was required in order to receive a
Bachelor of Architecture (S.Ars) degree at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning at the Universitas Islam Indonesia. In
addition, the writing of this Final Architectural Design Studio is intended to provide knowledge to readers about builidng energy
efficient and Biomimetics concepts.

This Final Architectural Design Studio was accomplished despite several challenges; yet, the success of the Final
Architectural Design Studio cannot be separated from the guidance, motivation, and material and non-material support provided by
a variety of parties. Therefore, I do not forget to say thank you to:

1. Allah SWT, who has given smoothness and health in the work of the Final Architectural Design Studio.

2. My Beloved family for the prayer, moral support and for the blessing that has been given to me.

3. Prof. Noor Cholis Idham, ST., M. Arch., Ph. D. as the supervisor for the Final Architectural Design Studio who has provided
opportunities, helped and guided patiently so that Final Architectural Design Studio could be completed.

4. Yulianto Purwono Prihatmaji, ST. MT.,Dr. IAI and Putu Ayu Pramanasari Agustiananda,S.T.,MA., Dr-Ing. as the jury lecturers who
has provided the opportunity, helped, guided and tested this Final Architectural Design Studio so that it could be completed.

5. My fellow close friends at UII Architecture Haidarullah Dhia Mu Afa, Muhammad Kemal Adro, Abi Dzar Ghifari, Dimas Mbajeng
Rudiputra, Yusril Muzakki ,and Bryan Putra Parsada Sinaga as well, who always encourage each other in completing Final
Architectural Design Studio.

6. My friends, who always give me enthusiasm in doing my Final Architectural Design Studio.

8. All my friends in Architecture 2017.

9. All parties who have helped me without being able to write one by one.

For all the prayers, support, and assistance that has been given, hope to get a retaliation from Allah SWT. The author
realizes that there are still many flaws in this book, therefore all input, criticism, and suggestions are highly expected so that this
book can be useful for all of us. May Allah always give His mercy and guidance to all of us. Aamiin.

Yogyakarta, December 13th 2021

Fernan Cagucay Santoso

Davao City Vertical Housing iv

Final Architecture Design Studio


I, the undersigned below:

Name : Fernan Cagucay Santoso

NIM : 17512129
Program : Architecture
Faculty : Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning
University : Universitas Islam Indonesia
Title : Design of Davao City vertical housing With Energy Efficient Building and Biomimetics Concepts on Building Envelope

I state that this Final Architectural Design Studio Project that I write and work on is my own work, not the transfer of other
people’s writings or thoughts that I acknowledge as my own results or thoughts. As for the Final Architectural Design Studio work,

there are parts of quotes from other people’s work that I have written down according to the norms, rules, and ethics in writing.
If later it is proven or can be proven that this final architectural design studio is completely plagiarized, I am willing to accept sanctions
for such actions.

Yogyakarta, December 13th 2021

Fernan Cagucay Santoso

v Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

Davao City Vertical Housing vi

Final Architecture Design Studio


vii Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

Davao City Vertical Housing viii

Final Architecture Design Studio

ix Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio


Table 1. Growth rate data

Table 2. energy consumption data
Table 3. SWOT analysis of selected site
Table 4. Building codes of Philippines
Table 5. Applications of Biomimicry in architecture
Table 6. Case study comparison
Table 7. Case study comparison table
Table 8. Programming

Davao City Vertical Housing x

Final Architecture Design Studio


Figure 1. Statement from Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development

Figure 2. Framework of thinking
Figure 3. Performance-Based Design Framework
Figure 4. Design Mapping
Figure 5. Site Location
Figure 6. Site
Figure 7. 3D site illustration
Figure 8. Existing Condition
Figure 9. Site Ownership
Figure 10. Site neighborhood illustration
Figure 11. Site boundary illustration
Figure 12. Site accessbility illustration
Figure 13. Average Temperature
Figure 14. Relative Humidity
Figure 15. Windrose
Figure 16. Site condition
Figure 17. Vertical Building
Figure 18. FoM-EE Acceptability Criteria for Metals
Figure 19. illustrates the overview of the entire project of the Council House
Figure 20. wind pipes on the north facade & overlapping layers of the façade
Figure 21. illustrates the overview of the entire project of the Water Cube
Figure 22. illustrates the Water Cube's geometric form
Figure 23. illustrates the overview of the entire project of the Esplanade Theater
Figure 24. illustrates a comparison of the percentage of savings for each case study
Figure 25. SDU Campus Kolding / Henning Larsen
Figure 26. SDU Campus Kolding / Henning Larsen façade
Figure 27. Esplanade cultural center façade
Figure 28. Esplanade cultural center
Figure 29. Design Framework
Figure 30. Occupant Room Movement Flow
Figure 31. Management Room Movement Flow
Figure 32. BCR maximum of 80%
Figure 33. FAR = 7.10
Figure 34. Illustration of total building areas
Figure 35. Existing houses in the site
Figure 36. Total of rooms for the vertical housing
Figure 37. site zoning
Figure 38. Function arrangement inside of building mass
Figure 39. Building mass exploration
Figure 40. Access circulation
Figure 41. Trees arrangement for noise reduction
Figure 42. Form exploration of energy efcient
Figure 43. L shaped form
Figure 44. Biomimetic principle of form

xi Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

Figure 45. Building section showing passive system

Figure 46. Building vioid
Figure 47. Electrical scheme
Figure 48. Sewerage scheme
Figure 49. Water distribution scheme
Figure 50. Electrical scheme
Figure 51. Fire protection system
Figure 52. Space conguration
Figure 53. Illustration of wind and heat in the unit
Figure 54. Building envelope exploration
Figure 55. Building elements exploration
Figure 56. Material performance
Figure 57. Building Explode
Figure 58. Axonometry unit
Figure 59. Passive system for building mass result
Figure 60. Elevation
Figure 61. 360 ow design simulation
Figure 62. Siteplan building access
Figure 63. Siteplan
Figure 64. 3D Visualization
Figure 65. Vegetation Arrangement Reason
Figure 66. Access Circulation for User
Figure 67. Building mass to support energy efcient
Figure 68. Building mass layout responding to wind
Figure 69. 360 wind ow simulation on Vertical housing
Figure 70. Building mass to support Biomimetics design
Figure 71. Passive system for building mass result
Figure 72. Building section
Figure 73. Facade detail
Figure 74. Simulation showing ow cross-ventilation
Figure 75. Building section showing skylight
Figure 76. Building section showing passive design
Figure 77. Water distribution scheme
Figure 78. Sewerage system scheme
Figure 79. Unit plan
Figure 80. Axonometric unit
Figure 81. Shading comparison
Figure 82. Sunpath simulation to determine the facade orientation
Figure 83. Siteplan and facade orientation
Figure 84. Sunpath simulation to determine the facade orientation
Figure 85. 360 Flow design simulation
Figure 86. Unit plan velux design simulation
Figure 87. Unit perspective velux design simulation
Figure 88. Siteplan

Davao City Vertical Housing xii

Final Architecture Design Studio

Figure 89. Groundoor

Figure 90. Typical oorplan
Figure 91. Elevations
Figure 92. Building section detail
Figure 93. Building Explode
Figure 94. Detail façade
Figure 95. Unit plan layout
Figure 96. Axonometric unit render
Figure 97. 3D perspective render
Figure 98. 3D Exterior perspective
Figure 99. 3D Communal area perspective
Figure 100. 3D Interior perspective

xiii Davao City Vertical Housing

Background Framework

ONE Problem Statement

Framework of Thinking
Design Method
Design Process
Chapter Overview: The introduction chapter
gives a general outline of the paper. From the
beginning to the end, learn about the issues
and how architectural design will help solve it.
Final Architecture Design Studio Studio


Davao City is a 1st class highly urbanized city in the island of Mindanao. it was populated 1,632,991 based on
the 2015 census. This translates to an average of four persons per household. The annual population growth rate is at
2.3% in 2015. This result as an issue related with spatial availability, especially in several locations at the center of the
city like Bucana. This area is now very dense due to the increasing number of migrants living in the area. Therefore, a
vertical dwelling is needed to accommodate this increase in population. Based on data from the World Green Building
Council one of the largest energy user sector is occupancy sector, energy consumption in the occupancy sector is
dominated by electrical energy that is 71 percent of total energy consumption in 2013. The amount of energy
consumption only includes energy activity in residential buildings. It proves that in the post-occupation phase and
building operations, residential buildings consume tremendous energy.

The problem arises due to the high cost of living in a housing mainly because of the energy usage, to achieve low
expense housing it needed Low Energy Consumption to lower the energy usage. This concept aiming so that the
energy fulllment of buildings can be suppressed and the residents there can improve their standard of living by
getting housing that is low expense and livable. One of the strategy of reducing energy is by using building envelope
mainly to minimize the usage of air-conditioning and articial lighting, by using Biomimetics as a approach that relies
on the building envelope for function. The main function of the building envelope is to provide the interior space with
an external shading system throughout the day allowing natural daylight and minimal heat. The application of the
Biomimetics approach on building envelope hoped that will become a building advantage and enhance housing
quality in Davao City.

2 Davao City Vertical Housing vi

Final Architecture Design Studio


Davao City population growth rate

Limited land in Davao city to build a place to live

electrical energy consumption in the Philippines from 2008 to 2017

Concept of vertical living for Davao City

Building envelope as a tool for energy management

Biomimetics as a concept on building envelope

Davao City Vertical Housing 3

Final Architecture Design Studio


1.3.1 Davao City Population Growth Rate Every It, like other major cities in the region, has seen a large
Year inux of poor people who have taken up residence in
insecure informal settlements. As a consequence,
infrastructure is typically one of the most important
problems in local economic planning. (Malaque,
Bartsch and Scriver, 2015).

