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00 KKS - Mechanical Engineering

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MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

Quality Guideline
KKS - Mechanical Engineering

This document must not be passed on, reproduced or otherwise used, or its contents provided as
information to third parties without the prior approval of MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
Document Nr. ....................................... Q10.09028-5003

Version ................................................. 3.0

Date ..................................................... 18.02.2015

Valid for BU/GF/SF .............................. P/all

Valid for sites ....................................... Augsburg/all sites
Context of use ...................................... internal/external use
Language ............................................. EN
Translation ........................................... yes/no
Changes: see History of Changes

Version: 3.0 Document Owner : Distribution (Dept.): PPPE

Henrik Vay
Q10.09028-5003 MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

Release Table

Rev. Author Approved Released

2.0 PEPD: Manfred Geiger PES: Michael Dlugosch PE: Michael Franke
PEDS: Henrik Vay PET: Gerhard Schlegl PQ: Gerhard Schiessl
PEP: Werner Suhr
PEA: Jens Rabe
PEC: Georg Felber

History of Changes

Rev. Description Date Editor Department

1.0 Initial release as Quality Guideline 26.09.2013 Manfred Geiger PEPD
(file format pdf) Henrik Vay PEDS
2.0 Rework of chap. 8, modification of 14.03.2014 Manfred Geiger PEPD
Function Key Table, Pictures and Henrik Vay PEDS
Wording of Chapt. 3.5 and 4.
Modifications of chap. 8 and additions to
table 2 according feedback from PEA.
(file format pdf)
3.0 Change of layout 18.02.2015 Gertrud Altmann PQ
KKS - Mechanical Engineering

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

86153 Augsburg
Phone +49 821 322-0
Fax +49 821 322-3382

Copyright © MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

All rights reserved, including reprinting in whole or in part, photomechanical reproductions
(photocopy/microcopy) in part or in full and translation thereof.

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Table of Contents

1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................. 4

1.2 Scope of Application ............................................................................................. 4
1.3 Abbreviations and Definitions............................................................................... 4
1.4 Reference Norms and Standards .......................................................................... 4
2.1 Process-Related Identification .............................................................................. 5
2.2 Point of Installation identification ......................................................................... 6
2.3 Identification of Location....................................................................................... 6
2.4 Example of KKS Numbers (process related identification) ................................. 7
3.1 Specification for counting individual engines and engine groups ..................... 8
3.2 Specification of the System code ......................................................................... 9
3.3 Determinations of the equipment unit code ....................................................... 13
3.4 Determinations of the component code ............................................................. 16
3.5 Determination for the notation of codes ............................................................ 16

List of Figures

Figure 1: Structure oft he KKS Code [cf. VGB-B105, page 10] ............................................................. 5
Figure 2: Process-related identification [cf. VGB-B105] ........................................................................ 5
Figure 3: Point of installation identification [cf. VGB-B105] ................................................................... 6
Figure 4: Identification of Location [cf. VGB-B105] ................................................................................ 6
Figure 5: KKS- Identification of the Diesel engine and to the engine dedicated systems ................... 10
Figure 6: Example for identification of piping and junctions ................................................................ 15
Figure 7: Example for P&ID with KKS- Identification(1)....................................................................... 16

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1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This quality policy describes the Identification System for Power Stations (Kraftwerks-
Kennzeichnungssystem, KKS) including its different types of Code. It contains all essential Function-,
Equipment unit- and Component Codes of the KKS used for MDT- Diesel engine driven Power Plants
using fossil and regenerative fuels.

For the process-related code of equipment (especially for flow charts), this quality policy describes the
implementation of the KKS standards and rules for the application within MDT.

This quality policy has to be used as working tool for identification of items in projects of MDT (MAN
Diesel & Turbo) in the BU (Business Unit) Power Plants. The expressions used in this quality policy can
differ in some cases from the published standards of the official KKS guideline due to the specific
operating language in Diesel Power Plants.

1.2 Scope of Application

This quality policy is valid for all employees of the BU Power Plants for the realization of projects. To
improve the implementation in engineering, this quality policy is also embedded in specification sheets
when ordering at contractors of MDT.

