07 Culverts
07 Culverts
07 Culverts
To provide consistency within this chapter the following symbols are used. These
symbols are selected for their wide use in culvert publications.
The following principles are specific to culverts:
• All culverts shall be hydraulically designed.
• Overtopping flood selected is generally consistent with the class of highway and the
risk at the site. In our case, it shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 2:
Standards and Departures from Standards – Table 2-1.
• Survey information shall include topographic features, channel characteristics, high-
water information, existing structures, and other related site specific information.
• Culvert location in both plan and profile shall be investigated to avoid sediment
build-up in culvert barrels.
• The cost savings of multiple use (e.g.- utilities, stock and wildlife passage, and land
access) shall be weighed against the advantages of separate facilities.
• Culverts shall be designed to accommodate debris or proper provisions shall be made
for debris maintenance.
• Material selection shall include consideration of materials availability, and the service
life including abrasion and corrosion potentials.
• Culverts shall be located and designed to present a minimum hazard to traffic and
• The detail of documentation for each culvert site shall be commensurate with the risk
and importance of the structure. Design data and calculations shall be assembled and
retained for future reference as provided for in Chapter 4: Hydrographic Survey.
Bridges are used where they are more economical than a culvert, perhaps due to the need
to bury a culvert under a high level of fill. They are also employed to satisfy land use
requirements, to mitigate environmental harm possible with a culvert, to avoid floodway
or irrigation canal encroachments, and to accommodate large debris.
Culverts are used where bridges are not hydraulically required, where debris is tolerable,
and where they are more economical than a bridge. Culverts can be concrete box
culverts, reinforced concrete pipe culverts, or corrugated metal culverts.
Concrete box culverts are constructed with a square or rectangular opening, and with
wingwalls at both ends. They are usually specified for larger flows, where the area of the
opening is larger than that available for manufactured concrete or metal pipe culverts.
They may also be used where the cost estimate indicates that concrete box culverts
constructed on site are less expensive than manufactured and/or imported pipe culverts.
An alternative sometimes employed is to use metal arch pipe, and for larger openings this
can be more economic than concrete.
Although metal pipe culverts are usually less expensive than concrete pipe culverts, a
cost estimate may indicate that this is not the case. There are local concrete pipe culvert
manufacturers producing pipe of varying quality; presently all metal pipes need to be
Certain corrosive soils can create problems with metal pipes, and this would have a
tendency to create a shift in favor of concrete pipes. However, the corrosive effects are
mitigated through the application of bitumen coating to the metal pipes. This adds
slightly to the cost of the metal pipe.
The use of headwalls and/or wingwalls with pipe culverts is generally dependent on
factors such as the slope and stability of the channel. Pipe culverts can often be placed
particularly on lower volume roads without headwalls or wingwalls. For higher volume
roads, these are generally specified (see also 7.3.3 Debris Control, Design Features, End
Allowable Headwater—is the depth of water that can be ponded at the upstream end of
the culvert that will be limited by one or more of the following:
• will not damage up stream property,
• not higher than 300 mm below the edge of the shoulder,
• equal to an HW/D not greater than 1.5,
• no higher than the low point in the road grade, and
• equal to the elevation where flow can be diverted around the culvert.
Review (Check) Headwater—The review headwater is the flood depth that:
• does not exceed 500 mm increase over the existing 100-year flood in the vicinity of
buildings or habitations, and
• has a level of inundation that is tolerable to upstream property and roadways for the
review discharge.
Tailwater Relationship ~ Channel
• evaluate the hydraulic conditions of the downstream channel to determine a tailwater
depth for a range of discharges which includes the review discharge (see Chapter 6:
• calculate backwater curves at sensitive locations or use a single cross section
• use the critical depth and equivalent hydraulic grade line if the culvert outlet is
operating with a free outfall; and
• use the headwater elevation of any nearby, downstream culvert if it is greater than the
channel depth.
Tailwater Relationship ~ Confluence or Large Water Body
• use the high water elevation that has the same frequency as the design flood if events
are known to occur concurrently (statistically dependent); and
• if statistically independent, evaluate the joint probability of flood magnitudes and use
a likely combination resulting in the greater tailwater depth.