1.3.3 Electrical energy consumption in the


Table 1. Growth rate data

Sources: (Household Electricity Consumption per Capita in the
Philippines from 2000 to 2016, 2012)

In 2017, the total electrical energy consumption

in the Philippines was about 94.4 billion kilowatt hours.
The overall consumption of electric energy in the
Table 2. energy consumption data
country has increased over the last ten years. It shows Sources: (Davao City Population 2021, n.d.)
every year the energy consumption will increased
therefore it needs responds to the building to lower the Davao City's 2021 population is now estimated at
energy usage. 1,866,401. In 1950, the population of Davao City was
124,034. Davao City has grown by 40,951 since 2015,
1.3.2 Limited land in the squatter area to which represents a 2.24% annual change. These
population estimates and projections come from the
build a place to live
latest revision of the UN World Urbanization Prospects.
These estimates represent the Urban agglomeration of
According to the NSO (2012), Davao City is the
Davao City, which typically includes Davao City's
only city outside the National Capital Area with a
population in addition to adjacent suburban areas. It
population of more than one million residents out of
predicted that in 2030 Davao City it will be heavily
the country's 33 highly urbanized cities. Davao City had
populated. (Davao City Population 2021, n.d.)
a population of 1.45 million people in 2012.

4 Davao City Vertical Housing vi

Final Final Architecture Design Studio

1.3.4 Building Typology and Ownership Generally, the basic concept of vertical housing policy is
to put people who usually come from landed condition
Due to the problem of informal settlers and land into vertical experience (Swasto DF, 2012). With respect
availability, building typology should be a residential to the situation of slums, the empty space created after
vertical housing. The building should be owned by the overcrowded building was replaced with a vertical
government because the problem arise from the local housing, then can be utilised as a green or open space.
residents of Davao city which is the government's There are several consequences associated with the
obligation that needed to solve. implementation of vertical housing approaches, such
as changes in the behaviour or habits of occupants, the
impact on the surrounding environment, changes in
the value of land and others. This condition is
categorized into physical, social and economic impact
by several authors. (Bratt RG & Galster G.)

Figure 1. Statement from Department of Human Settlements and

Urban Development 1.3.6 Building envelope as a tool for energy
Source: (https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1040861)
Many researchers have dened the term
Department of Human Settlements and Urban
"building skin." According to (Radwan & Osama, 2016),
Development (DHSUD) Secretary Eduardo del Rosario,
for example, it is the "The border via which a building's
acting as chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Social
relationship with its surroundings takes place". It reacts
Housing Finance Corp. (SHFC), has approved the loan
to light by forming layers and lters. The elements of
application for the resettlement of more than 200
air, moisture, sound, and heat are all present. "The
informal settlers families (ISFs) living along the Davao
capacity to sustain ideal internal conditions that
respond to the functions they carry is the most
prevalent trait."
1.3.5 Concept of vertical living for Davao City
The building envelope, according to (Radwan &
In general, authors (The Policy Press, Bristol) suggested Osama, 2016), is the barrier between the inside of a
that the term of vertical housing can be replaced with structure and the outside, and is dened as the building
the meaning of multi-storey housing. In addition, shell, fabric, or enclosure. (Radwan & Osama, 2016) on
(Chandler, et al). stated that this type of vertical housing the other hand, described the building envelope as the
is usually efcient, exible and be a good solution to location where the majority of energy and material
live for families and attractive for single occupants, as exchange takes place. It's how a building's identity is
compared to a single house, because it can save perceived. The facade and roof make up the building's
expenses for daily maintenance. It is also associated envelope. External walls, oors, roofs, ceilings,
with the capabilities and ease of adapting to the windows, and doors are all included.
situation in urban areas.

v Davao City Vertical Housing 5

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In conclusion building envelope is one of the strategy to To solve architectural problem of how the Biomimetics
manage energy use of the building and it is the way to concept on building envelope will solve the high energy
solve architectural problem of Davao City Vertical building consumption is by applying Durian principles
housing. where the sun shades were inspired from spikes on the
durian fruit to prevent overexposure of the spikes act as
a protective layer to the fruit.
1.3.7 Why Biomimetic concept as an approach
on building envelope
Since 1970, a key concern in the world has been
energy depletion, as well as high energy use in
buildings. Architects are trying to gure out how to
manage the energy usage of buildings. Biomimicry,
which is described as the applied science that draws
inspiration for solutions to human issues by studying
natural designs, systems, and processes, is one creative
method (Harper Collins, 1998). Building skin, which
covers the whole outside of a building, is a category of
biomimicry. It is the point at which a building's
interaction with its surroundings takes place.

Therefore Building envelope management may

signicantly lower the energy consumption of a

1.3.8 Energy efcient vertical housing with

Biomimetics concept on building envelope

In conclusion, in order to solve current general

problem of limited land in Davao City in needs to build
a Vertical housing, in other hand problem arises which
is high energy consumption of a building therefore it
needs to solve it.

One of the strategy is by managing building

envelope, in this case for building envelope design it
uses Biomimetics concept.

6 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio



General problem:

-How to accommodate the residence in Davao City that have Limited land issues?
-How to design Vertical Housing that have lower energy usage of the building?

Architectural problem:

-How to design Energy efcient building with Biomimetics concept on building envelope?
-How building envelope with Biomimetics approach will affect the energy consumption of the building?
-How Biomimetics principles can minimize the energy consumption of the building?


-Providing Vertical Housing that have good quality living space as a solution to limited land in Davao

-Designing a Vertical Housing with Energy efcient using Biomimetic building envelope that can lower
the energy consumption of the building.

-Designing building envelope using Biomimetic principles to lower the energy consumption of the

-Designing building envelope with chosen Biomimetic concept to achieve low energy consumption

Davao City Vertical Housing 7

Final Architecture Design Studio


limited land place to Vertical housing is expensive How Biomimetics on building

live for informal settlers due to the energy consumption envelope can achieve energy ISSUE
efceint building

How to design Vertical Housing for limited land issue

and informal settlers that have energy efcient building PROBLEM
by using Biomimetics concepts on building envelope

implement principles
Accommodate Design of building of chosen
with Vertical concept for energy PROBLEM
Biomimetics concept
housing efcient on building




Application of Biomimetics and approach

to achieve energy efcient building

Figure 2. Framework of thinking

Source: (Author, 2021)

8 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio


The design method for designing the "Davao City Vertical Housing with Energy Efcient Building Concepts
and Biomimetics Approach on Building envelope" is Performance-Based Design



Determine Target Determine Design

Performance Performance

Identify Specify Design

Architectural Performance

Figure 3. Performance-Based Design Framework

(Source: Author, 2021)

Preliminary design will be based on a literature review, which will include collecting secondary data
from scientic journals related to Vertical housing and Biomimetics design, as well as observing the existing
site condition and reading through government archives of aggregate quantitative data, building
regulations, and other relevant information. Visual and thermal improvement will be the primary
emphasis of design development. Physical conditions and journal references will be used to inform the
design process, which will then be recreated using software and computations.

The design method used in this research is biomimetic design method. The biomimetic design
method is a design method to solve architectural and non-architectural problems with inspiration from
nature, both forms or systems that are implemented in the process of design with the aim of designing
better sustainable solutions. Therefore, biomimetic design also maximizes the natural sources available
around the construction site to achieve these goals. This is in accordance with the design objectives in this

Davao City Vertical Housing 9

Final Architecture Design Studio


To solve issues that have stated, the process of this design phases includes:

1. Design Study Phase

The data and facts are collected in line with the context of the design issue during the design research problem
phase. Such information can take the form of eld data, precedent studies, and architectural theory connected to
the Vertical Housing, Energy Efcient Buildng, Building Envelope, and Biomimetics Concept.

2. Design Variable Analysis Phase

The design problem variable analysis phase begins with a review of the site context, which includes the map, area,
documents around the place, microclimate, accessibility, and surrounding circumstances. In addition to primary
data from the location, secondary data from literary books and journals on libraries in general, Vertical Housing,
Energy Efcient Buildng, Building Envelope, and Biomimetics Concept is used at this stage. The characteristics of
the concept and the research of libraries in general are facts that may be utilized as a reference in developing this

3. Design Concept Phase.

The design concept phase entails resolving an issue by developing idea alternatives based on the design research
and analysis of factors. These elements will be combined to create a Vertical Housing design with Biomimetics

4. Design Synthesis Phase

From the rst step to the concept phase, the concept that has been created and is mature will become a full design,
which can then be tested during the design test phase. The design test phase is used to determine whether the
design is suitable for the quality that must be achieved based on predetermined variables, such as Vertical
Housing, Energy Efcient Buildng, Building Envelope, and Biomimetics Concept, as well as to determine how well
the design of the design problem adheres to the design approach. The Vertical Housing, Energy Efcient Buildng,
Building Envelope, and Biomimetics Concept characteristics are used to create a checklist for design testing. In
addition, the checklist will be put through its paces using computational approaches to assess design quality.

10 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio


In order to avoid similarity in title and emphasis, it is necessary to review the existing nal project. The author searches for the
keyword "Vertical Housing" and "Energy Efcient Building", so we get several papers that are similar but different in design titles
and emphasis.

A. Tittle: Low Energy Bantul Boarding House Design Application of Passive System: Direct Lighting For Spatial
Management With Energy Efciency Approach

Author: Eko Hari Purwoko Bachelor Thesis Department Architecture Universitas Islam Indonesia
Discussion: Discusses building designs that can maximize solar energy can reduce the burden of using electrical energy
Differences/ Similarities: Has a different design location and similar in concept of energy efcient

B. Tittle: Energy Saving Flats in Jogjakarta Efciency Flat Houses in Jogjakarta

Author: Risyard Arief Triharja Bachelor Thesis Department Architecture Universitas Islam Indonesia
Discussion: Community settlements are built within the city. The dwellings are arranged in the form of ats or apartment blocks
equipped with places of worship, educational facilities up to high school, health facilities, shopping facilities, to sports and
recreation facilities.
Differences/ Similarities: Different design location,similar with building typology using similar concept


Author: Annisa Ramadhani Putri Bachelor Thesis Department Architecture Universitas Islam Indonesia
Discussion: the design that is tested is the design with OTTV calculations to nd out how much heat gain due to solar radiation
received by the building which will affect the use of energy to cool the building.
Differences/ Similarities: Using the energy efcient concept and design location


-From case 1 Low Energy Bantul Boarding House Design it Discusses building designs that can maximize solar energy can
reduce the burden of using electrical energy

-From case 2 Energy Saving Flats discusses Community settlements are built within the city. The dwellings are arranged in the
form of ats or apartment blocks equipped with places of worship, educational facilities up to high school, health facilities,
shopping facilities, to sports and recreation facilities..

