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TR350 6

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Department of the Army *TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Headquarters, United States Army

Training and Doctrine Command
Fort Eustis, Virginia 23604-5700

8 December 2022

Enlisted Initial Entry Training Policies and Administration

General, U.S. Army

Deputy Chief of Staff, G-6

History. This publication is a major revision. The portions affected by this revision are listed in
the summary of change.

Summary. This Regulation prescribes policies and procedures for the conduct of enlisted initial
entry training.

Applicability. This regulation applies to all Active Army, United States Army Reserve, and Army
National Guard enlisted initial entry training conducted at both U.S. Army Training and Doctrine
Command (TRADOC) and non-TRADOC service schools, Army training centers, and other
training activities under the control of Headquarters TRADOC and to all personnel, military and
civilian, under the control of headquarters TRADOC, to include Army elements stationed within
the purview of Interservice training which includes Department of Defense Executive Agent, Joint
training, Quota training, and Interservice Training Review Organization training for advanced
individual training , initial entry training conducted on an installation, the commander of which is
subordinate to, and within the supervisory chain of the Commanding General, TRADOC. Portions
of this regulation are punitive. Violation of the specific prohibitions and requirements of specific
portions by Soldiers may result in adverse administrative action and/or charges under the Uniform
Code of Military Justice. TRADOC subordinate commanders who are also installation
commanders should issue local regulations or incorporate into pre-existing local regulations, the
appropriate punitive provisions of TRADOC Regulation 350-6 as effective on their installations to
protect Trainees and preserve good order and discipline.
*This regulation supersedes TRADOC Regulation 350-6, dated 9 August 2019.
TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Proponent and exception authority. The proponent of this regulation is the TRADOC Deputy
Commanding General–Initial Military Training (DCG-IMT), 210 Dillon Circle, Fort Eustis,
Virginia 23604-5701. The proponent has the authority to approve exceptions or waivers to this
regulation that are consistent with controlling law and regulations. The proponent may delegate
this approval authority in writing, to a division chief with the proponent agency or its direct
reporting unit or field-operating agency, in the grade of colonel or the DA Civilian equivalent.
Activities may request a waiver to this regulation by providing justification that includes a full
analysis of the expected benefits and must include formal review by the activity’s senior legal
officer. The commander will endorse all waiver requests. The senior leader of the requesting
activity will endorse all waivers requests and forwarded through higher headquarters to the policy

Army management control process. This regulation contains management control provisions in
accordance with AR 11-2, but it does not identify key management controls that must be

Supplementation. Supplementation of this regulation and establishment of command and local

forms is prohibited without prior approval from the Deputy Commanding General-Initial Military
Training (DCG-IMT), 210 Dillon Circle, Fort Eustis, Virginia 23604-5701.

Suggested improvements. Users may send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form
2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) directly to the U.S. Army Center
for Initial Military Training (ATMT), 210 Dillon Circle, Fort Eustis, Virginia 23604-5701 or
electronically to usarmy.jble.tradoc.mbx.dcg-imt-g7@army.mil.

Distribution. This regulation is available in electronic media only on the U.S Army Training and
Doctrine Command Administrative Publications website at https://adminpubs.tradoc.army.mil/.

Summary of Change

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Enlisted Initial Entry Training Policies and Administration

This major revision, dated 8 December 2022-

o Adds requirements for a cadre resiliency program (1-4e(6)).

o Adds leadership at training requirement (para 1-4e(12)).

o Changes initial entry training requirements (para 2-1).

o Changes Army Physical Fitness Test to Army Combat Fitness Test throughout the regulation.

o Changes initial entry training graduation standards (para 2-2).

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

o Adds activities in support of extremist organizations and gangs (para 2-8).

o Adds guidance on tobacco policy in initial entry training (para 3-4).

o Adds guidance to suicide prevention (para 3-11(2)d; 3-11(c) (2) (d) and 3-11f).

o Changes name for Figure 3-2.

o Adds a new policy for cell phones and electronics (para 3-19).

o Modifies information in amount and type of control /phase privileges (para 4-6b(4)) and (4-6d).

o Updates provision on transportation of basic combat training graduates to advanced individual

training (para 4-13c).

o Modifies phased training (para 5-2).

o Changes assessment and testing (para 5-9).

o Updates fueling for performance (para 5-10).

o Changes rifle marksmanship program qualification (para 5-12).

o Adds guidance for weapons immersion (para 5-13).

o Adds guidance for corrective training and corrective action (para 5-21).

o Updates mandated/ reinforcement training (Table 5-1).

o Updates References section (appendix A).

o Updates Initial Military Training Leader/Cadre Training courses (appendix B).

o Changes fitness training unit (Appendix G).

o Adds a new appendix for Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal (appendix J).

o Changes the reception battalion responsibilities (appendix K).

o Adds a new appendix for Hospital Based Training (appendix N).

o Updates TRADOC Form 350-6-2 (Initial Military Training Soldier Assessment Report).

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Chapter 1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................9
1-1. Purpose .....................................................................................................................................9
1-2. References ................................................................................................................................9
1-3. Explanation of abbreviations and terms ...................................................................................9
1-4. Responsibilities.........................................................................................................................9
1-5. Records management requirements ........................................................................................14
1-6. Initial Military Training (IMT) Mission/Vision/End state .....................................................14
1-7. Lines of effort for IMT ...........................................................................................................17
Chapter 2 Compliance, Standards, Accountability and Discipline ................................................18
2-1. IET requirements ....................................................................................................................18
2-2. IET graduation standards ........................................................................................................19
2-3. Testing procedures for Advanced Individual Training (AIT) and military occupational
specialty (MOS) portion of one station unit training (OSUT) of IET Soldiers .............................21
2-4. Treatment of IET Trainees/Soldiers .......................................................................................22
2-5. Trainee abuse and prohibited relations ...................................................................................23
2-6. IET Trainee abuse and sexual assault investigation and reporting .........................................28
2-7. Allegations of recruiting improprieties...................................................................................29
2-8. Activities in Support of Extremist Organizations and Gangs.................................................30
2-9. Body composition standards in IET .......................................................................................31
2-10. Tattoos/brands ......................................................................................................................31
Chapter 3 Separate and Secure Environment.................................................................................31
3-1. Separate and secure ................................................................................................................31
3-2. Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) training .............................36
3-3. Safety ......................................................................................................................................37
3-4. Tobacco policy for IET...........................................................................................................38
3-5. Risk management ...................................................................................................................39
3-6. Line of duty (LOD) investigations .........................................................................................39
3-7. Severe weather notification ....................................................................................................39
3-8. Medical support for training ...................................................................................................40
3-9. Combat Lifesaver (CLS) training/certification and utilization will be as follows: ................41
3-10. Injury prevention measures ..................................................................................................42
3-11. Suicide prevention ................................................................................................................43
3-12. Preventing communicable illnesses ......................................................................................46
3-13. Managing outbreaks of communicable illnesses ..................................................................49
3-14. Field sanitation .....................................................................................................................49
3-15. Personal health and hygiene .................................................................................................50
3-16. Hearing conservation program .............................................................................................51
3-17. Health care committee ..........................................................................................................52
3-18. Sleep .....................................................................................................................................54
3-19. Cell Phones and electronics devices .....................................................................................54
Chapter 4 Soldier and Cadre Reception and Intergration .............................................................55
4-1. Integration of male and female Soldiers .................................................................................55
4-2. Battle buddy system................................................................................................................56
4-3. Duties - charge of quarters (CQ), access control guard, and extra duty .................................57
4-4. U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Pamphlet 600-4 ..............................................57

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

4-5. IET Soldier work details .........................................................................................................57

4-6. Amount and type of control/phase privileges .........................................................................58
4-7. Guidance for the Recruitment and participation of IMT Soldiers as Subjects in DoD-
conducted or -supported human subjects research (HSR) .............................................................61
4-8. Basic combat training (BCT) feedback system ......................................................................62
4-9. IET hold management ............................................................................................................62
4-10. Reception and holding units (RHUs)/Companies ................................................................63
4-11. Soldiers held for security clearance ......................................................................................64
4-12. Separations............................................................................................................................67
4-13. Transportation of basic combat training graduates to AIT locations ...................................68
4-14. Conscientious objectors ........................................................................................................69
4-15. Reclassified/MOS trained/prior service Soldiers .................................................................69
4-16. MOS retraining/reclassification policy.................................................................................71
4-17. Promotions, awards, and competitions .................................................................................71
4-18. Holiday block leave ..............................................................................................................72
4-19. AIT squad leader roles and duties ........................................................................................72
4-20. Stored Value Card (SVC) Program ......................................................................................73
4-21. Army Career Tracker (ACT) ................................................................................................74
4-22. Hometown Recruiter Assistance Program (HRAP) execution .............................................75
Chapter 5 Entry Training and Enhanced Performance ..................................................................76
5-1. IET strategy ............................................................................................................................76
5-2. Phased training .......................................................................................................................77
5-3. Company training starts/transformation .................................................................................80
5-4. Training schedules ..................................................................................................................81
5-5. Development of training programs .........................................................................................81
5-6. Modifications to training programs ........................................................................................81
5-7. Makeup training/constructive credit .......................................................................................82
5-8. Physical readiness training (PRT) ..........................................................................................83
5-9. Assessment and testing ...........................................................................................................83
5-10. Fueling for performance .......................................................................................................85
5-11. Warrior tasks and battle drills (WTBD) ...............................................................................88
5-12. Rifle marksmanship Program qualification ..........................................................................88
5-13. Weapons Immersion .............................................................................................................88
5-14. Deliberate training paths .......................................................................................................89
5-15. Inspector general (IG) system briefing .................................................................................89
5-16. AIT/OSUT Personal Financial Management Training (PFMT)...........................................89
5-17. BCT/OSUT field training exercise (FTX) (HAMMER; ANVIL; and FORGE) .................91
5-18. IET Soldier leader positions .................................................................................................91
5-19. Concurrent training ...............................................................................................................92
5-20. On-the-job-training ...............................................................................................................92
5-21. Corrective training and corrective action (Nonpunitive corrective measures) .....................93
5-22. Remedial training .................................................................................................................94
5-23. Reinforcement training in AIT/OSUT ..................................................................................95
5-24. New start/recycle program....................................................................................................97
5-25. After-action reviews (AARs) and sensing sessions ..............................................................98
5-26. Training records ....................................................................................................................99

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Chapter 6 Cadre Selection and Certification .............................................................................100

6-1. Selection and certification ....................................................................................................100
6-2. Program of instruction and instructor certification...............................................................100
6-3. Cadre uniform .......................................................................................................................100
6-4. Drill sergeant driving limitations..........................................................................................101
6-5. IET cadre/support personnel training ...................................................................................101
Chapter 7 Reserve Component (RC) Training...........................................................................101
7-1. General..................................................................................................................................101
7-2. Assistance to Army National Guard (ARNG)/U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) Soldiers in IET101
7-3. Graduation requirements not met .........................................................................................102
7-4. Split training option (STO) ...................................................................................................102
7-5. STO early releases ................................................................................................................102
7-6. STO 2 Army physical training procedures ...........................................................................104
7-7. STO 2 administrative deficiencies ........................................................................................104
7-8. Testing of STO Soldiers in IET ............................................................................................104
7-9. Placement into training .........................................................................................................105
Appendix A References ..............................................................................................................105
Appendix B Initial Military Training Leader and Cadre Training Courses................................112
Appendix C Defense Language Institute English Language Center, English as a Second Language
Course ..........................................................................................................................................117
Appendix D Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC) ........................124
Appendix E Accelerated AIT Graduation Program ....................................................................127
Appendix F Records ...................................................................................................................128
Appendix G Fitness Training Unit (FTU) ..................................................................................130
Appendix H Medical Support .....................................................................................................138
Appendix I MOS Retraining/Reclassification Procedures .........................................................149
Appendix J Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal (NAVSCOLEOD), Eglin AFB, FL ..151
Appendix K Reception Battalion ................................................................................................154
Appendix L Interservice Training Review Organization (ITRO) (AIT) ....................................172
Appendix M TRADOC Trainee Abuse Prevention Program .....................................................180
Appendix N Hospital Based Training .........................................................................................185
Glossary .......................................................................................................................................187

Figure list
Figure 1-1. Professional Certification Process...............................................................................15
Figure 3-1. Example bunking layout (DA Pam 420-1-1) ..............................................................47
Figure 3-2. Disinfectant solutions and products ............................................................................48
Figure 5-1. Example Dining Facility Checklist .............................................................................86
Figure E-1. Early graduation request example ............................................................................128
Figure K-1. DS “Meet and Greet” script .....................................................................................166
Contents (cont.) Page

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Table list
Table 3-1. CLS medical equipment set ..........................................................................................42
Table 4-1. IET phases and privileges .............................................................................................61
Table 4-2. ATRRS codes for IET Soldier actions .........................................................................64
Table 4-3. Military occupational specialty (MOS) security clearance eligibility requirements ....66
Table 5-1. Mandated/Reinforcement training ................................................................................95
Table B-1. IET Leader and Cadre Training Courses program.....................................................116
Table H-1. Medical support matrix to high-risk training.............................................................138
Table K-1. Future Soldiers items to bring ...................................................................................169
Table K-2. Future Soldiers items to purchase ..............................................................................170
Table K-3. Bundle pack purchases ..............................................................................................171
Table K-4. COVID-19 packing list ..............................................................................................171

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

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TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Chapter 1

1-1. Purpose
This regulation prescribes U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) guidance,
policies, procedures, and responsibilities for managing and conducting Initial Entry Training
(IET). IET is a subset of the TRADOC Core Function - Initial Military Training (IMT) – identified
in TRADOC Regulation (TR) 10-5, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Functions and
Organizations, and TR 10-5-8, United States Army Center for Initial Military Training. IET
consists of basic combat training (BCT), one station unit training (OSUT), Advanced Individual
Training (AIT), and any other formal enlisted Army training accomplished within the IET
environment. IET also includes training for Army elements undergoing Interservice training
including DoD Executive Agent, Joint training, Quota training, and Interservice Training Review
Organization for AIT, prior to the awarding of an initial military occupational specialty (MOS) (for
example, English language training (ELT)). The regulation supports the design, development, and
execution of all IET programs of instruction (POIs), as well as AIT for MOS training for prior
service enlisted Soldiers and Noncommissioned Officers (NCOs). The regulation identifies
prohibited practices, which may subject the offender to disciplinary action. These provisions of
the regulation are punitive in nature.

1-2. References
See appendix A.

1-3. Explanation of abbreviations and terms

See the glossary.

1-4. Responsibilities

a. The Commanding General (CG), TRADOC, hereby delegates authority to DCG-IMT/CG,

U.S. Army Center for Initial Military Training (CIMT), who then delegates to the IMT brigade
(BDE) commanders, to sign the sponsorship exception to policy (ETP) referred to in paragraph 4-
21f below. The CG, TRADOC may cancel or withdraw delegated authority at any time (to include
upon review after a change of command).

b. The DCG-IMT/CG, CIMT will-

(1) Serve as Core Function Lead for IMT within TRADOC and represent the CG,

(2) Establish policy, guidance, and instruction for conduct of IET as part of the accessions

(3) Serve as the proponent for TRADOC BCT and the first four phases of OSUT.

(4) Serve as the proponent and exception authority for TR 350-6.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(5) Set conditions to manage, synchronize, and oversee all TRADOC, Headquarters,
Department of the Army (HQDA) and Department of Defense (DOD) policies, regulations, and
directives governing Soldier initial entry training to ensure consistent application across the IMT

(6) Assist, coordinate with, and support TRADOC installations to include ITRO sites by
monitoring course quotas and production throughput and ensure TRADOC and the Army
adequately address subordinate issues, requirements, and priorities.

(7) Facilitate coordination and dissemination of plans, doctrine, and training by working
closely with the TRADOC HQs staff and external agencies as appropriate.

(8) Supervise and conduct the following leader training within TRADOC: IMT
BDE/Battalion (BN) Pre-Command Course (PCC) (Phase II), IMT Company Commander/First
Sergeant Course (CCFSC), IMT Cadre Training Course (CTC), IMT Support Cadre Training
Course (SCTC), Installation Staff Contractor Training Course (ISCTC), and additional functional
training as directed by HQ TRADOC. Serves as the approving authority for course material
submitted by the course proponent.

(9) Serve as lead for development and implementation of the Warrior Tasks and Battle
Drills (WTBDs), and recommend updates for CG, TRADOC approval. In coordination with
School proponents, approve WTBD training requirements in AIT and the Black and Gold phases
of OSUT. Conduct a survey and conference every two years to assess the need for additions,
modifications, and deletions to approved WTBDs.

(10) Conduct staff assistance visits, investigations, inspections, assistance, and assessments
as needed within the IMT enterprise.

(11) Participate and support center of excellence (COE) and school accreditation efforts
within TRADOC.

(12) Review all IMT and MOS-T programs of instruction (POI) for inclusion of mandated

(13) Serve as approval authority for the BCT and Drill Sergeant Course POIs.

(14) Revise TRADOC Pamphlet (TP) 600-4, The Soldier’s Blue Book, in coordination with
all TRADOC branch proponents and provide a copy to the Army Training Support Center (ATSC)
(ATIC-DCO), Building 1726, Fort Eustis, Virginia 23604 for publication and distribution.

(15) Support and facilitate AIT/OSUT Soldier sponsorship for respective gaining

(16) Ensure orientation and administration processing for Exceptional Family Members
Program (EFMP) is conducted.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(17) Ensure EFMP briefs are conducted during in-processing for AIT Soldiers. See AR 612-
201, for required EFMP required actions during AIT in-processing and in week 10 of OSUT.

c. CG, CIMT in his/her capacity as the DCG-IMT will-

(1) Standardize training and continually assess the IMT Enterprise in the following areas:

(a) Quality of training;

(b) Managing leader-to-led ratios;

(c) Force protection; and

(d) Challenges and resource shortfalls.

(2) Collect and analyze accessions information, assess relevancy and effectiveness of the
training provided to Soldiers and leaders; ensure a safe environment exists for Soldiers to live,
work and learn; and recommend priorities to TRADOC and COE commanders.

(3) Serve as the Institutional Official for purposes of establishing and maintaining the CIMT
Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) and a DoD Assurance for the protection of human
research subjects, in accordance with DoDI 3216.02. Serve as the approving authority for the
conduct and oversight of pilots and surveys within the IMT enterprise.

(4) Conduct research and experimentation analysis to improve performance in IMT.

(5) Track and assess equipment fielding and individual equipment requirements in IMT in
coordination with HQ TRADOC.

(6) Coordinate IMT training facilities and barracks funding strategies and policies, priorities,
and implementing instructions with HQ TRADOC. Review and approve infrastructure
requirements necessary to support training outlined in POIs (for example, ranges, classrooms,
training aids, devices, simulators, and simulations).

(7) Conduct conferences (video, telephonic, or in person) as required, in the execution of

management, compliance, and oversight responsibilities, consistent with AR 1-50.

(8) Conduct and host an IET BDE commander/command sergeant major (CSM) forum
annually, consistent with AR 1-50.

d. The 108th Training Command will:

(1) Provide trained and ready Drill Sergeants (DS), instructors, leader- trainers, and
command and control expertise to the Active Army and TRADOC.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(2) Serve as Direct Support to TRADOC and CIMT by augmenting the Training BDEs with
DSs, by supporting BCT/OSUT requirements and by providing reception battalion (RECBN)

e. Commandants, TRADOC branch schools will-

(1) Develop and provide training support package and Training Requirements Analysis
System (TRAS) documentation, Individual Training Plans (ITP), POIs, Course Administrative
Data (CAD), lesson plans, and other instructional material, as required, in accordance with TR
350-70. Proponents for OSUT will integrate BCT core training into their OSUT POIs.

(2) Establish and maintain a working relationship through visits, conferences, VTCs, and
correspondence with Army Training Center (ATC) commanders, commandants, and training
division commanders conducting training in courses for which they are the designated proponent.

(3) Manage the quality assurance program in accordance with TR 350-70 and TR 11-21 to
evaluate the training program effectiveness for which they are proponents. Evaluation will include
a thorough assessment of feedback from the field, as well as an assessment of teaching methods
being used at course sites.

(4) Manage an effective mission-oriented safety program that integrates risk management
into all activities and training to protect personnel, facilities, equipment, and materiel under their
charge, as well as the public and natural environment from hazards and accidents.

(5) Identify and approve POI infrastructure requirements and submit to TRADOC Deputy
Chief of Staff (DCS) G-3/5/7 (Plans, Operations, and Training), Training Operations Management
Agency (TOMA) for validation.

(6) Establish a cadre resilience program (CRP) (i.e. Drill Sergeants/Instructors) in the IET
environment. The CRP will follow the guidance in accordance with TR 350-16. Enforce and hold
leaders accountable for engaged leadership and entice leaders to invest in training. Standardize the
DS/Instructor certification process with execution at the brigade level, and the CRP with re-
certification at the CoE level and link Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP)-5. Commanders
assess manpower requirements to identify negative impacts on the CRP and balance effectiveness
over throughput when mission requirements impact the program. If command cannot meet the
requirements outlined in TR 350-16 for the CRP, (i.e. timeline), request an exception to policy
through the chain of command to CG, CIMT. This program may be suspended in case of a global

(7) Conduct other IET programs as the CG, TRADOC directs.

(8) Maintain records (hardcopy or electronic) created and/or received in the course of doing
Army business are in accordance with AR 25-400-2.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(9) Conduct orientation and administration processing for EFMP, using DA Form 7415
(Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Querying Sheet), for both enlisted and officer
personnel (see AR 608-75).

(10) Conduct EFMP briefs during AIT Soldier in-processing. See AR 612-201, for required
EFMP actions during AIT in-processing and in week 10 of OSUT.

(11) Brief all IMT Soldiers on the EFMP prior to their departure to their first duty station.

(12) Ensure Leadership is present at all high-risk training. At a minimum, one of the top
three unit leaders, (Commander (CDR), First Sergeant (1SG), or Executive officer (XO)) will be
present during physical training, Live-fire ranges and field training exercises (FTX). Senior DS
will not replace one of the “Top 3” leader requirements.

f. The senior IET commander at each TRADOC subordinate command and non-TRADOC
organization will-

(1) Ensure designated courses are taught in accordance with approved POI and training
materials developed by the proponent. This includes application of IET training strategy and
methods outlined in TR 350-70 and this regulation.

(2) Assist Service schools, ITRO, and other course proponents in the design and
development of courses taught in the ATC in accordance with TR 350-70.

(3) Provide feedback and make recommendations to change training content such as
methods of instruction and sequencing.

(4) Continually evaluate training effectiveness, enforce training standards, and ensure
continual certification of training cadre.

(5) Ensure cadre and support personnel attend the appropriate training courses in accordance
with paragraph 6-5 and table B-1 of this regulation.

(6) Maintain a list, by position, of who must attend CTC, SCTC and ISCTC and submit
annually to proponent at Initial Military Training Leadership School (ATMT-LTB-IMT), Leader
Training Brigade (LTB), S-3, Building 3300 Magruder Ave, Fort Jackson, SC 29207-7003.

(7) Establish responsibility at the appropriate level of command for conducting preliminary
inquiries, making credibility determinations, and documenting and maintaining records of serious
incident reports (SIR) and operations reports (OPREPs).

(8) Submit SIRs in accordance with AR 190-45 and OPREPs in accordance with TR 1-8 to
TRADOC DCS, G-3/5/7, and Current Operations (G-33), Emergency Operation Center (ATTG-
OPA-E). Reporting procedures outlined in TR 1-8 do not replace the reporting procedures as
outlined in AR 190-45. Parallel reports are often required due to separate reporting channels.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(9) Ensure TRADOC Form 350-6-2 (Initial Military Training Soldier Assessment Report) is
completed during each phase of training and included in the Soldier’s training packet upon
graduation. Ensure that cadre solicit and attend to Soldier responses for Section I, "Family and
Financial Status" and "Health Issues," and Section II “Training Outcomes” for indications of need
for help; and make appropriate consultations or referrals to the chain of command, the Chaplain,
Behavioral Health professionals, and/or to Army Community Service, as indicated.

g. Commandant, U.S. Army Infantry School (in regard to BCT, OSUT, and AIT) will:

(1) Design the education and training for those infantry warrior tasks selected for training in

(2) Evaluate new equipment for use in BCT in conjunction with the appropriate proponents.

h. Commander, Defense Language Institute English Language Center (DLIELC), English as a

second language (ESL) course will adhere to TRADOC policies in appendix C when training pre-
BCT/OSUT Soldiers.

i. Commander, Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC) will adhere to
the policies outlined in appendix D.

1-5. Records management requirements

a. The records management requirement for all record numbers, associated forms, and reports
required by this publication are addressed in the Records Retention Schedule–Army (RRS–A).
Detailed information for all related record numbers, forms, and reports are located in Army
Records Information Management System (ARIMS)/RRS–A at https://www.arims.army.mil. If
any record numbers, forms, and reports are not current, addressed, and/or published correctly in
ARIMS/RRS–A, see DA Pam 25–403 for guidance.

b. Any retention and disposition schedules indicated in this regulation are to be verified against
the most current records schedule published. See appendix F, for records management
requirements related to this publication.

1-6. Initial Military Training (IMT) Mission/Vision/End state

a. Mission. Developing Soldiers who are resilient, fit, and strong of character who proudly
represent the diversity of America, are capable of meeting the cognitive, physical, and social
requirements of service in the Army, and are committed to completing their first term of service.

b. Vision. Improve the Readiness of the Force by building and retaining Soldiers who can
immediately add value to the Operational Army.

c. End state. Soldiers who are:

(1) Competent in basic combat skills and unique specialties (WTBDs and MOS).

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(2) Disciplined individuals of character.

(3) Physically, mentally, and spiritually fit.

(4) Acculturated with Army Values, the Soldier’s Creed, and Army history.

(5) A trusted member of the Army team.

(6) Committed to serving our Army and nation.

Reference: ADRP 1, The Army Profession

Figure 1-1. Professional Certification Process

d. Strategy.

(1) Ends. IMT is a process within the institutional domain that aligns the development of
competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities, attributes) and behaviors in civilian volunteers and
enables their transformation into Army military professionals. The outcome is a Soldier who is
competent, confident, and a disciplined individual of character, acculturated in Army Values, the
Soldier’s Creed and Army history, physically fit, trusted member of the Army team, and
committed to serving our Army and nation.

(2) Ways. As stated in The Army Training Strategy, IMT provides the foundation for
Trainees to be experts in their critical combat skills and cultivates self-confidence, adaptability,
physical strength, resilience, and mental agility.

(a) For enlisted Trainees, IMT begins with training provided to delayed-entry recruits by
recruiters or through distance learning applications prior to reporting to the Military Entrance
Processing Station (MEPS) and continues during BCT.

(b) Specific for enlisted Soldiers. IMT ends when the aspiring Army professional graduates
from AIT or OSUT and is determined to be qualified by the branch or functional proponent to
perform his/her MOS skills.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(3) Means. Central to implementing the IMT process is the need for collaboration,
consultation, and cooperation by all leaders within the institutional domain, recruiting, TRADOC
HQ, the Army, and units who receive the newly certified Soldiers.

(a) Senior-level oversight of training-related issues is an integral element of the TRADOC

mission. TR 10-5 designates the CG, CIMT as TRADOC’s lead for IMT and the principal
representative for the CG TRADOC for supervision, management, and oversight of policy and
resource prioritization on all matters pertaining to IMT.

(b) TRADOC G-3/5/7, Training Operations Management Activity (TOMA) is responsible

for validating and integrating TRADOC course and resource requirements into the Structure
Manning Decision review (SMDR) and oversight for the execution of the Army Program for
Individual Training (ARPRINT). TOMA also provides oversight of Training Resource Arbitration
Panel (TRAP) actions and course mission/resource adjustments, and coordinates RC training base
augmentation (108th Training Command, (IET)), training ammunition management, and Inter-
Service Training Review Organization (ITRO).

(c) The CG, CIMT synchronizes efforts across COEs but does not direct priorities of work,
management of allotted resources or how a mission is to be accomplished. COE CGs must
integrate all efforts in support of multiple core functions directed by different core function leads
that operate under various Army management and resourcing processes. This requires vigilance in
managing internal COE resources and work priorities to accomplish missions, weighing priorities,
and taking prudent risks when necessary. COE CGs are accountable for ensuring missions are
accomplished and integrated.

(d) COE CGs serve as the Army’s experts within their respective areas (maneuver, aviation,
fires, intelligence, maneuver support, mission command, cyber, and sustainment) and execute
TRADOC core functions in support of that area, to include training, doctrine, and capability

(e) The branch proponent is the school commandant and chief of the designated branch and
is responsible for executing training, leader development and education and manages personnel
proponent requirements. Commandants provide command and control for one or more training
BDEs and ensure the school maintains the highest standards for instructor certification, school
accreditation, development and sustainment of courseware, and proper use of Army school system
personnel and facilities. Commandants ensure the operational relevance of curricula through the
inclusion of lessons learned and realistic scenarios that reflect the operational environment.

(f) The 108th Training Command provides trained and ready DSs, instructors, and command
and control expertise to the Active Army and TRADOC. The 108th Training Command (IET) is
direct support to TRADOC and supports CIMT by augmenting the Training BDEs with DSs, by
supporting BCT/OSUT requirements and by providing reception battalion (RECBN) support. The
U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) and 108th Training Command (IET) also provide resources that
support the U.S. Army Drill Sergeant Academy located at Fort Jackson, SC as well as specified
mission requirements such as Task Force Marshall.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(g) All IMT unit leaders across BCT, AIT and OSUT are responsible for training,
educating, and development of civilian volunteers into Army military professionals.

(h) Leaders within the U.S. Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) have preparatory
responsibilities that support the IMT process.

(i) All IMT commanders are responsible to generate a disciplined, fit, acculturated and
combat ready Solider who will increase Army readiness at their first unit of assignment.

(j) In keeping with mission command doctrine, the 108th Training Command staff supports
the DCG-IMT/CG, CIMT in exercising sufficient control to achieve desired effects while allowing
subordinate matrix-organizations maximum freedom of action to accomplish assigned tasks.

(k) The 108th Training Command staff supports decision making by:

• Collecting and analyzing information, assessing relevancy and effectiveness of the

training provided to Soldiers and leaders, ensuring a safe environment exists for Soldiers to live
and learn, and recommending priorities on how best to use limited resources.
• Assisting, coordinating with, and supporting supported organization’s efforts by
promoting TRADOC and HQDA policy and guidance, monitoring course quotas, managing
production throughput, and ensuring subordinate issues, requirements, and priorities are adequately
addressed by TRADOC and the Army.
• Facilitating coordination and dissemination of plans, doctrine, and training by working
closely with the TRADOC HQs staff and external agencies as appropriate.
• Monitoring compliance with TRADOC and HQDA policies, procedures, and regulations
and ensuring consistent application is occurring across the enterprise.
• Enabling the professional development of IMT cadre through management of the IMT
BDE/BN PCC (Phase II), the IMT CCFSC, the Drill Sergeant Academy, and other functional
training courses.

1-7. Lines of effort for IMT

a. Develop Soldiers of Character, Competence, and Commitment, who are disciplined,

physically fit, and proficient in their individual Soldier skills.

b. Reform the IMT Enterprise. Includes the management and oversight for policy and resource
prioritization of all matters in IMT.

c. Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F). H2F is an overarching conceptual framework that
encompasses all aspects of human performance to optimize individual Soldier readiness, decrease
preventable injury rates, and reduce medical-related attrition rates. The H2F System is the
centerpiece of emerging doctrine in the latest edition of FM 7-22, ATP 7-22.01 and ATP 7-22.02.
The H2F System is composed of five enduring elements: governance, program, facilities and
equipment, personnel, and leader education. These elements provide the underpinning of a
comprehensive system that will effectively accomplish our physical and non-physical readiness

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

d. Inform and Educate. Actions necessary to convey and communicate the CIMT story in order
to bring unity of effort and a common operating picture. Commanders are encouraged to share
their unit’s collective experience and individual stories with Trainees/Soldiers. Trainees/Soldiers
are encouraged to pass on their Army story and experience to others.

Chapter 2
Compliance, Standards, Accountability and Discipline

2-1. IET requirements

Attention to detail is key in all six phases of IET.

a. Phase I (Yellow Phase) Focus is on establishing trust early while developing “character and
enhanced performance” through introduction to military customs and courtesies, discipline, the
Army Ethic, values, Army history, physical readiness training, and performance optimization. This
phase is conducted in platoon size elements in a gender separated controlled environment. To
progress to phase II, Trainees must successfully demonstrate character, competence and
commitment as a team member. Gender of Trainees/Soldiers is based on the individual’s gender
marker in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS).

b. Phase II (Red Phase). Trainees are placed in a company environment (gender integration) and
will continue training as a company element until completion of BCT. Focus is on strengthening
trust, developing medical training, working on rifle marksmanship, building teams and maintaining
discipline. Commanders will refer to AR 190-11 and local physical security policy in regards to
weapon immersion. Weapons will be secured in a locked weapons rack at night in either the arms
room or sleeping bays. At no time will trainees sleep with weapons except in a field environment.
The unit armorer or Drill Sergeant on duty will secure the keys in a lock box until issuing weapons
for training. Commanders may impose additional safety requirements if needed. To progress to
phase III, Trainees must successfully complete the HAMMER field training exercise (FTX),
complete the initial evaluation, and demonstrate a level of functional fitness which will allow them
to complete follow-on physical fitness requirements.

c. Phase III (White Phase) Focus is further strengthening individual task proficiency in the areas
of: shoot, move, communicate, survive, physical fitness and discipline. To progress to phase IV,
Trainees must successfully qualify with their individual weapon, complete the field training
exercise (FTX) known as the ANVIL, complete all evaluations and demonstrate a level of
functional fitness, which will allow them to complete follow-on physical fitness requirements.

d. Phase IV (Blue Phase). This phase builds upon what was learned over the first three phases
and reinforces basic combat skills with a focus on teamwork and discipline. Trainees who achieve
Phase IV requirements complete the standards to graduate from BCT. This phase concludes with a
final evaluation, the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) where trainees must score 60 points in
each event, (Brigade commanders can waive one event out of the six event ACFT if the individual
scores at least 50 points in that event, (Example: 60-60-60-50-60-60), and completion of the field
training exercise known as the FORGE. ACFT scores will be entered into the digital training

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

management system (DTMS), Cadre will conduct The Soldier Ceremony where trainees will
receive a black beret, US Army patch, and earn the right to be called a “Soldier.” Prior to departure
from BCT, Soldiers receive a Soldier for Life certificate signed by the SMA and CSA, and receive
the National Defense Service Medal, all symbolizing the right to be called a Soldier for Life. All
Soldiers will demonstrate a level of functional fitness, which will allow them to complete follow-
on physical fitness requirements.

e. Phase V (Black Phase). This phase is the first segment of comprehensive MOS training and
occurs during weeks 10-13 of OSUT and the first three weeks of AIT. If AIT ends at 13 weeks,
the unit will conduct an FTX of no less than 3 days and 2 nights (72-Hour minimum) in an austere
field environment to reinforce weapons handling (muzzle awareness, accountability), land
navigation skills using paper maps and compass, and reinforce communication skills. The phase
ends with the successful completion of MOS testing, demonstration of apprentice-level
proficiency, and completing the ACFT where the Soldier must pass with 60 points per event.
(ACFT scores are entered into DTMS upon completion of Phase V of AIT.) BDE commanders
may authorize the wear of the individual unit patch on the Army combat uniform only if the school
or unit patch is issued. Soldiers are not responsible for purchasing the school or unit patch. A phase
patch cannot substitute for an Army or organizational patch. Enlisted Soldiers in the accession
pipeline while attaining IMT are not authorized the movement of HHG or dependents to the
training location.

f. Phase VI (Gold Phase). This is the final and most progressive stage of MOS training and
covers weeks 14-20+ of OSUT/AIT. The phase ends with the successful completion of MOS
testing, demonstration of apprentice-level proficiency, and conduct of a culminating field training
exercise with no fewer than 3 days and 2 nights (72-hour minimum) in an austere field
environment to reinforce MOS and field craft proficiencies. The Soldier must complete the ACFT
with a minimum score of 60 point on each event. (ACFT scores are entered into the DTMS) and
pass the high physical demands tests. Commanders will develop training that will build disciplined
initiative within the force. Soldiers successfully completing all MOS requirements are authorized
to wear the regimental distinctive insignia (RDI) on their Army Green Service Uniforms (AGSU).
Enlisted Soldiers in the accession pipeline while attaining IMT are not authorized the movement of
HHG or dependents to the training location.

2-2. IET graduation standards

Soldiers completing BCT or Phases I-IV of OSUT must meet the initial foundational and
developmental requirements of being a Soldier in the U.S. Army. Professional Soldiers are highly
trained, disciplined, fit, acculturated with Army Values, Soldier’s creed, Army history, and combat
ready who will increase Army readiness at their first unit of assignment.

a. BCT and OSUT (Phase I-IV).

(1) Effective 1 October 2022, pass the ACFT with 60 points per event. (Brigade
commanders can waive one event out of the six event ACFT if the individual scores at least 50
points in that event, (Example: 60-60-50-60-60-60) Scores will be entered into DTMS.

(2) Qualify with individual weapon using back-up iron sights.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(3) Conduct the hand grenade qualification course and throw two live grenades.

Note. In cases of Army shortages or ammunition constraints, the first GO in the chain of command
will notify CIMT of the requirement to reduce hand grenade qualification to one live grenade.

(4) Complete the protective mask confidence exercise (CBRN 2).

(5) Complete the Land Navigation Exercise.

(6) Complete Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) training.

(7) Complete the 16km (10-Mile) foot march.

(8) Complete Buddy Team Live Fire.

(9) Complete the Buddy Team Fire and Movement “Force on Force.”

(10) Negotiate Confidence, Obstacle Courses, and Confidence Tower (must complete 70%
of all available obstacles).

(11) Complete the FTXs HAMMER and ANVIL.

(12) Complete all internal and external Evaluations.

(13) Complete the final FTX (FORGE).

b. AIT and OSUT (Phase V-VI). Complete the following requirements:

(1) (OSUT) Complete all BCT graduation requirements (standards 1-13).

(2) Administer the ACFT where the Soldier must get 60 points per event. Scores will be
entered into DTMS.

(3) Conduct no less than 3 days and 2 nights (72-hour minimum) culminating FTX, during
the last two weeks of training in an austere field environment certifying Soldiers in their MOS-
specific tasks.

(4) Pass MOS-specific critical tasks as identified by the proponent school.

(5) Reinforce Life Skills training (Health and welfare, financial literacy, resiliency, and basic

(6) Complete the 8-hour personal financial training course.

(7) Complete the Army Traffic Safety Training Program in accordance with AR 385-10.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(8) Reinforce training in accordance with table 5-1 of this regulation.

(9) Individually pass the High Physical Demand Test, DA Pamphlet 611-21.

2-3. Testing procedures for Advanced Individual Training (AIT) and military occupational
specialty (MOS) portion of one station unit training (OSUT) of IET Soldiers

a. Proponents will develop course tests (end of block/module) for MOS producing courses
according to guidance outlined in TR 350-70. Continuously assess the validity of each task
evaluated and its relevance; make changes as appropriate.

b. Commanders will ensure Soldiers are tested in accordance with the Individual Student
Assessment Plan (ISAP) for the course being presented in accordance with TR 350-70. Cadre will
explain the ISAP course graduation requirements to each Soldier at the beginning of each course.

c. Course tests must provide a fair and accurate evaluation of the Soldier's ability to perform the
tasks presented to established standards.

d. Hands-on, performance-oriented testing is the norm throughout TRADOC. Situational based,

written open book reference tests (when used), must require the Soldier to not only extract data,
but also apply the data to specific situations they are likely to encounter on the job. Use closed
book, knowledge-based written tests only if it is necessary to verify the Soldier's knowledge as a
prerequisite for later performance testing, where the knowledge is applied (as a building block to
later tests). All testing is conducted in an environment that would replicate the Soldier's duty
position in the unit; as far as safety and environmental considerations will allow and in accordance
with test administration instructions.

e. Each test will have at least two versions and cadre will use all versions concurrently.

f. Tests are monitored by quality control personnel reporting to the BDE or ATC commander,
as determined by the local commander. Certify unit cadre personnel in accordance with TR 350-

g. Determine test score in accordance with TP 350-70-14.

h. Conduct counseling with each Soldier to reinforce strengths on tasks accomplished and to
correct deficiencies on tasks missed.

i. The goal is for each Soldier to achieve 80 percent or higher performance level on all tasks.
Soldiers who are unable to achieve at least 70 percent will be considered for remedial training and
retesting, prior to graduation.

j. Remedial training is a joint responsibility of Soldiers and trainers. Provide Soldiers failing to
achieve task/course standards opportunities to review material and practice skills with trainers
prior to undergoing retest.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

k. ISAPs will include instructions prohibiting IET Soldiers who fail an end of block/module
retest from progressing further in the course. Consider re-test failures for new start to a follow-on
class, reclassification, or separation.

2-4. Treatment of IET Trainees/Soldiers

a. Treat all Trainees/Soldiers in accordance with Schofield’s definition of discipline: “The

discipline which makes the Soldier of a free country reliable in battle is not to be gained by harsh
or tyrannical treatment. On the contrary, such treatment is far more likely to destroy than to make
an Army. It is possible to impart instruction and give command in such a manner and such a tone
of voice to inspire in the Soldier no feeling but an intense desire to obey, while the opposite
manner and tone of voice cannot fail to excite strong resentment and a desire to disobey. The one
mode or the other of dealing with subordinates springs from corresponding spirit in the breast of
the commander. He who feels the respect which is due to others cannot fail to inspire in them
regard for himself, while he who feels, and hence manifests, disrespect toward others, especially
his inferiors, cannot fail to inspire hatred against himself." MG John M. Schofield, 11 August

b. Treat IET Trainees/Soldiers with the same respect, fairness, and regard for dignity accorded
to all Soldiers, regardless of race, gender, class, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or other
aspects. Goal is to show what positive leadership looks like and to build trust with the
trainees/Soldiers from the very beginning.

c. Create a rigorous environment that places stress on the Trainees/Soldiers and challenges their
ability to accomplish the task to standard. Reinforce and certify all Soldiers in their MOS-specific
tasks in a rigorous, realistic, Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) driven scenario
culminating field-training exercise.

d. Provide sufficient time for Trainees/Soldiers to conduct personal hygiene, take prescribed
medications, perform rehabilitative exercises, and apply ice therapy or other appropriate self-care
instructions when directed by medical authorities.

e. Afford Trainees/Soldiers the opportunity to participate in scheduled religious services, but do

not direct or coerce participation in any service. Afford those Trainees/Soldiers who choose not to
participate in religious services the opportunity for secular personal time. Personal time activities
will not include barracks maintenance or similar activities that offer Trainees/Soldiers no
meaningful choice. The intent is to make it clear that religious activities are voluntary, not
command directed.

f. Afford Trainees/Soldiers the opportunity to take parental leave under emergency conditions
only (as Army policy applies to Soldiers that have been on active duty for 365 days). A primary
care giver is authorized a minimum of 6 weeks and a secondary caregiver is authorized 21 days of
non-chargeable leave. The company commander must approve parental leave.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

g. Army policy prohibits inappropriate relations between recruiters and recruits, trainers and
recruits, cadre and recruits/Trainees during entry-level training. Strengthen Soldier proficiency
with Army customs and courtesies and continue to enculturate pride in discipline within the force.

h. Recruits religious accommodations will be processed in accordance with governing Army

policy. See AR 670-1 and ALARCT 002/2019, for guidance on the Approval, Disapproval, and
Elevation of Requests for Religious Accommodation Waivers. Commanders and leaders receiving
an initial accommodation request requiring a waiver of AR 670-1 will immediately notify the U.S.
Army Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, Command Policy Division. Notification will include the
requestor’s name, rank/grade, unit, MOS (or prospective MOS if known), and a copy of documents
in support of the request. Commanders will send recruits’ pre-accession religious accommodation
request packets to the first GO in the grade of brigadier general (O-7) or higher. A complete
religious accommodation waiver packet will consist of the recruits’ written request and any
enclosures, chaplain interview memorandum, legal review, and chain of command

i. BCT/OSUT/AIT Golden Rules:

(1) Do not bully, haze, assault, or harass a fellow Trainee/Soldier. DO help and assist your

(2) Do not use vulgar language, rude gestures or discriminate against others. DO treat
everyone with dignity and respect.

(3) Do not kiss, attempt to kiss or touch a fellow Trainee/Soldier. DO respect your
teammate’s personal space.

(4) Do not steal or take something that does not belong to you. DO build trust with
teammates through your ethical and disciplined actions.

(5) Do not go anywhere without your battle buddy. DO report violations of policies and
regulations to your platoon and company leadership.

(6) Do not post sensitive or personal information, details about your assigned unit, announce
missions or deployments, post images or pictures derogatory in nature or make threats toward
anyone. DO talk to your family and friends, turn off geotagging and location-based social
networking and closely review photos or videos before posting.

j. Upon graduation all Soldiers will remain under the control of the AIT/OSUT command until
they sign into their first unit of assignment.

2-5. Trainee abuse and prohibited relations

a. Description. Trainee abuse is any improper or unlawful physical, verbal, or sexual act
committed by an Army Trainer (see terms) against a Trainee. Examples include extreme exercise-
based corrective action not in accordance with Physical Readiness Training (PRT) standards as

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

defined in FM 7-22; demeaning or derogatory language; extreme profanity; sexual misconduct;

extortion; soliciting donations; and prohibited relations.

(1) Trainers and Trainees will sign a DD Form 2982 (Recruiter/Trainer Prohibited Activities
Acknowledgement) and DD Form 2983 (Recruit/Trainee Prohibited Activities Acknowledgement),
as appropriate, upon assignment to a position or the first day of entry-level training acknowledging
their understanding of their responsibilities regarding the policies prohibiting inappropriate
behaviors and relations outlined in DODI 1304.33. Block 10 of DD Form 2982 and DD Form 2983
must be completed only if one or more exceptions are identified in block 8; if so, complete block
10 in accordance with the requirements in block 8.

(2) The signed DD Form 2983 will be retained in the Trainee’s file for a minimum of 6
months after the Trainee has left the unit. The DD Form 2982 will be retained in the Trainer’s local
file for a minimum of 1 year after the trainer has left the unit.

(3) Each trainer will recertify the DD Form 2982 annually, demonstrating understanding of a
trainer’s responsibilities as outlined in DODI 1304.33.

(4) Trainers will brief Trainees on the policies in DODI 1304.33. Trainers will provide
information that can be used to report alleged inappropriate conduct by a trainer to the chain of
command. In the event a form is not available, remarks will be identified/noted on the Soldier’s
initial counseling, acknowledging the Soldier’s receipt, and understanding of policies concerning
prohibited inappropriate behaviors and relations between Trainers and Trainees.

(5) After coordinating with the servicing OSJA (and/or MPI/CID, as may be necessary),
company commanders will determine if an alleged incident rises to the level of Trainee abuse.

b. Effect. This regulation does not change Army policies concerning hazing, bullying, and other
behaviors that undermine dignity and respect, the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and
Prevention (SHARP) program in AR 600-20, and prohibited relations during entry-level training.
Trainers and Trainees must comply with these polices.

c. Reporting and investigation. Commanders will immediately report allegations of Trainee

abuse to Criminal Investigation Division Command (CIDC) and military police investigators
(MPI) when such allegations are within military law enforcement purview. Commanders will
promptly investigate all other allegations of Trainee abuse. Prior to investigation, commanders will
consult with their servicing legal advisor.

d. Prohibitions. This paragraph (paragraph 2-5d) is punitive. Subparagraphs 2-5d(1) – (18)

govern prohibited behavior by Army Trainers. Subparagraphs 2-5d(19) – (28) govern prohibited
Trainee conduct. Soldiers who violate this policy may be subject to punishment under the UCMJ.
Soldiers whose conduct violates a punitive article of the UCMJ may be charged and prosecuted.
Nonjudicial punishment (UCMJ, Article 15) may be announced at the next unit formation after
punishment is imposed or, if appealed, after the decision on the appeal. Commanders may post
nonjudicial punishment results on the unit bulletin board in accordance with AR 27-10. Courts-

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

martial convictions may be published in installation newspapers and/or posted in the unit area
where deemed appropriate.

(1) Army Trainers will not develop, attempt to develop, or conduct a personal, intimate, or
sexual relationship with any Trainee.

(a) Prohibited relationships include, but are not limited to, dating, handholding, kissing,
embracing, caressing, or engaging in sexual activities.

(b) Prohibited personal, intimate, or sexual relationships include those relationships

conducted in person; through a third person; or via cards, letters, emails, telephone calls, text and
instant messaging, video, photographs, social media, social networking, and any other means of

(c) The following acts are also expressly prohibited: engaging in a personal telephone
conversation with a Trainee unrelated to the training mission or an authorized activity and
“friending” or making a request to be a “friend” with a Trainee through social media or via a social
media-networking website. (This prohibition does not apply to interactions on official unit-
sponsored social media pages directed at conveying official Army information, communications,
or activities used for official/professional communication between a Trainer and a Trainee.)

(d) Additionally, Trainers may not contact a Trainee’s family member other than for matters
in furtherance of performance of official duties. Any contact between trainers and trainee by cell
phone or other means of communication will be for emergency purposes only (such as, for
accountability or medical emergency).

(2) Trainers will not engage in physical contact with any Trainee that is unrelated to an
official training activity or duty. Permissible physical contact includes physical contact required to
make necessary training corrections; to act in circumstances related to the safety of a Trainee; or to
provide medical assistance (for example, heat exhaustion, physical injury). This provision
prohibits wrongful, unnecessary touching between Trainers and Trainees. It does not prohibit
harmless physical contact, such as a handshake. Trainers are not required to ask the Trainee’s
permission when making necessary training corrections; however, effective Trainers explain first
to Trainees why a training correction is necessary.

(3) Trainers will not use grade or position, threats, pressure, or promise of return of favors or
favorable treatment in an attempt to gain sexual favors from any Trainee.

(4) Trainers will not make sexual advances toward, or seek or accept sexual advances or
favors from, any Trainee. In addition, Trainers will immediately report all offers of sexual favors
or sexual advances made by any Trainee to appropriate military authorities.

(5) Trainers will not allow any Trainee to enter a Trainer’s dwelling or residence, or share
accommodations with any Trainee in a hotel, motel, or similar dwelling.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(6) Trainers will not establish a common household with any Trainee (that is, Trainers will
not share the same living area in an apartment, house, or other dwelling). This prohibition does not
include facilities open to all members of a homeowners association or all tenants in an apartment

(7) Trainers will not allow entry of any Trainee into a Trainer’s privately owned vehicle.
Exceptions exist for official business or when the safety or welfare of a Trainee is at risk. Trainers
will immediately report all such occurrences to their chain of command, or as soon as practicable

(8) Trainers may not encourage or require Trainees to spend personal funds on transportation
by taxi or a similar service to attend official appointments (for example, medical appointments).

(9) Trainers will not provide alcohol to, or consume alcohol with, any Trainee. This
prohibition does not apply to the practice of participation in religious services, rites, or rituals.

(10) Trainers will not attend social gatherings, clubs, bars, theaters, or similar establishments
on a personal social basis with any Trainee.

(11) Trainers will not play cards, games of chance, or gamble with any Trainee.

(12) Trainers will not lend money to, borrow money from, or otherwise become indebted to
any Trainee.

(13) Trainers will not solicit donations from any Trainee. Trainers may not require or
encourage Trainees to purchase common use items or common area cleaning supplies with their
own funds (for example, bay cleaning supplies, toilet paper for common latrines, and other
common use items).

