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DCCN Model Question-Theory

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1. Describe a simple communication model, with the help of a suitable block diagram.
2. What three fundamental characteristics determine the effectiveness of a data communication
3. Define Distributed processing. Give its advantages.
4. Define the term Computer Network. Differentiate between a switched Communication Network &
Broadcast communication Network.
5. Why are protocols needed?
6. Differentiate between cell Relay & Frame Relay.
7. What is meant by ISDN? Explain.
8. Differentiate between
a) Half duplex transmission & full duplex transmission
b) Internet and internet
c) LAN & WAN
d) Protocols and Standards
e) Communication and Transmission
9. Draw a hybrid topology with a star backbone & four ring networks.
10. What are two types of line configuration?
11. What are the advantages of a multipoint connection over a point-to-point Connection?
12. Why are standards needed?

Protocols & Architecture

1. Briefly explain the OSI layered approach in a Computer Communications Architecture.

2. What are the main functions of different layers in an OSI approach?
3. What is meant by a PDU? Explain briefly how PDUs are exchanged between peer layers?
4. What is meant by a service Access Point?
5. What is the involvement of a Network layer in the following types of data transfer?
(a) Point-to-Point Link
(b) Packet switched network
(c) LAN
(d) Circuit Switched Network
6. What is meant by TCP/IP Protocol Suite?
7. List out the main differences in approaches between OSI layered Structure and a TCP/IP protocol suit.
8. Compare the differences between a hierarchical and a layered approach.
9. Differentiate between a port address, a logical address & a physical address.
10. Suppose a computer sends a packet at the network layer to another computer somewhere on the
Internet. The logical destination address of the packet is corrupted. What happens to the packet? How
can the source computer be informed of such situation?
11. What is difference between network layer delivery and transport layer delivery and transport layer
12. What is a peer-to-peer process?
13. What is protocol architecture?

Data Transmission

1. Contrast an Analog signal with a digital signal.

2. How is the Bandwidth of a signal related to its spectrum?
3. Differentiate between data rate & Baud rate.
4. What are the common transmission impairments a signal encounters? Explain each of them.
5. What is meant by channel capacity? Mention the factors affecting it?
6. What is meant by Eb/No ratio? What is effect of signal strength & data rate on it?
7. Distinguish between base band and broadband transmission.
8. Differentiate between synchronous & Asynchronous transmission.
9. A periodic composite signal contains frequencies from 20-30KHZ, each with amplitude of 8V. Draw the
frequency spectrum.
10. A line has a signal to noise Ratio of 2000 & a bandwidth of 5000KHZ. What is the maximum data rate
supported by this line?
11. We have a channel with 5KHZ bandwidth. If we want to send data at 150Kbps, what is the minimum
SNR db? What is SNR?
12. What does the Nyquist theorem and Shannon capacity have to do with communication?
13. How can a composite signal be decomposed into its individual frequencies.
14. Show the frequency domain of the following signal S (t) = sin 1000πt +5sin 200πt
15. The attenuation of a signal is –10db. What is the final signal power if it was originally 5W?
16. A signal has passed through three cascaded amplifiers, each with a 4db gain? How much is the signal

Transmission Media

1. Write short notes on the following & compare the total data rate capacity & BW criteria of them |
Twisted Pair, Co-axial cable & Optical fiber.
2. Differentiate between terrestrial microwave & satellite microwave.
3. Why are communication satellites in geosynchronous orbit?
4. Mention the factor for evaluating the suitability of a particular transmission media.
5. What is the position of the transmission media in the OSI or the internet model?
6. Name the advantages of optical fiber optics twisted pair and co-axial cable.
7. Explain the significance of twisting in twisted pair.
8. Explain the transmission characteristics of fiber optics and terrestrial microwave.
9. Write the physical description and applications of satellite microwave.