Maximum Velocity—the maximum velocity at the culvert exit shall be consistent with the
velocity in the natural channel or shall be mitigated with:
• channel stabilization (see Chapter 6: Channels), and
structural strength,
traffic delays
abrasion and corrosion resistance, and
water tightness requirements.
A pipe material other than concrete may be accepted as an alternate if the substitution is
supported by evidence that the hydraulic capacity, strength, durability, abrasion, and
corrosion resistance of the concrete pipe specified is equaled or exceeded. In addition,
any substitution must be analyzed in terms of cost and availability. Corrugated metal
pipe, if permitted, shall be protected at the ends by headwalls. Use of corrugated metal
pipes with projecting ends is not permitted under any circumstances.
Culvert Skew—the culvert skew shall not exceed 45 degrees as measured from a line
perpendicular to the roadway centerline.
End Treatment (Inlet or Outlet)—the culvert inlet type shall be selected from standard
details as shown in Figures 7-1 through 7-4. Alternative end treatments can be proposed
using the procedures mentioned in Chapter 2: Standards and Departures from Standards
Section 2-2. The designer should bear the following in mind in developing his design:
Projecting Inlets or Outlets. These are box or pipe culvert extensions beyond the
embankment of the roadway. They have low construction cost, eliminating headwalls
and wingwalls. However, they are susceptible to damage during roadway
maintenance. They are also considered unsafe. They have poor inlet hydraulic
efficiency, and they may require anchoring of the inlet to strengthen the weak leading
edge. They are suggested for only low standard roads.
Endwalls with Bevels. They are used with metal pipe, whereby the pipe is cut to
conform to the sideslope. They improve the inlet coefficient. They provide
embankment stability, embankment erosion protection, and protection from
buoyancy. They shorten the required structure length, and reduce maintenance
Endwalls. They provide embankment stability, embankment erosion protection, and
protection from buoyancy. They shorten the required structure length, and reduce
maintenance damage.
Type A. Conveys the flow away and perpendicular to the roadway.
Type B. Conveys the flow into longitudinal drains parallel to the roadway.
Improved Inlets. These may be considered for culverts that will operate in inlet
control. They can increase the hydraulic performance of the culvert, but may also add
to the total culvert cost. Therefore, they are usually beneficial only for long culverts
under multi-lane highways with medians.
Type C. Drop-type inlet increases performance.
Curb Drop Inlet. For use in urban sections where curbs and/or curbs and gutters are
Wingwalls. These are used to retain the roadway embankment to avoid a projecting
culvert barrel. They are also used where the side slopes of the channel are unstable,
and where the culvert is skewed to the normal channel flow. They can affect
hydraulic efficiency if the flare angle is < 30° or > 60°.
Aprons. They are used to reduce scour from high headwater depths or from approach
velocity in the channel. They should extend at least 1.5 pipe diameters upstream, and
should not protrude above the normal streambed elevation. An apron is depicted in
the Type A drawing.
Outlet Protection (See Chapter 9: Energy Dissipaters)—In general scour holes at culvert
outlets provide efficient energy dissipaters. Outlet protection for the selected culvert
design flood shall be provided where the outlet scour hole depth computations indicate:
• The scour hole will undermine the culvert outlet,
• The expected scour hole may cause costly property damage,
• The scour hole causes a nuisance effect (most common in urban areas)
Safety Considerations—Culvert ends sometimes present a hazard to traffic that runs off
the road increasing the severity of the accident and injuries. It may be advisable to
provide protection in high hazard locations.
Table 7-3
Inletcontrol curves and design equations
Unsubmerged—For headwater below the inlet crown, the entrance operates as a weir (see
Figure 7.6). A weir is a flow control section where the upstream water surface elevation
can be predicted for a given flow rate. The relationship between flow and water surface
elevation can be determined by model tests of the weir geometry or by measuring
prototype discharges.
Submerged—For headwaters above the inlet, the culvert operates as an orifice (see
Figure 7-7). An orifice is an opening, submerged on the upstream side and flowing freely
on the downstream side, which functions as a control section.