-From case 3 Rest Area discusses about design that is tested is the design with OTTV calculations to nd out how much heat gain
due to solar radiation received by the building which will affect the use of energy to cool the building

Davao City Vertical Housing 11

Design process diagram
Contextual review
Site selection

TWO Regulation and building codes

Site condition
Preliminary design studies
Chapter Overview: The context analysis, literature reviews of Precedents
approaches, and precedent reviews are all included in the Design
Study chapter. In the end section of the article, the analysis is
included in the design principle, and the variables learned will be
used to assess design efciency during the design evaluation.
Final Architecture Design Studio


Analysis Problem statement

Architectural & Non-architectural

Data Collecting
Secondary data
Literature Review

Data analysis
Biomimetics design
Vertical housing


Evaluation Processed data
Initial Ideas


Final design
Synthesis Final design development

Figure 4. Design Mapping

(Source: Author, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 13

Final Architecture Design Studio



Figure 5. Site Location

(Source: Author, 2021)

Davao City is a heavily populated city in the Philippines' southern region. The city covers a gross land
area of 2,443.61 km2, making it the Philippines’s largest city by land area. It is the Philippines's third-most
populated city and the most populous in Mindanao. This triggers some urban problems such as lack of
livable place or slum settlements, rising temperatures in the middle of the city. The climate of Davao City is
categorized as tropical. Davao City receives heavy rainfall throughout the year. Even the driest month
receives a signicant amount of rain. Davao City has an average yearly temperature of 26.2 °C | 79.2 °F.
The annual precipitation is approximately 1787 mm | 70.4 inch.

14 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio



Location: SIR phase 1, Brg. 76-A Bucana, Matina Davao City

Total Site Area: 15,300 m2

Figure 6. Site
Source: (Author, 2021)

Figure 7. 3D site illustration

Source: (Author, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 15

Final Architecture Design Studio


The location was chosen by considering the location of The site formally used for residential area that is
the SIR phase 1, Brg. 76-A Bucana, Matina Davao City owned by the government of Davao City. The site has a
which is close in the side of the river with a fairly dense high-density population of informal settlers in total of
population. The area along the river is lled with slum 104 houses in the area. On average of 4.9 people in 1
settlements. In this area, the number of good quality family and based on the data family tend to have
housing is still lacking. Therefore it needed to resettled extended family so roughly in 1 family is having 8
with vertical housing. people. The land is owned by the government but it is
occupied by informal houses. Residence in the area
stayed almost about 50 years consequently the
government have a difculty of relocate them.

Figure 9. Site Ownership

Source: (Author, 2021)

2.3.4 SWOT Analysis of site

Located near to main road
Surrounded with public facilities
Proper and effective site shape

Weakness Noise from main road

Opportunity to have green area in the site

Opportunities since the site located in the middle of city

Figure 8. Existing Condition Flood from heavy rain and from close river
Source: (Author, 2021)

Table 3. SWOT analysis of selected site

Source: (Author, 2021)

16 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio


1 2 3

site location


Figure 10. Site neighborhood illustration

Source: (Author, 2021)

1 Multifunction room 4 Commercial area

(restaurant etc.)
2 Local ATM
5 Bus Terminal
3 Local Residential
Housing 6 Public Sport Facility

This facilities makes the site consideration stronger

because of the complete facilities for the user and it
has easy access, also this will support the concept of
energy efcient because the facility inside the building
will be lessen due of the availability of the facilities
outside the building.

Davao City Vertical Housing 17

Final Architecture Design Studio



site location


Figure 11. Site boundary illustration

Source: (Author, 2021)

Site Boundary

North : Local resident houses

South : Quimpo diversion road (Main road )
East : Local resident houses
West : Commercial area

The surrounding of the site is very dense in

mass and it is crowded. Local resident houses on
north and east means the northen part of site is
mainly houses. Diversion road on south is the main
road close to the site usually it is a busy street so the
noise must be avoid it. Commercial area on west is
similar on probability of noise coming from it at main
road west part also surrounded with restaurant.

18 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio


site location

Figure 12. Site accessbility illustration

Source: (Author, 2021)

Because the location is so close to the major

road, it has a designated pedestrian walkway, which
means there is adequate room to drop people off if
they commute by Jeepney (local transport). They
may then access the site immediately, or if they
utilize private transportation, they can also enter
and exit the site directly.

The suggestion site access also support the

energy efcient concept because it will lessen the
distance of a vehicle circulate inside the site
therefore it will reduce the usage of energy fossil
from the vehicle.

Davao City Vertical Housing 19

Final Architecture Design Studio


Table 4. Building codes of philippines


Group B – Residential (Buildings/Structures, Hotels and Apartments)

General USE Zoning Classication

Classication of
Use/Character of

Division B-1 1. All uses permitted in 1. All customary 1. All conditional uses in Residential R-3 - a high-
Divisions A-1 and A2 (or for accessory uses allowed R-1 and R-2 with density residentialuse or
R-1 class and R-2 class) in Divisions A-1 and A-2 appropriate regulations occupancy,characterized
buildings/structures (or for R-1 mainly as a lowrise or
2. Leased single-detached class and R-2 class) medium-rise building/
dwelling unit, cottage with buildings/ structures structure for exclusive
more than one (1) 2. Branch library and use as multiple family
independent unit and museum dwellings with mixed
duplexes 3. Hometel housing types. R-3
4. Vocational school structure may include
low-rise or medium rise
THE PHILIPPINES (PD 1096) that are already
commercial in nature
Davao vertical housing classied as Division B-1 Residential type R-3 which include low-rise or and scale. There shall
medium rise residential housing buildings. there are 2 types of R-3 and Davao vertical housing be two (2) general types
project is consider as Maximum R-3 type which medium-rise multi-level building/ structure of from of R-3 use or occupancy,
six (6) up to twelve (12) storeys in height and for use as multiple family dwellings. In apartments or to with:
residential condominiums of ve (5) storeys or more, at least one (1) passenger elevator shall be a. Basic R-3 : rowhouse
building/structure of
kept on twenty-four (24) hour constant service.
from one (1) storey up
to three (3) storeys in
Floor Area Requirement for Family Dwelling Unit height and with each
unit for separate use as
The minimum oor area of family condominium units shall be 36 square meters and 22 square single-family dwellings;
meters for open market and medium cost condominium project respectively. (HLURB, 2009) and
b. Maximum R-3 :
medium-rise multi-level
Building Coverage Ratio (KDB) Maximum of 80% building/ structure of
from six (6) up to twelve
(12) storeys in height
Floor Area Ratio (KLB) Min of 6-12 oors | 7.10 up to 8.10 and for use as multiple
family dwellings

Building boundaries (GSB) 8 meters

20 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio


2.5.1 Average Temperature in Davao City

Figure 13. Average Temperature

Source: (source: www.meteoblue.com, 2021)

Humans generally feel comfortable between temperatures of 22 °C to 27 °C therefore the average

temperature of Davao City is not too high it can be solve by using passive cooling design and not adding
active cooling like AC this will support and achive energy efcient building concept.

Davao City Vertical Housing 21

Final Architecture Design Studio

2.5.2 Relative Humidity in Davao City

Figure 14. Relative Humidity

Source: (source: weather-and-climate.com, 2021)

The average annual percentage of humidity is 81.0% On a year-round basis, the Relative Humidity is very high,
as can be seen in the graph. The comfort level is about 40% to 60%, so some adjustment is needed to make it
comfortable and addition of cross ventilation for every mass and room. (weather-and-climate, 2021)

22 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

2.5.3 Windrose

Figure 15. Windrose

Source: (source: www.meteoblue.com, 2021)

According to the windrose index, Davao City has the highest wind exposure rate from the north and northeast
to the south. The direction of the wind can inuence the shape and envelope of a building's architecture,
particularly when it comes to its orientation. It gives advantages to make opening in the north part of the
building to let airow enter to the building. (Meteoblue, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 23

Final Architecture Design Studio


24-30 celcius

Wind direction
19 km/h

Figure 16. Site condition

Source: (Author, 2021)

The setting of the Davao City location was considered and analyzed when designing this building. As a
result, this design was created specically for the Bucana region and would be inappropriate if constructed
elsewhere. According to prior data analysis, the average wind speed at the site is more than 19 km/h, and it
blows from the north to south . It is advised that the wind speed at the location be reduced since it is
excessively high. The sun shines from the east (the long side of the site) to the west (the short side) (west). This
is due to the fact that the site's long side (front side) faces north. The advantage of this site is clear since the
short side faces the sun as it rises and sets, allowing direct solar radiation to be minimized. Furthermore, the
site's long side faces directly into the wind, allowing the incoming wind to be used as an advantage when
planning building openings with a passive cooling design.

