Open Book
Open Book
Open Book
1 Rakesh credits 15% of his salary in his fixed deposit account and spends 30% of the
remaining amount on groceries. If the cash in hand is Rs.2380, what is his salary?
(a) Rs.3500 (b) Rs.4000
(c) Rs.4500 (d) Rs.5000
Q.3 A student who secures 20% marks in an examination fails by 30 marks. Another student
who secures 32% marks gets 42 marks more than those required to pass. The percentage
of marks required to pass is:
(a) 20 (b) 25
(c) 28 (d) 30
Q.4 In mathematics exam a student secured 30% marks in the first paper out of a total of 180.
How much should he score in second paper out of a total of 150, If he is to get an over all
average of at least 50%?
(a) 74% (b) 76%
(c) 70% (d) 80%
Q.5 The price of petrol increased by 25% and so a person reduced his consumption by 25%.
What percentage is the rise or fall in the expenditure incurred by him on petrol?
(a) No change (b) 5% rise
(c) 6.25% rise (d) 6.25% reduction
Q.6 Radius of the base of a right circular cylinder is increased by 10% and height is decreased
by 10%. What is the percentage increase or decrease in
I. Area of the base ?
II. Volume of a right circular cylinder ?
(a) 10% rise , 8.9% reduction
(b) 20% rise , No change
(c) 21% rise , 8.9% reduction
(d) 10% rise , No change
Q.7 In printing test papers for Excel, Gayatri found that if she used Arial font size 10 instead
of Times Roman font size 10 there was a reduction of 18% in the number of pages required
for test papers. Further, if she reduced the font size from 10 to 9, the savings were 14% and
10% in Times Roman and Arial fonts respectively. If an test papers printing in Times
Roman font size 9 is converted to Arial font size 9, what is the percentage reduction in the
number of pages?
(a) 12.7 (b) 14.1
(c) 16.8 (d) 17.5
Q.8 Fresh grapes contains 90% water, and dry grapes contains 85% matter. To get 25 kgs of
dry grapes who many kgs of fresh grapes have to be processed?
(a) 200 (b) 212.5
(c) 225 (d) 250
Q.9 A box contains Red, Green and Blue balls. The ratio of the number of red balls to green
balls equals to the ratio of the number of Green balls to Blue balls. If the total balls are 61
then find the number of green balls.
(a) 7 : 3 (b) 15 : 21
(c) 10 : 21 (d) 5 : 14
Q.10 The sum of the ages of a father and son is 45 years. Five years ago the product of their ages
was 4 times the father's age at that time. The present ages of the father and son, respectively
(a) 25 years, 10 years (b) 36 years, 9 years
(c) 39 years, 5 years (d) none of these
Q.11 In the income statement of Asha and Ravenna, the ratio of their income in the year 2017
was 5 : 4. The ratio of Asha’s income in the year 2018 to that in 2017 is 3 : 5 and the ratio
of Ravenna’s income in the year 2018 to that in 2017 is 3 : 2. If Rs. 10242 is the sum of
the income of Asha and Ravenna in the year 2018, then find the income of Ravenna in the
year 2017?
(a) Rs. 1024 (b) Rs. 1138
(c) Rs. 2776 (d) Rs. 4552
Q.12 A father distributed some chocolates among his four children and kept some with him. The
eldest three children got chocolates in the ratio 3 : 11 : 7. The total number of chocolates
with father and youngest child is three times the total chocolates with the three eldest
children. The ratio of chocolates with father and that with all the children is 3 : 4. Find the
total number of chocolates if the youngest child has 81 chocolates with him?
(a) 273 (b) 252
(c) 278 (d) 303
Q.13 Anmol had 10 paise, 25 paise and 50 paise coins in the ratio of 10 : 8 : 9 respectively.
After giving Rs. 20 his mother he has Rs. 40. How many 50 paise coins did he have?
(a) 72 (b) 60
(c) 54 (d) 35
Q.14 Three numbers A, B and C are in the ratio of 12 : 15 : 25. If sum of these numbers is 312,
ratio between the difference of B and A and the difference of C and B is –
(a) 3 : 7 (b) 10 : 3
(c) 3 : 10 (d) 5 : 7
Q.15 Out of three positive numbers, the ratio of the first and the second numbers is 3 : 4 that of
the second and the third numbers is 5 : 6 if the product of the second and the third numbers
is 4320. What is the sum of three numbers?
(a) 177 (b) 165
(c) 185 (d) 160
Q.16 The income of A is 150% of the income of B and the income of C is 120% of the income
of A. If the total income of A, B and C together is Rs. 86000, what is C’s income?
(a) Rs. 30000 (b) Rs. 32000
(c) Rs. 20000 (d) Rs. 36000
Q.17 This year, the cost of a Tomato increased by 20% over that of the last year. Last year a
Tomato costed Rs.10 and a Potato costed Rs.5. This year it costs Rs.11 more to buy 5
Potato and 3 Tomato. Find the percentage increase in the price of the Potato.