Nomographs—The inlet control flow versus headwater curves, which are established
using the above procedure, are the basis for constructing the inlet control design
nomographs. Note that in the inlet control nomographs, HW is measured to the total
upstream energy grade line including the approach velocity head. Inlet control
nomographs are shown in Charts 7-1, 7-2 and 7-6 at the end of this chapter, for concrete
pipe culverts, corrugated metal culverts, and box culverts, respectively.
Barrel Roughness—a function of the material used to fabricate the barrel. Typical
materials include concrete and corrugated metal. The roughness is represented by a
hydraulic resistance coefficient such as the Manning’s ‘n’ value. Typical Manning’s ‘n’
values are presented in Table 7-1.
V = Q/A (7.2)
V = average barrel velocity, m/s
Q = flow rate, m3/s
A = cross sectional area of flow with the barrel full, m2
Velocity Head
Hv = V2/2g (7.3)
g = acceleration due to gravity, 9.8 m/s2
Entrance loss
He = Ke (V2/2g) (7.4a)
KE = entrance loss coefficient, see Table 7-2.
Friction Loss
Hf = [(19.63n2L)/R1.33] [V2/2g) (7.4b)
n = Manning’s roughness coefficient (see Table 7-1)
L = length of the culvert barrel, m
R = hydraulic radius of the full culvert barrel = A/P, m
P = wetted perimeter of the barrel, m
Exit Loss
Ho = 1.0 [(V2/2g) - (Vd2/2g)] (7.4c)
Vd = channel velocity downstream of the culvert, m/s (usually neglected,
resulting in equation 7.4d).
Ho = Hv = V2/2g (7.4d)
Barrel Losses
H = He + Ho+Hf
H = [1 + Ke + (19.63n2L/R1.33)] [V2/2g] (7.5)
Energy Grade Line—the energy grade line represents the total energy at any point along
the culvert barrel. Equating the total energy at sections 1 and 2, upstream and
downstream of the culvert barrel in Figure 7-8, the following relationship results:
HWo + ( Vu2/2g) = TW + (Vd2/2g) + HL (7.6)
HWo = headwater depth above the outlet invert, m
Vu = approach velocity, m/s
TW = tailwater depth above the outlet invert, m
Vd = downstream velocity, m/s
HL = sum of all losses (equation 7.1)
Hydraulic Grade Line—The hydraulic grade line is the depth to which water would rise
in vertical tubes connected to the sides of the culvert barrel. In full flow, the energy grade
line and the hydraulic grade line are parallel lines separated by the velocity head except
at the inlet and the outlet.
Nomographs (full flow)—The nomographs were developed assuming that the culvert
barrel is flowing full and:
• TW > D, Flow Type IV Outlet Control (see Figure 7-8) or
• dc > D, Flow Type VI Inlet Control (see Figure 7-9)
• Vu is small and its velocity head can be considered a part of the available headwater
(HW) used to convey the flow through the culvert.
• Vd is small and its velocity head can be neglected.
• Equation (7.6) becomes:
HW = TW + H - SoL (7.7)
HW = depth from the inlet invert to the energy grade line, m
Figure 7-9 Submerged Pipe Flowing Full, Inlet Control, Flow Type
H = is the value read from the nomographs (equation 7.5), m
SoL = drop from inlet to outlet invert, m
Nomographs (Partly full flow) - Equations (7.1) through (7.7) were developed for full
barrel flow. The equations also apply to the flow situations which are effectively full
flow conditions, if TW < dc, Figure 7-10.
Nomographs (Partly full flow) - Approximate method—It has been found that the
hydraulic grade line pierces the plane of the culvert outlet at a point one-half way
between critical depth and the top of the barrel or (dc + D)/2 above the outlet invert. TW
should be used if higher than (dc + D)/2. The following equation should be used:
ho = the larger of TW or (dc + D)/2, m
Adequate results are obtained down to a HW = 0.75D. For lower headwaters, backwater
calculations are required. (See Figure 7-11 if TW < dc and Figure 7-12 if TW > dc)
In Inlet Control
If water surface profile (drawdown) calculations are necessary, begin at dc at the
entrance and proceed downstream to the exit. Determine at the exit the depth and
flow area. Use normal depth and velocity. This approximation may be used since the
water surface profile converges towards normal depth if the culvert is of adequate
length. The outlet velocity may be slightly higher than the actual velocity at the
outlet. Normal depths may also be obtained from design aids in publications (Ref.
