The Inconsistency in G Odel's Ontological Argument: A Success Story For AI in Metaphysics
The Inconsistency in G Odel's Ontological Argument: A Success Story For AI in Metaphysics
The Inconsistency in G Odel's Ontological Argument: A Success Story For AI in Metaphysics
sibility relation. Our experiments have shown that the new
embedding is more efficient, as the following two previously
open problems can now be solved:
• Automatically proving the final theorem T3 (Necessar-
ily, there exists God), directly from Scott’s [1972] (con-
sistent) axioms alone, without relying on the argument’s
intermediate argumentation steps (i.e., lemmata).
• Automatically verifying, in Isabelle/HOL, the proof of
the modal collapse [Sobel, 1987], which is one of the
most strongly criticized logical consequences of the ar-
gument’s axioms.
embed S5 would be to use the standard translation for K de-
scribed above and to state that r is an equivalence relation,
e.g., by postulating the following axioms:
• Reflexivity: 8x.(r x x)
• Symmetry: 8x.8y.(r x y) ! (r y x)
• Transitivity: 8x.8y.8z.(r x y) ^ (r y z) ! (r x z)
Instead, we consider here an alternative description, that we
call S5U , based on the following condition on r:
• Universality: 8x.8y.(r x y)
It is important to note that ✏S5 ' i↵ ✏S5U ' [Blackburn et
al., 2001], and therefore S5 and S5U are traditionally consid-
ered to be two di↵erent descriptions of the same modal logic.
Nevertheless, S5 and S5U di↵er in the shapes of frames they
admit: S5U only admits complete5 frames, whereas S5 admits
non-complete frames as long as all their components are com-
plete. In other words, in S5U we face one single equivalence
class of possible worlds, while in S5 we may face several dis-
connected equivalence classes. In fact, for this reason, S5U
is considered as metaphysically more appropriate by some
philosophers; cf. [Williamson, 2013, p. 127].
Furthermore, for S5U an improved embedding is possible.
Universality implies that the guarding predicates in the defini-
tions of ⇤ and ^ always hold. Therefore, they can be omitted
Figure 2: Improved Embedding of S5U and the accessibility relation can be dispensed altogether. The
modal operators can then be defined merely as:
approach can also be followed on the computer (using HOL ⇤' ⌘ w.8v.'(v) and ^' ⌘ w.9v.'(v)
as a formal meta-language) for even very challenging object
logics (such as HOML) to enable interactive and automated The new embedding of S5U in Isabelle/HOL is shown
theorem proving with existing theorem provers for HOL. in Fig. 2. With this improved embedding, the final theo-
For a computational analysis of Gödel’s ontological argu- rem T3 (Necessarily, there exists God) can be derived from
ment, the embedding of HOMLs such as K, KB and S5 with Scott’s consistent version of the axioms fully automatically.
various domain conditions (possibilist and actualist quantifi- The fully automatic proof has been generated (in about 2.5
cation) is required. This idea has been successfully employed seconds) by the theorem prover Leo-II [Benzmüller et al.,
in related work [Benzmüller and Woltzenlogel-Paleo, 2014]. 2015] and subsequently verified in the proof assistant Is-
The embedding of HOML is in fact straightforward. Formu- abelle/HOL [Nipkow et al., 2002], as shown in Fig. 1. The
las in HOML are lifted, i.e., converted into predicates over collaboration between the two systems has been orchestrated
worlds, which are themselves explicitly represented as terms. by Isabelle’s Sledgehammer tool [Blanchette et al., 2013].
The logical constants of HOML are translated to HOL terms With the embedding used by Benzmüller and
in such a way that, for instance, ⇤' and ^' (relative to a Woltzenlogel-Paleo [2014], the provers still had to be
current world wo ) are mapped, respectively, to the HOL for- given the intermediate theorem T2 and the corollary C in
mulas 8w.(rw0 w)!('w) and 9w.(rw0 w) ^ ('w). This form order to manage to prove T3.
of embedding is precisely the well-known standard transla- Another evidence that the new embedding provides a sig-
tion [Ohlbach, 1991], which is here intra-logically realized nificant performance boost is the successful automatic ver-
— and extended for quantifiers — in HOL by stating a set of ification in Isabelle/HOL (with its automatic tactic Meson)
equations defining the logical constants (Fig. 2). The result- of the modal collapse [Sobel, 1987], which is one of the
ing object logic is the HOML K with rigid terms and constant most strongly criticized ‘side-e↵ects’ of Gödel’s and Scott’s
domains (possibilist quantifiers). Other logics (e.g. KB, S5) variants of the proof. In previous work [2014] the modal
are embedded by adding axioms that restrict the accessibility collapse has been proven by the higher-order provers Satal-
relation r. Varying domains and actualist quantifiers can be lax [Brown, 2012] and Leo-II, but a fully automatic verifi-
simulated by using an existence predicate to guard the quan- cation in the highly trusted Isabelle/HOL system still failed
tifiers. The embedding approach is, therefore, very flexible. [Benzmüller and Woltzenlogel-Paleo, 2013b]. The success
with the new embedding can be seen in Fig. 1.