Data Encoding

1. What are the popular digital data encoding schemes? Compare their properties with respect to their
modulation rate, dc level component synchronizing capability, error detecting capability & immunity to
2. What is meant by differential code?
3. What are advantages of Biphase coding?
4. Differentiate among ASK, FSK & PSK. Where are they used?
5. What do you understand by QPSK? How is it used to increase the data rate in a communication link?
6. What do you understand by Bandwidth efficiency? Compare the same for ASK, FSK & QPSK.
7. Briefly describe a PCM scheme, where is it used?
8. What do you understand by Quantization? What is meant by quantization noise?
9. What is meant by companding? Where is it employed? What are the advantages of this scheme?
10. Write short notes on the following modulation techniques & compare their BW requirements AM,
11. Are the modem & the codec functional inverses?
12. Differentiate between serial & parallel transmission.
13. Define scrambling & give its purpose.
14. Distinguish between data rate & signal rate. Compare & contrast PCM & DM.
15. What is the maximum data rate of a channel with a bandwidth of 300 KHZ if we use four levels of
digital signaling?
16. Draw the signal waveforms when 001110011 is transmitted using the following
NRZ-L NRZ – I AMI Manchester Differential Manchester
17. List and briefly define important factors that can be used in evaluating or comparing the various
digital-to-digital encoding techniques.
18. What is the sampling rate for PCM if the frequency rangers from 1000 to 4000Hz?
19. A signal is sampled. Each signal represents one of four levels. How many bits are needed to
represent each sample? If the sampling rate is 8000 samples per second, what is the bit rate?

The Data Communication Interface

1. Differentiate between synchronous & Asynchronous transmission technique.

2. What is meant by Null Modem? Where is it used?
3. What are the functions of a DTE? What are the functions of DCE? Give an example of each.
4. What standard organizations are involved in DTE-DCE interface standards? Name some popular DTE-
DCE standards.
5. Compare the frames of transmission for synchronous & asynchronous techniques? What is meant by
a preamble & a post-amble in the frame? Why are they required?
6. Briefly describe RS232-C standard for interfacing?

Data Link Control

1. Why is flow control needed? Discuss the use of a buffer at the receiver in flow control.
2. What is the mechanism of stop-and-wait flow control? What is the mechanism of sliding window flow
3. What are the two types of sliding-window ARQ error control? How do they differ from one another?
4. In stop and wait ARQ what happens if a NAK is lost in transit? Why is there no need for NAKs to be
5. Which sliding-window ARQ is most popular? Why?
6. How does a single bit error differ from a burst error?
7. Differentiate between even parity & odd parity
8. Discuss CRC method.
9. What is the purpose of Hamming code?
10. Given a 10 bit sequence 1010011110 & a divisor 1011, find the CRC check your answer.
11. Construct a Hamming code for the bit sequence 10011101
12. A sender sends 01110001, the receiver receives 01000001. If only VRC is used can receiver detect
the error?
13. Explain the reason for moving from the stop-and-wait ARQ protocol to the Go-Back-N ARQ protocol.
14. Define piggybacking and its usefulness.
15. A receiver receives the bit pattern 0111011011. If the system is using odd parity, is the pattern in
16. A successive repeat ARQ is using 7 bits to represent the sequence numbers. What is the size of the


1. Distinguish between synchronous and statistical TDM.

2. Distinguish between multilevel TDM, multiple slots TDM, and pulse-staffed TDM.
3. Define spread spectrum and its goal. List the two spread spectrum techniques.
4. Describe the goal of multiplexing.
5. Explain FDM.
6. How is interference avoided by using FDM?
7. Given the following information, find the maximum bandwidth for each signal source.
i) FDM Multiplexing
ii) Total available Bandwidth = 7900Hz.
iii) Three signal sources.
iv) A 200-Hz guard band between each signal source.

Circuit Switching & Packet Switching

1.What is TSI and its role in time-division switch.

2.Compare space-division and time-division switches.
3.What are two approaches to packet-switching?
4.Compare and contrast a circuit-switched network and a packet switched n/w.
5.List the three traditional switching methods.
6.What is the role of address field in a packet traveling through a datagram n/w and virtual-circuit
7.Define blocking in a switched network.
8.List four major components of a packet switch and their functions.
9.Define the need for switching and define a switch.
10. How does frame relay differ from x.25
11. What is the significance of packet size in a packet-switching network?
12. What is difference between in channel and common channel signaling?