(14) Trainers will not hire or otherwise employ, in an unofficial or personal capacity, any
Trainee (for example, for babysitting or maintenance jobs). Additionally, Trainers may not sell any
product, service, or opportunity to Trainees. Trainers may not direct or encourage Trainees to
participate in, or purchase items at, any fundraising activity or volunteer event or direct or engage
Trainees to assist in the set up or break down of Soldier and Family Readiness Group (SFRG)
activities. Family members may purchase items during SFRG fundraisers or be invited to events
that support SFRG Fundraisers. This provision does not prohibit Trainees from voluntarily
contributing to officially authorized campaigns (for example, Combined Federal Campaign, Army
Emergency Relief) or making chapel offerings.

(15) Trainers will not accept personal goods, in an unofficial or personal capacity, from any
Trainee for storage or any other reason.

(16) Trainers will not participate in a closed-door discussion with any Trainee. Trainers will
keep doors fully open when meeting with any Trainee. Window coverings are prohibited.
Note. At no time will any Trainer be in a room isolated from view with any Trainee/Soldier.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(17) Trainers may not use electronic communication in a manner that fails to treat a Trainee
with dignity and respect. Examples include, but are not limited to harassment, bullying, hazing,
stalking, unlawful discrimination, or retaliation. Electronic communication is defined as the
transfer of information (signs, writing, images, sounds, or data) transmitted by computer, phone, or
another electronic device. Electronic communication includes, but is not limited to text messages,
emails, chats, text and instant messaging, screensavers, blogs, social media sites, electronic device
applications and web/video conferencing.

(18) Trainers will not deprive any Trainee of meals, fail to provide any Trainee with a
reasonable time to eat meals, or restrict any Trainee’s meal choices. Trainers will refrain from
disrupting the serving line, except for immediate safety considerations. Trainees shall be allowed
at least 15 minutes to eat; this is time spent seated and does not include time spent in the serving
line. Leaders will protect this time for the sole purpose of refueling to optimize performance.
These requirements apply to both garrison and field environments.

(19) Trainees will not develop, attempt to develop, or conduct a personal, intimate, or sexual
relationship with any Trainer. Prohibited relationships include, but are not limited to, dating,
handholding, kissing, embracing, caressing, or engaging in sexual activities. Prohibited personal,
intimate, or sexual relationships include those relationships conducted in person; through a third
party; or via cards, letters, emails, telephone calls, text and instant messaging, video, photographs,
social media, social networking, or any other means of communication.

(20) Trainees will not make sexual advances toward, or seek or accept sexual advances or
favors from any Trainer. Trainees will, as soon as practicable, report all offers of sexual
advances/favors from any Trainer to the appropriate military authorities.

(21) Trainees will not allow any Trainer to enter a Trainee’s dwelling or residence, or share
accommodations with any Trainer in a hotel, motel, or similar dwelling.

(22) Trainees will not allow entry of any Trainer into a Trainee’s privately owned vehicle.
Exceptions exist for official business or when the safety or welfare of a Trainee is at risk. Trainees
will immediately report all such occurrences to their chain of command, or as soon as practicable

(23) Trainees will not establish a common household with a Trainer (that is, will not share
the same living area in an apartment, house, or other dwelling). This prohibition does not include
facilities open to all members of a homeowners association or all tenants in an apartment complex.

(24) Trainees will not consume alcohol at any time with any Trainer on a personal social
basis. This prohibition does not apply to the practice of participation in religious services, rites, or

(25) Trainees will not attend social gatherings, clubs, bars, theaters, or similar establishments
on a personal social basis with any Trainer.

(26) Trainees will not play cards, games of chance, or gamble with any Trainer.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(27) Trainees will not lend money to, borrow money from, or otherwise become indebted to
any Trainer.

(28) Trainees will not engage in an intimate or sexual relationship with another Trainee.
Relationship includes dating, handholding, kissing, embracing, caressing, or engaging in sexual

2-6. IET Trainee abuse and sexual assault investigation and reporting

a. Report all incidents of alleged Trainee abuse to include sexual assault and harassment in
accordance with AR 190-45, AR 600-20, TR 1-8, and appendix “M” of this regulation. Company
commanders must report alleged Trainee abuse or any case of sexual assault or harassment
immediately through the chain of command to the BDE commander. For cases of sexual
assault/harassment, reports should include cases of cadre against Trainee, cadre against cadre,
Trainee against cadre, or Trainee against Trainee. BDE (or any unit) commanders must report all
sexual assault allegations to U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID), the sexual assault
response coordinator (SARC), and the servicing OSJA, pursuant to AR 600-20 immediately once
the allegation is known. In accordance with TR 1-8, TRADOC Operations Center (TOC) will
forward all TRADOC OPREPs concerning cadre and/or Trainee abuse and/or sexual
assault/harassment within the BDEs to TRADOC IMT and the TRADOC Staff Judge Advocate
(SJA). TRADOC OPREPs provide the initial data for the TRADOC Trainee Abuse Coordinator.

b. With the exception of sexual assault allegations, which must be reported to CID for
investigation pursuant to AR 600-20, commanders will promptly conduct a preliminary inquiry in
accordance with the Manual for Courts Martial Part II, Chapter III, Rule 303 or AR 15-6, into
every Trainee abuse allegation, regardless of the nature, magnitude, or source of the complaint. For
some allegations, a quick and informal interview of the complainant and any witnesses is all that is
required. Other allegations may require more extensive command or law enforcement
investigation. Commanders will consult with their legal advisor when conducting an inquiry or
evaluating evidence concerning all allegations of Trainee abuse.

c. Commanders will document all preliminary inquiries into Trainee abuse cases, including
those the commander determines are not credible. Commanders will provide supplemental
information through their servicing OSJA by filling out TRADOC Form 350-6-1 (Training Abuse
Report) on all Trainees abuse OPREPs and submit to TRADOC OSJA in an accurate and timely
manner (not to exceed four working days from notice of the event). Until final disposition of each
case, commands through servicing SJAs will submit a status update no later than the 28th of each
month. Updates will be transmitted electronically to the TRADOC training abuse coordinator and
must include case number and current status. This process will continue for every open case until
the case is closed. A final TRADOC Form 350-6-1 will be completed and forwarded to the
TRADOC training abuse coordinator to report final disposition.

d. Suspension actions.

(1) Preliminary inquiries. Commanders should not automatically suspend DSs, or other
cadre simply because they are pending a preliminary inquiry into a Trainee abuse allegation.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Commanders will make suspension decisions based upon the facts of each case, and may suspend
individuals pending a preliminary inquiry if it will aid the inquiry, benefit the training
environment, or for other valid command reasons.

(2) Investigations include, but are not limited to, investigations conducted in accordance
with AR 15-6 or those conducted by the criminal investigation division or a military police

(3) Considerations. Commanders should make any suspension determination only after
considering all evidence, including the severity of the underlying incident. The number of
witnesses, or volume of physical evidence, does not determine the weight given to the evidence.
Commanders should evaluate the evidence for factors including, but not limited to the witness's
demeanor, opportunity for knowledge, information possessed, ability to recall and relate events,
and other indications of truthfulness.

(4) Suspension of special duty assignment pay. Suspension of DS special duty assignment
pay is in accordance with AR 614-200. DS special duty assignment pay will not be suspended
based upon the initiation of any inquiry or investigation into alleged DS misconduct.

e. Sexual assault allegations. Commanders have significant leadership responsibilities after

receiving an unrestricted report of sexual assault. In addition to complying with reporting
requirements, commanders must ensure that the steps outlined in the Department of Defense
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Commander’s 30-Day Checklist for Unrestricted Reports
of Sexual Assault are immediately taken in the event of receiving an unrestricted report of a sexual
assault. For additional guidance regarding command action/responsibilities, see DODD 6495.01
and AR 600-20 and consult your servicing OSJA. In accordance with AR 600-20, Appendix J,
Commanders will complete a CCIR and submit it to the TRADOC SHARP Program Office for
sexual reports or formal sexual harassment (SH) complaints made against a Drill Sergeant and any
cadre member.

2-7. Allegations of recruiting improprieties

AR 600-20 prescribes discipline and conduct for relationships between Trainees/Soldiers of
different rank and other prohibited relationships. All IMT personnel will follow established policy
to report alleged recruiting improprieties at IET locations to HQ USAREC and report feedback to
the originator of the allegation. The feedback loop for reporting results of the reports HQ
USAREC receives is an important part of the process. The intent is that every allegation is
properly reported and received by HQ USAREC, Recruiting Standards Directorate (RCDG), 1307
3rd Avenue, Fort Knox, KY 40121-2726, for processing in accordance with USAREC Regulation
601-210, chapter 7, and the trends are reported to and received by the IET company commander
initiating the allegation. In the case of an Army National Guard (ARNG) recruiter impropriety,
report to U.S Army National Guard, Recruiting Standards Branch (RSB), 111 South George
Mason Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22204, (703) 607-2914, or ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.rsb@army.mil.

a. A recruiting impropriety exists when a recruiter commits an intentional act to conceal a fact
or omits a fact in violation of a law or regulation, with the intent to enlist a person not qualified for

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

service. Essentially, any instance when a recruiter has knowledge that a person is not qualified and
the recruiter intentionally assists or otherwise knowingly enlists that person is an impropriety.

b. When any member of the Trainee/Soldier’s chain of command receives an allegation, they
will report the allegation for disposition as follows:

(1) Company commanders report allegations to their IET battalion commander on USAREC
Form 601-210.33 (Report of Alleged Recruiting Misconduct) and maintain a record of reported
improprieties. Email to report recruiter misconduct (improprieties):

(2) The BN commander sends a copy of the allegation to the installation USAREC liaison
officer (LNO). For those locations (AIT only) that do not have a USAREC LNO, a copy of the
allegation to include sworn statement is sent to HQ USAREC, Recruiting Standards Directorate
via email.: usarmy.ft.knox.usarec.list.hq.rsd.improprieties@mail.mil The BN commander will
provide feedback on the disposition of each case to the USAREC LNO with a copy furnished to
the company commanders who initiated the allegation(s). For those locations without a USAREC
LNO and for all other IET locations, feedback on the disposition of each case is sent to the
commander who initiated the allegation, with a copy furnished to the additional points of contact
(POC) listed. The feedback will contain the Trainee’s name, date allegation reported, type of
allegation, a short summary of the findings of the inquiry/investigation, and a determination if the
enlistment was defective, unfulfilled, erroneous, or fraudulent, at a minimum. For those locations
without an LNO, provide a POC (in addition to the commander that initiated the original
allegation) to ensure a backup method is in place to receive such reports.

2-8. Activities in Support of Extremist Organizations and Gangs

Commanders who identify individuals participating in extremist organizations or activities will
follow the policy and procedures in AR 600-20, para. 4-12. Commanders will, at a minimum,
counsel the individual on Army policy concerning extremism. Commanders may also consider
taking other action, either administrative or judicial identified in AR 600-20, para 4-12. This
paragraph is punitive.

a. Extremist organizations and activities: Participation in extremist organizations and activities

by Army personnel is inconsistent with the responsibilities of military service. Army personnel
will adhere to the requirements provided in AR 600-20, paragraph 4-12. Commanders receiving
information of suspected affiliation or involvement in extremist activities (which may come to
their attention in a number of ways, including reports through the chain of command, anonymous
calls, or personal observation) will consult with their servicing OSJA on how to proceed.
Commanders who identify individuals as extremists will, at a minimum, counsel the individuals on
Army policy concerning extremism; commanders may also consider taking other action, either
administrative or judicial, as listed in AR 600-20, paragraph 4-12d. This paragraph is punitive;
violators may be punished under the UCMJ or subject to administrative action.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

2-9. Body composition standards in IET

a. Accessions standards for body composition during the first 180 days of an IET
Trainee/Soldier's active duty service are in AR 40-501. After 180 days active service, the Soldier
will comply with AR 600-9.

b. RC Soldiers enrolled in the split training option must meet accession body composition
standards for the successive period of active duty training.

c. In accordance with FM 7-22, Holistic Health & Fitness, physical performance cannot be
accurately predicted solely based on body weight and composition. Achieving a single and rigid
body composition should not be recommend while in training, i.e., trainees should focus primarily
on fueling for performance.

d. Measure and weigh initial entry Soldiers within 14 days prior to graduation from AIT/OSUT.
Enter this information on the Soldier's Individual Training Record (ITR) from Digital Training
Management System (DTMS).

e. Enroll and flag Soldiers who exceed 180 days of active service, and fail to meet the body
composition standards in accordance with AR 600-9, in the Army Body Composition Program.
Ship these Soldiers to the gaining unit and forward the documentation to include the flag
(transferable) to the gaining unit.

f. Prior service Soldiers are required to meet the body composition standards of AR 600-9, upon
reentry to active duty. Soldiers attending reclassification training will abide by AR 350-1 and AR
600-9 requirements.

2-10. Tattoos/brands
TRADOC IET recruit tattoo/brand policies apply to all Active Army, USAR, and ARNG
Trainees/Soldiers whether non-prior service or prior service. See AR 670-1, for Army policy
governing tattoos.

Chapter 3
Separate and Secure Environment

3-1. Separate and secure

The intent of the separate and secure policy is to ensure that all Trainees/Soldiers are afforded the
opportunity to undergo IET (BCT/AIT/OSUT) in a safe environment. This provision is in
accordance with Title 10 United States Code Section 7419 (10 USC 7419).

a. BCT separate and secure requirements. In the garrison environment, each gender will have
independent sleeping areas, separate entrances to living areas, and separate latrines. Gender
separation by barracks is preferred as resources permit.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(1) Door alarms are installed and doors locked on all exterior doors. All doors leading to
sleeping areas (male or female) are equipped with an audible alarm that can be heard at the charge
of quarters (CQ) location. CQ location is in the company areas where constant supervision is
maintained and immediate action can be given in case of emergency. Panic door locks will be
installed on exterior doors and doors that separate genders. Alarms are armed any time
Trainees/Soldiers are sleeping in the bays, this includes any time a Trainee/Soldier is sleeping
while on quarters. If a silent alarm is installed at the exit doors or the door that separates genders,
the alarm must be heard at the CQ desk location and some form of visual identification (light,
buzzer, sensor, etc.) installed to identify the door being opened.

(2) Access control guards of the same gender monitor entrances to sleeping areas during
sleeping hours for no more than one hour per shift. The function of the access control guard is to
ensure only authorized personnel enter the sleeping area during periods of lights out. Access
control guards are assigned and execute their duties as same gender buddy teams. Access control
guards will maintain a DA Form 1594 (Daily Staff Journal or Duty Officer’s Log) during the duty
performance. A log of all activities will be maintained on the DA Form 1594. Male access guards
may be posted outside the locked and alarmed entrance to female sleeping areas as an exception to
policy for IET sites with less than twenty-four females in an assigned living area. The BN
commander must approve any exception.

(3) A floor to ceiling fire safe barrier wall will separate genders residing on the same floor.
If the barrier has a door, the door will be locked (panic door lock) and alarmed during lights out.
When the alarm sounds, it must be heard at the CQ location. If conditions for fire safe barrier walls
are not met, separation of genders by floor, wing, or building is required.

(4) Digital video monitoring systems (DVMS) provide an additional degree of security and
should be implemented if funding is available. DVMS do not replace the requirement for door
locks, alarms, access control guards, and supervisory personnel. DVMS will be installed only in
public access areas, such as entryways, stairwells, etc. Cameras will not be placed in living areas,
locker rooms, changing areas, latrines, or private offices. All areas with DVMS surveillance will
post signs to notify personnel they are subject to monitoring. Only video monitoring is authorized;
audio monitoring systems capable of recording conversations are prohibited. DVMS files are
sensitive in nature; access is limited to law enforcement personnel (for example, Criminal
Investigation Division (CID), Military Police Investigations (MPI), and Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI), etc.) and only commanders/supervisors with official need to know. Security of
tapes, keys, codes, and monitoring devices will be controlled.

(5) Time Period to Maintain Security Recording. Video storage will occur on a 180-day (6
month) continuous recording loop regardless of the start or ending period of the training cycle. The
next 180 days of recorded video coverage will start overwriting the previous 180 days of video
footage. Units will maintain DVMS footage for no less than 180 days and up to 5 years, depending
on the evidentiary value of the video. For non-evidentiary DVMS footage, units may overwrite the
video on the 180th day or later. However, if an alleged violation of the UCMJ is observed or
reported to have occurred within the barracks or company area, commanders must immediately
secure such DVMS footage and contact law enforcement to maintain custody and control until
completion of any corresponding investigation.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(6) Pending approval of a uniform procedure for DVMS storage across Army IETs, the
following procedures will be employed at the company level: the company commander/1SG will
brief each DS/NCO identified to perform the duty as a CQ. The CQ and every access control guard
(for example, "Fireguard") will be required to maintain a DA Form 1594 throughout the tour of
duty. The DA Form 1594s will be collected by the 1SG from the CQ and the last Trainees pulling
access control guard. The 1SG will review the DA Form 1594 for inconsistencies. If the logs are
different, the 1SG will determine if additional inquiries are needed and will identify the timeline
where the inconsistencies took place. The commander and 1SG will review the footage for the
timeline in question. If an alleged violation of UCMJ has been observed or reported, law
enforcement will be contacted immediately to secure DVMS recordings and to maintain custody
and control until completion of any corresponding investigation. If an alleged violation of the
UCMJ is annotated on DA Form 1594, video footage from the date/time annotated (when
available), will be copied to an external media storage device and maintained along with the DA
Form 1594 for no less than 5 years.

(7) Access to video recordings is limited to law enforcement personnel, (CID, MPI, FBI,
etc.) and/or commanders and supervisors with official need to know. Any person accessing the
video recording should be trained in procedures relating to storage and handling of recordings in
order to decrease the likelihood of improper handling. A log will be maintained of all video
recording accessed.

(8) Video hardware should have the capability to record in color with sharp detail. It is
recommended that the recorded video is date, time, and location stamped for identification

(9) When offices and administrative areas are located within Trainee/Soldier sleeping areas,
the command will establish procedures whereby cadre do not occupy office areas after alarms are
armed and lights out established or if a Trainee/Soldier is on quarters.

(10) DS offices will not have windows blocked or covered with paper or curtains/blinds.
Doors will be left open when Trainees are inside. DSs will not use offices to change or conduct
personal hygiene. DS will use the latrine to change and conduct personal hygiene.

b. AIT and OSUT separate and secure requirements.

(1) Requirements for separate and secure environment are the same as required in BCT.

(a) For living areas/rooms that are hotel or campus-style barracks that face inward into an
interior hallway, that hallway must house all the same gender. That hallway will have a door or
barrier with a panic lock system and alarm installed.

(b) For rooms that face or open to the outside of the building (independently), commanders
will establish access, control and monitoring policies that are relevant to the local situation and
design of the billets. Commanders will certify the local control and monitoring measures.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(c) DVMS provide an additional degree of security and should be implemented if funding is
available. DVMS do not replace the requirement for door locks, alarms, access control guards, and
supervisory personnel. DVMS will be installed only in public access areas, such as entryways,
stairwells, etc. Cameras will not be placed in living areas, locker rooms, changing areas, latrines,
or private offices. All areas with DVMS surveillance will post signs to notify personnel they are
subject to monitoring. Only video monitoring is authorized; audio monitoring systems capable of
recording conversations are prohibited. DVMS files are sensitive in nature; access is limited to law
enforcement personnel (for example, CID, MPI, FBI, etc.) and commanders/supervisors with
official need to know. The commander controls security of tapes, keys, codes, and monitoring
devices for the security system.

(2) DS offices will not have windows blocked or covered with paper or curtains/blinds or
other such items to alter the view. Doors will be left open when trainees are inside. DSs will not
use offices to change or conduct personal hygiene. DSs will use the latrine to change or conduct
personal hygiene.

c. Field requirements for BCT, OSUT and AIT.

(1) Cadre will designate gender-specific sleeping areas. Bivouac areas can be consolidated;
however, sleeping areas must be gender specific (separate male from female tents).

(2) In the hours of darkness, when the unit is stationary, roving battle buddy team control
guards will be assigned to secure each gender specific bivouac area. Shifts will last for no more
than one hour.

(3) Same gender buddy teams will be used as runners for the tactical operations center
during the hours of darkness.

(4) Each gender specific area will have separate latrines that are clearly marked "male" or

(5) Commanders are authorized to augment this physical security policy, as long as the
guidelines outlined above are followed.

d. Supervisory measures.

(1) NCOs supervise the barracks when Trainees are present, on bed rest, quarantined, in
isolation, or authorized to be in the barracks throughout the day.

(a) DSs will serve as CQ during sleeping hours in BCT, and the BCT portion of OSUT. CQ
location is in the company areas where constant supervision is maintained and immediate action
can be given in case of emergency. All permanent party Soldiers in the grade of sergeant and
above may serve as CQ. A log is maintained on DA Form 1594 for each CQ duty period. The CQ
and Access Control Guards will maintain a separate DA Form 1594. The unit 1SG will collect all
DA Forms 1594 prior to releasing the CQ and Access Control Guards from duty. CQ will not
utilize personal offices to conduct CQ or perform the duties as the CQ.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(b) NCO cadre members, to include instructors, and company personnel certified in
accordance with appendix: B-2 in this regulation and the local commander’s policy can serve as
CQ during sleeping hours in AIT and the AIT portion of OSUT. Commanders are authorized to
augment this physical security policy, as long as the guidelines outlined above are followed.

(2) Two enlisted Trainees/Soldiers, Battle Buddy Team, will serve as "runners" and maintain
entrance security when the CQ conducts inspections. The two runners are of the same gender, but
not necessarily the same gender as the CQ.

(3) Duty officers and NCOs from the company, BN, and BDE HQs (Staff duty officer
(SDO) /Field duty officer (FDO)) will conduct periodic checks in accordance with their standard
operating procedures (SOPs) and policies.

(4) All Trainees/Soldiers will sleep in the Army physical fitness uniform (APFU) shorts and

(5) If an inspector is not of the same gender as the Trainees/Soldiers in the living area being
inspected, personnel of the same gender as the Trainee/Soldier whose area is being inspected must
accompany the inspector (except in emergency situations).

(a) For BCT, OSUT (Phases I through IV), and RECBN units, the personnel accompanying
the DS or inspector will not be an IET Trainee/Soldier.

(b) For OSUT (Phases V and VI), AIT, and DLIFLC, an IET Soldier buddy team may
accompany the DS or inspector, and can be the Soldiers serving as the access control guard in the
bay inspected.

(6) During lights out, only cadre leadership and their designated representatives are allowed
in the barracks to conduct inspections and accountability. Conduct command leadership presence
after hours. BDE commanders will establish written policy outlining requirements to perform
leader checks after hours with a feedback method that requires the individuals to report who
performed the duty and identify any issues or concerns to the BDE commander. Leader checks will
not be performed by DSs or other assigned lower enlisted ranks. Leader checks are performed by
personnel senior in grade of the CQ who have the authority to represent the BDE commander.

(7) Separate and Secure Digital Surveillance Camera (DSC) records disposition: The DVMS
will store non-evidentiary footage of IET common areas for no less than 180 days (6 months). As
soon as facts are observed or reported which indicate DVMS footage may contain evidence of an
alleged violation of the UCMJ, the video will not be overwritten until such time as law
enforcement determines whether it will be part of its investigative file. DVMS footage that is
evidentiary value will have the same disposition as the criminal, military police, or administrative
investigation report files. Record number 190-13q. TRADOC Digital Surveillance Camera
(TRADOC DSC) Master File Record description: System contains videos of initial entry training
areas. See appendix F, for additional record information.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Note. Video identified as evidence in an alleged incident for investigative purposes will become a
part of the investigative file to which they pertain and will have the same disposition as the
criminal, military police, or administrative investigation report files. Disposition: K.5. Keep until
record is 6 months old, then delete.

(8) Commanders will establish a minimum of a 3-line, telephone hotline in a semi-private

central, accessible location in each IET barracks (such as, dayroom, common area, laundry room,
or break area) where a phone is directly connected to the 24-hour SARC number (line #1), the 24-
hour Chaplain number (line #2), and one additional line (line #3). The third line should be a non-
emergency, information service (such as, weather, exact time, post information, etc.). The hotlines
should not be in a high traffic area, such as on the CQ Desk. If Trainees/Soldiers have a personal
cell phone, allow them to download the “We Care” application (if available). This application is
free on three major platforms. This capability will allow IET Trainees/Soldiers to report incidents
of abuse without the stigma associated with using the hotline. To help identify the location of
hotline, the use of caller ID is recommended but not mandatory, provided the installation system is
capable of displaying. This will help the SARC with the location/building number of the Soldier
making the call.

(9) If the minimum separate and secure requirements (such as, locks and alarms) are not met,
commanders will submit an exception to policy with a mitigation plan and timeline through their

3-2. Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) training

a. By congressional mandate, the initial SHARP instruction in BCT and OSUT must be
presented during the first 14 days of accession into training. Therefore, BCT/OSUT companies
must conduct this training during the first 10 days of initial training. This takes into account the
time the Trainee/Soldier spends in the RECBN and includes all Trainees/Soldiers in hold status.
During this training the “We Care” application will be introduced. If a Trainee/Soldier has a
personal cell phone, commanders will allow them to download the “We Care” application and use
the application if needed when cell phones are authorized for use. This application is free on most
major platforms.

b. Commanders will use bystander intervention training to reinforce SHARP during the Blue
Phase of BCT. This training will be conducted by a SHARP /SARC certified person.

c. IMT BDE leadership will:

(1) Assign one unit victim advocate as a collateral duty at the company. Unit victim
advocates will undergo the same interview, background check process and receive the same 80
hours of training as BN level SARCs/unit victim advocates. A collateral duty SARC and unit
victim advocate will be assigned at the BN level and a military SARC and DA Civilian unit victim
advocate will be assigned at the BDE.

(2) Meet with SHARP team twice a month. In accordance with AR 600-20, para 7-5(o) meet
with the SARC within 30 days of assuming command to receive a detailed SHARP briefing; and
twice a month with the SARC and equal opportunity advisor team thereafter.
TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(3) Conduct BDE command climate survey in addition to BN and company survey
requirements within the first 90 days of taking command.

(4) Establish gender specific mentorship programs whereby senior gender-specific leaders
talk to and educate junior Soldiers. Mentoring sessions are important for both male and female
Soldiers because both are subject to harassment, assault, hazing, and abuse. Example topics
include: Army Profession; career progression; balancing work, home, and relationship; single
parenting in the Army; leave process; personnel financial management; deployment separation;
Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS) Program; off work activities; planning for a
Family; how to be successful in the Army; pitfalls to avoid on the road to success; SHARP, etc.

(5) Establish training for all personnel (leaders, cadre, DA Civilians, and Soldiers) on
ongoing training strategies and efforts at all levels; reporting procedures; care from victims;
immediate actions to be taken upon alert of allegations (both restricted and unrestricted); and clear
understanding of the possible civil and military punishments.

3-3. Safety

a. Conduct realistic training exercises within the bounds of an effective risk management
program. Before training, ensure the complete integration of risk management along with
command approval prior to the event, complete a DD Form 2977 (Deliberate Risk Assessment
Worksheet). Prior to the event, conduct a recon of the training site and/or route to identify hazards
and thoroughly brief all cadre and IET Trainees/Soldiers on the risks associated with each specific
training event/activity. This will include identification of specific hazards and controls used to
reduce the risk of accidents associated with the training event. Training support package risk
assessment and unit risk assessment will be reviewed to verify the proper level of risk has been
identified. IET risk assessment will address all applicable safety procedures and potential accident
producing conditions. Emphasize unusual vehicle, water, weapons safety considerations, and
environmental hazards in training areas prior to and during the training. Training cadre is proactive
and aggressive in reducing/preventing training injuries and fatalities. This training is reinforced
during the Company Commander, First Sergeant Course (CCFSC).

(1) Each installation will establish standard procedures to ensure that emergency treatment is
readily available during training. The officer in charge, range safety officer, and/or command team
will maintain at least two forms of communication with range control/directorate of emergency
services/emergency medical services to include radios, cellular telephones and/or land-line

(2) TRADOC service schools and major subordinate commands will apply risk management
techniques to eliminate, mitigate, and/or control hazards in accordance with guidelines established
in TR 350-70, and TR 385-2. The safety manager will review and validate all training support
package risk assessments.

(3) BDE, BN, and company commanders, CSMs, and 1SGs will complete the Commander’s
Safety Course prior to assuming IET duties. The Commander’s Safety Course (Course number
012G1403) is one of the ATSC distance learning courses accessible at https://www.atsc.army.mil.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(4) Company commanders will ensure all safety controls identified in the risk management
worksheet are implemented prior to the start of training. Commanders will ensure all initial
training period risk assessments are completed and reflect the current conditions at the training site
for the specific training period. Risk assessments are maintained at the training site, and are living,
working documents and must be continually updated as conditions change. See TR 385-2 and
paragraph 3-5, for risk management training requirements.

(5) The instructor will integrate the appropriate safety/caution statement into each task, and
evaluate performance while Trainees/Soldiers perform the task to the prescribed standard. The
instructor will have maintained a copy of the risk management worksheet with them during the
training event.

(6) All training safety is built on a three-tiered approach to safety (command, leader, and

(a) Tier 1 (commander responsibility). Validate the structural soundness of the training and
evaluation plan for safety, ensure safety related matters are addressed, and make risk acceptance
decisions. Ensure all risk assessment worksheets are signed at the appropriate level for the risk
involved (low, moderate, high, or extremely high).

(b) Tier 2 (first-line leader responsibility). Consider actions taken by responsible individuals,
establish a safety over watch of training, focus on adherence to standards, and make risk
acceptance decisions within the commander’s intent and delegated authority.

(c) Tier 3 (individual Trainee/Soldier responsibility). Ensure Trainees/Soldiers look after

themselves and others, and know how to recognize and report unsafe conditions and acts.
Trainees/Soldiers must meet their individual responsibilities for safety, and recognize and report
unsafe acts to leaders.

b. Commanders will also ensure that cadre and IET Soldiers are aware of the appropriate
procedures for reporting suspicious or adverse incidents during non-training hours. Examples
include (but are not limited to): actual or suspected instances of fire, theft, altercations, suicidal
gestures or attempts, injury, unusual health symptoms, or any other unusual behavior or event.

3-4. Tobacco policy for IET

a. Trainees in the first four phases of IET (BCT and OSUT) are prohibited from use,
possession, and/or distribution of any tobacco products, pipes, electronic cigarettes-(E-cigarettes),
vaping or vaping related products. All cadre and phase V and V+ Trainees/Soldiers (including
MOS-T Soldiers) are also prohibited from using tobacco, e-cigarettes, pipes, vaping or vaping
devices in areas where IET Trainees/Soldiers are likely to observe use (for example, in the BDE,
BN, company, or any training area). No tobacco use is permitted in Basic Training. Vaping
products are prohibited in all phases of IMT training. This paragraph is punitive. Violations of the
prohibitions contained in this paragraph may subject offenders to adverse administration action
and/or charges under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

b. Centers, schools, and organizations will coordinate with the supporting contracting office to
ensure contractor personnel who work in areas where IET Trainers/Soldiers are present are also
required to comply with this policy.

c. This policy does not cancel or supersede other instructions where smoking is controlled
because of fire, explosive, or other safety considerations.

3-5. Risk management

a. Commanders and trainers of IET Trainees/Soldiers will utilize the principles and procedures
established in ATP 5-19 and TR 385-2. Commanders will ensure all cadre receive risk
management training prior to assuming control over the IET Trainee/Soldier. The risk management
process assists commanders in making informed, conscious decisions on eliminating unnecessary
risks, and in accepting residual risks inherent in accomplishing the mission. Each proponent will
conduct branch specific risk management training.

b. High Risk Soldier warm hand off. The process enables Commanders to have oversight of
high-risk Soldiers within their formation, while ensuring these Soldiers continue to have access to
local support services such as spiritual counseling, behavioral health treatment and MFLC support
in a timely manner. Commanders will utilize the Commanders Risk Reduction Toolkit (CRRT)
dashboard as the platform to monitor Soldiers’ high-risk behaviors. Commanders will utilize the
CRRT to inform the gaining command and will conduct a “commander to commander” phone call
for all high risk Soldiers

3-6. Line of duty (LOD) investigations

The company commander will ensure DA Form 2173 (Statement of Medical Examination and
Duty Status) is completed promptly and forwarded through channels to the appointing authority
(see appendix H, for further guidance). The final LOD determination is vital for USAR/ARNG
Soldiers who have sustained illnesses or injuries while in training and have not fully recovered.
Without an approved LOD determination, RC Soldiers returning to their home are ineligible for
medical evaluation and care for their illness or injury. AR 600-8-4 prescribes the use of DA Form
2173 as the primary record in the LOD determination process. The LOD paperwork should be
completed as soon as possible after medical professionals evaluate the injury and completion of the
LOD (DA Form 2173 and all other supporting documents). Documents are required prior to
transfer or REFRAD of the injured Soldier. BDE commanders can approve exceptions to the LOD
requirement for departure on a case-by-case basis.

3-7. Severe weather notification

Local policies and procedures will dictate the notification of severe weather to training units.

a. When inclement or severe weather has the potential to impact training, company
commanders must consider the following actions:

(1) Uniform modification.

(2) Suspend training temporarily.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(3) Use lightning assembly/protection areas.

(4) Seek enclosed shelter.

(5) Cancel training/return to company.

b. Due to the size of most training areas, weather-related decisions should be made on-site. All
severe/inclement weather conditions must be evaluated for potential risk as well as likelihood of
occurrence in accordance with risk management development. All decisions should be based on
these criteria using current weather conditions.

3-8. Medical support for training

a. All training activities, from the classroom to the field firing range, require well thought out
plans for medical care and evacuation. Recommended levels of medical support for high risk
training are defined by conducting thorough risk assessments of the scheduled training.

b. When a risk assessment indicates a lower level of support than the minimum as defined by
local policy, training support package, and risk assessment, commanders and commandants may
(with the concurrence of the installation’s medical treatment facility (MTF) commander and safety
officer), authorize by memorandum an appropriate lower level of support. When a decision is
taken to lower the level of medical support below the minimum recommended for any training
activity inform local safety office and the CIMT, G-3.

c. TRADOC service school and major subordinate command commanders and commandants
will assess and certify the adequacy of medical support to training at least annually. Certification is
be completed via MFR maintained with training schedules. This responsibility will not be
delegated. Commanders and commandants will rehearse their medical support plan (casualty
response, evacuation, and treatment) semi-annually, with focus on responding to a training

d. Combat medic specialist (MOS 68W) MOS qualification and scope of practice.

(1) Training unit and MTF commanders will ensure that combat medic specialists (68W)
providing support to training to maintain their skills in accordance with TC 8-800, which includes
biannual certification as an emergency medical technician-basic (EMT-B) by the National Registry
of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT), and basic life support certification. Coordinate
these requirements through the IET health care committee or by a memorandum of agreement with
the servicing MTF.

(2) The MTF commander, as the installation’s director of health services (DHS), is
responsible and accountable for the total surveillance and evaluation of the scope of practice (such
as, procedures, actions, and processes that are permitted for the licensed individual) and quality of
healthcare/services provided on the installation. To ensure medics practice within accepted
guidelines, commanders of units to which 68Ws are assigned should coordinate with their DHSs
regarding their 68Ws’ scope of practice.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(3) Commanders of units to which 68Ws are assigned will make every effort to sustain a
“ready medical force” by ensuring medics participate in clinic-based training, competencies, and
patient care activities through coordination with the medical department activity (MEDDAC).
TRADOC medics’ utilization of algorithm-directed troop medical care when screening and
treating Trainees and Soldiers as part of the TRADOC Organic Medical Structure model of
healthcare is strongly encouraged.

3-9. Combat Lifesaver (CLS) training/certification and utilization will be as follows:

a. CLS certified personnel and CLS aid bags are required (see appendix H):

(1) In RECBNs and BCT/OSUT units, at least one CLS certified DS or cadre member and
one CLS aid bag per platoon, will be present as required during training.

(2) In AIT units, at least one CLS certified DS or cadre member and one CLS aid bag per
company, will be present during training.

(3) IAW TR 350-16 paragraph 2-10 and AR 350-1, Drill Sergeants are required to maintain
annual certification as a combat lifesaver.

b. IET cadre members are encouraged to obtain CLS certification.

c. Commanders will coordinate training schedules for the CLS course and annual recertification
with supporting medical instructor organizations or MEDDAC.

d. CLS aid bags should be inventoried monthly and resupplied as items are used or expire. CLS
Bags will include a copy of the most recent inventory via DD Form 1750 (Packing List), signed
and dated with notation of items placed on order and the date ordered. Resupply CLS aid bags
through class VIII accounts with the supporting MEDDAC.

e. Personnel qualified and certified to perform a higher level of medical care (combat medic,
specialist, 68W) may fill the requirement for CLS, when available.

f. Basic Life Support/automated external defibrillation cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

training is required per TRADOC TASKORD IN201132 for all DSs and encouraged for all Cadre.
Training is current for a two-year period from completion and shall be recertified as needed for
duration of DS duty. Training may be coordinated with the installation MTF.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Table 3-1.
CLS medical equipment set
Quantity Item NSN
Bag, combat casualty care (full medical equipment
1 set) 6545-01-572-9963
1 Adhesive tape, surgical, 3” 6510-00-926-8884
Bag, TC3, combat casualty care (empty), Army
1 combat uniform pattern 6545-01-537-0686
Bag, combat casualty care (empty), multicam
1 pattern 6545-01-585-5777
1 Bandage elastic, .15 x .10 meters (6" x 4.5 yard) 6510-00-935-5823
2 Bandage, gauze, 3.7 meters (4.1 yard) 6510-01-503-2117
Bandage kit, elastic, 1.5 meters (6”) (Israeli
2 Bandage) 6510-01-492-2275
2 Bandage, gauze, impregnated, (Hemostatic) 6510-01-562-3325
1 Bandage kit, elastic, abdominal 6510-01-532-6656
Bandage, muslin, olive drab, .93 x .93 x 1.3 meters
3 (37x37x52”), triangular 6510-00-201-1755
1 Blanket, heating 6532-01-525-4062
1 Blanket, survival 6532-01-524-6932
2 Dressing, chest seal 6510-01-573-0300
4 Glove patient examining 6515-01-525-1975
2 Leash, shears, trauma 6515-01-540-7226
2 Marker, tube type 7520-00-312-6124
1 Nasal trumpet 6515-01-529-1187
2 Needle, decompression 6515-01-541-0635
6 Pad, isopropyl alcohol 6510-00-786-3736
1 Scissors, bandage 6515-00-935-7138
1 Shield, eye, surgical, Fox 6515-01-449-1016
1 Splint, universal 6515-01-494-1951
1 Strap cutter, combat 4240-01-568-3219
2 Tourniquet, Combat Application 6515-01-521-7976
DD Form 1380 (Tactical Combat Casualty Care
1 pack Card)

3-10. Injury prevention measures

In addition to the guidance in FM 7-22, the following measures will be employed to mitigate
overuse injuries:

a. Place Trainees/Soldiers in order of height (shortest to tallest) in running and marching


b. Ensure foot march pace does not exceed 4.8km (3 miles)/five kilometers per hour (19:20 per
mile pace).

c. Use the fittest Trainees/Soldiers for road guard duties.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

d. Rotate road guard responsibilities.

e. Avoid high impact activities for corrective training (any exercise that is listed in ATP 7-
22.02). There is no benefit to exceeding the PRT guidelines for running.

f. Ensure Trainees/Soldiers apply ice to injured areas when prescribed by a health care provider
or recommended by self-care guidelines.

g. Maximize transportation vehicles for moving Trainees/Soldiers to training areas.

h. Encourage Trainees to wear the sock liner under the cushion sole sock during the first three
weeks of training (during new boot break in period), and for any foot march greater than 5km (3

i. After all core training is complete, change into running shoes to allow for foot recovery;
especially in Yellow, Red and White Phases.

j. Supplemental PRT is intended for Trainees/Soldiers who are not on track to pass the end of
cycle ACFT. If the BN chooses to conduct supplemental PRT, ensure that is it developmental in
nature. The training should focus on form and high-quality repetitions at a moderate intensity
rather than muscle failure and high intensity endurance training. The cadre must include both
Master Fitness Trainers and Master Resilience Trainers.

k. Ensure immediate intervention to limit the impact of/ treat injuries so that they do not
progress to severe or chronic conditions in Trainees/Soldiers. Severe injuries affecting the tibia,
femur and spine may require surgical repair and prevent the Trainee/Soldier’s ability to return to/
complete training.

l. Trainees/Soldiers are required to receive Berry Amendment compliant athletic shoes during
initial processing in the RECBN. If the Trainee/Soldier is showing signs of injury related to
footwear, the Trainee/Soldier may wear civilian athletic shoes as long they are approved by the BN
medical provider, athletic trainer or physical therapist.

3-11. Suicide prevention

a. The IET POIs include formal instruction on suicide awareness and identification of
potentially suicidal Trainees/Soldiers. The commanders’ orientations will instruct
Trainees/Soldiers on the appropriate actions they should take in the event a fellow Trainee/Soldier
talks to them about suicide; specifically, Trainees/Soldiers must recognize the need to notify
immediately the first cadre member available in the chain of command.

b. Commanders must comply with the provisions of DODD 6490.04 before sending
Trainees/Soldiers for behavioral health evaluations. Commanders must counsel Trainees/Soldiers
reported to have discussed or alluded to suicide. Commanders will ensure Trainees/Soldiers in
emergency/urgent situations are immediately referred to behavioral health care providers for
counseling and evaluation, and accompanied by an NCO to the appointment until the behavioral
health care provider assumes control. An NCO is required to pick the Trainee/Soldier up from the
TRADOC Regulation 350-6

behavioral health facilities and to meet with the behavioral health care provider as a representative
of the commander to ensure the Trainee/Soldier’s condition and diagnosis are clearly
communicated to the unit. Trainees/Soldiers in this category will not be left alone or unsupervised.
Escorts for subsequent appointments are not required to be an NCO. Counsel individuals in routine
(non-emergency) situations, in accordance with DODD 6490.04, prior to referral/meeting with
behavioral health professionals.

c. Behavioral health care providers may return IET Trainees/Soldiers to their units, once they
have determined the Trainee/Soldier is no longer an imminent threat to harm themselves or others,
following an outpatient evaluation or upon discharge from the inpatient status.

(1) The behavioral health care provider may make precautionary recommendations to the
commander that the Trainee/Soldier be watched for safety purposes. The behavioral health care
provider must stipulate specific guidance regarding precautions and must establish an appointment
for follow-up as part of the release to the unit.

(2) IAW AR 600-63 and DA Pamphlet 600-24, TRADOC service schools and major
subordinate commands will develop a unit watch program, which will involve supervised watch of
the IET Trainee/Soldier. While MEDCOM POLICY 21-011 prevents behavioral health officers
from recommending a Trainee/Soldier be placed under unit watch, they can still be consulted on
the care needs of the individual. Unit watch should not be used in lieu of, nor does it replace,
inpatient behavioral health care.

(a) Commanders will create a positive environment for the Trainee/Soldier, utilizing
teamwork and unit cohesion as the foundation for support for the Trainee/Soldier on watch.
Trainees will not be marked in any way, which identifies him or her publicly as a Trainee/Soldier
at risk. Trainees/Soldiers will be treated with dignity and leaders will prohibit behaviors and
comments which serve to stigmatize or ostracize them.

(b) 24-hour watch. A unit member Trainee/Soldier buddy team will be assigned to watch a
Trainee/Soldier 24 hours of the day, to include while the individual sleeps. Staff duty personnel
may have this responsibility if a less stigmatizing way is not available.

(c) If a peer is assigned to watch the Trainee/Soldier, cadre must interact with the pair of
Trainees/Soldiers hourly because the responsibility of watch can be difficult for a peer. In addition,
a member of the leadership team must plan a brief meeting daily with the Trainee/Soldier at risk,
to provide support and encouragement.

(d) Command team may utilize a variety of interventions for a unit watch to include
searching the Trainee/Soldier’s belongings and living quarters for dangerous items. Removing
such items from their possession, prohibiting access to alcohol and drugs, minimizing contact with
people that may negatively influence the Trainee/Soldier’s behavioral health, continuously
observing the Trainee/Soldier, and ensuring behavioral health follow-ups are attended. Do not
isolate this individual. Provide positive encouragement, and motivation to assist the trainee during
this situation. Examples of dangerous items would include, but are not limited to, knives, cigarette
lighters, and jewelry with sharp edges, blow dryers, and cleaning supplies. Access to silverware
other than sharp knives is acceptable. Medications, to include over-the-counter, should be held by

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

the unit and should be dispensed one dose at the time by a medic or NCO. Leadership may elect to
tighten the restrictions recommended by the behavioral health provider.

(e) The Trainee/Soldier under supervised watch will not be issued or permitted to carry any
weapon/firearm during the period of supervised watch.

(3) The unit watch program is to complement the guidance established in DODD 6490.04.
The unit watch program must ensure:

(a) Positive control of the returned IET Trainee/Soldier, especially during periods of
transition, between training events and from training events to other appointments.

(b) Trainees/Soldiers under watch are escorted at all times, and not left alone or

(c) Those entrusted to conduct unit watch are thoroughly briefed on the importance of being
with the Trainee/Soldier at all times, and of the essence of mentorship and support as the
foundation for guiding a Trainee/Soldier through a difficult period.

(d) While in unit watch status, the Trainee/Soldier requires follow-up with the behavioral
health care provider within five days of the implementation of the watch. The Trainee/Soldier will
be seen immediately if the chain of command sincerely believes that the Trainee/Soldier’s
concerns are not remediating, and the Trainee/Soldier’s risk appears to be increasing.

d. IET commanders will ensure all DSs, cadre, and all members assigned will receive training
in the current Army-approved suicide prevention program, as follows:

(1) See AR 600-63, for the Army Ready and Resilient Campaign (R2C) directed at reducing
high risk behavior and preventing suicide, suicide prevention training must be conducted annually
for all Soldiers.

(a) All permanent party personnel will receive training in "Ask, Care, Escort" (ACE).
Training products are accessible at the Army G-1 Suicide Prevention Program website. Additional
training products (for example, "Shoulder to shoulder- Finding strength and Hope Together”) are
published periodically on the same web site and can be used to supplement the ACE products.

(b) In addition, company level junior leaders and first line supervisors to include squad and
section leaders, platoon sergeants, platoon leaders, first sergeants (1SGs), executive officers,
company commanders, and DA Civilians assigned at the company level will complete the ACE-
Suicide Intervention Course. Personnel identified as primary or secondary “gatekeepers” will
receive advanced suicide intervention skills training in accordance with AR 600-63. Applied
Suicide Intervention Skills Training is an additional product for suicide intervention training.
Gatekeepers are individuals who, in the performance of their assigned duties and responsibilities,
provide specific counseling to Soldiers and DA Civilians in need.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(c) Coordinate with the installation’s Suicide Prevention Program Manager for training in
suicide awareness, identification, prevention, and applying suicide intervention techniques.

e. All Cadre assigned to CIMT will review the Leader Professional Development (LPD) video
at: https://www.dvidshub.net/video/830858/tradoc-leader-professional-development-suicide-

f. Commanders will solicit consultation and support through the installation’s Suicide
Prevention Program Manager. Commanders should identify these local resources and coordinate
services well before they are needed. Taking care of Soldiers to ensure their health and welfare are
the upmost importance to achieving success and meeting mission requirements.

3-12. Preventing communicable illnesses

a. Proactive, comprehensive measures to prevent communicable illness and disease outbreaks in

the IET population are paramount. Trainees/Soldiers in IET have vulnerable immune systems and
often live in congregated settings where disease can spread easily. Trainees/Soldiers should receive
the annual influenza vaccine, in accordance with annual Army guidance, to help prevent additional
illness. Proactive measures include the following:

(1) Observing proper hand hygiene: This includes washing or sanitizing the hands every
time after using the latrine; before touching food; after sneezing, blowing one's nose, or coughing;
and after touching any common surface. Hand sanitizer, containing at least 60% ethyl alcohol, is
not a substitute for soap and water, but is useful in situations where handwashing may not be

(2) Avoiding touching one's eyes, nose, and mouth.

(3) Not sharing personal items (razors, towels, clothing, etc.).

(4) Limiting skin-to-skin contact and scratching.

(5) Keeping wounds covered and clean.

(6) Coughing or sneezing into one's elbow, not into one’s hands.

(7) Maintain one arm’s length separation when standing in line if mission will allow.

b. Leader measures to prevent communicable illnesses are to:

(1) Ensure all Trainees/Soldiers are up to date on immunizations, by monitoring the unit's
medical protection system (MEDPROS) database. See appendix H, for policy on access to
MEDPROS. Commanders will coordinate for the delivery of vaccines that require second doses/
boosters with materiel fielding team commanders according to the vaccination schedule.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(2) In accordance with DA PAM 420-1-1, ensure each Trainee/Soldier has at least 72 square
feet of living space (see figure 3-1). A two-man bunk requires 144 square feet of floor space if
both beds are occupied (72 square feet per person times two). All available billeting, including
temporary facilities and tents when necessary, should be used to ensure this minimum space
allowance. Commanders should schedule use of common areas, such as dining facilities,
classrooms, theaters, and latrines to avoid overcrowding.

(3) Ensure bunks are oriented head to foot. Respiratory diseases are transmitted primarily via
large virus-laden droplets propelled a short distance through the air from a cough or sneeze.
Arranging bunks so that Trainees/Soldiers' heads and feet positions are alternated increases the
distance between breathing zones. See figure 3-1 for a bunk arrangement that maximizes available
floor space and the distance between bunk/cots while still maintaining egress routes and allowing
for adequate command and control.

Figure 3-1. Example bunking layout (DA Pam 420-1-1)

(4) Enforce barracks hygiene. Improved standards for barracks hygiene can help reduce the
spread of infectious diseases, these measures also prevent growth of mold. Methods of
decontaminating surfaces include detergent-based cleaning followed by rinsing, and the use of
disinfecting agents.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(a) Ensure disinfectant solution is utilized. A solution of household bleach and water is
recommended. Use 056 liters (¼ cup) bleach in 3.7 liter (one gallon) of cool water, or .one
tablespoon bleach in .94 liters (one quart) of cool water. A solution of bleach and water loses its
strength over time and is weakened by heat and sunlight. Mix a fresh bleach solution each day that
it is needed. The solution can either be applied via a bucket and cloth/sponge or a spray bottle and
cloth/sponge. Disposable cloths, such as paper towels, are recommended. Chlorine evaporates into
the air leaving no residue, so surfaces sanitized with bleach may be left to air dry. Allow mop
heads to dry before reuse by hanging the mop by the handle with mop heads down.

(b) Conspicuously post mixing instructions for bleach and water. Do not mix bleach with
other cleaning chemicals. Mixing chemicals with bleach may produce hazardous gases. Before
using anything other than bleach for disinfection, consult with your local preventive medicine
office. Always read the label and follow the manufacturer’s instructions exactly. See figure 3-2, for
an example poster of mixing instructions.

(c) Recommended cleaning cycle:

• Daily: Disinfect bathroom floors, sinks, showers, toilets, doorknobs, handles, light
switches, and other high-touch surfaces; clean other visible dirt on floors and surfaces as
• Weekly: Launder all soiled laundry and linens; mop floors and clean all horizontal
surfaces with soap and water.
• Every three weeks: Turn in blankets, pillows, and mattress covers for laundering.
• End of training cycle: Turn in blankets; wipe down mattresses with disinfectant solution;
launder mattress pads (if applicable); clean all walls, blinds, windows, and areas not
routinely cleaned with soap and water.


