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Implementing TCSC Device in Kalpakam - Khammam Line For Power Flow Enhancement

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2013 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT-2013]

Implementing TCSC Device in Kalpakam

Khammam Line for Power Flow
G. V. T. Prudhvira/, Raghu2, S. 3
Meikandasivam and D. Vijayakumar 4

loading conditions and results are analyzed with waveforms in

Abstract-- Thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC), the section IV.
first generation offlexible AC transmission system (FACTS), can
control the line impedance through the series introduction of a 11. THYRISTOR CONTROLLEO SERIES CAP ACLTOR (TCSC)
thyristor controlled reactor across a fixed capacitor with the
TCSC consists of a capacitor in parallel with a Thyristor
transmission line. Application of TCSC controller is to control
the powerflow, to damp out the power oscillations or to improve controlled reactor (TCR) as shown in Fig.l [3]. An actual
the transient stability. This paper concentrates only on power TCSC system usually comprises a cascaded combination of
flow control over the transmission line using TCSC device. A 3 many TCSC modules together with a fixed-series capacitor.
phase 400 kV Kalpakam and Khammam transmission line is TCSC vary the electrical length of the transmission line which
considered for this analysis. Results are analyzed for sudden enables it to be used to provide fast active power flow
increase in load for cases without and with implementing TCSC
regulation. It also increases the stability margin of the system
controllers. The complete system is modeled in
and has proved very effective in damping Sub Synchronous
Resonance (SSR) and power oscillations [3]. The simpler
TCSC model exploits the concept of a variable series
Index Terms-Power System, Power Flow, FACTS device,
reactance. The series reactance is adjusted automatically,
Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC)
within limits, to satisfy a specified amount of active power
flow through it.

he foremost intend of installing FACTS devices in power
T system worldwide is to maximize the active power flow TI

across existing corridors whilst, at the same time,

increasing the overall control performance of the power
network [1,2]. FACTS encompass a wide range of new power
electronics controllers. These devices use high rating power
electronic switches for safe and accurate responses. They are n

able to control the parameters such as voltage magnitudes and Fig. 1 Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator
their angles, line impedances, active and reactive power flows. Reactance curve of TCSC can be obtained by using
The major FACTS devices available are SVC (Static Var following equations [4].
Compensator), STATCOM (Static Synchronous
Compensator), TCSC (Thyristor controlled series
compensator), UPFC (Unified Power Flow Controller), and
IPFC (Interline Power Flow controller). The continuous
variation in transmission line impedance is achieved by using
TCSC and thereby controlling the active power flow in the
transmission line at a specified level [3].
In order to be realistic, an existing 364 km long
transmISSIOn line between the places Kalpakam and
Khammam in Andhra Pradesh, India is considered for
analysis. The operation of TCSC device and reactance
characteristics curve are described in section 11. Section III
discusses about the Kalpakam and Khammam transmission Oll28

system and its data. The modeled system is tested for various

I.2BTech Final year Students Fig 2: characteristic curve of TCSC

34Associate Professor - meikandasivams@gmail.com
School of Electrical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore,

978-1-4673-4922-2/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 138

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2013 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT-2013]

XTCSC (a)= - Xc +Cl (2(n-a)+sin(2(n-a))) capacitance (FC) and (iii) line with fixed capacitance (FC) and
TCSC. All the three models are analyzed for varying loads of
llO% at 0.2 sec and 120% at 0.6 sec.
-C2 cos (n-a)(cotan(co(n-a))­

tan(n-a)) Fig. 3 shows the Simulink model of Kalpakam and

Khammam transmission system (a) without Compensation, (b)
X c [
C 2- 4 -- with FC and (c) with FC+TCSC. The line length between
X Ln Kalpakkam and Khammam is 364 km and line reactance of

Xc XL 0.2933 ohms/km. The 50% line reactance compensation is
XLC ----'''---'=--
co= considered for line with fixed capacitance case; but in third
% %
case, 30 for FC and 20 for TCSC. Fig. 4 shows the
Using above equations, TCSC reactance characteristic TCSC model and its capacitance and inductance values are
curve is drawn for co = 2.4 [4]. designed as per specified in [4, 5] with co = 2.4.