1.3 Abbreviations and Definitions

BU: Business Unit
CAE: Computer Aided Engineering
KKS: Identification System for Power Stations (Kraftwerks-Kennzeichensystem)
MDT: MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
PE: Power Plants Engineering
P&ID: Piping & Instrumentation Diagram

Device: is an umbrella term in this quality policy and contains objects of facilities (e. g. module,
components, facilities, plant parts, plumbing, system units and equipment).
Module: a module is a device and consists of an assembly of other devices (e. g. components, facilities,
plumbing, system units and equipment). A modules is clearly defined by borders and defined
interfaces .

1.4 Reference Norms and Standards

Abbreviation Title
VGB-B105 Guideline for the KKS-Identification System for Power Stations - 7th Edition 2010
KKS - Mechanical Engineering

VGB B 106 B2 KKS-Identification System, Application commentaries, Revision 2004

DIN EN 62424: Representation of process control engineering - Requests in P&I diagrams and
2010-01 data exchange between P&ID tools and PCE-CAE tools

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2 Types of Codes and Breakdown Levels 1

In consideration of the various requirements placed on the identification of plants, sections of plants and
items of equipment in power stations, KKS has three different types of code:
 Process-related code
 Point of installation code
 Location code

These three types of code use the same identification scheme, which is subdivided into maximum four
breakdown levels:
Serial no. of
breakdown level 0 1 2 3

Process-related Equipment unit

identification: Total plant System code code Component code
Point of installation
identification Installation unit Installation
+ Total plant
code space code

identification: Total plant Structure Code Room Code
Figure 1: Structure oft he KKS Code [cf. VGB-B105, page 10]

The breakdown levels are composed of classifying and counting indicator parts, which consist of data
characters with alpha characters and numeric characters.

The description of the structure of the above mentioned types of code in standard to KKS follows in
sub-chapters 2.1–2.3. The KKS standards with the breakdown levels and data characters give a frame,
which has to be interpreted and defined by MDT according to their application. For the process related
code this is described in chapter 3.

2.1 Process-Related Identification

Process oriented identification of devices based on their roles in the machinery and construction
equipment, electrical and control systems. The data characters are divided into "A" (alphanumeric) and
"N" (numeric) positions.

Breakdown level 0 1 2 3
KKS - Mechanical Engineering

identification Equipment unit
Total plant System code code Component code

Designation of data G F0 F1 F2 F3 FN A1 A2 AN A3 B1 B2 BN

Type of data = A oder N (N) A A A NN A A NNN(A) A A NN

Figure 2: Process-related identification [cf. VGB-B105]

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2.2 Point of Installation identification

Identification of points of installation of electrical and control and instrumentation devices in installation
units (eg, in cabinets, panels, consoles)

Breakdown level: 0 1 2

Poistion Total plant Installation unit code Installation space code


Designation: G F0 F1 F2 F3 FN A1 A2 AN A3

Data character: + A or N (N) A A A NN A(A) (N)(N)N (A)

Figure 3: Point of installation identification [cf. VGB-B105]

2.3 Identification of Location

The identification of locations in structures, hallways and rooms as well as fire areas and typographical
definitions (surface area grid).

Breakdown level:
0 1 2

Location Total plant Structure Code Room Code

identification: +

G F0 F1 F2 F3 FN A1 A2 AN A3

Data character + A oder N (N) A A A NN (A)(A) (N) NN (A)

Figure 4: Identification of Location [cf. VGB-B105]

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Data character
Breakdown level


Art der Datenstelle

Process-related identification
Verfahrenstechnische Kennzeichnung
MAN Power Plant - KKS-Nummerierung
MAN Diesel & Turbo

Sample: 1 Engine, nozzle on tank in system "Engine Cooling Water"

Beispiel: 1 Motor, Stutzen am Tank im System "Motorkühlwasser"

Zählnummer für Motoren (01-99)

(A or N)
Total plant

(A oder N)
Motor Nr.: 1 bei nur Anlagenteilen "00"

Engine No.: 1 Counting number for engines (01-99)

for only plant items "0 0"