3.7 liters (1 GALLON) OF COOL WATER
*Measure the amounts – DO NOT GUESS
*Mix a fresh bleach solution each day
that it is needed.

Figure 3-2. Disinfectant solutions and products

(d) Recommended cleaning methods.

(1) Toilets, urinals, showers, and sinks. Clean toilets daily using a toilet brush and
disinfectant; this will prevent the build-up of scale, which can harbor pathogens. Sinks, showers,
and urinals should be disinfected daily with a bleach and water solution to prevent buildup of
microbial films.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(2) Floors, walls, and other environmental surfaces. Exposure to pathogens as a result of
microbial contamination on floors and furnishings is very low. The transfer of microorganisms
from environmental surfaces to individuals is largely via hand contact with the surface. High-touch
surfaces (such as, doorknobs, handles, light switches, and wall areas around toilets) should be
cleaned and disinfected daily. Horizontal surfaces, such as windowsills and floors, should be
cleaned weekly with detergent and water and kept visibly clean as necessary. Extraordinary
cleaning and disinfection of floors is not recommended. Cleaning of walls, blinds, and window
curtains is recommended between training cycles or more frequently if they are visibly soiled.

(3) Laundry, mattresses, and pillows. Launder soiled clothing and linens weekly at 160°F, or
at 104°F to 140°F using an activated bleach powder. Turn in sheets and pillowcases weekly for
laundering whether they appear soiled or not. Blankets, pillows, and mattress covers should be
turned in every three weeks or when personnel change. Plastic-covered mattresses are preferred for
ease of disinfection. If fabric mattresses are used, keep them dry; discard mattresses if they become
and remain wet or stained, or if they become unserviceable. Between training cycles or when
personnel change, clean and disinfect plastic mattress covers using U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency registered disinfectants that are compatible with the cover material, and exchange
blankets. Replace mattress and pillow covers if they become torn or unserviceable.

3-13. Managing outbreaks of communicable illnesses

a. An outbreak is a sudden increase in numbers of a given illness.

b. If an outbreak is suspected, contact MTF authorities immediately.

c. All commanders must be aware of their installation isolation and quarantine plan during
public health emergencies.

3-14. Field sanitation

a. Duties. Command teams will:

(1) Monitor overall sanitary conditions in the barracks, dining facility, ranges, and training
areas occupied by the unit.

(2) Determine risk and develop controls for insect-borne disease, heat illnesses, and cold

(3) With the assistance of Cadre, ensure potable water containers are maintained:

(a) Prior to use, scrub the container with calcium hypochlorite dissolved in water as directed
in ATP 4-25.12.

(b) Test the water using a chlorination test kit.

(c) Add more calcium hypochlorite, if necessary, to maintain a minimum chlorine residual of
two parts per million or as prescribed locally.
TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(d) Empty and clean the container at least once every three days.

(4) Ensure hand-washing devices/stations are provided and maintained at ranges and field
sites, easy accessible, and that hand washing facilities in the barracks and dining facilities are
functioning and maintained. Hand-washing devices/stations will be checked daily to ensure proper
maintenance and functionality.

b. During the Hammer FTX, DSs will teach and demonstrate (but not use) field sanitation
requirements in a field environment to include slit trenches, cat holes and other methods to sustain
living conditions in a field environment. (Field sanitation requirements will be for training
demonstration only.) DS experience during deployment and other field environments will be
discussed on how to properly maintain sanitation in a field environment.

3-15. Personal health and hygiene

a. To instill good hygiene habits in all Trainees/Soldiers, each TRADOC service school and
major subordinate command will establish a comprehensive personal hygiene program. Elements
of the personal hygiene program include but are not limited to:

(1) Opportunity for Trainees/Soldiers to bathe daily, in garrison, and practice personal
hygiene in a field environment.

(2) Reinforcement of adequate and appropriate intake of food and fluids encourage dietary
behaviors that enhance performance and promotes good health.

(3) Ensuring adequacy of billeting and maintenance of sanitary, healthful conditions, and net
square footage guidelines as defined by DA Pamphlet 420-1-1 to include:

(a) In BCT/OSUT, 21.9 meters (72 net square feet) per Trainee/Soldier is the standard,
exclusive of stairs, halls, latrines, utility rooms, recreation areas, storage rooms, or other
administrative areas. All available billeting is used to achieve this standard. BDE commanders
have the authority to lower the requirement to 18.2 meters (60 square feet) provided safety and
preventive medicine personnel check and approve living conditions.

(b) In AIT, 27.4 meters (90 square feet) per Soldier is the desired goal, unless the AIT is
located at an ATC. BDE commanders have the authority to lower the requirement to 21.9 meters
(72 square feet) provided safety and preventive medicine personnel check and approve living

(c) Commanders have the authority to approve/waive the square footage down to 18.2
meters (60 square feet) with an approved quality air control evaluation and safety inspection
without gaining the approval from the CIMT. Commanders are responsible for notifying the CIMT
when they cannot meet the required square footage.

(1) Installation fire marshal must verify the fire life safety codes are being met at the
increased density.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(2) Preventive medicine personnel periodically check air quality.

(3) Sufficient latrine and shower facilities are made available.

(4) Diversion of barracks space for other purposes (for example, offices, weight rooms,
dojos) will be limited and will not result in the use of portable buildings for barracks. Barracks will
be maintained in accordance with Army standards for cleanliness, serviceability, and safety.

(5) TRADOC service schools and major subordinate commands will ensure posters
emphasizing personal hygiene measures to mitigate the risk of a communicable illness outbreak
are conspicuously displayed in the barracks, dining facilities, and in latrines. Personal hygiene
posters with three different backgrounds are downloadable off the TRADOC Surgeon’s milBook
site: https://www.milsuite.mil/book/groups/tradoc-environmental-health-protection.

b. Commanders will adhere to the following when IET Trainees/Soldiers are donating blood:

(1) Blood donations will not be allowed during RECBN in-processing, to include Trainees in
hold under status or during the first three weeks of BCT/OSUT.

(2) Blood donations will not be allowed for four weeks after receiving booster
immunizations for measles and rubella, varicella (Chicken Pox), and hepatitis B.

(3) Blood donors should not engage in any strenuous physical activity for 24 hours after
donation. Activities to avoid include, but are not limited to running, push-ups, pull-ups/chin-ups,
muscle failure PT, heavy lifting, obstacle/confidence courses, etc. Short foot movements to local
areas or dining facilities can be safely performed.

(4) Avoid prolonged exposure (greater than one hour) to heat category 3-5 conditions, and
avoid maximum performance events (ACFT and foot marches) for three days after donation.

(5) Soldiers in OSUT and AIT may donate blood eight weeks after their first donation, then
every eight weeks thereafter.

c. Female Trainee/Soldiers require additional examinations and education in accordance with

AR 40-501, to ensure they are ready for deployment upon graduation from IET. Commanders of
Soldiers in Phase IV and beyond will coordinate with their local MTFs to ensure their female
Soldiers have met these requirements for readiness.

3-16. Hearing conservation program

a. Each ATC will follow the Army Hearing Program in compliance with DA Pamphlet 40-501.

b. RECBNs will perform DOD standard audiograms on all new Trainees/Soldiers in accordance
with DA Pamphlet 40-501. Trainees/Soldiers with abnormal audiograms may require further
evaluation to assess fitness for duty and appropriate disposition.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

3-17. Health care committee

a. The IET environment presents unique health care issues. Managing these issues involves a
joint effort between MTF clinical staff and training BNs. An IET health care committee provides
the structural framework to facilitate this effort and develop coordinated approaches at the BN

b. Health care committee objectives.

(1) Reduce and control injuries in IET that take Trainees/Soldiers away from training.

(2) Conduct a regularly scheduled forum at the BDE level.

(3) Monitor overuse injuries, communicable illnesses, environmental injuries, and suicidal

(4) Identify issues that would need the attention of HQ TRADOC.

(5) Obtain feedback on initiatives.

c. The health care committee can be stand alone, or part of a committee already in existence.

(1) Membership. Commandants shall identify a BDE commander as the chairperson. The
commandant staff and MTF will determine the rest of the committee membership. Membership
may include, but is not limited to:

(a) Chief, primary care or deputy commander for clinical services.

(b) Commander, MTF and/or dental clinic.

(c) Psychologist or social worker for IET.

(d) Officer-in-charge, MTF physical therapy.

(e) Chief, preventive medicine.

(f) Environmental science officer.

(g) Training chaplain.

(h) Training company commanders and/or senior NCOs.

(i) Senior NCO for medical support to training.

(j) Brigade Surgeon

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(k) Brigade Behavioral Health Officer

(l) Battalion Surgeon

(m) Installation Commanders Ready and Resilient Integrator

(n) Physical Evaluation Board Liaison

(o) Holistic Health and Fitness director

(2) Agenda. Items to be addressed may include, but are not limited to:

(a) Sick call.

(b) Medical support for training.

(c) Access to specialty care (for example, orthopedics, podiatry, mental health).

(d) Medical evaluation board (MEBs).

(e) IET attrition.

(f) Profiles.

(g) Warrior Training Rehabilitation Program (WTRP).

(h) Behavioral health professional support.

(i) Illness, injury, and behavior trends.

d. The chairperson should forward issues that require the assistance of HQ TRADOC to the
TRADOC Surgeon or Defense Switched Network 501-5633 or commercial (757) 501-5633.

e. All medical appointments or procedures/emergencies performed off post will require

Trainees/Soldiers to have a battle buddy or a medical staff member escort the individual from the
unit to the medical facility. Trainee/Soldier will be signed in and transfer responsibility to a
medical liaison. The liaison will ensure the Trainee/Soldier receives the needed treatment. Upon
completion of such treatment the Trainee/Soldier will be returned to the medical liaison to
coordinate transportation back to the unit. The medical liaison will not release the Trainee/Soldier
until a member of the unit or medical staff assumes responsibility for them and escorts the
Trainee/Soldier back to their assigned unit. A chain of custody must be established and maintained
throughout the entire process.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

3-18. Sleep

a. Sleep is biological necessity for proper brain and body functioning and a critical element for
Trainee/Soldier/DS performance. It is not a luxury. Soldiers need a minimum of 7 hours of high
quality sleep to sustain operational readiness.

b. Sleep is best viewed as a critical item of resupply like water, food, fuel, and ammunition.
Leaders must emphasize sleep discipline and plan adequate sleep for themselves, DSs, and
Trainees/Soldiers in training.

c. Observing a Trainee/Soldier's behavior is the best way to evaluate for signs of inadequate
sleep. Indications of inadequate sleep include: struggling to stay awake during briefings, difficulty
understanding or tracking information, lapses of attention, decreased initiative/motivation, or

d. Chronic insufficient sleep (less than 7 hours per 24 hours) produces a "sleep debt" which is
characterized by impaired performance and worsens as nightly sleep decreases. Impaired decision-
making, missing important details, and accidents may result from chronic sleep deprivation.

e. CQ and staff duty.

(1) Student NCOs should not be assigned CQ duties. Their focus should be on academics and
not performing permanent party duties.

(2) End staff/CQ duty at 1100 hours. This is the ideal circadian/physiological time to end an
extended/overnight duty. Recommended shift hours for 12 hour duty: 1100 to 2300 and 2300 to
1100. For 24 hour duty: 1100-1100. Recommendations are based on minimizing risks of POV
accidents during periods of decreased motor traffic and for optimal alertness based on circadian

(3) Encourage sleep on CQ when mission allows. Establish a local policy signed by the BDE

(4) After 24-hour duty, employ risk mitigation strategies such as napping after duty prior to
driving or having the Soldier driven home.

(5) Trainees/Soldiers in training will only function as CQ runner or Access Control Guards for
a period of 1 hour. Trainees/Soldiers in training should not perform multiple additional duties in
one day.

3-19. Cell Phones and electronics devices

a. Commanders will allow Trainees to use their cell phones or electronic devices starting in
Yellow Phase up to 90 minutes on Sunday and based on performance 30 min during mid-week.
Trainees may continue usage at a cadre-designated time and location to stay connected with family
or significant others during the four phases of BCT and BCT portion of OSUT. Commanders have

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

the discretion to increase cell phone and electronic device usage based on mission requirements,
constraints, timeline and daily activities.

b. Trainees/Soldiers who do not own a phone will be allowed to use a pay phone, if available,
or unit phone to contact family members or significant others at no cost to the government (for
example, collect calls only). Commanders will establish a phone policy for calls being placed in a
company unit orderly room or office. Leaders observing Trainee/Soldier phone time will monitor
at a distance as to not gain knowledge of the conversation, and be limited as to not restrict lines in
cases of emergency.

c. Commanders may increase or decrease cell phone and electronic devices privileges during
phase changes or based on performance, motivation, and discipline. Revocation of these privileges
are an administrative measure and do not constitute punishment under the UCMJ.

d. If a Trainee/Soldier is caught using the phone or other electronic devices outside the
authorized day/timeline/ area designated by the company commander, the phone or electronic
device will be secured, powered down and locked in the Trainees/Soldiers personal baggage until
the privilege is restored, the individual graduates, or the individual discharges from the Army.

e. Advance individual Training (AIT)/ AIT portion of OSUT: Phone privileges in AIT or AIT
portion of OSUT will be based on the local brigade/battalion commander’s phone policy.

Chapter 4
Soldier and Cadre Reception and Intergration

4-1. Integration of male and female Soldiers

a. IET is gender integrated to the squad level. All Trainees/Soldiers, regardless of gender, train
to the Army standard. Performance requirement differences, such as ACFT scoring are based on
physiological differences, and apply to the entire Army. Gender integrated training at the lowest
levels enhances the ability of the training base to deliver a Soldier fully prepared to take their place
in the ranks of a gender integrated Army. Gender integrated training conducted in an environment
where control and supervision are maximized mitigates the risk associated with this training (for
example, pairing Trainees/Soldiers of similar size and physical ability, regardless of gender during
combative training).

b. Formation of single gender companies or platoons is not authorized. The same POI is used
for males and females. Male and female Trainees/Soldiers housed in the same building are
provided a physical separation of sleeping and latrine facilities. The intent is to maintain and
maximize company integrity to the extent possible within a barracks. Gender separation by
barracks is preferred as resources permit.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

4-2. Battle buddy system

a. The battle buddy system establishes policy for the pairing of IET Trainees/Soldiers into
teams to teach teamwork, develop a sense of responsibility and accountability for fellow Soldiers,
improve safety during IET, and reduce the likelihood and opportunity for sexual harassment,
misconduct, and suicidal gestures or attempts.

b. Recruits/Trainees are introduced to the battle buddy team system at the RECBN. IET
recruits/Trainees are formed into same gender, two person teams upon arrival at the training unit,
though a battle buddy team may consist of three personnel to ensure all Trainees/Soldiers are part
of a battle buddy team. As a minimum, commanders will establish a battle buddy system in IET
following these guidelines:

(1) DSs will assign battle buddy teams after the IET Trainees/Soldiers arrive at the platoon,
but before formal training begins.

(2) Unit cadre will instruct IET Trainees/Soldiers on the purpose and rules of the battle
buddy system. Trainees/Soldiers will be told never to leave their battle buddy. If they are directed
or ordered to leave their battle buddy they will report this to the commander/1SG or executive
officer upon returning to the unit.

(3) Battle buddy teams will participate in training, serve as CQ runners and access control
guards, and participate in other activities together, when feasible.

(4) Trainees/Soldiers will have battle buddies at all times, though cadre will pair ad hoc
buddy teams of the same gender for sick call, worship services, additional unit-specific training, or
remedial training. Similarly, ad hoc buddy teams will be formed on family day for
Trainees/Soldiers without family members attending.

(5) The battle buddy system also applies to cadre members. DSs and cadre will never be in a
closed-door counseling session with a single Trainee. In the rare instances where the Trainee
would need privacy from his/her battle buddy, the cadre member must ensure another cadre
member (preferably the same gender as the Trainee) is present during the closed door counseling

(6) Male-female battle buddy teams are only authorized when there is only one IET
Trainee/Soldier of a particular gender, and a same gender battle buddy is not available. Use a 2:1
ratio in these instances, team a solitary female Soldier with a female buddy team, or with two male
Soldiers or team a solitary male Soldier with two female Soldiers.

(7) Trainees/Soldiers entering a counseling session with a Chaplain, Chaplain Assistant or

medical personnel are not required to have the battle-buddy present in the counseling session as to
maintain confidentiality and privileged communication status. The trainee’s battle buddy will
remain in the immediate area until session is complete and return to the unit as a buddy team.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

4-3. Duties - charge of quarters (CQ), access control guard, and extra duty

a. Access Control Guard is duty performed by Trainees (gender pure buddy team) during lights
out until the beginning of the next duty day.

b. Trainees/Soldiers performing extra duty pursuant to punishment under the UCMJ will not
perform extra duty beyond 2130 or lights out, whichever is earlier. Commanders may authorize
extra duty be performed on Sunday and other training holidays.

c. Trainees/Soldiers may perform duties including but not limited to; CQ runner, access control
guards, rover patrol, and guard duty. No Trainee/Soldier will perform multiple duties in a single
night. Duties will only be performed in 1-hour shifts/tours. Trainees/prior service Soldiers cannot
perform CQ duties normally performed by cadre personnel who represent the commander and his
or her authority. Student NCOs cannot be in charge of or perform duties for Trainees/Soldiers in
training, their focus is on academics, not performing duties assigned to permanent party Soldiers.
This does not include extra duty. All personnel used for CQ or other duties that supervise trainees
must receive training identified in this regulation, see Appendix B for required courses.

4-4. U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Pamphlet 600-4

a. TP 600-4 and STP 21-1-SMCT are issued to all Soldiers entering BCT/OSUT. The two
publications provide Soldiers with a pocket reference for subjects taught and tested in BCT/OSUT,
along with Warrior skills needed upon arrival at their first unit of assignment.

b. Commanders will ensure that IET Trainees/Soldiers departing BCT for AIT have a
serviceable copy of both TP 600-4 and STP 21-1-SMCT including their Army Combat Helmet
pads/chin strap in their possession.

4-5. IET Soldier work details

a. Restrict use of IET Trainees/Soldiers for details to a minimum. The BCT/OSUT POI only
allows 8 hours away from training for details. Details off the installation are restricted to military
honors details such as flag or funerals. AIT POIs do not allow any time for details. Commanders
should attempt to restrict details to IET Trainees in a hold over or hold under status.

b. As appropriate, give consideration to using an entire unit (section, squad, platoon, class, or
company) to meet requirements, rather than distributing the requirement over several different
units. This will lessen the need for individuals to make up training, and provides additional
opportunities for building teamwork. IET Trainees/Soldiers will perform details, at a minimum, as
a battle buddy team.

c. To the maximum extent feasible, IET cadre will supervise IET Trainees when they are
performing details. In cases where non-IET cadre is supervising IET Trainees, the supervisor will
have attended the SCTC or ISCTC. Make maximum effort to utilize this time for reinforcement of
transformation skills.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

d. Any DA Civilian employee overseeing IET Trainees on a routine basis will be SCTC or
ISCTC qualified. Include the duties and responsibilities related to IET Trainee management in the
DA Civilian's official job description and on their annual performance evaluation.

4-6. Amount and type of control/phase privileges

a. During IET, the cadre leadership should evolve from asserting total control over
Trainees/Soldiers to the point where it duplicates the leadership environment in operational units.
This gradual change supports the transformation program, and allows the DSs, and/or squad
leaders to gauge each Trainee/Soldier’s self-discipline and maintain or relinquish control

b. Privileges/limitations for IET Trainees/Soldiers.

(1) BDE commanders at the training location are the approval authority for granting or
withholding privileges in accordance with table 4-1 on page 60. Trainees/Soldiers are granted
additional freedom as they demonstrate self-discipline and the ability to accept responsibility.
These are privileges, not rights, and as such, are withheld, modified, or withdrawn based upon
performance, mission, and program requirements. Privileges granted in IET will support the
phased training program, which establishes intermediate goals to facilitate the transformation from
volunteer to Soldier. Maximum privileges authorized for IET are listed in table 4-1, page 60.

(2) Trainees/Soldiers in the Phase I (Yellow Phase) and Phase II (Red Phase) of IET will not
attend non-POI events, activities, or programs (on or off the installation) except for on-post
Sunday morning worship service, without an approved ETP from the DCG-IMT. Trainees/Soldiers
in the white phase, phase III and blue phase, phase IV may attend off-the-installation events,
activities, or programs with approval granted by their COE CG or ATC commander. Prior to
granting approval, the COE CG or ATC commander should consult with his servicing SJA. Units
will send a copy of ETPs to CIMT G-3 (ATMT-OP). These events include but are not limited to
local sporting events, church services, concerts, or military appreciation events.

(3) Wearing of civilian clothes is strictly limited during BCT. Local standing operating
procedures (SOPs) will govern attire for BCT Trainees departing on emergency leave prior to
deferred issue. When time and facilities permit, the Trainee is issued AGSUs before departing on
emergency leave.

(4) The use of telephones during IET, to include cellular and other wireless communication
devices, is a privilege. IET BDE commanders will establish local policy allowing a minimum of 30
minutes weekly.

(5) IET Trainees arriving to the RECBN, BCT, OSUT, AIT, new duty assignment and/or
transferred to a different unit or class will be given the opportunity to call home within 48 hours of

(6) The following privileges establish guidelines for BDE commanders.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(a) Phase I & II (Yellow/Red Phase), (weeks 1 through 4). No passes are permitted and IET
Trainees are restricted to the company area. IET Trainees are allowed outside the company area
only when in formation and escorted by DSs. A DS will escort IET Trainees to the Post Exchange.
Trainees are prohibited from driving or riding in POVs and rental vehicles, consuming alcoholic
beverages, and using tobacco products to include vaping. All IET Trainees must maintain the
battle buddy system. Continuous cadre supervision is enforced during IET Phases I-IV.

(b) Phase III (White Phase), (weeks 5 through 7). In addition to the privileges authorized in
Phases I & II, passes within the BDE area can be authorized. Trainees are prohibited from driving
or riding in POVs/rental vehicles, consuming alcoholic beverages, and using tobacco products to
include vaping. Trainees must maintain the battle buddy system.

(c) Phase IV (Blue Phase), (weeks 8 through 10). In addition to the privileges authorized in
Phase I-III, on post passes are authorized. At the commander’s discretion, IET Trainees may be
authorized an off post pass (which will expire no later than 2100 local time) and ride with family
members in POVs and rental vehicles during BCT/OSUT graduation day and family day. Family
members are authorized to transport BCT graduates to assigned AIT sites at the BN commander’s
discretion. Trainees/Soldiers are prohibited from driving POVs/rental vehicles, consuming
alcoholic beverages, and using tobacco products unless they are of legal age, possess a valid
driver’s license, and are on authorized leave/absence. All IET Trainees/Soldiers must maintain the
battle buddy system except when Trainees/Soldiers are accompanied by an adult family member
during graduation day or family day.

(d) Family members are authorized to transport Soldiers to their AIT location. One day of
travel time is allowed for each 563 kilometers (350 miles) of official distance of ordered travel.
Soldiers are not authorized to drive or consume alcohol when being transported. Details on time,
travel and reporting will be determined by the losing command prior to authorizing travel with
family and notification to gaining command prior to departure informing the new command the
Soldier is traveling with family with an estimated time of arrival.

(e) Soldiers are to report to AIT on the scheduled report date. Soldiers who are authorized to
travel to the AIT location with family members must arrive at the AIT location no later than 1800
on the Sunday prior to the scheduled AIT report date. Details on time, travel and reporting will be
determined by the losing command prior to authorizing travel with family and notification to
gaining command prior to departure informing the new command the Soldier is traveling with
family with an estimated time of arrival.

(f) Phase V (Black Phase), (weeks 11 through 13) All privileges granted in Phase IV. Also,
Company commander can grant passes up to 2100 hrs.

(g) Phase VI (Gold Phase), (weeks 14 through 20+) BDE commanders are authorized to
accelerate post-BCT phases to allow Soldiers to receive phase V+ privileges based on the Soldiers’
performance. A written policy establishing BDE-specific guidance will be submitted to CIMT.
The BDE commander sets the policy, but the battalion commander manages the program.

(h) Phase VI+ (weeks 21 through completion) commanders can authorize day passes to end
at 2400 hrs. BDE commanders can approve exceptions past 2400 hours on a case-by-case

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

situation. This exception authority can be delegated to the lieutenant colonel (O-5) level. Married
Soldiers are authorized to accompany their spouse to an appointment/family requirements.

(7) Commanders should consider increasing privileges and responsibilities based on


(8) Normally, IET Soldiers will not be granted leave between BCT and AIT, unless:

(a) Soldiers are attending an AIT course of 24 weeks or longer have a one week delay built
into the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) training schedule between
the BCT graduation date and the AIT report date. Soldiers may elect to take up to one week of leave,
or report directly to AIT upon graduation from BCT. Losing BCT site will coordinate with the
gaining AIT sites for early arrival.

(b) Soldiers graduate from BCT in December, with an AIT start in January.

(c) Trainees/Soldiers taking holiday block leave during BCT are not authorized to take any
additional leave between BCT graduation and the start of AIT.

(d) BN commanders may grant exceptions on a case-by-case basis.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Table 4-1.
IET phases and privileges
Basic Combat
Training Advanced Individual Training
21 Through
WEEKS 1-4 5-7 8 - 10 11- 13 14 - 20 Completion
Color Designation Yellow/Red White Blue Black Gold Gold
Total Control X
Restricted to Company
Area X
Escorted to post
exchange by DS X
BDE Area Pass ** X ** X
** X ** X *X
Passes (on/off Post) *** X ** X *X
Overnight Pass *** TRAINING (***)
Wear Civilian Clothes *X *X
Cell Phone/Electronic
Devices *X *X *X *X *X *X
Ride/drive in POV ****X *X *X
Age) TRAINING (*****)
Tobacco Use (of Legal
Age) *X *X
* Privileges are earned and are reduced or increased / modified based on Soldier performance and discipline
at the discretion of the BDE commander.
** Passes will conclude no later than 2100 Hours local time. BDE commander is authorized to extend the
pass to 2400 hours (Midnight) (non-duty) days. All Soldiers will utilize the battle buddy system except on
graduation day where they may be accompanied by family members (parents, grandparents, spouse or legal
*** No overnight pass authorized in IET. BDE commander approves exceptions for phase V+ Soldiers.
This exception authority can be delegated to lieutenant colonel (O-5).
**** Phase IV Soldiers may be authorized an off-post pass and ride in POV with family on graduation day
and /or traveling from BCT to AIT location if approved by the commander.
***** Exception to policy (ETP) for allowing alcohol privileges will be submitted through the first major
general in the chain of command to CIMT with a risk mitigation plan for approval.

(9) BDE commanders determine privileges for Trainees/Soldiers attending pre-BCT ESL
training or assigned to a RECBN in a long-term hold status.

4-7. Guidance for the Recruitment and participation of IMT Soldiers as Subjects in DoD-
conducted or -supported human subjects research (HSR)
CIMT holds a DOD Assurance for the protection of human research subjects from the Army
Human Research Protections Office (AHRPO). This Assurance is a written agreement signed by

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

the CG, U.S. Army CIMT indicating the agreement to be compliant with applicable federal laws,
DOD as well as Army policy, the Belmont Report and CIMT’s Human Research Protection
Program (HRPP) plan, policies and procedures. This Assurance allows CIMT to legally engage in
human research, per 32 CFR 219.103, and grants the CIMT HRPP the ability to review research to
determine whether it involves human subjects, whether it is exempt from Part 219 of Title 32,
CFR, and whether Institutional Review Board (IRB) review is required. The IMT population
encompasses Basic Combat Training Soldiers, Advanced Individual Training Soldiers and
Instructors, One Station Unit Training Soldiers, Basic Officer Leadership Course candidates, Drill
Sergeants, and other IMT cadre. Because studies can affect the training Program of Instruction
(POI) and basic training resources, the potential outcomes or benefits of the studies are carefully
weighed against time, the requirements to conduct the study, and the effects on the study
population. Equally important, CIMT also determines whether proposed studies will conflict with
other studies already in progress. All proposed studies, to include surveys/questionnaires, focus
groups, observation of training, collection of biospecimens, and any other efforts requiring the
participation of IMT Soldiers, will be submitted to the CIMT HRPP and G-2/Research and
Analysis Directorate, for a feasibility review. In accordance with DoDI 3216.02, if the HSR
involves DoD-affiliated personnel, the key investigator must receive command or Component
approval to execute the research. Therefore, no research activities involving IMT personnel will be
conducted without prior written approval from the CG, CIMT. For organizations who hold their
own DOD assurance, proponency for policy over all initial military training falls under the DCG-
IMT, and under CIMT purview. No other Army organizations or personnel are authorized to
approve access to the IMT population for recruitment and participation in DOD-conducted or -
supported HSR.

4-8. Basic combat training (BCT) feedback system

AIT commanders and other recipients of Soldiers from BCT will provide direct feedback digitally
to BCT commanders. This feedback will include information on the quality of the Soldiers they
receive, if the Soldiers arrived with all the required documents for a complete record, and if the
Soldiers arrived with proper equipment to include mouth guards and helmet bands. Specified
topics for feedback include: Soldier morale on arrival, medical condition, common task
proficiency, physical conditions, ITR from DTMS completeness, and possession of TP 600-4 and

4-9. IET hold management

a. Trainees/Soldiers placed in a hold status prior to starting a BCT class will be identified by
name within 48 hours and will be reported to the gaining BCT Unit. If Trainee is a quick ship
MOS, TOMA must be notified. Every effort will be made to assign these Trainees/Soldiers to
training companies or transship these individuals to other training locations in order to remain on
their current training cycle. Post the Trainees/Soldiers' status in ATRRS with the reason code
display as being in a hold status (H) awaiting class start (6). The hold status for an H6
Trainee/Soldier automatically ends when the Trainee/Soldier starts training and is posted in a class
in ATRRS with input status of (I). If a Trainee/Soldier cannot be transshipped to another location,
they will be actively engaged in introductory training. Hold training will consist of orientation,
SHARP, PRT, Army Values, Army history, life skills, drill and ceremony, customs and courtesies,

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

and other subjects that will help these Trainees/Soldiers integrate into the Army and prepare them
for BCT.

b. Change to IET Trainee/Soldier status must be reported to the installation’s Trainee/Student

Processing Center (TSPC), in accordance with local SOP, per AR 612-201. A student’s change in
status must be reported by the unit/organization no later than the close of business on the first
working day after the change takes effect. This deadline is established so TSPCs can post the
changes to ATRRS within the timeframe required by AR 350-10. Units will report holds using all
32 hold categories.

c. AIT/OSUT will provide quality training to Soldiers in a hold status. Training will include
MOS and basic skills. This training will consist of but not limited to SHARP, PRT, Values, life
skills, MOS history, drill and ceremony, customs and courtesies, and other subjects within the
MOS that will help these Soldiers integrate into either AIT/OSUT or their first unit of assignment.

d. Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) approved AIT holding companies. Change
management Plan (CMP) memorandum dated 26 March 2020. TRADOC CMP, category 2 for
Advanced Individual Training (AIT) Holding Companies.

(1) Company overhead consists of just (3) requirements: Company Commander, First
Sergeant, and Operations Sergeant.

(2) Drill Sergeants will based upon the hold over population per company. The ratio is based
on 1 DS to 40 students in hold status.

(3) Current approved locations for Holding Companies: Forts Jackson, Leonard Wood, Sill,
Gordon, Eustis, Huachuca, Lee (2 companies) and Goodfellow AFB.

4-10. Reception and holding units (RHUs)/Companies

a. BCT/OSUT/AIT, TRADOC service schools and major subordinate commands will establish
company size RHUs to process Trainees/Soldiers pending discharge. RHUs will process IET
Trainees/Soldiers identified by the chain of command for discharge from the Army in accordance
with AR 635-200.

b. Trainees/Soldiers in each category are managed and housed in separate groups.

c. All RC service members will receive counseling from the RC LNO prior to assignment to the

d. When the commander identifies and approves Trainees/Soldiers for selection to the RHU,
they are reported in ATRRS in accordance with ATRRS discharge reason codes. See table 4-2, for
ATRRS codes).

e. The reception battalion commander has the authority to manage RHU processes and
procedures at his/her discretion.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Table 4-2.
ATRRS codes for IET Soldier actions
Enter Enter Enter
Enter Enter
output reason input Output
reason code input status
status code status status
code in
(Transfer I D
with ATRRS
to (Input) (Discharge)
L table 5-1
(recycle discharge
out) reason codes
No reason
L (Transfer I G Q
(recycle to (Input) (Graduate) (Recycle in)
out) FTU/RHU)

4-11. Soldiers held for security clearance

a. Process Soldiers that enlisted for MOS training and require security clearance eligibility in
accordance with AR 612-201, and Smartbook DA PAM 611-21.

b. Commanders or their designee are authorized to grant interim collateral security clearance
eligibility in the name of the Commander, DOD Consolidated Adjudication Facility (DODCAF),
Fort Meade, MD, to qualified Soldiers of all components in accordance with AR 380-67 so they
may enter into classified training. Company commanders will review current personnel security
adjudicative guidelines for determining eligibility for access to classified information prior to
making interim determinations. The intent is to move all qualified Soldiers to the AIT location.

c. Security managers will check the Defense Information System for Security (DISS)/Joint
Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) to ensure the Soldier has the appropriate personnel security
investigation (PSI) and security clearance eligibility. If JPAS reflects an open PSI, security
managers will also check the security/suitability investigation index within JPAS to ensure the
appropriate PSI has been submitted to and is opened by the Office of Personnel Management,
National Background Investigation Bureau. Security managers at initial training sites will contact
USAREC G-3 to resubmit the appropriate PSI, as needed.

d. All Soldiers who require a clearance and are pending Interim Top Secret with Sensitive
Compartmented Information (SCI) will ship to the AIT location pending the final adjudication of
the security clearance. The Soldier will be listed as a hold at the AIT location until the interim or
clearance is granted. The Soldier will conduct available AIT training not related to a security

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

e. Security managers will ensure Soldiers scheduled for training at 229th Military Intelligence
BN, DLIFLC and Presidio of Monterey, CA, will have the appropriate PSI submitted and open at
DCSA prior to Soldier departing initial training. These Soldiers may ship pending ITS with SCI.

f. See table 4-3, for the MOS listing of requiring security eligibility requirements. Soldiers who
meet Interim Secret eligibility may depart initial training sites, provided, at a minimum, they have
a National Agency Check with Local Agency and Credit Check (NACLC) PSI favorably pending
at the National Background Investigation Bureau or the DODCAF. Commanders of AIT are
responsible for granting the Interim Secret security clearance eligibility for these MOS.

g. Soldiers having known, credible, significant derogatory information, and not having final
security clearance eligibility, having enlisted into an MOS listed in table 4-3, are considered
security hold at the point that the derogatory information is determined creditable. If prior to AIT,
this allows for re-classifying or termination of the Soldiers before entering MOS training. AIT
locations for 35 and 17-series MOS:

(1) A voluntary renegotiation of MOS is reached, normally within the first 60 days of hold
status; or

(2) Receipt of a DODCAF notification denying eligibility for access to classified

information, resulting in reclassifying the Soldier into an MOS that does not require security
clearance eligibility; or

(3) The 120th day from the PSI submission date, at which time the Soldier will either be
reclassified into an MOS not requiring security clearance eligibility or processed for discharge; or

(4) DISS reflects the appropriate security clearance eligibility.

h. Soldiers with known, credible, significant derogatory information and reclassifying into
another MOS requiring security clearance eligibility will not ship until the appropriate security
clearance eligibility requirements for the new MOS have been met as verified in DISS.

i. All other Soldiers with MOSs not identified within table 4-3 will ship to AIT.

j. Soldiers requiring Secret security clearance eligibility for an MOS must meet Interim Secret
security clearance eligibility requirements and be granted same to graduate. Soldiers who cannot
meet Interim Secret security clearance eligibility when access to classified information is required
during AIT or at graduation, whichever comes first, are then considered a security hold at AIT.

k. Soldiers whose MOS requires a final security clearance eligibility to graduate from AIT/be
awarded the MOS but only meet interim security clearance eligibility requirements will be
considered a security hold at AIT graduation. Unless these Soldiers voluntarily reclassify into
another MOS that does not require security clearance eligibility, they will remain a security hold
until final security clearance eligibility is determined by the DODCAF.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

l. Soldiers with a multiple holdover status will not be considered a security hold until all other
holdover standings have been resolved, for example, medical hold, flagged, remedial training-
academic hold.

m. Security holds will be coded appropriately within ATRRS with the code "=." Soldiers that
have been granted final security clearance eligibility and subsequently lose the eligibility, for
example, due to a SIR, will not be coded as ATRRS code "=."

Table 4-3.
Military occupational specialty (MOS) security clearance eligibility requirements
12Y Leonard Wood Final TS to graduate
13F Sill Interim Secret required by Week 4
13J Sill Secret required by graduation
13M Sill Interim Secret required by Week 1
13R Sill Interim Secret required by Week 1
14E Sill Interim Secret required by Week 1
14G Sill Interim Secret required by Week 1
14H Sill Interim Secret required by Week 1
14S Sill Interim Secret required by Week 1
14T Sill Interim Secret required by Week 1
15C Huachuca Interim Secret required by week 1, final Secret required to graduate
15E Huachuca Interim Secret required by week 1, final Secret required to graduate
15M Huachuca Interim Secret required by week 1, final Secret required to graduate
15N Eustis Interim Secret required by Week 20
15P Rucker Interim Secret required by Week 4, final Secret required to graduate
15Q Rucker Interim Secret required by Week 1, final Secret required to graduate
15W Huachuca Interim Secret required by Week 1, final Secret required to graduate
15Y Eustis Interim Secret required by Week 21
17C Pensacola, Phase I Interim Top secret with SCI required to start course
ITS with SCI to start course; CI Polygraph or Final TS with SCI to
17C Gordon, Phase II
17E Gordon Interim TS with SCI prior to graduation
25B Gordon Interim Secret required by graduation
25C Gordon Interim Secret required by graduation
25D Gordon Top Secret required by graduation
25L Gordon Interim Secret required by graduation
25M Gordon Interim Secret required by graduation
25N Gordon Interim Secret required by graduation
25P Gordon Interim Secret required by graduation
25Q Gordon Interim Secret required by graduation
25R Gordon Interim Secret required by graduation
25S Gordon Interim Secret required by graduation
25U Gordon Interim Secret required by graduation
25V Gordon Interim Secret required by graduation
25R Gordon Interim Secret required to graduate
25M Gordon Interim Secret required by graduation
25P Gordon Interim Secret required by graduation

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Table 4-3.
MOS security clearance eligibility requirements (cont.)
25S Gordon Interim Secret required by graduation
25U Gordon Secret required by graduation
27D Lee Interim Secret required by Week 4
31B Leonard Wood Interim Secret required to graduate
31E Leonard Wood Interim Secret required to graduate
31D Leonard Wood Eligible for TS by graduation
31E Leonard Wood Interim Secret required to graduate
Interim Top Secret required to start course; (must have an open TS in
35F Huachuca
DISS) Interim Top Secret with SCI to graduate
35G Huachuca ITS w/SCI required to start course; Top Secret with SCI to graduate
31K Lackland AFB, phase II Secret required to graduate
Interim Secret required to start course; (must have an open TS in DISS)
35L Huachuca
Interim Top Secret with SCI to graduate
Interim Secret required to start course; (must have an open TS in DISS)
35M Huachuca
Interim Top Secret with SCI to graduate
35N Goodfellow AFB ITS with SCI to start course; CI Polygraph or Final TS with SCI to graduate
ITS with SCI required to start course CI Polygraph or Final TS with SCI to
35P Goodfellow AFB
35S GoodFellow AFB ITS with SCI required to start course; TS with SCI to graduate
Interim Secret required to start course; (must have an open TS in DISS)
35T Huachuca
Interim Top Secret with SCI to graduate
68R JBSA-Sam Houston Secret required to graduate
68T JBSA-Sam Houston Secret required to graduate
88N Lee Interim Secret required by Week 1
89A Lee Favorable T3 Investigation Adjudication
89B Lee Favorable T3 Investigation Adjudication
89D/E Eglin AFB; Phase II Final Secret or Interim SCI or Final Top Secret to start Phase II
94A Lee Interim Secret required by Week 1
94D Gordon Interim Secret required by Week 1
94E Gordon Interim Secret required by Week 1
94F Gordon Interim Secret required by Week 1
94M Lee Interim Secret required by Week 1
94P Lee Interim Secret required by Week 1
94R Gordon Interim Secret required by Week 1
94S Lee Interim Secret required by Week 1
94T Lee Interim Secret required by Week 1
94Y Lee Interim Secret required by Week 1
- - -
1 All accessions require a NACLC investigation (now called the Tier 3 investigation) at minimum IAW AR 601-210, even
if they do not require access to classified information.
2 Interim eligibility may be sufficient to start or continue training, however, final eligibility may be required to
graduate/PCS to first unit of assignment.
3 MOS requirement may change: contact HQ TRADOC Deputy CoS, G-2 Security at DSN 501-6170 or 757-501-6170 for
the latest MOS chart information.

4-12. Separations

a. Attaining Army standards is the gauge for successful completion of IET. Commanders will
exhaust retraining and counseling procedures before making a determination that a
Trainee/Soldier’s performance and potential justify a new start or separation from the service.
Commanders will not begin any separation actions against a RC Trainee/Soldier without the local
ARNG/ USAR liaison personnel counseling the Trainee/Soldier.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

b. Separation of all Trainees/Soldiers will be in accordance with AR 635-200 and any other
applicable separation provisions. Once the company Commander notifies the Trainee/Soldier that
separation action (for example, a chapter 11) has been initiated, the Trainee/Soldier will be
discharged within 30 calendar days.

c. Trainees/Soldiers in BCT/OSUT normally are not separated for reasons of lack of motivation
or aptitude prior to completion of their second week of training. Time spent in the fitness training
unit (FTU) is not counted toward those two weeks. This will provide new Trainees a fair
adjustment period, and allows the command an opportunity to evaluate and counsel the Trainee.
However, commanders will ensure that highly disruptive Trainees are removed from the platoon
environment and the appropriate administrative or disciplinary actions are taken.

d. Medical conditions that existed prior to service (EPTS).

(1) In the course of evaluation for an injury or condition, it may be revealed that the Trainee
was not medically qualified under procurement medical fitness standards. If the chain of command
and medical authorities determine the Trainee entered the service with a medical condition that
prevents full participation in IET training activities, the Trainee may be separated in accordance
with AR 635-200. This provision is applicable only if the condition is discovered within the first
six months of the Trainee/Soldier’s enlistment (copy of medical records, sworn statements from
parents, etc.) that the condition EPTS.

(2) The EPTS separation process should not be utilized if the Trainee received a waiver for
the same condition, unless the condition changes and there is a significant safety concern related to
the change or condition that prevents the Trainee from completing training in any MOS, and
appropriate medical authority determines that the condition is not remediable within a reasonable
period of time.

e. Commanders will utilize guidance in AR 635-200 for pregnant Trainees/Soldiers.

f. Chapter 11, Entry Level Performance and Conduct Separations. Prior service AA Soldiers
may be discharged for unsatisfactory performance or misconduct under "entry-level" status, if they
had a break in service of greater than 92 days in accordance with AR 635-200. For RC Soldiers,
"entry level" status terminates 90 days after beginning split training option (STO) phase II or 180
days after entering IET for non-STO Soldiers. Coordination with the installation liaison is required
in order to process Soldier for discharge. Trainee/Soldiers must receive counseling and understand
Chapter 11 procedures.

4-13. Transportation of basic combat training graduates to AIT locations

a. BCT graduates may travel to AIT locations through various means of transportation,
including with family members in POVs. BCT units will ensure Soldier's status is accurately
reflected in ATTRS no later than 72 hours prior to their BCT graduation. Holdovers, recycles,
and/or drops will also be properly coded to ensure Soldier's status is accountable for AIT units.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

b. Gaining AIT locations will access ATRRS to identify Soldiers arriving from BCT at their
location. The gaining AIT unit must ensure they have cadre available at the transportation nodes at
the proper time to ensure these IET Soldiers are properly received and transported to their new
training unit.

c. As backup, communication is required between the BCT units and AIT schools to ensure
Soldiers are accounted and arrive safely to their AIT location. BCT locations will provide a list of
individuals departing their location through email to the gaining AIT G-3. If Soldiers are traveling
by chartered bus, the senior Soldier or driver of the bus should provide the list of passengers to the
cadre welcoming arriving Soldiers.

d. Enlisted Soldiers in the accession pipeline while attaining IMT are not authorized the
movement of Household Goods (HHG) or dependents to the training location.

4-14. Conscientious objectors

a. Policy and procedures for processing conscientious objectors are provided in AR 600-43.
Retain Trainees/Soldiers that have submitted applications in their unit, and assign duties providing
minimum practicable conflict with their asserted beliefs, pending final decision on their
applications. They are not required to train in the study, use, or handling of arms or weapons.

b. The Trainee/Soldier is not precluded from taking part in those aspects of training that do not
involve the bearing or use of arms, weapons, or munitions. Except for this restriction,
conscientious objector applicants are subject to all military orders, discipline, and regulations, to
include those on training.

4-15. Reclassified/MOS trained/prior service Soldiers

a. Reclassified/MOS-T trained and prior service Soldiers are those individuals in any grade who
have previously completed IET and are attending skill level 1 training in IET units as a result of
reclassification or enlistment actions. Reclassified and prior service Soldiers are not considered
IET Soldiers; however, they are assigned to IET units. This definition does not apply to those
Soldiers who failed to complete the requirements for the award of a MOS as part of the initial IET
process. Reclassified and prior service Soldiers must complete all course requirements for
graduation, unless otherwise stipulated in this regulation.

b. Reclassification policy, see AR 350-1 for reclassification requirements.

(1) Prior service personnel entering the Active Army are not required to attend BCT if they
completed Army or U.S. Marine Corps basic training, or completed training for U.S. Air Force or
U.S. Navy Special Operations Forces, or U.S. Air Force Security Police, and have less than a 3-
year break in service.

(2) Prior service personnel entering the AC will attend Army BCT if they have not
completed Army or U.S. Marine Corps basic training, or completed training for U.S. Air Force or

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

U.S. Navy Special Operations Forces, or U.S. Air Force Security Police, and have more than a 3-
year break in service.

(3) Prior service personnel are not considered IET Soldiers but will comply with applicable
regulations, standards, and training requirements.

(4) Prior service personnel who enlist for an MOS held during their previous enlistment and
have less than a 3-year break in service are assigned directly to operational units.

(5) Prior service personnel who enlist for a MOS not previously held, and have less than a 3
year break in service will attend AIT in the new MOS. If the new MOS is taught in the OSUT
mode, the individual Soldier will enter training at a point in training where the AIT portion of the
instruction starts and continue until all MOS training is accomplished.

c. Treatment.

(1) Prior service personnel in the pay grade of private (E-1) through specialist (E-4) should
be offered non-IET barracks if available and feasible. If not, they may be billeted with the general
IET population.

(2) Prior service personnel in the pay grade of sergeant (E-5) through sergeant major (E-9)
are billeted separately from other IET Soldiers. Prior service NCOs are billeted in a separate
building when possible. If a separate building is not available, then on a different floor of an IET
barracks. If a different floor within the building is not possible, then within a separate room (not in
an open bay). Prior service NCOs may be billeted with IET Soldiers as a last resort with approval
of the CIMT. Requests should be submitted in memorandum format to CIMT G-3 office. Billeting
NCOs with IET Soldiers is not the intent and should be a last resort.

(3) The billeting of prior service NCOs also applies to RECBNs. RECBNs will immediately
identify prior service personnel and ensure the gaining BCT/OSUT units are informed of the prior
service personnel’s status, rank, pay grade, and billeting standards. If necessary, prior service
BCT/OSUT NCOs may be housed in AIT facilities.

(4) Privileges for reclassified and prior service personnel.

(a) Although reclassified Soldiers are subject to IET policies and procedures, their
privileges should be the same as those of permanent party members of equal grade. They are
treated with the dignity and respect due their grade.

(b) The company commander determines specific privileges based on such factors as
grade, training performance, self-discipline, motivation, and conduct.

(c) Fraternization between reclassified, prior service Soldiers, IET Soldiers, and cadre is
forbidden in accordance with AR 600-20.

d. Duties/responsibilities.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(1) Commanders may take advantage of the experience and leadership abilities of
reclassified and prior service Soldiers, and use them to augment their cadre. However, the primary
duty of reclassified and prior service Soldiers is to attend training and become technically
proficient in their new MOS.

(2) Prior service NCOs in training may assist with IET Soldiers with regular cadre oversight
after appropriate orientation and certification by the company commander/1SG on TRADOC
policy regarding leadership and treatment of IET Soldiers.

(3) AIT/OSUT commanders will evaluate each prior service Soldier's proficiency in all areas
(not just MOS subjects) and ensure training is provided, as required. Use reclassified and prior
service Soldiers who are proficient in common tasks as demonstrators and assistant instructors.

(4) Commanders are encouraged to integrate reclassified and prior service personnel with
IET Soldiers during training to enhance training by taking advantage of their knowledge,
experience, and leadership abilities.

e. This paragraph is not applicable to individual ready reserve (IRR) Soldiers reactivated to
military service. Appendix J, the IRR mobilization training strategy.

4-16. MOS retraining/reclassification policy

TRADOC IET retraining/reclassification policy is as follows:

a. A Soldier unable to qualify for their current MOS assignment, due to medical limitations,
academic failure, or administrative requirements may be considered for retention in the Army and
qualify for reclassification skill training in an alternate MOS, based on the company commander’s
recommendation and the BN commander’s approval. The Soldier must demonstrate the motivation
and potential to complete the reclassification MOS training successfully. See MILPER 22-19 for
more information.

b. In all other cases, properly counsel and process Soldiers for separation not meeting academic
standards in accordance with AR 635-200. See Appendix I, for additional guidance on
retraining/reclassification procedures.

4-17. Promotions, awards, and competitions

a. Commanders will conduct promotions of graduating AIT students in accordance with AR

600-8-19 (this includes USAR/ARNG Soldiers).

b. Commanders are strongly encouraged to utilize meritorious promotion authority granted in

AR 600-8-19 to the maximum extent possible.

c. Commanders should establish a comprehensive award system within each TRADOC service
school and ATC. This system should provide recognition for both IET Soldiers and cadre
personnel. Any award program must meet the requirements of AR 600-8-22, AR 672-10, and TR

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

d. Commanders are strongly encouraged to implement inter-unit competitions to instill the

warrior spirit. Trainees/Soldiers and units are to compete against common standards, rather than
against each other, unless conducting obvious head-to-head competition such as physical fitness
courses, combatives, drill and ceremony, etc. Competition should recognize each Trainee/Soldier
or unit that meets or exceeds the standards. All levels of command must constantly monitor
competitive programs and ensure that competition supports, rather than detracts from training
objectives. Take care to ensure statistics do not assume major importance and create undue
pressure on the IET Trainee/Soldier or the cadre.

4-18. Holiday block leave

The regulatory dates for holiday block leave for Trainees/Soldiers in training is 20 Dec - 2 Jan
each year (14 days). The brigade commander has flexibility to deviate up to three days before or
after holiday block leave per AR 600-8-10. The HQ TRADOC POC for holiday block leave is
CIMT (ATMT-OP), Building 210, Dillon Circle, Fort Eustis, Virginia 23604-5701. Upon
completion of holiday block leave, commanders will conduct drug testing on 100 percent of IET
Soldiers returning from HBL (to include IET Trainees/Soldiers not participating in holiday block

4-19. AIT squad leader roles and duties

a. Squad leaders are valuable assets to the training and leadership team in AIT. They are
instructors that assist DSs in leading and continuing to develop Soldiers. Squad leaders will be
fully integrated into all aspects of the AIT daily mission. They serve as a first line leader and
augment the efforts of the AIT DS. Squad leaders will assist DSs in conducting formations,
physical training, counseling, administrative tasks, inspections and all aspects of the
transformation process.

b. Instructors are assigned the additional duty of squad leader and are charged with, but not
limited to, the following responsibilities.