�= n D:. 1l0
L = 364 km
R= 0.0308 ohms/km
L= O.9337e-3H/km
C e

�U �
[]J 5W

A 3 phase 400 kV, 364 km long transmiSSion system C=6.032e-g

between Kalpakam and Khammam in Andhra Pradesh, India



is considered as a case study for improving the power tlow. -


Installed capacity at Kalpakam's National Thermal Power

Plant is 1500 MW but its generating capacity is only
lOOO (a)

MW. The net MW power is transmitted to three load
centers viz., Khammam, Rajahmundry and dairy farm of 350
MW, 400 MW and 250 MW respectively.
L = 364 km
R= 0.0308 ohms/km
L= O.9337e-3H/km
Fe 30%
1 [ sw[]JI.�1 UI" �
This paper mainly focuses on the power transmission line
between Kalpakam to Khammam and modeled the system
using MATLAB software. Data required for developing the


SIMULINK model are collected from APTRANSCO and 35MW

given in table 1.
% of line reactance
== ..�,Jbi..--...,
Series compensator is designed for 50
compensation. Among 50 %, 30 % is considered for fixed �=�=
��E:� �

% is for TCSC device.

1000MW L = 364 km Fe 30%

400kV R= 0.0308 ohms/km
compensation and remaining 20 50Hz L= O.9337e-3H/km

Respective data are given in Table 2


Table 1 Kalpakam and Khammam line technical data :: 11+----+

0"" v

,, , �
... 35MW
""" ..
Control CKT
(Kalpakam and Khammam Line)
Fig 3 (a). Kalpakam and Khammam transmission system without any
Distance 364 km eompensation, (b) with fixed eapaeitanee and (e) with fixed eapaeitanee and
System Voltage 400 kV TCSC
There are two main subsystems in Fig.3 i.e. TCSC and
Line Resistance [RI ROl [0.0308 0.2118] OIkm
control circuit. They will be further elaborated below.
Line Inductance[Ll LOl [0.9337e-3 4. I 264e-3] Hlkm
,------� �------,
Line Capacitance [Cl COl [6.032e-9 3.67e-9] F/km c
A in

350 MW
Power transfer

Table 2 TCSC device technical data

g��J9.I-, --

Se ries RLC Branch
Fig. 4 TCSC Model
(TCSC deviee)
Fig. 5 shows constant power control circuit for frring the
30 % (FSC)
Compensation degree
20%-20% (TCSC) TCSC [2]. Power is calculated from instantaneous voltage and
current signal with PQ conversion block. The line power tlow
FC 9.9373e-5 F
is computed from the measured local voltage and current
1.4906e-4 F signals the calculated power signal is converted into a per-unit
0.01179 H
quantity and filtered, then fed to the summing junction of the
power controller. The reference signal, Pref, denotes the
desired level of real-power tlow in the TCSC-compensated
IV. RESULTS AND DlSCUSSION line, and combination is fed to PI regulator. From there
The system is designed for considering three different susceptance signal is converted to firing angle. And angle is
models i.e. (i) line without compensation, (ii) line with fixed converted to time. That time fed as delay to pulse generator.


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2013 International Conferenee on Cireuits, Power and Computing Teehnologies [ICCPCT-2013]

Control Loop

Fig.8 Voltage and eurrent of all three SIMULINK models

3ignal 10 analyze-------
Fig.5 Tese eonstant power eontrol eireuit [3] � Display selected signal � Display FFT window

X 10.'5elected signal: 50 cycles. FFT window (in red): 4 cycles

:- o 0.2 0.4
Time (s)
0.6 0.8 1

'FT anaIY$i$ ------

Fundamental (50Hz) = 3.24ge+005 , THD= 0.14%

Fig. 6 (a) TeSC's Voltage, (b) Line eurrent and (e) TeR eurrent


S A A.
Ivv I """'--l
-WithIxIldC<4lOC�i:IlCe Frequeney (Hz)
600 800 1000

Fig.9 Harmonie analysis voltage in TeSe system
The harmonie analyses are made on system voltage and
line eurrent with an inc1usion of FC+TCSC and it is observed

that the THD is within the limit. Fig. 9 & 10 shows the
harmonies analysis during load variation. The measured THD
% and 110 % is 0.14 %.

