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Jagran Prakashan Limited

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03 December, 2007

Key Data (INR) Jagran Prakashan Limited

CMP 653
Target Price 707 Background
Jagran Prakashan Limited (JPL) is a leading media house of India, which publishes
Key Data
Dainik Jagran, India’s largest read daily with a total readership of 536 lakh readers
Bloomberg Code JAGP IN
per day (IRS 2007 R2). It was also voted the most credible and trusted newspaper
Reuters Code JAGP.BO
in India, (Source survey by Globescan). The first edition was launched from Jhansi,
BSE Code 532705
Uttar Pradesh in 1942. Dainik Jagran is now published from 11 states having 29
editions. The company also launched I-next, the first ever bilingual newspaper in
Face Value (INR) 10
the country in December, 2006 and also has an English Infotainment paper called
Market Cap. (INR mn.) 38,249
City Plus. The company’s portal www.jagran.com is the most visited Hindi portal.
52 Week High (INR) 724
From October 2007 The portal is co branded site with yahoo.com, one of the largest
52 Week Low (INR) 276
portal in the world.
Avg. Daily Volume (6m) 7,501
Investment Rationale
Shareholding %
 The print media segment is expected to register CAGR of 12.67% from Rs. 144
Promoters 52.10
bn in FY07 to Rs. 232 bn in FY11E. (Source: FICCI - PWC report on Indian
Mutual Funds / UTI 11.45
Entertainment & Media).
Financial Institutions / Banks 1.10
 Dainik Jagran (Hindi Daily), the flagship publication of the JPL is leading (in
Foreign Institutional Investors 3.80
number one and number two slot) publication in terms readership in one third of
Bodies Corporate 21.38
the centers where readership is measured by the Indian Readership Survey.
Individuals/Others 10.17
Total 100.00
 There is significant scope for growth, as 359 million people who can read and
As on September 30th 2007 understand any language do not read any publication. Of this, 68% belongs to
class of people who can read and understand Hindi.
Rs Mn (Year FY07 FY08E FY09E
ended June 30th)  CPT is lowest in Dainik Jagran when compared with other three publications. With
Revenues (Rs. mn) 5,981 8,001 9,665 increased budget being locally spend by real estate, financial services, telecom
Sales Growth (%) 24.5 33.8 20.8 service providers, automobiles and FMCG products Dainik Jagran has an edge
Op. Profit (Rs. 1,198 2,123 2,586 over others in media planning.
OPM % 20.0 26.5 26.8 Valuation & Recommendation
PAT (Rs. mn) 762 1,318 1,606 Increase in literate population, higher economic growth and an increase in urbanization
EPS (Rs.) 12.7 21.9 26.7 will drive the growth for the print media. We expect JPL to post revenue CAGR of
27.1% and higher earnings CAGR of 44% during FY07-09E. At the current market
price of Rs. 653 JPL is trading at 29.8x FY08E and 24.5x FY09E earnings. With
26.5x PE multiple (based on historical trading averages) and FY09E EPS of Rs.
26.7, we recommend “BUY AT DECLINES” rating on the stock with a target price
of Rs 707.

Bhavesh Shah
Tel: (022) 2858 3400

Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 

Print Media Industry:
Information is the key to growth for any individual or a business entity. Reading
of newspaper has now become a routine for an individual. The nature and form of
Demand for information and information seeking would differ from person to person depending on the spare time
space is driving the growth he has at hand and the amount of money he can spare to buy the information. In
Print Media information can be accessed at pre-determined price (known as news
stand price, which generally remains constant for a longer period). Print is the most
affordable medium of information access for an individual.
According to PWC-FICCI study, Print Media is growing at an average of 13.8% in
last three years and industry size has increased to Rs. 144,000 million in 2007 from
Rs. 97,800 million in 2004. Print Media has been a mainstay of regional players
competing with each other.
The industry by nature is fragmented as it caters to the demand of information and
awareness of individuals with variety of needs and reading habits. Print media in India
is highly fragmented in India due to more than 26 languages, variety of culture and
social beliefs. However, in recent past large players are emerging in regional languages
like Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, etc. But, industry still remains fragmented.
As on March 2006, there were 62,483 registered newspapers (including dailies,
periodicals and magazines) as against 60,413 at the end of March 2005. The total
circulation of newspapers increased from 15.67 million in 2004-05 to 18.07 million
(an increase of 15.32%) copies in 2005-06. (Source: Registrar of Newspaper for
India -RNI).