(1) Trains squad on individual and collective tasks.

(2) Manages logistical and administrative needs of the squad.

(3) Inspects condition of Soldiers’ weapons, clothing, and equipment.

(4) Maintains accountability of Soldiers and equipment.

(5) Submits requests for awards and decorations.

(6) Ensures material and supplies are distributed to Soldiers in squad.

(7) Keeps DS informed on squad status and requirements.

(8) Assists DS in the execution of Army Physical Readiness Training.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(9) Conducts performance counseling for his/her squad.

4-20. Stored Value Card (SVC) Program

The SVC is a debit card used to purchase personal items needed to complete Basic and OSUT. The
value of the card is based on historical costs for personal items needed to meet and maintain
personal hygiene during the training cycle. This is an advance pay on the Trainee/Soldier’s first
paycheck. Funds are allocated to every Trainee/Soldier to ensure no financial burden is placed on
Trainees/Soldiers during the training cycle. Leaders will ensure cadre and Trainees/Soldiers adhere
to the following guidelines:

a. All Trainees/Soldiers will be issued the SVC while processing through the RECBN.

b. Commanders will ensure all Trainees/Soldiers receive training on the use of this card and
procedures to increase value or reimbursement if a card has value attached at the end of the
training cycle or receiving a discharge prior to completion of training.

c. The SVC can be used at all Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) sites (barber
shop, hair salon, clothing sales, and post exchange) or installation banks and credit unions for cash
out purposes prior to departing the Army Training Center (ATC).

d. The SVC (EZpay Card) has a default expiration date of a few days post-graduation of
BCT/OSUT, as will the future One Card (Eagle Cash) for the advanced pay in IET. The difference
is the Soldier will keep the One Card (Eagle Cash) for up to five years after issuance or the
expiration date printed on the card, whichever is earlier. For both cards the Trainee/Solders needs
to have the advanced pay expended prior to graduation or departure from an ATC location, with
the future Eagle Cash card remaining in possession of the Soldier for deployment usage through
the expiration date. The Army Military Pay Office (AMPO) formerly the Defense Military Pay
Office (DMPO) will manage the cards and will serve as lead for the transition to the One Card
(Eagle Cash).

e. Upon arriving at the basic training company, commanders will ensure all Trainees/Soldiers
receive a briefing during the unit integration on the SVC, how to use the card, where it can be
used, and how to redeem balance upon graduation or separation.

f. The SVC closeout will be added to the out-processing checklist for all Soldiers graduating or
separating from the installation.

g. At no time will cadre or DSs handle a Trainee/Soldier’s SVC.

h. Training will be provided to cadre during the U.S. Army Drill Sergeant Academy, CCFSC,
CTC, or the PCC.

i. Commanders/Drill Sergeants will ensure all Trainees/Soldiers have the opportunity to

liquidate their balances on their SVCs prior to departure.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

4-21. Army Career Tracker (ACT)

a. AIT and OSUT Soldiers will use the ACT Sponsorship Module to initiate the sponsorship
process. AIT/OSUT Soldiers are required to fill out DA Form 5434 (Sponsorship Program
Counseling and Information Sheet) in ACT no later than the first week of Phase V of training. This
process standardizes sponsorship procedures across the Army while facilitating the deliberate
linkage between Army Sponsors and Soldiers in PCS status.

b. Sponsorship processing begins with the receipt of assignment notification from the U.S.
Army Human Resources Command and ends when the Soldier and/or family has successfully
integrated into the unit, installation, and community.

c. Enlisted assignments are sent via the Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System to the
Electronic Military Personnel Office on a weekly basis for the supporting personnel reassignment
work center to process Soldiers for reassignment.

d. Procedures.

(1) The ACT system will send an email notification within 72 hours of issuance of
reassignment instructions by U.S. Army Human Resources Command to the gaining and losing
installation sponsorship liaisons, gaining and losing unit sponsor coordinators (USCs), and the
PCSing Soldier.

(2) The gaining BDE USC is notified of the inbound Soldier and of the requirement to
assign a sponsor. The losing BDE and BN USCs are notified of the outbound personnel.

(3) The PCSing Soldier is notified of the assignment instructions and prompted to complete
section 1, 2, 4 and 5 of the DA Form 5434. The DA Form 5434 completed the first week of phase
V of training will be readily available in ACT.

(4) Upon assignment of the sponsor by the gaining unit, the losing BN S-1 will access the
Soldier’s record in ACT, print the completed DA Form 5434 and welcome letter from the gaining
command, and provide the documents to the Soldier.

(5) The departing Soldier will acknowledge receipt and read the welcome letter with the
assigned sponsor’s contact information.

e. Actions required by the losing unit.

(1) BN USC: Monitor the ACT sponsorship process of the losing Soldier and contact
gaining USC for sponsorship process on day six after receipt of assignment instructions if the
Soldier has not already received sponsor information.

(2) Commander/CSM/1SG: Contact gaining Command for sponsor assignment on day 90

from report date if losing Soldier has not received sponsor information. Monitor the ACT

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

sponsorship process and contact the gaining command to address Soldier and/or Family concerns
(if applicable).

f. Sponsorship exception to policy (ETP).

(1) Company commanders will ensure processing of sponsorship ETPs no later than 21 days
prior to graduation date for IET Soldiers. The losing BN is responsible for ensuring IET Soldiers
access the ACT Sponsorship Module no later than week one of Phase V of training and complete
the DA Form 5434 to afford the gaining command an opportunity to assign a sponsor.

(2) Sponsorship ETP format is a DA Form 4187 (Personnel Action) addressed to the
Installation Military Personnel Division (Reassignment Branch).

4-22. Hometown Recruiter Assistance Program (HRAP) execution

a. HRAP is a voluntary recruiter assistance program that allows qualified IET graduates to
promote Army service in their hometowns while in a permissive temporary duty status. The intent
of the program is to allow recent IET graduates to go to their hometowns and share their
experiences with their peers to connect with the target market for recruiting.

b. Recruits identified by the recruiter to return to hometown after graduation to participate in

the hometown recruiter assistance program will be identified in their contract. Orders will be
established upon graduations allowing these Soldiers to return home to participate in HRAP. Units
will not deny or retract orders if the Soldier passes all graduation requirements.

c. The normal time period for HRAP for an AIT or OSUT graduate Soldier is 14 days,
including travel. The first lieutenant colonel or equivalent commander in the Soldier’s chain of
command at OSUT/AIT is the approval authority for HRAP requests.

d. The proponent for AA and AR HRAP is HQ USAREC, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3.
Additional information on HRAP is found in AR 601-2 and at the HRAP support site.

e. The ARNG executes a similar program as a way for the ARNG Soldiers to interface with
local communities. Soldiers approved to participate in the ARNG program will report to and be
briefed by the ARNG liaison NCO at each installation. On an annual basis, the ARNG Strength
Maintenance Division provides additional information on the program.

f. On an exception basis, Soldiers currently in IET who are home on leave can perform HRAP
duty, if the local recruiting station commander believes the Soldier can contribute to the mission,
and the recruiting battalion commander approves the exception.

g. Each training installation has a goal of 10% of AIT/OSUT graduates for participation in

h. Installations will use the HRAP website to enter Soldiers into the program for approval when
the Soldier is projected for duty after AIT graduation.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Chapter 5
Entry Training and Enhanced Performance

5-1. IET strategy

IET commanders and commandants will ensure their training programs incorporate the following
tenets of the TRADOC IET strategy.

a. Total immersion. The IET environment is the total immersion of IET Trainees/Soldiers in a
positive environment with active leadership. This environment establishes and enforces the
Army’s standards, provides positive role models, and uses every training opportunity to reinforce
essential Soldier skills and develop a Warrior mentality. Officer and NCO leadership is the
cornerstone of a positive IET environment and a successful transformation program.

b. IET investment strategy. The Army's motivated and professional IET cadre can train anyone
with the mental and physical capacity to enter IET. Each cadre member accepts responsibility for
providing a positive environment in which new Trainees/Soldiers have every opportunity to
succeed. Cadre train their Trainees/Soldiers by building on and affirming their strengths, and
shoring up their deficiencies. Cadre members coach, teach, mentor, and assist Trainees/Soldiers in
meeting the standards through performance counseling and phased goal setting. The investment
strategy raises the individual to the standard; it does not lower the standard for the individual. The
IET investment strategy includes:

(1) A training philosophy focused on graduating the maximum number of quality Soldiers
who can meet graduation standards. Attrition and graduation rates are not the measurement of

(2) Allowing the medical community to rehabilitate low risk Trainees/Soldiers who can
continue to train and meet standards.

(3) Allowing IET Trainees/Soldiers to participate in after-hours self-improvement or

therapeutic classes/groups to improve their resilience and adaptability.

(4) The chain of command is responsible for training. Commanders must ensure that training
meets POI standards and conforms to TRADOC policies on the conduct of training.

(5) IET is based on accessions management processes. When the MEPS ships new
accessions to the ATC, virtually all their required training is scheduled and they have an ATRRS
reservation in each type of training. Their reservation is based on the expectation that they will
progress through each set of training (BCT, AIT, functional, airborne, ranger indoctrination, etc.)
as scheduled, so it is important for schools and ATCs to ensure new ATRRS reservations are made
if a Trainee/Soldier is delayed (medical hold, leave, etc.) and will not meet the scheduled training
start date in all subsequent training.

(6) DSs will conduct as much of the skill training as possible in BCT and OSUT. When DSs
are the primary trainers, the role of the committee group is to augment cadre instructors, serve as
subject matter experts, and advise on the conduct of training.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(7) Primarily, instructors/squad leaders will conduct MOS training in AIT; however, to the
maximum extent feasible, they will involve DSs in the technical training in AIT. Conversely,
squad leaders must assist DSs and unit cadre in the transformation effort. Training must be a total
team effort between DSs and squad leaders. DSs and squad leaders will serve as both MOS and
transformation role models.

(8) Through a system of rigorous evaluations of training and testing, TRADOC, ATC
commanders, and school commandants must ensure that training standards are enforced.

c. The outcomes-based training and education training method. Outcomes-based training and
education is a training method used to teach Soldiers a way to understand and accomplish tasks,
think critically, understand why they are doing something, adapt to situations, and focus on overall
mission accomplishment while adhering to the principles of the professional military ethic. The
following techniques are examples that IET trainers can use when employing outcomes-based
training and education:

(1) Explain the actions, conditions, and standards (use the lesson plans).

(2) Motivate the Soldiers by explaining the "why" (provide reason for outcome).

(3) Seek/encourage Soldiers’ interaction early and often (ask leading questions).

(4) Demonstrate the action in accordance with the established standard (I do, we do, you do).

(5) Create opportunities and scenarios in field training to allow Soldiers to apply gained
skills and encourage Soldiers’ critical thinking process. Create training that will enable Soldiers to
draw from lesson plans and various environmental conditions.

(6) Conduct after-action reviews (AARs) that identify the Soldiers’ strengths and helps them
improve their deficiencies.

5-2. Phased training

The six phases of IET and associated goals provide intermediate objectives to give common
direction and serve as milestones during IET. The training cadre informs IET Trainees/Soldiers of
the goals and standards for each phase of training. Movements from each phase forward is viewed
as a "gate" for each Trainee/Soldier. The training cadre evaluates each Trainee/Soldier's
performance by externally evaluating the standards for each phase before advancing them to the
next phase.

a. The six phases of IET are associated with the following colors: Phase I (Yellow Phase),
Phase II (Red Phase), and Phase III (White Phase), and phase IV (Blue Phase) which are
associated with BCT and the BCT portion of OSUT, and Phase V (Black Phase) and Phase VI
(Gold Phase) which are associated with AIT and the AIT portion of OSUT. The six phases of IET
are linked to training (not privileges).

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(1) Phase I (Yellow Phase). This phase encompasses weeks 1 through 2 of IET and consists
of an environment of total control, where DSs begin transforming civilian volunteers into Soldiers.
At the end of this phase each Trainee/Soldier should demonstrate a willingness to internalize the
Army Values, life skills, discipline, and treat others with dignity and respect. Each Trainee/Soldier
must possess the foundation for physical fitness, resiliency and demonstrate a level of adaptability
to military life through acceptance of imposed discipline, execution of selected individual tasks,
and work as a member of a team. Each Trainee must successfully complete an external initial
evaluation focused solely on Army customs and courtesies, individual drill and ceremony
movement, and Army knowledge.

(2) Phase II (Red Phase). This phase encompasses weeks 3 through 4 of IET and consists of
an environment of total control, where DSs continue to transform civilian volunteers into Soldiers.
At the end of this phase, each Trainee/Soldier should possess the foundation for physical fitness,
life skills, resiliency, and demonstrate a level of adaptability to military life through acceptance of
imposed discipline, execution of selected individual tasks, and work as a member of a team.

(3) Phase III (White Phase). This phase generally encompasses weeks 5 through 7 of IET
and is centered on the development of basic combat skills, with special emphasis on weapon
qualification and PRT. At the end of this phase each Trainee/Soldier complies with Army Values
and treats others with dignity and respect. Trainee/Soldier also demonstrates an understanding of
task proficiency through strengthening of tasks and concepts along shoot, move, communicate,
survive, physical fitness, life skills, acculturated in the Army lifestyle, and discipline. Adheres to
ethical requirements of the Army Profession. Safely handles and qualifies with their individual
weapon on both back-up iron sights and optics. Performs basic field craft and combat survival
skills during field training exercises (FTX) and meets the minimum standard for the weapons
qualification badge.

(4) Phase IV (Blue Phase). This is the last phase of BCT and encompasses weeks 8 through
10 of IET. This phase concentrates on tactical training, increased Trainee/Soldier responsibilities,
and demonstration of teamwork and self-discipline. At the completion of this phase the individual
is acculturated in the Army lifestyle and history. Trainee/Soldier should be a thinking apprentice
who is committed to the Army Values, Profession of Arms, and proficient in basic Soldier skills.
Possesses the foundation of discipline, fitness, life skills, resiliency, and ethics. This phase
culminates with the demonstration of proficiency through an external evaluation focused on
discipline, Army knowledge, grit, customs and courtesies, performance of communication and
survival tasks. Once Trainees pass the final evaluation, they must successfully complete the final
FTX, FORGE. At the conclusion of the FORGE, Trainees will participate in the Soldier
Ceremony, marking the transformation from civilian to Soldier. Each Soldier will be awarded the
Army black beret, and U.S. Army patch. Following the final BCT inspection/evaluation, Soldiers
will be awarded the National Defense Ribbon and receive the Soldier certificate.

(5) Phase V (Black Phase). This phase begins on the day of arrival to AIT or weeks 11
through 13 of OSUT. Reduced supervision by DSs, reinforcement training on common skills,
values, life skills, and traditions taught in BCT, and introduction to MOS tasks characterizes this
phase. Increased emphasis on personal responsibility and accountability characterize this and
subsequent phases. Upon arrival at the AIT unit, IET Soldiers starting AIT will receive an initial

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

counseling. This phase is used to establish goals consistent with the Soldier's MOS training
requirements, as prescribed in the appropriate POI and this regulation. Counseling will continue
throughout AIT keeping the Soldier informed of their progress. AIT phase IV will conduct an FTX
if the length of training stops at 13 weeks. Completion of AIT/OSUT will include a rigorous
realistic, DATE-driven, in a culminating field exercise. The minimum requirement is no less than 3
days and 2 nights (72 hours, minimum) in an austere field environment. Results in awarding a
military occupational skill (MOS) in the designated field of study. Enlisted Soldiers in the
accession pipeline while attaining IMT are not authorized the movement of HHG or dependents to
the training location.

(6) Phase VI (Gold Phase). This phase generally begins the fourth week of AIT or weeks 14
through 22 of OSUT. Reinforcement training on common skills, training, and evaluation of MOS
skills, a leadership environment that simulates the environment in an operational unit, and will
include a minimum of 3 days/2 nights culminating tactical FTX that integrates WTBDs and MOS
tasks characterize this phase. This exercise is designed to reinforce the basic combat skills learned
in BCT, applicable to the Soldier in the execution of MOS related duties in a rigorous, realistic,
DATE-driven scenario culminating FTX environment. Results in awarding a military occupational
skill (MOS) in the designated field of study.

(7) Phase VI+. This phase begins week 22 through the completion of AIT/OSUT. This phase
continues reinforcement training as defined in Phase V with emphasis on transitioning Soldiers to
the operational force. Units will enroll selected Phase V+ Soldiers in additional skill identifier
training based on their gaining unit’s requirement.

(8) Accelerated AIT graduation program. IET commanders may implement accelerated AIT
graduation programs as described in appendix E. Commanders may use the accelerated AIT
graduation programs to recognize Soldiers who exceed course standards and provide opportunities
to them for additional MOS training and early promotion. Commandants can approve up to five
days accelerated graduation in coordination with TOMA. Any accelerated AIT graduation of more
than five days must be approved by CIMT. Submit requests in memorandum format.

b. Phase banners. Schools may use phase banners to distinguish a platoon's phase of training
and recognize the passage of a platoon from one phase to another. Guidons are not authorized at
the IET platoon level in accordance with AR 840-10.

(1) Local programs are established to govern the awarding, carrying, and displaying of
platoon banners. Banners are made of nylon bunting, swallow tailed in shape, 45.72cm (18 inches)
high by 76.2cm (30 inches) wide, and banner colors are solid colors representing the phase of

(2) In AIT, where IET platoons include Phase V and Phase VI Soldiers in the same platoon,
the senior IET commander (lieutenant colonel (O-5) or higher) is authorized to exempt those
platoons from using phase banners.

c. The following formal counseling requirements must be met for all IET Trainees/Soldiers:

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(1) BCT counseling.

(a) Individual counseling should be conducted within 72 hours of arrival at the training unit.

(b) Performance counseling is conducted at each phase of training.

(2) AIT counseling.

(a) Counseling of AIT Soldiers within 72 hours of beginning AIT.

(b) Counseling at the conclusion of AIT.

(3) Counseling in both BCT and AIT on the provisions for additional training, when
Trainees/Soldiers are not able to meet established standards and requirements (for example, new
start, recycle, phase hold, rehabilitative transfer, remedial training).

(4) All Trainees/Soldier assessments for IMT will be documented on TRADOC Form 350-6-
2 and passed on to the first unit of assignment.

5-3. Company training starts/transformation

The standard BCT POI is 10 weeks in duration. Training starts on Monday of the first training
week and ends on Friday of the 10th week of training. The senior TRADOC
commander/commandant at the training location may approve early graduation up to 2 days. A
change in BCT graduation date should not alter the arrival requirements for AIT or follow-on
training. Notify TRADOC DCS, G-3/5/7, TOMA, or via phone at Defense Switched Network 501-
5666/5667 or commercial 757-501-5666/5667 and the gaining AIT location prior to making the

a. The BCT POI establishes the optimal class size as 200 Trainees/Soldiers per company,
TRADOC has historically averaged between 8 and 10% attrition from BCT. In order to maintain
good stewardship of Army resources, the BCT Company fill policy will remain at 220
Trainees/Soldiers per Company +/- 10 Trainees/Soldiers during non-surge periods. During the
summer surge period (1 May through 31 August), BCT Companies will be programmed to be
filled at 240 Trainees/Soldiers per Company.

b. BCT sites must ship Soldiers on time to ensure they arrive and link-up with their AIT course.
BCT sites must also establish a system to identify Trainees/Soldiers with critical AIT hard start
dates, to ensure that appropriate actions are taken to enable those Trainees/Soldiers to meet their
scheduled AIT start dates, provided they have met all graduation standards.

c. OSUT units normally ship Soldiers to the first unit of assignment no later than one day
following graduation. Exceptions may be made for additional requirements for MOS specific
training, additional skill qualification identifier (SQI) training, and special requirements (security

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

d. AIT Soldiers must begin training no later than the scheduled start date as established in

e. Conduct AIT based on the approved POI length, the start and graduation dates reflected in
ATRRS. No additional time for a "zero week" or additional transformation is authorized.

5-4. Training schedules

a. The training week is managed through the training schedule. The principles of scheduling are
outlined in Army Doctrine Reference Publication 7-0. Local directives and the following
guidelines will govern non-training time:

(1) In garrison, IET Trainees/Soldiers should have the opportunity for a minimum of seven
hours of sleep per night, unless the Trainee/Soldier is scheduled for duty (for example, access
control guard or CQ runner). Commanders will create a sleep plan for Trainees/Soldiers on duty to
ensure all Trainees/Soldiers receive the minimum required hours if possible. During FTXs, the
length of the training day and time for sleep will vary based on tactical and other training
requirements, as established in the appropriate POI. Commanders will ensure that the tactical
framework of field training allows sufficient time for rest.

(2) In garrison, Trainees/Soldiers are given at least one hour of preparation time each day to
take care of personal needs.

(3) The unit ministry team provides and coordinates opportunities for Trainees/Soldiers to
attend a religious service weekly.

b. POI training is not conducted on Sundays unless specifically authorized by the proponent. On
Sundays, activities required for preparing for the next week's training are conducted after 1300.

c. POI training (training that requires post assets) is not conducted on Sundays or Federal
holidays unless specifically authorized by the proponent and installation commander.

5-5. Development of training programs

The designated proponent school is responsible for the development of training (individual and
collective tasks), and POI within their area of expertise. Designated proponent schools will
approve new and revised POIs in accordance with TR 350-70.

5-6. Modifications to training programs

a. The time allotted for lesson and lesson plans in POI may vary depending on the aptitude and
achievement levels of each group of Trainees/Soldiers, the number of Trainees/Soldiers in each
cycle or class, the instructor to student ratio, and the availability of equipment and facilities. For
these reasons, commanders are permitted to make adjustments to the amount of time devoted to a
task, provided the learning objectives and performance standards are met, and the overall course
length remains unchanged.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

b. With the exception of the CG ATCFJ, request for an exception to policy (ETP) for temporary
changes to IET training programs (other than those specified in paragraph “a” above), that do not
require a revision to the POI, must be submitted to the BDE CDR for approval. Information
provided will include the purpose and nature of the temporary change, its duration, and the number
of students involved. Ensure coordination is made for such changes with the proponent. Conduct a
risk assessment in support of temporary changes, to identify any new hazards, changes in residual
risk, and appropriate hazard controls and risk countermeasures necessary to ensure safe training.
The supporting safety office will review and validate the risk assessment.

c. Recommendations are an important part of the continuing POI review and update process.
Send POI changes to the appropriate proponent utilizing DA Form 2028. Submit all recommended
changes for all IMT to the Leader Training Brigade. All recommendations will be reviewed and
evaluated. These recommendations, when appropriate, will assist with the revision of course
materials, individual training plans, course administrative data, and POIs in accordance with TR

d. DSs are authorized to teach operations security (OPSEC) Level I Awareness Training to
Trainees/Soldiers as part of BCT in lieu of a Level II trained and certified unit OPSEC officer.
Prior to conducting OPSEC Level I Awareness training, DSs will receive OPSEC instruction from
their unit’s trained and certified level II OPSEC officer.

e. CIMT Commandants, proponent schools will make the final decision on task selection and
training methods.

5-7. Makeup training/constructive credit

All training specified in TRADOC approved IET POIs is made up when missed. The quality of
makeup training is the same as the regular scheduled instruction. The Trainee/Soldier is required to
meet the performance/learning objectives specified in the POI for the instruction missed. Time
required for makeup training is determined locally.

a. Only in extraordinary circumstances is constructive credit for these requirements granted.

b. Make every effort to reschedule and conduct the missed training before a decision to provide
constructive credit is made. Use this credit selectively, and only in those cases where there is a
clear demonstration that the Trainee/Soldier meets or exceeds the IET graduation standards.

c. Constructive credit may be granted to an entire class or an individual Trainee/Soldier for a

missed POI training event, but not a graduation standard. A class may receive constructive credit
for an event missed due to severe weather conditions, when time and resources preclude
rescheduling and execution.

d. Constructive credit authority for an entire class that misses a training event or an individual
Trainee/Soldier that has missed two or more requirements rests with the BDE commander.
Constructive credit for an individual Trainee/Soldier that has missed one requirement may be
delegated to the battalion commander.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

5-8. Physical readiness training (PRT)

a. PRT in BCT/OSUT/AIT is conducted in accordance with FM 7-22. The objective of PRT is

to train Trainees/Soldiers to meet the physical requirements for graduation from IET, prepare them
to meet the demands for their military duties and limit injuries while instilling confidence in their
ability to successfully perform and reach the fullest extent of their potential.

b. Command presence at PRT will emphasize its importance. Leaders must emphasize the value
of PRT by clearly explaining the objectives and benefits of their program, and ensuring the time
allotted for PRT is used effectively.

c. The role of the DS remains to instill maximum motivation among all IET Trainees/Soldiers,
to achieve their full physical potential. The training program will enable the DS to execute a
standardized training approach that emphasizes progressive conditioning of the Trainee/Soldier’s
entire body. This supports the transformation process from citizen to Soldier. Trainees/Soldiers
must meet the established standard set forth in AR 350-1 and this regulation (minimum of 60
points in each ACFT event). The BN commander can waive this requirement for BCT if the
Trainee scored a minimum of 60 (in five events) and 50-59 points (in the remaining event) and
successfully completed all other graduation standards. Passing rates, not average scores, support
the overall objective of IET injury control. PRT sessions are conducted maintaining
Trainee/Soldier to cadre ratios to ensure proper execution. One cadre member will lead and
perform the exercises with the Trainees/Soldiers to monitor the intensity level and provide a role
model. Remaining cadre members will act as assistant instructors and make on-the-spot
corrections, while executing the exercises themselves.

d. Continue conditioning all Soldiers for moving by foot under load for 6.4 kilometer (4 mile),
9.6 kilometer (6 mile), and 12.8 kilometer (8 mile) marches on varied terrain.

5-9. Assessment and testing

a. BCT. Units are encouraged to train for and administer the ACFT throughout the training
cycle. The ACFT will be administered during the last three weeks of training and prior to the
execution of the FORGE. This requirement is based on Trainees overall performance. All ACFTs
will be recorded in DTMS.

b. OSUT. Units are encouraged to train for and administer the ACFT throughout the training
cycle. The ACFT will be administered within the last two weeks of training and the scores
recorded in DTMS.

c. AIT.

(1) The ACFT will be administered at least once a month through the 20th week of training.
All ACFTs will recorded in DTMS.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(2) Units are encouraged to train for and administer the ACFT throughout the training cycle.
Administer the ACFT no later than the last two weeks of training. These test scores will be entered
into DTMS

(3) An alternate event is authorized for Soldiers with permanent physical profiles that
preclude them from taking the full ACFT. A list of alternate events is located in FM 7-22.

d. Safety.

(1) For environmental considerations, refer to AR 350-1 and FM 7-22.

(2) Company commanders must ensure cadre or DSs inspect their Trainees/Soldiers' running
shoes upon arrival to AIT (or after week 9 of OSUT). Trainees/Soldiers' running shoes are often
broken down after nine weeks of BCT/OSUT and require replacement.

e. Refer to AR 670-1, for the Army physical fitness uniform (APFU) as the PRT uniform.
Conduct foot marching and PRT in the Army combat uniform.

f. Trainees/Soldiers with physical profiles.

(1) Trainees/Soldiers with documented physical limitations require special PRT programs.
Unit leaders will maintain a positive approach to all special fitness training. The program will:

(a) Support components of fitness the Trainee/Soldier can continue to develop through the
profile period. Soldiers on profile will participate in a regular fitness program in accordance with
profile specifications. Substitute appropriate activities to replace those regular activities in which
they cannot participate. The activity levels of Trainees/Soldiers usually decrease while they are
recovering from sickness or injury. It is important for Trainees/Soldiers to engage in the cardio
respiratory fitness activities permitted by their profile and pay special attention to their diets to
avoid gaining body fat.

(b) Permit the Trainee/Soldier to rest injured parts of their body as recommended by medical

(c) Rehabilitate specific parts of the body guided by recommendations from medical

(d) During BCT, those Trainees who are not on profile, but need additional assistance
completing the ACFT, should participate in a personalized program (in accordance with FM 7-22,
Holistic Health and Fitness) that provides an emphasis on injury prevention, performance
optimization, and recovery.

(2) The two sources of guidance for profiled trainee/Soldiers’ PRT are:

(a) The DD Form 689 (Individual Sick Slip). The DD Form 689 is used by the unit to initiate
the Trainee/Soldier’s visit to sick call. (See FM 7-22). The DD Form 689 may be used by a

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

healthcare provider to limit activities, indicate specific activities for reconditioning after an injury,
and may be utilized to recommend up to 72 hours quarters.

Note. DD Form 689 will not exceed 7 days and cannot be extended or renewed beyond 7 days for
the same condition.

(b) DA Form 3349 (Physical Profile). The DA Form 3349 is generated electronically as an
electronic profile (e-profile). It is used for all temporary or permanent conditions not expected to
resolve within 7 days, and is the only approved profile form for a physical profile lasting longer
than 7 days. See FM 7-22, for documenting physical restrictions and specific activities for
reconditioning during the recovery period after illness or injury on the DA Form 3349.

(c) The DD Form 689 and the DA Form 3349 may include handouts from the MTF with
additional rehabilitative activities or instructions for the Trainee/Soldier. These may include
stretches and muscle fitness activities not found in FM 7-22, or a regimen for gradual return to

(3) Secondary sources of guidance for a Trainee/Soldier's profile PRT program are health
care providers, physical therapists, and athletic trainers at the supporting MTF. The commander or
unit representative should consult these professionals for any assistance required in individual and
unit programs.

5-10. Fueling for performance

The demands imposed by Army training are unique. Trainee/Soldier fueling is a critical
component of health and fitness, and plays a key role in optimal physical and cognitive function
and injury prevention. The integration of basic nutrition concepts can improve individual Soldier
performance. Equally important is maximizing the accessibility to fresh, nutritious meals through
the dining facilities. Pre-packaged meals, such as the MRE, should be minimized unless
specifically required by the training mission. In general, nutritious meals take longer to consume,
so adequate time must be provided each day to assure Soldiers have the opportunity to fuel for
performance. Drill Sergeants are required to accompany Trainees through the dining facility
(DFAC) to ensure that nutrition standards are followed and that the dining facility is offering
quality selections. Drill Sergeants will conduct no less than three weekly DFAC checks for each
meal using the example DFAC Checklist format shown in figure 5-1 on page 85. Drill Sergeants
will consolidate and submit the DFAC Checklists, and any supporting evidence (i.e., photos) to
their Company chain of command. Companies are required to submit the DFAC reports to their
Battalion chain of command weekly. Additionally, Command Teams (BDE and below) will
conduct periodic checks of the IET DFAC facilities and report issues to their local LRC Director
and installation Food Program Manager. Address significant issues (e.g., undercooked poultry,
running out of food) immediately with the Food Program Manager. Other non-immediate concerns
can be consolidated and reported to the Food Program Manager and LRC director on a monthly

TRADOC Regulation 350-6


UNIT: A/1-81 AR
DINING FACILITY (DFAC): Warrior Restaurant
1 Did the DFAC open according to the established operating hours? X
2 Are the DFAC operating hours adequate for meeting mission / training requirements? X
3 Was the DFAC clean, orderly, and pest-free? X
4 Were all plates, utensils, and cups and other service ware clean? X
5 Did the DFAC staff provide appropriate customer service to the trainees (i.e., are X
generally kind, supportive, address questions/concerns appropriately)?
6 Do the serving lines clearly identify nutritious options (Go For Green labeling)? X
7 Is the main line set up to optimize nutritious choices hot vegetables first, followed by X
starches, and then entrees?
8 Are trainees allowed / offered additional portions of any main line options? (Note: X
trainees ARE allowed to request additional portions)
9 Are water, enhanced water, carbohydrate electrolyte beverage (e.g., sports drink), X
1% white milk, and 100% fruit juices available daily?
10 Are beverages and other self-service items quickly replaced when they are empty / X
run out?
11 Food Quality: Was the main line food cooked appropriately? (i.e, no raw poultry, no X
overcooked vegetables)
12 Food Quality: Were there any issues related to food delivery and/or preparation X
within the DFAC? (e.g., main line and/or salad bar not replenished, food quality
13 Food Quality: Are there any issues related to food delivery and/or preparation of field X
feeds / mermite meals? (e.g., no vegetarian option, limited fruit and vegetable
14 Does the DFAC or LRC support unit requests for performance fueling (e.g., cooling X
beverages, fruit, granola/protein bars, and chocolate milk) outside of DFAC service?
15 If there were any issues identified, did the DFAC management / staff quickly address X
Provide brief description of any issues identified. Write observations below and provide pictures to
Command, if necessary.
3. Lots of flies in dining area.
11. Some chicken breasts undercooked.

Figure 5-1. Example Dining Facility Checklist

a. The Soldier Fueling Initiative is an Army program developed by the Joint Culinary Center of
Excellence (JCCOE) and TRADOC, to establish a performance-fueling standard for
Trainees/Soldiers in IMT. It encompasses DOD nutrition standards, nutrition education, menu
development, product selection, preparation, and serving standards. The Soldier Fueling Initiative
is designed to improve readiness and increase IMT Trainee/Soldier fitness and performance while

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

addressing the problems of poor nutrition (awareness and practices), and their long-term effects on
health and fitness.

(1) Modified application of Army Garrison Menu Standards to promote healthier eating.

(2) Prescribed standardized menus, recipes and preparation methods, for use among all IMT
dining facilities. All IMT dining facilities will comply with AR 30-22 and DA Pamphlet 30-22.
Additional information and guidance on the standardized 35-day IMT cycle menu is available at
the JCCOE website.

(3) Nutrition education emphasizing the links between diet, performance, and long-term
health. Every IET Trainee/Soldier will receive a one-hour block of instruction within the first two
weeks of BCT/OSUT to ensure an understanding of the basic performance nutrition concepts. See
FM 7-22, Holistic Health and Fitness, Chapter 8: Nutritional readiness for fundamental and
operational performance nutrition concepts.

(4) Clear identification of healthier and less healthy options to encourage better food choices
in the dining facilities and improve the overall readiness and performance of the Trainees/Soldiers.

(5) Marketing of the program to maintain awareness of nutrition, appropriate food and
beverage choices, and both short and long-term performance and health.

b. Performance nutrition involves proper fueling strategies before, during, and after physical
training sessions and other strenuous activity. Solid performance fueling strategies can help
prevent energy deficits and aid in adequate recovery. Leaders/cadre are encouraged to submit
formal requests to their local food program managers for additional subsistence (for example, food
and fluids) to align with the concepts of optimal performance fueling, in accordance with FM 7-22.

c. The IET performance readiness bar (PRB) program is an Army Program developed by the
U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center, Combat Feeding
Directorate; U.S. Army Research Institute of Environment Medicine, Military Nutrition Division;
U.S. Army Office of the Surgeon General (OTSG); and the CIMT. The shelf stable performance
readiness bar fortified with calcium and vitamin D is intended for daily consumption and will be
made available for BCT/OSUT Trainees to preserve bone health and reduce stress fracture
incidence. The performance readiness bar contains 8-12 grams of protein, 200-250 calories, 35-43
grams of carbohydrates, 900-1000 milligrams of calcium, and 1600-2000 International Units of
vitamin D3. Due to the levels of calcium and vitamin D within each bar, Trainees are directed to
consume no more than one bar within a 15-hour period and no more than two bars within a 24-
hour period.

d. Military and clinical studies of BCT and collegiate athletic programs show that 25% of
females have poor iron status at the beginning of training, increasing to 50% at the end of training.
Due to the decline in iron status during training, females in the IET environment are provided a
multivitamin with iron prescription on a voluntary basis within the first 72 hours of arrival to
RECBN. Education and informational materials on the multivitamin with iron program must also
be available to female Trainees. All recruiters, DSs, commanders, leaders, and medical personnel

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

who work with Trainees must receive familiarization training on the multivitamin with iron

5-11. Warrior tasks and battle drills (WTBD)

CIMT is the proponent for WTBDs. Critical skills required by every Trainee/Soldier attending
BCT/OSUT/AIT. BCT and OSUT will train all skill level one warrior tasks identified in the STP-
21-1-SMCT. BCT/OSUT/AIT will reinforce and certify all Soldiers in their MOS-specific tasks in
a rigorous, realistic, DATE-driven scenario culminating FTX as a graduation requirement. The
minimum requirement is no less than 3 days and 2 nights (72-hour minimum) in an austere field
environment. WTBDs are those critical skills required by every skill level 1 Soldier in the Army to
perform to standard.

5-12. Rifle marksmanship Program qualification

a. Trainees/Soldiers will qualify with backup iron sights and go through qualification tables
using the M68 reflex sight (close combat optics (CCO)); qualifying with M68/CCO is not a
graduation requirement.

b. Trainees/Soldiers who qualify during rifle marksmanship 6 backup iron sights,

single/multiple targets (Practice Fire) can be considered "qualified"; however, they must shoot rifle
marksmanship 7 record fire. The highest score will be entered into the record, TRADOC Form

c. Trainees/Soldiers who require more than one attempt to qualify during qualification tables
are able to do so if unit has excess ammunition available; they will qualify as "marksman"
regardless of what score they receive during qualification.

d. AIT locations will reinforce proper weapons handling, whether with rifles or “rubber duck”
trainers, for muzzle awareness and accountability. Units will use the engagement skills trainers (if
available) to build on BRM skills.

5-13. Weapons Immersion

a. Weapons immersion training is conducted in accordance with AR 190-11, paragraph 4-22 to

reduce negligent discharges. All trainees/Soldiers will carry their individual weapons at all times
or will be properly safeguarded and secured in the arms room or weapons racks in the barracks.

b. Training will focus on safe weapons handling, orientation, proper loading and clearing
procedures, and maintaining situational awareness at all times.

c. Weapons immersion training will take place as early as possible during the training cycle.
This allows trainee/Soldiers to understand muzzle control and safety procedures needed when
being responsible for weapons assigned.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

d. At no time will Trainees/Soldiers sleep with weapons in the barracks. Weapons will be
secured in the arms room or weapons racks in the barracks during lights out or hours of darkness
when training is not being conducted.

e. Keys to arms rooms or weapons racks will be maintained in a locked key box until authorized
person issues to cadre.

f. During field training exercises Commanders can direct weapons to be consolidated at the
Tactical Operations Center (TOC) under cadre supervision and guards to maintain control.

g. Commanders will establish local policy for weapons immersion.

5-14. Deliberate training paths

IET will follow six distinct training paths focusing on discipline, physical fitness, shoot, move,
communicate, and survive. This training is critical by allowing Trainees/Soldiers to develop the
proficiency of Soldier tasks necessary to succeed in the first hour of combat. BCT and OSUT units
will ensure Trainees/Soldiers are proficient at basic Soldier tasks through instruction, repetition,
and application in realistic scenarios. The main training path will consist of those main training
events that must be accomplished during BCT according to the POI. However, each main training
event will have associated supporting training path tasks that must also be accomplished. If a unit
does not accomplish a supporting training task, they must identify on the training schedule when
they will train on the supporting training task. This will ensure that throughout BCT, the Trainees
execute the necessary repetitions of all basic Soldier tasks to gain the required proficiency prior to
graduation. During the FTX Trainees/Soldiers will reinforce the combat survival tasks associated
with skill level one requirements.

5-15. Inspector general (IG) system briefing

Commander orientations in BCT/OSUT and AIT units will include a briefing on the IG system.
Specifically, this briefing must cover the role of the IG, their function, how Trainees/Soldiers can
obtain appointments to see the IG, and how the IG might help the Trainee/Soldier with a problem.

5-16. AIT/OSUT Personal Financial Management Training (PFMT)

a. BCT Commanders will ensure trainees/Soldiers understand that they can and should report
any financial issues they are experiencing during IET (BCT/OSUT/AIT) to their Drill Sergeants,
First Sergeants, or Commanders. Commanders will immediately notify TRADOC G-1/4 of any
systematic financial issues affecting Soldiers, Civilians, or their families that cannot be resolved at
the Senior Commander level and require HQ TRADOC G-1 intervention.

b. TRADOC provides the mandatory 8-hour PFMT lessons to all AIT and OSUT Soldiers
during their first few weeks of IET “Black Phase.” PFMT is an AIT/OSUT graduation
requirement. These lessons meet the Army requirements for new Soldier financial management
training. At the completion of these lessons, Soldiers will receive a certificate stating they have
met the Army requirement. IET Soldiers must take this certificate with them to their first unit of
assignment, or they will be required to re-take the course at that location.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

c The Army Finance School developed the lesson plans and is the proponent for the course
material. The lessons continue on the initial financial instruction provided in BCT to cover
important financial management areas needed by AIT/OSUT Soldiers before receiving off-post
privileges. PFMT subject areas include: Financial Ethics, Retirement / Thrift Savings Plan, Leave
and Earning Statement / myPay website, Developing a Spending Plan, Managing a Checking
Account, the Essentials of Credit, Consumer Awareness, Car Buying, and meeting your Insurance

d. This course is not considered POI time and is usually conducted on weekends. IET units are
required to:

(1) Schedule the training for the appropriate number of Soldiers with the contracted

(2) Provide an appropriate classroom facility with a computer and projection capability for
lesson presentation.

(3) Provide blank Forms TSP-U-1 (Thrift Savings Plan Election Form) and have a copying
machine to provide a copy of completed TSP forms to those Soldiers who elect to enroll in the

(4) Provide time and resources to IET Soldiers with debt qualifying for reduction under the
Service-members Civil Relief Act to contact creditors and provide then with proof of service

(5) Have cadre remain with the IET Soldiers during the instruction to provide assistance as
needed, ensure discipline and a professional, interactive learning environment are maintained
throughout the presentation, and to assist with the TSP forms.

e. The PFMT lesson includes instruction on the TSP. The TRADOC-contracted instructors will
assist IET Soldiers in completion of Form TSP-U-1 but require assistance from the unit cadre in
providing the forms and submitting the completed forms for processing through the installation
Defense Military Pay Office. At the start of each class, the DS or squad leader responsible for the
supervision of the class will provide sufficient TSP enrollment forms (TSP-U-1) to the class
instructor. During the TSP portion of instruction, the instructor will assist any Soldier who wishes
to enroll into the TSP in completing the Form TSP-U-1. Upon completion of the class, the
completed enrollment forms will be collected and provided to the DS or squad leader for
submission to the pay office.

f. Training will be recorded in DTMS or other Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA)
training management system by the DTMS manager.

g. Encourage Soldiers and families to review and utilize educational resources available at:
https://www.financialfrontline.org and https://www.milspousemoneymission.org.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

5-17. BCT/OSUT field training exercise (FTX) (HAMMER; ANVIL; and FORGE)

a. Each BCT, AIT and OSUT course will conduct scenario driven, tactical FTXs. The duration
of FTXs should be determined by the objectives set forth by the proponent. Final FTX is no less
than 3 day and 2 nights as a minimum (72 hours).

b. The FTX/STX.

(1) The first two FTXs in BCT/OSUT (HAMMER and ANVIL) reinforce/sustain basic
Soldier skills learned and introduce Trainees to the field environment. HAMMER will be 24 hours
long and ANVIL will be 48 hours long.

(2) Conducted in a tactical field environment, under all weather conditions, at day and night
to replicate the necessary stress, sounds, and conditions to build Trainee/Soldier proficiencies in
basic Soldier skills.

(3) FORGE is the final FTX in BCT and is conducted during Blue phase of training. FORGE
is a grueling and continuous FTX that lasts no less than 72 hours and covers no less than 48K (30
miles) with the majority of the movement occurring at night. The event will require a “gut check”
by the Trainee and confirms the internalization of the Warrior Ethos; and the desired character,
competence, and commitment attributes every Soldier must possess. Address FORGE in a separate
module in the POI. Commanders will conduct the events of FORGE in the order that works for
their local operational environment.

(4) Commandants are authorized to conduct an FTX. Reinforce and practice Soldier MOS-
specific tasks in a rigorous, realistic, DATE-driven scenario culminating FTX as graduation
requirements. Reinforce communication skills on 9-line, MEDEVAC, spot, and SALUTE reports;
call for fire, handling and employing individual weapons; medical tasks, hasty fighting positions,
camouflage, CBRN and conduct non-standard CASEVAC. Requirements must be identified in the

5-18. IET Soldier leader positions

a. IET Trainees/Soldiers may serve as squad, crew, group, and section leaders and platoon
guides, during any or all phases of IET. This teaches Trainees/Soldiers appointed as IET Soldier
leaders the functions, duties, and responsibilities of their positions prior to assuming those duties.
Allow IET Trainee/Soldier leaders to use their initiative, authority, and to assume responsibilities
commensurate with their position, experience, and ability while under supervision of IET cadre.

(1) IET Trainees/Soldiers are authorized to wear brassards indicating rank in accordance
with AR 670-1. They are not considered NCOs, nor accorded the privileges of NCOs.

(2) Appoint IET Trainees/Soldiers and prior service Soldiers attending reclassification
training to leadership positions identified in chapter 5, Paragraph 5-18.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(a) Reclassified and prior service Soldiers in the ranks private through specialist are
authorized to hold IET Soldier leader positions, but are not considered NCOs.

(b) NCOs will wear their proper rank and be treated as the NCOs they are.

b. Do not assign an IET Trainee/Soldier a leader’s responsibility for a mission or function that
is normally the responsibility of a cadre member or permanent party Soldier.

c. Do not use an IET Trainee/Soldier leader’s responsibility as primary instructors during

formal instruction. Use IET Trainee/Soldier leaders as assistant instructors, provided such duty or
preparation does not keep them from scheduled instruction.

5-19. Concurrent training

Concurrent/supporting training tasks are conducted as prescribed in applicable training support
packages. If not specifically prescribed by a training support package, the training company
commander will schedule and conduct concurrent training at every training event. The two most
precious resources in BCT/AIT/OSUT are trainers and time. Concurrent/supporting training will
be incorporated into all training events to maximize repetition of critical basic Soldier tasks.
Concurrent/supporting training must be planned and resourced in advance.

a. Each supporting training path for the focus areas of discipline, shoot, move, communicate
and survive will include supporting tasks to reinforce a block of instruction that has already
occurred. Reinforce hand grenades, communication skills, life skills, first aid, security, hasty
fighting positions, react to contact and CBRN attacks. Work on map reading and land navigation
skills using paper maps and compass. Build on warrior ethos and the warrior spirit with discipline
and encouragement.

b. Conduct Soldier assisted training in small groups (5-15), if possible, to maximize repetition
of critical basic Soldiers skills under the supervision of a cadre member. Ideally a cadre member
should supervise 3-5 groups of Trainees/Soldiers. Trainees/Soldiers used as trainers should be
selected based on demonstrated leadership abilities and competence in the given task.

c. Instructor led concurrent/supporting training. Instructors and/or DSs should be used as

primary instructors when teaching new tasks or complex tasks in concurrent/supporting training
events. Care should be taken to ensure group size remains small to keep Trainees/Soldiers engaged
and to allow Trainees/Soldiers maximum opportunity for hands-on training.

5-20. On-the-job-training
On-the-job training is appropriate for those holdover Soldiers that have completed all POI
requirements and are retained in the unit for administrative purposes. Commanders and trainers
must ensure that clearly stated on-the-job training objectives are being achieved and Soldiers
involved are being employed productively in MOS or MOS-related duties.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

5-21. Corrective training and corrective action (Nonpunitive corrective measures)

a. General. Corrective training and corrective action are tools available to leaders to rectify
minor deficiencies, simple infractions, and less serious breaches of discipline; to focus the
attention of Trainees/Soldiers, and to inspire compliance with Army standards. At no time is
corrective action meant to demean, belittle, or embarrass a Trainee/Soldier. The effective leader
knows when to use permissible corrective training and NOT excessive or unauthorized physical
activity to coach, teach, train, and mentor Trainees/Soldiers who are not meeting the standard. The
following definitions apply:

(1) Corrective Training. Corrective training is for Trainees/Soldiers who have demonstrated
that they need, and would benefit from, additional instruction or practice in a particular skill.
Corrective training should be directly related to the military skill that the Trainee/Soldier is
deficient in and assist him/her in meeting the standard.

(2) Corrective action. Nonpunitive actions are used as a motivational tool by authorized
cadre members to immediately address deficiencies in performance or conduct and to reinforce
required standards. By virtue of administering corrective action, there is recognition that the
misconduct did not result from intentional or gross failure to comply with standards of military
conduct. Corrective action is inappropriate for situations requiring additional training to master a
specific level of skill proficiency, or in matters where punishment is administered as a result of
UCMJ action.

(3) Physical exercise for corrective action. Commanders will publish a policy letter stating
the number of repetitions per infraction and training phase that each Trainee/Soldier will be
authorized to do using preparation Drill, 4 for the Core and Conditioning drills 1-3. Refer to FM
7-22 for approved exercises. Leaders will ensure Trainees/Soldiers execute those exercises
following the proper form, cadence and standard. If the leader decides to correct an entire element
(Squad or above) the leader will perform the exercises with the Trainees/Soldiers. This will
reinforce the ideal that the Leader is a member of the element and bears responsibility for
correcting infractions. If the decision is to utilize exercises for corrective action, Leaders will
ensure the exercise is performed correctly. This will aid Leaders in not directing exercises without
regard to climatic conditions or the welfare of the Trainee/Soldier. Leaders will consider the
exercises, repetitions, and total number of times each day that exercise is used for corrective action
to limit the potential for overtraining and injuries. No more than two corrective exercises per
infraction are authorized. Cadre will alternate between upper-body and lower body or trunk

(4) Other Corrective Action. Nonphysical tasks may be used as corrective action instead of
physical exercise. Requiring a Trainee/Soldier or group of Trainees/Soldiers to recite the Soldier’s
Creed is an example of other action-based corrective action.

b. Leaders must exercise good judgment in the administration of corrective action. Corrective
action may be applied to entire units if appropriate (correcting an entire platoon failing to show
teamwork during Phase I (Yellow Phase) in a given training event by having them do five
repetitions of the pushup, for example), but will be focused at the individual level whenever

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

possible. Improper use can lead to unauthorized mass punishment or hazing. Do not refer to this
type of administrative corrective measure as "smoking" or "smoke sessions".

c. DSs, Squad Leaders, Platoon Sergeants, AIT Instructors (military only), 1SGs, and
commanders are authorized to employ physical exercise for corrective action. AIT instructors will
only employ limited physical exercise to uphold good order and discipline and maintain a
conducive learning environment. This augments, but does not limit, a leader’s general military
authority to address observed deficiencies. Leaders are not required to perform the physical
corrective action with the Soldiers.

d. IET Soldiers and Trainees from other DOD services who are occupying leadership positions
are prohibited from administering physical exercise as corrective action. Prior service Trainees are
similarly prohibited from administering physical training as corrective action.

e. Consider climatic conditions in the decision to use exercise as corrective action. The use of
mission oriented protective posture gear during corrective physical training is specifically

f. Punishment. The imposition of specific requirements, actions, or restrictions that are designed
to reinforce good order and discipline are administered only as a result of UCMJ action by
commanders. Only commanders have the authority to punish Trainees/Soldiers, and they must use
proper disciplinary procedures when doing so. Before the commander imposes punishment on any
Soldier, a complete review of the situation will be accomplished and evidence will be validated.