24 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio


2.7.1 Energy efcient building design 2.7.2 Vertical Housing

Energy efcient building design involves

constructing or upgrading buildings that are able to Residential architecture is a place where humans
get the most work out of the energy that is supplied to grow and develop physically and psychologically, most
them by taking steps to reduce energy loss such as of the time human life is in the house.
decreasing the loss of heat through the building

(US Green Building Council, 2015) Energy

efcient homes, whether they are renovated to be
more efcient or a built with energy efciency in mind,
pose a signicant number of benets. Energy efcient
homes are less expensive to operate, more
comfortable to live in, and more environmentally
friendly. (Natural Resources Canada, 2015)
Figure 17. Vertical Building
Inefciencies that are not removed in the Source: (Sabaruddin, 2018)
building process can pose issues for years. However,
keeping energy efcient building design in mind when Vertical occupancy is a way to resolve urban land
construction is underway is a more effective way to density which results in the absence of an area that can
approach making a home more efcient, which is less be used to build landed houses. Vertical housing can be
expensive for a homeowner in the long run. Building a solution to fullling one's rights to housing
codes exist around the world to ensure that buildings experiencing land crises. Vertical occupancy is the
are energy efcient to a certain degree, however result of the change and evolution of the socio-culture
sometimes it is wise to go above and beyond these of the world community which is inuenced by the
recommendations to have an even more energy events of the industrial revolution. This event occurred
efcient home.(Natural Resources Canada, 2015) As in the 18th century in England, nally began to spread
well, since a house operates as a system, a home must to various parts of the world. Indonesia started in the
be looked at as a whole in order to fully increase the 20th century, this was due to changes in the agrarian
energy efciency. For example, expensive heating and lifestyle into an industry that occurred at that time.
cooling equipment do nothing to improve the energy (Sabaruddin, 2018) 
performance of the house if insulation isn't keeping
heat in during the winter and out in the summer.
(Natural Resources Canada, 2015)

Davao City Vertical Housing 25

Final Architecture Design Studio

2.7.3 Building design parameters considering low economic users Building construction cost to support EE Choose of building materials

Hotels, motels, ats, dorms, barracks, condos, Pre-fabrciated is recommended in the vertical
and multi-family housing are typically built in mid-rise housing materials this is to support low cost that
structures, which range in height from three to nine includes steel, concrete etc.
oors. The cost and conguration of the structure are
heavily inuenced by structural features. As a result,
choose the proper material is crucial. Every additional
square foot added to a project increases the building
owner's potential revenue. Greater storeys and density
equal more money from the same amount of land. For
the building construction the Vertical housing mainly
using concrete. Concrete is so integral to the
communities because it is the only building material
that cost-effectively delivers the lowest carbon
footprint for a structure or pavement over its life cycle,
unparalleled strength, durability, longevity and
resilience for after construction performance. Also
concrete maximized energy efciency via thermal mass
to support EE and low maintenance costs. Operational cost consideration

To support energy efcient concept the vertical

housing is not using active air-conditioning system and
using less articial lighting because of the passive
system that will be applied in the building system

26 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio Steel as a material for the facade Maintenance cost consideration

Considering affordability maintenance cost

must be low, for that the vertical housing mainly using
concrete structure which concrete outlasts other
building materials by decades and actually
strengthens with time. This lowers the overall cost of
ownership while also reducing the environmental
effect of more regular maintenance or reconstruction. Local craftmanship Davao City


The Vertical housing project will collaborate with

local company which is Ulticon Builders Incorporated
Figure 18. FoM-EE Acceptability Criteria for Metals
Source: (Sabnis & Pranesh, 2017) that has been established since 1993. The company
focuses its business on infrastructure development, an
area of activity it considers important and vital to the
Figure 18 shows that steel falls into Q1 with a socio-economic development of the country. This
low FoM value and low embodied energy, making it strategy also makes its construction management and
the most suited material. When recycled steel is monitoring cost effective resulting in minimum
utilized, its applicability improves. The embodied mobilization cost and better utilization of its
energy of virgin steel is approximately 12 to 15% construction equipment and facilities.
more than that of recycled steel. Stainless steel,
brass, and aluminum, which are all in quadrant 4,
are not suited as sustainable building materials.
(Sabnis & Pranesh, 2017)

Davao City Vertical Housing 27

Final Architecture Design Studio

2.7.4 Biomimicry Problem-solving approach to biology

(Design to biology): Biomimicry Denition This method is inspired by biology and involves a

series of phases that are either non-linear or dynamic
in nature. In the loops, this offers input as well as
Many researchers have attempted to characterize renement (Yowell, J., 2011). The designers use this
Biomimicry. Biomimicry, for example, is "a modern method to look for solutions by rst identifying the
discipline that explores nature's best concepts and problem. This encourages the scientists to look for an
then imitates the designs and processes to solve organism that has addressed a challenge comparable
human problems," (Benyus, J.M., 1998) according to to the one at hand. The objective of the problem-
Benyus. Though Pederson Zari pointed out that one of based approach is to identify goals and design
the challenges facing architects is the lack of a constraints. (Mazzoleni, I., 2013)
consistent concept from the many alternatives
available to them in their projects. As a result, it's The solution-oriented strategy From
critical to assess the right way for thoroughly
biology to architecture:
implementing the best Biomimicry system and reaping
the benets (Zari, M.P. 2007). Biomimicry, on the other
The biology inuence design, bottom up approach,
hand, is described by Guber as "the study of
and solution driven biological inspired design are all
overlapping elds of biology and architecture that
terms used to describe this method. This method is
demonstrate creative potential for architectural
utilized when the design process is based on
problems." (Bar-Cohen Y., 2005)
biologists' and scientists' scientic understanding
rather than human design difculties. For example, Various ways of incorporating scientic examination of lotus blooms that emerged
biomimicry into design clean from swamp water resulted in a slew of new
designs. This includes the STO Lotusan, which lets a
structure to clean itself (Zari, M.P. 2007).
Biomimicry is a rapidly developing topic of research in
architecture and engineering since it provides new Biomimicry levels
and inspiring solutions. While creating the prospect of
sustainability in the built environment, The problem-
When tackling a design challenge, there are three
based approach and the solution-based approach are
major degrees of Biomimicry that may be used. Form,
two primary methods to the design process in
process, and ecosystem are some of them ( Steadman,
Biomimicry, according to researchers.
P. 2008.). A solution can be found in nature by
examining the organism or ecosystem, shape, and
process. It's crucial to gure out which part of biology is
replicated for this application (Webb, S., 2005). This is
referred to as leveling.

28 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio Application of Biomimicry in different elds

Biomimicry is being used in a variety of disciplines. Biomimicry has been used in a variety of sectors, including
transportation, the automobile industry, electronics, and textiles. Biomimicry research can provide new technical
improvements and contribute to advancements in a variety of sectors (Rankouhi, A, 2012).

Table 5. Applications of Biomimicry in architecture

Source: (Dr.Gehan.A.N.Radwana* & Arch. Nouran Osama, 2016)

Davao City Vertical Housing 29

Final Architecture Design Studio Building envelope as a tool for

energy management

Many researchers have dened the term "building

skin." According to (Rankouhi, 2012), for example, it is
the "The border via which a building's relationship with
its surroundings takes place". It reacts to light by
forming layers and lters. The elements of air,
moisture, sound, and heat are all present. "The
capacity to sustain ideal internal conditions that
respond to the functions they carry is the most
prevalent trait." Biomimicry and Building skin

It is necessary to examine the similarities between

building skin and biomimicry in order to draw
analogies. This involves assessing the key parallels
and driving forces that inuence both nature and the
architectural design process (Mazzoleni, I., 2013). The
skeleton (structure) of a building is covered with a thin
membrane that governs the organs (mechanical,
plumbing, and electrical) and denes the interior
areas. The building skin is comparable to real skin in
that it is made up of layers and lters that react to light,
air, moisture, sound, and heat in the same way as
natural skin does. Natural skin is known for its capacity
to sustain interior conditions while being responsive to
its function. The building skin, like real skin, serves as a
barrier between the regulated and uncontrolled
environments. It is the consequence of both internal
and external forces arranged in a certain way. They
both serve as lters in the process of permitting and
preventing certain items from entering and exiting
(Yowell, J., 2011).

30 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio Analytical Comparison Study of Precedent for Biomimetic Concept

This section of the paper will present an analytical study of three international examples of Biomimicry
approaches on Building skin for reducing energy consumption, focusing on techniques and strategies used, with the
goal of obtaining a Biomimicry design matrix that abstracts characteristics from various natural organisms to achieve
the desired goals. The Council House 2, Melbourne CH2

(CH2) is a ten-story sustainable structure located in Melbourne, Australia. It was constructed between 2004 and
2006, and it was designed by the City of Melbourne in collaboration with Mick Pearce in design Inc. The structure's
design was highly creative since it questioned established methods to sustainability and architectural design by
mimicking the bark of a tree. Design to biology was the biomimic method (Webb, S., 2005). The green rating of the
building is. The CH2 is an amalgamation of art and science. It was centered on connecting the building to its exterior
environment and live creatures surrounding it in order to achieve the goals. As a result, it responds to its surroundings
holistically (Webb, S., 2005).

The Council House Aims Design Concept Outcomes

-Energy Efciency -Air is 100% ltered

-Sustainable -Natural lighting and

ventilation saved by
-Usage of natural 65%
-Maximizes natural
-Light house

Figure 18. illustrates the overview of the entire project of the Council House
Source: (Dr.Gehan.A.N.Radwana* & Arch. Nouran Osama, 2016)

Davao City Vertical Housing 31

Final Architecture Design Studio

The use of biomimicry was evident throughout

the structure. The west facade, for example, is the
tree's epidermis. It was inspired by how the exterior
climate would be moderated by the facade. The north
and south facades were modeled like the tree's
bronchi. As illustrated in [gure 0], these were used
as wind pipes and allowed for air ducts on the outside
of the CH2. The eastern core and facade, which
included the service core and toilets, were designed
to seem like tree bark (gure 0). In the ventilated
moist region areas beyond, the skin served as a
protective barrier, ltering light and air. Finally, in
order to attach the louvers, the overlapping layers of
the facade are made with perforated metal with
polycrabonate walling (Webb, S., 2005).

Figure 19. wind pipes on the north facade & overlapping layers of the facade
Source: (Dr.Gehan.A.N.Radwana* & Arch. Nouran Osama, 2016)

The design approach was benecial since it

resulted in the separation of typical industrial
solutions. Despite the fact that future buildings may
not look like the CH2, the CH2 symbolizes a living
kind of architecture (Webb, S., 2005). As a
consequence, it was decided that future structures
should include the following features:

Ÿ Interact with the surroundings

Ÿ Communicate climate and culture
Ÿ Facades should communicate orientation.

32 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio Water cube, Beijing

The Beijing National Aquatic Centre, commonly known as the water cube, was constructed between 2004 and
2007 primarily for the 2008 Olympic Games. Chriss Boss, Tristam Carfrae, PTW Architects, CSCEC, CCDL, and Arup
designed the four-story structure. The Biomimic was demonstrated in the structure by simulating the shape of soup
bubbles, which also reected the fundamental swimming ideal. Biomimicry is a design approach to biology (The China
National Aquatic Center, 2007).