Flüssigkeitskühlung Funktionsschlüssel (KKS)


Liquid cooling Function key (KKS)


F1 F2 F3
System code

Kennzahl Teilsystem (siehe


Motorkühlwasser Funktionsschlüsselübersicht)


Engine Cooling Water Code number subsystem (see overviev

function keys)

Figure 5: Example for a process-related identification at MDT

Apparate (Behälter) Aggregatschlüssel (Vorgabe KKS)

Mechanical equipment (tank) Equipment unit key (Default KKS)

A1 A2
01 MJG10 BB010 MR01

Behälter Nr.: 1 Zählnummer



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Tank no.: 1 Counting number
Equipment unit code

nicht belegt frei



not used free

Maschinentechnische Betriebsmittel
2.4 Example of KKS Numbers (process related identification)

Rohrleitungsteile, Kanalteile Betriebsmittelschlüssel (KKS)


Mechanical components Component key (KKS)

B1 B2

Piping components, ductwork components


Component code

Stutzen Nr.: 1 Zählnummer




Nozzle no.: 1 Counting number

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3 Specifications for Process-Related Identification

As the KKS guidelines leave room for interpretation, specific definitions have to be made (see example
in image 5). Below are standard definitions for the process related identification in MDT are detailed.
It may still be necessary to define additional rules for a project. Those have to be decided with all
project stakeholders (MDT Lead Engineers, others), documented and communicated at the beginning
of the project.

3.1 Specification for counting individual engines and engine groups

Total plant System code Equipment unit code Component code
Designation G F0 F1 F2 F3 FN A1 A2 AN A3 B1 B2 BN
For counting engines and engine groups the breakdown level 0 “Total plant” and the first data character
of the System code (F0) are used.

These two locations allow numeric entries with the following meaning:
00 is associated with plant related equipment
01 – 49 is associated with engine related equipment (engine counting)
50 – 99 is associated with engine group related equipment (exact definition is made at
project start)

The labeling does not distinguish between a single or multi-engine plant, meaning engine related
equipment is described with 01 in a single engine plant as well as in a multi engine plant in order to
maintain the designation structure for possible future enhancements.
The first two digits of the KKS number identify equipment assigned to a particular engine. As a rule, the
numbers 01 to 49 are used. This is sufficient for most cases (for plants with up to 49 engines). If this is
not sufficient, project specific definitions must be agreed upon at the start of the project between all
parties involved.
Equipment associated with the whole plant and not related to a certain engine or engine group is given
the label "00".
Furthermore, there is a way to identify engine groups within the plant.
The following table describes the grouping for a standard power plant:

KKS Data psoition G und F0 Meaning for the equipment labelled

00 Common piping and accessories for the Overall Plant (plant-related)
01-40 Pipes and accessories per engine (engine related)
Common piping and accessories for a group of 20 engines (engine
group related)
KKS - Mechanical Engineering

51/55 Common piping and accessories for a group of 10 engines (engine

61/65 group related)

52/53/56/57 Common piping and accessories for a group of 5 engines (engine

62/63/66/67 group related)

70/71/72/73/74/75/76/77 Common piping and accessories for the sludge and leakage modules
80/81/82/83/84/85/86/87 (two per 5 engines)

Table 1: Application of Breakdown level Total plant G and F0 of the Breakdown level System code

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The following example is meant to illustrate the application: 2

In a plant with 40 Diesel engines certain parts exist only once for the whole plant. These would then be
labeled “00”, as defined above. Another group is equipment where one is used for 20 engines. This
equipment is labeled with “50” and “60”. The designation “51”, “55”, “61” and “65” can be used for
equipment related to groups of 10 engines. The next level would be groups of five engines, labeled
“52”, “53”, “56”, “57”, “62”, “63”, “66” and “67”
Schematic representation of the structure:
40 Engines
50 60
20 Engines 20 Engines
51 55 61 65
10 Engines 10 Engines 10 Engines 10 Engines
52 53 56 57 62 63 66 67
5 Engines 5 Engines 5 Engines 5 Engines 5 Engines 5 Engines 5 Engines 5 Engines

