Lesson Planning
Lesson Planning
Lesson Planning
□ Gallery walk
□ Brainstorming
□ Concept mapping
□ Leaning logs
□ Guest speakers
□ Mini lessons
□ Active reading
□ Learning logs
□ Exit Slips
□ Sharing of products
□ Debriefing on process
□ Quizzes
□ Open and closed book tests
□ Think/pair/share
□ Small conferences
OF 5 E’S
The 5 E lesson basically supports
inquire based instruction. It
allows children to make
discoveries and to process new
skills in an engaging way.
Teachers can also adequately plan
power objectives more effectively
by using the 5E process.
Children are not just learning
with this method they are more
knowledgeable about their own
metacognition, as they are
coached along and not dictated by
teachers merely lecturing.
. The role of the teacher is to
facilitate and support students as they
use prior knowledge to build new
knowledge. The 5 Es are: Engage,
Explore, Explain, Elaborate and
Evaluate. When planning a lesson
each of these areas should be
completed. Often times these lessons
may take a few days to complete
Make connections between past and
present learning experiences
Anticipate activities and focus students'
thinking on the learning outcomes of
current activities. Students should
become mentally engaged in the
concept, process, or skill to be learned.
These lessons mentally engage the students with
an event or question. Engagement activities help
students to make connections with what they know
and can do.
What the Teacher Does
Creates interest
Generates curiosity
Raises questions
Elicits responses that uncover what the students
know or think about the concept/topic
What the Student Does