5-22. Remedial training

a. Provide Trainees/Soldiers unable to attain training standards remedial training to enable them
to remain in cycle, rather than recycling the Trainee/Soldier in a follow-on cycle. However,
remedial training will only occur until the next scheduled retest event. If a Trainee/Soldier is still
unable to attain the standard after one retest event, the chain-of-command will consider recycling
the Trainee/Soldier to a follow-on cycle.

b. Trainees/Soldiers not taking the ACFT prior to graduation may become a hold/ recycle.
The week of training will be identified by the chain of command with assistance from the
company cadre, allowing the Trainee/Soldier time to complete the training event. This will be
for remedial training only; however, continue to report these Trainees/Soldiers as holds in
ATRRS with a physical fitness (remedial training - ACFT) status code (B).

c. If a Trainee/Soldier fails the required ACFT for graduation (60 points in each event) for
BCT/AIT/OSUT), the commander has three choices:

(1) New start/recycle the Trainee.

(2) Separate the Trainee/Soldier at any point in the process if the Trainee/Soldier
demonstrates lack of motivation.

(3) Hold the Trainee/Soldier until they can meet the ACFT requirements for graduation.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

d. In keeping with the IET investment strategy, a Trainee/Soldier will continue to receive
remedial training upon the decision by the separation authority that the Trainee/Soldier has the
mental and physical capacity to succeed.

5-23. Reinforcement training in AIT/OSUT

a. IET Soldiers must continue to receive the same strong emphasis on transformation and
Warrior Ethos throughout AIT/OSUT that was present during BCT. Accomplish this through
reinforcement training of Army Values, teamwork, customs and courtesies, proper wear of the
uniform, proficiency in warrior tasks, inspections, increased demand for personal responsibility, a
progressive PRT program in accordance with the PRT doctrine, and DS/cadre role modeling.

b. Physical fitness recommendations remain the same in AIT and the AIT portion of OSUT.
Training will be conducted in accordance with FM 7-22.

c. Conduct command inspections of the AGSU to ensure all Soldiers maintain proper military
appearance during IET.

d. Conduct branch specific risk management training in every POI IAW AR 350-1.

e. The transformation program in IET continues during all phases, with the basic soldiering
skills being trained, reinforced, and evaluated throughout the POI.

f. Commanders are required to provide quarterly reinforcement training to IET Soldiers on the
Army Values and the human relations subjects introduced in BCT. See table 5-1, for IET Soldiers
mandated/reinforcement training to include WTBDs.

g. Quarterly reinforcement training is focused on the Soldierization process and the

reinforcement of Soldier skills, discipline, and physical fitness learned in BCT. Specific
Soldierization topics addressed during the quarterly periods should be researched by the subject
matter expert (such as, SARC, SJA, MRT, etc.). WTBDs reinforcement training in AIT/OSUT
should be determined by the commandant. In addition, commandants can add WTBDs training to
reinforce technical training taught within the school’s MOS training.

Table 5-1.
Mandated/Reinforcement training
Once during AIT/OSUT
Reinforcement training requirements
AIT/OSUT longer than
20 wks.
Maintain and reinforce discipline in weapons handling, with rifles or
“rubber ducks” trainers (for example, accountability, muzzle  
awareness, etc.) (based on MOS requirements and Commandant’s
approval if time and resources are available)

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Table 5-1.
Mandated/Reinforcement training (cont.)
Qualify /reinforce all Soldiers on hand grenades by the end of AIT.)( 
based on MOS requirements and commandants approval if time and
resources are available)
Build on RM qualifications. Where engagement skills trainers are
available. (based on MOS requirements and Commandant’s approval  
if time and resources are available)
Pass the ACFT. Place scores in DTMS 

Foot marches 6.4K (4 miles), 9.6K (6 miles), and 12.8K (8 miles) on  
varied terrain
Land navigation skills using paper maps and compass (GPS
independent) (based on MOS requirements and Commandant’s  
approval if time and resources are available)
Train all Soldiers on 9-line MEDEVAC, Spot report, and SALUTE 
reports. (based on MOS requirements and Commandant’s approval if
time and resources are available)
Train Soldiers on radio operating procedures. (based on MOS 
requirements and Commandant’s approval if time and resources are
Build on Soldier’s tactical combat casualty care (TCCC) skills (based 
on MOS requirements and Commandant’s approval if time and
resources are available)
Soldier proficiency to conduct local security, camouflage self and 
equipment, establish a hasty fighting position, react to contact, react to
CBRN attack and conduct non-standard CASEVAC. (based on MOS
requirements and Commandant’s approval if time and resources are
Branch history and Museum (branch related) 
Life Skills, (Health and welfare, financial literacy, resiliency, and 
basic connections)
Manage personal finances/8 hours  
Army Traffic Safety Training Program 
Army Values 
Sexual Harassment and Assault Prevention Response (SHARP)/2  
Comply with UCMJ/1 hour  
Ready and resilient training (determined by the commandant)  
Additional WTBDs (Determined by proponent/commandant)  
Complete branch specific risk management (Determined by 

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

5-24. New start/recycle program

a. IET Soldiers who consistently demonstrate deficiencies in Army Values and discipline may
be considered for restart based on the company commander’s recommendation and BN
commander’s approval. These reassignments, made under the new start/recycle program, are
intended to give Trainees/Soldiers an additional opportunity to meet the Army Values standard,
and become a productive Soldier. Company commanders will determine if the Training/Soldier
will be recycled or retained. Each time a Trainee/Soldier does not sufficiently pass the established
standard (with one retest attempt), the Trainee/Soldier should be considered for retraining.

b. IET Trainees/Soldiers who demonstrate deficiencies in achieving task standards consistent

with their time in training, but maintain the motivation to do so, are considered for reassignment to
another company or BN. Make reassignment to a company in a later cycle or into succeeding class
where the Trainee/Soldier has the opportunity to repeat the phase of training. These reassignments,
made under the new start/recycle program, are intended to give motivated Trainees/Soldiers an
additional opportunity to meet the skill standard, and become a productive Soldier in the Army.
The success of the new start/recycle program is a direct function of the manner in which the
Soldier is integrated into the new unit. The decision to recycle a Trainee/Soldier will not be used as
a form of punishment, but rather an opportunity for retraining when the Trainee/Soldier is
determined to possess the desire and motivation to become a Soldier.

c. IET Trainees/Soldiers that have missed training due to emergency leave or hospitalization,
and are not able to complete training with their current unit, are considered for reassignment to a
company in the appropriate week of training upon their return.

d. Reassign IET Trainees/Soldiers under the new start/recycle program at any point in the
training cycle, based upon the recommendation of the chain of command, and approval of the
battalion commander. Following the approval to reassign the Trainee/Soldier under the new
start/recycle program, move the Trainee/Soldier to the new company or BN for further training no
later than the following duty day. Place Trainee in the same week or close to the same week as
currently being trained unless the commander determines the trainee needs additional

e. Commanders will not remove Trainees/Soldiers being considered for the new start/recycle
program from training until the decision is made. Do not use IET Trainees/Soldiers as detail
Soldiers during the new start/recycle process. The goal is to get the Soldiers back into training
within one day of the restart decision. While there are case-by-case exceptions, the decision during
IET is authorized as follows:

f. USAR/ARNG new start/recycle Soldiers must be coordinated through TRADOC RCLNO

and the LNO must notify the Soldier’s home unit.

(1) When a Trainee/Soldier's performance is unsatisfactory in a certain area, give the

Trainee/Soldier intensive remedial training and retesting in that area. If performance remains
unsatisfactory after remedial training and retesting, reassign the Trainee to another company or BN
in a follow-on cycle.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(2) Grant new starts/recycle for academic retraining to complete AIT/OSUT in accordance
with AR 612-201.

(3) Process individuals unable to complete MOS training in accordance with AR 612-201.

g. See appendix I, for additional information on MOS retraining/reclassification.

5-25. After-action reviews (AARs) and sensing sessions

Commanders will establish a program for conducting formal/informal AARs and sensing sessions
for Trainees/Soldiers and cadre in an IET environment. The purpose is to provide all levels of
command an assessment of the training program while promoting a culture of critical thinking and
problem solving amongst Soldiers.

a. An AAR is a professional discussion of an event, focused on performance standards, which

enables Trainees/Soldiers to discover for themselves what happened, why it happened, and how to
sustain strengths and improve on deficiencies. Leaders and units will get maximum benefit from
every mission or task when using an AAR. This training document is located in the Central Army
Registry (CAR) at AAR training. Used establish and conduct proper AAR procedures in an IET

(1) Cadre will conduct AARs in accordance with FM 7-0 after the completion of a major
training event, end of phase, end of cycle, and as directed by the commander.

(2) AARs should be conducted at the training event for the benefit of the Trainees/Soldiers.
A separate AAR should be conducted for the benefit of the cadre to assess and evaluate the quality
of instruction and execution of the training event.

(3) The leadership will conduct AARs and review performance in areas, including but not
limited to:

(a) Phase goals and objectives.

(b) Quality of values training.

(c) Rifle marksmanship program.

(d) PRT program.

(e) FTX/STX (FORGE completion).

(f) Discharges and restarts by type.

(g) Training injuries, safety program, and risk management.

(h) Cadre treatment of Trainees/Soldiers.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(i) Quality of instruction.

(j) Quality of facilities.

(k) Critical Soldier tasks/skills.

b. Leaders may use informal AARs as on-the-spot coaching tools while reviewing
Trainee/Soldier and unit performance during training. Informal AARs maximize training value
because all unit members are actively involved. They learn what to do, how to do it, and the
importance of the roles they play at the individual level in unit-task accomplishment.

c. Informal AARs will be conducted during and after training events by cadre to enhance
training knowledge of the Trainees/Soldiers and to reinforce task proficiency.

d. Sensing sessions are informal group discussions used by commanders to gather feedback and
information about the command climate, the unit, and training conducted.

(1) Sensing sessions will be conducted at the end of each cycle at the Battalion and Brigade
levels, command teams will lead these sessions.

(2) At a minimum, conduct sensing sessions at the BN and company level.

(3) The commander will hold sensing sessions with DSs at the end of each cycle.

e. As an additional feedback mechanism, commanders may establish a "Dear colonel letter" and
a "Dear chaplain letter" program to solicit feedback from IET Trainees/Soldiers on their IET
experience that will preserve participant anonymity.

5-26. Training records

a. Proponents are responsible for ensuring gradebooks are properly built and maintained in
DTMS for each of their IET courses. Gradebooks will include course assignments, as determined
by the proponent; and, where applicable, individual tasks will be linked to those assignments. The
purpose of the DTMS gradebook is to document the training a Trainee/Soldier received while
attending an IET course of instruction, and to communicate to gaining units via the ITR in DTMS.
Gaining units will be able to see the training each Soldier received and know what training is
required to ensure Soldier transitions smoothly into the new unit of assignment. This establishes a
baseline used by the gaining unit.

b. IET Trainees/Soldiers will complete the ACFT and results will be documented in DTMS.
Generally, in BCT/OSUT the company is responsible for entering all data into DTMS, and in AIT
responsibility is split between the company and academics. Ultimately, the ATC/CoE, school, or
BDE, as appropriate, decides who enters what data into DTMS, and is responsible for ensuring it is
being done by the responsible party.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

c. NCOs attending MOS producing courses to reclassify into another MOS, or prior service
personnel in the grade of sergeant or higher, will receive a DA Form 1059 (Service School
Academic Evaluation Report) upon completion of their course, regardless of course length.

Chapter 6
Cadre Selection and Certification

6-1. Selection and certification

Selection and certification of DSs is governed by AR 614-200 and TR 350-16.

6-2. Program of instruction and instructor certification

a. Tasks and lessons in the POI form the basis for each period of instruction. The proponent
prepares and keeps the POI lesson plans up-to-date.

b. Each service school and ATC will establish a system for monitoring and improving the
quality of instruction. A standardization/certification process will ensure each instructor is fully
qualified and current in all aspects of their subject. BDE and BN commanders will ensure
compliance with cadre certification requirements through their respective command inspection
program and quarterly training briefs. See appendix B for specified certification requirements.

c. IET cadre must meet all Army standards and comply with Army Regulations. Cadre in
BCT/OSUT/AIT units will be certified on those tasks listed in their respective BCT OSUT/AIT
POI. Cadre in AIT units provides reinforcement training on, and reevaluation of, BCT common
skills. Current lesson plans and supporting documents for BCT POI are maintained in the Army
Training Network. All cadre will recertify annually or when there are changes to the POI or
significant changes to a lesson plan.

d. Lieutenants assigned to BCT or OSUT as platoon leaders or staff officers must complete the
CTC prior to or within 30 days of assignment to the initial entry training unit.

6-3. Cadre uniform

a. Upon graduation, DSs are authorized to wear the DS hat and badge in accordance with AR
670-1 and AR 600-8-22.

b. Commanders designate the uniform in accordance with AR 670-1. Cadre will wear
appropriate protective gear on all ranges in accordance with the POI and risk management

c. IET units will use color-coded road guard vests or reflective equipment (reflective belt, etc.)
during PT to distinguish between IET Trainees/Soldiers, cadre, and permanent party personnel.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

6-4. Drill sergeant driving limitations

The DS’s mission is to train and lead Soldiers; Therefore; DSs driving vehicles in the performance
of their duties should be an exception rather than the rule to maintain the appropriate DS to
Trainee/Soldier ratios at all training events. At the discretion of the chain of command, DSs are
authorized to drive in the performance of daily training duties and during cycle breaks. Only
RECBN DSs; U.S. Army Drill Sergeant Academy leaders; and AIT DSs are authorized to drive in
the performance of administrative functions with commander’s approval.

6-5. IET cadre/support personnel training

a. In addition to DSs, other IET unit cadre have major roles in creating and maintaining a
positive IET environment that assists with the transformation from volunteer to Soldier. Training
of other IET cadre/support personnel is conducted in the following five courses: PCC, CCFSC,

b. Specific implementation guidance on the training required for all IET cadre and support
personnel is provided at appendix B.

Chapter 7
Reserve Component (RC) Training

7-1. General
This chapter sets forth policies and establishes uniform procedures for addressing RC unique
training issues. These guidelines apply to the training of both ARNG and USAR members, unless
specifically stated as applicable to only one of the components, and address those issues most
commonly encountered during IET.

7-2. Assistance to Army National Guard (ARNG)/U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) Soldiers in

a. The ARNG and USAR liaison personnel are attached to TRADOC service schools and major
subordinate commands to assist commanders with solving problems RC Trainees/Soldiers
encounter during training. They advise the chain of command on RC unique challenges; liaison
personnel must communicate with the Trainee/Soldier’s chain of command to ensure
Trainee/Soldier status and personnel actions are accurately processed. Final decisions regarding
discharge remain with the unit chain of command.

b. The IET cadre will promptly inform the appropriate and available ARNG and/or USAR
liaison personnel of RC Trainees/Soldiers sustaining illness or injury in training, as well as
administrative and disciplinary actions. The liaison personnel will notify the appropriate chains of
command of those RC Trainees/Soldiers that are ill/injured, will receive awards and honors, and
ensure that advancements, reductions, and UCMJ punishments are provided to the appropriate RC
officials for proper posting in the RC data systems. RC liaison personnel will also be notified when
separation action is initiated so the RC chain of command is aware of the pending loss.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

7-3. Graduation requirements not met

Commanders will notify installation ARNG/USAR liaison personnel immediately when RC
personnel do not complete any graduation standards. Installation ARNG/USAR liaison personnel
will resolve any potential conflict with extensions on active duty with the appropriate RC
command. As necessary, place ARNG or USAR personnel in a hold status in accordance with
ATRRS verification tables reason codes.

7-4. Split training option (STO)

a. STO is an alternative training program designed to recruit and train students and seasonal
employees that do not have enough time to complete BCT/AIT or OSUT during their initial IET
tour. STO allows Trainees to enter and complete the first portion of training (STO 1 = BCT
portion), return to their civilian education or occupation, and come back the following year to
complete the second portion of training (STO 2 = AIT or MOS portion of OSUT).

b. Mandatory release dates (MRD) are management tools to ensure that STO 1 personnel are
properly processed for training. MRDs are determined at the Trainee's home station and are
published in the additional instruction section of their active duty orders. It is critical to consider a
STO 1 Trainee's MRD when scheduling entry into training.

7-5. STO early releases

a. Policies pertaining to MRDs are:

(1) All STO 1 Trainees are guaranteed a return to home of record for civilian education or
employment commitments on a predetermined date.

(2) The STO 2 Soldiers are not guaranteed a MRD for civilian education or employment
purposes as part of the enlistment contract. Individuals returning for STO 2 are expected to remain
on active duty until training is completed and a MOS is awarded.

b. To preclude STO 1 individuals from being placed in training with insufficient time to
complete the course, accomplish the following steps at the installation:

(1) Screen all STO 1 personnel prior to the start of training to determine if there are conflicts
between the length of training and anticipated release date. Orders must provide at least 75 days to
complete training.

(2) Refer individuals identified as having a conflict to ARNG or USAR liaison personnel for
assistance in conflict resolution. Liaison personnel will contact the appropriate agency to resolve
the conflict and obtain an extension of training time.

(3) When it is impossible to obtain an extension to complete training and course acceleration
is not feasible, ARNG and USAR liaison personnel will amend or request the order to be amended
and return the individual to the parent RC unit. Do not enter individuals in this category into

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(4) Should liaison personnel encounter a refusal to amend the order of an individual with
insufficient time to complete the required training, notify U.S. Army CIMT (ATMT), 210 Dillon
Circle, Fort Eustis, Virginia 23604-5701 for assistance in obtaining the Soldier’s release from

c. Instances may be encountered when conflicts develop between available time and course
length for STO 1 personnel, due to conditions such as placement into the FTU, profile, emergency
leave, or new start/recycle. The following procedures will help minimize the impact on the
individual and the training system.

(1) When completion date conflicts exist for those individuals currently in training, the
following steps apply:

(a) Installation ARNG and USAR liaison personnel will contact the appropriate agency to
obtain an extension on the MRD for completion of training. When such extensions are obtained,
the individual's orders are amended to clearly indicate the period of training being performed.

(b) Where extensions on MRDs cannot be obtained, consider accelerated training to meet
POI graduation requirements.

(2) When training cannot be accelerated so that an individual can meet POI requirements for
graduation or if a Trainee/Soldier fails to meet graduation standards by their MRD, the following
guidance will apply:

(a) STO 1 personnel will continue in training through the latest date possible before
processing for release from IET.

(b) Annotate each ITR from DTMS to reflect training completed prior to release from active
duty (REFRAD) and remaining training required to meet graduation standards. The original ITR
will remain in the individual's military personnel records jacket for return to the parent unit.

d. Forward a copy of the ITR from DTMS to the Trainee’s academic records section for
retention to aid in maintaining accurate training files for STO 1 personnel. Furnish a copy of the
ITR from DTMS to the liaison NCO upon the Trainee’s departure for home station (state).

e. Handle exceptions to the procedures in paragraphs 7-5b and 7-5c above, on an individual
basis, with the appropriate ARNG or USAR liaison representative at the installation.

f. ARNG/USAR will reschedule individuals, released from active duty prior to completing STO
1 training, to complete course requirements at any BCT location. Provide the following
information to TRADOC service schools and major subordinate commands that receive
individuals rescheduled for training, prior to the rescheduled start date:

(1) Name.

(2) Training requirements to be completed.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(3) Report date.

(4) Follow-on MOS, if appropriate.

(5) Copy of ITR.

7-6. STO 2 Army physical training procedures

Administer STO 2 Soldiers an ACFT upon arrival to determine their level of conditioning. Place
Soldiers not achieving the BCT standard in a remedial PT program in accordance with APRT
guide and bring those Soldiers safely to the standard allowing them to continue with the MOS
portion of their training. Place Soldiers in an FTU, if one is available.

7-7. STO 2 administrative deficiencies

a. TRADOC service schools and major subordinate commands may encounter STO 2 Soldiers
who are not prepared to enter training upon arrival at the training location. Some discrepancies in
the area of military personnel, finance, or medical records, and outdated physicals may occur.
Some individuals may report without the required clothing issue.

b. For Soldiers who are not prepared to enter training upon arrival for STO 2, notify appropriate
ARNG or USAR element and use the following procedures:

(1) Give individuals without current physicals new physicals. No Soldier will begin training
without a current physical.

(2) Provide individuals arriving without the required clothing a new issue by the installation
clothing initial issue point (CIIP) or military clothing sales, as appropriate. This additional issue
will consist of only those items required to complete the training. Charge items issued to the
appropriate State U.S. Property and Fiscal Office or USAR as authorized in AR 700-84.

(3) Individuals arriving without a valid set of orders and their health records will be held out
of training if the installation cannot duplicate their records. Notify appropriate ARNG or USAR
liaison representative immediately of all personnel held out of training to rectify records
discrepancies. If the needed documents are not received within 5 days, liaison personnel on the
installation will notify the appropriate agency of the delay. If the required records are not received
within a total of 10 days, the installation will return the individual to the unit of assignment for
rescheduling to complete STO 2.

c. On a quarterly basis, TRADOC service schools and major subordinate commands will
forward a list of discrepancies with the Soldiers names, units, states, site where BCT was
conducted, and discrepancies to U.S. Army CIMT (ATMT), 210 Dillon Circle, Fort Eustis,
Virginia 23604-5701. Provide information copies to the ARNG/USAR liaison personnel at the
TRADOC service school and major subordinate command.

7-8. Testing of STO Soldiers in IET

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

a. Trainees in STO 1 must meet all BCT graduation standards prior to being released from STO
1 training or they will return to the ATC and complete all BCT graduation standards prior to the
start of STO 2 training. Coordination with RC/NG liaison is required when graduation standards
are not met.

b. Soldiers in STO 2 AIT must meet all MOS course requirements including the high physical
demand test, and pass the ACFT prior to their release from STO 2 active duty tour.

7-9. Placement into training

In accordance with AR 612-201, RC personnel processing will meet report dates specified in the
Soldier’s orders. This policy applies to all BCT, OSUT, and AIT courses, and requires priority
seating for RC personnel when insufficient capacity exists to seat all Soldiers awaiting a course

Appendix A

Unless otherwise indicated, TRADOC publications and forms are available at

https://adminpubs.tradoc.army.mil. DA publications and forms are available on the Army
Publishing Directorate website at https://armypubs.army.mil/default.aspx. DOD issuances and
forms are available at https://www.esd.whs.mil/DD/.

Section I
Required Publications

AR 15-6
Procedures for Investigating Officers and Boards of Officers

AR 25-400-2
Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS)

AR 30-22
Army Food Program

AR 40-3
Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Care

AR 40-5
Preventive Medicine

AR 40-66
Medical Record Administration and Health Care Documentation

AR 40-501
Standards of Medical Fitness

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

AR 190-45
Law Enforcement Reporting

AR 350-1
Army Training

AR 350-10
Management of Army Individual Training Requirements and Resources

AR 351-9/OPNAVINST 1500.27G/AFI 36-2230(I)/MCO 1580.7E/COMDTINST 1580.1

Inter-Service Training

AR 380-67
The Department of the Army Personnel Security Program

AR 420-1
Army Facilities Management

AR 600-8-4
Line of Duty Policy, Procedure, and Investigations

AR 600-8-19
Enlisted Promotions and Reductions

AR 600-8-22
Military Awards

AR 600-9
The Army Body Composition Program

AR 600-20
Army Command Policy

AR 600-43
Conscientious Objection

AR 601-2
Army Promotional Recruiting Support Programs

AR 612-201
Initial Entry/Prior Service Trainee Support (RCS MILPC-17[R1])

AR 614-200
Enlisted Assignments and Utilization Management

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

AR 621-5
Army Continuing Education System

AR 635-200
Active Duty Enlisted Administrative Separations

AR 670-1
Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia

AR 700-84
Issue and Sale of Personal Clothing

AR 840-10
Flags, Guidons, Streamers, Tabards, and Automobile and Aircraft Plates

DA Pamphlet 25-403
Guide to Recordkeeping in the Army

DA Pamphlet 40-501
Army Hearing Program

DOD 4165.63-M
DOD Housing Management

DODD 6495.01
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program

DODI 1304.33
Protecting Against Inappropriate Relations During Recruiting and Entry Level Training

DODI 6490.04
Mental Health Evaluations of Members of the Military Services

FM 7-0
Train To Win in a Complex World

FM 7-22
Holistic Health and Fitness

GTA 05-08-012
Individual Safety Card

Fire Protection for Facilities Engineering, Design, and Construction

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Soldier’s Manual of Common Tasks, Warrior Skills, Level 1

TC 4-02.3
Field Hygiene and Sanitation

TC 8-800
Medical Education and Demonstration of Individual Competence

TP 220-1
Using the Medical Operational Data System (MODS)

TP 350-70-14
Training and Education Development in Support of the Institutional Domain

TP 600-4
The Soldier’s Blue Book

TR 1-8
TRADOC Operations Reporting

TR 350-16
Drill Sergeant Program

TR 350-29
Prevention of Heat and Cold Casualties

TR 350-70
Army Learning Policy and Systems

TR 385-2
US Army Training and Doctrine Command Safety and Occupational Health Program

Section II
Related Publications
A related publication is a source of additional information. The user does not have to read a related
reference to understand this publication.

AR 27-10
Military Justice

AR 165-1
Army Chaplain Corps Activities

AR 190-11
Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

AR 385-10
The Army Safety Program

AR 600-8-10
Leaves and Passes

AR 600-63
Army Health Promotion

AR 623-3
Evaluation Reporting System

ATP 5-19
Risk management

DA Pamphlet 30-22
Operating Procedures for the Army Food Program

DA Pamphlet 420-1-1
Housing Management

DA Pamphlet 600-24
Health Promotion, Risk Reduction, and Suicide Prevention

DA Pamphlet 670-1
Guide to the Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia

DODI 3216.02
Protection of Human Subjects and Adherence to Ethical Standards in DoD-Conducted and
Supported Research

DODI 4000.19
Support Agreements

DODI 6055.06
DoD Fire and Emergency Services (F&ES) Program

FM 1-05
Religious Support

TB MED 507
Heat Stress Control and Heat Casualty Management

TB MED 508
Prevention and Management of Cold-Weather Injuries

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

USACHPPM Technical Guide 314

Non-vaccine Recommendations to Prevent Acute Infectious Respiratory Disease among U.S.
Army Personnel Living in Close Quarters (Available on the U.S. Army Center for Health
Promotion and Preventive Medicine website at https://ephc.amedd.army.mil/HIPECatalog/).

USAREC Regulation 601-210

Enlistment & Accessions Processing (https://recruiting.army.mil/forms_pubs/)

Section III
Prescribed Forms

TRADOC Form 350-6-1

Training Abuse Report

TRADOC Form 350-6-2

Initial Military Training Soldier Assessment Report

Section IV
Referenced Forms

DA Form 705-TEST
Army Combat Fitness Test Scorecard

DA Form 1059
Service School Academic Evaluation Report

DA Form 1594
Daily Staff Journal or Duty Officer’s Log

DA Form 2028
Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms

DA Form 2173
Statement of Medical Examination and Duty Status

DA Form 3078
Personal Clothing Request

DA Form 3349
Physical Profile (available via the MEDPROS system at

DA Form 3955
Change of Address and Directory Card

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

DA Form 4187
Personnel Action

DA Form 4856
Developmental Counseling Form

DA Form 5434
Sponsorship Program Counseling and Information Sheet

DA Form 5960
Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Authorization and Dependency Declaration

DA Form 7415
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Querying Sheet

DD Form 93
Record of Emergency Data

DD Form 689
Individual Sick Slip

DD Form 1172-2
Application for Identification Card/DEERs Enrollment

DD Form 1380
Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Card (available through normal forms supply channels)

DD Form 1750
Packing List

DD Form 1966
Record of Military Processing-Armed Forces of the United States

DD Form 2058
State of Legal Residence Certificate

DD Form 2215
Reference Audiogram

DD Form 2366
Montgomery GI Bill Act of 1984 (MGIB) Basic Enrollment

DD Form 2558
Authorization to Start, Stop or Change an Allotment

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

DD Form 2808
Report of Medical Examination

DD Form 2977
Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet

DD Form 2982
Recruiter/Trainer Prohibited Activities Acknowledgement

DD Form 2983
Recruit/Trainee Prohibited Activities Acknowledgement

Form TSP-U-1
Thrift Savings Plan Election Form (https://www.tsp.gov/forms/)

Government Charter Coach Certificate (https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/busTO.cfm)

IRS Form W-4

Employee’s Withholding Certificate (https://www.irs.gov/forms-instructions)

SF 1199A
Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form (https://www.gsa.gov/reference/forms)

SGLV 8286
Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Election and Certificate

TRICARE® Dental Program Enrollment/Change Authorization Form


USAREC Form 601-210.33

Report of Alleged Recruiting Misconduct (https://recruiting.army.mil/forms_pubs/)

Appendix B
Initial Military Training Leader and Cadre Training Courses

B-1. IMT Leader Training and Cadre Training Program purpose, vision, mission, and

a. Purpose. IMT leader and cadre training courses provide commanders, CSMs, 1SGs, cadre,
and support personnel with the knowledge and skills needed to transform civilian volunteers into

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

b. Vision. Initial Military Training Leadership School (IMTLS) is a learning organization

committed to providing a path for leaders that promotes outcome-oriented instructional strategies
that foster thinking, initiative, and provide operational relevance; learning in action.

c. Mission. IMTLS provides mission command education and training in support of

transforming Civilian volunteers into Officers and Soldiers for the United States Army while
preparing leaders to effectively command in a complex world.

d. Governance. IMTLS governance model in keeping with providing subject matter expertise to
leaders, cadre, and supporting DA civilians regarding TR 350-6 and TR 350-36.

B-2. IMT leader and CTC requirements

a. All personnel assigned to an IMT unit or on an installation that conducts an IMT mission
must complete the appropriate leader or cadre training course no later than 30 days after, assuming
their duties with the intent of completing training as soon as after assuming their duties as possible.
RC IMT personnel must complete the appropriate leader or cadre training course no later than 120
days after assuming IMT duties. IMT leader and cadre training courses are not a replacement for
professional military education or other installation training requirements.

b. The IMT leader and cadre training courses are explained below and summarized in table B-1,
which includes example duty positions required to attend each course. (See table B-1).

(1) TRADOC IMT BDE/BN Pre-Command Course (PCC) (Two weeks resident). IMT BDE
and BN commanders and CSMs will attend PCC. Branch managers will use ATRRS to schedule
TRADOC PCC attendees. The CIMT is the waiver approval authority for commanders and CSMs
that do not attend the PCC prior to assuming duties. Commanders and CSMs become
knowledgeable on the guiding principles and procedures of IMT; understand that they own the
process of transforming civilians into Soldiers and are exposed to the principles and science of
inculcating and developing initial entry training Soldiers. Leader Training Brigade (LTB) will
maintain a list of graduates to validate leader requirements.

(2) TRADOC IMT CCFSC (1-week resident). IMT company commanders and 1SGs
will attend the TRADOC CCFSC. Students should complete their installation CCFSC Pre-
command Course prior to attending TRADOC IMT CCFSC. The CoE/ATC commander is
the waiver approval authority for all company commanders and 1SGs who do not attend IMT
CCFSC prior to assuming IMT duties. BDE commanders must submit waiver with plan for
mitigation to CoE/ATC commander and CG, CIMT prior to assuming duties. This course
provides future company commanders and 1SGs with a training and educational experience
applying TRADOC’s training guidance/ philosophy; effective command and leadership in the
IMT environment; influencing the management of IMT systems and processes (culture,
training, injury prevention, misconduct procedures, and support systems); and
understanding/implementing IMT cadre resilience and fitness programs. For 108th TC
(Reserve Component), CCFSC is required for company commanders and 1SGs prior to
assuming leadership positions during an E company start. LTB will maintain a list of
graduates to validate leader requirements.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(3) IMT CTC, (1-week resident). The CTC provides BDE/BN primary staff, company
executive officers, platoon leaders, (AIT) Squad leaders, and, (AIT) military instructors with the
necessary training and education to help facilitate the IMT transformation process and execute the
commander’s intent. Installations will maintain a list of graduates at local training site and forward
a copy to LTB to validate requirements.

(4) IMT SCTC (2-day resident). Personnel assigned to direct support positions in training
units attend the SCTC to become familiar with the specific rules, regulations, and challenges
associated with the IMT environment. The local training installation will maintain a list of
graduates and send a copy to LTB to validate requirements.

(5) IMT ISCTC (half-day, resident). Personnel assigned to IMT installation-level staff
positions and contractors that interact with IMT Soldiers attend the ISCTC to become familiar with
TRADOC IET rules and regulations. The local training installation will maintain a list of graduates
and send a copy to LTB to validate requirements.

(6) IMT Cadre Training Programs (CTP) Train the Trainer (TTT) Course (4-weeks)
(Combined Virtual Learning Environment – Distributed Learning and Resident Training). Brigade
Commander, School Commandant or Designated Representative select high quality instructors
attend cadre train program train the trainer course. The CTP TTT course supports the training of
personnel who upon completion will teach CTC, SCTC, and ISCTC at IMT installations or at AIT
Phase II Sites within U.S. Army Medical Center of Excellence (MEDCoE). No other courses are
authorized to conduct instructor certification of the IMT Cadre Training Programs. The CTP TTT
provides a synchronous learning environment in a virtual learning environment that supports the
Army Learning Model implementation. IMT BDE commanders will select personnel who have the
IMT experience and maturity needed to educate and train cadre at their installations. Personnel
selected should not be on orders or have at least two years stabilization. Completion of the
Common Faculty Development-Instructor Course (CFD-IC) or other current instructor identifier
awarding course is a prerequisite to enrollment into the IMTLS CTP TTT course.

c. Personnel (to include DSs and former DSs) assigned to instruct CTC, SCTC, and ISCTC
courses at approved satellite locations must be CTC qualified, certified by the IMTLS, and
graduates of the proponent train-the-trainer course. Certification is good for 24 months. The
proponent will complete re-certifications via VTC or MTT. A list of graduates will be maintained
at local training and provide a copy to leader Training Brigade for validation of requirements.

B-3. IMT leader and CTC training responsibilities

a. The IMTLS commandant is the proponent for all IMT leader and cadre training programs.
The CG, CIMT is the POI approval authority. The proponent, in addition to developing the leader
and cadre training courses, is also responsible for the instructor certification process, course
certification, site assistance visits, and course accreditations. IMT leader and cadre training courses
are conducted at the following locations:

(1) IMT PCC and CCFSC course are only authorized to be conducted by the IMT
Leadership School at Fort Jackson, SC.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(2) CTC is authorized to be conducted at Fort Allen, PR; Fort Benning, GA; Fort Bragg, NC;
Fort Gordon, GA; Fort Huachuca, AZ; Fort Jackson, SC; Fort Eustis, VA; Fort Lee, VA; Fort
Leonard Wood, MO; Fort Story (School of Music), VA; Fort Rucker, AL; Fort Sam Houston, TX;
Fort Sill, OK; DLIFLC, CA; NDSTC, Panama City, FL; Camp Robinson, AR; and Goodfellow
Air Force Base, TX. All 108th training divisions are authorized to conduct CTC.

(3) SCTC and ISCTC are authorized to be conducted at the sites and organizations listed in
paragraph B-3a(2) to include Fort Meade, MD; Fort Belvoir, VA; Fort Bragg, NC; Pensacola, FL;
Lackland Air Force Base, TX; Eglin AFB FL; Keesler Air Force Base, MS; Naval Construction
BDE, Gulfport, MS; Sheppard Air Force Base, TX; Yorktown NWS, VA; Fort Leonard Wood,
MO and Fort Rucker, AL.

b. Former DSs and cadre/support personnel returning to IMT positions after more than 24
months will attend the appropriate training course per table B-1 on page 115.

c. Refresher training is highly encouraged for all personnel after 36 months in IMT.

B-4. IMT leader Training and Cadre Training Program reporting requirement

a. All installations that contain an IMT training responsibility must report cadre certification
status quarterly to Leader Training Brigade. LTB will maintain a copy of certified personnel.

(1) Installations with multiple BNs who conduct IMT training will annually identify and
assign the organizations responsible for reporting individual training data per this requirement.
Senior IMT commanders have the flexibility to consolidate reporting or designate reportable units
under their authority as appropriate. The local training facility will maintain a list of graduates and
provide a copy to LTB for validation of requirements.

(2) Separate IMT elements must monitor the training requirements for tenant activities that
directly interact with and support IMT activities if not designated for separate report by the
installation. For example, a separate AIT BN must monitor and report training data for installation
staff who routinely interact with IMT Soldiers such as troop store employees, Defense Finance and
Accounting Service employees, or Central Issue Facility personnel, etc.

(3) 108th Training Command will consolidate cadre training information from USAR
training divisions that support IMT.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Table B-1.
IET Leader and Cadre Training Courses program

Commander X
Executive officers X
Primary staff officers/DA Civilians (S-1, S-2, S-3, S-4, and S-6) X
Staff officers/DA Civilians X
Chaplain X
Religious affairs specialist X
Primary staff NCOIC'S (SFC through SGM) (S-1, S-2, S-3, S-4,
and S-6) X
Reserve Component liaison X
Staff NCOs X
Staff clerks (PVT through SPC) X
Brigade Surgeon and Senior Medic X
Brigade Behavioral Health Officer and NCO X
Battalion Surgeon X
Battalion Medics X
H2F Program Director X
H2F PT/OT/RD (Military/DAC) X
H2F Nutritionist, PT-A, OTA (DAC X
H2F Athletic Trainer/Strength Coach/ Cognitive Specialist X
Reception battalion personnel (Military) X
Reception battalion personnel (DA Civilians) X
Athletic Trainers X
Commanders X
Executive officers X
Platoon leaders X
First sergeant X
Training NCOs X
AIT squad leaders X
Supply personnel (including armorers) X
School commandants (COL (O-6) and CSM (E-9)) X
Deputy commandants and department sergeants major (PCC if
space available) X
Training center IGs and deputy IG X
Military AIT instructors X
DoD/DA Civilian IMT instructors X
Contracted Civilian IMT instructors X
Civilian language instructors (DLI-FLC/ELC) X
IMT training developers/specialists X

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Table B-1.
IET Leader and Cadre Training Courses program (cont.)


The following personnel include, but are not limited to:
Installation staff X
Medical personnel X
H2F PT/OT/RD (military/DAC) X
H2F Nutritionist (PT-A/OTA/DAC) X
Dental personnel X
Contract personnel X
Clothing initial issue point (CIIP)/central issue facility employees X
Dining facility employees X
AAFEES shoppette clerks X

Appendix C
Defense Language Institute English Language Center, English as a Second Language Course

C-1. Mission and organization

ESL training for Soldiers is provided at DLIELC, Lackland Air Force Base, TX. The goal of
DLIELC’s ESL courses is to provide new Soldiers who do not speak English as their native
language the English language skills necessary for success in their IET courses and throughout
their military service. The Commander, 32nd Medical BDE has administrative control of the U.S.
Army Element (USAE) at DLIELC. The USAE Commander is dual-hatted as the DLIELC Deputy
Commandant and is responsible for the command, control, training, and administration of U.S.
Army permanent party and student personnel at DLIELC. Commander, C Company is responsible
for operational control and administrative support to the Army permanent party assigned to
DLIELC. Commander, E Company is responsible for ELT and transformation of all Army
Soldiers. All pre-BCT Soldiers attending ELT at DLIELC are assigned to E Company.
The 637th Training Group/Defense Language Institute English Language Center (637
TRG/DLIELC), provides world-wide English Language Training (ELT) and resident cultural
immersion to enable U.S. military and international partners to communicate in support of DoD
and Security Cooperation objectives.

a. The U.S. Air Force is the DoD Executive Agent for ELT. The resident English as Second
Language (ESL) program for U.S. Army Trainees is provided by the 637 TRG/DLIELC, JBSA-
Lackland, TX. The purpose of DLIELC’s ESL program is to provide U.S. Army pre-Basic Combat
Training (BCT) Trainees and Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Cadets who do not speak
English as their native language the English language skills necessary for success in their initial
entry training (IET) courses and throughout their military service. At the request of TRADOC, the
Commander, 637 TRG/DLIELC, may authorize an exemption to policy to deliver ELT to non-
resident sites via Virtual Training Teams (VTT). The VTT, supported unit, and Trainees will
adhere to the same standards as the resident ESL program.

b. All U.S. Army Cadre and Trainees at 637 TRG/DLIELC are assigned to the U.S. Army
Element (USAE). The Commander, 32d Medical Brigade (32 MED BDE), Fort Sam Houston, TX,

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

has administrative control (ADCON) of the USAE. The Commander, 637 TRG/DLIELC, has
operational control (OPCON) of the USAE. The Deputy Commander, 637 TRG/DLIELC, is dual-
hatted as the Commander, USAE, and is responsible for the command, control, training, and
administration of all personnel assigned and attached to the USAE.

C-2. Staff relationships

TRADOC DCS, G-3/5/7, Training Integration Directorate (ATTG-TRI-G), 950 Jefferson Avenue,
Fort Eustis, Virginia 23604-5723 is the TRADOC functional proponent and POC for the Army’s
DLIELC ESL program monitors and evaluates program activities. The following TRADOC offices
perform associated functions:

a. TRADOC DCS, G-1/4 (Personnel and Logistics) (ATBO), 661 Sheppard Place, Fort Eustis,
Virginia 23604-5744 ensures adequate Army cadre strength in support of E Company, DLIELC.

b. TRADOC DCS, G-8 (Resource Management) (ATRM-ZA), 661 Sheppard Place, Fort Eustis,
Virginia 23604-5732 determines manpower staffing in coordination with TRADOC DCS, G-3/5/7,
Training Integration Directorate (ATTG-TRI-G).

c. TRADOC DCS, G-3/5/7, Training Integration Directorate (ATTG-TRI-G) monitors and

evaluates program activities.

C-3. Selection and processing

Trainees identified as ESL during the enlistment process must take an English Comprehension
Level (ECL) test at the Military Entrance Processing Center (MEPS). Trainees who score between
40 and 74 must attend DLIELC’s resident ESL program prior to BCT. If a Trainee with direct
entry into BCT or while at AIT is discovered to have a language barrier, the Trainee may be
transferred to DLIELC to complete the ESL program. Trainees requiring ELT at DLIELC are
scheduled IAW AR 601-210 and USAREC 601-210, table K-1. DLIELC’s ESL program is
designed for a minimum of 10 weeks to a maximum of 30 weeks of ELT. ELT is self-paced, and
DLIELC staff adjusts training timeline based on Trainee’s academic progress. IAW AR 601-210
and USAREC 601-210 Trainees requiring ELT must ship to Fort Sill, OK to in-process prior to
attending the ESL program at JBSA-Lackland. The 95th Adjutant General Battalion (95 AG BN),
Fort Sill, OK, receives, processes, and ships ESL Trainees to JBSA-Lackland. The 95 AG BN will
ECL test all Trainees arriving with a MEPS ECL test prequalifying score between 65 and 74.
Trainees who achieve a qualifying score of 75 or higher will be shipped directly to BCT.

C-4. Graduation criteria

Trainees will ship to BCT once they have met DLIELC’s graduation criteria IAW DLIELC
Operating Instruction 1025.19. In general Trainees must first achieve a prequalifying ECL test
score of 65 or higher followed by a minimum qualifying ECL test score of 75. For 09L MOS the
minimum qualifying ECL test score is 80, and a 2+/2 score on the oral proficiency interview
(OPI). However, a qualifying ECL test score alone (and OPI if applicable) does not constitute
graduation eligibility. For most Trainees, an OPI is not required. On a case-by-case basis the
Commander, USAE, may grant a waiver to allow Trainees to take an OPI in lieu of a qualifying
ECL test score. To be considered for a waiver the Trainee must have completed 12 weeks of ELT,
have a minimum of four ECL tests on record demonstrating academic progress, be within five

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

points (70-74 or 75-79 for 09L MOS) of the DLIELC’s qualifying ECL test score, and have a book
quiz average of 70. Trainees granted a waiver must take an OPI and attain a minimum score of
1+/1 (2+/2 for 09L MOS) to graduate from the ESL program. Trainees that fail to show adequate
academic progress during the ESL program will be recommended for academic probation and/or
an academic board. Trainees who fail to achieve DLIELC’s graduation criteria after 25 weeks (up
to 30 weeks for 09C Trainees) of ELT will be recommended for separation. DLIELC offers three
types of graduation certificates.

a. Diploma: A diploma is earned by meeting all graduation criteria and completing a minimum of
10 weeks of ELT. All Trainees must strive to earn a diploma as first option.

b. Certificate of Attendance (CA): A CA is considered on a case-by-case basis and issued to

Trainees who are granted a waiver at any time after completing 12 weeks of ELT.

c. Certificate of Training (CT): A CT is considered on a case-by-case basis and issued to Trainees

who meet the qualifying ECL test score but do not complete a minimum of 10 weeks of ELT. CTs will
only be issued during Phase I.

C-5. Training priorities

ELT is the primary purpose of DLIELC’s ESL program. ELT will receive top priority and not be
supplanted by other training or activities. ELT is the responsibility of the DLIELC staff and is
monitored and approved by the Commander, USAE. DLIELC’s academic hours are Monday to
Thursday from 0730-1430 and Fridays from 0730-1230. DLIELC also offers supplementary
language training (SLT) after academic hours. The DLIELC staff in coordination with the
Commander, USAE, will determine the best ESL program to meet the graduation criteria.
Mandatory U.S. Army requirements and the military familiarization training will be scheduled
during non-academic hours and Saturdays.

a. The purpose of the military familiarization training program is to start the transformation
process and prepare Trainees for BCT. The program covers common military subjects and select
BCT tasks; however, emphasis is placed on familiarizing Trainees with the English language
associated with those tasks rather than learning the tasks themselves. Trainees will continuously
receive familiarization and reinforcement training on military customs and courtesies,
identification and wear of the uniform, drill and ceremonies, discipline, Army ethic and values,
Army history, military justice, suicide prevention, equal opportunity (EO), and sexual
harassment/assault response prevention (SHARP).

b. Trainees who enlist under the Foreign Language Recruiting Initiative (FLRI) and graduate
from the ESL program are allowed to remain at DLIELC for an additional two weeks to complete
the Basic Skills Education Program (BSEP) instruction. BSEP is a USAREC managed program
and not the responsibility of DLIELC. USAREC provides the instructor(s) and liaison(s).

(1) DLIELC authorizes the use of facilities and equipment to conduct BSEP so long as it
does not interfere with ELT.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(2) Trainees scheduled for DLIELC’s ESL program for the sole purpose of attending the
BSEP instruction must comply with the established DLIELC’s graduation criteria and timeline
before enrolling in BSEP, regardless of how rapidly they achieve a qualifying ECL test score.

C-6. Physical fitness training

The Commander, USAE, will implement a physical readiness training (PRT) program IAW FM 7-
22, with the goal of preparing Trainees to excel in BCT. Trainees will receive ACFT
familiarization training with emphasis on the English language associated with each event.
Trainees will take an ACFT and their results will be entered into DTMS.

C-7. Three phases of English as a Second Language (ESL) training

The ESL program is modeled after the BCT phases and adapted to the unique environment of
DLIELC. The concept of phasing and associated goals is established to provide the Trainees with
intermediate objectives, which give common direction and serve as milestones. Although time
goals are identified, a Trainee will not move from one phase to another without demonstrating
adequate academic progress. The Commander, 32 MED BDE in coordination with the
Commander, 637 TRG/DLIELC, will determine the level of privileges for Trainees attending the
ESL program to ensure they are conducive to English language learning. Passes authorized during
Phase II and Phase III are intended to build morale, resiliency, and to provide diverse opportunities
for Trainees to practice the English language outside of the classroom with native speakers of
English, and to increase cultural immersion.

a. Phase I: From arrival until the Trainee has completed five weeks of ELT.

(1) Phase I is characterized by the following:

(a) in-processing and initial ECL test for class placement
(b) emphasis on English language skills
(c) total control, strict discipline, constant supervision and daily inspections
(d) all movement in formation
(e) orientation to the military lifestyle
(f) familiarization with PRT and ACFT
(g) no passes are permitted and Trainees are restricted to the company footprint
(h) supplementary language training (SLT)

(2) Goals for Trainees during Phase I include the following:

(a) achieve adequate academic progress IAW paragraph C-4
(b) learn and conform to military standards of conduct
(c) learn to identify and wear the Army uniform

(3) Trainees who pre-qualify on the ECL test for class placement and subsequently achieve a
qualifying ECL test score may be recommended for a DLIELC CT upon completing Phase I,
provided they meet all other graduation criteria, and move to Phase III.1/III.2.

b. Phase II start of the six weeks of training and continues through week 14.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(1) Phase II is characterized by:

(a) monthly ECL testing (ALAMODOME)
(b) continued emphasis on English language skills
(c) gradual release from total control
(d) greater responsibility for themselves and others
(e) military familiarization training program and preparation for BCT
(f) continued familiarization with PRT and ACFT
(g) passes within the DLIELC footprint are authorized
(h) supplementary language training (SLT); SLT becomes mandatory at week 14

(2) Goals for Trainees during Phase II include the following:

(a) no adverse disciplinary actions w/ Book Quiz Average 80 or above
(b) achieve academic progress IAW paragraph C-4
(c) develop self-discipline and team building skills
(d) improve physical fitness knowledge

(3) Trainees who achieve a qualifying ECL test score may be recommended for a DLIELC
Diploma upon completing week 10 or Phase II, provided they meet all other graduation criteria,
and move to Phase III.1/III.2.

(4) At the discretion of the Commander, 637 TRG/DLIELC, Trainees may participate in
DLIELC-sponsored educational activities (on-post or off-post within the San Antonio footprint)
that directly support ELT and cultural immersion. The ELT program covers one book every one to
two weeks, and most books include an associated class activity outside the classroom environment.

(5) Transfers to DLIELC who have already completed BCT Red Phase will start on the ESL
Program’s White Phase.

c. Phase III start of week 15 and continues through week 30 of ELT or until Trainee meets
DLIELC graduation criteria, whichever occurs first. This phase also applies to BSEP (if
applicable) students and shippers.

(1) Phase III is characterized by:

(a) monthly ECL testing (ALAMODOME)
(b) continued emphasis on English language skills
(c) increased release from total control
(d) increased responsibility for themselves and others
(e) military familiarization training program and preparation for BCT
(f) continued familiarization with PRT and ACFT
(g) on-post passes are authorized
(h) mandatory supplementary language training (SLT)
(i) may be considered for a waiver IAW paragraph C-4

(2) The goals for Soldiers during Phase III:

(a) no adverse disciplinary actions, Book Quiz Average of 80, and a pre-qualifying score of
65 or higher
TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(b) achieve academic progress IAW paragraph C-4 or meet DLIELC’s graduation criteria
(c) continue developing self-discipline and team building skills
(d) improve physical fitness knowledge
(e) drill and ceremonies knowledge check
(f) ACFT knowledge check

(3) Trainees who achieve a passing ECL test score or receive a waiver may be recommended
for a DLIELC Diploma or DLIELC CA at any time after week 18, provided they meet all other
graduation criteria, and move to Phase III.1/III.2.

(4) At the discretion of the Commander, 637 TRG/DLIELC, Trainees may participate in
DLIELC-sponsored educational activities (on-post or off-post within the San Antonio footprint)
that directly support ELT and cultural immersion. The ELT program covers one book every one to
two weeks, and most books include an associated class activity outside the classroom environment.

(5) Transfers to DLIELC from AIT will start on the ESL Program’s Blue Phase.

(1) Phase III.1: BSEP. Trainees who enlisted under the FLRI and graduate from the ESL
program will remain at DLIELC for an additional two weeks to complete the BSEP instruction.
Trainees who arrive to DLIELC with an MOS will skip this phase and move to Phase III.2.