3.1 Improved Embedding
The modal logic S5 requires that the accessibility relation be 5
A graph is complete i↵ there is a directed edge connecting every
reflexive, symmetric and transitive. The usual approach to ordered pair of vertices.
4 Intuitive Inconsistency Argument
In the typical workflow during an attempt to prove a con-
Figure 3: Definition of Essence using Old Syntax jecture with a theorem prover, it is customary to check the
consistency of the axioms first. For if the axioms are in-
consistent, anything (including the conjecture) would be triv-
3.2 Improved Syntax in Isabelle ially derivable in classical logic (ex falso quodlibet). Sur-
Wider adoption of HOL theorem proving technology for rea- prisingly, when this routine check was performed on Gödel’s
soning about and within embedded object logics, especially axioms [Benzmüller and Woltzenlogel-Paleo, 2014], the Leo-
among non-expert users, is still hindered by the gap between II prover claimed that the axioms were inconsistent. Un-
the syntax used by people, when they write logical formu- fortunately, the refutation generated by Leo-II was barely
las with pen and paper, and the syntax used by HOL theorem human-readable. The text file was 153 lines6 long and used
provers. Even when the syntax of the underlying higher-order machine-oriented calculus (higher-order resolution [Sultana
system is elegant (as is the case in Isabelle/HOL), the em- and Benzmüller, 2013]) and syntax (TPTP THF [Sutcli↵e and
bedding of HOML into HOL may easily expose details of Benzmüller, 2010]). Part of the file is displayed in Fig. 4.
HOL that may be uncommon to the user, disturbing his/her Although Leo-II’s resolution refutation is not easy to read
experience while using the system. To illustrate this point, for humans, it did contain relevant hints to the importance
Fig. 3 shows how the definition of essence looked like in of the empty property x.? (also denoted ;, as in HOL it is
previous work [Benzmüller and Woltzenlogel-Paleo, 2013b], customary to think of unary predicates as sets). Note that
where advanced syntax-sugaring features were not used. It the terms for the empty property7 ( x.?) and for the property
looks notably higher-order, and its style di↵ers significantly of self-di↵erence ( x.x , x) have identical denotations in a
from the common style seen in works on modal logics and logic setting with full functional and Boolean extensionality
the ontological argument. The following specific issues can as given here. Nevertheless, some philosophers8 may actually
be enumerated: prefer the use of self-di↵erence over the empty property in
1. -abstractions, which are typically a HOL feature, ap- the analysis below. However, for the proof to go through it
pear explicitly in places where they did not need to is irrelevant which notion we use and the reader may simply
in a pure HOML formulation (cf. Gödel’s manuscript, replace the empty property by self-di↵erence.
Fig. 6a).
4.1 Informal Argument
2. Quantifiers appear as higher-order defined constants,
and not as binders. This forces the user to read (and Based on the hints found in Leo-II’s refutation, we conceived
write) formulas of the form 8( x.A(x)) instead of the the following informal explanation for the inconsistency of
more common 8x.A(x). Gödel’s axioms:
3. The lifted modal connectives are represented by prefix- 1. From Gödel’s definition of essence
ing the letter “m” (e.g. m^ and m!). The prefix disturbs ( ess x $ 8 ( (x)!⇤8y( (y)! (y)))) it follows
the user, as it constantly reminds him/her that there is that the empty property (or self-di↵erence) is an essence
something unusual about the modal connectives. of every individual (Empty Essence Lemma):
4. Higher-order parenthesis conventions for the application 8x (; ess x)
of a predicate to a term are used. Instead of reading (y),
as he/she would expect, he/she has to read ( y). Outside 2. From theorem T1 (Positive properties are possibly exem-
niche areas in computer science, the former syntax is plified: 8 [P( )!^9x (x)]) and axiom A5 (“necessary
more widely known than the latter. existence” is a positive property: P(NE) ), it follows that
In the embedding presented here, in Fig. 2, advanced NE is possibly exemplified:
syntax-sugaring e↵ects provided by Isabelle were used to ^9x[NE(x)]
prevent issues as those enumerated above. The possibility
to define boldface connectives allows us to drop the prefix; 3. Expanding the definition of “necessary existence”
“binder” annotations enable modal quantifiers to be used in (NE(x) ⌘ 8 [ ess x!⇤9y (y)]), the following is ob-
the standard binding way and reduce the need for explicit tained:
lambda abstractions; and a careful choice of priorities for ^9x[8'[' ess x!⇤9y['(y)]]]
infix connectives gives the parenthesis conventions that are
more familiar to the user. As desired, the definition of essence 4. The sentence above holds for all ' and thus, in particular,
in Fig. 1 is undeniably more immediately recognizable and for the empty property (or self-di↵erence):
comprehensible than the definition in Fig. 3. The embedding
technique is now completely transparent to the user. ^9x[; ess x!⇤9y[;(y)]]
The syntax improvements described here render the 6
Long lines with an average of 184 characters per line.
