Tension Member: 5.1 Types of Tension Members
Tension Member: 5.1 Types of Tension Members
Tension Member: 5.1 Types of Tension Members
A structural member subjected to tensile force along its longitudinal axis is Tension
Member. Tension member does not buckle so it is considered as most efficient and
economical structural steel member. Tension members are encountered in many steel
structures such as bridges, industrial structures, roofs, towers, steel frames etc.
Depending upon the stiffness of tension member, it can be categorized into four types.
i. Cables
Cables are made by twisting wires into strands. They have no stiffness. Primarily, they
are employed in cable structures as suspension cables, guy wires and suspenders.
Rods and bars are made from hot rolled square or round rods or flat bars. They have
little stiffness. They are employed as tension member in bracing system or as main
member in very light structures.
Cables, Rods, Bars are not suitable, when certain amount of rigidity of member required
or when load reversals may subject the tension member. In such cases, single or built-
up rolled steel sections are employed. Single or built-up sections for tension member
are decided on the basis of cross sectional area and stiffness required.
Net sectional area of tension member is found by deducting the holes required for
connection from gross sectional area of tension member and considering staggered
pitch of holes if any.
( )
b - Width of plate p - Pitch
ps - Staggered pitch g – Gauge
( ∑ )
n - Number of hole at the section
Lc ps
Tension Member
For Angle and T-section connected through only one leg instead of net sectional area,
effective net sectional area of member is used in design. Effective net sectional area is found
by reducing the net sectional area of member.
[Refer to cl.6.3.3] ̅
α = 0.6 for two bolts
0.7 for three bolts
0.8 for four or more bolts
0.8 for welds
ii. Rupture of tension member when ultimate stress reaches at its net sectional
area called net section rupture.
iii. Shearing of a segment of tension member at end called block shear failure.
( )( )( )
t – Thickness of plate
Lc – Length of connection
w w
bs – Shear lag distance
bs = w+w1 bs = w
iii. Design strength due to block shear [Refer to cl. 6.4]
Sometimes connection length turns out to be long. Long connection may increase
the cost of connection or may adversely affect the aesthetic of structure. In the case
reduction of length of connection becomes necessary. Additional angle section is
used to reduce the length of connection called Lug Angle.
I. Design of Lug Angle with Angle Section
Design ng
i. Find number of bolts (nc) required for connection of connected leg with gusset plate
ii. Find number of bolts (no) required for connection of outstanding leg with lug angle
and number of bolts (ng) required for connection of lug angle with gusset plate
iii. Find sectional area of lug angle (Ag) and select appropriate section for lug angle
nw ng
i. Find number of bolts (nw) required for connection of web of channel with gusset
ii. Find number of bolts (nf) required for connection of flange of channel with lug angle
and number of blots (ng) required for connection of lug angle with gusset plate.
iii. Find sectional area of lug angle (Ag) and select appropriate section for lug angle
Aw - Area of web
Af - Area of flange
A tension member is to be spliced when the available length of the member is less than
the required length or when it is required to connect the tension members of different
sections or sizes. Tension member is spliced by using cover plates. Tension splices are
designed for the pull required to transmit by the tension member. If the tension
members are of unequal thickness, then packing is used to get the surfaces of tension
members in one level. The number of bolts designed for tensile load through packing
greater than 6mm thick shall be increased. This is achieved by decreasing the shear
capacity of bolt by factor
tpk – thickness of packing