between 100
The eomplete measured data for all the eases are tabulated
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.' 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.' 0.9 in Table 1 for eomparison
Signal to analyze -------

� Display selected signal CE) Display FFT window

Fig.7 power of all three SIMULINK models
Seleeted signal: 50 eyeles. FFT window (in red): 4 eyeles
The response of TCSC and their waveforms are shown in
Fig. 6. It is observed that the line eurrent is leading the TCSC
voltage henee TCSC is operating in eapaeitive mode and it
500 _
injeets respeetive voltage into the system. Third is TCR
eurrent i.e. eurrent through induetor (Ls).
'50 :
o 0.2 004 0.6 0.8
Fig.7 shows the power tlow in transmission system for Time (s)
various load levels. From 0.0 to 0.2 sec. eonneeted load is 350 'FT analysis -------
MW, 0.2 to 0.6 sec. is 385 MW (110 %) and 0.6 to 1 sec. is
Fundamental (50Hz) = 764.3 , THD= 0.14%
420 MW (120 The modeled system without any 2�-U--�---�--�--�
eompensation doesn't satisfy the load demand on all eases and
reeeiving end voltage falls down as shown in Fig. 8. The
eompensation with fixed eapaeitanee makes the system to
somehow though it lags. The eompensation with FC+TCSC
tunes the transmission system to transmit the required amount
of power. Also reeeiving end side voltage is maintained within @' 0.5
the limit.
0 ��1.I�11.1
200o400 600 800
Frequeney (Hz)

Fig. IO Harmonie analysis eurrent in TeSe system


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2013 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT-2013]

V. CONCLUSION designed for transient stability and power oscillation damping,

some transients and oscillations are observed. Further work
A Kalpakam and Khammam transmission system is
may carry out to suppress the oscillations and transients in the
modeled in MATLAB/SlMULINK software in order to reduce
system. For all varying loads, load voltage is maintained
the system voltage drop in the line and to improve the power
within the limit by reducing the net voltage drop in the
tlow. A fixed capacitor (FC) and FC+TCSC are implemented
transmission system.
on considered test system for variable loads. The constant
power control circuit is developed to tune the TCSC for power
tlow irnprovement. The transmission system transfers the VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

required power demanded by the load by implementing Our Sincere thanks to APTRANSCO, AP, India.
FC+TCSC compensator. Though control circuit is not

T able 1 system VI
o tage, L'me C urrent andPower flow under vanous oad'm! cond'ItIOns

Load Vs(KV) V,(KV) Vd,o,.(KV) IL P(MW)

100% 225.9 221.8 4.5 485.78 323

Without 1\0% 221.6 215.76 5.84 519.4 336.1
compensation 120% 217.27 209.8 7.47 550.78 346.6
Fixed 100% 231.45 230.1 1.35 503.9 348
Capacitance 1\0% 231.22 228.83 2.39 550.9 378
120% 230.97 227.1 3.87 596.1 406
100% 231.8 230.9 0.9 505.6 350.2
FC+TCSC 1\0% 231.6 229.7 1.9 552.9 381
120% 231.4 228.4 3.0 599.5 410.7

[ I ] S.Sreejith, Sishaj P Simon, M P Selvan. "Power Flow Analysis
Incorporating Firing Angle Model Based TCSC"
[2] S. D. Wadhai ,Dr. N. D. Ghawghawe , "Power F/ow Contro/ by Using
TCSC Controller in Power System", I-COST
Electronics&CommunicauouCenferenceProceedingI 3-15 , Jan-2011.
[3] R. Mohan Mathur and Rajiv.K.Verma.: "Thyristor-based FACTS
controllers/or e/ectrica/ transmission systems", John Wiley and Sons, 2002.
[4] S. Meikandasivam, Rajesh Kumar Nema, Shailendra Kumar Jain,
"Behavioural Study of TCSC Device - A MATLAB/Simulink
Implementation", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
[5] S. Meikandasivam, Rajesh Kumar Nema and Shailendra Kumar Jain,
"Selection of TCSC parameters: Capacitor and Inductor", IEEE Proceeding,
India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE-2010), Netaji
Subash Institute of Technology, New Delhi, 28-29 Dec 2011, pp 1-5.


Authorized licensed use limited to: Hitachi Energy. Downloaded on November 28,2022 at 04:15:07 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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