computer-assisted analysis of ontological arguments accessi- 7
An additional lambda abstraction occurs in the empty property
ble to a wider audience and ease the adoption of logic-based in Leo-II’s proof (and also in the reconstruction in Isabelle) because
artificial intelligence tools by philosophers interested in top- the embedding approach lifts the boolean type o to ◆!o.
ics where modal logic reasoning is required. 8
Private communication with André Fuhrmann.
Figure 4: Lines 115–120 of Leo-II’s refutation. Primitive substitutions (e.g. with the empty property) are highlighted. In the
red part (see ), property variable SV8 has been instantiated with the SV16µ . SV17◆ .?, i.e., the (lifted) empty property.
(a) Gödel’s manuscript, with mutually inconsistent axioms and definitions highlighted (with permis- (b) Inconsistency in HOML S5U
sion from the Kurt Gödel Papers, Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Princeton, NJ, USA,
on deposit at Princeton University)
Figure 6: The inconsistency in Gödel’s manuscript has been detected and verified by HOL ATPs
Fig. 6a. The definitions of essence and necessary existence On the other hand, there is still room for many pragmat-
are easy to identify. Therefore, the verified inconsistency ical improvements in Isabelle; just one example: in default
from Fig. 5 does apply to Gödel’s original manuscript. setting, Sledgehammer does not immediately inform the user
when a proof has been found and instead silently first ex-
4.4 Inconsistency of Gödel’s Axioms in S5U ecutes a series of time-consuming proof analysis processes
Isabelle/HOL’s Sledgehammer tool, which orchestrates calls (e.g. its dependency minimization), before it eventually re-
to external provers such as Leo-II, still fails to detect the in- ports success. For Gödel’s theorem T3 (Necessarily, there
consistency of Gödel’s axioms in the standard embedding of exists God), for example, this phase of silence takes several
S5, while a direct modeling of the problem in TPTP THF syn- minutes — during which the user might actually give up on
tax in combination with a direct call of Leo-II succeeded. In the proof attempt — even though Leo-II already reported suc-
other words, without independent experiments with no me- cess to Sledgehammer after 2.5 seconds.
diation through Sledgehammer, the inconsistency would not More importantly, our work reveals a challenge for auto-
have been detected. mated reasoning: the (so far partially manual) extraction of
On the other hand (and further confirming the claims from an informal argument from a formal proof. Without accom-
§3.1), the reconstruction in Isabelle/HOL with the improved panying human-understandable explanations, the proofs gen-
embedding for S5U was more efficient: the inconsistency erated by provers such as Leo-II or Metis, will presumably
could be detected by Leo-II also when called via Sledgeham- be only of limited value for philosophers, for whom intuitive
mer. Moreover, the result could subsequently be verified with arguments remain crucial for the acceptance of novel results.
Metis even without the Empty Essence Lemma (cf. Fig. 6b). Another open problem that we solved in this paper is a fully
automatic proof of T3 directly from Scott’s axioms. Again,
5 Conclusion this proof was contributed by Leo-II. This has become pos-
sible only after we provided a more efficient embedding for
The axioms and definitions in Gödel’s manuscript are incon- HOML S5U (instead of S5) in HOL.
sistent; this was detected automatically by the prover Leo-II. Both the automated detection of the inconsistency in
Here we presented a rational reconstruction and verification Gödel’s axioms and the fully automatic proof of T3 from
of the inconsistency argument in Isabelle/HOL. This argu- Scott’s axioms demonstrate the potential of our AI technol-
ment is valid in all normal HOMLs including base logic K. ogy for philosophy: this technology is, in its current state of
We have also presented several technical improvements re- development, already capable of contributing novel results to
garding the semantic embedding approach. In particular, we metaphysics and to conduct reasoning steps at granularity-
have achieved a nearly perfect match between pen and paper levels beyond common human capabilities.
presentations in HOML and the syntax in Isabelle/HOL. As a
result, the embedding of HOML in HOL is now fully trans- Acknowledgments: We thank Chad Brown, who contributed
parent, more user-friendly and ready for wider adoption. to the rational reconstruction of the inconsistency argument.
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