In Outlet Control
The cross sectional area of the flow is defined by the geometry of the outlet and either
critical depth, tailwater depth, or the height of the conduit:
• Critical depth is used when the tailwater level is less than critical depth.
• Tailwater depth is used when tailwater is greater than critical depth, but below the
top of the barrel.
• The total barrel area is used when the tailwater level exceeds the top of the barrel.
2. Combine the inlet and outlet control performance curves to define a single
performance curve for the culvert.
3. When the culvert headwater elevations exceed the roadway crest elevation,
overtopping will begin. Calculate the upstream water surface depth above the
roadway for each selected flow rate. Use these water surface depths and equation
(7.9) to calculate flow rates across the roadway.
4. Add the culvert flow and the roadway overtopping flow at the corresponding
Table 7-2 Entrance Loss Coefficient (Outlet Control, Full or Partially Full)
He = Ke (V2/2g)
• no nearby structures
b. Studies by other agencies – none
c. Environmental risk assessment shows
• no buildings near floodplain
• no sensitive floodplain values and
• convenient detours exist
d. Design criteria
• 50-year frequency for design and
• 100-year frequency for check
Step 2 Determine Hydrology
SCS equations yield
• Q50 = 11.3 m3/s
• Q100 = 14.16m3/s
Step 3 Design Downstream Channel (see figure 7-15)
The rating curve for the channel calculated by normal depth yields:
Figure 7-16
Potential flood hazards increase whenever a culvert increases the natural flood stage.
Some of these hazards can conservatively be assessed without flood routing. However,
some damages associated with culvert backwater are time dependent and thus require an
estimate of depth versus duration of inundation. Some vegetation and commercial crops
can tolerate longer periods and greater depths of inundation than others can. Such
considerations become even more important when litigation is involved.
Complex culvert sediment deposition (“silting”) problems require the application of a
sediment routing practice. This practice requires a time-flood discharge relationship, or
hydrograph. This flood hydrograph must be coupled with a flood discharge-sediment
discharge relationship in order to route the sediment through the culvert site.
There are situations where culvert sizes and velocities obtained through flood routing
will not differ significantly from those obtained by designing to the selected peak
discharge and ignoring any temporary upstream storage. This occurs when:
• there is no significant temporary pond storage available (as in deep incised
• the culvert must pass the design discharge with no increase in the natural channel’s
flood stage, and
• runoff hydrographs last for long periods such as with irrigation flows.
In addition to the previous Design Equations (Section 7.5), the following routing
equations shall be used.
The basic flood routing equation is:
I - O = S/∆t or (7.14)
2S1/∆t - O1 + I1 + I2 = 2S2/∆t + O2 (7.15)
For a finite interval of time, ∆t, equation 7.14 can be expressed by:
∆S = Qi∆t – Q0∆t (7.16)
From these equations:
(I1 + I2)/2 = ∆S/∆t + O1/2 + O2/2 (7.17)
∆S = S2 – S1
S1 = storage volume in the temporary pond at the beginning of the incremental time
period, ∆t, m3
S2 = storage volume in the temporary pond at the end of the incremental time period,
∆t, m3
∆t = incremental routing time interval selected to subdivide hydrograph into finite time
elements, s
I = average hydrograph inflow to the temporary pond during incremental time period,
I1 = instantaneous inflow to the temporary pond at the beginning of the incremental
time period ∆t, m3/s
I2 = instantaneous inflow at the end of the time period ∆t, m3/s
O = average outflow from the temporary pond during incremental time period ∆t, m3/s
O1 = instantaneous outflow at the beginning of the time period ∆t, m3/s
O2 = instantaneous outflow at the end of the time period ∆t, m3/s
The design procedure for flood routing through a culvert is the same as for reservoir
routing. The site data and roadway geometry are obtained (Chapter 4: Hydrographic
Survey) and the hydrology analysis completed to include estimating a hydrograph
(Chapter 5: Hydrology). Once this essential information is available, the culvert can be
Flood routing through a culvert can be time consuming. It is recommended that a system
be used that very quickly routes floods through a culvert to evaluate an existing culvert
(review), or to select a culvert size that satisfies given criteria (design).