(a) Phase III.1 is characterized by the following:

[1] USAREC liaison provides BSEP instruction after the completion of the ESL program
[2] AFCT/ASVAB testing
[3] continued emphasis on English language skills
[4] military familiarization training program and preparation for BCT

(b) Goals for Trainees during Phase III.1 include the following:
[1] attain an AFQT score of 31 or higher on the AFCT/ASVAB
[2] MOS selection dependent upon the Trainee’s qualifications and training seat availability

(2) Phase III.2: Shippers. Trainees that complete the ESL program and/or BSEP (if
applicable) will ship to BCT.

(a) Phase III.2 is characterized by the following:

[1] out-processing
[2] PCS orders and transportation arrangements for designated BCT site

(b) Goal for Trainees during Phase III.2 is to ship to BCT.

C-8. ESL cadre and DSs

Cadre and DSs must demonstrate a high degree of motivation and commitment to assist in the
development of ESL Trainees who can succeed at BCT. All USAE cadre must complete the
appropriate CTC according to Appendix B of this publication. Cadre and DSs must attend a DoD-
approved Cultural Awareness Training Course and meet all physical fitness requirements outlined
in this regulation. Cadre and DSs are expected to do the following:

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(a) provide an environment conducive to learning English

(b) lead by example
(c) insist on high standards, and assist Trainees in meeting those standards
(d) conduct effective counseling on Trainee’s performance using DA Form 4856
(Developmental Counseling Form)
(e) conduct quality reinforcement/remedial training
(f) introduce Trainees to the Army culture, and stress cultural awareness and sensitivity to

C-9. ESL Holiday block leave

The Commander, USAE, will coordinate with the Commander, 637 TRG/DLIELC, for necessary
adjustments to the academic calendar to include HBL. To the maximum extent possible, the ESL
program will adhere to TRADOC’s guidance concerning HBL for IET Trainees. Trainees will be
afforded the opportunity to take HBL, while giving appropriate consideration to the impact on
DLIELC staffing, training, and resources. Ordinary leave is not authorized during any other period
of the ESL program. Paternal leave may be authorized under emergency conditions only.

C-10. Separate and secure

The Commander, USAE, will employ control measures and policies to establish a safe and secure
environment to meet the intent of TR 350-6. If requirements outlined in this regulation cannot be
met, an exception to policy will be submitted through the first major general (08) (or equivalent)
with a mitigation plan and timeline to meet the requirements.

C-11. Executing Agent

The Deputy Commander, 637 TRG/DLIELC (USAE Commander) serves as the executing agent
for DLIELC’s ESL program.

a. The Deputy Commander, 637 TRG/DLIELC coordinates and synchronizes the POI for the
U.S. Air Force-sponsored ELT and the military familiarization training program.

b. To obtain feedback concerning the Trainee’s preparedness for BCT, DLIELC will
disseminate survey materials (questionnaires) to BCT units. DLIELC staff may visit BCT sites to
conduct interviews and gather direct feedback from ESL Trainees and DS/Instructors. Feedback is
used to assess effectiveness of the ESL program and recommend modifications as needed.

C-12. Contact information

For matters related to DLIELC’s ESL program contact dlielc.cce@us.af.mil or 210-671-3540.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Appendix D
Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC)

D-1. 229th MI BN, DLIFLC training priorities

a. The 229th MI BN conducts operations to enable the development of proficient and culturally
competent Soldier-linguists during their tour of duty at DLIFLC. Completion of language
education at DLIFLC awards Soldiers a Skill Qualification Identifier (SQI), not an MOS.

b. Commander, 229th MI BN will prioritize military training to support Soldier and Family
readiness, language education, and leader development. The 229th MI BN will minimize military
training that duplicates the training IET Soldiers receive during BCT and AIT.

D-2. 229th MI BN, DLIFLC phases of training

a. Commander, 229th MI BDE/BN determines the progressive phase criteria for Soldiers in
Phases IV, V, and V+ in accordance with TR 350-6.

b. The MOS 35P IET Soldiers complete Phases I through III at BCT, and complete Phases IV
through V+ at DLIFLC. Phase V+ begins at the completion of Phase V and continues until arrival
at follow-on training or a permanent duty station. Aspects of the phase process are accelerated at
DLIFLC due to the specific requirements of language education not encountered at AIT or OSUT

c. Phase IV and V. During these phases, IET Soldiers receive increased supervision from AIT
DSs. These phases are characterized by the reinforcement of personal responsibility,
accountability, common skills, values, and traditions taught in BCT. The IET Soldiers also receive
introductory instructions on MOS tasks.

d. Phase V+ begins at the completion of Phase V for 35P Soldiers and upon arrival at DLIFLC
for MOS 35M Soldiers who have not been to their first duty station. This phase focuses on
language education and Army resilience tasks in preparation for transitioning Soldiers to the
operational force. Phase V+ Soldiers are afforded most of the privileges and restrictions as
permanent party Soldiers.

e. Only commanders, 1SGs, AIT DSs, and U.S. Army military instructors CTC qualified (or
equivalent) Trainers are authorized and expected to impose corrective action / training on IET
Soldiers. Other instructors must request corrective action through the Soldier’s chain of command
after conducting counseling.

D-3. DLIFLC Phase IV and V restrictions and privileges.

a. Phase IV and V Soldier restrictions and privileges are in accordance with TR 350-6.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

b. Married Soldiers on orders authorizing accompanied assignment to DLIFLC may settle

their families into housing. The Soldier will reside in the barracks until all Phase requirements
are met.

c. Phase V Soldiers may ride in or drive POVs and rental cars.

d. No overnight passes allowed unless approved by the commandant.

e. The use of alcohol products are prohibited. An ETP may be requested by the commandant
or BDE commander, but must be staffed through the first 2-Star General Officer (or equivalent)
in the chain of command to CIMT for approval. The ETP request must include a risk mitigation
plan. No alcohol or tobacco products will be used around phase IV Soldiers.

D-4. DLIFLC Phase V+ restrictions and privileges.

a. At DLIFLC Phase V+ extends up to 70+ weeks of service for students on a normal course

b. Phase V+ Soldiers will be allowed controlled, but extended, off post pass privileges.
Commander, 229th MI BN will establish a leave and pass policy defining travel limits for day
passes and single day travel limits for Soldiers traveling by POV while on pass or official leave
outside the Monterey Peninsula area. Commander, 229th MI BN may authorize ordinary leave.
Only the commandant (O-6 or higher) can authorize overnight passes during non-duty days, and
this authority may be delegated no lower than the lieutenant colonel (O-5) level. All passes will
end no later than 8 hours prior to the next training day

c. Soldiers are required to sleep in the APFU shorts and shirt unless the commander
establishes a policy approving alternate attire.

D-5. Buddy system requirement

a. DLIFLC’s specialized education environment combined with limited and geographically

dispersed support resources requires deviation from the battle buddy system for attendance at
professional/medical services, religious services, and certain academic and testing situations. The
full implementation of the battle buddy system constrains IET Soldiers’ abilities to participate in
religious services and programs because of DLIFLC’s reliance on community providers for low
density faiths and practices. DLIFLC will use ad hoc assignments of battle buddies for periods
when the assigned battle buddies are impractical such as meeting with Medical, Dental, SARC and
Unit Victim Advocates (UVAs) for Sexual Harassment and Assault reporting, Behavioral Health
Services (BHS), Army Substance Abuse Program, and Chaplains for counseling, religious services
and religious education programs.

b. Since DLIFLC language classes are multi-service and all ranks, it is possible that an IET
Soldier may be the only Soldier assigned to a class. Under those conditions, the Soldier may move
between his/her company area, language school, dining facilities, and other routine duty locations

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

during class hours with an ad hoc battle buddy. Soldiers will move with classmates of equivalent
career status from sister services to the extent feasible.

c. IET Soldiers will have a Battle Buddy when speaking to cadre at all times. Battle Buddies are
not required during religious services, medical, or dental appointments. IET Soldiers not residing
in the barracks do not require a Battle Buddy for their commute to and from domicile to duty.
Battle Buddies are not required in and around duty locations (such as, classrooms at DLIFLC)
when they are the only IET Soldiers in the classroom. Phase V+ Soldiers are not required to have a
Battle Buddy after duty hours. Leaders and Soldiers will encourage the use of the Battle Buddy
system as a risk mitigation measure based on the Soldier’s planned activity and feasibility. Phase
IV and V Soldiers will maintain the battle buddy system in accordance with this regulation.

D-6. 229th MI BN, DLIFLC IET fundraising and participation in unit events

a. Trainees in phase V+ status may participate in installation fundraising events and support
Morale Welfare and Recreation (MWR) sponsored activities.

b. Trainees who participate in unit/installation fundraising or MWR events must benefit on the
same basis as permanent-party Soldiers.

c. As an exception to the prohibition in paragraph 2-5d(14) of this regulation, family members

of DLIFLC Trainees may participate in unit SFRGs.

d. Commander, 229th MI BN will ensure that DLIFLC Trainees are not disadvantaged in any
manner as a result of unit/installation fundraising and MWR activities, to include their level (or
lack) of participation in any such activities.

D-7. Separate and secure environment

a. Commander, 229th MI BN will employ control measures and policies to establish a safe and
secure environment to meet the intent of this regulation and in consideration of the available
barracks structures on the Presidio of Monterey. If requirements outlined in this regulation cannot
be met, an exception to policy will be submitted through the first major general (O-8) (or
equivalent) to the CG CIMT with a mitigation plan and timeline to meet the requirements.

b. CTC (or equivalent) trained cadre NCO at the rank of SSG or above will execute the 229th
MI BN Staff Duty. The NCO will serve as the decision-making authority for all issues in the
absence of the battalion commander. CQ will be executed by permanent party cadre NCO and two
same gender student Soldiers on duty as access control guards. (No more than 1-2 hour shifts for
access control guards or CQ runners).

c. Trainees in holdover (not in class) status to perform duties as access control guards in buddy
teams of two same gender Soldiers for 12-hour tours of duty with 24 hours of recovery. If holdover
personnel are not available, the use of access control guards will revert to Soldiers in training
performing access control guards for 1 to 2 hour shifts.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Appendix E
Accelerated AIT Graduation Program

E-1. Accelerated AIT graduation program background

The accelerated AIT graduation program provides the AIT proponents the option to graduate AIT
Soldiers early based on specific individual certifications attained prior to arrival. Approval is
selective and may be withheld at the BDE commander level. The incentive is having an
accelerated graduation.

E-2. Accelerated AIT graduation program objective

The accelerated AIT graduation program objective is to validate MOS specific skill sets and allow
early graduation for those AIT Soldiers with prior individual certifications. Due to instances of
facility and personnel constraints, additional time may be required to offer this program. These
situations are the exception, and not the rule. Accelerated AIT graduation is annotated on
appropriate ITR forwarded to the first unit of assignment. Commandants can approve up to five
days accelerated graduation in coordination with TOMA. Any accelerated AIT graduation of more
than five days must be approved by CIMT. Requests must be submitted in memorandum format.
See figure E-1, for an early graduation request example.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Figure E-1. Early graduation request example

Appendix F

F-1. Training records

Training records provide gaining company commanders with an official record of the Soldier's
completed training and serve as objective departure points for unit training. An IET Soldier
training record packet will contain the following content:

a. ITR from DTMS for every Soldier attending IET. The Soldier's assigned company will
initiate and maintain their digital ITR utilizing DTMS. Units must document the completion of

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

training requirements in all IET. This form streamlines the information required, and provides a
standardized reporting format for all IET sites.

b. DA Form 1059 for enlisted personnel attending MOS producing courses to reclassify or
reenlist into another MOS or prior service personnel enlisting, upon completion of course
regardless of course length.

F-2. Management of training records

a. TRADOC service schools and major subordinate commands must ensure that out processing
is in accordance with AR 612-201. Losing units will ensure completed training forms are given to
each Soldier to hand carry to their next training site or first unit of assignment. Soldiers will not
depart IET without training records. Commanders must instill in Soldiers the importance of safely
hand carrying these records to their next duty station.

b. Due to the increasing problem of identity theft, commanders must ensure critical personal
identifiable information is not included on the outside of the records packet envelope. Mark
packets to identify the content's owner, but do not place complete names and social security
numbers on the outside.

c. Training records (hardcopy or electronic) created and/or received in the course of doing
Army business will be maintained in accordance with AR 25-400-2. Record numbers and retention
instructions cited within this publication are to be verified with the most current Records Retention

F-3. DA Form 1594

Record category Field Organizations, record number 220-15a2, record title daily journal, staff
journal, and tactical operations center logs - Mobilization Other offices and TOE units and
Peacetime, record description information reflecting a chronological record of events affecting a
headquarters, or an organization during a given period of time. Included are journals, logs, and
information necessary to support entries thereon, such as copies of orders, periodic reports of a unit
and its subordinate, higher, or lateral units when applicable; personnel reports; and ammunition
expenditure charts, other statistical data, and similar information. Excluded are routine duty
reports, which are identified under record number 220-45b, maintain records in CFA until record is
5 years old, then destroy.

Note. DA Forms 1594 identified as evidence in an alleged incident for investigative purposes will
become a part of the investigative file to which they pertain and will have the same disposition as
the criminal, military police, or administrative investigation report files.

F-4. Digital Surveillance Camera (DSC) records

DSC records will be maintained in accordance with the ARIMS Records Retention Schedule-
Army under record number 190-13q. Record category Military Police, record number 190-13q,
record title TRADOC Digital Surveillance Camera (TRADOC DSC) Master File, record
description system contains videos of initial entry training areas.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Note. Video identified as evidence in an alleged incident for investigative purposes will become a
part of the investigative file to which they pertain and will have the same disposition as the
criminal, military police, or administrative investigation report files. Maintain records for 6
months, then delete.

F-5. Permanent records

POIs (record number 351c1) and test development (record number 350-1m1) records are
permanent records and will be uploaded to the ARIMS Army Electronic Archive

Appendix G
Fitness Training Unit (FTU)

G-1. FTU functional responsibilities

a. CG, CIMT (ATMT) establishes policy concerning FTU operations.

b. CG, CIMT (ATMT-OP) is the functional proponent for RECBN functions and is responsible
for providing the necessary resources to successfully accomplish the reception process at all ATCs.

c. TRADOC DCS, G-8 (ATRM-ZA) performs the application of the RECBN manpower
staffing standards annually, in coordination with installations’ director of resource management, to
validate manpower resources for FTUs. FTUs are defined within these standards under separate
manpower tables.

d. ATC commanders will:

(1) Ensure adequate resources are provided for FTU operations, including personnel,
equipment, and facilities. Training funds for FTU workload are based on historical student load
data contained in ATRRS.

(2) Develop cadre training programs that will ensure FTU cadre are properly trained and
motivated to perform FTU duties.

G-2. FTU mission and objectives

a. The mission of the FTU is to physically, mentally, and psychologically prepare

Trainees/Soldiers to return to training after successful rehabilitation and/or reconditioning. This
includes all aspects of medical non-training Trainees/Soldiers, sick in quarters, Soldiers taking
convalescent leave prior to entering the RHU, Soldiers/Trainees undergoing medical boards etc.

b. The FTU Commander must ensure the environment supports the objectives of the program.
In order do so, commanders will ensure the following:

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(1) FTU Trainees/Soldiers will have access to a standard running track, pull-up bars,
strength training machines, and endurance training machines (ETMs), (treadmills, stationary
bicycles, step machines, upper extremity ergometers, rowers or elliptical trainers).

(2) FTU Trainees/Soldiers have priority use of equipment, gyms, and pools at installation
gyms to allow for variety in training.

(3) Classroom instruction will address educational needs in the area of physical fitness,
mental skill training, and nutrition, with additional focus on IET subjects.

c. Cadre selected for the FTU must be master fitness qualified and/or demonstrate a high degree
of motivation and commitment to assist and develop Trainees/Soldiers to succeed in IET. It is
essential that the Trainee/Soldier receive a positive image of the Army when entering the FTU.
DSs assigned to FTUs will:

(1) Have at least 12 months left on station.

(2) Complete the ACFT.

(3) Not be flagged; have adverse administrative actions pending or completed while
assigned to previous unit.

(4) Not have personal issues (for example, extensive medical appointments, finance issues,
or pregnancy) that could distract them from their duties.

G-3. Minimum required equipment

a. At a minimum, all FTUs require the following equipment to meet mission requirements.

(1) Dumbbells: In weights from 2.2 kilograms (5 lbs) to 100lbs in the following amounts:

(a) 2 sets of pairs of weights from 2.2 kilograms to 13.6 kilograms (5-30 lbs) in 2.2kilogram
(5 lbs). increments.

(b) 1 set of pairs of weights from 15.8-45.3 kilograms (35-100lbs) in 2.2-kilogram (5 lbs.)

(2) Kettle bells

(a) 6 each 22.6 kilograms (50 lbs.) weights.

(b) 24 each 18.1 kilograms (40 lbs.) weights.

(c) 24 each 13.6 kilograms (30 lbs.) weights.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(d) 24 each 11.3 kilograms (25 lbs.) weights.

(e) 24 each 9.0 kilograms (20 lbs.) weights.

(f) 36 each 6.8 kilograms (15 lbs.) weights.

(g) 30 each 4.5 kilograms (10 lbs.) weights.

(3) ETMs: 6 each treadmills, 6 each elliptical machines, and 6 each stationary bicycles and
weight-storage rack.

(4) 2 each stationary flat bench with associated weights and weight bar and weight storage

(5) 1 each incline bench with associated weights and weight bar and storage rack.

(6) 2 each squat rack with associated weights and weight bar and storage rack.

(7) 3 each stand-alone benches (can be moved around gym or outside).

(8) 1 each cable/pulley system with pull-up bar option.

(9) All equipment to best equip the FTU cadre to conduct the ACFT with a large number of
Trainees/Soldiers including but not limited to a megaphone, large digital timer, cones, sit-up mats,
clipboards, stopwatches, tally counters, and different-colored pinnies/vests with numbers.

b. If the appropriate space and unit funds permit, then FTUs are authorized the following to
enhance mission requirements.

(1) Equipment necessary to perform the strength training machine drill (see FM 7-22).

(2) Additional ETMs including additional treadmills, elliptical machines and stationary
bicycles as well as upper extremity ergometers, stair steppers, and rowers.

(3) Equipment for soft tissue mobilization, compression, stretching and joint mobilization to
aid in active recovery, injury prevention, and the Trainees/Soldiers’ prescribed exercise programs.

(4) Educational resources (such as, books, posters, and training digital video disks) to keep
the FTU cadre up to date with changes in the exercise science field.

c. Equipment may be utilized in an appropriate space as designated by the FTU commander, to

include barracks space, and may be granted an exemption from post fitness center/gymnasium

G-4. Warrior Training Rehabilitation Program

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

a. The WTRP is an element of the FTU. Its mission is to rehabilitate and return IET
Trainees/Soldiers to duty who become injured during training. It provides an environment to allow
for proper healing and recovery. ATCs will establish WTRPs using the guidelines below.

b. Procedures for assignment/attachment to the WTRP.

(1) The FTU Commander is the approval authority for enrollment into WTRP, but the first
colonel (O-6) in the chain of command has override authority.

(2) Only a Brigade Surgeon or designated physical or occupational therapist will recommend
Trainees/Soldiers for admittance into the WTRP, when the Trainee/Soldier:

(a) Was injured in training.

(b) Sustained an injury severe enough to remove the Trainee/Soldier from current training to
allow for proper healing (for example, a stress fracture).

(c) Is recovering from a traumatic injury or surgery with a reasonable likelihood of returning
to training within six months. Such recommendations should be made in accordance with the
clinical practice guidelines for WTRP in accordance with AR 612-201.

(d) Is not pending or undergoing treatment for a mental health condition.

(e) Is not pending UCMJ actions. Trainees that are pending medical boards or are on
convalescent leave are assigned to the WTRP.

(f) Is not presently in a cast that prevents the ability to participate in rehabilitation.

(g) Is motivated to continue in the service and complete training.

(h) ARNG/USAR STO 1 Soldiers must have mandatory return dates that allow sufficient
time to finish healing and complete BCT. If the RC LNO cannot get the mandatory return date
extended, or the Soldier will not extend the mandatory return date, the Soldier is not accepted into
the FTU and is processed in coordination with the RC LNO.

(3) The BDE Surgeon, physical therapist or occupational therapist will annotate the
recommendations to assign/attach Trainees/Soldiers to the FTU on a DA Form 3349 via e-Profile
system. This document will be provided to the Trainee/Soldier's Commander for inclusion in the
WTRP packet.

(4) Training unit cadre will counsel Trainees/Soldiers concerning the recommendation. The
units will prepare packets in accordance with subparagraph c below recommending WTRP and
submit the packets.

(5) Trainees/Soldiers will be transferred to the WTRP no later than one day of the unit
receiving the WTRP recommendation.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

c. Entrance guidelines.

(1) Trainee’s/Soldier’s assignment/attachment to WTRP, the losing unit transports the

Trainee/Soldier to the FTU.

(2) In-processing requirements will be standardized at each installation. The in-processing

packet may include, but is not limited to the following documents:

(a) Trainee/Soldier is transferred in ATRRS using the FTU student UIC and placed into a

(b) Current DA Form 3349 in e-Profile system with recommendation to WTRP, along with
signature from a physical or occupational therapist.

(c) Counseling statements from company commander or 1SG, and ARNG/USAR liaison (if
applicable) recommending WTRP, as well as training phase counseling. The ITR in the DTMS
system will be updated by the losing unit and verified by the FTU gaining unit.

(d) LOD investigation and DA Form 2173 (if applicable).

(e) DA Form 3078 (Personal Clothing Request) record with all items listed, and personal

(f) CIF issue/turn-in sheet and inventory.

(g) Dental and medical records.

(h) Identification card, tags, military glasses, and smart book.

(i) Transfer the Soldiers training records using ITR or DTMS.

(j) DA Form 3955 (Change of Address and Directory Card) turned into losing unit’s

d. During WTRP assignment/attachment.

(1) At a minimum, FTU cadre will assess their Trainees/Soldiers’ progress and motivation to
stay in the Army every 30 days.

(2) The RECBN commander is authorized flexibility in using convalescent leave, phase
privileges, and MWR activities to maintain the motivation and enthusiasm of WTRP

(3) In accordance with AR 612-201, the RECBN commander is authorized to extend a

Trainee/Soldier past the rehabilitation period if there is a reasonable expectation that the
Trainee/Soldier will successfully return to training with additional time. This decision will be

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

made in conjunction with the physical or occupational therapist and other healthcare personnel as

e. Conduct of WTRP.

(1) DSs conduct the Trainee/Soldier’s rehabilitative program based on guidance from the
physical therapist and in accordance with FM 7-22, chapter 12 (Rehabilitation and Reconditioning
Program), ATP 7-22.02, and APRT.

(2) Leader to lead ratio (DS to Trainee ratio of 1:15).

(3) RECBN commander ensures WTRP cadre address Trainee/Soldier motivation and esprit
de corps. Trainees/Soldiers who are removed from training for rehabilitation are especially subject
to discouragement. Consider input and assistance from the following agencies:

(a) Behavioral health service (such as stress management).

(b) MWR office.

(c) Chaplain's office.

(d) Education center.

(e) Ready and Resilient (R2) Performance Center.

(f) Army Community Services (ACS).

f. Exit Procedures

(1) Once a Trainee/Soldier is cleared by BDE surgeon or physical/occupational therapist to

RTD, it will be reflected on the DD Form 689 or DA Form 3349.

(2) Each rehabilitated Trainee/Soldier will conduct the six event ACFT without showing
signs or symptoms of injury.

(3) Each Trainee/Soldier will also be able to road/ruck march at least one mile carrying one-
third body weight at 5 kilometers per hour without showing signs or symptoms of injury.

(4) After meeting all exit criteria, the Trainee/Soldier must be returned to training in BCT,
AIT, or the first duty station within no more than 14 days.

G-5. Army Combat Fitness Test-Improvement (ACFT-I) Program

a. The ACFT-I is an element of the FTU. Its mission is to physically retrain IET
Trainees/Soldiers who have failed to complete the ACFT. It provides an environment in which a
Trainee/Soldier can focus on physical fitness improvement utilizing a variety of exercise protocols
in accordance with FM 7-22.
TRADOC Regulation 350-6

b. Procedures for assignment/attachment to ACFT-I.

(1) The FTU Commander has final approval authority for enrollment into ACFT-I.

(2) Trainees/Soldiers who meet the following criteria may be admitted into the ACFT-I:

(a) Failed to complete the ACFT, and are not physically prepared to transition to AIT. The
FTU Commander may authorize an ACFT upon arrival to the FTU.

(b) Do not have any type of physical profile.

(c) Are not pending or undergoing treatment for a mental health condition.

(d) Are not pending UCMJ action or administrative separation.

(3) Training unit cadre will counsel Trainees/Soldiers concerning the recommendation for
admission into ACFT-I. The units will prepare packets using below information.

(4) Trainees/Soldiers will be transferred to the ACFT-I within 14 days of their last failed

c. Entrance guidelines:

(1) The losing unit transports the Trainee/Soldier to the FTU.

(2) In-processing requirements will be standardized at each installation and codified in a

supplement (See TR 350-6. example from Fort Sill Supplement 1 to TR 350-6). The in-processing
packet may include, but is not limited to the following documents:

(a) The Soldier/Trainee will be transferred to the FTU in ATRRS using the student UIC and
placed into a class. The FTU class is a 4-week ATRRS course.

(b) Counseling statements from company Commander or 1SG, and ARNG/USAR liaison
recommending ACFT-I as well as training phase counseling.

(c) LOD investigation and DA Form 2173 (ARNG, USAR and active duty).

(d) Enlisted Records Brief.

(e) DA Form 3078 record with all items listed, and personal items.

(f) CIF issue/turn-in sheet and inventory.

(g) Dental and medical records.

(h) Identification card, tags, military glasses, and smart book.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(i) Training records: Transfer the Trainees/Soldiers training records using ITR or Digital
Training Management System.

(j) DA Form 3955 mail card turned into losing unit’s mailroom.

(k) DA Form 705-TEST (Army Combat Fitness Test Scorecard).

(l) Trainee/Soldier’s statement expressing strong motivation to train and pass the ACFT.

(m) Trainees/Soldiers must undergo an injury screen and medical history review with a
medical provider or the BCT unit athletic trainer.

(n) LOD investigation and DA Form 2173 if necessary (ARNG, USAR and active duty).

d. During ACFT-I assignment/attachment.

(1) Trainees/Soldiers will have up to four weeks to successfully achieve the BCT and AIT
ACFT graduation standard.

(2) Trainees/Soldiers who complete/achieve the ACFT will be returned to the BCT
Company that is entering the FORGE or graduating if the Trainee already completed the FORGE.
The Soldier/Trainee will be transferred in ATRRS and the ITR in DTMS will reflect the score of
the PRT. The Trainee/Soldier will not be given another ACFT by the gaining BCT or AIT unit
since the Trainee/Soldier has met the ACFT-I requirement.

(3) Trainees/Soldiers who receive a physical profile during their assignment/attachment to

ACFT-I will remain in the FTU for medical rehabilitation or transfer to the RHU for administrative

(4) Trainees/Soldiers who refuse to train, or fail to demonstrate significant progress on the
ACFT will be removed from the program and sent to the RHU for discharge.

(5) RECBN commanders are authorized to grant an additional week of training in the
ACFT-I if they determine that the Trainee/Soldier may be successful with the additional time.

(6) RECBN commanders are authorized flexibility in using convalescent leave, phase
privileges, and MWR activities to maintain the motivation and enthusiasm of ACFT-I

e. Conduct of ACFT-I.

(1) DSs conduct ACFT-I program in accordance with FM 7-22, APRT.

(2) Leader to led ratio: DS to Trainee ratio of 1:15.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

G-6. Authorized participants

Assignment/attachment of IET Trainees/Soldiers to the FTU is authorized. For assignment, ensure
FTU input and graduation data is posted into ATRRS in accordance with AR 350-10. Obtain
assistance for ATRRS from Installation USAG Student Troop processing personnel.

Appendix H
Medical Support

H-1. Medical support requirements

Commanders will ensure medical support requirements are addressed in the planning, preparation,
and execution of all training activities. Medical support training provides emergency medical
service in accordance with AR 40-3 and AR 420-1. See table H-1 for high-risk training support

Table H-1.
Medical support matrix to high-risk training
Training Potential injury Equipment Overall event
Situational training Blunt trauma Treatment as required CLS
exercise/ field Crush injury Bandages/splints/fluids CLS
training exercise Extremity trauma Bandages/splints/fluids CLS CLS
Lacerations Bandages/fluids CLS NSE
Environmental Cooling/warming/fluids CLS
Smoke inhalation Removal BA5
Burn Fluids Medic

Hand grenades Blunt trauma Treatment as required CLS

Penetrating trauma Bandages/fluids CLS
Extremity trauma Bandages/splints/fluids CLS
Lacerations Bandages/fluids CLS
Spine injury Immobilization/transport Medic Medic
Eye injury Protection CLS Ambulance
Burn Fluids Medic
Multiple injured Medic

Training Potential injury Equipment Overall event
Live fire &
maneuver Blunt trauma Treatment as required CLS
Penetrating trauma Bandages/fluids CLS
Extremity trauma Bandages/splints/fluids CLS
Lacerations Bandages/fluids CLS
Spine injury Immobilization/transport Medic Ambulance
Burn Fluids Medic
Multiple injured Medic

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Table H-1.
Medical support matrix to high-risk training (cont.)

Rappelling - tower Blunt trauma Treatment as required CLS

Crush injured Bandages/splints/fluids CLS
Extremity trauma Bandages/splints/fluids CLS CLS
Lacerations Bandages/fluids CLS NSE Ambulance
Head injury Transport CLS
Spine injury Immobilization/transport Medic
Friction burn Bandages BA
Training Potential injury Equipment personnel Overall event
Day land navigation injury Cooling/warming/fluids CLS
Extremity trauma Bandages/splints/fluids CLS CLS
Head injury Transport CLS NSE
Spine injury Immobilization/transport Medic
Training Potential injury Equipment personnel Overall event
Night land Environmental
navigation injury Cooling/warming/fluids CLS
Extremity trauma Bandages/splints/fluids CLS CLS
Head injury Transport CLS NSE
Spine injury Immobilization/transport Medic
Eye injury Protection BA

Road marches injury Cooling/warming/fluids CLS CLS

biological, Inhalation Removal BA
radiological, and
nuclear training Environmental CLS
injury Cooling/warming/fluids CLS NSE

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Table H-1.
Medical support matrix to high-risk training (cont.)
Obstacle/confidence Head injury Transport CLS
course Spine injury Immobilization/transport Medic
injury Cooling/warming/fluids CLS CLS
Near drowning CPR CLS + CPR NSE
Extremity trauma Bandages/splints/fluids CLS
Lacerations Bandages/fluids CLS
Blunt trauma Treatment as required CLS

Combatives Penetrating trauma Bandages/fluids CLS

Extremity trauma Bandages/splints/fluids CLS
Lacerations Bandages/fluids CLS CLS
Head injury Transport CLS NSE
Spine injury Immobilization/transport Medic
Eye injury Protection BA

1. Evacuation plan includes familiarity and possible coordination prior to the training event with local
emergency medical services, in order to ensure timely evacuation of injured Soldiers to the appropriate
level medical facility for the type injury. See AR 40-3 for requirements.
2. See AR 40-68, for qualifications of the healthcare specialist, MOS 68W (medic).
3. CLSs may administer oral fluids only; if intravenous fluids are needed, they must be administered by
emergency medical services personnel or medics; CLSs are no longer trained to administer IV fluids.
4. See AR 350-1, for qualifications of the combat lifesaver (CLS).
5. See FM 4-25.11, for discussion on buddy aid.
6. See ATP 4-02.2, for discussion on nonstandard evacuation vehicles (NSE).
7. Army diving medical technician (additional skill identifier Q5) or equivalent sister Service technician.
8. See DA Pamphlet 385-90, for discussion on fire and ambulance station personnel.

H-2. Levels of medical support

a. The level of medical support to training is determined by the commander in accordance with
local policies, training support package, and risk assessment. Considerations include, but are not
limited to:

(1) Risk of injury (including hot- and cold-weather injury).

(2) Level of onsite medical personnel required (combat lifesaver or medic (68W)).

(3) Level of transport required (dedicated nonmedical vehicle, ground ambulance).

(4) Communications (with parent unit, range control, emergency medical service).

(5) Length and condition of evacuation route.

(6) Location of the Soldier (for example, land navigation or convoy route).

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

b. In accordance with AR 40-3, the emergency medical service goal at training establishments
is for the injured personnel to arrive at an emergency medical service facility within one hour of
the incident. Planning must take into consideration evacuation distances in an effort to meet this

H-3. Sick call

a. Inform Trainees/Soldiers of unit garrison sick call procedures upon arrival in their training
units. Conspicuously post key information on sick call and emergency medical/dental procedures.
Instruct Trainees/Soldiers on the need to seek prompt medical attention, regardless of interruptions
in their training. During FTXs, field care and medical inspections at pre-coordinated times will
replace sick call procedures.

b. MTFs will use approved forms to document Trainees/Soldiers’ medical problems, treatment
received, and prescribed courses of action/treatment.

(1) The commander or authorized representative issues DD Form 689.

(a) Ensure compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, by
limiting pre-sick call questioning to information needed to complete the top portion of the sick slip in
accordance with AR 40-66 (Medical Record Administration and Health Care Documentation). Units
can and should inquire as to the severity of the illness or injury to determine if the Trainee/Soldier
can move on foot to sick call with another Trainee/Soldier, or whether transportation is required.
Provide for Trainees/Soldiers’ privacy when they complete the personal information and remarks
sections stating the reason why they want to go on sick call. Disclosure of information on the
completed sick slip or physical profile is limited to the commander and other persons the
commander designates to receive protected health information.

(b) Soldiers’ medications will be managed as follows:

• Trainees/Soldiers will retain possession and manage all of their authorized medications
unless they have previously demonstrated a lack of necessary responsibility, or
commanders have received instructions from healthcare providers recommending
medication precautions. Trainees/Soldiers whom commanders determine lack the
necessary responsibility shall be counseled on a DA Form 4856 as to the reason for the
determination. DA Form 3349 or DD Form 689 will be used by medical official to
document inability to maintain medications.

• For Trainees/Soldiers who have been command-referred for behavioral health conditions
(for example, demonstrating thoughts or intent of self-harm or harm to others, or other
concerning behaviors), commanders should follow the precautions recommended by
behavioral health. If recommendations include removing medications from a Soldier’s
possession, medications should be turned in to a central location and the Soldier will take
doses under supervision. For medications held by the unit, commanders must establish a
local policy for the security of the medications, especially in cases of controlled

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

substances, and permit for the Soldier to handle the prescription bottle and dispense the
medication himself or herself.

(c) Medication will be stored in a double-locked area whose sole purpose is intended for the
distribution of such medication. Coordination must be made with the local medical treatment
facility for proper disposal of unused and expired medication.

(d) Commanders and other permanent party personnel must be aware of restricted/
confidential reporting option available to Soldiers in accordance with AR 600-20 for sexual assault
prevention and response (SAPR)/SHARP) reporting. When collecting pre-sick call information
from Soldiers, the SAPR/SHARP program limits the extent of this questioning and protects the
type of information the Soldier chooses to divulge. See AR 600-20 for details on the commander’s
responsibility for assuring privacy and providing confidential disclosure options for Soldiers
through restricted reporting. Failure to adhere to this policy could subject the individual found to
have violated the SAPR/SHARP policy to disciplinary action

(2) DA Form 3349 is used to record profiles in excess of 7 days in duration. Temporary
profiles written on DA Form 3349 will not exceed three months in duration, except in specific
circumstances in accordance with AR 40-501.

(3) In cases of accident or injury, the company commander or 1SG uses DD Form 689. For
NG/USAR Trainees/Soldiers, a DA Form 2173 will also be initiated. Units will ensure that all
individuals injured during training or mission sustainment report to troop medical facilities with a
completed DD Form 689. The supervisor (military or DA Civilian) completes the top portion of
this form and gives it to the injured person (or medical personnel if the individual is incapacitated).
The form is taken to the MTF and given to the medical officer or attendant performing medical

H-4. Supervised quarters

a. Commanders will establish policies and procedures, in coordination with the garrison
commander and the commander of the local MTF, to house and monitor Soldiers with
communicable respiratory illnesses or other illnesses.

b. Options for supervised quarters include:

(1) Admission to a hospital ward.

(2) Placement in designated barracks space.

c. Policies should include the following:

(1) Criteria for placement in supervised quarters.

(2) Regular supervision by an assigned permanent party cadre member.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(3) Enforced nourishment, hydration, hygiene, and sleep/rest.

(4) Reporting procedures for lack of improvement and worsening condition.

(5) Criteria for release from supervised quarters.

H-5. Disposition of Soldiers with injuries or illnesses that prevent continued training

a. Report IET Trainees/Soldiers who miss three or more consecutive full days of training, due
to illness or injury, in ATRRS as a medical hold reason code. Trainees/Soldiers will remain coded
as "medical holdovers" until they have recovered from their illness/injury, or for as long as they
remain on a profile. Once the profile has expired, and the Trainee/Soldier resumes training, remove
the medical hold code in ATRRS.

b. Do not ship graduates of BCT on temporary profiles to their AIT units.

(1) Competent medical authorities should evaluate all prospective graduating IET Soldiers
with significant injuries or other conditions that occurred in training and did not EPTS. The
purpose of the evaluation is to determine whether the Soldier needs appropriate treatment and
rehabilitation prior to transfer or REFRAD, or has a favorable prognosis for recovery, and will be
capable of training/deploying in the future. Medical hold codes are required in ATRRS whenever a
Trainee is placed on a profile that is longer than 7 days in duration. There are two U.S. Army
accepted physical profile formats: the DD Form 689 and DA Form 3349. The DA Form 3349
consolidates current profiles, both temporary and permanent, onto a single report available to
commanders through the Medical Operation Data System (MODS), or through the Commander
Portal. Commanders are encouraged to use the Commanders Portal to interact directly with the
profiling officer as appropriate.

(2) Commanders in need of definitive medical advice regarding an injured Soldier should
formally request a medical review in accordance with AR 40-501 and/or AR 600-20.

(3) Medical professionals and commanders should assess injured Soldiers based on the
physical capacity and stamina required for continued training, the expectations of their deployed
MOSs, and the Soldier’s ability to fight and survive in combat.

(a) Medical professionals should advise commanders when a Soldier is determined to not
meet the minimum requirements as described in paragraph H-5b and H-5c. The advice should
clearly articulate whether the Soldier has received adequate treatment and rehabilitation or should
be medically separated from the Army. Medical professionals will document physical status on the
DA Form 3349. Commanders will instruct medical holdover status for Soldiers with a DA Form
3349 to remain on active duty status until the Soldier has been declared fit for further training/PCS,
or until they are medically separated from the Army.

(b) For injured ARNG/USAR Soldiers, medical authorities and unit leaders complete LOD
investigations pertaining to the circumstances surrounding the injury. The LOD paperwork should
be completed as soon as possible after the Soldier's injury is evaluated by medical professionals

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

and completion of the LOD (DA Form 2173 and all other supporting documents) is required prior
to the transfer or REFRAD of the injured Soldier. BDE commanders can approve exceptions to the
LOD requirement for departure on a case-by-case situation.

(c) Company commanders should ensure early notification and participation of installation
ARNG/USAR liaisons when determining the disposition of moderate to severely injured
ARNG/USAR Soldiers. ARNG/USAR liaisons should individually counsel Soldiers on the process
and procedures pertinent to the Soldier's situation.

(d) Company commanders should advise injured ARNG/USAR Soldiers of the following
options when the Soldier is moderately-to-severely injured and cannot continue training or be
expected to permanently change station:

• Remain on active duty in a medical holdover status during their recovery and
rehabilitation period to include implementation of the active duty medical extension
program, when applicable.

(e) Company commanders, ARNG/USAR liaisons, and medical personnel should closely
coordinate the disposition of injured ARNG/USAR Soldiers who are unable to continue training or
deploy. Key milestones include: timely completion of LOD paperwork; placement of the Soldier
into a medical holdover training status; ensuring the existence of a credible clinical recovery and
rehabilitation plan; coordinating the return of inactive Soldiers to their home unit/state with an
authorization for care; establishment of a reasonable timeline for allowing IET graduation versus
initiating a MEB/physical evaluation board for the injured Soldier; verification of LOD completion
prior to transfer/REFRAD of affected Soldier; final liaison counseling prior to the Soldier’s
departure to their parent unit/state.

(4) Medical authorities determine when a Soldier has received adequate recovery and
rehabilitation but is not expected to be able to continue training or deploy. In these cases, Soldiers
will be evaluated by an MEB as defined in AR 40–400, and will be referred to a physical
evaluation board as defined in AR 635–40. Administrative medical separation is rarely appropriate
for Soldiers injured during training.

(5) The U.S. Army Medical Command standard for completing a MEB is 90 days (for
example, the time allowed for issuing a permanent profile to the affected Soldier, completing MEB
paperwork, and forwarding the MEB to the physical evaluation board).

(6) Trainees/Soldiers being medically separated should not be required to participate in

rigorous training due to the potential for aggravating injuries.

(7) Soldiers who have completed graduation requirements, recovered fully from their
injuries, and declared to be medically fit by medical authorities for continued training and
deployment, should be allowed to graduate and continue their Army careers (assuming no other
legal or administrative issues exist that would preclude this).

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

c. AIT Soldiers who are injured and receive permanent profiles prior to graduation, are
evaluated to determine if they are fit for retention. Soldiers, determined fit for retention, are
evaluated against minimum requirements for their MOSs in physical, upper, lower, hearing, eyes,
psychiatric (PULHES). Initial entry Soldiers meeting MOS minimums will continue training in
accordance with their profile. Adjutants or ARNG/USAR LNO will contact the appropriate
command to negotiate a new MOS for Soldiers failing to meet PULHES minimums. Soldiers
determined not fit for retention are separated.

H-6. Medical and dental readiness

A Soldier’s medical and dental readiness begins with medical in-processing at the RECBN and
continues through the course of IMT to out-processing. Commanders at all levels should designate
personnel to obtain access to the Medical Operational Data System (MODS) to track individual
medical readiness (IMR). This is a TRADOC-wide requirement; see TP 220-1 for instructions on
obtaining read-access and navigating MEDPROS and the electronic profile (e-Profile) for the
purpose of maintaining IMR for Trainees and permanent party Soldiers.

a. Medical readiness. Medical in-processing tasks are delineated in para H-7 below. These are
accomplished by supporting MTF personnel, and checked for completion by RECBN leadership,
consistent with medical readiness responsibilities for the Army in general. In addition, through the
course of IET, commanders at all levels are responsible for monitoring their Trainees’ IMR status,
with particular attention to the following; see AR 612-201 and TP 220-1.

(1) Dental readiness category.

(2) Immunizations, especially for second doses of measles and rubella, varicella and
hepatitis B and influenza (during flu season).

Note. Soldiers who receive booster immunizations for measles and rubella, varicella, and hepatitis
B are not eligible to donate blood for four weeks following the immunizations:

(3) Validate and reconcile medical readiness (MR) classifications 3 (not medically ready)
with the supporting MTF.

(4) Commanders will ensure that all trainees have accurate MEDPROS.

b. Dental readiness.

(1) As a condition of shipping to the first unit of assignment, at least 95 percent of Soldiers
will be classified in dental readiness classification (DRC) 1 or 2, in accordance with AR 40-35.
TRADOC, and U.S. Army Medical Command will coordinate to ensure dental services are
provided to enlisted and officer Soldiers in training and cadets within the Army Dental Care
System with the goal of achieving an overall dental readiness rate of 95 percent upon graduation
from AIT, OSUT, BOLC, or U.S. Military Academy.

(2) Dental personnel may identify Trainees/Soldiers in need of extensive repairs during
RECBN processing. The commander of the supporting Dental Activity (DENTAC) can advise one

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

week of hold-under for the Trainee/Soldier to begin dental treatment, and allow time for healing in
anticipation of later treatment.

(3) Unit leaders must closely manage their DRC 3 Soldiers' participation in training to
facilitate necessary visits to the dental clinic.

(4) BN commanders may hold DRC 3 Soldiers for up to two weeks post-graduation to allow
for more extensive dental treatment or to ensure attainment of DRC 1 or 2. Decisions to hold
Soldiers longer than two weeks must be made by the BDE commander.

(5) Dental personnel may determine that a Trainee/Soldier requires extraction of third
molars (“wisdom teeth”) while in IET, particularly in AIT. This determination is made on the
likelihood of near-future risk for infection or impaction. The procedure typically is coordinated
with the training leadership for best opportunity in the academic schedule, and includes 48-72
hours of quarter’s status and pain-relieving medication.

H-7. Reporting IET Soldier strength for medical surveillance

TRADOC maintains an active surveillance of overuse injuries and communicable illnesses in IET.
TRADOC service schools and major subordinate commands shall accurately report unit IET
Trainee/Soldier strength. The standards for reporting are as follows:

a. For communicable illness surveillance, TRADOC service schools and major subordinate
commands will ensure the local MTF receives all weekly training BDE IET Trainee/Soldier
strength reports by close of business each Monday for the previous week. Reports will reflect
Trainee/Soldier strength as of the Saturday preceding the Monday. If Monday is a holiday, the
MTF will receive those reports by close of business Tuesday.

b. For overuse injury surveillance, ATSC (ATIC-DCO), Building 1726, Fort Eustis, Virginia
23604-5166 will forward monthly RECBN shipping rosters, received from the five ATCs, to the
U.S. Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center (commercial 301-319-3240), by close of business
of the 3rd working day after the end of the month.

H-8. Prevention of environmental injuries

a. Commanders will ensure Trainees/Soldiers maintain and use earplugs or other authorized
hearing protection, mouth guard, hand sanitizing gel, insect repellent, sunblock, foot powder, and
lip balm. Commanders will ensure these items are replaced if lost or depleted.

b. Trainees/Soldiers will fit and wear their mouth guards throughout engagement in physical
performance of the following activities:

(1) Confidence obstacle course.

(2) Modern Army combatives.

(3) Rifle bayonet training, including pugil fighting.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

c. Soap and water is always the preferred method for washing hands; however, sanitizing gel is
available in garrison and in the field for after use when applicable when soap and water is not

H-9. Prevention of heat and cold casualties

a. Senior commanders will develop and implement detailed programs for prevention of heat and
cold casualties see TR 350-29. Commanders should coordinate with the local MEDDAC
preventive medicine service for assistance in developing their programs. The TRADOC Surgeon
will publish hot weather guidance no later than 1 Jan and cold weather guidance no later than 1
Aug of each year.

b. Additional guidance specific to IET for preventing heat illness includes the following:

(1) Utilize a heat acclimatization period of two to three weeks at the beginning of all training
cycles. Acclimatization periods will consist of heat exposure and progressive increases in physical
work for new Trainees/Soldiers. All Trainees/Soldiers and cadre will receive a mandatory briefing
on prevention of heat/cold casualties. Special emphasis for heat illness prevention is most critical
between June and October.

(2) Establish a notification system to ensure that all cadre members know the current wet
bulb globe thermometer (WBGT) indexes and wind chill factors at their training location (not at a
centrally-monitored location). Ensure that two portable WBGT kits (NSN 6665-00-159-2218); or
TRADOC-approved substitute, are issued per training company (BCT, OSUT, and AIT) and will
be placed in use when the ambient temperature exceeds 75º and monitored in accordance with
TR 350-29. The digital WBGT is authorized. Unit Cadre members will carry the pocket-sized
GTA 05-08-012 (Individual Safety Card) during training, or another suitable locally produced

(3) Publish a specific SOP on training activities that may or may not be conducted during the
various WBGT indexes/wind chill factors. Decision to accept risk is made in accordance with TR
385-2. Refer to TR 350-29, appendix B, for the heat casualty risk factor matrix. The SOP should
include the statement that during cold weather, use of nonstandard portable space heaters is
prohibited in field training and operations.

(4) In addition to risk factors found in TR 350-29, donating blood and recent, rapid weight
loss due to extreme measures will increase the risk of a heat illness.

(5) If the Trainees/Soldiers have been subjected to heat category IV and/or category V
conditions for two to three consecutive days, then cumulative heat stress increases their chance for
a heat illness on the subsequent day. Risk-controlling measures include; monitoring living area
temperatures of 74 degrees +/- 2 as outlined in AR 420-1; decreasing the distance and/or pace of
unit runs; and changing the training schedule if strenuous events are scheduled, especially if they
are scheduled to occur outdoors in category IV or V conditions.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(6) For Trainees/Soldiers who are at increased risk for heat illness, pre- and post-activity
weighing is an excellent tool for monitoring their hydration level and managing their risk. Weigh
Trainees/Soldiers the same time each day, after using the bathroom, before showering, and in
underwear. Any weight lost in 24 hours represents loss of water. If weight has been lost, have the
Trainee/Soldier drink water or an electrolyte drink at the rate of 473.1 milliliters (one pint) of
water per pound, not to exceed hydration guidelines. If weight has been gained, have the
Trainee/Soldier eat a salty snack, and do not require him or her to drink more water. If feasible and
if sufficient numbers of scales are available, weigh all Trainees/Soldiers during category IV and V

(7) For treatment of suspected heat casualty, the use of iced sheets is mandatory. Although
guidance from TR 350-29 states that ice sheets should be applied anytime the Trainee/Soldier has a
change in mental status, err of the side of caution and always apply ice sheets to Trainees/Soldiers
showing any signs of environmental heat overexposure. Any change to this regulation needs prior
approval from DCG-IMT. The use of bed sheets cooled with ice water has been proven to
significantly improve the recovery and outcome of persons suffering from heat stroke. Insulated
ice chests can be maintained at training sites by DSs/CLS; carried on ambulances; and/or
maintained at troop medical clinics. Prepare and apply iced sheets as follows:

(a) Soak normal bed sheets in insulated ice chests full of iced water. The sheets can be kept
in re-sealable plastic bags ready for use or kept immersed in the water. Commanders should plan
on a minimum of eight sheets per company.

(b) Remove Trainee/Soldier's outer clothing, down to underwear.

Note. make every effort to ensure a same-gender Trainee/Soldier is present during removal of the
Trainee/Soldier’s clothing, ideally an NCO, or the Trainee/Soldier’s battle Buddy in order to
protect the Trainee/Soldier’s privacy and modesty-don’t hinder treatment waiting for a same-
gender Trainee/Soldier.

(c) Cover as much of the exposed skin as possible, and the top of the head, with the ice
cold sheets.

(d) When the sheets warm up, remove them and replace them with fresh iced sheets. Ice
sheets should be changed as soon as they begin to warm up or at least every three minutes.

(e) Heat related illnesses may occur at any temperature and iced sheets may be carried at
the discretion of the commander. However, iced sheets will be maintained at the training site
whenever a wet bulb is present.

(8) All IMT cadre including DSs, squad leaders, company leadership, and support personnel
involved in training Soldiers in a field environment will view the “Heat Can Kill” video on an
annual basis in order to ensure all cadre are trained on hot weather injury prevention.

c. Rhabdomyolysis or "rhabdo," is the breakdown of muscle fibers and release of muscle fiber
products into the circulation. Some of these products are toxic to the kidney and frequently result
in kidney damage. In some cases, rhabdo has resulted in kidney failure and death. Rhabdo can be

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

caused by extreme exertion in a person who is unaccustomed to exertion. This disease is not
categorized as a heat illness but is closely related. In addition to poor conditioning, some
contributors to rhabdo are: environmental heat stress (which can result from inadequate hydration);
electrolyte abnormalities (which can be caused by inadequate diet, and/or abuse of laxatives or
diuretics); and sickle cell trait, which is probably not causative, but increases a person's risk.