Ownership of Print Media

Onwership Type No. of Publications
Individuals 6686
Joint Stock Companies 1122
Socieities & Association 260
Trusts 222
Partnership Firms 150
Government 41
Others 31
Total 8512
(Source: RNI)

Newspapers owned by individuals have 52.71% share in the circulation of newspapers

Despite competion print in India followed by Joint stock companies, which has 39.04% shares. Out of the 8512
media is growing newspapers that have submitted their annual statements 350 are big having circulation
of 67.698 million copies, 1555 medium with circulation of 64.155 million copies and
6607 are small having circulation of 48.884 million copies. (Refer Annexure 1)
Print media in India has transformed itself from just being a platform for news and
government dissemination to a more vibrant and informative source of news, views
and information. The latest data suggests that despite increased competition from
other platforms (like television, internet and FM radio) print media continues to
grow at an attractive rate. The industry has responded well to the new changes and
challenges by adoption of Information Technology, which has thereby resulted in
better coverage with great speed at affordable price.
The print media industry is unique compared to other services or manufacturing

Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 

industry and to study the industry one needs to assess demand and supply of primary
and secondary product it provides. A media organization caters to the demands of
information, news and opinion for its audience and at the same time it provides space
Circulation Readership is or time to advertisers to reach out to the audience.
key for advertisement Primary Demand involves the demand of news, information and awareness. To
revenue growth satisfy these needs variety of sources are available (medium like print, television,
internet, radio, etc.) Print media is the most accessible (in terms of price and ease
in reading it) medium with higher shelf life for future reference as compared with
other medium.
Secondary Demand is the demand for space which newspaper provides to advertisers.
This demand is also derived on the basis of readership and hence is related to the
readership and circulation arising from the primary demand. For creation of space
newspaper incurs some cost and it passes this entire burden to the producer or provider
of goods and services. For advertiser it provides an opportunity of promoting its
products in a cost effective manner to a large audience with a uniform message.
To increase the availability and affordability of the content, media houses subsidizes
...higher the circulation the cost of buying the content for its readers. This increases the reach (measured in
higher the loss terms of circulation and readership in print media). Publishers of newspaper do not
recover the full cost of printing a daily newspaper. The material and operating expenses
are always higher than the newsstand price of the newspaper (Please refer Annexure
2 for detailed analysis). In an attempt to increase reach the publisher has to keep in
mind the rising costs or higher under recoveries from the circulation sale. With every
rise in circulation publisher has to increase advertisement revenue.

Economic Growth:
Indian economy has registered an average growth of 7.7% in last five years ranking
it one of the highest in emerging economies. India has become third largest economy
in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). Fast paced Indian economy is expected
to spearhead the growth of Entertainment and Media (E&M) in India. The growth of
E&M is highly income elastic say when income rises proportionately, more resources
get spent on the access of entertainment and media.

Demographic Changes:
The demand for media is also significantly determined by the changes in the relative
growth of different age groups, literacy rate and urbanization. With the expansion of
economic activity, more number of people are able to find jobs. Increased migration
from lower income group to higher income group, changes in family structure
(decrease in number of persons in the household, migration to urban areas) are also
favouring higher spending on leisure, entertainment and media.
Currently, of the total population, around 300 million people are living in urban area,
which is expected to reach 600 million by 2030. Average Indian household size, which
was 5.8 persons in 1970s decreased to 5.3 persons per household in 2004, the trend
is likely to continue in future.

Revenue Drivers:
Revenue in print media is a function of earnings from the circulation and earnings
from the advertisement. As a content creator every media company’s objective is to
increase the revenues from advertisement. However, this is a double-edged sword.
To increase ad revenue higher readership is required especially in the higher Socio
Economic Class (SEC). According to research available higher SEC households have

Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 

higher purchasing power than the lower SEC households. To increase readership one
need to provide quality content at affordable price.
Companies that spend on advertisement and promotion using print media however
prefer they should get maximum mileage. Reach is measured in terms of Costs Per
Thousand (CPT). It means how many readers an advertiser has been able to reach by
spending thousand rupees. That is the reason why a daily, which commands highest
readership, charges more for an advertisement than its competitors.

1. Demand For Information

Readership is the measurement of reach of a newspaper or magazine in print
media. It means how many people have read a copy of newspaper. It is a function
of circulation on one hand and number of people who have read the newspaper
on the other.
The number of dailies being published in the country was 2130 in FY06 and claimed
(Note 1) circulation figure was 88.86 million copies, 12.93% higher than that the
previous year. Hindi had 942 dailies claiming a circulation of 76.70 million copies,
while 201 English dailies claimed 34.11 million copies.