3.2 Specification of the System code

Specification of the function keys with Data characters F1, F2 und F3
Total plant System code Equipment unit code Component code
Designation G F0 F1 F2 F3 FN A1 A2 AN A3 B1 B2 BN

The Data characters F1, F2 and F3 of the System code represent the function key (so- called trigram or
system key). It describes the functional attribution to a system according to the standard in VGB-B105.
Changes to a function key according to the VGB-B105 standard are permitted only if the content is not

All function keys are listed in a separate list “Systemschlüsseltabelle” in the latest version on the
Engineering Manual. Function keys not listed there may be used only after consultation with all
stakeholders of the project (responsibility of execution MDT Lead Engineer Process or Lead Electrical &
Control). The reason is that changes have to be added in the documentation and given of pipes class
and isolation class labels.

Determination of the Data Characters of FN (system counting)

Total plant System code Equipment unit code Component code
Designation G F0 F1 F2 F3 FN A1 A2 AN A3 B1 B2 BN
KKS - Mechanical Engineering


Counting of FN Data Characters NN (system counting) serves to differentiate similar systems, to classify
the systems into subsystems or parallel strings and for identification of modules.

For the FN- Data characters of engine internal systems and engine attached systems (mounted on the
engine) (Diesel engine as module) figures between “01” to “09” are used. For plant systems or systems
assigned but not mounted on the engine the figures “10” to “99” are used at the F N position.

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The following example shows the KKS- Identification at a Diesel engine and the engine-related

The image below shows the first Diesel engine 01 of the plant. The whole Diesel engine including the
mounted devices (module-centered) is KKS- identified “01MJA01” (so- called module system code).
The (sub-) systems, which are mounted at the Diesel engine have a function key according which
system they belong to and the FN data characters NN between “01” and “09”. For example: the engine
cooling pipe, which is mounted at the engine, has the KKS- Identification “01MJG01AP010”.

At the respective interfaces between Diesel engine and the engine-related subsystems, the system
code changes. For example: the FN data character of the charge air cooling system changes from
“01MJG02” to “01MJG20”.

Figure 5: KKS- Identification of the Diesel engine and to the engine dedicated systems
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The first numeric FN- data character is used for differentiation of systems with similar function and the 2
same function key (trigram), which belong to the engine or the plant. The following example shows this.
The Diesel engine has several engine-related cooling water systems, which are all marked with the
function key “MJG”. For differentiation of these independent systems, the first numeral of the FN data
character is used. The counting begins at the systems, which belongs to the engine or the plant at “1”
and continues.

01 MJG1 engine cooling water system
01 MJG2 charge air cooling water system
01 MJG3 nozzle cooling water system

The second numeric FN- data character divides the system in sub-systems and modules. The counting
begins at “0” for the higher-level system (main system). The sub- systems or modules within follow with
the numbers “1” to “9”.

All devices, which are attached to a sub- system or a module respectivly installed devices get the same
system code as the according higher-level system, sub-system or module (see also determinations for
equipment unit code in sub-chapter 3.3).

Determination of the system code at modules

Modules get determined at breakdown level 1 System code by the F N data character. The counting
continues independently, whether the modules are constructed in the same way or not.

Image 7 below makes this clear:

In example 7, a subzone of the plant-related control air system 00QFB10 is illustrated. The counting is
continuing and independent, whether the modules are constructed in the same way or not.

Filtering module 1 of control air (identical to filter module 2): 00 QFC12

Filtering module 2 of control air (identical to filter module 1): 00 QFC13
Pressure reducing module: 00 QFB11

Free-standing facilities or components, which are arranged in the system (like pumps, tanks and
armatures, which do not belong to a module) get the system code of the higher-level main-system or

These are the following devices (equipment units) in Figure 7:

00 QFB10 BR067
KKS - Mechanical Engineering

00 QFB10 BR020
00 QFB10 BR023
00 QFB10 BR007
00 QFB10 AA617
00 QFB10 AA603
00 QFB10 AA618
00 QFB10 AA201

The second digit of the FN- data character in this example is always “0”.