(1) Symptoms of rhabdo include: abnormal urine color (dark, red, or cola colored); muscle
tenderness; and muscle weakness.

(2) Treatment. Casualties with rhabdo should be promptly evacuated to MTFs. Treatment of
rhabdo includes aggressive rehydration of the casualty.

d. Guidance specific to IET for preventing cold weather injuries includes the following:

(1) Ensure appropriate cold weather protective items (clothing, shelter) are available to

(2) Ensure Trainees/Soldiers' clothing and equipment is present and serviceable prior to the
training day; consider modifications to the uniform, based on local conditions.

(3) Monitor conditions of cold, including wind chill, on the training site. Consider
modifications to scheduling, location, and uniform.

(4) Plan for alternate activities and locations for conditions of extreme cold (for example,
physical activity or warming shelters).

(5) Provide adequate ventilation inside shelters to guard against carbon monoxide poisoning.

H-10. Reporting of injuries and illnesses

See paragraph 3-8, for injuries and/or illness reporting.

Appendix I
MOS Retraining/Reclassification Procedures

I-1. Retraining POC

TRADOC service schools and major subordinate commands will establish a central POC with
delegated staff authority for matters pertaining to IET retraining. Provide the name, office symbol,
and telephone extension of the POC to TRADOC DCS, G-3/5/7, TOMA (ATTG-TRI-M), 950
Jefferson Avenue, Fort Eustis, Virginia 23604-5721.

I-2. Battalion commander options

When an IET Soldier is given all remedial training opportunities, and ultimately fails the first
attempt at a MOS-producing school or course, the training unit battalion commander has two
working days to determine the disposition of the Soldier.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

a. The battalion commander, based upon input received from cadre familiar with the Soldier's
reason for failure, can consider the Soldier for a new start in another company or BN.

b. If qualified, consider the Soldier for retraining in another available MOS reclassification/
renegotiation, or recommend the Soldier for separation.

c. When RC Soldiers are not granted a second training opportunity, coordination with the RC
liaison NCO is required to present additional evidence on behalf of the Soldier to the battalion
commander. The battalion commander will consider the liaison's input before making a final

I-3. Procedures

a. IET Soldiers offered a second training opportunity are sent to the personnel service center
with all documents relative to their reclassification. The personnel service center has access to the
"TS" display on ATRRS, which is used to reclassify IET individuals.

(1) The ATRRS operator will bring up the IET Soldier's MOS selection "TS" display in
ATRRS. The "TS" display is reviewed and updated to include the reason code for reclassification.
This establishes the IET Soldier's current qualifications and status in ATRRS. A list is printed
providing MOS the IET Soldier is qualified to select.

(2) Using the "RETAVAL" report available in the reports generator section of ATRRS, the
ATRRS operator can enter the social security number for up to 10 different individuals. ATRRS
will print out a listing of the training available for each individual, based on their qualifications and
the available classes scheduled in ATRRS over the next four weeks. The IET Soldier may use this
listing to select a new MOS. If the IET Soldier is qualified, and a training seat is available, the
MOS is reserved. When the reservation is made, a message is provided to the personnel service
center, which is their authority to publish orders.

b. The personnel service center will reclassify the IET Soldier within 48 hours. To save
transportation costs and reduce stress on the Soldier, make reasonable attempts to match the
Soldier to a MOS taught at the assigned location.

c. In the case of an RC Soldier, the RC liaison NCO will seek an MOS based on a unit vacancy.
If an ARNG accession module does not contain predetermined second and third choices based on
unit needs, the ARNG unit and ARNG liaison NCO at the training location will attempt to resolve
the issue. Similar coordination is performed for USAR personnel.

d. If ATRRS is not operational, manual processing will not result in the forfeiture of any of the
above mentioned efforts. Accomplish the reclassification process within five working days.

e. In the event another training opportunity is not offered or available, the commander with
separation authority will counsel the Soldier and consider separation actions in accordance with
AR 635-200.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

f. In all cases where reclassification involves a move from one TRADOC service school and/or
major subordinate command to another, each commander will ensure the Soldier’s file/packet
includes a memorandum of introduction. The memorandum will verify the training battalion
commander has evaluated the Soldier as being satisfactory, and the reclassification decision was
not the result of any "automatic" process. The Soldier will also acknowledge their understanding
that a second training failure will result in a non-waiverable separation from service. The training
battalion commander or authorized representative will sign the memorandum.

Appendix J
Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal (NAVSCOLEOD), Eglin AFB, FL

J-1. 73D OD BN, NAVSCOLEOD, Training Priorities

a. The 73D OD BN conducts various activities and operations in order to lead, train, develop,
and educate IET and MOS-T Soldiers to become Explosive Ordnance Disposal Specialists, and be
awarded the MOS 89D10 upon graduation in order to build and maintain Army Readiness.

b. The training support and readiness focuses on different levels of instruction to include:
demolition material, EOD specific tools, ground, air, and advanced ordnance systems, improvised
explosive devices (IEDs), CBRN hazards, as well as other ordnance.

J-2. Phases of Training

a. The Commander of the 73D OD BN determines the phases of an individual IET Soldier and
can delegate the increase or decrease of phases to subordinate Commanders, IAW TR 350-6. The
phases that are eligible at Eglin AFB, FL NAVSCOLEOD are Phases V, VI, and VI+.

b. As IET Soldiers progress through training sections, specifically moving from the Fort Lee,
VA EOD Phase I location, to the Eglin AFB, FL EOD Phase II (NAVSCOLEOD) the phase
increases to Phase V+ as a baseline. Increases or decreases of phases for individual Soldiers are at
the discretion of the Commander.

c. MOS-T Soldiers on a PCS status are afforded most privileges associated with a traditional
duty location.

d. Phase V and VI. During these phases, IET Soldiers receive increased supervision from AIT
DSs. These phases are characterized by the reinforcement of personal responsibility,
accountability, common skills, values and traditions taught in BCT. Soldiers may revert to either
phase IV or V at the discretion of the Battalion or Company Commanders.

e. Phase VI. During this phase, it is exceptionally imperative that Soldiers prepare and
transition to the real world living conditions associated with the operational force. This provides a
direct focus on the EOD tasks and aforementioned training priorities at NAVSCOLEOD and the
73D OD BN.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

J-3. NAVSCOLEOD PHASE V, VI, and VI+ restrictions and/or privileges.

a. Due to the varying and dispersed locations of the 73D OD BN headquarters, Soldier barracks
and NAVSCOLEOD classroom/podium localities, students must travel significant distance off-
base during training days. Distances from the 73D OD BN headquarters and Soldier barracks
between the NAVSCOLEOD schoolhouse is 17.7K (11 miles), and 28.9K (18 miles) to the
Advanced IED Defeat (AIEDD) training area. As such, Phase V and above IET and MOS-T
Soldiers are authorized to possess and use personally owned vehicles (POV) within a 32.1K (20
mile) radius, to and from NAVSCOLEOD schoolhouse and associated ranges. Driving privileges
may be revoked at any time. IET and MOS-T Soldiers shall not ride together, unless approved by
Commanders, 1SGs, or AIT DSs. Extensions or reductions in driving distances will be
administered by Command policy, or on a case-by-case basis

b. Phase VI and above, IET and MOS-T Soldiers may ride in or drive rental cars, as needed. All
Soldiers may ride in taxis and ride-share programs. All Soldiers are allowed to ride in vehicles to
and from NAVSCOLEOD, provided all personnel follow AR 600-20, Army Command Policy,
regarding fraternization.

c. Married MOS-T and all Officers on orders authorizing accompanied assignment to

NAVSCOLEOD may reside on or off-post with their families. Married IET Trainees are not
authorized to bring their families to Eglin AFB, FL unless otherwise stated in orders. Exceptions to
policy will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

d. Permissive TDY approval authorized with recommendation from the Eglin AFB Housing
Office and recommendation/approval from the 73D OD BN Commander. Officers and MOS-T
Students with dependents may receive approval for Permissive TDY at Fort Lee prior to arrival at
Eglin AFB, FL, but does this not guarantee that the students will be afforded the opportunity, given
the training timeline.

e. Phase V and VI Soldiers will be allowed controlled, but extended, off post pass privileges.
73D OD BN Commander will maintain an established policy that will outline travel limitations,
areas where Soldiers are restricted, and duration of travel from the immediate area.

f. All Soldiers regardless of phase and training status are authorized to use mobile electronic
devices. This is due to the nature of training and mode of transportation to and from

J-4. Buddy System Requirement

a. Due to the nature of training and testing, location of NAVSCOLEOD, and other limiting
factors for Army Soldiers residing on an Air Force Installation, some deviation from the Battle
Buddy system may be required. Examples of such deviations are: attendance at
professional/medical services, religious services, certain academic and testing situations, and
transportation requirements to and from NAVSCOLEOD.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

b. NAVSCOLEOD is itself an ITRO-like school with trainees in grades from E1 to E6, and 01
to O3. It is possible that a 73D OD BN Soldier will find themselves as the only Army Soldier in a
joint service class. Army Soldiers may recycle into Navy classes that are by design usually
separate classes. Under these or similar conditions, at both NAVSCOLEOD and on Eglin AFB,
FL, the Soldier may move between their company area, NAVSCOLEOD, dining facilities, and
other routine duty locations during class hours, with an ad hoc Battle Buddy. Soldiers will move
with classmates of equivalent training status and grade from sister services to the extent feasible.

c. IET Soldiers will have a Battle Buddy when speaking to cadre at all times, unless the Soldier
is testing at NAVSCOLEOD, where there is an expectation of privacy. IET Soldiers do not
require a Battle Buddy while traveling to and from NAVSCOLEOD in their POV or when they are
afforded off-post privileges. Battle Buddies are not required during religious services, medical, or
dental appointments. Leaders and Soldiers will encourage the use of the Battle Buddy system as a
risk mitigation measure based on the Soldier’s planned activity and feasibility.

d. Unless with specified exception, as outlined above, Phase V and VI Soldiers will remain with
their Battle Buddy after the end of the day formation and on weekends, on or off post. Phase VI+
IET Soldiers will be with a Battle Buddy during the duty day, or when approaching cadre for
assistance. They are not required to have a Battle Buddy after the end of day formation or on
weekends. MOS-T Soldiers or Officers are not required to have Battle Buddies, but are forbidden
from being alone or socializing with IET Soldiers.

J-5. Separate and Secure Environment

a. Commander, 73D OD BN will employ control measures and policies to establish a separate
and secure environment to meet the intent of this regulation, and in consideration of the available
barracks structures at Eglin AFB, FL. If requirements outlined in this regulation cannot be met, an
exception to policy will be submitted through the first major general (O-8) (or equivalent) with a
mitigation plan and timeline to meet the requirements. The current Navy provided facility does not
meet all requirements for a separate and secure environment IAW TR 350-6; however, all
requirements are attempted in order to facilitate a separate training environment.

b. An exception to policy, regarding fire safe wall separating genders, dated 09 May 2019,
approved by the CG, CIMT, outlines the exception to Chapter 3, Paragraph 3-1 of this regulation.
As such, the following provisions were outlined in four parts. Number 1, that all barracks rooms
are enclosed with a magnetic key lock on the outside door and a dead bolt lock on the inside of the
room. The bathroom is shared between two rooms and cannot be accessed from the hallway. The
bathroom doors are able to be locked from the inside. Number 2, that CQ and the main lobby
separate the entrance to the female hallway of the barracks. Number 3, that female Soldiers have
their own day room and laundry room located in their main hallway of the barracks. Male Soldiers
have separate laundry rooms and day rooms on separate floors of the barracks. Finally, the
emergency exit leaving the female hallway has an alarm to alert CQ if opened.

c. Trained personnel (NCO of Officer) at the rank of SGT (E5) or above will execute the 73D
OD BN CQ. The NCO of Officer will serve as the decision-making authority for all issues in the
absence of the Battalion Commander. CQ will be executed by trained NCOs or Officers, and at a

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

minimum two same gendered student Soldiers on duty as access control guards. (If students are in
training, shifts will be conducted on non-training days for access control guards or CQ runners).

d. Enlisted Trainees in hold status (not in class) are to perform duties as access control guards in
buddy teams of two same gender Soldiers for 12-hour tours of duty with 24 hours of recovery. If
holdover personnel are not available, access control guard duty will revert back to Soldiers in
training performing access control guards for 12 hours on non-duty days.

e. The 73D OD BN at Eglin AFB is unable to comply with all physical and supervisory
measures of the separate and secure policy outlined in TRADOC Regulation 350-6, for Soldiers
residing in the Naval Combined Bachelor Quarters, as these dorms are under the management of
the US Navy. Since the 73D OD BN cannot comply with all measures, the following have been
made mandatory to ensure the safest area: all IET Soldiers are to sleep in APFU shorts and shirt,
Duty NCO/Officers will conduct periodic checks during lights out for security, no unauthorized
access to the sleeping areas will be allowed by staff duties or CBQ CQ.

J-6. Ordnance Field Exercise (ODX)

a. Phase II NAVSCOLEOD students will be exempt from the completion of the Ordnance Field
Exercise (ODX). A version of the ODX (EOD Challenge) is previously completed at Fort Lee, VA
directly following EOD Phase I course completion. Additionally, NAVSCOLEOD course of
instruction (COI) is dictated by an ITRO-like agreement between 4 services, lending the Army no
ability to input single-service-specific training requests or calendar event additions to the existing

b. In lieu of the ODX requirements, Soldiers conduct required MOS specific field craft, Warrior
Tasks and Battle Drills, and training tasks in the categories of shoot, move, communicate, and
survive, in both a joint and Army environment once monthly during allotted command training
days. These training days are afforded to each service from NAVSCOLEOD to complete service
specific training.

Appendix K
Reception Battalion

K-1. RECBN responsibilities

a. Provide the best first impression of the U.S. Army. Demonstrate to the Trainee the efficiency
of the Army and the careful attention given to each Trainee’s welfare. Processing will complement
the IET goals and Army Values, discipline, uniformity standards, and policies.

b. Use standardized scripts and video briefings to implement and document laws, regulations,
policies and directives (LRPD).

c. Receive, process, and prepare Trainees for BCT/OSUT in accordance with AR 612-201.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

d. The IMT RECBN proponent office will:

(1) Update reception welcome scripts and videos in accordance with LRPD.

(2) Publish, maintain, and distribute the "What to Bring" and "What to Buy" list of required
items for BCT or OSUT posted at RECBN troop annex, AAFES stores, and on each RECBN Web

(3) Maintain and provide updates for ARs and TRs to support the operations of the
RECBNs. Maintain and annually publish User Guides/Job Aides updates for all accessions/HR
systems of record (SOR) in use by RECBN personnel.

(4) Serve as the focal point for information flow, distribution, and staff actions for the
RECBNs missions, operations, and functions.

(5) Provide DA approved metrics for business processes including hold status changes,
attrition, and delayed Trainees not meeting training. Guidance to be published in TRADOC
Tasking Order as required.

(6) Provide new hire and annual training requirements to ensure Accessions/HR SOR
capabilities are used to their fullest, and standards are maintained for data entry.

(7) Ensure Segregation of Duties and Access Control Rosters of each RECBN are reviewed
quarterly and documentation evidence is provided to the TRADOC Internal Review and
Compliance Office (IRAC). See the RECMOD User Guide v1.15 for detailed instructions. Each
year audit packets will be completed and maintained by each RECBN. One RECBN will be
selected for a face-to-face or virtual audit each year. This format of evidence or provided by
customer (PBC) will change annually at auditor’s discretion. All segregation of duty and Access
Control Rosters will be maintained for 10 years.

(8) Examination to measure proficiency of RECMOD/AIE/IPPS-A users will be published

annually in December for distribution to active users, and must be completed and passed with 80%
proficiency. CIMT HR professionals with duty at RECBNs will conduct training and testing upon
hiring of new employees or new military AG personnel and conduct annual certification testing.

(9) Leader to led ratio is 1 to 20 (DS to Trainee) for processing.

e. The RECBN will:

(1) Ensure leader to led ratio is 1 to 20 for DS to Trainee during processing. This does not
imply platoon size is required to change for platoons smaller than 60 (i.e. FBGA OSUT).

(2) Ensure budgetary requirements are submitted through installation and copied to CIMT
proponent office annually in accordance with TRADOC annual guidance for POM submissions.
This will include H2F requirements for FTU equipment purchase, warranty and reasonable length
maintenance package.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(3) Commanders will ensure sustainment training of RECMOD/AIE/IPPS-A (when

deployed) is conducted annually to ensure personnel are fully capable of processing Trainees in the
accessions HR SOR. New personnel will go through comprehensive on the job training using the
User Guide/job aides for the accessions / HR SOR and certified within 90 days of assignment.

(4) Issue multi-vitamin with iron (MVI) (aka pre-natal vitamins in pharmacopeia) to females
during medical screening.

(5) Issue nightly performance readiness bars on day one through completion of reception

(6) Coordinate transportation requirements for buses transporting arriving Trainees from
servicing airports (Atlanta, Columbia, St. Louis, Lawton and Oklahoma City). Each day the units
will review the MEPCOM Expect Report and Onward report and share Onward report with
contracted bus companies (POC G-7/IET RECBN Proponent). Battle drills for extreme weather, or
late requirement changes must be coordinated with the bus companies. RECBN personnel are
potentially subject UCMJ or administrative action for misuse or abuse of the contract, to include
not cancelling excess busses in a timely manner.

(a) Annually in October, CIMT G-4 will coordinate with contracting personnel for
elaboration and/or further coordination with the TRADOC OSJA as necessary. Upon request,
RECBN POCs will provide relevant information about the bus company’s performance
(timeliness, agility, bus conditions etc.), as well as requested performance requirements for the
next year’s contract. CIMT G-4 POC will review comments, make recommended changes to the
contract requirements.

(b) Each reception battalion (RECBN) is required to have a primary and secondary point of
contact (POC) for the contracted buses. Any changes to these POCs must be provided to their
respective bus carrier and CIMT as soon as possible to ensure there is no disruption to bus
services. Each bus carrier will provide Defense Travel Management Office Government Charter
Coach Certificates (GCCC) to the designated point of contact at each RECBN. RECBN POC will
verify the buses used on the GCCC are correct and will complete, sign, and date certification
portion of the GCCC. The signed GCCC must be forwarded to point of contact at CIMT G-8
within 7 days of receipt by the RECBN POC. All GCCCs for prior month bus services must be
received NLT the 10th of the following calendar month in order to ensure payments are reconciled
and paid in a timely manner. Any questions regarding procedures can be addressed to the CIMT G-
8 POC.

f. The RECBN will not:

(1) Service CAC/ID card replacement once trainees move to training unit. Training units
will utilize post ID Card section under IMCOM for replacement.

(2) CAC/ID Card PIN reset will be performed where PIN reset devices are available. First
option is battalion or brigade S1 section that have reset devices or second post ID Card section
under IMCOM.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

K-2. RECBN night arrival reception standards

a. The "Meet and Greet" briefing will be completed within 10 minutes after the newly arrived
Trainees have exited the bus.

b. DSs will welcome arriving Trainees using the standard meet and greet script located in this

c. Present the standard “Welcome and Amnesty Video” that describes to the trainees their first
mission in the Army is to in-process and have the opportunity to remove any items identified in the
video/briefing that may be unauthorized. The amnesty period opportunity must be given to every

d. The Trainees should arrive with the absolute minimum personal property and high dollar
items as synchronized by the "What to Bring" list distributed by USAREC and posted on each
RECBN Web site.

e. Issue the Trainee the APFU upon arrival the first night. Trainees will sleep in their APFU.

f. Night arrival: Night processing starts when Trainees arrive at the RECBN servicing
airport(s), greeted by a Drill Sergeant from the installation (for example, FJSC DS at Columbia
and FBGA DS at Atlanta). A roster will be generated at the airport by a 42A/Civilian HR from
night operations section of the IRB to arrive and potentially roster each Trainee and securely
transmit to the medical staff for early registration in MHS-Genesis to print armbands, labels and
initiate labs. Each Soldier will receive the following in no particular order and at earliest
convenience: SHARP brief orientation, Command Welcome Brief, Blue Book, SMCT manual,
Lip balm, Sunscreen, Foot powder, Insect repellant, a snack (see para g), amnesty brief and
inspection, Night Issue Kit (for example. barracks bag, APFU, towels, water bag container and
weather specific outer garments at a minimum) and be transferred to the processing company;
Processing should be completed within two (2) hours of arrival to RECBN. Processing companies
should limit tasks and manage excessive time in order to get the Trainees settled and ready for bed
down. Focus on accountability and preparation for day one processing instructions.

g. Upon arrival, each trainee will receive a snack kit consisting of a fruit product (e.g.,
whole fruit (e.g., bananas, apples, oranges), fruit cup 113.3 grams (4 fluid ounces), dried fruit,
100% fruit leathers, or a fruit snack made with real fruit), granola/grain bar (with a minimum
of 2.5 grams of fiber per serving), nuts/seeds (e.g., packaged nuts, trail mix, or seeds), and a
drink 226.7 grams (8 fluid ounces of 100% fruit juice or 100% fruit juice blend with 100%
Daily Value of vitamin C, or 1% milk). NOTE: water, enhanced water (e.g., vitamin types),
sports drinks (e.g., aides, electrolyte based), energy drinks, and non-nutritive drinks (such as
artificially sweetened beverages) are not approved for use in RECBN snack kits.
Commercially purchased snack kits containing the components outlined above are authorized,
but will be separated for ala carte issue. No other meal/kit is authorized unless extenuating
circumstances affect LRC/DFACs ability to support; approval by the TRADOC dietitian is

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

K-3. Processing standards and personal affairs branch events

a. Receive, process, and prepare Trainees for BCT/AIT/OSUT in accordance with AR 612-201
with the goal to first, make contracted dates for shipping to training seats; second, ensure all
Trainees successfully complete all onboarding tasks or arrange to return at earliest convenience to
complete onboarding steps. A Trainee that is delayed for more than 48 hrs beyond the standards
for processing below will have appropriate hold code applied to record in RECMOD or ATRRS.
Priority of courses are BCT, OSUT, Prior Service, AIT. Standards for processing begin the day of
arrival for each type are:

(1) BCT: 3-7 days, including weekends with goal of 72hrs expedited reception
(2) AIT: 5-9 days, including weekends with goal of less than 7 days
(3) OSUT: 4-8 days, including weekends with goal of less than 6 days
(4) Prior Service: 3-9 days, including weekends with goal of less than 6 days
(5) Priority of training seats for BCT/OSUT for Trainees in the training base who are
waiting to enter training (Hold-Unders) is in the following order of precedence (in accordance with
(6) Critical fill for RA and RC deploying units.
(7) Split Training Option (STO), Phase 1
(8) Hard-Start MOS (defined as class starts of one each month or less)
(9) Fitness Training Unit graduates
(10) HQDA-designated critical MOS fill
(11) Hold-unders (RC then RA) and recycles (RC and RA); A hold-under Trainee has
priority over a recycle Trainee if the hold-under has been in the training base longer than the
recycle; a recycle has priority over a hold-under if the recycle has been in training base longer than
the hold-under

b. The initial personnel processing is centered on the initial personal interview is very important
in establishing the Trainee within the Army personnel and pay systems. All data collected or
verified through the personal affairs interview serves as the inaugural data entry feed into Army

(1) Initial personal affairs interview. The initial personal affairs interview is conducted
primarily to familiarize the Soldier with information concerning personal affairs and to take
actions to complete and process forms for allotments, purchase of insurance, income tax
withholding exemptions, and any matter that the Soldier desires to discuss.

(2) The interviewer will inform the Soldier of the purpose of the interview and ask necessary
questions to ensure Soldier's records are current and information is accurate. The interviewer will
consult with individuals to review select personnel records necessary.

(3) The minimum documents reviewed and verified during personal affairs branch are: IRS
Form W-4 (Employee’s Withholding Certificate); Finance documents, such as DD Form 2558
(Authorization to Start, Stop or Change an Allotment), SF 1199A (Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form),
and DD Form 2058 (State of Legal Residence Certificate); Beneficiary Identification, such as
SGLV 8286 (Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Election and Certificate), DD Form 93

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(Record of Emergency Data), and DA Form 5960 (Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)
Authorization and Dependency Declaration) (if applicable); and DD Form 2366 (Montgomery GI
Bill Act of 1984 (MGIB) Basic Enrollment) (If applicable).

(4) Initial ID Cards are processed and DEERS corrections made (if applicable) while Trainee
is in initial personnel processing.

(5) Trainees who are married or Prior Service may also require Exceptional Family Member
Program applications initiated.

(6) Blended Retirement System elections are offered following prescribed mandatory
briefings to prior service and new Soldiers in accordance with TRADOC TASKORD EX171371.
Mandatory videos are “Your Retirement System,” lesson plan: What it’s all about” and “Navigate
your way to a secure financial future” located at: https://militarypay.defense.gov/Blended-

(7) New Enlistees can decrease the contributions to zero, but will have to resubmit Form
TSP-U-1 (Thrift Savings Plan Election Form) before 1 December every year to maintain a 0% with
the understanding that the government will apply an auto contribution of 1%. The below
information is provided in the TRADOC TASKORD training requirements.

(8) KEY POINTS of mandated training:

(a) The TSP savings can add to your monthly retired pay benefit even if you do not serve at
least 20 years in the Uniformed Services.

(b) You may begin contributing to the TSP now by filling out and turning in Form TSP-U-1
at this event (for BCT/OSUT). After BCT/OSUT, changes in contribution level can be
accomplished on the MyPay website, https://mypay.dfas.mil/.

(c) After 60 days of service your TSP account is created and you are automatically enrolled
in the TSP with a default contribution of 5% of your basic pay. You will also begin receiving
Automatic Service Contributions of 1% of your basic pay (or drill pay for the National Guard and

(d) After completing two years of service you are eligible for Service Matching
Contributions to your TSP.

(e) After two years you are entirely vested in your TSP account. Vesting is the right to keep
the money and the interest earned on that money the Army contributed to your retirement account.
Under the BRS, vesting is based on the length of time you are in the Army. Once ‘vested’ that
amount of money in your retirement account is yours to keep and the Army cannot take it back.
For the automatic 1%, it is 2 years.

(f) Provide Link to download the “We Care” application on their personal cell phone (if

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

c. The RECBNs will implement standardized TRICARE and DEERS enrollment procedures.
Healthcare Benefits also apply for RC Soldiers on active duty for more than 30 days and their
families. The RECBN will send each new Soldier's spouse the TRICARE/DEERS welcome
packet. At a minimum, the packet will include:

(1) DD Form 1172-2 (Application for Identification Card/DEERs Enrollment).

(2) TRICARE® Dental Program Enrollment/Change Authorization Form.

(3) Health Care for New Military Service Members and Their Families (Trifold).

(4) TRICARE Family Member Dental Plan Benefit Booklet.

(5) Available TRICARE resources at: https://www.tricare.mil.

(6) Link to download the “We Care” application on their personal cell phone (if available).

(7) Spousal Letters for beneficiary notification will be sent for DD Form 93 and Service
Group Life Insurance elections.

d. Complete a Soldiers assessment form on Soldiers who failed to accomplish processing for
their original BCT/OSUT start date.

e. RECBNs will not add any other publications to be mailed; do not compete with outside
agencies providing information to Army families. RECBN will send out a “Spouse Welcome
Letter” both in English and Spanish if the training units do not. Refer spouses and families to:

f. NGB and USAR liaisons conduct standard briefings to their component Soldiers to ensure
new Soldiers are aware that each component liaison is available at the RECBN and the services
they provide. This brief will not hinder the Soldiers from processing to BCT/OSUT and will not
exceed 15 minutes in length. The liaison briefings are more beneficial when conducted on day one
of processing.

K-4. RECBN environment standards

a. Initial Soldierization training involves the most basic core competencies and must
compliment the climate of discipline. New Soldiers will begin the Soldierization process and are in
the beginning stages of learning how to think, act, and look like Soldiers. Training will be
conducted on "Rank Recognition," “Preventive Medicine Measures-Personal Hygiene,” "Wear and
Appearance of the Army uniform," "Military Customs and Courtesies," "Stationary Drill," "Bunk
Making," "Initial Army Values," "Risk Management," and "Introduction to Physical Readiness
Training (PRT)".

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

b. Trainees will wear Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) by the end of day two and will be
issued a Camel Back/Water Hydration System, and a wet weather top or appropriate equipment
while at the RECBN. The desired end state is for the Soldier to take this equipment to BCT.

c. Groups as a whole are addressed as "Trainee" or last name. DA Civilians, GS workers, and
contractors who are in contact with IET Soldiers must attend the appropriate TRADOC course in
conjunction with TR 350-6 to perform their duties around IET Trainees/Soldiers.

d. All male Trainees will receive the standard "buzz cut" haircut. Those female Soldiers whose
hair or hairstyle is not in compliance with requirements of AR 670-1 and/or current Army hair
policy will be required to conform.

e. New Trainees will have constant military supervision. DSs or processing NCOs will insist
that good order and discipline be maintained waiting in line or at the dining facilities. Supervisors
will assist whenever and wherever possible to correct issues. Trainees will travel in battle buddy
teams while moving in the reception complex.

f. Trainees may purchase, and are authorized to wear, spandex under their APFU shorts in
accordance with the requirements of DA Pamphlet 670-1 and should not be restricted by
commanders. Spandex is part of the recommend items available at the AAFES annex.

g. All Trainees/Soldier photos will be taken at reception in ACUs. REC BNs should work with
the agencies taking the Soldier’s photo to ensure these photos are archived and available.

h. RECBNs will be staffed to maintain an effective supervision of cadre to Trainee/Soldier ratio

not to exceed 1 to 40 during processing. Reception processing NCO should be in the rank of
sergeant or above.

i. Day 1 briefings will be conducted using internal SMEs or supporting agencies (to assist
with or conduct briefings) as permitted:

• Welcome
• Service Member’s Civil Relief Act (SCRA)
• One Source Card
• Army Values Card
• I Am A Soldier Card
• Pay Scale
• Post Card and/or phone call
• Red Cross Assistance Information
• Personal Affairs Branch briefing
• DD Form 93 and Service Group Life Insurance elections
• Pay/Direct Deposit
• New Accounts/Allotments
• Stored Value Cards

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

K-5. Weight and tattoo screening

a. RECBN personnel may visually scan arriving Trainees at the initial reception point to
identify individuals with tattoos or brands that are prejudicial to good order and discipline in
accordance with AR 670-1 and take appropriate action as may be necessary consistent with Army

b. Trainees not meeting height/weight standards in accordance with AR 600-9 will be taped by
a certified individual. Trainees who exceed the standards have six months to meet compliance with
AR 600-9. A physical fitness (1-1-1) or 1.6 kilometer (one mile) run will not be conducted in the
RECBN and is not part of the reception process. Commanders can introduce PRT to the Soldiers
when time permits, or work with gaining BCT/OSUT units to provide this training.

K-6. Clothing initial issue point

a. The CIIP will issue rank insignia to the Trainee/Soldier. This function can be conducted at
the Personal Affairs Branch. Trainees/Soldiers, who are in the rank of PV2 through Specialist, will
receive their rank at the RECBN. Rank will be worn on all uniforms with the exception of the
physical fitness training uniform.

b. The CIIP will fit, measure, and issue the Trainee their initial clothing bag items in phase one
in accordance with the approved clothing bag, and in phase two when the Soldiers are in
BCT/OSUT. Individuals 6'5" or taller will have AGSU specially ordered. CIIP and BCT/OSUT
Cadre will ensure Trainees receive their complete AGSU (if at all possible) prior to BCT/OSUT

c. The CIIP is responsible for the proper fitting of the Trainee/Soldier’s combat boots and
athletic footwear (AFW) shoes.

d. Commanders will work closely with supporting CIIP and CIF to ensure timely fitting and
issue of all uniforms and equipment to meet standards for processing in para K-3.a.

e. Athletic footwear is a clothing bag item. As such, provisions are made for the proper issue
and replacement due to defects or misfit. AFW is Berry Amendment Compliant and offered in two
types: stability and motion control.

(1) Soldiers are issued AFW during the Phase I clothing issue while in the Reception
Battalion. Due to new 2+8 training format, Trainees have less opportunity to walk around and
determine if AFW fits properly prior to transitioning to BCT / OSUT. Because of this, basic
trainees will be authorized to exchange misfit AFW until the end of BCT / OSUT training week 5.

(2) AFW exchange due to manufacturer defects. These defects include, but are not limited
to sole separation and defective webbing. CIIP will process an AFW Defect Submission Form for
defective AFW. CIIP personnel will verify the defect and confirm receipt of the AFW Defect
Submission Form prior to exchanging, as warranted. As with misfit, basic Trainees will be

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

authorized to exchange defective AFW until the end of BCT / OSUT training week 5. AR 700-84
to be updated to include AFW in the next update.

(3) In order to identify whether a defect is specific to a single item, an entire production lot,
or a continuing trend of poor manufacturing and quality control. All production at a factory, the
footwear contracting officers (KO's) at Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support (DLA-TS) will
need to be provided with the following: the Contract Number; the Delivery Order/Lot Number;
and the Date of Manufacture. All three of these pieces of information can be found on the AFW
tongue tag. Some or all of this information may be rubbed off the tag. More information provided
to DLA-TS, the better the success.

Defect Submission Format

Contract Number:
Delivery Order/Lot Number:
Date of Manufacture:
Issue Point Location:
Approximate Date of occurrence:

(4) If DLA-TS is able to identify specific production lots that are experiencing higher than
acceptable rates of defects or quality issues, they can then identify, segregate, and quarantine the
remaining shoes from those lots to ensure that no more are shipped or issued. In some cases, this
information can even lead to a manufacturer replacing the entire lot at no cost to the Government.
If it can be proven that a manufacturer has continuously delivered unacceptable products across
multiple production lots, DLA-TS can use this information to prematurely end the contract early
and save the Government from further financial obligations with that vendor.

(5) This information should be provided to your local CIIP so that the defects can be
consolidated for tracking and sent to DLA-TS for action.

K-7. Medical and dental screening

a. Medical and dental in-processing is the first and best opportunity to establish a new
Trainee/Soldier’s readiness status. All Medical Operational Data System (MODS) data
entries should be made within seven days of the entry point of service. Medical personnel at
RECBNs will review records in MHS-Genesis (MHSG) or Joint Longitudinal Viewer
(JLV) to ensure date of medical exam at MEPS and all other medical data normally
managed in MODS are populated. If medical data is not populated, manual data entry is
required. MHS-Genesis will change the very way we on-board for medical and lessons
learned should be shared between REC BNs to expedite efficiency of operations. The
extension of the overall expedited reception process will not be extended so appropriate
medical resources must be gathered to maintain daily processing throughput.

b. Screen health record for medical waiver. If a waiver is present, refer the Soldier to a health
care provider for consideration of permanent profile. See DD Form 2808 (Report of Medical
Examination) for waivers in item 77 and a numerical designation of "3" or greater recorded under
PULHES (item 76).

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

c. Enter 6-digit PULHES into MODS. Enter "No" against item "Non-deployable Medical
Profile" in MODS.

d. Ensure that AA/RC Trainees/Soldiers have documentation of a human immunodeficiency

virus (HIV) antibody test within the previous six months. Obtain test results and enter date of HIV
test performed at MEPS in MODS. Obtain blood specimen for testing if no documentation of HIV
test within the past six months and enter the HIV test date in the record and MODS.

e. Obtain and determine the blood group and type (AR 40-3) and annotate in Soldier’s records
in MODS.

f. Conduct pregnancy screening and obtain results for female Trainees before giving any
vaccinations, and annotate in Soldier’s records in MODS.

g. Identify persons who are at risk for tuberculosis in accordance with Office of the Surgeon
General memorandum.

h. Collect laboratory specimen for Deoxyribonucleic acid identification and enter into MODS.

i. Administer immunizations per AR 40-562. Conduct serological screening to determine pre-

existing immunities for vaccine-preventable diseases including measles, rubella, varicella, hepatitis
A, and hepatitis B. Document immunizations and medical exceptions in MODS per AR 40-562.
Immunizations administered in MHS-Genesis (MHSG) transfer into MODS in about 24 hours, but
failure of data transfer does occasionally occur. RECBNs with MHSG should wait 48 hours
before going into MODS to enter immunization data if they use MHSG. Medical exemptions
determined by titers does not transfer from MHSG to MODS, so these require manual transcription
into MODS. Ensure immunization/phlebotomy floor is padded or administer immunizations while
the Soldier is seated.

j. Conduct vision screening of all Soldiers and if visual acuity is worse than 20/20 uncorrected
in either eye a full eye examination is required and eyeglasses and inserts for protective mask
ordering. If Soldier is 20/20 with corrective lenses medical staff will determine prescription of
Soldier and place order for glasses and protective inserts. Once, glasses and inserts arrive to
RECBN, medical staff must ensure Soldiers receive them.

k. Conduct baseline audiograms, DD Form 2215 (Reference Audiogram), using the Defense
Occupational Environmental Health Readiness System-Hearing Conservation. Ensure hearing
readiness status is recorded in MODS.

l. Enter medical warning tag status in MODS.

m. Fit earplugs.

(a) Single-sided earplug

(b) Large
(c) Regular

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(d) Small
(e) Earplug Carrying Case

n. Provide hearing education briefing and earplug training to all Soldiers.

o. Conduct Medical Moment of Truth, physical inspection, and partial medical examination if
required (AR 612-201).

p. Take dental panoramic radiograph (x-ray) for identification purposes (AR 40-66) and other
radiographs as deemed necessary. Fit and issue Soldier’s mouth guard.

q. Educate female Soldiers on the benefits and risks of human papillomavirus quadrivalent
(types 6, 11, 16, and 18) vaccines.

r. If the RECBN medical staff discovers a vaccine is unavailable and they are unable to
immediately rectify the deficiency, generate a critical command information requirement to the
MEDCOM and TRADOC chain of command.

K-8. RECBN publications:

The RECBNs will supply the below publications; any other publications to be introduced into the
reception process must be approved by the CG, CIMT.

a. Soldier’s Handbook/Bluebook: In accordance with TR 360-6

b. STP-21-1-SMCT Soldier Manual of Common Tasks: In accordance with TR 360-6

K-9. The DS “Meet and Greet” script (Figure K-1)

See figure K-1 on page 164 for the meet and greet script.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Drill Sergeant “Meet and Greet” Script

The DS conducts this script in the most advantageous location where instructions can be clearly
Once the bus arrives, DS boards and speaks in a loud and authoritative voice, but not demeaning, his
or her instructions.
"Trainees, when you exit the bus, you will line up (depending on the location will determine how
and where) (explain the formation). Make sure you have all of your personal belongings to
include any baggage that might be stored elsewhere on the bus. Secure your bag only and no
one else’s. Do not leave any trash on the bus. Do not run off the bus, however, move quickly,
without talking. Watch your step as you exit the bus.”
(After all the Trainees/Soldiers have been formed, ensure you are in a position that all can hear you,
once the Soldiers are off the bus conduct the welcome script.)
Note. when time permits allow the bus(s) to depart to avoid distractions.
"Trainees; I am Drill Sergeant (last name). On behalf of the battalion commander, LTC (last
name), welcome to the _________Adjutant General Reception Battalion, Fort______________.
Speaking for all of us here at Fort _________and all current and former U.S. Army Soldiers,
thank you for volunteering for the world’s premier fighting force. You have made a
commitment to become part of the Army team, the greatest land force in the World. Your
mission over the next few days is to in-process into the U.S. Army.

This is the Army Reception Battalion. Here you will get medically screened, your pay and
benefits will be started, your Army uniforms issued, your personnel file updated, and you will
be provided everything you require to begin basic combat training.

Remember, your first mission as an Army Soldier is to in-process into the Army and prepare
for basic combat training. Report any problems you are experiencing to the Drill Sergeant
Are there any prior service members or anyone on the bus that are not attending basic combat
training?" (If Yes) (Give those Soldiers Specific instructions on what to do, such as, “secure all your
belongings and follow DS ______ into the building or follow me”).

(Speaking to the remaining Soldiers.)

“Is there anyone here with a signed and approved religious accommodation waiver (Letter) that
allows the keeping of head gear, facial hair, or other religious items?” (Give those Soldiers
Specific instructions on what to do, such as, “secure all your belongings and follow
DS_____________ into the building or follow me.”) Individuals must have a signed copy of the
religious accommodation with them in order to receive this privilege).

Figure K-1. DS “Meet and Greet” script

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(Speaking to the remaining Soldiers.)

“From this point forward, you will address me as Drill Sergeant. "Respond to my questions
with a Yes, Drill Sergeant, or No, Drill Sergeant. This is a sign of respect. I will respect you and
I will expect you to respect me. Disrespect will not be tolerated. Is this understood?"
(Soldiers Respond.)

“From the time you departed the MEPS station, you were considered a mature, responsible
adult, A Trainee in the United States Army. You will be addressed as "Trainee”, or by your last
name. Here on Fort ______________, you will be treated with dignity and respect and in return
I will insist that you will treat me with the same dignity and respect. Is this understood?"
(Soldiers Respond.)

(This is where the Soldierization process begins.)

"At this time, I will now talk you into the position of parade rest.
Move the left foot about 25.4 cm (10 inches) to the left of the right foot. Keep the legs straight
without locking the knees, resting the weight of the body equally on the heels and balls of the
feet. Simultaneously, place the hands at the small of the back and centered on the belt. Keep the
fingers of both hands extended and joined, interlocking the thumbs so that the palm of the right
hand is outward (Hold your hand so they can see). Keep the head and eyes straight to the front.
Remain silent and do not move unless otherwise directed."

“This is the position of Parade rest, this is the position you will be in as you talk to cadre
members. Cadre members are identified by a distinctive shoulder patch on their left shoulder
and wear a variety of rank that you will learn in the next few days. Drill Sergeants are
identified by their distinctive head gear. You will have most of your contact with your Drill
Sergeants. Soldiers, disrespect is not tolerated while you are here. Disrespect may be verbal and
nonverbal such as rolling of the eyes, smacking of the lips, sucking of breath or heavy exhaling.
Soldiers, while you are here at Fort_____________, you will have a battle buddy; this means
that you should never be alone. Everywhere you go, you are required to move with a battle
buddy of the same gender. Is that understood?"
(Soldiers respond).

“At this time, you will:

1. Pull your pants up, and tuck in your shirt.
2. Remove all headgear.
3. Take out all gum and candy in your mouth to include tobacco products (or depending on
locations, deposit these items in the trashcan as you enter the building).
4. Take off all necklaces that do not pertain to religion.
5. Take out all tongue rings, earrings, and nose rings. If you have on belly rings, wait until you
go into the amnesty room to take that item off.
6. Take off all watches that are not black/olive drab, brown, gold, silver or metallic in color.
7. Take off all bracelets at this time with the exception of a medical warning bracelet.
8. Take off all rings with the exception of a wedding ring.”
The Drill Sergeant now can move the group into the building or continue with other functions and
may be a good time to let the Soldiers use the latrines.
Figure K-1. DS “Meet and Greet” script (cont.)

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

K-10. Stored Value Card (SVC)

a. The SVC. The current version is the EZpay Card, it has one purpose, advanced pay, and will
only be used at Army Training Centers. The new SVC card expected in 2022 called One Card,
will have two purposes: one, for the advanced pay for BCT/OSUT and STO phase 2; two, like the
Eagle Cash Card and will expire 5 years from Trainees departure of IET and can be loaded upon
deployments from personal accounts associated with the card. It is important to treat the SVC like
cash. If the card is lost, stolen, or damaged report it immediately. The SVC reduces the need for
cash/check operations for initial entry Trainee on a pay advance, and works like a debit card. This
is the Trainee’s money.

b. Use of the card. The SVC issued to all Soldiers at the RECBN to defray the initial cost to
purchase needed items in preparation for BCT or OSUT. The card is used at the AAFES sites
(barber shops, clothing sales, and post exchange annex facilities). The card may be used to the
expiration day of the card, which is defaulted to the end of the training cycle after issue.
Installations can work with local Army Military Pay Officer (AMPO) to adjust longer expiration

c. SVC do and do nots:

(1) Soldier:

(a) Do spend the entire value on the card for items you require. This is your money as an
advance and helps get you to your first pay day.

(b) Do exhaust this card value prior to graduation or cash in the balance at the installation
bank or credit union.

(c) Do not share your card or lend the card to your friend. It is your money; the card
represents cash.

(2) Cadre:

(a) Do build time into the schedule for Soldiers to use their card appropriately, post
exchange annex visits, haircuts, etc.

(b) Do plan for the Soldiers to cash out the remaining value of the card at installation
facilities prior to graduation (bank or credit union).

(c) Do have a SVC reader available for the Soldier to determine the amount still on the card.

(d) Do not handle, collect or use the SVC.

d. Remaining value. Any remaining value at expiration is returned to the Soldier’s account;
however, spending the full amount prior to completion of training is highly encouraged. The
residual amount on the card may take an extensive amount of time to recover back to the Soldier.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Table K-1.
Future Soldiers items to bring
Items Future Soldiers should wear and bring to the Military Entrance Processing
Station (MEPS) on ship day1
Item-What to Bring List Male Female
Wear casual, comfortable clothing:
Shirt or blouse (no obscene graphics) (no halter tops or cutoff T-
shirts) 1 1
Slacks or jeans (no shorts or cutoffs) 1 1
Complete underwear (you will get a mini physical on ship day,
no thongs) 1 1
Pair of athletic footwear (no barefoot running shoes) suitable for
walking and extended standing (no high heels, boots, or sandals) 1 1
Coat or Jacket (seasonal, account for at least 10 weeks and As
weather changes) needed As needed
Bring change of underwear: (male-briefs; female briefs and bras 2 underwear
(white, black or neutral) or preferably sports bras, no thongs) 2 3 bras
Bring feminine sanitary items N/A 2 Week supply
Minimum personal hygiene articles: All travel-sized items:
Shampoo and conditioner (3oz) As
needed As needed
Soap (1 bar or 3oz liquid soap) 1 1
Antiperspirant and/or deodorant (no aerosol only) 1 1
Toothbrush and toothpaste 1 1
Disposable and/or safety shaving razor (nonelectric) 1 1
Shaving cream (no aerosol) (3oz) 1 As needed
Comb, brush, hair accessories (black or matching natural hair As
color) needed As needed
Combination Lock 1 1
Eyeglasses (if prescribed, no faddish/stylish eyewear with prescription, if available)
All-important personal documents (check with recruiter) including---
Childhood and adolescent immunization records, if available
Government issued photo ID card (not expired).
Marriage certificate, Family birth certificates, and their social security number (SSN), if
married or legally supporting (original, court certified copies).
SSN cards (or other Government ID with the SSN) Copies are OK.
Required prescription medications (in original pharmacy container) and/or with a doctor's
Army Knowledge online account.

Table K-1.
Future Soldiers items to bring (cont.)

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Financial requirements---
SF 1199A (Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form).
Not to exceed $50.00 in cash, traveler's checks, or money orders.
Checkbook or canceled check reflecting the account number and American Bankers
Association routing number to establish direct deposit account for military pay.
Automated teller machine (ATM) card.
All items must fit into the Army Future Soldier Bag or small airline-approved "carry on"
suitcase or gym bag.
Future Soldiers traveling from overseas locations should add one change of clothing and
underwear (same guidance as above; extra shoes and extra coat)

Table K-2.
Future Soldiers items to purchase
Items to be purchased at the reception battalion post exchange (PX) troop store
Item--What to purchase list1 Male Female
Toothbrush and toothpaste 1 1
Bar soap or liquid shower soap 1 1
Shaving cream or gel 1 1
Shaving razor (disposable with cartridges) 1 1
Wash cloth 1 1
Running shoes2,4 As needed As needed
Thong shower shoes 1 1
Bra (white, black, or neutral)3,4 N/A 1
Sports bra (white, black, or neutral)3,4 N/A 3
Underwear/cotton briefs (white, black, or neutral; no thongs). 3 3
Laundry detergent (Pods) 1 1
Shampoo As needed As needed
Hairbrush or comb As needed As needed
Feminine hygiene items N/A As needed
Optional hygiene items (Local policy may or may not allow As needed As needed
Soldiers to purchase additional hygiene items.)

Table K-2.
Future Soldiers items to purchase (cont.)

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Local policy may modify this list; however, Trainees are not required to "rebuy" items solely
for local cosmetic preferences. Commanders will enforce the "no rebuy" policy.
Running shoes. Trainees will be issued a new pair of Army-fitted running shoes at the PX or
CIIP depending on space in the RECBN. Trainee has the option to purchase additional running
shoes at any time but is not required.
Sports bras. User regular bra size as a guide for purchasing sports bras. An effective sports bra
will minimize vertical movement to a comfortable level. Females may purchase additional
regular or sports bras if desired. A stipend will be paid to each female within 60days of $291.75
for additional items needed.
Trainees will receive advanced pay for designated amounts of money (currently $350) on a
"store value card" containing both a pay advance and a clothing allowance.

Table K-3.
Bundle pack purchases

Bundle pack purchases at the reception battalion PX / troop store

Travel soap dish 1 1
Travel toothbrush holder 1 1
Combination locks 2 2
Cotton swabs (80) pack 1 1
Unscented moist wipes (30) pack 1 1
Nail clipper 1 1
Suede boot and shoe care kit 1 1
Neck ID card holder 1 1
Toiletries bag 1 1
Note: The bundle pack is inclusive of Tables K-1 and K-2 and may vary at the Training Centers.
Trainees may use a "stored value card' to purchase these items, or they may be purchased
individually if the Trainee does not require all items or does not want the additional cost of the
bag the items are prepacked in.

Table K-4.
COVID-19 packing list

COVID-19 packing list when shipping to Reception Battalion

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

• Due to COVID-19 safety precautions, Soldiers can experience extended lengths of time in
reception or quarantine, (14-20 days). Greater number of Soldiers awaiting training, combined
with the possibility of quarantine, has made it difficult for newly arrived personnel to get the
personal items they require in a timely manner. Personnel are running out of basic hygiene items
prior to being able to replenish their supplies at the base supply and exchange store.
The packing list has been altered to take these extended timeframes into consideration:
1. Number of undergarments recommended changed from 3 to 5
2. Number of white athletic socks changed from 1 to 5
3. Shampoo changed from 1oz to 3.4oz
4. Conditioner changed from 1oz to 3.4oz
5. Liquid soap (optional) changed from 1oz to 3.4oz
6. Toothpaste changed from 1oz to 3.4oz
7. Shaving cream changed from 1oz to 3.4oz
8. Laundry Detergent (Pods) 5 ea
9. COVID-19 Mask (washable)
10. Comfortable athletic footwear

Appendix L
Interservice Training Review Organization (ITRO) (AIT)

L-1. Interservice training overview

a. The Army accomplishes some AIT as a participant in Interservice training at both Army and
sister service sites. Interservice training focuses on individual training acquired in an institutional
setting and is defined as a school or course conducted on one service’s installation by mutual
agreement between the host service and the participating services. If a requirement identified by
the Army cannot be met by the sister service, i.e. Field training Exercise (FTX), the Army element
will submit an exception to policy stating requirements cannot be met due to resources, facilities,
or other elements that are not available.

b. Host service. The host is the service on whose installation training is conducted. The host
provides base support and facilities. The host service budgets and programs resources to meet
student requirements (except for service unique equipment, material, and facilities; and personnel
costs of students, instructors, and administrators from each service). When serving as the service
with lead responsibility for the training, the host service is responsible for: POI management;
consolidating course revisions and evaluations; providing data to the participating services in the
format requested regarding entries, graduates, elimination, recycling; and evaluation of their
Note. Participating service will have the lead POI responsibility in their own service unique
collocated course.

c. Participating service is a service that receives training from or conducts training at another
service’s installation. Participating services furnish the estimated trained personnel requirements

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

projected by fiscal year to the host service, and provide a proportionate share of instructor and
school support personnel. Military personnel remain administratively assigned to their parent
service, but they may be assigned to the host service for the purpose of executing their day-to-day
duties and responsibilities as designated members of the school staff. Participating services must
coordinate IG visits with the host service and course personnel in advance. Coordination will
include: scope of inspection; number of personnel visiting; and length of stay. Participating service
members must attend any necessary classes required by the host.

e. ITRO procedures manual. Serves as a detailed organizational manual, a guide for the conduct
of Interservice training studies and reviews, and as a supplement to the Interservice training
regulation. The ITRO procedures manual may be obtained from the TRADOC DCS, G-3/5/7,
TOMA, 950 Jefferson Avenue, Fort Eustis, Virginia 23604-5721.