Top Daily Newspapers’ Circulation (copies in Million)

January to June Period 2003 2004 2005 2006
Dainik Jagran 1.456 1.911 2.406 2.297
Dainik Bhaskar 1.600 1.360 1.928 1.528
Hindustan 0.753 0.957 1.010 0.868
Amar Ujala 0.000 0.581 0.798 1.248
Hindustan Times 1.108 1.148 1.084 1.210
Times of India 1.284 2.438 0.856 2.275
Hindu 0.933 0.989 1.062 1.135
Deccan Chronicle 0.296 0.380 0.431 0.848
(Source: Audit Bureau of Circulation)

According to the National Readership Survey (NRS) (Note 2) the reach of print
medium (dailies and magazines combined) has increased from 216 million in 2005
to 222 million readers in 2006. With right mix of content and proper identification
Note 1: of resources there is ample scope for increasing reach of newspapers in the country.
In India, the Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC)
measures official circulation. There are many There is significant scope for growth, as 359 million people who can read and
publications which are not member of ABC, can understand any language do not read any publication. Of this, 68% belongs to
claim the circulation by providing certificate issued
by auditors. ABC cer tificate gives independent
class of people who can read and understand Hindi.
verification of the circulation whereas the claimed It is quite evident from the circulation figures (mentioned above) and readership figures
circulation lacks independent authenticity.
that regional language is driving the growth of print media in the country.

Note 2:
NRS is the largest survey of its kind in the world.
The survey is conducted once in a year with a
fieldwork with large sample size. In 2006, survey
was conducted with a sample size of 0.28 million
house-to-house interviews. It measures reach of
different media platform in India. The ABC and the
Indian Newspaper Society (INS) has promoted this
survey. The other readership survey in India is Indian
Readership Survey (IRS).

Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 

Top Dailies in Indian in terms of readership Figures in mn
Daily 2003 2005 2006 2007
Daink Jagran 15.722 17.473 19.071 17.114
Ample scope for growth in Dainik Bhaskar 13.613 13.81 14.571 12.514
Print Media Specially in Hindustan 7.386 8.192 9.724 9.052
Hindi language Amar Ujala 8.597 9.276 9.894 8.255
HT 2.946 3.276 3.508 3.331
TOI 7.23 7.041 7.084 6.781
Hindu 2.71 2.661 2.797 2.209
Deccan Chronicle 1.054 1.029 1.132 1.311
(Source: Indian Readership Survey) (Note 3)

In terms of readership the largest circulated and read dailies and magazines in English
are losing their share to players in other languages. According to NRS 2006, readership
of Times of India has declined from 0.809 million in 2005 to 0.750 million readers in
2006. Readership for India Today also declined from 0.629 million to 0.515 million
readers in the similar period.
With economic expansion and services sector led growth, the focus of growth is
shifting towards Tier 2 and Tier 3 class of cities. According to NCAER, there are 59
such cities of which 30 cities fall in the Hindi belt. These 59 cities inhabit 24% of total
Indian households and controls 23% of the total disposable income of the country.

2. Demand for Space:

Advertisement is a non-personal form of sales promotion tool used by the producers
or provider of goods and services. Advertising is one of the key drivers of sales of
corporates. Advertising is used to create desire and aspiration for higher consumption
in the minds of the consumer and at the same time also used as an informative tool
for brand and product awareness.

Advertising spend is Advertising spend is positively correlated with corporate profits growth and economic
growth of any country. During 1996-2006, the average GDP growth of India was
positively correlated with
6.5% while the advertising industry’s growth was CAGR 10%. Despite growing
economic growth
higher than the economic growth rate ad-spend to GDP ratio is just 0.47% against
the global average of 0.98%.
With Indian economy expected to grow around 8% in next five years. Advertisement
spend is expected to grow. With more and more fragmentation in media choice of
media and medium would center around those players, which offers better CPT.

Note 3:
The table gives average readership of a daily
newspaper meaning the person who has read
newspaper at least once in last week. The other
measure is also total readership where readership
is measured in terms of a person who has read
newspaper as of yesterday.

Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 

Prefered media for Descriptive,
localised messages
Print media generally finds its usage as a last mile contact between customer and the
producer or where advertisement is descriptive in nature, and is a potent medium for
disseminating information/news pertaining to local reach. The local player would
also prefer to reach its target audience through print media in India. For example,
advertisements by automobile or consumer durables player provide information
regarding some special offers/product and opening of new showrooms in the local area.
Similarly print media is generally preferred mode as far as publishing Government
notices/tenders is concerned. The table below explains which are the top categories
of advertisers in India are in the past.