Water cube Aims Design Concept Outcomes

-Energy Efciency -Energy reduction by

greenhouse -Capturing solar
-Isolation of indoor
and outdoor -Reduction of
environment articial lighting by

Figure 20. illustrates the overview of the entire project of the Water Cube
Source: (Dr.Gehan.A.N.Radwana* & Arch. Nouran Osama, 2016)

The building skin has to be able to partition the spaces into equal-sized cells while still containing a little amount
of surface area. At the same time, in order to be energy efcient, the building skin required to collect solar radiation.
Tristan Carfrae, the water cube's creator, discovered that earlier scientists, such as Lord Kelvin, established in the 19th
century that the tetrakaidechedron allows a space to be split into equal-sized cells with the least amount of surface area
between them. Plateau, a Belgian scientist, has studied soap bubbles and the principles that govern how they connect
three faces together to form a line. The surface area and surface energy of the soap layers in the bubbles can be
reduced. Because the surface tension of the partitions lowers the surface area of the bubbles, this coincidentally solved
Kelvin's query. The most economical technique to split a space turned out to be geometry (The China National Aquatic
Center, 2007).

Davao City Vertical Housing 33

Final Architecture Design Studio

As a result, the strategy was to view the foam array in a certain orientation before removing the foam block to
acquire the structure's geometry. It is built around a repeating unit that is tiled in 3D space, rotated, and then sliced
across the axes to produce the geometric form seen in [gure 5]. Even though the geometric structure is very regular,
it seems entirely random and organic when viewed from a specic perspective. The transparent building skin
combines the mystery of the bubble system with the transparency of water. As a consequence, it engages people
both inside and outside of the building to feel water (The China National Aquatic Center, 2007).

Figure 21. illustrates the Water Cube's geometric form

Source: (Dr.Gehan.A.N.Radwana* & Arch. Nouran Osama, 2016)

Through the use of a biomimic methodology, the Water Cube was able to accomplish a number of environmental
benets, including an energy efcient design and the completion of all challenges and objectives. The following are
some of the outcomes:Energy costs reduced by 30%
Articial illumination has been decreased by 55%.
Ÿ Green house project
Ÿ Visitors get a taste of water transparency. Through effective ltration and backwash systems, rainwater is collected
and recycled.
Ÿ ETFE energy savings are comparable to solar panels covering the entire roof.
Ÿ Solar energy is captured and utilised for heating to the tune of 20%.

The Water Cube was designed using biomimicry to nd a geometric form that maximized surface area in a three-
dimensional environment while being energy efcient. There were several biomimicry lessons learnt in this
endeavor, including (The China National Aquatic Center, 2007):

Ÿ Nature's experience in the context of the environment

Ÿ Facades should convey a sense of direction.
Ÿ Creating a receptive and welcoming atmosphere
Ÿ Geometry and spontaneous form creation are extremely important.

34 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio The Esplanade Theatre, Marina bay

The structure is a two-story structure built by DP architects, Micheal Wilford. The Esplanade Theatre is located
near the historic Singapore River in Marina Bay. After the rst design was criticized for including too much glass and
being too Western, the decision to employ a Biomimic approach was made. The design was also chastised for being
disrespectful to Singapore's tropical environment. As a result, the new design sought to create a structure that reacts to
its surroundings and culture while remaining traditional. The building skin, which is inspired on the biology of the
tropical durian fruit, is one-of-a-kind in that it offers shade and repetition in the face of the scorching temperature,
borrowing inspiration from nature. The structure, which was nished in 2007, takes a biomimic approach to life (Asian
building and construction, 2001).

Esplanade theater Aims Design Concept Outcomes

-Energy Efciency -Energy reduction by

greenhouse -Capturing solar
-Isolation of indoor
and outdoor -Reduction of
environment articial lighting by

Figure 22. illustrates the overview of the entire project of the Esplanade Theater
Source: (Dr.Gehan.A.N.Radwana* & Arch. Nouran Osama, 2016)

Design concept
Sun shades were inspired by the spikes on the durian fruit to avoid overexposure to the sun. The spikes, like the
Esplanade theatre's sunshields (Bar-Cohen Y., 2005), function as a protective covering for the fruit. Sunshields made of
aluminum are built into each shell. The form is representative of traditional Asian culture and provides a sense of
serenity. The sunshades on the east and west façade (Bar-Cohen Y., 2005), which get the most sun and heat, are the
longest. The north and south facades, on the other hand, were signicantly smaller. The theatre is made of steel. Both
the interior and exterior layers are connected by an internal grid and bracing system. Natural materials such as wood
and stone were employed in various parts of the theatre. The majority of the oors are stone-paved. Sandstone
cladding is also used on the inside walls. The triangle shades are composed of insulating glass with aluminum ttings at
the corners.

Davao City Vertical Housing 35

Final Architecture Design Studio

The playhouse has a number of environmental

consequences. The building's dynamic sun shield
made it a landmark, and its Biomimic inuence gave
it a distinct Singaporean identity. At the same time,
the Biomimicry method addressed the difculties that
had been expressed by the public (Asian building and
construction, 2001). The following are some of the

Ÿ Provides a comfortable atmosphere for users

Ÿ Provides protection from Singapore's heat Allows

Ÿ natural light to penetrate while protecting the

interior from overheating

Ÿ HVAC usage was reduced. Many of the lessons

acquired, such as the use of biomimicry, were used
to tackle the primary challenges that arose
throughout the design process. The application of
biomimicry permitted the following:

Ÿ Instilled a feeling of culture in the structure

Ÿ Patterns and geometry are used

Ÿ Use of a sun path to offer protection in places where

it is essential

36 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio Case Study Comparison

-Protection of spikes
against heat
-Durians form allow
for optimum view of
the bay

Table 6. Case study comparison

Source: ((Dr.Gehan.A.N.Radwana* & Arch. Nouran Osama, 2016)

Davao City Vertical Housing 37

Final Architecture Design Studio Object Matrix Criteria case 1 case 2 case 3

Comparing the case studies and their aims is the Efciency Energy savings 82% 30% 30%
next stage in obtaining building skins design Natural ventilation and 65% 55% 45%
guidelines. An analysis of the numerous criteria lighting

satised throughout the three case studies was done, as Air ltration
shown in [table 0], in order to evaluate the level of
Working with natural
energy efciency and the strength of each case study. environment

Heat protection
Ÿ Case study 1: CH2
Ÿ Case Study 2: Water Cube Visual comfort

Ÿ Case Study 3: Esplanade theatre

Following sun path

Key: Usage Photovoltaic

panels and solar panels

Ÿ Fullled HVAC level lowered 20% 30% 15%

Materials Recyclable
Ÿ Partially fullled
Ÿ Not fullled
Approach Biology to design

DISCUSSION: Design to biology

The overall cost reductions are a direct result of the many Biomimic Organism

criteria that were achieved during the project. Solar panels, the Level Behavior
sun path map, and visual comfort, for example, all contributed to
the ultimate result of overall energy savings, HVAC savings, and Ecosystem
natural lighting and ventilation. for each case study, shows the
proportion of savings (Figure 0) Table 7. Case study comparison table
Source: (Dr.Gehan.A.N.Radwana* & Arch. Nouran Osama, 2016)

The most efcient and strongest case study was Percentage of Saving
Council House 2, as indicated in (Figure 0), since its
overall savings were the largest when compared to the Case study 3
other two case studies. The most recyclable and
renewable material was used in the rst case study. It Case study 2
exploited the primary qualities of a tree in terms of
energy efciency and thoroughly ltered its air. It also Case study 1
made the best possible use of its biomimic analogies.
However in Davao Vertical housing the suitable case to 0 20 40 60 80 100
apply is Case 3 because of the climate context of the HVAC Savings
case which is tropical climate that as we know it is the Figure 23. illustrates a comparison of the percentage of savings for each case study
same with Indonesia and different from the 2 cases. Source: (Dr.Gehan.A.N.Radwana* & Arch. Nouran Osama, 2016)

38 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

2.8.5 Precedent for Building envelope to support energy efcient SDU Campus Kolding / Henning Larsen

Architects: Henning Larsen

Area: 13700 m²
Year: 2014

The building's facade is an integral element of it,

and together they form a distinct and varied expression.
Throughout the day and year, the amount of daylight
changes and varies. As a result, Kolding Campus has
dynamic solar shading that adapts to changing weather
and usage patterns to deliver optimal sunshine and a
suitable internal environment along the façade.
(Archdaily SDU Campus kolding, 2021)

As the conclusion this design can inspired for the

Davao City vertical housing to support the concept of
energy efcient by creating facade that allow daylight
enters the building and allow airow enter the building
through facade and minimizing the heat gain from the

Area that have

facade in
respond to the

Figure 24. SDU Campus Kolding / Henning Larsen Figure 25. SDU Campus Kolding / Henning Larsen facade
Source: (Archdaily SDU Campus kolding, 2021) Source: (Archdaily SDU Campus kolding, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 39

Final Architecture Design Studio The Esplanade Theatre, Marina bay

Architects: Michael Wilford & Russell Johnson

Year: 2002

Sun shades were inspired by the spikes on the

durian fruit to avoid overexposure to the sun. The
spikes, like the Esplanade theatre's sunshields (Bar-
Cohen Y., 2005), function as a protective covering for
the fruit. Sunshields made of aluminum are built into
each shell. The sunshades on the east and west façade
(Bar-Cohen Y., 2005), which get the most sun and
heat, are the longest. The north and south facades, on
the other hand, were signicantly smaller. The theatre
is made of steel. Both the interior and exterior layers
are connected by an internal grid and bracing system.

As the conclusion this design can inspired for the

Davao City vertical housing to support both the
concept of energy efcient and Biomimetic by creating
facade that inspired by durian spike and facade that
protect the building from overexposure to the sun.