L-2. ITRO duties and responsibilities

a. Host service will:

(1) Provide and maintain office/administrative space for instructor and administrative staff
and real-property accountability, utilities, refuse collection, and custodial services for host and
Army service staff, faculty, and students.

(2) Brief all faculty, staff, and students on its applicable instructions, policies, and
procedures. All faculty, staff, and students will comply with instructions, policies, and procedures
briefed by the host service.

(3) Provide and fund any instructor training required by the host.

(4) Provide Army personnel adequate time to attend their service unique functions as long as
it does not interfere with school mission requirements.

(5) Provide facilities equivalent to quality it provide to its own missions. When facilities
realignments are required, facilities should be provided at the same or better standard.

b. Installation commanders will:

(1) Provide barracks/dormitory facilities that meet minimum DOD standards unless
otherwise negotiated. All students will be billeted in accordance with the DOD 4165.63-M, except
that ITRO students should not be billeted in open bays. Billeting for ITRO students should comply
with services separate and secure policies.

(2) Provide dining facilities to accommodate Soldiers grade specialist and below, as well as
administrative space for Army detachment personnel and instructor staff.

(3) Provide training facilities for consolidated training. Facilities to support Army-unique
tracks are provided where possible. Additions and modifications for Army unique tracks are the
responsibility of the Army.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(4) Provide safety program management for all instructors and students to include
inspections, advice, and training, with particular reference to the following:

(a) Perform annual inspections (spot checks if there are high risk areas). In accordance with
the host service procedures, inspection reports will be sent from the host to the participating
services in a timely manner with corrective action/follow-up noted.

(b) Conduct class A/B mishap investigations in accordance with service instructions. Mishap
investigations will include representatives from the other services if the mishap involved the other
services. Provide a copy of all mishap reports, in accordance with host service procedures, to the
involved service(s).

(5) Fire protection. Provides and maintains fire control, protection, and preventive programs
and services to include the periodic inspection of buildings, fire extinguishing equipment, and

(6) Report SIR/emergencies involving Trainees/Soldiers in accordance with AR 190-45 and

TR 1-8.

(7) Provide urinalysis program support services for students and staff as requested by the
participating services.

c. TRADOC DCS, G-3/5/7, Training Operations Management Activity (TOMA), Interservice

Training Office, (ATTG-TRI-MP) will:

(1) Define policies, procedures, and provide clear and concise guidance to TRADOC units
operating in an Interservice environment.

(2) Serve as TRADOC lead for support agreements (i.e., memorandums of agreement
(MOAs), memorandums of understanding (MOUs), and FS Forms 7600A, and POI changes or

(3) Lead or participate in studies to consolidate or deconsolidate Interservice training.

d. Proponent schools will:

(1) Provide and maintain appropriate training material, training aids, and computers to
support collocated and service unique tracks of AIT training as required.

(2) Serve as the service POC for Interservice training issues.

(3) Fund service unique portions of training, course evaluation, and facility requirements and
coordinates these through the host. Provide and maintain the necessary service-unique documents
and regulations.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

(4) Provide and fund any service-unique required instructor training.

e. Commanders will:

(1) Ensure policies reflect a mixture of both TRADOC and host service locally established
guidelines of the host command.

(2) Ensure Soldiers meet training qualification requirements specified by host service
training guidelines.

(3) Monitor Interservice training and life support facilities (dining facilities, MWR, and
fitness center) to ensure compliance of MOU and POI.

(4) Communicate any Interservice violation or concerns to the host service installation
commander, and through the first colonel in the chain of command and the proponent school to
TRADOC DCS, G-3/5/7, Training Operations Management Activity, 950 Jefferson Avenue, Fort
Eustis, Virginia 23604-5721.

(5) Provide host service installation commanders with copies of unit training schedule to
ensure awareness of Army-unique training.

(6) Request an exception to policy if training standards and policy cannot be met. Exceptions
to policy must come from first COL/0-6 in the chain of command through the proponent school to
TRADOC DCS, G-3/5/7, Training Operations Management Activity, 950 Jefferson Avenue, Fort
Eustis, Virginia 23604-5721.

L-3. Army requirements not covered in ITRO memorandum of agreement or POI

a. Unit commanders are responsible to ensure all administrative and legal actions are adhered to
and processed in accordance with both TRADOC and host service policies. Commanders will
develop local policies that reflect higher HQ intent and do not conflict with or violate host service
policies. Army unique requirements must be coordinated through TRADOC DCS, G-3/5/7,
Training Operations Management Activity, 950 Jefferson Avenue, Fort Eustis, Virginia 23604-
5721, for inclusion into existing ITRO MOUs and POIs.

b. TRADOC DCS, G-3/5/7, TOMA (ATTG-TRI-MP), will coordinate with host services for
holiday block leave dates, holidays, organization days, training holidays, etc. Unless otherwise
specified, Army commanders will conform to host service approved holidays, training, and
organizational days.

c. The buddy system as outlined in this regulation is instituted at interservice training sites and
will pair IET Soldiers into proper battle buddy teams. This concept is designed to improve safety,
motivation, and esprit de corps. Army personnel will be assigned a buddy upon arrival.

d. Commanders must utilize Army-unique POI time and non-POI time to accomplish Army
specific training. Consolidated training time is used to conduct training as specified in the POI.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

e. Commanders are required to conduct a STX in accordance with proponent POI, support and
meet ACFT standard, weapons immersion, complete additional WTBDs as directed by the

f. When possible, commanders will utilize host service facilities and training areas to
accomplish Army-specific training.

g. Commanders are responsible for resources to conduct training outside the Interservice POI.
Soldiers, DSs, and cadre will not utilize personal funds to purchase resources or supplies to
accomplish the mission.

h. Soldiers are required to complete the ACFT. Commanders are authorized, based on Soldier
performance and positive recommendations from the chain of command, to allow the Soldier to
graduate if they have passed a previous ACFT with at least 60 points in each event. However,
Soldiers failing to meet the criteria will be recycled or removed from the course prior to the
awarding of any certification by the host service.

i. Company commanders are the approving authorities for all leave requests for instructor,
support, and student personnel that fall under their chain of command. Leave requests for
consolidated training will be submitted through the supervisory chain of command established at
the host site. Company commanders may grant special liberty/pass with the approval of the host
for the consolidated training and at their own discretion for collocated training.

j. Medical support will be provided by the host service/installation command. Army personnel
will comply with host service medical procedures unless otherwise specified. Commander will
ensure profiles accurately identify the activity limits of the Soldier.

k. The host service is responsible for providing barracks space that adequately supports the
living conditions outlined by the host service installation. IET Soldiers will be kept separate by
gender and from other services members as much as possible. Exceptions must be submitted
through the proponent school to U.S. Army CIMT (ATMT), 210 Dillon Circle, Fort Eustis,
Virginia 23604-5701 for approval.

l. All IET unit cadre (BDE commander and staff/company commander/1SG/executive

officer/platoon leaders/staff officer/DSs) and other cadre assigned will be required to attend the
identified course for cadre/support personnel training which is based upon their level of interaction
with Trainees. Specific course attendance guidance and the definition of each course with a matrix
on who should attend is provided in appendix B.

L-4. Course administration

a. Enrollment. Army students arriving at the sister service site without previously being
enrolled in a course become the sole responsibility of the Army, including lodging and all other
services, until they are enrolled in a course and that course begins. The cost of moving students to

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

another site will be borne by the Army. Enrolled in the context of this paragraph means the student
has official orders that identify the course to be attended and specifies class start date.

b. Academic/performance standards. Army and the host service will determine and establish
policies and procedures governing consolidated course-specific academic standards. Commandants
will determine and establish policies and procedures governing Army-specific academic standards.
All students will comply with Interservice procedures for the administration and evaluation of
consolidated courses. All course documentation will be made available to appropriate service
personnel on an as-needed basis. Services will develop a student evaluation plan for consolidated
courses. The student evaluation plan will explain and illustrate the procedures and policies
affecting each student and how they progress through training and will be used as a basis for
determining relief/elimination or setback. It will include both academic and nonacademic facets.

c. Training responsibility. Consolidated course content is a mutually agreed upon set of topics
that are specific in nature. All documentation and course control material will conform to the host
standard, except as agreed to by all participating services during ITRO detailed analysis groups or
curriculum review boards. All course documentation will be made available to appropriate service
personnel as needed. Each service has responsibility for developing, conducting, and resourcing
service unique training in accordance with ITRO procedures to include providing required service
unique material.

d. Course changes. The Army proponent school will ensure detachments at sister service
schools are provided adequate notification of any major new training requirements mandated by
HQ TRADOC or higher HQ. Curriculum, policy, and procedural changes that impact time, course
length, resources, Army/host service directives, or accreditation will be coordinated and agreed to
by all services prior to implementation. Curricula review/validation will be accomplished by the
host and each participating service. Service unique training will be coordinated in accordance with
that service’s policies and procedures.

e. Curriculum review. Curriculum review will be conducted, as required by the services, in

accordance with the Interservice training directive and the ITRO procedures manual. Instructional
staff from the host and participating services will be represented. Services will have equal input in
the management of curriculum, instructional planning, development, and review of consolidated
training. Course changes will be made in accordance with paragraph d above.

f. Certificates of completion/award/diplomas. The host shall issue certificates of completion for

consolidated training. Academic honors criteria for awards (top/distinguished graduate and course
awards) will be applied to all students regardless of service for consolidated training. These should
be presented in an appropriate graduation ceremony. Certificates of course completion and awards
will be entered into the student’s personnel record.

g. Leave, passes, and liberty. Leave requests will be submitted through the supervisory chain of
command established at the host site. Student personnel will not normally be granted leave while
enrolled in the course. If the host, for reasons such as holiday periods, suspends academic training,
students will be provided the opportunity to take leave. Emergency leave requests will be
processed directly by the Army detachment in cooperation with the host. In those cases, the

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

approving authority (parent service) will notify the school commander in a timely manner. Army
may grant special liberty/pass with the approval of the host for consolidated training and at their
own discretion for service unique training.

h. Academic disenrollment. Failure to meet academic standards can result in disenrollment of a

student in a consolidated course. A student may be reinstated into a consolidated course only with
the approval from both Army and the host service. Disenrollment will be accomplished by the host
registrar and subsequently forwarded to the Army. The parent service will process disenrollment
on their students. A student retains the right to address an academic disenrollment through their
service chain of command and/or through an academic review board as outlined in the student
evaluation plan.

i. Academic review board. An academic review board will make recommendations on student
retention, disenrollment, and remediation to the school commander for consolidated courses. The
board consists of equal representation by the appropriate services for consolidated courses.

j. Nonacademic disenrollment. Situations other than academic that prevent a student from
completing consolidated course objectives will be grounds for nonacademic disenrollment. These
reasons can vary widely and may include such situations as emergency leave, hospitalization, or
problems with conduct and suitability. All nonacademic disenrollment decisions will consider the
recommendations of the host. The decision to disenroll a student normally belongs to the
participating service. Army will accomplish disenrollment. Army will inform the host of such
action in writing, if possible, prior to any disenrollment action. Final appeal will be through Army
chain of command. A student may be reinstated into the course only with the approval from both
the Army and the host service for consolidated courses.

k. Counseling. For consolidated courses, academic and nonacademic counseling will be

conducted in accordance with the host’s policies and procedures. Any staff member may perform
counseling regardless of service origin. Nonacademic counseling will be performed in accordance
with parent service policies and normally be performed by the parent service.

L-5. Legal responsibilities

a. Support agreements between the participating services and host service will address the delivery
of legal services and set forth the jurisdictional chain of command for units concerning their
respective personnel for administrative and UCMJ purposes.

b. Army commanders will provide Soldiers the opportunity to obtain legal advice from their
servicing Legal Assistance or Trial Defense office, as appropriate. These offices may or may not
be stationed in the same location as the Soldier.

c. Initial entry Trainees from sister services and prior service, occupying leadership positions, are
prohibited from administering physical exercise as corrective action.

d. All formal counseling will be conducted by same service personnel within the Soldier’s respective
chain of command.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

L-6. Instructor administration

a. Each service will provide qualified instructor and support staff as agreed to in the manpower
review or as a result of validated annual instructor manpower adjustments. Each service will, to the
greatest extent possible, provide 100 percent manning of the agreed to requirement.

b. Each service will recognize that the length and complexity of the training necessitates early
arrival of staff to ensure no disruption of training due to lack of qualified personnel. Each service
will work towards programming the arrival of new personnel at the host as early as possible to
allow for adequate indoctrination.

c. Each service will ensure to the maximum extent possible that instructors serve a tour of three
years or more to meet mutually agreed upon instructor requirements and provide timely
replacements. A staggered rotation of instructors is preferred.

d. For consolidated training hosted by the Air Force, each service will make every attempt to
comply with the formal training requirements established in support of the Community College of
the Air Force, consistent with their service policies and procedures. This will be a standard
consideration for assignment selection and will, to the maximum extent possible, ensure that all
instructors teaching Community College of the Air Force accredited courses complete the required
training. Upon assignment, instructors who do not meet the requirement will develop an associate
degree plan through the education service office. Air Force will provide tuition assistance to Air
Force instructors enrolled in an associate degree program. Funding for other service military
instructors is provided as part of the Air Education and Training Command training requirement.
All DA Civilian instructors must have a degree from an accredited institution to be selected for
instructor duty. Office of Personnel Management has established a minimum requirement of an
associate degree for all DA Civilian instructors (including other services) who teach courses that
result in credit toward an associate degree conferred by the Community College of the Air Force.

e. Faculty selection. To the greatest extent possible, selection of service faculty should be made
based on demonstrated proficiency and experience dealing with the course-related issues and be
recognized as competent by the parent service.

f. Faculty development. All instructors must graduate from an instructor training course.
Instructors will be certified by the host school in accordance with the command’s regulations and
instructions for consolidated courses. Services will make every effort to ensure instructors
complete an instructor training course prior to reporting for duty.

g. Faculty dress and appearance. The standard of dress for all staff members will conform to
current regulations of their parent service and as dictated by training requirements. Authority for
conducting formal personnel inspections will remain with the officer-in-charge of the respective
service detachment.

h. Operational control of consolidated instructors. All instructor and school support personnel
will be under the operational control of the host during academic hours. Host will not remove or
use instructors during academic hours for other functions or details unless coordinated and agreed

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

to by the participating service. Participating services may not utilize instructor personnel during
academic hours without the prior approval of the host.

i. Instructor staff authority. Instructors will exercise authority over the students in the class and
will be under the control of the host for consolidated courses. The instructor staff will preside over
all students and be considered part of their supervisory chain of command.

j. Instructor performance/evaluation. Instructor evaluation will be in accordance with

participating service directives. The participating service should be informed immediately of any
performance problems for instructors of consolidated courses. An instructor record will be
established and maintained for each instructor. This record will include an education plan for
completion of requirements for instructor qualifications. Format of instructor records will comply
with host requirements for consolidated training. Instructors may qualify for host/participating
services’ Master Training Specialist designation.

k. Training support staff. Each service will provide training support staff as determined by the
manpower review. Each service will work towards providing 100 percent support staff manning
requirements at all times.

L-7. Separate and secure environment

The intent of the separate and secure environment is to ensure that all Soldiers are afforded the
opportunity to undergo IET in a safe environment. Requirements for separate and secure are
located in this regulation. Many of the host services barracks/dormitories do not support Army
separate and secure requirements. Commanders may request an exception to policy from U.S.
Army CIMT (ATMT), 210 Dillon Circle, Fort Eustis, Virginia 23604-5701 for the physical
security and supervisory measure requirements in this regulation. This request must be initiated
with the requesting unit through the first colonel in the chain of command through the proponent
school to the CIMT.

Appendix M
TRADOC Trainee Abuse Prevention Program

M-1. Introduction
This appendix will assist in understanding the TRADOC Trainee Abuse Prevention Program. It
describes the procedures and methods of preventing, detecting, investigating, and/or reporting
allegations of Trainee abuse. This appendix also provides commanders with materials that may be
used when developing Trainee abuse prevention training programs.

M-2. Trainee Abuse Prevention and Detection

a. TRADOC objective. The TRADOC mission is to provide competent, capable, and well-
trained Soldiers of good character, ready to fight and win our nation’s wars. There is no greater
obstacle to the effective IMT environment than the improper treatment of Trainees. As thousands
of young people enter the Army profession, they place their trust in TRADOC to provide high

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

standards of training, professional leadership, and an acceptable quality of life. Trainee abuse
undermines that trust of the American public by violating Army Values, disrupting military order
and discipline, and destroying a positive training environment. As such, the TRADOC Trainee
Abuse Prevention Program is designed to prevent, detect, report, investigate, and eradicate Trainee
abuse in any form.

b. Preventive measures. Trainee abuse actions are not those of a professional cadre member,
permanent party Soldier or DA Civilian; they destroy the ability to build our most essential
weapon system—the American Soldier. Any actions of cadre members, which do not directly
relate to the Trainee’s health, welfare, training, or another official purpose, may be Trainee abuse.
The primary goal of the TRADOC Trainee Abuse Prevention Program is to prevent incidents of
Trainee abuse, through cadre training, professional development, and effective detection of at-risk
cadre, abusive acts, and a supportive command climate.

(1) Training. All commanders will have a training program that educates cadre members
(military and DA Civilians) regarding the dangers of Trainee abuse and the importance of
professional behavior. This training will specifically focus upon positive aspects of
professionalism, prevention and why abuse occurs (for example, frustration with Trainees, marital
problems, financial difficulties, or physical attraction toward Trainees). Effective training tools
may include quarterly or semiannual small group sensing sessions; officer/noncommissioned
officer/DA Civilian professional development classes, where previous instances of Trainee abuse
are analyzed; or formal Trainee abuse presentations during all initial cadre training courses.

(2) Detection of at-risk cadre and abusive acts. The duties associated with a drill sergeant, or
an IMT instructor (military/DA Civilian) are challenging. Long hours, complex duties, and time
away from family members can cause frustration, anger, and other problems that may lead to
Trainee abuse. An effective system to detect at-risk cadre, and a supportive command climate that
encourages cadre to seek assistance from their fellow cadre, the chain of command, local
chaplains, or counselors could combat these problems. To be effective, drill sergeants,
commanders, instructors (military/DA Civilian) and other cadre should rely heavily upon each
other by being vigilant for signs or indications of a potential abuser. These cadre members are our
first lines of defense against Trainee abuse.

(3) Supportive command climate. Commanders will ensure drill sergeants, and instructors
(military/DA Civilian) take ownership of problems they see in other cadre members, by
intervening early to prevent any acts of abuse, providing counseling to an at-risk cadre member,
and reporting the matter to the chain of command immediately. Commanders will implement
programs that keep these key trainers fresh, alert, properly oriented, and motivated.

(4) Commanders will establish a hotline for Soldiers to report incidents of abuse and allow
Soldiers to download the “We Care” application on their personal cell phones (if available).

M-3. Reports and Investigations

a. Reporting Trainee abuse. All allegations of Trainee abuse received by a commander will be
reported. Timely reporting of allegations of Trainee abuse is vital to the command. Reporting

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

requirements for allegations of Trainee abuse are found in TR 1-8 and AR 190-45. All IMT
commanders will be familiar with these requirements, and have copies readily available. Trainee
Abuse is additionally defined as any incident in which a Trainee is harmed or injured in violation
of ARs and TRADOC policies. A report should be filed in any case where there might be media
interest or Command interest, regardless of the alleged perpetrator status (peer on peer included).
Only a commander can determine whether an incident is characterized as Trainee abuse.

b. Types of reports.

(1) OPREP. The OPREP is designed to provide the TRADOC Command Group near “real
time” information regarding important events or adverse incidents in the command. The CG,
TRADOC considers allegations of Trainee abuse and sexual harassment a serious matter, and
requires commanders to report allegations to the headquarters. Specifically, commanders will
follow procedures in TR 1-8, for reporting all allegations of Trainee abuse to the TRADOC
Emergency Operations Center via OPREP, unless the commander can quickly determine that the
allegation is not substantiated or the CID is still conducting the Trainee intake report. “Quickly
determine” means that the commander finds the allegation is without merit within 12 hours.
Commanders must immediately report sexual assault allegations. They do not have the authority to
determine if sexual assault allegations are without merit. The commander will report the allegation
to TRADOC Operating Center (TOC) will send the report to CIMT. BDE (or any unit)
commanders must report all sexual assault allegations to CID, the SARC, and the servicing OSJA,
pursuant to AR 600-20. Under no circumstances should the report be delayed longer than 24 hours
from the time the commander learns of the allegation. If the report is made after 24 hours, then an
explanation of the delay will accompany the OPREP. When in doubt, file the OPREP.

(2) SIR. In addition to the OPREP, commanders will submit a SIR for allegations that are
listed as a reportable incident under AR 190-45. Commanders will also file a SIR if it is
determined that the incident may be of concern to Headquarters, Department of the Army, based
on the nature, gravity, potential for adverse publicity, or potential consequences of the incident. A
sample SIR report is in AR 190-45 and TR 1-8.

(3) Hazing reports. Commanders will use the OPREP format to submit allegations of hazing
as defined in AR 600-20 as a reportable incident under AR 190-45. Commanders will also file a
SIR if it is determined that the incident may be of concern to Headquarters, Department of the
Army, based on the nature, gravity, potential for adverse publicity, or potential consequences of
the incident. A sample SIR report is in AR 190-45, figure 9-1.

c. Investigating Trainee abuse. With the exception of sexual assault, commanders will
investigate all allegations of Trainee abuse, regardless of the nature, magnitude, or source of the
complaint, and keep a record of all allegations. Commanders may use several methods to
investigate Trainee abuse allegations. These include a commander’s inquiry, an AR 15-6
investigation, or a law enforcement investigation. While investigating allegations, commanders
will consider appropriate actions to ensure a prompt investigation to protect the interests of the
organization. If a Trainee who is sexually assaulted desires restricted reporting then allegations of
sexual assault should only be reported to the SARC, unit victim advocate, or a healthcare provider
and no investigative process may be initiated. If the information involving the sexual

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

assault of the Trainee is disclosed to a commander from sources outside of these restricted
reporting avenues, then the commander must report the matter to the SARC and to law
enforcement authorities to initiate an investigation.

(1) Preliminary inquiry. At a minimum, commanders must conduct a preliminary inquiry

into every allegation of Trainee abuse with the exception of sexual assault which must be reported
to CID for investigation pursuant to AR 600-20. For minor allegations, this inquiry may be as
simple as an interview of the complainant and any witnesses to the incident. Extreme profanity,
minor assaults, and improper PT are examples of cases that could be properly investigated through
a preliminary inquiry.

(2) Administrative investigation (AR 15-6). In more complex cases, the commander will
consider use of an administrative investigation, in accordance with AR 15-6. This investigation
requires a formal appointment of an investigating officer by the proper “appointing authority,” and
is much more structured than the preliminary inquiry. Complex cases involving multiple witnesses,
victims, allegations, or suspects, may be properly investigated through the AR 15-6 investigation.

(3) Law enforcement investigations. When the commander’s preliminary inquiry reveals
credible evidence of criminal acts, the commander will contact law enforcement personnel.
Personnel of the CID and the military police investigations unit are experts in investigating serious
criminal matters such as hazing, rape, sexual assault, or sodomy.

d. Suspension and/or removal of Drill Sergeants. AR 614-200 requires the suspension of Drill
Sergeants when there is a serious incident involving an allegation of Trainee abuse, where an
investigation is mandated (such as an investigation conducted by CID or military police
investigator or conducted in accordance with AR 15-6). TR 350-16 requires temporary
reassignment pending investigation when a serious incident occurs or allegation of Trainee abuse
requiring an investigation. Attention should be given to moving the Drill Sergeant out of the
victim’s immediate location.

e. Judge Advocate assistance. Commanders and investigative officers will immediately contact
their military justice advisor or other servicing judge advocate regarding all cases. The timely
advice of an attorney will ensure the commander or investigating officer takes the appropriate
action to properly investigate the Trainee abuse allegation. When in doubt, call your servicing
judge advocate.

M-4. Hazing
The Army has been and continues to be a values-based organization where everyone is encouraged
to do what is right by treating others as they should be treated—with dignity and respect. Hazing is
fundamentally in opposition to our values and is prohibited. This paragraph is punitive; violators
may be punished under the UCMJ or subject to administrative action.

a. Definition. A form of harassment that includes conduct through which Soldiers or DA

Civilian employees (who haze Soldiers), without a proper military authority or other governmental
purpose but with a nexus to military service, physically or psychologically injures or creates a risk
of physical or psychological injury to Soldiers for the purpose of: initiation into, admission into,

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

affiliation with, change in status or position within, or a condition for continued membership in
any military or DA Civilian organization. Hazing can be conducted through the use of electronic
devices or communications, and by other means including social media, as well as in person.”

(1) Hazing includes, but is not limited, to any form of initiation "rite of passage" or
congratulatory act that involves: physically striking another in order to inflict pain; piercing
another’s skin in any manner; forcing or requiring the consumption of excessive amounts of food,
alcohol, drugs, or other substances; or encouraging another to engage in illegal, harmful,
demeaning or dangerous acts. Soliciting or coercing another to participate in any such activity is
also considered hazing. Hazing need not involve physical contact among or between military
members or employees; it can be verbal or psychological in nature.

(2) When authorized by the chain of command and not unnecessarily cruel, abusive,
oppressive, or harmful, the following activities do not constitute hazing:

(a) The physical and mental hardships associated with operations or operational training.

(b) Administrative corrective measures, including verbal reprimands and a reasonable

number of repetitions of authorized physical exercises.

(c) Extra military instruction or training.

(d) PT or remedial PT.

(e) Other similar activities.

(3) Whether or not such actions meet the definition of hazing, the action may be
inappropriate or violate relevant DA Civilian personnel guidance, depending on the type of
activities and the assigned duties of the employee involved.

b. Scope. Hazing is not limited to superior-subordinate relationships. It may occur between

peers or even, under certain circumstances, may involve actions directed towards senior military
personnel by those junior in rank or grade to them (for example, a training instructor hazing a
student who is superior in rank). Hazing has at times occurred during graduation ceremonies or
similar military "rites of passage." However, it may also happen in day-to-day military settings. It
is prohibited in all cases, to include off-duty or "unofficial" celebrations or unit functions. Express
or implied consent to hazing is not a defense to violation of this regulation.

c. Command responsibilities. Enforcement of this policy is the responsibility of commanders at

all levels. Commanders will devote particular attention to graduation or advancement ceremonies
as well as other occasions or settings that might put Soldiers at risk for voluntary or involuntary
hazing. These situations will be supervised properly to ensure they are respectful of all
participants, perpetuate the best of the traditions that the Army embraces, and leave all participants
and spectators feeling proud to be a member of or associated with the U.S. Army.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Appendix N
Hospital Based Training

N-1. MEDCoE, Hospital Based Training priorities

a. The U.S. Army Medical Center of Excellence (MEDCoE) trains Soldiers to be competent in
a number of Soldier and Medical tasks using both didactic and hands-on learning through
experience in Defense Health Agency Medical Centers. Currently there are 11 MOSs trained at the
MEDCoE requiring hospital based training (HBT). Completion of medical education at HBT sites
is required to award a Soldier one of the following MOSs: 68B, 68C, 68D, 68F, 68K, 68L, 68P,
68Q, 68V, 68X, 68Y.

b. Hospital Commanders will prioritize military training to support Soldier and Family
readiness, medical education, and leader development. The Hospital and Troop Commanders will
minimize military training that duplicates the training IET Soldiers receive during BCT and AIT
phase I in order to focus on medical education.

N-2. HBT phases of training

a. The Career Management Field (CMF) 68 IET Soldiers complete phases I through IV at
BCT, complete phases V through VI+ at Joint Base San Antonio, and continue training as VI+ at
HBT locations.

Phase VI+ begins at arrival of HBT location and continues until awarding of an MOS and arrival at
follow-on training or a permanent duty station. HBT phase VI+ extends up to 50+ weeks of
service for students on a normal course trajectory. Aspects of the phase process are accelerated at
HBT locations due to the specific training requirements of medical education not encountered at
AIT phase I.

b. Phase VI+ focuses on medical education and Army resilience tasks in preparation for
transitioning Soldiers to the operational force. Phase VI+ Soldiers are afforded most of the
privileges and restrictions as permanent party Soldiers.

c. Only commanders, 1SGs, AIT DSs, and U.S. Army military instructors CTC qualified (or
equivalent) Trainers are authorized and expected to impose corrective action / training on IET
Soldiers. Other instructors must request corrective action through the Soldier’s chain of command
after conducting counseling. This does not prevent any service member from using general
military authority to make on the spot corrections.
N-3. HBT phase restrictions and privileges.

a. HBT Commanders may reduce a Soldier’s phase status as a means of corrective action on
an individual basis. Phase V and VI Soldier restrictions and privileges are in accordance with this

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

b Married Soldiers on orders authorizing accompanied assignment to HBT locations may

settle their families into housing regardless of phase status. The Soldier will reside in the barracks
while in phase IV status.

c. Phase V/VI+ Soldiers may ride in or drive POVs and rental cars.

d. No overnight passes allowed unless approved by the commander.

e. The use of alcohol products is prohibited. An ETP may be requested by the Hospital
commander or commander MEDCoE, but must be staffed through the first 2-Star General Officer
(or equivalent) in the chain of command to CIMT for approval. The ETP request must include a
risk mitigation plan. No alcohol or tobacco products will be used around phase IV Soldiers.

f. Phase VI+ Soldiers will be allowed controlled, but extended, off post pass privileges. IET
company commanders at HBT locations will establish a leave and pass policy defining travel
limits for day passes and single day travel limits for Soldiers traveling by POV while on pass or
official leave outside the local area. Company commanders may authorize leave and passes. All
passes will end no later than 8 hours prior to the next training day.

N-4. Buddy system requirement

a. HBT is a specialized education environment combined with limited and geographically

dispersed support resources and at times requires deviation from the battle buddy system outlined
in this regulation for attendance at professional/medical services, religious services, and certain
academic and testing situations. The full implementation of the battle buddy system constrains IET
Soldiers’ abilities to participate in religious services and programs because of HBT locations’
reliance on community providers for low density faiths and practices. HBT IET training companies
will use ad hoc assignments of battle buddies for movements when the assigned battle buddies are
impractical such as meeting with SARC and Unit Victim Advocates (UVAs) for Sexual
Harassment and Assault reporting, Behavioral Health Services (BHS), Army Substance Abuse
Program, legal personnel for advice/services and Chaplains for counseling.

b. Because many HBT courses and facilities are multi-service and vary in ranks and status, it
is possible that an IET Soldier may be the only Soldier assigned to a class or medical department
for training. Under those conditions, the Soldier may move between his/her company area,
medical center, dining facilities, and other routine duty locations during duty hours with an ad hoc
battle buddy when necessary. Soldiers will move with classmates of equivalent career status from
sister services to the extent feasible. Every effort will be made to comply with the battle buddy
standards outlined in TR 350-6.

c. IET Soldiers regardless of phase status will have a battle buddy when speaking to cadre
outside of designated blocks of instruction. Battle buddies are not required during religious
services, medical, or dental appointments. IET Soldiers not residing in the barracks do not require
a battle buddy for their commute to and from domicile to duty. Battle buddies are not required in
and around duty locations when they are the only IET Soldiers in the classroom or medical unit.
Phase V+ Soldiers are not required to have a battle buddy after duty hours. Leaders and Soldiers

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

will encourage the use of the battle buddy system as a risk mitigation measure based on the
Soldier’s planned activity and feasibility. Phase V and VI Soldiers will maintain battle buddies as
written in this regulation.

N-5. HBT IET fundraising and participation in unit events

a. Trainees in phase V+ status may participate in unit/installation fundraising events and

support MWR-sponsored activities.

b. Trainees who participate in unit/installation fundraising or MWR events must benefit on

the same basis as permanent-party Soldiers.

c. As an exception to the prohibition in paragraph 2-5d(14) of this regulation, family

members of HBT Trainees may participate in unit SFRGs.

d. IET commanders will ensure that HBT Trainees are not disadvantaged in any manner as a
result of unit/installation fundraising and MWR activities, to include their level (or lack) of
participation in any such activities.

N-6. Separate and secure environment

a. IET commanders will employ control measures and policies to establish a safe and secure
environment to meet the intent of this regulation.

b. CTC (or equivalent) trained cadre NCO at the rank of SSG or above will execute the IET
company Charge of Quarters (CQ). The NCO will serve as the decision making authority for all
issues in the in the absence of the commander. CQ will be executed by an NCO and two same
gender student Soldiers on duty as access control guards. Duty shifts for access control guards and
CQ Runner from Sunday evening through Thursday morning will not exceed two hours per shift
and are limited to one shift per day. Shifts from Friday evening to Sunday evening may not exceed
four hours and are limited to one shift per day. If the training company does not have enough
students to fulfill this requirement, another Cadre member in the rank of SSG or above may
substitute the two runners.

c. Trainees in holdover (not in class) status may perform duties as access control guards in
battle buddy teams of two same gender Soldiers for 12-hour tours of duty with 24 hours of
recovery. If holdover personnel are not available, the use of access control guards will revert to
Soldiers in training.


Section I

1SG First sergeant

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

AAR After action review

AAFES Army and Air Force Exchange Service
ACE Ask, Care, Escort
ACFT Army Combat Fitness Test
ACFT-I Army Combat Fitness Test-Improvement
AFW Athletic Footwear
AGSU Army Green Service uniform
AIT Advanced individual training
APFU Army physical fitness uniform
APRT Army Physical Readiness Test
AR Army regulation
ARNG Army National Guard
ATC Army Training Center
ATP Army training publication
ATRRS Army Training Requirements and Resources System
ATSC Army Training Support Center
BCT Basic combat training
BDE Brigade
BN Battalion
CASEVAC Casualty evacuation
CCFSC Company Commander/First Sergeant Course
CID Criminal investigation division
CIIP Clothing initial issue point
CIMT U.S. Army Center for Initial Military Training
CLS Combat lifesaver
COE Center of excellence
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CQ Charge of quarters
CSM Command sergeant major
CTC Cadre Training Course
DA Department of the Army
DATE Decisive action training environment
DCG-IMT Deputy Commanding General-Initial Military Training
DCS Deputy chief of staff
DD Department of Defense form
DEERS Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System
DFAC Dining Facility
DLIELC Defense Language Institute, English Language Center
DLIFLC Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center
DOD Department of Defense
DODCAF Department of Defense Consolidated Adjudication Facility
DODI Department of Defense instruction
DS Drill sergeant
EFMP Exceptional family member program
ELT English Language Training
EPTS Existed prior to service

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

ESL English as a Second Language

ETP Exception to policy
FM Field manual
FTU Fitness training unit
FTX Field training exercise
G-1/4 Personnel and logistics
G-3/5/7 Plans, operations, and training
G-8 Resource management
GTA Graphic training aid
H2F Holistic Health and Fitness
HBT Hospital Based Training
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus
HQ Headquarters
HQDA Headquarters, Department of the Army
HRAP Hometown Recruiter Assistance Program
HRPP Human Research Protection Program
IET Initial Entry Training
IG Inspector general
IMT Initial Military Training
IMTLS Initial Military Training Leadership School
IRR Individual Ready Reserve
IRS Internal Revenue Service
ISCTC Installation staff contractor training course
ITR Individual Training Record
ITRO Interservice Training Review Organization
ITS Interim Top Secret
JPAS Joint Personnel Adjudication System
LNO Liaison officer
LOD Line of duty
LRPD Laws, regulations, policies and directives
MEB Medical evaluation board
MEDCoE U.S. Army Medical Center of Excellence
MEDDAC Medical department activity
MEDEVAC Medical evacuation
MEDPROS Medical Protection System
MEPS Military entrance processing station
MODS Medical occupational data system
MOS Military occupational specialty
MRD Mandatory release date
MTF Medical treatment facility
MWR Morale, Welfare, and Recreation
NCO Noncommissioned officer
OPREP Operations report
OPSEC Operation security
OSUT One station unit training
PCC Pre-command course

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

PCS Permanent change of station

PFMT Personal Financial Management Training
POC Point of contact
POI Programs of instruction
POV Privately owned vehicle
PRT Physical Readiness Training
PSI Personnel security investigation
PT Physical training
PULHES Physical, upper, lower, hearing, eyes, psychiatric
RC Reserve Component
RECBN Reception battalion
REFRAD Release from active duty
RHU Reception and holding units
SALUTE Size, activity, location, unit, time and equipment
SAPR Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
SARC Sexual Assault Response Coordinator
SFRG Soldier and Family readiness group
SHARP Sexual Harassment Assault Response and Prevention
SCI Sensitive compartmented information
SCTC Support cadre training course
SF Standard Form
SJA Staff Judge Advocate
SIR Serious incident report
SOP Standard operating procedures
SOR System of record
SQI Skill qualification identifier
STO Split training option
STP Soldier training publication
TC Training Circular (Department of the Army)
TP TRADOC pamphlet
TR TRADOC regulation
TRADOC U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
TRAS Training Requirements Analysis System
TRICARE Tri-Service Medical Care
TSP Thrift Savings Program
UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice
USC Unit sponsor coordinator
USAE U.S. Army Element
USAR U.S. Army Reserve
USAREC U.S. Army Recruiting Command
UVA Unit victim advocate
WBGT Wet bulb globe thermometer
WTBDs Warrior tasks and battle drills
WTRP Warrior Training Rehabilitation Program

Section II

TRADOC Regulation 350-6


Active Army
Members and units of the active Army.

Active Army medical extension

A program to evaluate and treat the RC Soldier with a documented in the line of duty incident
incurred or aggravated injury, illness, or disease, and provide pay and allowances, to the extent
permitted by law, to those Soldiers while being treated for or recovering from this service-
connected medical condition.

Advanced individual training

Training given to enlisted personnel, after completion of BCT, to qualify for the award of an MOS.

State of readiness.

Any person who has begun processing for enlistment or appointment in a military service by
initiating a DD Form 1966 (Record of Military Processing-Armed Forces of the United States) or
comparable form.

Army National Guard

The Army portion of the organized militia of all states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and
the District of Columbia, whose units and members are federally recognized.

Army physical fitness test

A three-event test designed to measure the basic component of fitness and evaluate Soldiers' ability
to perform physical tasks.

Army Recruit
Individual who has joined the Army, who is under contract, in the delayed Entry program (Future
Soldiers Program), Delayed Training Program, Recruit Sustainment Program, or similar programs.

Army Trainer
Any Army military, DA Civilian, or contractor personnel who are responsible for planning,
organizing, or conducting initial military training as part of a formal training course with a unique
training course identifier or as part of an in-residence training or education course, or who provide
administrative, logistical, or personnel support to Trainees. Providing guidance and mentorship to
all assigned personnel.
Basic combat training
Basic Combat Training (BCT) is training in basic military subjects and fundamental skills used in
combat, given to newly inducted and enlisted AC and RC personnel without prior military service,
or prior service members with greater than a three-year break in service.

Battle buddy team

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

A team of two or three Soldiers in the same platoon. Buddy teams are essential elements of
transformation as Soldiers begin the development of teamwork and team spirit.

Behavioral health care provider

Those trained mental health professionals who are credentialed or licensed as psychiatrists, clinical
or counseling psychologists, social workers, or psychiatric clinical nurse specialists.

All military, permanent party members, or DA Civilian personnel that command, supervise,
instruct, train, or directly support IET Soldiers.

Cadre training
The training of IET unit cadre and support personnel that have major roles in creating and
maintaining a positive IET environment that assists with the transition from civilian to Soldier. IET
cadre and support personnel are trained in accordance with this regulation and Appendix B, above.

Cadre training course

A mandatory course presented to IET company officers, first sergeants, BDE, and battalion staff to
familiarize them with the IET environment, organization, policies and procedures, leadership,
training, evaluation, performance management, and administration. Other IET permanent party
officers and NCO may attend on a space-available basis.

Constructive credit
Training credit granted to an entire class or an individual for a missed training event due to
extraordinary circumstances. Use this credit selectively, and grant only in those cases where there
is a clear demonstration that the Soldier meet or exceed the IET graduation standards. Constructive
credit authority resides at the TRADOC ATC or TRADOC service school or major subordinate
command; delegate no lower than IET BDE commander level. For those training sites located at
non-TRADOC organizations, this authority will reside with the first general officer in that school's

Corrective action
Nonpunitive actions used as a motivational tool by authorized Cadre members to immediately
address deficiencies in performance or conduct and to reinforce required standards.

Corrective training
Corrective training is for Soldiers who have demonstrated that they need, and would benefit from,
additional instruction or practice in a particular skill. Corrective training must be directly related to
the Soldier’s deficiency and assist the Soldier in meeting the standard. Training identified must be
associated with subject matter.
Credible allegations
Trainee abuse allegations are "credible" when a commander determines sufficient information has
been disclosed to or obtained that, considering the source and nature of the information and the
totality of the circumstances, is sufficiently believable to indicate that the alleged conduct has
occurred and would cause a reasonable person under similar circumstances to pursue further the
facts of the case to determine whether a criminal act occurred or may have occurred. If the

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

commander determines credible evidence exists, they should refer the allegations for a preliminary
inquiry, administrative investigation, or law enforcement investigation, as appropriate

Delayed Entry Program (Future Soldier Program)

Delayed Training Program and the Recruit Sustainment Program. Under these programs, an
individual may enlist in a RC of the Army or other Military Service and specify a future reporting
date for entry on active duty that would coincide with the availability of training spaces and
personal plans, such as high school graduation. This policy also covers any similar program.

Drill sergeant
A noncommissioned officer who has successfully completed the prescribed instruction in a U.S.
Army Drill Sergeant Academy, been awarded SQI X, and is qualified to train and supervise IET

Entry-level training
Recruit and initial skill training, including enlisted basic combat training, Advanced Individual
Training, and One Station Unit Training; it includes students in training and holding status.

Entry-level separation
Separation from the Army of an enlisted Soldier that has completed no more than 180 days of
creditable continuous active duty or initial active duty for training, or no more than 90 days of
Phase II under a STO.

Family member
Parents, grandparents, spouse, children, dependents or legal guardian. (Cannot be friends,

Fire safe barrier

A barrier that meets the fire, smoke resistance, and means of egress requirements of the latest
National Fire Protection Association Standard 101, Life Safety Code; and/or applicable
requirements of the latest MIL-HDBK 1008. The local authority having jurisdiction, normally the
fire chief, determines the suitability of a barrier meeting standards for a "fire safe barrier". Barrier
must be from floor to ceiling and meet all requirements mentioned above.

Fitness Training Unit (FTU)

Organization established to assist Soldiers to physically, mentally, and psychologically prepare to
return to training after successful rehabilitation and/or reconditioning. Unit is responsible for all
medical non-training population to include the Warrior Training Rehabilitation Program, AFPT-I,
convalescing leave, sick in quarters etc.

Individuals who, in the performance of their assigned duties and responsibilities, provide specific
counseling to Soldiers and DA Civilians in need. There are Primary and Secondary gatekeepers:
Primary: chaplains and chaplain assistants; Army Substance Abuse Program counselors; family
advocacy program workers; Army Emergency Relief Program counselors; emergency room
medical technicians and medical/dental health professionals. Secondary: military police; trial

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

defense and legal assistance attorneys; inspector generals; DOD school counselors and Red Cross

Go no-go
The condition or state of operability of a component or system: "go," functioning properly; or "no-
go," not functioning properly. Alternatively, a critical point at which a decision to proceed or not
must be made. (DOD)

Hard start MOS

Critical AIT MOS that have nine or fewer hard start dates annually.

A form of harassment that includes conduct through which Soldiers or DA Civilian employees
(who haze Soldiers), without a proper military authority or other governmental purpose but with a
nexus to military service, physically or psychologically injures or creates a risk of physical or
psychological injury to Soldiers for the purpose of: initiation into, admission into, affiliation with,
change in status or position within, or a condition for continued membership in any military or DA
Civilian organization. Hazing can be conducted through the use of electronic devices or
communications, and by other means including social media, as well as in person.

Hold under: A Soldier who arrives at a U.S. Army Training Center but does not have an ATRRS
training reservation available at that location.

Hold over: A Soldier who has not completed the reception process and cannot participate in his or
her scheduled ATRRS reservation.

Inactive Soldier
Any Trainee/Soldier out of training (meaning he/she is not currently progressing toward
completion skill training).

Individual training record

The individual training record (ITR) from DTMS is used to record the training received and
standards achieved by the Soldier.

Initial entry training

Training presented to new enlistees with no prior military service. This training is designed to
produce disciplined, motivated, physically fit Soldiers ready to take their place in the Army in the
field. This training includes BCT, OSUT, AIT, DLIFLC, and pre basic training courses (FTU,
DLIELC-ESL). Individuals are considered IET status until they graduate and are awarded a
military occupational specialty (MOS). The IET unit is responsible for the Soldier until he/she
signs in to his/her new duty station.

Initial military training

Term that encompasses all initial Army training including enlisted, warrant officer, and officer

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Any personnel (Military or DA Civilian) who presents instructions usually in a formal training
environment. (Classroom or field location).

Interservice Training Review Organizations are other services, Navy, Air Force, and Marines, who
train Army personnel on host service locations to achieve a certain military occupation skill.

Mandatory release date

A predetermined release date that is part of the RC enlistment contract. The date is established at
the home station to allow students and seasonal employees to enter and complete BCT during IET.

Mandated/directed training
Training mandated by DA and directed by HQ TRADOC for inclusion in IET.

Military occupational specialty qualified

An IET Soldier is considered MOS qualified upon successful completion of all BCT and
AIT/OSUT requirements. The MOS qualified Soldier can perform to standard the institutionally
taught critical Skill Level 1 tasks identified by the MOS proponent. The Soldier also demonstrates
a willingness to live by the Army's core values, loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor,
integrity, and personal courage and has the ability to work effectively as a team member.

Military Occupational Specialty – Transition (MOS-T): MOS-T training is for reclassification for
prior service Soldiers attending MOS-T as part of advanced individual training (AIT) to receive a
new MOS. MOS-T are individuals who currently hold an MOS and attending training due to a
reenlistment or being assigned to a unit that requires certain MOS assignments. Additional training
received to achieve a new MOS

New start
The reassignment of an IET Soldier to another company or BN in a later cycle to provide the
Soldier the opportunity to make up training missed, due to emergency leave or hospitalization or to
achieve performance standards not attained in the first training unit.

Noncredible allegations
Trainee abuse allegations are "noncredible" when a commander determines insufficient
information has been disclosed or obtained to indicate that the alleged conduct has occurred and
would cause a reasonable person under similar circumstances to pursue further the facts of the case
to determine whether a criminal act occurred or may have occurred.

One station unit training

IET conducted at one location, in one unit, under the same cadre, with a POI tailored to a specific

Phased training

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

Phases and associated goals that provide intermediate objectives to give common direction and
serve as milestones during IET. The training cadre evaluates each Soldier's performance by the
standards for each phase before advancing them to the next phase.

Prior Service:
For persons enlisting in RA, have 180 days or more on active duty as a member of the Armed

For persons enlisting in USAR, have served 180 days or more on active duty as a member of the
Armed Forces. Members who are MOS qualified, regardless of time, also are considered prior

Reclassified Soldiers
Graduates of IET in the grades of private through sergeant first class who have been selected for
training in a different MOS due to reclassification or reenlistment actions. The Soldier is assigned
to an AIT, OSUT or a RC training location to take Skill Level 1 training. Individuals who fail the
academics in their MOS and the Army assigns another MOS that the individual can learn and gain
the qualifications to continue serving.

Recycle Soldiers
Any Soldier who is delayed in completion of training due to repeating certain phases of training.
This includes personnel delayed for medical reasons, emergency leave, or other administrative

Remedial training
Additional training given to Soldiers enabling them to attain training standards and remain in
cycle, rather than receive new starts.

Reserve Components
The RC personnel ordered to initial active duty for training under the Reserve Enlistment Program
of 1963 (Public Law 88–110, 88th Congress) include male RC no-prior-Service personnel (age 26
or over) and female RC no-prior-Service personnel (ages 17 through 34) who enlisted under the
authority of AR 601–210 or NGR 600–200.

Schofield’s definition of discipline

The discipline which makes the Soldier of a free country reliable in battle is not to be gained by
harsh or tyrannical treatment. On the contrary, such treatment is far more likely to destroy than to
make an Army. It is possible to impart instruction and give command in such a manner and such a
tone of voice to inspire in the Soldier no feeling but an intense desire to obey, while the opposite
manner and tone of voice cannot fail to excite strong resentment and a desire to disobey. The one
mode or the other of dealing with subordinates springs from corresponding spirit in the breast of
the commander. He who feels the respect which is due to others cannot fail to inspire in them
regard for himself, while he who feels, and hence manifests, disrespect toward others, especially
his inferiors, cannot fail to inspire hatred against himself.

TRADOC Regulation 350-6

The deliberate physical and psychological development/progression of a civilian into a Soldier
who demonstrates an appropriate level of commitment, discipline, task proficiency, and adherence
to the professional military ethic.

Total control
Continuous cadre supervision.

Any military or civilian member undergoing initial military training in a formal training course
with a unique training course identifier, or attending an in-residence or a non-residence training or
education course. All personnel undergoing IET (BCT, AIT, or OSUT). Also included are those
in-processing at the reception station, awaiting training in FTUs, receiving English or foreign
language training, and/or those that have completed training and remain in a hold or holdover
status. For purposes of this regulation, Trainee also includes prior service Soldiers, Soldiers
undergoing reclassification training, and personnel from other services undergoing IET at
TRADOC service schools and major subordinate commands

Trainee abuse
Trainee abuse is any improper or unlawful physical, verbal, or sexual act against a Trainee
(however, this definition does not include acts involving a Trainee against a Trainee). Examples
might include assault, extreme PT not in accordance with a POI, demeaning or derogatory
language, extreme profanity, sodomy, rape, sexual harassment, extortion of money, or any
personal relationship that is not required by the training mission. In accordance with this
regulation, only a commander can determine that Trainee abuse has occurred.

Training Requirements Analysis System

The purpose of training requirements analysis system (TRAS) is to ensure that students,
instructors, facilities, ammunition, equipment, and funds are all at the right place and time to
implement directed training. The TRAS is a management system that provides for the
documentation of training and resource requirements in time to inject them into resource
acquisition systems. TRAS documents are submitted to the Training Operations Management
Activity (TOMA) for review and approval. Once approved the information becomes part of the
Program of Instruction (POI) for the specific MOS.

Warrior tasks and battle drills

Warrior task: A collection of individual Soldier skills known to be critical to Soldier’s survival in
combat. Battle Drill: A group of individual skills designed to teach a unit to react and survive in
common combat situations. Taught in BCT and the BCT portion of OSUT.

Weapons immersion training

Training Soldiers on weapons at the earliest time during the cycle. Soldiers’ responsibility and
understanding of weapons control is enforced through this training. Placing assigned weapons in
their hands at the earliest point in training will reinforce security, maintenance, and control.


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