(a) 4% (b) 15%
(c) 27% (d) 20%
Q.18 In Kolkata consisting of three localities Salt Lake, South Kolkata and Rajarhat the
population of the three localities Salt Lake, South Kolkata and Rajarhat are in the ratio 9 :
8 : 3. In Salt Lake, 80% of the people are literate, in South Kolkata, 30% of the people are
illiterate. If 90% people in Rajarhat are literate. Find the percentage literacy in these three
localities in Kolkata.
(a) 77.5% (b) 77.0%
(c) 75.5% (d) 75.0%
Q.19 ln an election of 3 candidates , Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi and Arvind Kejriwal.
Narendra Modi gets 40% more votes than Rahul Gandhi . Narendra Modi also beats Arvind
Kejriwal by 54000 votes. If it is known that Rahul Gandhi gets 10% more votes than Arvind
Kejriwal, find the number of voters on the voting list (given 90% of the voters on the voting
list voted and no votes were illegal)
(a) 404444 (b) 364000
(c) 400000 (d) 420000
Q.20 The price of rice has increased by 20%. Lalu has decided to spend only 8% more than what
he initially did on buying rice. What is the percentage decrease in Lalu's rice consumption?
(a) 10% (b) 13%
(c) 18% (d) 14%
Q.21 In a village, two contestants (A & B) are contesting in an election. 70% of the registered
voters cast their votes in the election and A wins the election by 400 votes. If A had
received 12.5% less votes, A’s votes would have been equal to B’s votes. How many
registered voters are there in the village?
(a) 4500 (b) 4200
(c) 4000 (d) 4250
Q.22 A person had a certain amount. He invested 5/6th of it in shares, 5% of it in mutual funds,
10% of it in debentures and kept the remaining Rs. 850 with him. If got interest at 10% for
a year on debentures, what amount did he get as interest?
(a) Rs. 5100 (b) Rs. 7650
(c) Rs. 510 (d) Rs. 765
Q.23 A car costing Rs. 5,00,000 of a person depreciated at the rate of 15% in the first year, 13%
in the second year and so on. House of that person, costing Rs. 7,00000 appreciated at the
rate of 10% in the first year, 12% in the second year and so on. What was the change in
total value of car, house at the end of 3 years?
(a) Decrease of Rs. 1,34,543 (b) Increase of Rs. 1,34,543
(c) Increase of Rs. 1,12,214 (d) Decrease of Rs. 1,12,214
Q.24 The production of a company has ups and downs every year. The production increases for
two consecutive years consistently by 15% and in the third year it decreases by 10%. Again
in the next two years it increases by 15% each year and decreases by 10% in the third year.
If we start counting from the year 1994 approximately what will be the effect on the
production of the Company in 1998?
(a) 37% increase (b) 47% increas
(c) 52% increase (d) 32% increase
Q.25 Anushka spends 25% of her monthly income on household expenses. Her annual income
is Rs. 4.32 lac. What is the total amount that Anushka spends on house hold expenses in 8
months together?
(a) Rs. 74000 (b) Rs. 71000
(c) Rs. 73000 (d) Rs. 72000
Q.26 Sohan spends 23% of an amount of money on an insurance policy. 33% on food, 19% on
children's education and 16% on recreation. He deposits the remaining amount of Rs. 504
in bank. How much total amount does he spend on food and insurance policy together?
(a) Rs. 3200 (b) Rs. 3126
(c) Rs. 3136 (d) Rs. 3048
Q.27 A epidemic broke out in a village in which 5% of the population died. Of the remaining,
20% fled out of panic. If the present population is 4655, then the population of the village
originally was
(a) 6000 (b) 6125
(c) 5995 (d) 5855
Q.28 Find a single discount equivalent to a discount series of 10%, 20% and 25%.
(a) 55% (b) 45%
(c) 46% (d) 52%
Q.29 Shobha's Mathematics test had 75 problems i.e. 10 arithmetic, 30 algebra and 35 geometry
problems. Although she answered 70% of the arithmetic, 40% of the algebra and 60% of
the geometry problems correctly, she did not pass the test because she got less than 60%
of the problems right. How many more question she would have needed to answer correctly
to earn a 60% passing grade?
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 7
Q.30 Mr. Keisham gave 40% of the money he had, to his wife. He also gave 20% of the
remaining amount to each of his three sons, Half of the amount now left was spent on
miscellaneous item and the remaining amount of Rs. 12,000 was deposited in the bank.
How much money did Mr. Keisham have initially?
(a) 1,000 (b) 10,000
(c) 1,00,000 (d) 10,00,000
Q.31 In a college Anjana scored 80 marks out of 150 in History and 95 marks out of 120 in
English. If she wants to score 70% marks in 3 subjects, find the minimum marks she should
score in Geography out of 100.
(a) 70 (b) 55
(c) 76 (d) None
Q.32 If the price of a book is first decreased by 25% and then increased by 20%, then the net
change in the price will be:
(a) 10 (b) 20
(c) 30 (d) 40
Q.33 405 sweets were distributed equally among children in such a way that the number of
sweets received by each child is 20% of the total number of children. How many sweets
did each child receive?