Asynchronous Transfer Mode

1. How does ATM differ from frame relay?

2. What are relative advantages and disadvantages of ATM compared to frame relay.
3. What is difference between virtual channel and virtual path?
4. What are characteristics of virtual channel connection and virtual path connection?
5. List and briefly explain the fields in an ATM cell.
6. Explain two methods for transmitting ATM cell.
7. List and briefly define the ATM service categories.
8. Compare an SVC with PVC.
9. How is an ATM virtual connection identified?
10. Discuss the frame relay physical layer.
11. There are no sequence numbers in frame relay. Why?
12. Differentiate between :
13. Unicast Routing and Multicast Routing
14. Exterior Routing and Interior Routing.
15. Explain Dijkstra’s algorithm in unicast routing.


Sub. : CP 4105 Database Management Systems

Tutorial Sheet BE - IV (IT)

1. Discuss the main characteristics of database approach and how it differs from traditional
2. Explain the difference between logical and physical data independence.
3. What are the main functions of a Database administrator.
4. What are the diff types of end user, Discuss the main activities with examples.
5. What is a database manager.
6. List the major steps taken to set up a database for any enterprise.
7. Describe the overall structure of a general database management system.
8. What do you mean by data abstraction, views data model, DDL, DML. Discuss all its
9. Explain the distinction between :
a) Weak and strong entity set
b) condition defined and user defined design constraints.
c) disjoint & overlapping design constraints.
d) total and partial design constraints.
10. Explain overall data base Architecture.
11. Define the following terms : entity, attribute, relationship, attribute type.
12. Draw an ER diagram pertaining to the following data
dept ( name, dep_code, office_no., office_phone, college)
University (Student name, sno, ssn, add, phone, degree)
add has city, state , zip code
course (cname, desc, cno, semno, semhrs, dept)
section (instructor, semester, year, course, secno)
Draw an E-R diagram for this schema. Also reduce it into appropriate
13. Design an E-R diagram a banking enterprise. Illustrate all the
essential features.
14. Explain the concepts of generalization & specialization and Aggregation with
appropriate examples.
15. What is mapping cardinality ?
16. Illustrate the difference between
a) weak & strong entity sets
b) Primary key & foreign key, Super key & Candidate key
17. Consider the following schema.
suppliers (sid: integer, sname: string, address: string)
Parts (pid: integer, sname: string , color: string)
Catalog (sid: integer, pid: integer, cost: real)
Write the following queries in RA, TRC & DRC.
Keys are sid for suppliers, pid for parts, & sid+pid for catalog.
a) Find names of suppliers who supply some red part.
b) Find the sid of suppliers who supply some red or green part.
c) Find the sid of suppliers who supply some red part or are at 222 packer
d) find sid of suppliers who supply every part.
e) Find pid's of parts that are supplied by at least two diff supplier.
f) find the pids of parts supplied by every supplier at less than $200. (If
any supplier either does not supply the part or changes more than $200
for it, the part is not selected.
18. Given two relation R1 & R2 wherein R1 contains N1 tuples and R2
contains N2 tuples, give the result produced by these RA expressions.
a) R1 \/ R2 b) R1 /\ R2 c) R1 - R2 d) R1 x R2 e) a=5(R1)
f) Pai a(R2)
19. Explain the following terms with examples.
a) Generalized projection
b) Outer join and its types
c) Aggregate functions
20. The outer-join operations extend the natural-join operation so the tuple from the
relations are not lost in the result of the join. Describe how the theta join operation can be
extended so that tuples from the left, right, or both relation are not lost from the result of a
theta join.
21. List to reasons why null values might be introduced into the database.
22. Consider the given database below, give expressions in SQL for the
following queries.
Lives (person name, street, city)
Works (person-name, company_name, salary)
Located on (company_name, city)
Manager (person_name, manager_name)
a) find names of all People who work for B.I.T.
b) Find the city of all people who work for B.I.T.
c) Find the name, city of all people who work for B.I.T and earn more than
3000 Rs.
d) Find people who live in the same city as there company they work for.
e) Find names of all people live in the same city & on the same street as
their manager.
f) Find all people who do not work for B.I.T
g) Find all people who can more than every employee of UCO Bank.
h) Find people who earn more than the average salary of people working in their
i) Find the company employing the most people.
j) Give all employees of B.I.T a 10% raise
k) Modify the database so that kumar now live in lucknow.
l) Delete all tuples in the works relation for employees of B.I.T
m) Give all managers a 15% raise unless the salary is grater than 10,000.