Top Categories of Advertisers in Print

Category 2007 2006
% share in space
Education 15 15
Services - General 12 14
Automobiles 9 12
Banking/Finance/Investment 10 12
Durable Goods 5 6
Retail 5 6
Corporate Brand Image 4 5
Telecom Services 3 4
Personal Accessories 3 4
Computers NA 4
Media 2 3
Others NA 14
(Source: AdEx)

Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 

Advertising Market in India:
The advertising spend is growing at an average 13.7% in the last five years and the
Advertising in Print media grew
size of advertising industry in India expanded to Rs. 163 billion in 2006 from Rs. 132
by 24% in 2006
billion in 2005, registering a growth of 23.4% in one year.( Source Ad-Ex India)

Advertising Industry in India Rupees in Billion

Medium 2005 2006
Print 63.23 78.57
Television 54.12 66.178
Radio 3.17 5.05
Cinema 1.32 1.63
Out of Home 8.98 9.94
Internet 1.06 1.63
Total 132 163
(Source: AdEx)

The table shows that each of the media platforms is growing in terms of revenues
from advertising. The fastest growing segments are Internet and Radio but from a very
lower base. Print media continues to be the most preferred medium. Advertisement
revenues in Print grew by 24% in 2006 from last year, which was 200 bps higher
than growth rate of Television sector.

The growth of print media will continue to be driven by increase in literate population,
higher economic growth and an increase in urbanization. Though the share of print
media in overall market is expected to fall, it will still remain largest beneficiary of
larger spending on advertising. The print media segment is expected to register CAGR
of 12.67% from Rs. 144 bn in FY07 to Rs. 232 bn in FY11E. (Source: FICCI - PWC
report on Indian Entertainment & Media).

About the Company

Jagran Prakashan Limited is a leading media house of India, which publishes Dainik
Jagran, India’s largest read daily with a total readership of 536 lakh readers per day
(IRS 2007 R2). It was also voted the most credible and trusted newspaper in India,
JPL is the publisher of lagest (Source survey by Globescan)
circulated, read daily in India Established in 1942, Dainik Jagran was promoted by freedom fighter, Late Shri
Puran Chandra Gupta. The first edition was launched from Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh
in 1942. Dainik Jagran is now published from 11 states having 29 editions. The
company also launched I-next, the first ever bilingual newspaper in the country in
December, 2006 and also has an English Infotainment paper called City Plus. The
group also publishes “Sakhi”, a monthly magazine targeted at women and Jagran
Varshiki, an annual general knowledge digest, and various national and state statistical
compilations. The company’s portal www.jagran.com is the most visited Hindi portal.
From October 2007 The portal is co branded site with yahoo.com, one of the largest
portal in the world.
One of the largest media house in Europe, The Independent News and Media
Investment Limited (INML) holds 20.8% stake in the company. The INML is publisher
of widely read newspaper titled The Independent.
The company also provides Out of Home (OOH) media solutions like product

Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 

placement, hoardings and billboard advertising sites and other marketing promotion
activities like event management. The company provides SMS based value added
services (ring tone downloads, e-shopping etc).

Divesifying into niche Publication Business:

newspapers and other media 1. Dainik Jagran:
solutions The company is the publisher of largest circulated and read daily in the country.
Its Hindi daily newspaper branded as “Dainik Jagran” is published from 11 states
with 29 editions.
2. I Next:
This is a new publication target at urban youth and has three editions in UP. It
provides news and views in a mixed language (Using Hindi and English). It
is in tabloid format where more emphasis is given to news and views related
to entertainment, fashion, glamour, career guidance, etc. The publication is
distributed at Newsstand price of Rs.1 except Lucknow edition. It has three
editions and two new editions have been launched.
As a thumb rule new publication takes at least 4 years to break even but as I Next
advertisement space is promoted in combination with Dainik Jagran company
expects the publication to break even earlier. However, we have not factored in
any contribution from I Next in profits in our projections for next two years.
3. City Plus:
This is a weekly (distributed on week end) magazine distributed as complimentary
copies to readers. Readers are selected on basis of database created by the JPL
in 8 (3 in Delhi, 3 in National Capital Region and One in Banglore) key markets
of Dainik Jagran.
This publication has a targeted reader. The contents of the publication is a mix of
local content and some general content related to lifestyle, entertainment, business
updates. The publication has a unique distribution strategy where distribution
is limited to an area of not greater than 25 sq kms. This publication provides
an opportunity to small advertisers wishing to promote their product in a local
market. The publication is operating on break even as it is mix of 50:50 in terms
advertise to editorial ratio. Company plans to launch 30 editions of the City plus
in next three years.
The advertisement revenue from the publication division is largest contributor
to the revenues of the company. Contribution from the advertisement in total
revenues was 62.31% in FY07 and 63.43% in FY06.