Figure 27. Esplanade cultural center

Source: (Esplanade cultural center, 2021)

Figure 26. Esplanade cultural center facade

Source: (Esplanade cultural center, 2021)

40 Davao City Vertical Housing

Space programming
Building system concepts

THREE Interior unit

Building envelope concept
Material and construction
Chapter Overview:

The idea exploration in this chapter is based on

the design research from the previous chapter. A few
options were created based on the theory and
variables, from which the best one could be chosen.
Final Architecture Design Studio

Conceptual Framework

implement principles
Accommodate Design of building of chosen
with Vertical concept for energy PROBLEM
Biomimetics concept
housing efcient on building




Application of Biomimetics and approach

to achieve energy efcient building

Figure 28. Design Framework

Source: (Author, 2021)

To ensure that the design process in this building proceeds in a logical order, a conceptual framework is created,
starting with the broadest design components such as climate, location, and neighborhood and working down to the
smallest design elements such as ME systems and other building systems. Furthermore, the conceptual framework is
utilized as a guide and benchmark to ensure that the design process in this building stays on track with the specied
topic and theme. This design framework was also created to ensure that the complete building design can address all
planned design issues. A biomimetic design method is used to create a conceptual foundation for a community hub:

42 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.1 Space Programming for Davao City Vertical Housing

3.1.1 User Activity and it’s function in Davao

City Vertical Housing

Figure 30. Management Room Movement Flow

Source: (Author, 2021)

Figure 29. Occupant Room Movement Flow The manager will also start the movement from
Source: (Author, 2021)
the entrance, then will be given 2 options, namely
lobby and parking. Then the manager will go directly to
Initially the occupants will pass through the the manager's ofce where access can be through the
entrance / building entrance, then there will be 2 lobby. The management ofce will have 5 main rooms,
further room options. Parking aims to accommodate namely a living room, work room, pantry, toilet and
residents who bring motorized vehicles. Later there will warehouse
be basement parking and parking on the ground oor.
Meanwhile, going directly to the lobby aims for The rooms in this residence will be divided into 3 types,
residents who do not use vehicles. The lobby room will namely:
also be the axis or center of the support room in this
vertical residence. The lobby will have access to a 1. Main Room, which is a room that will often be used
prayar room, Communal Area, and Health Facilities. as an activity area for users building
Then the occupants will go to their respective 2. Supporting Room, which is a room that will support
residential rooms on the 1st oor. The residential activities and activities building users
rooms will have 4 main rooms, namely a bedroom, 3. Service Room, which is a room that will support other
pantry, toilet and balcony. rooms.

Davao City Vertical Housing 43

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.1.2 Space Programming for the vertical housing

The amount of space below is determined based on the standard size of space from several sources such as
Architect Data, Standard Time Saver for Buildings, and Architect Handbooks. The size of the space is also determined
based on the author's analysis of the studies that have been carried out in accordance with the typology of the
building and the applied concepts.

5 4 th

6 5 th

Roof water tank

Table 8. Programming
Source: (Author, 2021)

44 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.1.3 Determining area based on building codes

BCR =80%

FAR = 7.10

Figure 31. BCR maximum of 80%

Figure 32. FAR = 7.10
Source: (Author, 2021)
Source: (Author, 2021)

Total oors
Building Coverage Ratio (KDB) Maximum of 80% Setback 8m 11 oors

Floor Area Ratio (KLB) 7.10

Total oor
108.630 m2

Building boundaries (GSB) 8 meters

Ground oor area Ground oor area
9.180 m2 9.180 m2
Total site area
BCR = Total area x BCR Total site area 15.300 m2
= 15.300 x 60% Using 60% of BCR to provide 15.300 m2
= 9.180 m2 more green area in the site
Figure 33. Illustration of total building areas
FAR = FAR x Total area Source: (Author, 2021)
= 7.10 x 15,300
= 108.630 m2 It concluded that the design of Vertical housing is using mid-
rise building because to support and considering affordability for the
concept. The building required a elevator because it reaches the
Total oors = FAR / BCR
minimum requirement of 5 storeys.
= 108.630 / 9.180
= 11.8
= 11 Floors

Davao City Vertical Housing 45

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.1.4 Resettlement for the informal settlers

in the site

The site has a high-density population of

informal settlers in total of 104 houses in the area. On
Total oors
average of 4.9 people in 1 family roughly the total of 11 oors
user of the vertical housing is 520 people and also
considering extended family therefore the vertical
housing should able to resettle it. Total oor
108.630 m2
The size of unit consider the standard of Davao
city which minimum of 36 sqm, and to accommodate
average of 8 people per family the unit should be 3BR Ground oor area
9.180 m2
type of unit which has 54 to 108 sqm.

Total site area

15.300 m2

to accommodate 104 houses

the vertical should have 104
rooms for the resettlement

Figure 35. Total of rooms for the vertical housing

Source: (Author, 2021)

Figure 34. Existing houses in the site

Source: (Author, 2021)

46 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.2 Site planning for energy efcient based on Davao City climate respond

3.2.1 Site zoning responding to Davao City 3.2.2 Function arrangement inside of the
climate building mass

Site zoning is divided into three zones, namely

the building mass zone, the pavement zone and the
green zone. Zoning plots are placed based on existing
conditions around the site in Davao. The pavement
zone is located at the front of the site and is mostly for
circulation and vehicle parking areas. In the green MASS 2
zone is placed around the building with the aim of
supporting the Energy efcient concept in Vertical MASS 1
buildings and reducing the noise that coming from parking lot Lobby/
public area
green area

south part of the site, namely by creating harmony with

the environment around the site. The building mass
zone is in the middle of the site where the vertical
housing are built

Figure 37. Function arrangement inside of building mass

Source: (Author, 2021)

Lobby for main space and as well as entrance

Building could be placed in the center of building this to user
easily access and circulate from both 2 building
parking lot
green area masses. Followed up 2 big masses for the main
function of rooms for the vertical housing. Supporting
function are place outside of the mass zone namely
green area and parking lot.

Figure 36. site zoning

Source: (Author, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 47

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.2.3 Building mass arrangement concepts responding to Davao City




space for
parking lot public area

Figure 38. Building mass exploration

Source: (Author, 2021)

It can be seen from the Climatology Data in As the result the vertical housing have 3 masses
Chapter 2 that rst, sunshine arrives mostly from the and for the center it is for the lobby which will be lower
east side of the site, and second, the highest wind that the mass 1 and mass 2. The mass orientation
current comes from the north to the south. The reaction turned 45 degrees to avoid direct hit of the sunlight this
of the sun would most likely be determined by the mass will help reduced the heat gain by the building. The
of the building. The wind current course, on the other staggered layout also optimize passive cooling for the
hand, needed to be steered a little to ensure that the building because it helps in accentuating wind
wind breezed through the site and the building. movement.
Directing the highest wind current. As a result,
achieving a stronger cross ventilation scheme in a
building mass would be simpler.

48 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.2.4 Access circulation to support user’s 3.2.5 Vegetation Arrangement to Reduce

accessibility in the vertical housing Surrounding Noise from the main road
and responding to windrose

in e dropoff
ma site

Building Building
masses masses

parking lot parking lot



Figure 39. Access circulation Figure 40. Trees arrangement for noise reduction
Source: (Author, 2021) Source: (Author, 2021)

The main entrance is from the secondary road In terms of the noise source, it is necessary to
simply because the main road to busy and crowded it cancel the noise at the source. Because the noise
will cause trafc. Because of the different locations and source is located in the south side of the area, some
placements of each function on the site. Users going vegetation must be planted there to cancel or reduce
via the inner lobby, users should be able to travel from the noise. In the case of windrose, because the greatest
one location to another through a lobby/ public area. wind was blowing from north to south, a change in
This accessibility idea can be supplemented by a window was required. Window may be directed to
specialized circulation building in the middle, from the building mass using vegetation as a wind guider,
which people can reach the both mass on the side. supporting cross ventilation system concept.

Davao City Vertical Housing 49

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.3 Buildings form and its systems concepts for energy efcient and Biomimetics
3.3.1 Energy efcient passive approach for 3.3.2 Applying principle of Biomimetics
vertical housing buildings form durian concept to the building mass

wind flow N
Figure 41. Form exploration of energy efcient
Source: (Author, 2021)

The form is created by 2 masses and using void at Figure 43. Biomimetic principle of form
Source: (Author, 2021)
the center this help accentuating the wind the comes
from north part of the site. The 2 masses formed into L
shape so that it also give more surface to hit by the From the analytical study of chapter 2 it
wind. concluded that the durian concept has the principle of
the spike protecting the fruit from overexposure sun.
more surface The two masses were inspired by the spikes on the
durian fruit to avoid overexposure to the sun. As the
result the two masses located at the east and west part
of the site which get the most sun and heat are the
longest this concept is to minimize direct heat from the
sun. on the other hand it allow wind to pass through
into the center of the masses.

Figure 42. L shaped form

Source: (Author, 2021)

50 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.3.3 Davao City vertical housing passive

building systems for energy efciency Application of facade building supporting Application of void in the building for
energy efcient performance Cross Ventilation and Daylighting purpose

natural daylighting

facade supporting Biomimetics

natural ventilation

offset slabs

Figure 44. Building section showing passive system

Source: (Author, 2021)

The Davao vertical housing is applied with

Figure 45. Building vioid
passive strategies including daylighting, natural air Source: (Author, 2021)
ventilation and building orientation. Using also the
facade of durian principle applied in the part of the The introduction of voids is one of the most
building but still allowing wind and sunlight enters. signicant architectural solutions for improving natural
Also in attempt of minimizing direct sunlight the slab ventilation in Vertical housing. The void is the passive
on every oor is offset and the length will be based on architectural element found in the center of both
the calculation of sunpath simulation. masses. It's critical to think about how voids are
congured in structures to improve natural ventilation,
The Davao vertical housing is not using active AC especially in multi-story dwellings.
because the temperature of Davao City is not too high
for the comfort of people therefore passive systems can This also helps to reduce the high humidity in Davao
solve it and high humidty and can be solve by cross city which will affect in the comfort for the user

Davao City Vertical Housing 51

Final Architecture Design Studio Electrical building system for Davao City Clean water distribution system for Davao
vertical housing City vertical housing

Figure 46. Electrical scheme

Source: (Author, 2021)

The building will use 2 electrical source. Main

source come from the PLN and the alternative using
Generator set. The system from PLN, the voltage
changed by transformator, then go to Medium Voltage
Main Distribution Panel (MVMDP) then to Low Voltage
Main Distribution Panel (LVMDP), then to Divide panel
in every story. then go to meter unit on every unit for
electricity distribution. Electrical building system for Davao City

vertical housing
Figure 48. Water distribution scheme
Source: (Author, 2021)

The system of clean water is using down feed

system which is the water from source pumped to
ground tank rst then pumped to roof tank, then
distributed to all the oor by gravitation force.