23. Consider the relational schema

employee(empno, name,office,age)
books(isbn, title,authors,publisher)
loan(empno, isbn,date)write the following queries in relational algebra.
(i)Find the names of employees who have borrowed a book published by McGraw-Hill.
(ii)Find the names of employees who have borrowed all books published by McGraw-ill.
(iii)Find the names of employees who have borrowed more than six different book
published by McGraw-Hill.
(iv) For each publisher ,find the names of employees who have borrowed more than 7
books of that publishers.
24. Explain the pit falls of an RDB design..
25. Why is null values avoided in a good design, Why are null values used.
26. What is a functional dependency. Explain the following terms associated with it.
a) Armstrong's axioms
b) Closure sets of functional dependencies
c) Equivalence of sets of functional dependencies.
27. What is normalization. Why is it needed. Discuss all the normal forms associated in detail.
28. What is BCNF and DKNF normal form?
29. What is the difference between 3 NF & BCNF?
30. What is referential integrity ?
31. What are integrity constraints. How do we impose then and what are its types.
32. What is a Multivalued dependency. What is its importance.
33. Explain the following terms.
a) Domain constraints b) Key constraints
c) Assertions d) Triggers
Give appropriate examples to illustrate the same.
34. What is join dependency. Discuss the normal form based on this aspect.
35. Illustrate the main feature of QBE. What are the major operations available with it. Give
36. What are armstrong rules? Why are they sound & complete.
37. What is closure of a FD
38. What do you mean by closure of an attribute ? Given the relation
R(A B C DL)& FD (A --> B, BC --> D, C --> E) A --> C)
Find the closure of A+ and which are the candidate key.
39. Why are certain functional dependencies called trivial functional dependencies?
40. Explain what is meant by repetition of information and inability to
represent information. Explain why each of those properties may indicate a bad relational
database design.
41. What is loss less join decomposition & dependency preservation.
42. Explain the normalization using FD?
43. Explain the normalization using MVD?
44. Explain the normalization using Dependency?
45. Write a short note on DKNF?
46. Given a relation R (A,B,C,D) & FD {A->B, A->C, A->D} into 2 relation R1(A,B,D)
R2(B,C) it is loss less decomposition & dependency preserved if not why?
47. What are the basic steps involved in a query processing.
48. What are the two scan algorithms used for selection operation.
49. Explain selection using the indexes
50. Explain conjunction, disjuction, Negation, inselection operations.
51. How is size of joins estimated?
52. Explain the following :
(a) Block nested loop join (b) Index nested loop join (c) Hash join.
53. List the ACID properties .Explain the usefulness of each.
54. Why do database system support concurrent execution of transactions, in spite of the extra
programming effort needed to ensure that concurrent execution does not cause any
55. What is a transaction? What are its properties.
56. Explain the different transaction state.
57. What is conflict serializability & view serializability.
58. What explain the lock based protocols.
59. What is a timestamp? Explain timestamps based protocols.
60. What are the various concurrency control techniques.
61. What is two phase locking. Explain.
62. How are files organized. Illustrate.
63. What benefit does rigorous -two-phase locking provide? How doe it compare with other
of two -phase locking?
64. Show that the two-phase locking protocol ensures conflict serializablity and that transaction
can be serialized according to their lock points.
65.What is database, database system and elements of a database system
66.Define the following term
(a) Data independence
(b) Query processor
(c) DDL processor
(d) DML processor
(e) Run time database manager.
67.What is relational algebra. What is its use. List relational operator.
68.What is difference b/w a database and a table
69.Explain the relation database structure.
70.What is domain, and how is it related to a data value.
71.Why are teeples in a relation not ordered.
72.Define a foreign key. What is this concept used for. How does it play a role in the JOIN
73.Discuss the E-R symbols used for E-R diagram. Discuss the conventions for clisplaying an E-R
model database schema as an E-R diagram.
74.What is E-R modeling. How is it different from SQL.
75.What are the semantic concepts of E-R model.
76.What is a relationship type . explain the differences b/w a relationship type, a relationship
instance and a relationship sat.
77.What is the importance of functional dependencies in database design.
78.What is a functional dependency diagram. Explain with an example.
79.What is the dependency preservation property for decongestion. Why is it important.
80.Let R are decomposed into R1 , R2 , ---, Rn and F be a sot of functional dependencies on R.
Define what it mean for F to be preserved in the Net of decomposed relations.
81.What is sonless or non-additive join property of decomposition. Why is it important.
82.What do you mean dry trivial depending .What is its significance in the database.
83.Define the concept of multiratred dependency and describe how this concept relates to GNF
provide an example to ithstrate you’re answer.
84.Explain why GNF is a normal form more desirable than BCNF.
85.What is concurrency control. What are its objective.
86.How does the DBMS ensure that transactions are executed properly
87.What is a consistent state database state and how it is achieved .
88.What do you mean by atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability. Why is it important Explain
with an example.
89.Describe the wait-die and would –wait techniques for deadlock prevention.
90.Discuss the action taken by Read-item and write-item operation on a database.
91.Discuss how serializability is used to enforce concurrency control in a database system. Why is
serializability sometimes considered too restrictive as a measure of correctness for schedules
92.What is a time stamp. How does system generate time stamp.
93.Using an example, illustrate how two phase locking works.
94.What is a schedule and what does it do.