Other Business:
1. Out of Home Business:
In this area company provides Billboards, Hoardings, unipoles, kiosks and other
out of home sales promotional solutions to the various corporates. Company has
1000 sites across the country including Mumbai, Banglore, Surat, Ahmedabad,
Delhi, and Lucknow among others. The company launched this business in FY07
and generated revenues of Rs. 200 million from the business. During FY08E
company targets to earn revenues of Rs. 450 million.
2. Event Management:
This division provides product launch and sales promotion solutions to various
corporate clients across the country. Company is not involved into managing
and promoting events into entertainment, games and live sports. This division is

Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 

strategic extension of providing extended options to advertisement clients of the
company in addition to print and out of home solutions. The division was launched
in FY06 and earned revenues of around Rs. 300.3 million in FY07 against Rs.
28.2 million in FY06. Company had managed product launch for corporates like
Microsoft India and TVS Motors amongst others.
3. Value Added Services
This business area of JPL provides SMS based services. It provides access of
information, news, downloading ring tones, shopping to the clients. The division
was launched in the FY05. The revenue from the division was Rs. 13.70 million
in FY06.

Business Strategy:
The company is venturing into other segments from being a mere print media player.
The company intends to transform itself into from a print advertisement solution
provider to a basket of advertisement or sales promotion solution provider.
Company is increasing its presence into these new areas with Out of Home, Value
Added Services and Event Management tools.
The Company is also looking out to acquire a publication, which has a similar synergy,
growth potential and an establishment, that is profit making.

Competitive Advantage:
1. The largest circulated and read daily in the country:
Dainik Jagran, the flagship publication of the JPL is leading (in number one and
number two slot) publication in terms readership in one third of the centers where
readership is measured by the Indian Readership Survey. This gives better reach
to advertisers.
State Total Centers No.1 in No.2 in
UP 23 13 9
Bihar 2 0 2
Jharkhand 4 0 2
Punjab 4 3 0
Haryana 3 2 0
Uttranchal 4 0 4
Jammu & Kashmir 1 0 1
Himachal Pradesh 2 0 0
Delhi 1 0 0
MP 4 0 2
Chandigadh 1 0 0
(Source IRS R12007)

Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 

2. Lowest CPT
Name of the Paper Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Readership Cost Per
Rate Rs. Size Sq Cms Budget Rs In 000s Thousand
Dainik Jagran 3276 100 327600 17114 19.14
Dainik Bhaskar 2529 100 252900 12514 20.21
Times of India 4500 100 450000 6781 66.36
Amar Ujala (5 states) 1254 100 125400 8255 15.19
Hindustan (5 states) 1150 100 115000 9052 12.70
Hindustan Times 2310 100 231000 3331 69.34
(Source: ACMIIL Research)
CPT is lowest in Dainik Jagran when compared with other three publications. With
increased budget being locally spend by real estate, financial services, telecom service
providers, automobiles and FMCG products Dainik Jagran has an edge over others
in media planning.
Dainik Jagran has a higher CPT compared to Amar Ujala and Hindustan but has
wider reach in terms of number of states it is present. Dainik Jagran has presence in
Lowest CPT compared
11 states compared to 5 states of other two dailies.
to other players
3. It has other media or sales promotion solutions for the corporates.
JPL offers other media solutions like event promotion, Out of Home advertising
options and SMS services to advertisers, which is not offered by other Hindi
publication houses.

Growth Drivers for the company:

1. 1. Most English daily newspaper’s readership is concentrated in Metros and Tier
1 cities. To reach out to the growing middle class in Mini metros and Non metros
regional language newspaper becomes the ideal choice of the media planners.
In FY06 of the total advertisement spend in India 66% of the volume is shared
by the regional language publications. In terms of language, Hindi is the second
most preferred medium by the media planners.

Advertisement spend in Print Media (in mn column cm.)

Class of city 2005 2006 Growth
Metros 56 62 12%
Mini Metros 16 19 19%
Non-metros 79 91 14%
(Source: AdEx)
Moreover, about 18% of the total advertisement volume is generated in three
major states of the North (Source: AdEx India) i.e. Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and
Punjab where JPL enjoys clear leadership over its competitors.
2. India has the largest population of Hindi speaking people that augur well for the
Publication like Dainik Jagran.
3. With increasing reach JPL is in better position to increase its advertisement volume
(in terms of space sold) and in terms of advertisement revenue (with increasing
the advertisement rate).

Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 10

Financial Analysis:
1. Revenue:
JPL derives majority of its revenues from advertisements (around 62% of the total
Increase in circulation and revenues of the company). With increase in advertisement rate, higher space selling
advertisement revenue and better realisation on premium advertisements (more colour advertisement,
higher solus space selling for premium advertisement), company’s advertisement
is the driver
revenue has increased by 25.7% in FY07 to Rs. 3882.20 million and by 33.2% to
Rs. 2433.1 million in the first half of current financial year. JPL’s total revenue
(including revenues from other business) has increased by 24.5% to Rs. 5981.8
million in FY07 from Rs. 4805.3 million in FY06. The total revenue has increased
by 28.8% in H1FY08 to Rs. 3605.90 million.
Advertisement Space Sold
Million Square CMs
2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
Black & White 59.7 61.8 60.1
Colour 15.4 20.9 34.2
Total 75.1 82.7 94.3
Advertisement Revenue Rs. 2330.12 3088.34 3882.15
Growth in Advertisement Revenue 0 132.54 125.7035
Growth in Space Sold 0 110.12 114.03
(Source: Company Reports)
We expect revenues from advertisement will continue to expand on account of
pricing power company has in increasing the advertisement rate. Going forward the
company expects to increase advertisement to editorial ratio. Currently advertisement
to editorial ratio is 35:65. The company enjoys a lower CPT as compared to its
competitors, which gives it sufficient legroom to increase its advertisement tariff
and advertisement to editorial ratio without hampering its circulation. The increase
in advertisement revenue would be a result of increase in advertisement rate and
increased volume of advertising.
Advertisement spending by corporates also increases during the second half
(September to March). The increase is due to higher sales promotion activities during
festival season of Diwali, Christmas, Marriage Season and Year-end closing.
(Rs. Mn)
Particulars FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08E FY09E
Circulation revenues 1370.43 1603.74 1678.31 1694.77 1745.61
Advertisement revenues 2330.12 3088.34 3882.16 4852.69 6308.52
Other revenues 63.11 113.23 421.36 1454.23 1611.37
Total 3763.66 4805.31 5981.83 8001.69 9665.50
(Source: Company, ACMIIL Research)
2. Expenditure:
JPL’s primary business being publication of newspaper, its expenditure is
substantially driven by newsprint and other consumables related to printing.
Newsprint expenses, as percentage of total sales, was 49% in FY06, which
declined to 42.31% in FY07 on account of revenues from non-publication business
and company’s strategy to change the usage on newsprint in favour of domestic
newsprint. Domestic newsprint is cheaper (by 5 to 10% depending on the quality)
compared to import. We expect news print prices to go up by 5% every year in next

Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 11

two years. Any rise in newsprint prices will be negative for company’s operating
margins as newsstand price of publications are more or less fixed. Increased
competition from other players (like Dainik Bhaskar and Hindustan) would limit
the capacity of JPL to pass these higher prices on readers.
3. Margins
The operating margins of the company have improved substantially from 6.9%
in FY05 to 20% in FY07. Further for HIFY08 the operating margins improved
by 510 basis points to 25.1%. The improvement is on account of increase in the
advertisement rates as well reduction in newsprint costs. We expect the company
to post operating margins of 26.5% in FY08 and 26.8% in FY09.
4. Debt - Equity
Company’s long term borrowing is very minimal as it can be seen from the
debt equity ratio for FY07 (0.24). Going forward we expect the company to
substantially repay its long-term debt resulting in improvement in debt equity
ratio further to 0.03 in FY09.
The company intends to incur capital expenditure of Rs. 2200 million in next
three years. The funding of the capex will be satisfied through unutilized IPO
proceeds (invested in Mutual funds and banks) of Rs. 1486.3 million and internal
Less reliance on borrowed accruals. Also we expect the company to fund its requirements for new ventures
funds from internal accruals.
In “Out of Home” advertisement business, company would have to shell out
rentals in advance to respective municipal corporations or private parties to get
the rights of the site. With expansion of other publication brands (I Next and
City Plus) fund requirement would also increase in terms of advance payment to
suppliers of newsprint, marketing and promotional activities.
1. Any increase in newsprint price will increase under recovery per copy for the
company. It is very difficult to pass the burden of rising newsprint cost to consumer
a. Price of publication is fixed for a reasonably longer period of time and
b. To keep increase reach (in terms of circulation) the publishers has to keep
sale price of its publication reasonable. To recover the newsprint costs alone
company needs to sell at least 0.14 million square cms of space in a year.
2. Any slowdown in advertisement revenue will result into decline in profit earning
capacity of the company. As space selling (for advertisement) is the only positive
revenue driver for the company, to recover all operating costs company needs to
sell at least 0.90 million square cms of space in a year.
3. Competition
a. Increased and intense competition in print media will impact subscription as
well as space rates adversely.
b. With intense competition in the print segment some of the leading players
have funded the sale of advertisement space through equity subscription of
the client.
c. c. With advance technologies print media is facing competition from other
medium like television, mobile value added services and television.

Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 12

Valuations and Recommendation
Increase in literate population, higher economic growth and an increase in urbanization
will drive the growth for the print media. The print media segment is expected to
register CAGR of 12.67% from Rs. 144 bn in FY07 to Rs. 232 bn in FY11E. (Source:
FICCI - PWC report on Indian Entertainment & Media). We expect JPL to post
revenue CAGR of 27.1% and higher earnings CAGR of 44% during FY07-09E. At
the current market price of Rs. 653 JPL is trading at 29.8x FY08E and 24.5x FY09E
earnings. With 26.5x PE multiple (based on historical trading averages) and FY09E
EPS of Rs. 26.7, we recommend “BUY AT DECLINES” rating on the stock with a
target price of Rs 707. The board of directors of the company have recommended
sub-division of the Equity Shares of the Company of face value of Rs 10/- each into
face value of Rs 2/- each.

Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 13

Earnings Summary (Rs. in Millions)
Income Statement FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08E FY09E
Net Sales 3763.7 4805.3 5981.8 8001.7 9665.5
Total Expenditure 3504.5 4103.8 4783.4 5878.5 7079.1
Operating Profits 259.2 701.5 1198.4 2123.2 2586.4
Other Income 10.1 63.5 248.0 200.0 200.0
EBDIT 269.3 765.0 1446.4 2323.2 2786.4
Depreciation 175.7 201.2 237.2 309.2 365.2
EBIT 93.6 563.8 1209.2 2014.0 2421.2
Interest 68.7 76.1 85.0 46.8 23.8
PBT 19.9 457.7 1151.7 1967.1 2397.4
Taxes 7.6 140.7 389.5 649.2 791.2
Profit After Tax 12.3 317.0 762.2 1318.0 1606.3
Growth in sales (%) - 27.68 24.48 33.77 20.79
Operating Profits Growth (%) - 170.69 70.83 77.16 21.82
PAT Growth (%) - 2476.56 140.45 72.91 21.88
Operating Profit Margin (%) 6.9 14.6 20.0 26.5 26.8
Net Profit Margin (%) 0.3 6.6 12.7 16.5 16.6
(Source: Company, ACMIIL Research)

BALANCE SHEET (Rs. in Millions)

FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08E FY09E
Share Capital 100.0 502.0 602.3 602.3 602.3
Reserves and Surplus 586.7 4365.4 4508.7 5480.4 6739.4
Total Shareholders Funds 686.7 4867.3 5111.1 6082.7 7341.7
Total Loan Funds 1298.3 1164.4 1067.3 468.3 237.6
Net Deferred Tax Liability 284.0 368.2 383.9 441.0 475.0
Total Capital Employed 2274.3 6400.4 6562.3 6992.0 8054.3
Gross Block 1895.5 2391.9 3211.9 4417.6 5217.6
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 833.2 1034.4 1072.2 1381.5 1746.7
Net Block 1062.3 1357.5 2139.7 3036.2 3470.9
Capital Work in Progress 192.7 240.5 505.7 300.0 100.0
Investments 6.6 1760.0 1445.9 61.6 61.6
Net Current Assets 1012.7 3040.8 2468.9 3594.1 4421.7
Total Assets 2274.3 6400.4 6562.2 6991.9 8054.3
(Source: Company, ACMIIL Research)

Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 14

Particulars FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08E FY09E
Pre tax profit 24.9 457.7 1151.7 1967.1 2397.4
Depreciation 175.7 201.2 237.2 309.2 365.2
Interest Exp 68.7 76.1 85.0 46.8 23.8
Interest income -5.3 -44.6 -138.9 0.0 0.0
Others -4.9 91.8 -2.9 0.0 0.0
Operating profit before WC changes 259.1 782.3 1332.0 2323.2 2786.4
Working Capital changes -60.3 -358.1 -229.8 -638.2 -354.6
Cash from operations 198.8 424.2 1102.3 1685.0 2431.8
Tax -1.5 -43.0 -342.2 -639.0 -784.1
Net Cash from operations 197.3 351.1 706.3 1046.0 1647.7
Cash from investment activities -351.8 -2270.0 -721.6 384.3 -600.0
Cash from financing activities 151.6 3551.8 -716.9 -992.2 -601.8
Total cash generated -2.92 1632.86 -732.1 438.2 446.0
Cash at the beginning 115.66 112.74 1745.6 1013.5 1451.7
Cash at the end. 112.73 1745.59 1013.49 1451.7 1897.6

Key Ratios
FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08E FY09E
Operating Profit Margin (%) 6.9 14.6 20.0 26.5 26.8
EBIT Margin (%) 2.5 11.7 20.2 25.2 25.0
PAT Margin (%) 0.3 6.6 12.7 16.5 16.6
RONW (%) 1.8 6.5 14.9 21.7 21.9
ROCE (%) 4.7 9.3 19.6 30.7 31.9