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Figure 7: Example KKS code of a plant related system

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3.3 Determinations of the equipment unit code 3
Determinations of the Data characters A1 and A2 (Equipment unit key)
Total plant System code Equipment unit code Component code
Designation G F0 F1 F2 F3 FN A1 A2 AN A3 B1 B2 BN
Data character A or N N A A A NN A A NNN A A A NN

The Data Characters A1 and A2 of breakdown level 2 Equipment unit code is the Equipment unit key.
The Equipment unit key classifies the devices according the VGB-B105 standard.
All essential equipment unit keys at MDT are listed at chapter 6. Not listed function keys may be used
only after consultation by the stakeholders of the project (responsibility of execution MDT Lead
Engineer Process respectively Lead Electrical & Control)
Determinations of the Data characters of AN (Equipment unit counting)
Total plant System code Equipment unit code Component code
Designation G F0 F1 F2 F3 FN A1 A2 AN A3 B1 B2 BN

The AN-Data Characters NNN are used for counting the devices (Equipment unit- counting).
For counting valves (AA), piping (BR) and measuring circuits (C), following breakdowns of the AN-Data
Characters are applied:
Valves (AA) Piping (BR) Measuring circuits (C)
Analog measurement (connected to
Powered On / off valves or
001 – 099 Main pipes the control system)
dampers in main ducts
(Counting in steps of 10)
Binary measurement to the control
100 – 199 Control Valves Main pipes (counting within one equipment in
single steps; between equipments in
steps of 10)
Valves in drainage, Drainage, ventilation
200 – 299 -
ventilation and flushing and flushing pipes

Shut-off Valves for

Piping for
301 – 399 instrumentation (outside of -
Valves in sample and Sample and dosing Connections for test measurements
400 – 499
dosing pipes pipes (counting in single steps)
KKS - Mechanical Engineering

Local measurement
(counting within one equipment in
501 – 599 Valves in test pipes test pipes
single steps; between equipments in
steps of 10)
Check valves and manual
600 – 699 - -
Safety valves (including
701 – 799 Safety-related pipes -
quick-closing valves)
800 – 899 - - -
Combined measurements
(Calculated value from several
900 – 999 - -
measured values, such as mean,
Table 2: Determination of counting valves, piping and measuring circuits.

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The priorities for the allocation of counting numbers NNN for valves are:
 High priority: safety
 Standard priority: regulate
 Low priority: control

Determination of the Equipment unit code for devices (components/ equipments) on modules
The Identification of components or facilities which are identical in construction and arrangement on
identical modules is done with identical Equipment unit code (A1 and A2) and Equipment unit counting
(AN Data Character NNN). The necessary differentiation in arrangement is made by the Equipment unit
counting AN at the unit position NNN with the same decade NNN.

In the example of image 7, you can see this for the filter modules with identical construction 00 QFC12
and 00 QFC 13.
00 QFC12 AT030 (identical in construction and arrangement to 00 QFC13 AT030)
00 QFC13 AT030 (identical in construction and arrangement to 00 QFC12 AT030)
00 QFC12 AT031 (identical in construction and arrangement to 00 QFC13 AT031)
00 QFC13 AT031 (identical in construction and arrangement to 00 QFC12 AT031)

Identification of the components or facilities which are not identical in construction and arrangement is
accomplished according to continuing assignment with equipment unit code and equipment unit number
of counting at decade. In the example of Figure 6, this can be found on the pressure-reducing module
00 QFC 12 for the device 00 QFC12 AT040.

Determination of the Equipment unit code for devices (components/ equipments) in systems
Identification of free-standing components or facilities, which are identical in construction (not defined
as a module) in a main system or subsystem is made continuous with identical Equipment unit key (A1
and A2) and decade NNN and equipment unit counting (AN data character NNN). In Equipment unit
counting, these components or facilities are differentiated by the unit position NNN.

The distinction of different free-standing components or facilities is accomplished by a consecutively

numbered decade NNN at the equipment unit counting AN.