However, the designer should be familiar with the culvert flood routing design process.
This familiarization is necessary to:
• recognize and test suspected software malfunctions,
• circumvent any software limitations,
• flood route manually where the software is limited, and
• understand and discuss culvert flood routing in a creditable manner.
The design steps are outlined below and a design example provided. The design example
illustrates how flood routing for a selected time interval will result in the flood routing
findings from a computer analysis obtained using the HYDRAIN system. This example
demonstrates how to accomplish a culvert flood routing analysis. For brevity, it does not
contain individual computations for every time increment.
A Multiple trial and error procedure is required for culvert flood routing. In general:
• a trial culvert(s) is selected,
• a trial discharge for a particular hydrograph time element is selected,
• flood routing computations are made with successive trial discharges until the
flood routing equation is satisfied,
• the hydraulic findings are compared to the selected site criteria, and
• if the selected site criteria are satisfied then a trial discharge for the next time
increment is selected and this procedure is repeated; if not, a new trial culvert is
selected and the entire procedure is repeated.
Step 1 Hydrograph
Plot the selected design and review hydrograph as computed using the
practices from Chapter 5: Hydrology. Select a time interval, ∆t, for use in the
flood routing procedure and subdivide the hydrograph into these increments.
Step 2 Discharge Curve
Using the practices in Chapter 6: Channels, compute and plot a stage-
discharge curve for the downstream channel.
Step 3 Performance Curve
Compute and plot a culvert performance curve (headwater versus discharge)
for the trial culvert(s). Where overtopping occurs, it is necessary that the upper
end of this performance curve be adjusted to reflect this additional discharge.
This additional discharge is computed using the weir equation as adjusted to
reflect a roadway embankment and any downstream effects where a low
roadway fill is involved. This performance curve is the spillway discharge
curve commonly used in reservoir routing.
• Recognize that with a decreasing headwater the temporary pond storage will be
decreasing, select a trial outflow (from the culvert) discharge that is larger than
the inflow discharge
• With this larger outflow discharge, estimate the headwater from the trial
culvert(s) performance curve
• Use this headwater to estimate the storage volume corresponding to this
headwater from the upstream stage storage curve
• Compute the outflow volume corresponding to this selected outflow discharge
and the previously selected time increment
• Subtract this volume from the foregoing average inflow volume; this is the
volume that would have to go into temporary upstream pond storage
• Subtract this volume from the volume already in storage
• Compare this total volume with the volume corresponding to the previously
estimated headwater, if they are the same (or nearly so), proceed to the next
step; if not, repeat this step using a different trial outflow discharge
Step 7 Criteria Check
Following (or during) the foregoing routing steps compare the resulting
headwater and outlet velocity, as well as temporary pond size and duration, with
the corresponding criteria selected for the site. Should there be a violation of
these criteria, return to Step 1 and select a larger trial culvert; a smaller trial
culvert would be selected if there appeared to be a significant over design.
With :
Q – Discharge (m3/s)
g - gravity constant (m/s2)
Dc – Critical depth (m)
θ, θr - See sketch (degree, radian)
Critical Depth-dc (Meters)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Critical Depth-dc (Meters)
Q=flow (m3/s)
2 B=base of section (m)
Dc=0.467 (Q/B ) 2/3
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
The approach Yes
Consider design option
velocity V
depending on the results.
neglectable ?
See 7.3 : Design features
Yes Hwi = HW
Hwi = HW-V²/2g
Do you
have enough values to Yes
plot performance
curve ? Compute the Tailwater depth
TW (See 7.3 DESIGN
No Yes
Are results in
Calculate critical depth (dc)
agreement with cons-
using chart 7-3 or 7-7
traints and assump-
tions ?
HWc= HWi Yes HWi>Hwoi ?
HWc-HWov>0 ? Inlet control
(HWov=height of road
above inlet invert) No
HWc= Hwoi HWoi>1.2D ?
Outlet control
Flowchart 7-1 Design of Culverts Approximation has to
(See Procedure in section 7-6) be checked (see Step 8)
Form 7-1