EPS (Rs.) 0.2 5.3 12.7 21.9 26.7

CEPS (Rs.) 3.1 8.6 16.6 27.0 32.7
BV Per Share (Rs.) 11.4 80.8 84.9 101.0 121.9

P/E (x) NA 0.0 51.6 29.8 24.5

P/CEPS (x) NA 0.0 39.4 24.2 19.8
P/BV (x) 0.0 0.0 7.7 6.5 5.4

Debt/Equity (x) 1.9 0.24 0.21 0.08 0.03

Current Ratio (x) 3.5 9.5 4.8 6.6 6.3
Quick Ratio (x) 2.2 7.8 3.3 4.8 4.6

Inventory Turnover (x) 20.5 15.7 20.9 23.2 24.3

Debtors Turnover (x) 9.8 5.3 5.5 5.8 5.5
Fixed Asset Turnover (x) 7.1 4.0 3.4 3.1 3.0
(Source: Company, ACMIIL Research)

Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 15

Annexure - I

Size of Newspapers
Size Circulation Players
Small upto 15,000 Copies 141
Medium 15,000 to 70,000 276
Large above 70,000 191
(Source: Indian Newspapers Society)

Annexure - II
In print media the primary demand is always demand for information and awareness. To increase the availability and affordability
of the content, media houses subsidizes the cost of buying the content for its readers. This increases the reach (measured in terms
of circulation and readership). Publishers of newspaper do not recover the full cost of printing a daily newspaper. The material
and operating expenses are always higher than the newsstand price of the newspaper In an attempt to increase reach the publisher
has to keep in mind the rising costs or higher under recoveries from the circulation sale. With every rise in circulation publisher
has to increase advertisement revenue.

Particulars Unit FY06 FY07

Jagran Prakashan Ltd
1 Circulation Revenue Rs mn 1619.36 1708.34
2 Operating Expenses Rs mn 4103.95 4783.04
3 Under Recovery (1-2) Rs mn 2434.59 3074.70
4 Number of Copies Sold mn 898.04 896.59
5 Under Recovery per copy (3/4) Rs 2.77 3.43
6 Newsprint Expenses Rs mn 2076.75 2183.53
7 Newsprint Expenses per copy (4/6) Rs 2.31 2.44
8 Acutal Realisation Per copy (1/4) Rs 1.80 1.91
9 Under Recovery in terms of newsprint cost (7-8) Rs 0.51 0.53
Deccan Chronicle Holdings Ltd
1 Circulation Revenue Rs mn 340.77 414.33
2 Operating Expenses Rs mn 2267.35 2945.50
3 Under Recovery (1-2) Rs mn 1927.17 2531.17
4 Number of Copies Sold mn 307.43 336.54
5 Under Recovery per copy (3/4) Rs 6.27 7.52
6 Newsprint Expenses Rs mn 1377.08 1807.06
7 Newsprint Expenses per copy (4/6) Rs 4.48 5.37
8 Acutal Realisation Per copy (1/4) Rs. 1.11 1.23
9 Under Recovery in terms of newsprint cost (7-8) Rs. 3.37 4.14
HT Media Ltd
1 Circulation Revenue Rs mn 1368.31 1361.60
2 Operating Expenses Rs mn 7053.34 8488.34
3 Under Recovery (1-2) Rs mn 5685.04 7126.75
4 Number of Copies Sold mn 853.72 864.05
5 Under Recovery per copy (3/4) Rs 6.70 8.24
6 Newsprint Expenses Rs mn 3225.37 4064.56
7 Newsprint Expenses per copy (4/6) Rs 3.78 4.70
8 Acutal Realisation Per copy (1/4) Rs 1.60 1.58
9 Under Recovery in terms of newsprint cost (7-8) Rs. 2.18 3.13

Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 16

The table above calculates the under recovery for three major listed publication houses. The analysis is based on company’s
annual reports. It is evident from the above table that each of the publication is not able to recover even the full cost of newsprint
leave alone the other operating costs like salary and wages, news gathering expenses and other administrative expenses amongst
others. In an extreme case, where there is no advertisement space sold the company would have incur huge losses to keep business
The under recovery in above three cases is different due to,
1. Different newsstand price of the publication.
2. Number of pages per copy. Higher number of pages would result into increase in newsprint cost per copy. When newsstand
price is fixed the under recovery may also increase depending on the advertisement to space ratio.
3. Different mix of imported and indigenous newsprint used. In case of HT Media and Deccan Chronicle Holdings usage of
imported newsprint is comparatively higher than Jagran Prakashan Ltd. In general, imported newsprint is costlier by 5 to 10%
than domestic depending on the quality.

Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 17


HNI Sales:
Raju Mewawalla, Tel: +91 22 2858 3220
Institutional Sales:
Bharat Patel, Tel: +91 22 2269 5078, 2270 0119 / 121.


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Disclosure of Interest Jagran Prakashan Limited

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4. Discretionary Portfolio Management Services NO

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Jagran Prakashan Limited ACMIIL 18

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