The assignment of the equipment unit numbering could be as following:

Filter number 1 architecture A: 00 QFC 12 AT040
Filter number 2 architecture B (identical to filter number 3): 00 QFC 12 AT030
Filter number 3 architecture B (identical to filter number 2): 00 QFC 12 AT031

Determination of equipment unit code at piping

The Identification of piping differs from standard VGB-B105. The most important differentiation to the
standard is that no change in KKS Identification occurs after changing the diameter, for example after a
reduction. This makes the P&IDs easier to read. The graphical depiction and management of piping
KKS - Mechanical Engineering

diameters is handled in the drawing software.

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Figure 6: Example for identification of piping and junctions

Changes in KKS Identification will be made:

 At junctions like air-vents and drains
 Before/after modules
 Before/after equipments or components (also at modules)
 At system-limits
 At supply-limits

This change of KKS Identification of the piping can refer both to system code and equipment unit code.

In Figure 6, you can see this for KKS identification at piping. Specific determinations will be made by the
project stakeholders when at the start of the project.

Determinations for data character of A3 (additional code)

Total plant System code Equipment unit code Component code
Designation G F0 F1 F2 F3 FN A1 A2 AN A3 B1 B2 BN
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The data character A of the additional code A3 can be used for further differentiation of devices, if it is
necessary. Normally, the data character A of A3 is not necessary and therefore not used.
The kind of handling has to be arranged by the project stakeholders. An example for the usage of this
data character is if two thermo elements are mounted at the same temperature test point. In this case
the first thermo element gets the character “A” on the A3 position, the second one is assigned the letter

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3.4 Determinations of the component code

Total plant System code Equipment unit code Component code
Designation G F0 F1 F2 F3 FN A1 A2 AN A3 B1 B2 BN
Data character A or N N A A A NN A A NNN A A A NN

The Data Characters B1 and B2 of breakdown level 3 Component code represent the Component key.
The Component key classifies the components according to the VGB-B105 standard. The BN- Data
characters NN can be used for component counting.

Normally, the Component code is not in use at MDT.

Exceptions can be for example:

1. Electric drives (motors or magnets)
2. Connection flanges (at Tanks, facilities, Diesel engine...)

3.5 Determination for the notation of codes

The VGB-B105 standard contains guidelines for the notation of the KKS- identifications and describes
two options:
1. Small spacing: Between the breakdown levels Plant system-, Equipment unit- and
Component code: one space each
2. Large spacing: Same as 1, but additionally one space between the letters and
numbers in each level of breakdown.
At the Business Unit Power Plants at MDT, small spacing is in use at drawings and accompanying

The multiline notation is used on drawings and (specifically on P&IDs). By using pre-fabricated labels in
CAE- applications (single- line at equipments and measuring points, otherwise double-spaced), the
notation on drawings is predefined for the user.
The two figures below show the notation for different objects.
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Figure 7: Example for P&ID with KKS- Identification(1)

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4 Determinations of the Location code

The identification of the location is led by the engineering-data bank for each object as an attribute. The
location for every object:
1. is preset by the area limits shown on the P&ID
2. The complete Location code (including floor- and room-number) has to be defined by placing
the object in the 3D model or assigned manually in the data bank.

Flanges have to be defined at the supply-limits of pipes. The supply-limits normally correlate with the
area limits.
The rules for Location codes must be taken from VGB-B105 and from the KKS- guideline of the Civil-
department (PEC).

5 List of Function keys (MDT-Version)

The function keys are listed in the latest version of the Function key table (Systemschlüsseltabelle)
featured in the Engineering Manual.
Function key table
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6 List of equipment unit codes 5

(Data characters A1A2)

A Generator
AA Valve including actuator, and also hand-operated; bursting
AB Seclusion, locks
AC Heat exchanger, heating coil
AE Rotating, moving, lifting and swing (also manipulator)
AF Conveyors, feeders (escalator)
AG Generator
AH Heating, cooling and air conditioning unit
AJ Crushing device, only process-related
AK Pressing, packet assembly, only process-related
AM Mixing, stirring
AN Compressor, blower unit
AP pump units
Adjustment, (only use tensioning device when actuator itself
AS structural unit with another unit makes)
not for electrical quantities
AT Cleaning, drying, filtration and separation device except * BT *
Brake, transmission, clutch assembly, non-electronic converters,
eg power amplifier device
AV Combustion device, such as furnace grates
AW Stationary Machines, treatment facility
AX Testing, monitoring means for plant maintenance