(a) 9 (b) 10
(c) 11 (d) 12
Q.34 A trader mixes 26 kg of rice at Rs. 20 per kg with 30 kg of rice of other variety at Rs. 36
per kg and sells the mixture at Rs. 30 per kg. His profit percent is:
(a) No profit, no loss (b) 5%
(c) 8% (d) 10%
Q.35 By selling 45 lemons for Rs 40, a man loses 20%. How many should he sell for Rs 24 to
gain 20% in the transaction?
(a) 16 (b) 18
(c) 20 (d) 22
Q.36 If books bought at prices ranging from Rs. 200 to Rs. 350 are sold at prices ranging from
Rs. 300 to Rs. 425, what is the greatest possible profit that might be made in selling eight
(a) 600 (b) 1200
(c) 1800 (d) none of these
Q.37 A man bought an article and sold it at a gain of 5 %. If he had bought it at 5% less and
sold it for Re 1 less, he would have made a profit of 10%. The C.P. of the article was
(a) Rs 100 (b) Rs 150
(c) Rs 200 (d) Rs 250
Q.38 If the manufacturer gains 10 %, the wholesale dealer 15 % and the retailer 25 %, then
find the cost of production of a table if the retail price was Rs 1265
(a) Rs. 750 (b) Rs. 800
(c) Rs. 850 (d) Rs. 900
Q.39 A dealer sold two of his cattle for Rs. 500 each. On one of them he lost 10% on the other,
he gained 10%. His gain or loss percent in the entire transaction was:
(a) 10% loss (b) 1% loss
(c) 1% gain (d) Neither loss nor profit
Q.40 If the selling price of a mat is five times the discount offered and if the percentage of
discount is equal to the percentage profit, find the ratio of the discount offered to the cost
(a) 6:31 (b) 11:30
(c) 7:30 (d) 31:6
Q.41 Sohan bought an old Honda Bike and spent Rs. 1500 on its repairs. Then Sohan sold it to
Rakesh at a prolit of 20%. Rakesh sold it to Raj at a loss of 10%. Raj finally sold it for Rs.
12100 at a profit of 10%. How much did Sohan pay for the old Honda Bike?
(a) Rs. 10185 (b) Rs. 10800
(c) Rs. 8685 (d) Rs. 8600
Q.42 Sourav Ganguly wants to buy a total of 100 sports equipment using exactly a sum of
Rs.1000. He can buy ball at Rs.20 per unit, wicket at Rs.5 per unit and bat at Rs.1 per unit.
If he has to buy at least one of each equipment and cannot buy any other type of equipment,
then in how many distinct ways can he make his purchase?
(a) 5 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 6
Q.43 Anil makes a profit of 18% on cost price by selling a washing machine for Rs. 5900. If the
cost price of the machine is increased by 5% and he wants to earn the same profit, What
will be the new profit percent on selling price?
(a) 14.63% (b) 12.25%
(c) 15.96% (d) 17.14%
Q.44 A Shopkeeper sells 2 things – bed set and sofa set, both at the same price of Rs 34569. In
doing so he manages to gain 10% on bed set while he incurred a loss of 10% in selling sofa
set. Then the net percentage profit or loss in whole transaction is?
(a) 11% Profit (b) 11% loss
(c) 1% Profit (d) 1% loss
Q.45 After selling a suit for Rs. 1680 a shopkeeper suffers a loss of 16%. If he wants to earn
15% profit after giving the discount of 8%, what will be the marked price?
(a) Rs. 2500 (b) Rs. 2000
(c) Rs. 1500 (d) Rs. 2600
Q.46 A merchant earns 25% profit in general. Once his 25% consignment was abducted forever
by some goondas. Trying to compensate his loss he sold the rest amount by increasing his
selling price by 20%. What is the new percentage of profit or loss?
(a) 12.5% (b) 14.5%
(c) 16.8% (d) 18.5%
Q.47 A man owns five flowers pots all of the same value. He sells the first pot at 10% profit,
2nd at a 16.66% loss & the 3rd at 25% profit. He sells the last two for rupees 140 & Rs. 78
respectively. After selling all five pots he notice that he has not gained or lost anything on
the entire deal. What would his total profit or loss % be if he had sold each pot for rupees
(a) 20% (b) 30%
(c) 35% (d) 40%
Q.48 What will be the percentage profit after selling an article at a certain price if there occur a
loss of 35% on selling the article 3/5 of the selling price?
(a) 8.33% (b) 6.67%
(c) 12.25% (d) 6.33%
Q.49 Rakesh bought a cycle for Rs. 800. And marked it up by 50% and gave a discount of 10%.
A customer came in to buy the cycle and bargained with Rakesh for an additional discount
of 20% on the already discounted price. What is the profit earned by Rakesh?
(a) Rs. 180 (b) Rs. 156
(c) Rs. 64 (d) Rs. 28
Q.50 Varun sold an item for ₹ 6,384 and incurred a loss of 30%. At what price should he have
sold the item to have gained a profit of 30%?
(a) ₹ 14,656 (b) ₹ 11,856
(c) ₹ 13,544 (d) Cannot be determined