Source: (Author, 2021)

The system of sewerage water, the pipe go to IPAL

separated to grey water and black water. Shaft
sewerage at the core and continue to Sewerage

52 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio Drainage system for Davao City vertical


The rain water will be distributed to

gutter,then vertical pipe and will be
collected at rain water harvest, or if its
enough water it will delivered directly to the
inltration well.

Figure 49. Electrical scheme

Source: (Author, 2021) Fire protection system for Davao City

vertical housing

emergency stair
completed with
pressure Z fan

Figure 50. Fire protection system

Source: (Author, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 53

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.4 Vertical housing building interior to accommodate resettled users

3.4.1 Space conguration for Vertical housing room and Ventilation indoor quality

Maintain and improve air quality inside room

by doing the introduction of outdoor air in
accordance with the ventilation rate
requirements for health of building users.

Figure 51. Space conguration

Source: (Author, 2021)

tested space conguration that is

suitable for the heat comfort
mainly the hot side is in the edge
to counter that it need shading on

Figure 52. Illustration of wind and heat in the unit

Source: (Author, 2021)

54 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.5 Building envelope concepts considering Biomimetics and energy efcient

3.5.1 Biomimetic approach for vertical

housing building envelope



The building envelope in this building is used for

daylight control and allowing airow pass through the
facade and avoiding direct sunlight enter the building.
Using facade that inspired from SDU Campus Kolding
where the facade has dynamic solar shading that
adapts to changing weather and usage patterns to
deliver optimal sunshine and a suitable internal
environment along the façade.

The designed also to support the concept of cross

ventilation in the building to solve the high humidity of
Davao City, mainly the material of facade using
perforated steel as a way wind ow enter the building.
The design of facade support the concept of Biomimetic
principles of Durian where the facade act as a spike
protecting building from overexposure sun.
Figure 53. Building envelope exploration
Source: (Author, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 55

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.5.2 Building elements responding to

energy efcient concept


The length of facade

determine in chapter 4
where sunpath simulation
it use.

Figure 54. Building elements exploration

Source: (Author, 2021)

In supporting energy efcient building the It also makes cross ventilation system in the
Vertical housing is not using active AC because the building in respond of high humidity in Davao City. The
average temperature of Davao City based on chapter 2 length of the facade in every part of the is determine by
exploration is not too high and it can be solve by sunpath that will be used in chapter 4
passive design. As a result by adding facade that
allowing window and daylight enter the building it
makes the building cooler.

56 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.6 Building materials and constructions considering Biomimetics and energy

efcient concept
3.6.1 Performance of chosen material for
energy efcient approach

Figure 55. Material performance

Source: (Author, 2021)

Perforatedmetal sheet is technological and The use of perforated material not only serves
can be used for noise reduction, since the holes in as a shielding, but also is able to contribute to the
the metal sheet are involved in sound absorbing. formation of the necessary cooling to reduce energy
Perforated material can also be effectively used for consumption with using solar screens. Perforated
shielding electromagnetic elds. A great effect of steel can scatter direct sunrays and provide better
Perforatedmetal can be achieved when they are comfort protecting from the excess of direct light
used as barrier for solar radiation and wind.
Nowadays, glass panels of building’s windows and
doors are well insulated and therefor in cold
seasons of the year less energy is consumed for
heating premises.

Davao City Vertical Housing 57

Design framework
Vertical housing unit design
Integration of siteplan & building mass

FOUR Building form and mass design

Building elements and systems
Building unit and interior design
Chapter Overview:
Biomimetics concept on building envelope design
Building design simulation
The chapter contains nal design based from concept Design result
exploration done in previous chapter. The nal design will
focus on solving main problems regarding Biomimetics on
envelope and energy efcient performance to building.
Final Architecture Design Studio


This section 4 describes the design outcomes as

well as talks about the design progress of the
previously presented concepts. The notion of energy
efcient and design on builiding envelope, the concept
of building form based on a Biomimetic approach, and
the concept of designing building elements are among
these concepts. These designs additionally address the
design issues that were previously identied.

Davao City Vertical Housing 59

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.2 Vertical housing Unit Design for Social problem

4.2.1 Building explode showing units for the resettlement

Roof top.

Visitor room
Typical Floor. Single bedroom Kitchen

Single bedroom

Master bedroom Shaft

Dinning area

1st Floor. Living room

Family room


Figure 57. Axonometry unit

Source: (Author, 2021)

The total of units in the building is 105 and

every unit can accommodate 5 people. The building
consist of 5 oors for residential and have 21unit
per oor. The unit have total area of 105.2 m2
consist of masterbedroom, 2 single bedroom, living
Figure 56. Building Explode
room, family room, balcony, dinning area, kitchen,
Source: (Author, 2021) visitor area, and bathroom.

60 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.3 Integration of Siteplanning and Building mass

4.3.1 Building Mass Arrangement to Maximize Passive Systems


sunpath simulation no. 1 in January 21at 15:00

sunpath simulation no. 2 in Januaru 21 at 9:30
As the result it shaded in between the 2 masses

360 ow design result where airow entered

between building mass
Figure 58. Passive system for building mass result
Source: (Author, 2021)

It can be seen that the building mass avoid each other direct sun radiation from morning to afternoon, while the
center of building is protected by huge mass both side of it. it can be seen that the building mass placement respond
from the strongest wind ow to provide airow in the building and cross ventilation system, while the center of it will
have communal area/ open plaza for users that not hit by direct sunlight radiation

Davao City Vertical Housing 61

Final Architecture Design Studio



Figure 59. Elevation

Source: (Author, 2021)

It can be seen that the building mass placement respond from the strongest wind ow to provide air circulate in
the building, while the center of it will have communal area/ open plaza for users that not hit by direct sunlight
radiation. To prove the airow the simulation is using 360 ow design and as the result in between the masses it have
color teal which means the air circulate succesly.

Figure 60. 360 ow design simulation

Source: (Author, 2021)

62 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.3.2 Function Arrangement inside of the Building Mass

Entrance from road

located in north Dropoff area
part of the site

Access to the
building mass 2

Access to the
building mass 1

Supporting features

Figure 61. Siteplan building access

Source: (Author, 2021)

Communal area/ open plaza positioned in front as the building's primary attracting functions, followed up by
entering the building for 2 direction. The plaza serve as the focal point of the site, allowing visitors to move freely from
one function to the next. Supporting features placed on the back.

Davao City Vertical Housing 63

Final Architecture Design Studio




13 10
14 7
11 8



1. Main entrance
2. Dropoff area
3. Parking area
4. Basement entrance
5. Landscape green area
Figure 62. Siteplan 6. Communal area/ open plaza
Source: (Author, 2021)
7. Building Entrance
8. Receptionist area
9. Management ofce
10. Lounge
11. Gym
12. Clinic
13. Mini market
14. Foodcourt
15. Vertical circulation

64 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

3D Visualization

Landscape Green Area

Communal Area/
Building Mass 2 Open plaza
Mass 1

Parking Area

Main Entrance

Figure 63. 3D Visualization

Source: (Author, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 65

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.3.3 Vegetation Arrangement to Reduce Surrounding Noise

Main Road

Figure 64. Vegetation Arrangement Reason

Source: (Author, 2021)

One considerating factors in deciding landscaping is noise source. As for noise source, it is needed
to cancel the noise directly from the source. Due to the noise source comes from south part which is main
road of the site, some vegetations are needed to be arranged there to cancel or minimize the noise.

66 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.3.4 Access Circulation to Support User’s Accessibility

Figure 65. Access Circulation for User

Source: (Author, 2021)
Vertical Circulation:
Stairs and Elevator

Elevator, stair are placed in corners of building User’s Circulation

and in the center building have Communal area for
easy accessibility for both normal and difabled users. Vehicle Circulation

Davao City Vertical Housing 67

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.4 Building Form and Mass Design with Energy efcient and Biomimetic Concept

4.4.1 Building mass to support energy efcient design

building mass
design responding
to wind

Figure 66. Building mass to support energy efcient Figure 67. Building mass layout responding to wind
Source: (Author, 2021) Source: (Author, 2021)

The form is created by 2 masses and using void at

the center this help accentuating the wind the comes
from north part of the site. The 2 masses formed into L
shape so that it also give more surface to hit by the
wind. The design proved using 360 wind ow
simulation and it showed (Figure 0.) the wind entering
between the building mass and owed around it

Figure 68. 360 wind ow simulation on Vertical housing

Source: (Author, 2021)

68 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.4.2 Building Form Design with Biomimetics Design Approach

sunpath simulation no. 1 in January 21at 15:00

sunpath simulation no. 2 in Januaru 21 at 9:30
Figure 69. Building mass to support Biomimetics design As the result it shaded in between the 2 masses
Source: (Author, 2021)

From the exploration of chapter 3 it concluded
that the durian concept has the principle of the spike
protecting the fruit from overexposure sun. The two
masses were inspired by the spikes on the durian fruit
to avoid overexposure to the sun. As the result to
support the Biomimetics concept design the two
masses located at the east and west part of the site
which get the most sun and heat are the longest this 2
concept is to minimize direct heat from the sun. on the
other hand it allow wind to pass through into the center
of the masses. The design proved using sunpath
simulation that showed the area that hit directly by the
sun radiation is in January 21 at 15.00 and January 21
at 9.30.