B Apparatus
BB Storage device (container)
BE Shaft (only for installation, maintenance)
BF foundations
BN injector, ejector
Flow, flow limiter (also bursting discs), orifice
(non-metering orifice)
BQ Mount, carry device, scaffolding, pipe penetration
BR Pipe, duct, trough
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BS sound absorber
BT Flue gas catalyst module
BU Isolation, containment

Direct measurement circuit

ariables radiation (heat radiation, flame monitoring, unless "CR" and "CQ")
lectrical quantity (eg current, voltage, power, frequency)
Flow rate, throughput
Distance, length, position, direction of rotation
Manual entry, manual intervention, manually operated device (eg fire alarms)

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Performance (mechanical, thermal)

Fill level (including interface)
High quality size (analyzes, material properties), except * CD *, * CM *, CV *
variable radiation
Speed, speed, frequency (mechanical), acceleration
Composite and other variables
Weight, mass
neutron flux
Vibration, strain

Control loops
variables radiation (heat radiation, flame monitoring, unless "DR" and "DQ"
Electrical quantity (eg current, voltage, power, frequency)
low rate, throughput
Distance, length, position, direction of rotation
Performance (mechanical, thermal)
Fill level (including interface)
High quality size (analyzes, material properties), except * DD *, * DM *, * DV *
variable radiation
Speed, speed, frequency (mechanical), acceleration
Composite and other variables
Weight, mass
neutron flux
Vibration, strain
KKS - Mechanical Engineering

Measurement, signal processing

block control
group control
Under group control
Portion control,, Unit control
signaling link
alarm system, conventional
Visualization operating and monitoring system images
signaling link
personal monitoring
Criteria for computer /

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criteria for display 5
monitoring computer
Internal automation (signal processing)
reactor protection
Internal automation (signal processing)
Summarized measurement, signal processing
Signal transmission bus coupling
Superior protection lock, not units relative
Higher-order units protection

Indirect measurement circuit

variables radiation (heat radiation, flame monitoring, unless "FR" and "CF"
Electrical quantity (eg current, voltage, power, frequency)
Flow rate, throughput
Distance, length, position, direction of rotation
Performance (mechanical, thermal)
Fill level (including interface)
High quality size (analyzes, material properties), except * FD *, FM *, * FV *
variable radiation
Speed, speed, frequency (mechanical), acceleration
Composite and other variables
Weight, mass
Neutron flux (reactor power measurement)
Vibration, strain

Electrical equipment
Subdistribution for analog measurements
Subdistribution for binary signals
Subdistribution measurements for analog SILT-values
KKS - Mechanical Engineering

Subdistribution for power cables

> 1 kV
Subdistribution for power cables
<1 kV
Subdistribution for BELT signals / values
Sub-distributor for thermocouples
Installation units identified by the process technology
(eg, cabinets, boxes) and the electric control
Information and control unit for process computer and
automation System
Sub-distribution for low power system of public telecommunications services
Network devices (Bus Coupler, Optical Transceivers, etc.)
Sub-distribution / sub-distributor for lighting

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Sub-distribution / sub-distributors for power outlet

DC power generation equipment, battery
Unless stated by the process technology
converter device
Building-related grounding, lightning protection,
Surge derivatives
Cabinet power
Actuator (electric variables)
Sub-distribution system for low power
(not public telecommunications services)
Support, carrying equipment, scaffolding for electrical and I & C

Subassembly of the major and large machines

Machine housing part

Alternator rotor part
bearing subassembly
KKS - Mechanical Engineering

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7 List of component codes 5

(Data characters B1B2)