Introduction: Purpose of Database Systems, Data Models, Schemas and Instances, Three-
Schema Architecture and Data Independence, Database languages, Database Architecture,
Classification of DBMS, relational database, Database users and Administrators, Advantages of

E-R-Model: Entities and Entity Sets, Relationships and Relationship Sets, Keys, Mapping,
Constraints, ER Diagram, Reducing ER Diagram to tables, Generalization and Specialization,

Relational Model: Concepts, Constraints and Relational database Schemas, Relational
Algebra, Relational Calculus, QUEL, QBE, SQL..

Database Design: Pitfalls in relational database design, Normalization using functional,
Multivalued and join dependencies, DKNF, Atomic values, alternative approaches to database

Security & Integrity :Security & Integrity violations, authorization and views, integrity constants,
encryption, Statistical databases.

Transaction Processing and Concurrency Control : Transaction Processing, Schedules and
Recovery, Locking and Timestamp Ordering for concurrency control.

Distributed Databases : Concepts and Types of Distributed databases, data fragmentation,
Replication and Allocation.

Text Book:
1. Fundamentals of Database Systems "Ramez Elmasri", Pearson Education

Reference Book:
1. Database Systems Concepts "A. Silberschatz,Korth", McGraw Hill.

Module I
Data Communications and Networking Overview: A Communications Model, Data
Communications, Data Communication Networking.
Protocol Architecture: The Need for a Protocol Architecture, A Simple Protocol Architecture,
OSI, The TCP/IP Protocol Architecture

Module II
Data Transmission: Concepts and Terminology, Analog and Digital Data Transmission,
Transmission Impairments, Channel Capacity.
Guided and Wireless Transmission: Guided Transmission Media, Wireless Transmission,
Wireless Propagation, Line-of-Sight Transmission.

Module III
Signal Encoding Techniques: Digital Data Digital Signals, Digital Data Analog Signals, Analog
Data Digital Signals, Analog Data Analog Signals.

Module IV
Digital Data Communication Techniques: Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission,
Types of Errors, Error Detection, Error Correction, Line Configurations, Interfacing.

Module V
Data Link Control: Flow Control, Error Control, High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC).
Multiplexing: Frequency Division Multiplexing, Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing,
Statistical Time Division Multiplexing.