Figure 70. Passive system for building mass result

Source: (Author, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 69

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.5 Building Elements and Systems Design Supporting Biomimetics and Energy
4.5.1 Perforated steel facade as implementation of energy efcient

Figure 71. Building section

Source: (Author, 2021)

Prime stainless steel grade EN 1.4878

Sheet size: 2mm x 1000mm x

The design of perforated steel facade mainly for

the purposed of allowing airow and natural daylight
enter to the building while protecting from
overexposure sun. The result is giving natural cooling
system in the building for that it do not need active
cooling in the unit.

Figure 72. Facade detail

Source: (Author, 2021)

70 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.5.2 Building void and skylight as a passive design system in building

In order to support energy efcient design the

building gave skylight and void at the center of the
building, this design is to allow natural daylighting to
reduce the usage of articial lighting and eventually
support energy efcient building. Additionally the
design creating cross-ventilation system where it
needed due to the high humidity in the Davao City.

Figure 73. Simulation showing ow cross-ventilation Figure 74. Building section showing skylight
Source: (Author, 2021) Source: (Author, 2021)

Figure 75. Building section showing passive design

Source: (Author, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 71

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.5.3 Building infrastructure for Vertical housing

The system of clean water is

using down feed system which is the
water from source pumped to ground
tank rst then pumped to roof tank,
then distributed to all the oor by
gravitation force.

Figure 76. Water distribution scheme

Source: (Author, 2021)

The system of sewerage water,

the pipe go to IPAL separated to grey
w a t e r a n d b l a c k w a t e r. S h a f t
sewerage at the core and continue to
Sewerage treatment.

Figure 77. Sewerage system scheme

Source: (Author, 2021)

72 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.6 Building Unit interior design based on social issue

4.6.1 Vertical housing unit design to accommodate 1 family consist of 5 people

Figure 78. Unit plan

Source: (Author, 2021)


1. Master bedroom
2. Single bedroom
3. Single bedroom (with double deck bed)
4. Familly room
5. Private balcony
6. Living room
7. Dinning area
8. Visitor area
10. Bathroom

Vertical housing unit with total area of 104 m2

| 13 m x 8 m that 1 family consist of average 5
people. The unit completed with 1 master bedroom,
2 single room, living room, family room, dinning
area, visitor area, kicthen and bathroom. Figure 79. Axonometric unit
Source: (Author, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 73

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.7 Implementing Biomimetics on Building Envelope Design

4.7.1 Perforated steel facade comparison to normal horizontal shading

normal horizontal

Figure 80. Shading comparison

Source: (Author, 2021)

In order to proof that the perforated triangular

shape facade have an advantage compare to normal
horizontal shading it simulated using 360 ow
design. As a result the perforated steel facade allows
and catch wind to the building resulting cooler result.
It can seen it he shading comparison perforated steel
facade tend to have blue area rather that normal
horizontal shading.

74 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.7 Implementing Biomimetics on Building Envelope Design

4.7.2 Building envelope design orientation on different part of building


Figure 82. Siteplan and facade orientation

Source: (Author, 2021)

Based on the Sunpath simulation to determine

the orientation of the facade the north part of the
building facade (blue and yellow line) is using A
facade mostly avoiding sun from June and January
time, mean while the (green line) part is using B
facade in respond to December time sunpath which
very steep latitude and it need to avoided. The last
Figure 81. Sunpath simulation to determine the facade orientation
Source: (Author, 2021) one is (red line) using C facade which is fully closed to
respond the longest hit by direct sun which in month
of January, June,and december.

Davao City Vertical Housing 75

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.8 Building Design Simulation on Sunpath, Velux, Flow design

4.8.1 Sunpath building simulation 4.8.2 360 Flow design building simulation

Figure 83. Sunpath simulation to determine the facade orientation

Source: (Author, 2021)

Using date and time of January, June, and December

at 9.30 and 15.00.

Figure 84. 360 Flow design simulation

Source: (Author, 2021)

76 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.8.3 Velux building simulation

Figure 85. Unit plan velux design simulation

Source: (Author, 2021)

Unit plan showing more than 300 lux inside the unit.

Figure 86. Unit perspective velux design simulation

Source: (Author, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 77

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.9 Design Result

Site Plan




A. Main entrance
B. Drop off area
C. Communal area/ Innercourt
D. Vertical housing 1
E. Vertical housing 2
F. Parking Area
G. landscape
Figure 87. Siteplan H. Green area
Source: (Author, 2021)

78 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

Floor Plan

Figure 88. Groundoor

Source: (Author, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 79

Final Architecture Design Studio

Floor Plan

Figure 89. Typical oorplan

Source: (Author, 2021)

80 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio




Figure 90. Elevations

Source: (Author, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 81

Final Architecture Design Studio

Building Detail Section

Figure 91. Building section detail

Source: (Author, 2021)

82 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

Facade Section

Figure 92. Detail facade

Source: (Author, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 83

Final Architecture Design Studio

Axonometry Building

Roof top.

Typical Floor.

1st Floor.


Figure 93. Building Explode

Source: (Author, 2021)

84 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

Axonometry Unit

1 2 3

4 9

5 10

Figure 94. Unit plan layout

Source: (Author, 2021)


1. Master bedroom
2. Single bedroom
3. Single bedroom (with double deck bed)
4. Familly room
5. Private balcony
6. Living room
7. Dinning area
8. Visitor area
10. Bathroom

Figure 95. Axonometric unit render

Source: (Author, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 85

Final Architecture Design Studio

3D Model

Figure 96. 3D perspective render

Source: (Author, 2021)

86 Davao City Vertical Housing

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3D Model

Figure 97. 3D Exterior perspective

Source: (Author, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 87

Final Architecture Design Studio

3D Model

Figure 98. 3D Communal area perspective

Source: (Author, 2021)

88 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

3D Model

Figure 99. 3D Interior perspective

Source: (Author, 2021)

Davao City Vertical Housing 89

Jury’s Evaluation Response

Chapter Overview:
The jury's nal design evaluation and reaction are included
in this chapter. It also includes the design's conclusion.
Final Architecture Design Studio

5.1 Jury’s Response

Jury Comment Response Detail Page

Dr. Yulianto P. What are the Floor Area Requirement for The size of unit consider the standard of Davao city 20
Prihatmaji, classification of housing Family Dwelling Unit which minimum of 36 sqm, and to accommodate
S.T., unit in sqm based on average of 8 people per family the unit should be
M.T., IAI, IPM philippines standard? The minimum floor area of 3BR type of unit which has 54 to 108 sqm.
family condominium units
shall be 36 square meters and
22 square meters for open
market and medium cost
condominium project
respectively. (HLURB, 2009)

How many floors before It concluded that the design of IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF 20
an elevator is required Vertical housing is using mid-rise THE NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF THE
based on Philippines building because to support and PHILIPPINES (PD 1096)
standards? considering affordability for the
concept. The building required a
elevator because it reaches the
what are the
minimum requirement of 5
consideration of design storeys.
mid-rise building?

what are the The consideration are to The introduction of voids is the solutions for 51
consideration of using support energy efficient in improving natural ventilation in Vertical
double loaded corridor? improving cross ventilation housing. The void is the passive architectural
system in the building this is element found in the center of both masses.
also to respond the high
humidity that should be solve.

Davao City Vertical Housing 91

Final Architecture Design Studio

Jury Comment Response Detail Page

Dr. Yulianto P. Formulate and respond Responded on Chapter 1, 2, 3 1

Prihatmaji, ALL questions at the showing the Biomimetics and
S.T., Design Brief dan Energy Efficient sketches, 12
M.T., IAI, IPM Comprehensive stage by analyses, concepts and
showing the sketches, schematic designs. 41
analyses, concepts and
schematic designs that
have been carried out. As
we in Lab. of TKB show
us a PBD approach also.

What your design to The proposed design is Vertical It stated in Abstract on page 2 the reason 2
accommodate the housing in order to solve the limited of choosing vertical housing as a design
residence in Davao City land issue. Why vertical housing? as and why it needed to lower the energy
against limited land we know Based on data from the usage.
World Green Building Council one
issues? Why vertical
of the largest energy user sector is
housing chosen as
occupancy sector, dominated by
alternative to do lower electrical energy that is 71 percent
energy usage in of total energy consumption and it
building? needed to be reduce.

What is importance solve The importance is concerning 8

lower energy usage to about the affordability and low
have energy efficient expense for the government to
building and improve build this project of vertical
building envelope in housing.
vertical housing? What a
design indicators, how to The indicators are SITE,
achieve it, and point out BUILDING MASS, BUILDING
in your design. Prove and FORM, BUILDING ENVELOPE,
show it in your design. BUILDING SYSTEM, MATERIALS

92 Davao City Vertical Housing

Final Architecture Design Studio

Jury Comment Response Detail Page

Dr. Yulianto P. What is urgent to use Explained on subtitle 1.3.7 Why 8

Prihatmaji, Biomimetics Approach Biomimetic concept as an
S.T., and Energy consumption approach on building envelope 6
M.T., IAI, IPM in vertical housing
design? What a design Biomimicry 41
indicator, how to execute which is described as the applied
it, and prove it in your science that draws inspiration for
design. solutions to human issues by
studying natural designs,
systems, and processes, is one
creative method

The indicators are SITE,


The design explored and

executed in Chapter 3 and
Chapter 4.

Davao City Vertical Housing 93

Final Architecture Design Studio

Jury Comment Response Detail Page

Dr. Ing. Putu Consideration of social Building design parameters located in subtittle: 26
Ayu and economic issues considering low economic
P. Agustiananda (affordability, local users. Discussion: Building 2.7.3 Building design
S.T., M.A habits, culture, local construction cost to support EE, parameters considering low
building material & Operational cost consideration,
Choose of building materials,
economic users
craftsmanship, etc) of
the informal settlers in Steel as a material for the
facade, Maintenance cost
order to come up with
consideration, Local
the best solution in your
craftmanship Davao City
design? consideration

Please explain how you In the case of windrose, because 49

carefully analyzed and the greatest wind was blowing
synthesized the from north to south, a change in
vegetation and windflow was required. Windflow
may be directed to the building
landscape elements that Building
mass using vegetation as a wind masses
would greatly support
g u i d e r, s u p p o r t i n g c r o s s parking
energy efficiency in your ventilation system concept.
project. main ro

94 Davao City Vertical Housing

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