– Electrotechnical equipment KJ crushing machine

KK Pressing, packaging machine
–A Assembly and parts subassembly KM Mixer, agitator
Converter of non-elec. on elec. variable, or
–B KN Compressors, blowers, fans
vice versa
–C capacitor KP Pump
–D Binary elements, delay, storage device KT Cleaning machine, dryer, separator, filter
–E Special equipment KV Burner grate
Stationary processing machine and
–F protective device KW
equipment for maintenance treatment
–G Generator, Stromversorgung
–H signaling device M Machinery Technical equipment
–K Relays, contactors MB brake
–L inductor MF foundation
–M E-Motor MG gear
–N Verstärker, Regler MK coupling
–P Meter, test equipment MM Engine, not electrical engineering
–Q Power switching device MR Pipeline component, channel part
–R resistor MS Adjusting drives, not electrical engineering
–S Switch, selector MT Turbine
Transmission element, not electrical
–T Transformer MU converters and power amplifiers, except
clutch and transmission
Modulator of electrical converter. Electric in
others. variable
Instrumentation and control equipment
–V Tube, Q
(not electro-technical)
Housing (only for the protection of process
–W Transmission, waveguide antenna QA
control equipment)
Transmitter, if not structural unit with * QP *,
–X Terminal, plug, socket QB
Electrical adjustment eg solenoid, not E
–Y QH signaling device
KKS - Mechanical Engineering

Close, equalizer, filter, limiter, cable

–Z QN Regler, Fliehkraftregler
QP Meter, test equipment
K Machinery Technical equipment QR Meßrohrleitung
Slide valve, flap valve, bursting disc and plug,
KA QS Compensating tank in measuring circuit
KB Gate, Door, Dam QT Thermowell, thermowell for transmitters
KC Heat exchangers, coolers QU converter
Container, tank, Compensating tank
KE Rotating, moving, lifting, swing
KF Ascending conveyor, feeder

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8 Definition for labelling measuring circuits or measuring

points (MDT- Version)

The following definitions refer to the representation of measuring circuits on P&IDs. The table below
lists the pictured measurements and their impact on the KKS- Identification.

KKS Equipment key (lower Function key

measurement description in the measuring
circuit) 1. digit

Data character A1A2

density CD D
revolution CS N
flow- rate CF F
position CG G
level CL L
moisture CM M
pressure CP P
differential pressure CP PD
quality CQ Q
stream CE I
temperature CT T
viscosity CV V
vibration CY Y
Table 3: measurements and KKS Equipment code
KKS - Mechanical Engineering

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The measuring point is represented by five digits: 5
1. digit:
describes the measurement according to the table above

2. digit:
describes the type of measuring point:
3. T - (Transmitter)
4. S - (Switch)
5. I - (Local Indicator)
6. P - (test socket)
7. Q - (summing unit)
8. C - (controller)
3. digit:
4. digit:
describes the function of the measuring point. The combination of the following letters in
the listed order is permitted:
9. I - (local display)
10. S - (switch function)
11. A - (alarm)
12. Z - (safety switch function)
5. digit:
further explanation of the function of digit 4. The following values are allowed:
13. + (High)
14. ++ (High High)
15. +++ (High High High)
16. -(Low)
17. -- (Low Low)
18. --- (Low Low Low)
19. C (Closed)*
20. O (Opened)*
21. A (Position A)**
22. B (Position B)**
* for final positions of 2-way valves
** for final positions of 3-way valves

Depiction of measuring
KKS - Mechanical Engineering

Local measurement without connection to the control system

Measurement with connection to a MAN- control system

Measurement with connection to a local (module mounted) control

Table 4: Types of measuring points

Depiction of measuring points Description

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Position measurement at a valve

Final position-switch at a 3-way valve, with switching point at

the final position “A”

Temperature measurement with display, switching point and


test socket for pressure measurement

Final position level with switching point and alarm at High High

Example to follow Example for module mounted control

Table 5: Examples for measuring points

9 related documents

Document Location
System Key Table Engineering Manual (Link)
Symbol list Engineering Manual (Link)
Guideline – KKS Designation for Electrical Engineering Manual
Equipment in MAN Diesel Power Plants
KKS - Mechanical Engineering

26 (26) Q10.09028-5003 EN – 3.0 – 18.02.2016

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