Module VI
Circuit Switching and Packet Switching: Switching Networks, Circuit-Switching Networks,
Circuit-Switching Concepts, Control Signaling, Softswitch Architecture, Packet-Switching
Principles, X.25, Frame Relay.

Module VII
Asynchronous Transfer Model: Protocol Architecture, ATM Logical Connections, ATM Cells,
Transmission of ATM Cells, ATM Service Categories, ATM Adaptation Layer.
Routing in Switched Networks: Routing in Circuit-Switching Networks, Routing in Packet-
Switching Networks, Least-Cost Algorithms

Text Book:
1. W. Stallings - Data and Computer Communications, 7th Edn., Prentice Hall of
India,New Delhi-2006

Reference Books:
1. B. A. Forouzan - Data Communications and Networking, 4 th Edn. Tata McGraw Hill,
2. P.C. Gupta – Data Communications and Computer Networks, PHI, New Delhi-

1. Explain the following terms in Cryptography:

Services (2) Mechanism (3) Attacks
2. Discuss the security services of x.800 in the case of OSI Security Architecture.
3. Discuss the Security Mechanism (x.800).
4. Explain the Passive Attack and Active Attack.
5. Discuss the Network Security Model.
6. What are the essential ingredients of a Symmetric Cipher?
7. What are the basic functions used in Encryption Algo?
8. What is the difference between a Block Cipher and a Stream Cipher?
9. List and briefly define types of Cryptanalytic attacks based on what is known to the attacker.
10. Briefly define the Caesar Cipher.
11. Briefly define the Monoalphabetic cipher.
12. Briefly define the Play fair Cipher.
13. What is the difference between a Monoalphabetic cipher and Polyalphabetic Cipher?
14. What is Stegarography?
15. (a) Encrypt the message “meet me at the usual place at then rather than eight o’clock “
using the Hill Cipher with the key 9 4). Show your calculations
a. 7) and the result.
(b) Show the calculations for the corresponding decryption of the Cipher Text to recover
the original Plaintext.
16. What is Sinphified DES? Explain S-DES key generation. S-DES Encryption & role of function f k.
17. Why is it important to study the Feistel cipher?
18. What is a Product Cipher?
19. What is the difference between diffusion & confusion?
20. What is the Avalanche effect?
21. Explain the DES Encryption mechanism.
22. Explain the DES Decryption mechanism.
23. What is the difference between differential & linear cryptanalysis?
24. Discuss the Cipher Design Modes of operation.
25. Discuss the Block Cipher Modes of operation.
26. Briefly define a Group, Ring and a Ring.
27. What is difference between modular arithmetic& ordinary arithmetic?
28. List the three classes of Polynomial arithmetic.
29. Using the extended Euclid’s Algo, find the multiplicative inverse of:
1234 mod 4321
2414 mod 40902
30. Determine the GCD of the following pairs of Polynomials:
x3+x+1 and x2+x+1 over GF (2)
x3-x+1 and x2+1 over GF (3)
31. For a user workstation in a typical business environment, list potential location for
confidentiality attacks.
32. What is the difference between link & end – to end encryption?
33. What are the roles of the public & private key? Explain.
34. Describe in general terms an efficient procedure for picking a prime no.
35. What types of attacks are addressed by memory authentication?
36. What is a message authentication code?
37. What problems are kerberos designed to address?
38. What are there threats associated with user authentication over a network or internet?
39. What four requirements were defined for kerberos?
40. What is a chain of certificates? Explain
41. What is purpose of the x.509 statement?
42. What are the five principle services provided by PGP?
43. Why does PGP generate a signature before applying compression?
44. Give examples of applications of H sec.
45. Using S-DES decsypt the string (10100010) using the key (0111111101)
byhand. Show intermediate results after each function (IP, Fk, SW, Fk, IP-1).
Then douta the find 4 bits of the plaintext string to a letter & the second 4 bits to
another letter where we encode A through P in base 2.
(i.c. A = 0000, B = 0001, ---, P = 1111).

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