fcl,Rd design local buckling strength, design local buckling strength of undamaged cylinder
fclc local buckling strength of conical transition
fcle characteristic elastic local buckling strength
fcr critical buckling strength
fd design yield strength
fE Euler buckling strength
fEpx, fEpy Euler buckling strength corresponding to the member y and z axis respectively
fEpτ Euler buckling shear strength
fET torsional elastic buckling strength
fEy, fEz Euler buckling strength corresponding to the member y and z axis respectively
fh characteristic hoop buckling strength
fhe elastic hoop buckling strength for tubular section
fhec elastic hoop buckling strength for cone section
fh,Rd design hoop buckling strength
fk, fkx, fky, fkp characteristic buckling strength
fm characteristic bending strength
fm,Rd design bending strength
fm,Red reduced bending strength due to torsional moment
fmh,Rd design bending resistance in the presence of external hydrostatic pressure
fr characteristic strength
fT characteristic torsional buckling strength
fTG characteristic torsional buckling strength for girders
fth,Rd design axial tensile resistance in the presence of external hydrostatic pressure
fy characteristic yield strength
fy,b characteristic yield strength of brace
fy,c characteristic yield strength of chord
g gap
h height
i radius of gyration
ie effective radius of gyration
k, kg,kl, kσ buckling factor
l, lL length, element length
le effective length
ll length of longitudinal web stiffener
lt length of transverse web stiffener
lT distance between sideways support of stiffener
m modular ration of ES/EG
mq exponent in resistance equation for cracked tubular joints
n number of stiffeners
pf lateral pressure giving yield in extreme fibre of a continuous stiffener
pSd design hydrostatic pressure, design lateral pressure
p0 equivalent lateral pressure
qf design lateral lineload
qSd design lateral lineload
r radius, factor
s element width, stiffener spacing
se effective width
t thickness
tb bracket thickness
tc cone thickness
teff effective thickness of chord and internal pipe of a grouted member
tf flange thickness
tw web thickness
zp, zt distance
z* distance
α coefficient, angle between cylinder and cone geometrical coefficient, factor
α exponent in stability equation for dented tubular members
α circumferential angle of dented / corroded / cracked area of tubular section
β factor
γ factor
γd material factor to take into account model uncertainties
γf partial factor for actions
γM resulting material factor
γm material factor to take into account uncertainties in material properties
γn material factor to take into account the consequence of failure
δ dent depth
δ equivalent dent depth
δ max the sagging in the final state relative to the straight line joining the supports.
δ0 the pre-camber
δ1 the variation of the deflection of the beam due to the permanent loads immediately
after loading
δ2 the variation of the deflection of the beam due to the variable loading plus any time
dependent deformations due to the permanent load
∆y1 out-of-straightness of a dented member, measured perpendicular to the dent (along an
axis parallel to the dent)
∆y2 out-of-straightness of a dented member, measured in-line with the dent (along an axis
perpendicular with to the dent)
ε factor
η hoop buckling factor
θ angle
θc the included angle for the compression brace
θt the included angle for the tension brace
λ reduced slenderness, column slenderness parameter
λe reduced equivalent slenderness
λG reduced slenderness
λp reduced plate slenderness
λs reduced slenderness, shell slenderness parameter
λT reduced torsional slenderness
λTG reduced torsional slenderness for girders
λτ reduced slenderness
µ coefficient, geometric parameter
ν Poisson’s ratio
ξ factor
ξC correction factor for axial resistance of the dented tubular section
ξM correction factor for bending resistance of the dented tubular section
All relevant failure modes for the structure shall be identified and it shall be checked that no
corresponding limit state is exceeded.
The different groups of limit states are addressed in designated chapters of this standard. In general,
the design needs to be checked for all groups of limit states.
Sd ≤ R d (4.1)
Sd = Sk γ f Design action effect
Rd = Design resistance
Sk = Characteristic action effect
γf = partial factor for actions
Rk = Characteristic resistance
γM = γm ⋅ γn ⋅ γd Resulting material factor
γm = Material factor to take into account uncertainties in material properties
γn = Material factor to take into account the consequence of failure
γd = Material factor to take into account model uncertainties.
In this standard the values of the resulting material factor are given in the respective chapters.